public function status() { $status = array(); foreach ($this->store as $k => $v) { $status[$k] = var_info($v); } ksort($status); return $status; }
function smarty_function_debug_dump($params, &$smarty) { $content = '<pre style="width:600px; max-width: 600px; height:300px; max-height:300px; overflow: auto;">'; if ($params['var']) { if ($params['var'] == '__keys__') { $content .= 'tpl_vars=' . var_info(array_keys($smarty->_tpl_vars)); } else { if (isset($smarty->_tpl_vars[$params['var']])) { $content .= "{$params['var']}=" . var_info($smarty->_tpl_vars[$params['var']]); } else { $content .= "No such variable: {$params['var']}"; } } } else { $content .= "tpl_vars=" . var_info($smarty->_tpl_vars); } $content .= '</pre>'; if (!empty($params['assign'])) { $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $content); return; } return $content; }
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/libs/tnt/'; /* * Globals */ /* * Defines */ define('__SITE__', 'tnt'); /* Report all errors and warnings */ error_reporting(E_ALL); /* * Disable session.use_trans_sid to mitigate performance-penalty * (do it before any output is started) */ if (!defined('SID')) { @ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); } TNT::Initialise(__SITE__, 1); TNTLoader::RequireClass('TNTCtrlHttpFront'); $front =& TNTCtrlHttpFront::Singleton(); if (!$front->Main()) { echo '<pre>Error: ' . htmlentities($front->Error()) . '</pre>'; } $ini =& TNT::Registry(); echo '<hr />'; tnt_dump('TNT_ROOT_DIR: ', TNT_ROOT_DIR); tnt_dump('TNT_ROOT_URI: ', TNT_ROOT_URI); tnt_dump('Config: ', var_info($ini->Items())); echo '<hr />'; TNT::Shutdown(); /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
/** * Get human-readable info about the type of the value. * * @param mixed $value The value to get the info for. * * @return string The info about the value as string. */ protected function var_info($value) { if (defined('STRICT_TYPES') && CAMEL_CASE == '1') { return (string) self::parameters(['value' => DT::ANY])->call(__FUNCTION__)->with($value)->returning(DT::STRING); } else { return (string) var_info($value); } }
function assert_interface($var, $interface) { if (!is_object($var) || !$var instanceof $interface) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(var_info($var) . " does not implement {$interface}"); } }