} // Validate Email if (strlen($sEmail) > 0) { if (checkEmail($sEmail) == false) { $sEmailError = "<span style=\"color: red; \">" . gettext("Email is Not Valid") . "</span>"; $bErrorFlag = true; } else { $sEmail = $sEmail; } } // Validate all the custom fields $aCustomData = array(); while ($rowCustomField = mysql_fetch_array($rsCustomFields, MYSQL_BOTH)) { extract($rowCustomField); $currentFieldData = FilterInput($_POST[$fam_custom_Field]); $bErrorFlag |= !validateCustomField($type_ID, $currentFieldData, $fam_custom_Field, $aCustomErrors); // assign processed value locally to $aPersonProps so we can use it to generate the form later $aCustomData[$fam_custom_Field] = $currentFieldData; } //If no errors, then let's update... if (!$bErrorFlag) { // Format the phone numbers before we store them if (!$bNoFormat_HomePhone) { $sHomePhone = CollapsePhoneNumber($sHomePhone, $sCountry); } if (!$bNoFormat_WorkPhone) { $sWorkPhone = CollapsePhoneNumber($sWorkPhone, $sCountry); } if (!$bNoFormat_CellPhone) { $sCellPhone = CollapsePhoneNumber($sCellPhone, $sCountry); }
$rsGroupInfo = RunQuery($sSQL); extract(mysql_fetch_array($rsGroupInfo)); // We assume that the group selected has a special properties table and that it is populated // with values for each group member. // Get the properties list for this group: names, descriptions, types and prop_ID for ordering; will process later.. $sSQL = "SELECT groupprop_master.* FROM groupprop_master\n\t\t\tWHERE grp_ID = " . $iGroupID . " ORDER BY prop_ID"; $rsPropList = RunQuery($sSQL); // Is this the second pass? if (isset($_POST["GroupPropSubmit"])) { // Process all HTTP post data based upon the list of properties data we are expecting // If there is an error message, it gets assigned to an array of strings, $aPropErrors, for use in the form. $bErrorFlag = false; while ($rowPropList = mysql_fetch_array($rsPropList, MYSQL_BOTH)) { extract($rowPropList); $currentFieldData = FilterInput($_POST[$prop_Field]); $bErrorFlag |= !validateCustomField($type_ID, $currentFieldData, $prop_Field, $aPropErrors); // assign processed value locally to $aPersonProps so we can use it to generate the form later $aPersonProps[$prop_Field] = $currentFieldData; } // If no errors, then update. if (!$bErrorFlag) { mysql_data_seek($rsPropList, 0); $sSQL = "UPDATE groupprop_" . $iGroupID . " SET "; while ($rowPropList = mysql_fetch_array($rsPropList, MYSQL_BOTH)) { extract($rowPropList); $currentFieldData = trim($aPersonProps[$prop_Field]); sqlCustomField($sSQL, $type_ID, $currentFieldData, $prop_Field, $sPhoneCountry); } // chop off the last 2 characters (comma and space) added in the last while loop iteration. $sSQL = substr($sSQL, 0, -2); $sSQL .= " WHERE per_ID = " . $iPersonID;