コード例 #1
 if (!$thissection->visible) {
     $sectionstyle = ' hidden';
 } else {
     if ($currenttopic) {
         $sectionstyle = ' current';
         $currenttext = get_accesshide(get_string('currenttopic', 'access'));
     } else {
         $sectionstyle = '';
 echo '<tr id="section-' . $section . '" class="section main' . $sectionstyle . '">';
 echo '<td class="left side">' . $currenttext . $section;
 // teachers can upload files that become resources
 if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
     echo '<hr/><span class="project_cursor" title="' . get_string('resourceuploadtitle', 'format_project') . '">';
     v2uploader_put_plugin('ruswf', $course->id, $thissection->id, true, $thissection->id);
     echo '</span>';
     echo '<span id="ruprgs' . $thissection->id . '"></span>';
     echo '&nbsp;';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td class="content">';
 if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddensections', $context) and !$thissection->visible) {
     // Hidden for students
     echo get_string('notavailable');
 } else {
     echo '<div class="summary">';
     $summaryformatoptions->noclean = true;
     echo format_text($thissection->summary, FORMAT_HTML, $summaryformatoptions);
     if (isediting($course->id) && has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
         echo ' <a title="' . $streditsummary . '" href="editsection.php?id=' . $thissection->id . '">' . '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" alt="' . $streditsummary . '" /></a><br /><br />';
コード例 #2
 //echo '<div class="container">';
 //echo '<div class="resource_upload">';
 // FlashUploader
 echo '<span class="project_cursor" title="' . get_string('resourceuploadtitle', 'format_project') . '">';
 v2uploader_put_plugin('ruswf', $course->id, $thissection->id, true, $thissection->id);
 echo '</span>';
 echo '<span id="ruprgs' . $thissection->id . '"></span>';
 echo '&nbsp;';
 //$button = helpbutton('format/project/resourceupload', get_string('resourceupload','format_project'), 'moodle', true, false, '', true);
 //echo $button;
 //echo '</div>';
 // コースアップローダー
 //echo '<div class="coursefile_upload">';
 // FlashUploader
 echo '<span class="project_cursor" title="' . get_string('coursefileuploadtitle', 'format_project') . '">';
 v2uploader_put_plugin('cfuswf', $course->id, $thissection->id, false, $thissection->id);
 echo '</span>';
 echo '<span id="cfuprgs' . $thissection->id . '"></span>';
 $button = helpbutton('format/project/fileupload', get_string('fileupload', 'format_project'), 'moodle', true, false, '', true);
 echo $button;
 echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
 //echo '</div>';
 // バックアップ・リストア
 //echo '<div class="project_backup">';
 echo '<a title="' . get_string('backupsectiontitle', 'format_project') . '" href="format/project/backup.php?id=' . $course->id . '&section=' . $section . '" alt="backup">';
 echo '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/i/backup.gif" class="icon" alt="' . get_string('backup') . '" />';
 echo '</a>';
 echo '<a title="' . get_string('importsectiontitle', 'format_project') . '" href="format/project/import.php?id=' . $course->id . '&section=' . $section . '" alt="restore">';
 echo '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/i/restore.gif" class="icon" alt="' . get_string('restore') . '" />';
 echo '</a>';
 $button = helpbutton('format/project/sectionbackuprestore', get_string('sectionbackuprestore', 'format_project'), 'moodle', true, false, '', true);