public function imageExists() { if (!$this->image) { return true; // Not the case since there is no image } list($ignored, $httpCode) = util_fetchUrl($this->getImageUrl()); return $httpCode == 200; }
function getUserInfo($token) { if (!isset($this->wellKnownConfig['userinfo_endpoint'])) { throw new OpenIDException('Nu pot cere datele dumneavoastră de la furnizor.'); } $url = $this->wellKnownConfig['userinfo_endpoint']; $url .= "?schema=openid&access_token={$token}"; list($contents, $responseCode) = util_fetchUrl($url); return $contents && $responseCode == 200 ? json_decode($contents, true) : null; }
if (overwrite($book, $opts, 'i')) { $book->imageUrl = IMG_URL_PREFIX . $fields[$opts['i']]; } if (overwrite($book, $opts, 'u')) { $book->url = $fields[$opts['u']]; } $book->save(); print " [{$book->title}] by [{$book->author}]\n"; // Grab the image unless we already have it $fileName = ORIG_FILE_PREFIX . "{$sku}.jpg"; $thumbName = THUMB_PREFIX . "{$sku}.jpg"; if (file_exists($fileName)) { $haveFile = true; } else { $haveFile = false; $img = util_fetchUrl($book->imageUrl); if ($img !== false) { // Dump the image to a file $file = fopen($fileName, "w"); fwrite($file, $img); fclose($file); $haveFile = true; } } $alreadyResized = file_exists($thumbName); if ($haveFile && !$alreadyResized) { $imgType = isImage($fileName); if ($imgType == IMG_NORMAL) { list($width, $height, $bytes) = preg_split('/\\|/', getImageInfo($fileName)); print " {$width}x{$height}, {$bytes} bytes "; OS::executeAndAssert("convert -trim -fuzz \"3%\" -geometry 200x84 \"{$fileName}\" \"{$thumbName}\"");
$count = db_getSingleValue("select count(*) from Definition where status = 0 and length(internalRep) > 250;"); $nr = rand(1, $count); $definition = db_getSingleValue("select htmlRep from Definition where status = 0 and length(internalRep) > 200 limit {$nr} ,1;"); # Parse definition and create string to search $v = explode(" ", strip_tags($definition)); $to_search = "\""; # Set string to search start + end $WORD_START = 5; $WORD_NO = 16; $to_search .= implode(" ", array_slice($v, $WORD_START, $WORD_NO)); $to_search .= "\""; $to_search = str_replace(array(",", "(", ")", "[", "]", "-", ";", "◊", "♦", "<", ">", "?", "\\", "/"), array_pad(array(), 14, ''), $to_search); $urlGoogle = ""; $apiKey = pref_getServerPreference('googleSearchApiKey'); $url = $urlGoogle . "&q=" . urlencode($to_search) . "&key=" . $apiKey; $body = util_fetchUrl($url); # now, process the JSON string $json = json_decode($body); $rezultate = $json->responseData->results; $listAll = array(); $content = ""; $messageAlert = array(); $blackList = array(); foreach ($rezultate as $iter) { # Skip from results #if(stripos($iter->url, "") == true) # continue; $components = parse_url($iter->url); if (StringUtil::endsWith($components['host'], '')) { continue; }