function AppCode(&$str) { if ($this->moduleLang == $this->sysLang) { return $str; } else { if ($this->sysLang == 'utf-8') { if ($this->moduleLang == 'gbk') { return gb2utf8($str); } if ($this->moduleLang == 'big5') { return gb2utf8(big52gb($str)); } } else { if ($this->sysLang == 'gbk') { if ($this->moduleLang == 'utf-8') { return utf82gb($str); } if ($this->moduleLang == 'big5') { return big52gb($str); } } else { if ($this->sysLang == 'big5') { if ($this->moduleLang == 'utf-8') { return gb2big5(utf82gb($str)); } if ($this->moduleLang == 'gbk') { return gb2big5($str); } } else { return $str; } } } } }
function SetSource($str) { global $cfg_ver_lang; if($cfg_ver_lang=='utf-8') $str = utf82gb($str); $this->SourceString = trim($this->ReviseString($str)); $this->ResultString = ''; }
/** * 获取一个页面 * * @access public * @param string $gurl 操作地址 * @return string */ function CoOnePage($gurl) { global $dsql, $cfg_auot_description, $cfg_soft_lang; $redatas = array('title' => '', 'body' => '', 'source' => '', 'writer' => '', 'description' => '', 'keywords' => ''); $redatas['source'] = preg_replace("/http:\\/\\//i", "", $gurl); $redatas['source'] = preg_replace("/\\/(.*)\$/i", "", $redatas['source']); $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_onepage` WHERE url LIKE '" . $redatas['source'] . "' "); $s = $e = ''; if (is_array($row)) { list($s, $e) = explode('{@body}', $row['rule']); $s = trim($s); $e = trim($e); if ($row['issource'] == 1) { $redatas['source'] = $row['title']; } } $htd = new DedeHttpDown(); $htd->OpenUrl($gurl); $body = $htd->GetHtml(); if ($body != '') { //编码自动转换 if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { if ($row['lang'] == 'gb2312') { $body = gb2utf8($body); } } else { if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { if ($row['lang'] == 'utf-8') { $body = utf82gb($body); } } } //获取标题 $inarr = array(); preg_match("/<title>(.*)<\\/title>/isU", $body, $inarr); if (isset($inarr[1])) { $redatas['title'] = $inarr[1]; } //获取关键词 $inarr = array(); preg_match("/<meta[\\s]+name=['\"]keywords['\"] content=['\"](.*)['\"]/isU", $body, $inarr); if (isset($inarr[1])) { $redatas['keywords'] = cn_substr(html2text($inarr[1]), 30); } //获取摘要 $inarr = array(); preg_match("/<meta[\\s]+name=['\"]description['\"] content=['\"](.*)['\"]/isU", $body, $inarr); if (isset($inarr[1])) { $redatas['description'] = cn_substr(html2text($inarr[1]), $cfg_auot_description); } //获取内容 if ($s != '' && $e != '') { $redatas['body'] = GetHtmlAreaA($s, $e, $body); if ($redatas['body'] != '' && $redatas['description'] == '') { $redatas['description'] = cn_substr(html2text($redatas['body']), $GLOBALS['cfg_auot_description']); } } } return $redatas; }
/** * 检查用户名的合法性 * * @access public * @param string $uid 用户UID * @param string $msgtitle 提示标题 * @param string $ckhas 检查是否存在 * @return string */ function CheckUserID($uid, $msgtitle='用户名', $ckhas=TRUE) { global $cfg_mb_notallow,$cfg_mb_idmin,$cfg_md_idurl,$cfg_soft_lang,$dsql; if($cfg_mb_notallow != '') { $nas = explode(',', $cfg_mb_notallow); if(in_array($uid, $nas)) { return $msgtitle.'为系统禁止的标识!'; } } if($cfg_md_idurl=='Y' && preg_match("/[^a-z0-9]/i",$uid)) { return $msgtitle.'必须由英文字母或数字组成!'; } if($cfg_soft_lang=='utf-8') { $ck_uid = utf82gb($uid); } else { $ck_uid = $uid; } for($i=0; isset($ck_uid[$i]); $i++) { if(ord($ck_uid[$i]) > 0x80) { if(isset($ck_uid[$i+1]) && ord($ck_uid[$i+1])>0x40) { $i++; } else { return $msgtitle.'可能含有乱码,建议你改用英文字母和数字组合!'; } } else { if(preg_match("/[^0-9a-z@\.-]/i",$ck_uid[$i])) { return $msgtitle.'不能含有 [@]、[.]、[-]以外的特殊符号!'; } } } if($ckhas) { $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__member` WHERE userid LIKE '$uid' "); if(is_array($row)) return $msgtitle."已经存在!"; } return 'ok'; }
function ac_index() { global $cfg_soft_lang; if (file_exists(DEDEASK . "/data/cache/")) { require_once DEDEASK . "/data/cache/"; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $row = AutoCharset(unserialize(utf82gb($data))); } else { $row = unserialize($data); } } //设定变量值 $GLOBALS['row'] = $row; //载入模板 $this->SetTemplate('slide.htm'); $this->Display(); }
function ac_index() { global $cfg_soft_lang; $row = 8; //推荐问题 $digests = $this->question->get_digests(7); //待解决的问题 $notoks = $this->question->get_all('status=0', 'ORDER BY disorder DESC, dateline DESC', $row); //新解决的问题 $solutions = $this->question->get_all('status=1', 'ORDER BY solvetime DESC', $row); //高分悬赏问题 $rewards = $this->question->get_all('status=0', 'ORDER BY reward DESC', $row); //获取问题数 $solvenum = $this->question->get_total(); //首页幻灯片 if (file_exists(DEDEASK . "/data/cache/")) { require_once DEDEASK . "/data/cache/"; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $row = AutoCharset(unserialize(utf82gb($data))); } else { $row = unserialize($data); } } //处理链接地址 if ($GLOBALS['cfg_ask_rewrite'] == 'Y') { $digests = makerewurl($digests, 'id'); $notoks = makerewurl($notoks, 'id'); $solutions = makerewurl($solutions, 'id'); $rewards = makerewurl($rewards, 'id'); } else { $digests = makeurl($digests, 'id'); $notoks = makeurl($notoks, 'id'); $solutions = makeurl($solutions, 'id'); $rewards = makeurl($rewards, 'id'); } //设定变量值 $GLOBALS['row'] = $row; $GLOBALS['digests'] = $digests; $GLOBALS['notoks'] = $notoks; $GLOBALS['rewards'] = $rewards; $GLOBALS['solutions'] = $solutions; $GLOBALS['solvenum'] = $solvenum; //载入模板 $this->SetTemplate('index.htm'); $this->Display(); }
function CheckUserID($uid, $msgtitle = '用户名', $ckhas = true) { global $cfg_mb_notallow, $cfg_mb_idmin, $cfg_md_idurl, $cfg_soft_lang, $dsql; if ($cfg_mb_notallow != '') { $nas = explode(',', $cfg_mb_notallow); if (in_array($uid, $nas)) { return $msgtitle . '为系统禁止的标识!'; } } if ($cfg_md_idurl == 'Y' && eregi("[^a-z0-9]", $uid)) { return $msgtitle . '必须由英文字母或数字组成!'; } if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $ck_uid = utf82gb($uid); } else { $ck_uid = $uid; } for ($i = 0; isset($ck_uid[$i]); $i++) { if (ord($ck_uid[$i]) > 0x80) { if (isset($ck_uid[$i + 1]) && ord($ck_uid[$i + 1]) > 0x40) { $i++; } else { return $msgtitle . '可能含有乱码,建议你改用英文字母和数字组合!'; } } else { if (eregi("[^0-9a-z@\\.-]", $ck_uid[$i])) { return $msgtitle . '不能含有 [@]、[.]、[-]以外的特殊符号!'; } } } if ($ckhas) { $row = $dsql->GetOne("Select * From `#@__member` where userid like '{$uid}' "); if (is_array($row)) { return $msgtitle . "已经存在!"; } } return 'ok'; }
$query = "Select arc.*, addt.* From `#@__archives` arc left join `#@__addonarticle` addt on where in({$arcids}) And "; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { //跳过已经有关键字的内容 if (trim($row['keywords']) != '') { continue; } $aid = $row['id']; $keywords = ''; $title = $row['title']; $description = $row['description']; $body = cn_substr($row['body'], 5000); if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $title = utf82gb($title); $body = utf82gb($body); } $titleindexs = explode(' ', preg_replace("/#p#|#e#/", '', $sp->GetIndexText($title))); $allindexs = explode(' ', preg_replace("/#p#|#e#/", '', $sp->GetIndexText(Html2Text($body), 500))); if (is_array($allindexs) && is_array($titleindexs)) { foreach ($titleindexs as $k) { if (strlen($keywords . $k) >= 30) { break; } else { $keywords .= $k . ','; } } foreach ($allindexs as $k) { if (strlen($keywords . $k) >= 30) { break; } else {
/** * 编码转换 * * @access public * @param string $str 字符串 * @return string */ function ChangeCode(&$str) { global $cfg_soft_lang; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { if ($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"] == "gb2312") { $str = gb2utf8($str); } if ($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"] == "big5") { $str = gb2utf8(big52gb($str)); } } else { if ($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"] == "utf-8") { $str = utf82gb($str); } if ($this->noteInfos["sourcelang"] == "big5") { $str = big52gb($str); } } }
/** * 分析RSS里的链接 * * @access public * @param string $rssurl rss地址 * @return string */ function GetRssLinks($rssurl) { global $cfg_soft_lang; $dhd = new DedeHttpDown(); $dhd->OpenUrl($rssurl); $rsshtml = $dhd->GetHtml(); //分析编码 preg_match("/encoding=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"']/is", $rsshtml, $infos); if (isset($infos[1])) { $pcode = strtolower(trim($infos[1])); } else { $pcode = strtolower($cfg_soft_lang); } if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { if ($pcode == 'utf-8') { $rsshtml = utf82gb($rsshtml); } else { if ($pcode == 'big5') { $rsshtml = big52gb($rsshtml); } } } else { if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { if ($pcode == 'gbk' || $pcode == 'gb2312') { $rsshtml = gb2utf8($rsshtml); } else { if ($pcode == 'big5') { $rsshtml = gb2utf8(big52gb($rsshtml)); } } } } $rsarr = array(); preg_match_all("/<item(.*)<title>(.*)<\\/title>/isU", $rsshtml, $titles); preg_match_all("/<item(.*)<link>(.*)<\\/link>/isU", $rsshtml, $links); preg_match_all("/<item(.*)<description>(.*)<\\/description>/isU", $rsshtml, $descriptions); if (!isset($links[2])) { return ''; } foreach ($links[2] as $k => $v) { $rsarr[$k]['link'] = RpCdata($v); if (isset($titles[2][$k])) { $rsarr[$k]['title'] = RpCdata($titles[2][$k]); } else { $rsarr[$k]['title'] = preg_replace("/^(.*)\\//i", "", RpCdata($titles[2][$k])); } if (isset($descriptions[2][$k])) { $rsarr[$k]['image'] = GetddImgFromRss($descriptions[2][$k], $rssurl); } else { $rsarr[$k]['image'] = ''; } } return $rsarr; }
$result = "不存在"; $bcz_count += 1; } } else { $wav_name .= ".wav"; $result = "无录音"; $wly_count += 1; } //$result_sql.="('".$wav_name."','".$result."','','".$job_id."'),"; $copy_log = $phone_number . "\t" . $cam_dir2 . "/" . $wav_name . "\t" . utf82gb($result) . "\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $copy_log); } $false_count = $sb_count + $bcz_count + $wly_count; //echo $up_job_sql; $copy_logs = "\r\n\r\n共:" . $sum_count . "个,成功:" . $true_count . "个,失败:" . $false_count . "个(处理失败:" . $sb_count . ",文件不存在:" . $bcz_count . ",无录音:" . $wly_count . ")"; fwrite($fp, utf82gb($copy_logs)); //fclose($fp); $wav_file_list = ""; $counts = "1"; $des = "拷贝完成,即将开始压缩处理,请稍后..."; $result = "共:<span class=\"red\">" . $sum_count . "</span>个,成功:<span class=\"red\">" . $true_count . "</span>个,失败:<span class=\"red\">" . $false_count . "</span> 个(处理失败:<span class=\"red\">" . $sb_count . "</span>,文件不存在:<span class=\"red\">" . $bcz_count . "</span>,无录音:<span class=\"red\">" . $wly_count . "</span>)"; } else { $counts = "0"; $des = "未找到符合条件的数据!"; fwrite($fp, $des); } fclose($fp); mysqli_free_result($rows); $json_data = "{"; $json_data .= "\"counts\":" . json_encode($counts) . ","; $json_data .= "\"des\":" . json_encode($des) . ",";
如果sp_billno不足10位, 则左补0, 加到transaction_id后部*/ $strTransactionId = $strSpid . $strBillDate . time(); /*货币类型: 1 – RMB(人民币) 2 - USD(美元) 3 - HKD(港币)*/ $strFeeType = "1"; /*财付通回调页面地址, 推荐使用ip地址的方式(最长255个字符)*/ $strRetUrl = $cfg_basehost . "/member/paycenter/tenpay/notify_handler.php"; /*商户私有数据, 请求回调页面时原样返回*/ $strAttach = "my_magic_string"; /*生成MD5签名*/ $strSignText = "cmdno=" . $strCmdNo . "&date=" . $strBillDate . "&bargainor_id=" . $strSaler . "&transaction_id=" . $strTransactionId . "&sp_billno=" . $strSpBillNo . "&total_fee=" . $strTotalFee . "&fee_type=" . $strFeeType . "&return_url=" . $strRetUrl . "&attach=" . $strAttach . "&key=" . $strSpkey; $strSign = strtoupper(md5($strSignText)); /*请求支付串*/ $strRequest = "cmdno=" . $strCmdNo . "&date=" . $strBillDate . "&bargainor_id=" . $strSaler . "&transaction_id=" . $strTransactionId . "&sp_billno=" . $strSpBillNo . "&total_fee=" . $strTotalFee . "&fee_type=" . $strFeeType . "&return_url=" . $strRetUrl . "&attach=" . $strAttach . "&bank_type=" . $strBankType . "&desc=" . $strDesc . "&purchaser_id=" . $strBuyerId . "&sign=" . $strSign; $strRequestUrl = "" . $strRequest; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $strRequestUrl = utf82gb($strRequestUrl); echo '<html> <head> <title>转到财付通支付页面</title> </head> <body onload="document.tenpay.submit();"> <form name="tenpay" action="paycenter/tenpay/tenpay_gbk_page.php?strReUrl=' . urlencode($strRequestUrl) . '" method="post"> </form> </body> </html>'; } else { echo '<html> <head> <title>转到财付通支付页面</title> </head> <body onload="document.tenpay.submit();">
function ChangeCode(&$str) { if($GLOBALS['cfg_ver_lang']=='utf-8'){ if($this->Item["language"]=="gb2312") $str = gb2utf8($str); if($this->Item["language"]=="big5") $str = gb2utf8(big52gb($str)); }else{ if($this->Item["language"]=="utf-8") $str = utf82gb($str); if($this->Item["language"]=="big5") $str = big52gb($str); } }
function cn_substr($str, $slen, $startdd = 0) { if ($charset == 'utf-8') { $str = utf82gb($str); return gb2utf8(cn_substrGb($str, $slen, $startdd)); } else { return cn_substrGb($str, $slen, $startdd); } }
function RemoveXss($val) { global $cfg_soft_lang; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { gb2utf8($val); } $val = preg_replace('/([\\x00-\\x08,\\x0b-\\x0c,\\x0e-\\x19])/', '', $val); $search = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $search .= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $search .= '1234567890!@#$%^&*()'; $search .= '~`";:?+/={}[]-_|\'\\'; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($search); $i++) { $val = preg_replace('/(&#[xX]0{0,8}' . dechex(ord($search[$i])) . ';?)/i', $search[$i], $val); // with a ; $val = preg_replace('/(�{0,8}' . ord($search[$i]) . ';?)/', $search[$i], $val); // with a ; } $val = str_replace("`", "‘", $val); $val = str_replace("'", "‘", $val); $val = str_replace("\"", "“", $val); $val = str_replace(",", ",", $val); $val = str_replace("(", "(", $val); $val = str_replace(")", ")", $val); $ra1 = array('javascript', 'vbscript', 'expression', 'applet', 'meta', 'xml', 'blink', 'link', 'style', 'script', 'embed', 'object', 'iframe', 'frame', 'frameset', 'ilayer', 'layer', 'bgsound', 'title', 'base'); $ra2 = array('onabort', 'onactivate', 'onafterprint', 'onafterupdate', 'onbeforeactivate', 'onbeforecopy', 'onbeforecut', 'onbeforedeactivate', 'onbeforeeditfocus', 'onbeforepaste', 'onbeforeprint', 'onbeforeunload', 'onbeforeupdate', 'onblur', 'onbounce', 'oncellchange', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'oncontextmenu', 'oncontrolselect', 'oncopy', 'oncut', 'ondataavailable', 'ondatasetchanged', 'ondatasetcomplete', 'ondblclick', 'ondeactivate', 'ondrag', 'ondragend', 'ondragenter', 'ondragleave', 'ondragover', 'ondragstart', 'ondrop', 'onerror', 'onerrorupdate', 'onfilterchange', 'onfinish', 'onfocus', 'onfocusin', 'onfocusout', 'onhelp', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onlayoutcomplete', 'onload', 'onlosecapture', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseenter', 'onmouseleave', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onmousewheel', 'onmove', 'onmoveend', 'onmovestart', 'onpaste', 'onpropertychange', 'onreadystatechange', 'onreset', 'onresize', 'onresizeend', 'onresizestart', 'onrowenter', 'onrowexit', 'onrowsdelete', 'onrowsinserted', 'onscroll', 'onselect', 'onselectionchange', 'onselectstart', 'onstart', 'onstop', 'onsubmit', 'onunload'); $ra = array_merge($ra1, $ra2); $found = true; while ($found == true) { $val_before = $val; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ra); $i++) { $pattern = '/'; for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($ra[$i]); $j++) { if ($j > 0) { $pattern .= '('; $pattern .= '(&#[xX]0{0,8}([9ab]);)'; $pattern .= '|'; $pattern .= '|(�{0,8}([9|10|13]);)'; $pattern .= ')*'; } $pattern .= $ra[$i][$j]; } $pattern .= '/i'; $replacement = substr($ra[$i], 0, 2) . '<x>' . substr($ra[$i], 2); $val = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $val); if ($val_before == $val) { $found = false; } } } if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { utf82gb($val); } return $val; }
function dd2char($dd){ if($GLOBALS['cfg_ver_lang']=='utf-8') $dd = utf82gb($dd); $slen = strlen($dd); $okdd = ""; for($i=0;$i<$slen;$i++){ if(isset($dd[$i+1])) { $n = $dd[$i].$dd[$i+1]; if(($n>96 && $n<123)||($n>64 && $n<91)){ $okdd .= chr($n); $i++; } else $okdd .= $dd[$i]; }else $okdd .= $dd[$i]; } return $okdd; }
function save_detail_excel($sql, $file_name, $file_type = "xls") { global $db_conn; if ($sql != "") { set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '600M'); $rows = mysqli_query($db_conn, $sql); $row_counts_list = mysqli_num_rows($rows); $field_count = mysqli_num_fields($rows); $fields = mysqli_fetch_fields($rows); if ($row_counts_list != 0) { //文档类型 if ($file_type == "xls") { //记录集个数小于2000,使用phpexcel生成xls /*if ($row_counts_list<2000 and $field_count<12) { include("../plugin/excel.php"); //当前活动表 $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); //sheet表名 $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle("".$file_name.""); $field_count2=$field_count-1; $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setSharedStyle($excel_tit_left, "A1:$tit_arr[$field_count2]1"); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setSharedStyle($excel_list_left, "A2:$tit_arr[$field_count2]".($row_counts_list+1)); for ($i=0;$i<$field_count;$i++){ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("$tit_arr[$i]1","".$fields[$i]->name.""); } $i=1; while($rs= mysqli_fetch_array($rows)){ $i+=1; for ($k=0;$k<$field_count;$k++){ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($tit_arr[$k].$i)->setValueExplicit($rs[$k], PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING); } //if($i%100==0){ // ob_flush(); // flush(); //} } $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5'); $file_path=excel_file("".$file_name."_","xls"); $objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xls',$file_path[2])); }else{*/ //记录集个数大于2000,使用XML生成xls include "Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php"; $file_path = excel_file("" . $file_name . "_", "xls"); $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer($file_path[2]); $workbook->setCustomColor(20, 146, 208, 80); $format_title_sty =& $workbook->addformat(array('Size' => 10, 'Bold' => 1, 'Border' => 1, 'FgColor' => 20, 'FontFamily' => utf82gb("宋体"))); $format_cont_sty =& $workbook->addformat(array('Size' => 10, 'Border' => 1, 'FontFamily' => utf82gb("宋体"))); $sheet_rows = 40000; //单Sheet记录集个数 $sheet_id = 0; $i = 0; $sheet_i = 0; while ($rs = mysqli_fetch_array($rows)) { $i++; $sheet_i++; $row_ = $i % $sheet_rows; if ($row_ == 1) { if ($row_counts_list < $sheet_rows + 1) { $sheet_id = ""; } else { $sheet_id++; } $sheets =& $workbook->addWorksheet("" . utf82gb($file_name . $sheet_id) . ""); for ($f = 0; $f < $field_count; $f++) { $sheets->writeString(0, $f, utf82gb($fields[$f]->name), $format_title_sty); } $sheet_i = 1; } for ($k = 0; $k < $field_count; $k++) { $sheets->writeString($sheet_i, $k, utf82gb($rs[$k]), $format_cont_sty); } } $workbook->close(); //} } elseif ($file_type == "xml_xls") { $file_type = "xls"; $file_path = excel_file("" . $file_name . 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"\r\n"; fwrite($fp, utf82gb($row_list)); if ($i % 100 == 0) { ob_flush(); flush(); } } fclose($fp); unset($f_list); unset($row_list); } else { //生成TXT文档 $file_path = excel_file("" . $file_name . "_", $file_type); $fp = fopen($file_path[2], "w"); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $filed_list .= $fields[$i]->name . "\t"; } fwrite($fp, utf82gb($filed_list) . "\r\n"); $i = 1; while ($rs = mysqli_fetch_array($rows)) { $f_list = ""; $i++; for ($k = 0; $k < $field_count; $k++) { $f_list .= $rs[$k] . "\t"; } $row_list = $f_list . 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function changyan_autoCharset($msg, $type = 'out') { global $cfg_soft_lang; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { if ($type == 'out') { return gb2utf8($msg); } else { return utf82gb($msg); } } return $msg; }
$rs['huilian'] = "<font color=red>²éѯʧ°Ü£¬ÇëÖØÊÔ</font>"; } else { preg_match_all("/<a[^>]*?http:\\/\\/[^>]*?>.*?<\\/a>/i", $output, $mt); if (preg_match('/charset=utf-8/i', $output)) { $char = 'utf-8'; } $v = array(); $n = 0; foreach ($mt[0] as $r) { if (strpos($r, $url) === false) { $n++; } if (strpos($r, $myurl) !== false) { $hlname = strip_tags($r); if (!empty($char) && $cfg_soft_lang != $char) { $hlname = utf82gb($hlname); } elseif (empty($char) && $cfg_soft_lang != 'gb2312') { $hlname = gb2utf8($hlname); } } } if (empty($hlname)) { $rs['huilian'] = "<font color=red>Ê×Ò³ÎÞ±¾Õ¾Á´½Ó</font>"; } else { $rs['huilian'] = "Á´½Ó:" . $hlname . " ÍâÁ´Êý:" . $n; } } if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { $rs['huilian'] = gb2utf8($rs['huilian']); } echo json_encode($rs);
function ac_import() { global $cfg_soft_lang; $id = $this->gv("id"); $sub = $this->gv('sub'); if (empty($sub)) { $this->display(); } else { $all = 0; $index = 0; $con = $this->gv('con'); if (empty($con)) { showmsg("尚未输入采集规则", -1); exit; } $cons = explode("---", $con); foreach ($cons as $r) { $index++; if (!empty($r)) { //$test = explode("#",$r); //if(count($test)<=4){ //echo "{$index}、规则不规范,请不要修改规则<br>";continue; //} $r = stripslashes($r); if (!empty($r) && preg_match("/<data(.*)<\\/data>/siU", $r, $mt)) { $n = strpos($mt[1], '>'); $s = trim(substr($mt[1], 0, $n)); $e = trim(substr($mt[1], $n + 1)); $s = str_replace(array(" ", '"'), array("&", ""), $s); @parse_str($s, $arr); if (count($arr) != 5) { echo "{$index}、无法识别规则<br>"; continue; } $hash = md5($e); if ($hash != $arr['hash']) { //echo "{$index}、非法规则<br>";continue; } if ($arr['charset'] != $cfg_soft_lang) { if ($arr['charset'] == 'gb2312') { $e = gb2utf8($e); } else { $e = utf82gb($e); } } $d['typeid'] = $id; $d['type'] = $arr['type']; if ($d['type'] != 0) { $d['keyword'] = $e; if (!cjxdb("kwkeyword")->where("keyword='{$d['keyword']}'")->find()) { cjxdb("kwkeyword")->insert($d); } else { echo "{$index}、有相同规则已存在<br>"; continue; } } else { $es = explode(',', $e); foreach ($es as $er) { $d['keyword'] = $er; if (!cjxdb("kwkeyword")->where("keyword='{$d['keyword']}'")->find()) { cjxdb("kwkeyword")->insert($d); } else { echo "{$index}、有相同规则已存在<br>"; continue; } } } echo "{$index}、导入成功<br>"; $all++; } } } showmsg("完成导入{$all}条规则", "?ac=task"); } }
function AnalyseHtmlBody($body, &$description, &$litpic, &$keywords, $dtype = '') { global $autolitpic, $remote, $dellink, $autokey, $cfg_basehost, $cfg_auot_description, $id, $title, $cfg_soft_lang; $autolitpic = empty($autolitpic) ? '' : $autolitpic; $body = stripslashes($body); //远程图片本地化 if ($remote == 1) { $body = GetCurContent($body); } //删除非站内链接 if ($dellink == 1) { $basehost = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $body = str_replace($cfg_basehost, '#basehost#', $body); $body = str_replace($basehost, '#2basehost2#', $body); $body = preg_replace("/(<a[ \t\r\n]{1,}href=[\"']{0,}http:\\/\\/[^\\/]([^>]*)>)|(<\\/a>)/isU", "", $body); $body = str_replace('#basehost#', $cfg_basehost, $body); $body = str_replace('#2basehost2#', $basehost, $body); } //自动摘要 if ($description == '' && $cfg_auot_description > 0) { $description = cn_substr(html2text($body), $cfg_auot_description); $description = trim(preg_replace('/#p#|#e#/', '', $description)); $description = addslashes($description); } //自动获取缩略图 if ($autolitpic == 1 && $litpic == '') { $litpic = GetDDImgFromBody($body); } //自动获取关键字 if ($autokey == 1 && $keywords == '') { $subject = $title; $message = $body; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $subject = utf82gb($title); $message = utf82gb($message); } include_once DEDEINC . '/splitword.class.php'; $keywords = ''; $sp = new SplitWord(); $titleindexs = explode(' ', preg_replace("/#p#|#e#/", '', $sp->GetIndexText($subject))); $allindexs = explode(' ', preg_replace("/#p#|#e#/", '', $sp->GetIndexText(Html2Text($message), 500))); if (is_array($allindexs) && is_array($titleindexs)) { foreach ($titleindexs as $k) { if (strlen($keywords . $k) >= 60) { break; } else { $keywords .= $k . ','; } } foreach ($allindexs as $k) { if (strlen($keywords . $k) >= 60) { break; } else { if (!in_array($k, $titleindexs)) { $keywords .= $k . ','; } } } } $sp->Clear(); $sp = null; } $body = GetFieldValueA($body, $dtype, $id); $body = addslashes($body); return $body; }
$dtime = time(); $ischeck = $cfg_mb_msgischeck == 'Y' ? 0 : 1; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { $content = utf82gb(nl2br($content)); } $content = cn_substrR(HtmlReplace($content, 1), 360); //对表情进行解析 $content = addslashes(preg_replace("/\\[face:(\\d{1,2})\\]/is", "<img src='" . $cfg_memberurl . "/templets/images/smiley/\\1.gif' style='cursor: pointer; position: relative;'>", $content)); $content = RemoveXSS($content); $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__member_msg`(`mid`,`userid`,`ip`,`ischeck`,`dtime`, `msg`)\n VALUES ('{$cfg_ml->M_ID}','{$cfg_ml->M_LoginID}','{$ip}','{$ischeck}','{$dtime}', '{$content}'); "; $rs = $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); if (!$rs) { $output['type'] = 'error'; $output['data'] = '更新失败,请重试.'; exit; } $output['type'] = 'success'; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { $content = utf82gb(nl2br($content)); } $output['data'] = stripslashes($content); exit(json_encode($output)); } } } else { ShowMsg("本页面禁止返回!", "index.php"); } } } } }
function SplitRMM($str = '', $tryNumName = true, $tryDiff = true) { global $cfg_soft_lang; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8' && !$this->isChange) { $this->isChange = true; $str = utf82gb($str); } $str = trim($str); //SetSource中不对$str作任何处理 if ($str != '') { $this->SetSource($str); } else { return ''; } //对文本进行粗分 $this->SourceString = preg_replace('/ {1,}/', ' ', $this->ReviseString($this->SourceString)); //对特定文本进行分离 $spwords = explode(' ', $this->SourceString); $spLen = count($spwords) - 1; $spc = $this->SplitChar; for ($i = $spLen; $i >= 0; $i--) { //空白符号 if (ord($spwords[$i][0]) < 33) { continue; } else { if (!isset($spwords[$i][$this->MinLen])) { $this->ResultString = $spwords[$i] . $spc . $this->ResultString; } else { if (ord($spwords[$i][0]) < 0x81) { $this->ResultString = $spwords[$i] . $spc . $this->ResultString; } else { $this->ResultString = $this->RunRMM($spwords[$i], $tryNumName, $tryDiff) . $spc . $this->ResultString; } } } } return $this->ResultString; }
$tjnum = $startdd; if ($limitSql != '') { $fquery = "Select,arc.title,arc.keywords,addon.body From `#@__archives` arc\r\n\t left join `#@__addonarticle` addon on where'1' {$limitSql} "; $dsql->SetQuery($fquery); $dsql->Execute(); $sp = new SplitWord(); while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { if ($row->keywords != '') { continue; } $tjnum++; $id = $row->id; $keywords = ""; if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $row->title = utf82gb($row->title); $row->body = utf82gb($row->body); } $titleindexs = explode(' ', trim($sp->GetIndexText($row->title))); $allindexs = explode(' ', trim($sp->GetIndexText(Html2Text($row->body), 500))); if (is_array($allindexs) && is_array($titleindexs)) { foreach ($titleindexs as $k) { if (strlen($keywords) >= 30) { break; } else { $keywords .= $k . ","; } } foreach ($allindexs as $k) { if (strlen($keywords) >= 30) { break; } else {
{ showmsg('参数不正确,高级自定义搜索必须指定模型id', 'javascript'); exit(); }*/ $query = "SELECT maintable, mainfields, addontable, addonfields, template FROM #@__advancedsearch WHERE mid='{$mid}'"; $searchinfo = $dsql->GetOne($query); if (!is_array($searchinfo)) { showmsg('自定义搜索模型不存在', '-1'); exit; } $template = $searchinfo['template'] != '' ? $searchinfo['template'] : 'wapsearch.wml'; $sql = empty($_SESSION[$sqlhash]) ? '' : $_SESSION[$sqlhash]; if (empty($sql)) { //主表字段处理 $q = stripslashes($q); $q = utf82gb($q); $q = preg_replace("#[\\|\"\r\n\t%\\*\\?\\(\\)\$;,'%<>]#", " ", trim($q)); if ($cfg_notallowstr != '' && preg_match("#" . $cfg_notallowstr . "#i", $q) || $cfg_replacestr != '' && preg_match("#" . $cfg_replacestr . "#i", $q)) { echo "你的信息中存在非法内容,被系统禁止!<a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>[返回]</a>"; exit; } $q = addslashes($q); $iscommend = isset($iscommend) && is_numeric($iscommend) ? $iscommend : 0; $typeid = isset($typeid) && is_numeric($typeid) ? $typeid : 0; $typeid = max($typeid, 0); $includesons = isset($includesons) ? 1 : 0; $writer = isset($writer) ? trim($writer) : ''; $source = isset($source) ? trim($source) : ''; $startdate = isset($startdate) ? trim($startdate) : ''; $enddate = isset($enddate) ? trim($enddate) : ''; if ($startdate != '') {
function GetPinyin($str, $ishead = 0, $isclose = 1) { global $cfg_soft_lang; if (!function_exists('SpGetPinyin')) { //全局函数仅是inc_fun_funAdmin.php文件中函数的一个映射 require_once DEDEINC . "/inc/inc_fun_funAdmin.php"; } if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { return SpGetPinyin(utf82gb($str), $ishead, $isclose); } else { return SpGetPinyin($str, $ishead, $isclose); } }
function TrimSymbol($str) { if(strtolower($this->CharSet)=="utf-8"){ $str = utf82gb($str); } else if(strtolower($this->CharSet)=="big5"){ $str = big52gb($str); } else if(!eregi("^gb",$this->CharSet)){ $this->NotEncodeText .= $str; return ""; } $str = trim($str); $slen = strlen($str); if($slen==0) return ""; $okstr = ""; for($i=0;$i<$slen;$i++){ if(ord($str[$i]) < 0x81){ //当字符为英文中的特殊符号 if(ereg("[^0-9a-zA-Z@.%#:/\\&-]",$str[$i])){ if($okstr!=""){ if( $okstr[strlen($okstr)-1]!=" " ) $okstr .= " "; } } //如果字符为非特殊符号 else{ if(strlen($okstr)>1){ if(ord($okstr[strlen($okstr)-2])>0x80) $okstr .= " ".$str[$i]; else $okstr .= $str[$i]; } else $okstr .= $str[$i]; } } else { //如果上一个字符为非中文和非空格,则加一个空格 if(strlen($okstr)>1){ if(ord($okstr[strlen($okstr)-2]) < 0x81 && $okstr[strlen($okstr)-1]!=" ") { $okstr .= " "; } } //如果中文字符 if( isset($str[$i+1]) ){ $c = $str[$i].$str[$i+1]; $n = hexdec(bin2hex($c)); if($n < 0xB0A1) { if($c=="《") { $okstr .= " 《"; } else if($c=="》") { $okstr .= "》 "; } else if($okstr[strlen($okstr)-1]!=" ") { $okstr .= " "; } } else{ //F7 - FE 是GB2312的终结编码 if($n < 0xF8FF) $okstr .= $c; } $i++; } else{ $okstr .= $str[$i]; } } }//结束循环 return $okstr; }
$config = serialize($config); } $query = "UPDATE `#@__payment` SET name = '{$pay_name}',fee='{$pay_fee}',description='{$pay_desc}',config='{$config}',enabled='1' WHERE id='{$pid}'"; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); if ($pm == 'edit') { $msg = "保存修改成功"; } else { $msg = "安装成功!"; } ShowMsg($msg, "sys_payment.php"); exit; } else { if ($dopost == 'uninstall') { $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__payment` WHERE id='{$pid}'"); if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $config = AutoCharset(unserialize(utf82gb($row['config']))); } else { if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'gb2312') { $config = unserialize($row['config']); } } foreach ($config as $key => $v) { $config[$key]['value'] = ""; } if ($cfg_soft_lang == 'utf-8') { $config = AutoCharset($config, 'utf-8', 'gb2312'); $config = serialize($config); $config = gb2utf8($config); } else { $config = serialize($config); }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; if (empty($uid)) { $uid = ''; } else { $tmpstr = @gb2utf8($uid); $tmpstr2 = @utf82gb($tmpstr); if ($tmpstr2 == $uid) { $uid = $tmpstr; } } if (empty($action)) { $action = ''; } if (empty($aid)) { $aid = ''; } //会员后台 if ($uid == '') { $iscontrol = 'yes'; if (!$cfg_ml->IsLogin()) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/templets/index-notlogin.htm"; exit; } else { $minfos = $dsql->GetOne("Select * From `#@__member_tj` where mid='" . $cfg_ml->M_ID . "'; "); $minfos['totaluse'] = $cfg_ml->GetUserSpace(); $minfos['totaluse'] = number_format($minfos['totaluse'] / 1024 / 1024, 2); if ($cfg_mb_max > 0) { $ddsize = ceil($minfos['totaluse'] / $cfg_mb_max * 100); } else {