function show_georef_map($lon, $lat, $layer) { $lang = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulture(); if (empty($layer)) { $layer = sfContext::getInstance()->getModuleName(); } $html = '<div class="section" id="georef_container" style="display:none;">'; $html .= '<div id="map" style="height:400px;width:100%">'; $html .= '<div id="mapLoading">' . image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_static_url') . '/static/images/indicator.gif'); $html .= __('Map is loading...') . '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $async_map = sfConfig::get('app_async_map', false) && !sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParameter('debug', false); $js = "\n C2C.map_init = function() {\n Ext.get('georef_container').show();\n var lon = Ext.getDom('lon') && Ext.getDom('lon').value || 0;\n var lat = Ext.getDom('lat') && Ext.getDom('lat').value || 0;\n c2corg.Map({\n div: 'map',\n lang: '{$lang}',\n loading: 'mapLoading',\n layers: ['{$layer}'],\n connected: true,\n georef: {\n initialState: {\n lon: lon,\n lat: lat,\n zoom: 15\n },\n callback: function(lonlat) {\n if (lonlat) {\n Ext.getDom('lon').value = Math.round(lonlat.lon*1E6)/1E6;\n Ext.getDom('lat').value = Math.round(*1E6)/1E6;\n } else {\n Ext.getDom('lon').value = '';\n Ext.getDom('lat').value = '';\n }\n c2corg.coords.update_degminsec('lon');\n c2corg.coords.update_degminsec('lat');\n }\n }\n });\n };"; // asynchronous map loading if ($async_map) { use_helper('MyMinify'); $c2c_script_url = minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/carto/build/carto.min.js', "/static/js/carto/build/lang-{$lang}.min.js", '/static/js/popup.js', '/static/js/carto/embedded.js'), (bool) sfConfig::get('app_minify_debug')); $js .= "C2C.async_map_init = function() {\n \$.ajax({\n url: '{$c2c_script_url}',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true\n }).done(function() {\n C2C.map_init();\n Ext.EventManager.fireDocReady();\n });\n };"; } // if coordinates not set, open automatically open the map if (!$lon && !$lat && !in_array($layer, array('sites', 'users', 'images', 'portals'))) { if ($async_map) { $js .= "C2C.async_map_init()"; } else { $js .= "\$(window).load(C2C.map_init)"; } } $html .= javascript_queue($js); return $html; }
/** * Saves the settings. */ private final function _save() { $data = $_POST['setting']; // CSRF checks if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) { $csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token']; if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'setting')) { Flash::set('error', __('Invalid CSRF token found!')); Observer::notify('csrf_token_invalid', AuthUser::getUserName()); redirect(get_url('setting')); } } else { Flash::set('error', __('No CSRF token found!')); Observer::notify('csrf_token_not_found', AuthUser::getUserName()); redirect(get_url('setting')); } if (!isset($data['allow_html_title'])) { $data['allow_html_title'] = 'off'; } use_helper('Kses'); $allowed = array('img' => array('src' => array()), 'abbr' => array('title' => array()), 'acronym' => array('title' => array()), 'b' => array(), 'blockquote' => array('cite' => array()), 'br' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'i' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'strike' => array(), 'strong' => array()); $data['admin_title'] = kses(trim($data['admin_title']), $allowed); Setting::saveFromData($data); Flash::set('success', __('Settings have been saved!')); redirect(get_url('setting')); }
public function update_event() { if (!isset($_POST['save'])) { Flash::set('error', __('Could not update this event!')); } else { use_helper('Kses'); /* Prepare the data */ $data = $_POST['event']; if (isset($data['id'])) { $data['id'] = kses(trim($data['id']), array()); } $event = new CalendarEvent(); if (isset($data['id'])) { $event->id = $data['id']; $event->created_by_id = $data['created_by_id']; } $event->title = $data['title']; $event->date_from = $data['date_from']; $event->date_to = $data['date_to']; $event->description = $data['description']; /* Check data and, if correct, save to DB */ if ($event->checkData() && $event->save()) { if (isset($data['id'])) { Flash::set('success', __('The event has been updated.')); } else { Flash::set('success', __('A new event has been created.')); } redirect(get_url('plugin/calendar/events')); } else { Flash::setNow('error', __('There are errors in the form.')); $this->display(CALENDAR_VIEWS . '/update', array('event' => $event)); } } }
function file_link_to_add($entity, $entity_id, $options = array()) { // Convert options string to option array if (is_string($options)) { $options = _convert_string_option($options); } $label = 'Add file'; // CUSTOMIZE LABEL TEXT if (isset($options['label'])) { $label = $options['label']; } // ICON if (isset($options['icon']) && $options['icon'] == 'true') { use_helper('sfIcon'); $label = icon_tag('folder_add') . ' ' . $label; } $url = "files/create?entity={$entity}&entity_id={$entity_id}"; // swicth link to with or without modalBox if (isset($options['modalbox']) && $options['modalbox'] == 'true') { use_helper('ModalBox'); return m_link_to($label, $url); } else { return link_to($label, $url); } }
function stop_remote_pager() { use_helper('Javascript'); // until prototype implements a stop() method for the PeriodicalExecuter, // the following (almost a hack) is the only simple way to stop it return javascript_tag("pager_watch.callback = function () {};"); }
function tab_tag($tab_name, $active_link, $active_tab, $url, $tab_class, $commCount = 0, $forum_link = false) { $tab_title = __($tab_name . '_tab_help'); $tab_text = __(ucfirst($tab_name)); if ($commCount) { $tab_text = '<span class="reduced">' . $commCount . '</span>' . '<span>' . $tab_text . ' (' . $commCount . ')' . '</span>'; } else { $tab_text = '<span>' . $tab_text . '</span>'; } if ($forum_link) { if ($active_link) { use_helper('Forum'); $link = f_link_to($tab_text, $url, array('class' => $tab_class, 'title' => $tab_title)); } else { $link = '<div class="' . $tab_class . '" title="' . $tab_title . '">' . $tab_text . '</div>'; } } else { $options_array = array('class' => $tab_class, 'title' => $tab_title); if (!$active_link) { $options_array['tag'] = 'div'; } $link = link_to_if($active_link, $tab_text, $url, $options_array); } return '<li' . setActiveIf($tab_name, $active_tab) . '>' . $link . '</li>'; }
function input_asset_tag($name, $value, $options = array()) { use_helper('Javascript', 'I18N'); $type = 'all'; if (isset($options['images_only'])) { $type = 'image'; unset($options['images_only']); } $form_name = ''; if (isset($options['form_name'])) { $form_name = '\'' . $options['form_name'] . '\''; unset($options['form_name']); } $html = ''; if (is_file(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . $value)) { $ext = substr($value, strpos($value, '.') - strlen($value) + 1); if (in_array($ext, array('png', 'jpg', 'gif'))) { $image_path = $value; } else { if (!is_file(sfConfig::get('sf_plugins_dir') . '/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/web/images/' . $ext . '.png')) { $ext = 'unknown'; } $image_path = '/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/images/' . $ext; } $html .= link_to_function(image_tag($image_path, array('alt' => 'File', 'height' => '64')), "'{$value}')"); $html .= '<br />'; } $html .= input_tag($name, $value, $options); $html .= ' ' . image_tag('/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/images/folder_open', array('alt' => __('Insert Image'), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle', 'onclick' => 'sfMediaLibrary.openWindow({ form_name: ' . $form_name . ', field_name: \'' . $name . '\', type: \'' . $type . '\', scrollbars: \'yes\' })')); $html .= init_media_library(); return $html; }
/** * Include a content slot in your template. * * This replaces get_sympal_content_slot() and is intended to be easier * to use. This also taps into the app.yml config for its options * * @param string $name The name of the slot * @param array $options An array of options for this slot * * Available options include * * content An sfSympalContent instance to render the slot for * * type The rendering type to use for this slot (e.g. Markdown) * * default_value A default value to give this slot the first time it's created * * edit_mode How to edit this slot (popup (default), inline) */ function _get_sympal_content_slot($name, $options = array()) { if (isset($options['content'])) { $content = $options['content']; unset($options['content']); } else { $content = sfSympalContext::getInstance()->getCurrentContent(); } // mark this content record as having content slots $content->setEditableSlotsExistOnPage(true); // merge the default config for this slot into the given config $slotOptions = sfSympalConfig::get($content->Type->slug, 'content_slots', array()); if (isset($slotOptions[$name])) { $options = array_merge($slotOptions[$name], $options); } // retrieve the slot if ($name instanceof sfSympalContentSlot) { $slot = $name; $name = $name->getName(); } else { $slot = $content->getOrCreateSlot($name, $options); unset($options['default_value']); } $slot->setContentRenderedFor($content); /** * Either render the raw value or the editor for the slot */ if (sfSympalContext::getInstance()->shouldLoadFrontendEditor()) { use_helper('SympalContentSlotEditor'); return get_sympal_content_slot_editor($content, $slot, $options); } else { return $slot->render(); } }
function comment_save(&$page) { // check if we need to save a comment if (!isset($_POST['comment'])) { return; } global $__FROG_CONN__; if ($page->comment_status != Comment::OPEN) { return; } $data = $_POST['comment']; if (is_null($data)) { return; } if (!isset($data['author_name']) or trim($data['author_name']) == '') { return; } if (!isset($data['author_email']) or trim($data['author_email']) == '') { return; } if (!isset($data['body']) or trim($data['body']) == '') { return; } use_helper('Kses'); $allowed_tags = array('a' => array('href' => array(), 'title' => array()), 'abbr' => array('title' => array()), 'acronym' => array('title' => array()), 'b' => array(), 'blockquote' => array('cite' => array()), 'br' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'i' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'strike' => array(), 'strong' => array()); // get the setting for comments moderations //$sql = 'SELECT value FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'setting WHERE name=\'auto_approve_comment\''; //$stmt = $__FROG_CONN__->prepare($sql); //$stmt->execute(); //$auto_approve_comment = (int) $stmt->fetchColumn(); $auto_approve_comment = 1; $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'comment (page_id, author_name, author_email, author_link, body, is_approved, created_on) VALUES (' . '\'' . $page->id . '\', ' . $__FROG_CONN__->quote(strip_tags($data['author_name'])) . ', ' . $__FROG_CONN__->quote(strip_tags($data['author_email'])) . ', ' . $__FROG_CONN__->quote(strip_tags($data['author_link'])) . ', ' . $__FROG_CONN__->quote(kses($data['body'], $allowed_tags)) . ', ' . $__FROG_CONN__->quote($auto_approve_comment) . ', ' . $__FROG_CONN__->quote(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . ')'; $__FROG_CONN__->exec($sql); Observer::notify('comment_after_add'); }
public function filterSympalContent(sfEvent $event, $content) { if (sfSympalConfig::get('sfSympalCommentsPlugin', 'installed') && sfSympalConfig::get('sfSympalCommentsPlugin', 'enabled') && sfSympalConfig::get($event['content']->getType()->getSlug(), 'enable_comments')) { use_helper('Comments'); $content .= get_sympal_comments($event['content']); } return $content; }
/** * @param string $help * * @return string */ public function formatHelp($help) { if (!$help) { return ''; } use_helper('Partial'); return get_partial('help/link-modal', array('name' => 'jenkins/addBuild/parameter-description', 'title' => "Parameter", 'params' => array('help' => $help))); }
/** * Returns an <img> tag for the activity image * * @param ActivityImage $activityImage * @param mixed[] $options * @return string */ function op_activity_image_tag($activityImage, $options = array()) { use_helper('sfImage'); if ($activityImage->relatedExists('File')) { return op_image_tag_sf_image($activityImage->File, $options); } else { return op_image_tag($activityImage->uri, $options); } }
function button_to_modal_box_preview($name, $id_formulario, $informe) { use_helper('Javascript'); $js = "\n function preview_informe()\n {\n'" . url_for('informes/preview?id_informe=' . $informe->getPrimaryKey()) . "', {title: '" . __('Vista preliminar del informe') . "', width: 700});\n }"; $html = content_tag('script', $js, array('type' => 'text/javascript')); $html .= button_to_function($name, 'preview_informe();', array('class' => 'sf_action_show', 'submit' => $id_formulario)); $html .= "\n"; return $html; }
/** * Returns the rich text editor as HTML. * * @return string Rich text editor HTML representation */ public function toHTML() { $options = $this->options; // we need to know the id for things the rich text editor // in advance of building the tag $id = _get_option($options, 'id', $this->name); // use tinymce's gzipped js? $tinymce_file = _get_option($options, 'tinymce_gzip') ? '/tiny_mce_gzip.php' : '/tiny_mce.js'; // tinymce installed? // $js_path = sfConfig::get('sf_rich_text_js_dir') ? '/'.sfConfig::get('sf_rich_text_js_dir').$tinymce_file : '/sf/tinymce/js'.$tinymce_file; $js_path = sfConfig::get('sf_rich_text_js_dir') ? '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_rich_text_js_dir') . $tinymce_file : '/sf/tinymce/js' . $tinymce_file; if (!is_readable(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . $js_path)) { throw new sfConfigurationException('You must install TinyMCE to use this helper (see rich_text_js_dir settings).'); } sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->addJavascript($js_path); use_helper('Javascript'); $tinymce_options = ''; $style_selector = ''; // custom CSS file? if ($css_file = _get_option($options, 'css')) { $css_path = stylesheet_path($css_file); sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->addStylesheet($css_path); $css = file_get_contents(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $css_path); $styles = array(); preg_match_all('#^/\\*\\s*user:\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\*/\\s*\\015?\\012\\s*\\.([^\\s]+)#Smi', $css, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $styles[] = $match[1] . '=' . $match[2]; } $tinymce_options .= ' content_css: "' . $css_path . '",' . "\n"; $tinymce_options .= ' theme_advanced_styles: "' . implode(';', $styles) . '"' . "\n"; $style_selector = 'styleselect,separator,'; } $culture = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulture(); $tinymce_js = ' tinyMCE.init({ mode: "exact", language: "' . strtolower(substr($culture, 0, 2)) . '", elements: "' . $id . '", plugins: "table,advimage,advlink,flash", theme: "advanced", theme_advanced_toolbar_location: "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align: "left", theme_advanced_path_location: "bottom", theme_advanced_buttons1: "' . $style_selector . 'justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,separator,bold,italic,strikethrough,separator,sub,sup,separator,charmap", theme_advanced_buttons2: "bullist,numlist,separator,outdent,indent,separator,undo,redo,separator,link,unlink,image,flash,separator,cleanup,removeformat,separator,code", theme_advanced_buttons3: "tablecontrols", extended_valid_elements: "img[class|src|border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name]", relative_urls: false, debug: false ' . ($tinymce_options ? ',' . $tinymce_options : '') . ' ' . (isset($options['tinymce_options']) ? ',' . $options['tinymce_options'] : '') . ' });'; if (isset($options['tinymce_options'])) { unset($options['tinymce_options']); } return content_tag('script', javascript_cdata_section($tinymce_js), array('type' => 'text/javascript')) . content_tag('textarea', $this->content, array_merge(array('name' => $this->name, 'id' => get_id_from_name($id, null)), _convert_options($options))); }
function link_to_login($name, $uri = null) { use_helper('Javascript'); if ($uri && sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) { return link_to($name, $uri); } else { return link_to_function($name, visual_effect('blind_down', 'login', array('duration' => 0.5))); } }
/** * get the InlineGallery from current value */ protected function getInlineObjectGalleryFromValue() { # why is use_helper not available ? require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../lib/vendor/symfony/lib/helper/HelperHelper.php'; use_helper('InlineObject'); $parser = get_inline_object_parser(); $objects = $parser->parseTypes($this->getObject()->getValue()); return $objects[1][0]; }
function link_to_add_new_comment($name, $record, $comment = null) { use_helper('Javascript'); $params = array(); $params['update'] = $comment && $comment->getId() ? 'add_new_comment_form_holder_' . $comment->getId() : 'add_new_comment_form_holder'; $params['url'] = '@cscomments_comments_add'; $comment_id = $comment ? $comment->getId() : null; $params['with'] = "'comment_id=" . $comment_id . "&model=" . get_class($record) . "&record_id=" . $record->getId() . "&return_uri=" . urlencode(sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getUri()) . "'"; return link_to_remote($name, $params); }
function op_api_activity($activity) { use_helper('opActivity'); $viewMemberId = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getMemberId(); $member = $activity->getMember(); $images = array(); foreach ($activity->getImages() as $activityImage) { $images[] = array('small_size' => op_activity_image_uri($activityImage, array('size' => '48x48'), true), 'full_size' => op_activity_image_uri($activityImage, array(), true)); } return array('id' => $activity->getId(), 'member' => op_api_member($member), 'body' => $activity->getBody(), 'body_html' => op_activity_linkification(nl2br(op_api_force_escape($activity->getBody()))), 'uri' => $activity->getUri(), 'source' => $activity->getSource(), 'source_uri' => $activity->getSourceUri(), 'image_uris' => $images, 'created_at' => date('r', strtotime($activity->getCreatedAt()))); }
function has_helper($helper = null) { if (is_null($helper)) { throw new sfException('Missing first argument from has_helper'); } else { try { use_helper($helper); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } }
public static function urlFor() { use_helper('Url'); $args = func_get_arg(0); if (array_key_exists('url', $args)) { $absolute = false; if (array_key_exists('absolute', $args)) { $absolute = $args['absolute']; } return url_for($args['url'], $absolute); } throw new sfException('Invalid arguments'); }
function markdown_preview_link($field) { use_helper('JavascriptBase'); use_stylesheet('/csDoctrineMarkdownPlugin/css/markdown.css'); $submit = content_tag('a', 'Preview', array('href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'javascript:markdown_preview(this);return false')); $js = javascript_tag(sprintf(<<<EOF function markdown_preview (e) { var markdown_text = \$('form *[name=%s]').val(); \$('#markdown_preview').load('%s', { 'markdown_value': markdown_text }, function() { \$(this).append("<a href='#' onclick='\$(\\"#markdown_preview\\").hide()'>hide</a>") } ).css('display', 'block'); } EOF , $field, url_for('csMarkdown/preview?markdown_field=' . $field))); return $submit . $js; }
function op_chat_get_sounds($absolute = false) { use_helper('Asset'); static $sounds; $result = array(); if (!is_array($sounds)) { $sounds = array('in' => '/opChatPlugin/sounds/in.mp3', 'out' => '/opChatPlugin/sounds/out.mp3', 'notice' => '/opChatPlugin/sounds/notice.mp3'); foreach ($sounds as $name => $sound) { if (file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . $sound)) { $result[$name] = _compute_public_path($sound, sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir', ''), 'mp3', $absolute); } } } return empty($result) ? null : $result; }
function link_to_report_answer($answer, $user) { use_helper('Javascript'); $text = '[' . __('report to moderator') . ']'; if ($user->isAuthenticated()) { $has_already_reported_answer = ReportAnswerPeer::retrieveByPk($answer->getId(), $user->getSubscriberId()); if ($has_already_reported_answer) { // already spam for this user return '[' . __('reported as spam') . ']'; } else { return link_to_remote($text, array('url' => '@user_report_answer?id=' . $answer->getId(), 'update' => array('success' => 'report_answer_' . $answer->getId()), 'loading' => "'indicator')", 'complete' => "Element.hide('indicator');" . visual_effect('highlight', 'report_answer_' . $answer->getId()))); } } else { return link_to_login($text); } }
function ie6_update() { use_helper('Javascript'); echo "<!--[if lte IE 6]>"; javascript_tag(); echo <<<EOF /*Load jQuery if not already loaded*/ if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){ document.write("<script type=\\"text/javascript\\" src=\\"\\"></"+"script>"); var __noconflict = true; } var IE6UPDATE_OPTIONS = { icons_path: "" } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> EOF; end_javascript_tag(); echo "<![endif]-->"; }
/** * Enable to use Modalbox script : * * * * @author Gerald Estadieu <*****@*****.**> * @since 15 Apr 2007 * */ function m_link_to($name, $url, $html_options = array(), $modal_options = array()) { use_helper('Javascript'); if (array_key_exists('title', $html_options)) { $modal_options = array_merge($modal_options, array('title' => 'this.title')); } $params_to_escape = sfConfig::get('app_params_to_escape_list'); // escape strings for js foreach ($modal_options as $option => $value) { if (in_array($option, $params_to_escape)) { $modal_options[$option] = "'" . $value . "'"; } } $js_options = _options_for_javascript($modal_options); $html_options['onclick'] = ", " . $js_options . "); return false;"; return link_to($name, $url, $html_options); }
function generate_path() { $sf_context = sfContext::getInstance(); $module = $sf_context->getModuleName(); $action = $sf_context->getActionName(); $forum = (bool) strstr($sf_context->getRequest()->getUri(), 'forums'); if ($action == 'home') { return ''; } $path = __('Context:') . ' ' . link_to(__('Home'), '@homepage'); if ($forum) { use_helper('Forum'); $path .= ' > ' . f_link_to(__('Forum'), '?lang=' . $sf_context->getUser()->getCulture()); } elseif ($module != 'documents') { $path .= ' > ' . link_to(ucfirst(__($module)), "@default_index?module={$module}"); } return '<nav ' . ($forum ? '' : 'itemprop="breadcrumb" ') . 'id="path">' . $path . '</nav>'; }
/** * @param string $name The element name * @param string $value The date displayed in this widget * @param array $attributes An array of HTML attributes to be merged with the default HTML attributes * @param array $errors An array of errors for the field * * @return string An HTML tag string * * @see sfWidgetForm */ public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array()) { $id = $this->generateId($name); $image = ''; if (false !== $this->getOption('image')) { $image = sprintf(', buttonImage: %s, buttonImageOnly: true', $this->getOption('image')); } use_helper('Date'); if ($value != '') { $value = format_date($value, 'dd/MM/yyyy'); } return parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors) . sprintf(<<<EOF <script type="text/javascript"> \$("#%s").datepicker(\$.datepicker.regional['%s'],%s); </script> EOF , $id, $this->getOption('culture'), $this->getOption('config')); }
function select_periodo_meses($nombre, $valor = '', $duracion_periodo_meses = 1, $include_blank = true) { use_helper('DateForm'); $opciones = array(); if ($duracion_periodo_meses == 1) { $value = select_month_tag($nombre, $valor, array('control_name' => $nombre)); } else { $lista_periodos = array('2' => 'bimestre', '3' => 'trimestre', '4' => 'cuatrimestre', '6' => 'semestre'); $periodo = $lista_periodos[$duracion_periodo_meses]; $lista_posiciones = array('1' => __('primer'), '2' => __('segundo'), '3' => __('tercer'), '4' => __('cuarto'), '5' => __('quinto'), '6' => __('sexto')); $cuantos = floor(12 / $duracion_periodo_meses); $opciones = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $cuantos; $i++) { $opciones[$i] = __('%1% %2%', array('%1%' => $lista_posiciones[$i], '%2%' => $periodo)); } $value = select_tag($nombre, options_for_select($opciones, $valor, array('include_blank' => $include_blank)), array('control_name' => $nombre)); } return $value; }
/** * Get Sympal content slot value * * @param Content $content The Content instance * @param string $name The name of the slot * @param string $type The type of slot * @param string $renderFunction The function/callable used to render the value of slots which are columns * @param array $options Array of options for this slot * @return void */ function get_sympal_content_slot($content, $name, $type = null, $renderFunction = null, $options = array()) { if ($type === null) { $type = 'Text'; } $slot = null; if ($name instanceof sfSympalContentSlot) { $slot = $name; $name = $name->getName(); } else { $slot = $content->getOrCreateSlot($name, $type, $renderFunction, $options); } $slot->setContentRenderedFor($content); if (sfSympalContext::getInstance()->shouldLoadFrontendEditor()) { use_helper('SympalContentSlotEditor'); return get_sympal_content_slot_editor($content, $slot, $options); } else { return $slot->render(); } }
function m_link_to($name, $url, $html_options = array(), $modal_options = array()) { use_helper('Javascript'); if (is_string($html_options)) { $html_options = array('title' => __($html_options)); } elseif (!is_array($html_options)) { $html_options = array(); } // modalbox specific options if (array_key_exists('title', $html_options)) { $modal_options = array_merge($modal_options, array('title' => 'this.title')); } if (!array_key_exists('remote', $modal_options)) { $modal_options['remote'] = 'this.href'; } $js_options = _options_for_javascript($modal_options); if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $html_options['onclick'] = "\${$js_options}); return false;"; } return link_to($name, $url, $html_options); }