function get_udf_table($udfs, $order, $dir) { global $acc_strings; $heads = array('Name', 'Module', 'EPoint', 'IParams', 'Returns'); $html = "<table>\n" . " <tr align=\"left\">\n"; foreach ($heads as $idx => $head) { if ($idx > 2) { $html .= ' <th class="detail">' . $acc_strings[$head] . "</th>\n"; continue; } $url = url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?udforder=1&order=' . ($idx + 1)); $title = $acc_strings[$head]; if ($order == $idx + 1) { $title = $dir == 'ASC' ? '* ' . $title : $title . ' *'; } $html .= ' <th class="detail"><a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . "</a></th>\n"; } $html .= " </tr>\n"; foreach ($udfs as $uname => $udf) { $parameters = isset($udf['params']) ? implode(', ', $udf['params']) : ''; $html .= " <tr>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $uname . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $udf['module'] . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $udf['entrypoint'] . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . (!empty($parameters) ? $parameters : ' ') . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $udf['returns'] . "</td>\n" . " </tr>\n"; } $html .= "</table>\n"; return $html; }
function get_systable_html($table, $s_systable) { $html = "<table id=\"systable\" class=\"table table-bordered tsep\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n<tr>\n"; foreach (array_keys($table) as $colname) { if ($s_systable['order'] == $colname) { $headstr = $s_systable['dir'] == 'ASC' ? '* ' . $colname : $colname . ' *'; } else { $headstr = $colname; } $url = url_session('database.php?order=' . $colname); $html .= '<th><a href="' . $url . '">' . $headstr . "</a></th>\n"; } $html .= "</tr>\n"; $systable_textblobs = systable_textblobs(); if (isset($systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']])) { foreach ($systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]['columns'] as $col) { $GLOBALS['s_wt']['blob_as'][$col] = 'text'; } $where_str = 'WHERE '; foreach ($systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]['indices'] as $idx) { $where_str .= $idx . "='%s' AND "; } $where_str = substr($where_str, 0, -4); } if (isset($table[$colname]['col'])) { $rows = count($table[$colname]['col']); $class = 'wttr2'; // loop the rows for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $class = $class == 'wttr1' ? 'wttr2' : 'wttr1'; $html .= '<tr class="' . $class . "\">\n"; // loop the columns foreach ($table as $colname => $colarr) { $align = $colarr['type'] == 'BLOB' ? 'center' : 'right'; $val = $colarr['col'][$i]; if (isset($systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]) && $val != ' ' && in_array($colname, $systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]['columns'])) { if (count($systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]['indices']) == 1) { $where = urlencode(sprintf($where_str, $table[$systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]['indices'][0]]['col'][$i])); } else { $where = urlencode(sprintf($where_str, $table[$systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]['indices'][0]]['col'][$i], $table[$systable_textblobs[$s_systable['table']]['indices'][1]]['col'][$i])); } $blob_url = 'showblob.php?where=' . $where . '&table=' . $s_systable['table'] . '&col=' . $colname; $val = '<a href="' . $blob_url . '" target="_blank">' . $val . '</a>'; } $html .= '<td align="' . $align . '">' . $val . "</td>\n"; } $html .= "</tr>\n"; } } $html .= "</table>\n"; return $html; }
function get_exceptions_table($exceptions, $order, $dir) { global $acc_strings; $heads = array('Name', 'Message'); $html = "<table>\n" . " <tr align=\"left\">\n"; foreach ($heads as $idx => $head) { $url = url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?excorder=1&order=' . ($idx + 1)); $title = $acc_strings[$head]; if ($order == $idx + 1) { $title = $dir == 'ASC' ? '* ' . $title : $title . ' *'; } $html .= ' <th class="detail"><a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . "</a></th>\n"; } $html .= " </tr>\n"; foreach ($exceptions as $ename => $msg) { $html .= " <tr>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $ename . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $msg . "</td>\n" . " </tr>\n"; } $html .= "</table>\n"; return $html; }
protected function _renderField($field, $idx, $value) { global $sql_strings, $dt_strings; if (is_string($value)) { $value = htmlentities($value); } $element_name = $this->_name('field') . '_' . $idx; $html = " <tr>\n" . ' <td valign="top"><b>' . $field['name'] . "</b></td>\n" . " <td>\n"; if ($field['type'] == 'BLOB') { if ($this->job == 'edit' && $value !== NULL) { $size = 32; $cname = $this->_name('drop_blob') . '_' . $idx; $url = url_session('showblob.php?where=' . urlencode('WHERE ' . $this->condition) . '&table=' . $this->table . '&col=' . $field['name']); $blobdrop_str = ' <i><a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank"><b>BLOB</b></a> </i>' . "\n" . ' | <input type="checkbox" name="' . $cname . '" id="' . $cname . '"> <label for="' . $cname . '">' . $dt_strings['Drop'] . "</label><br>\n"; } else { $size = 50; $blobdrop_str = ''; } $html .= $blobdrop_str . ' <input type="file" size="50" name="' . $this->_name('file') . '_' . $idx . "\">\n"; if ($field['stype'] == 1 || $GLOBALS['s_wt']['blob_as'][$field['name']] == 'text') { $html .= " <br>\n" . ' <textarea name="' . $element_name . '" cols="42" rows="3">' . $value . "</textarea>\n"; } } elseif (isset($field['comp'])) { $html .= ' ' . $value . "\n"; } elseif (isset($this->fk_data[$field['name']])) { $html .= " <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n" . " <tr>\n" . " <td>\n" . ' ' . get_indexed_selectlist($element_name, $this->fk_data[$field['name']]['data'], $value, TRUE) . " </td>\n" . " <td align=\"right\">\n" . " <a href=\"javascript:requestColumnConfigForm('" . $this->fk_data[$field['name']]['table'] . "', '" . $this->table . "', '" . $field['name'] . "', '" . $this->_name('config') . "');\" class=\"act\">[" . $sql_strings['Config'] . "]</a>\n" . " </td>\n" . " </tr>\n" . " </table>\n"; } else { if (!isset($field['size'])) { $size = $maxlen = 20; } else { $maxlen = $field['size']; $size = $field['size'] + 1 > DATA_MAXWIDTH ? DATA_MAXWIDTH : $field['size'] + 1; } $html .= ' <input type="text" size="' . $size . '" maxlength="' . $maxlen . '" name="' . $element_name . '" value="' . $value . "\">\n"; } $html .= " </td>\n" . " </tr>\n"; return $html; }
> <?php echo $adm_strings['Verbose']; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if (isset($iframekey_backup)) { ?> <br /> <div class="if"> <iframe src="<?php echo url_session('./iframe_content.php?key=' . $iframekey_backup); ?> " width="98%" height="<?php echo $s_cust['iframeheight']; ?> " name="adm_backup_iframe"></iframe> </div> <br /> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="adm_backup_doit" value="<?php echo $button_strings['Backup']; ?> "> </form>
<?php // Purpose html sequence for the data-import panel in data.php // Author Lutz Brueckner <*****@*****.**> // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Lutz Brueckner, // published under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence v.2, // see file LICENCE for details if ($s_connected) { ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?> " name="dt_import_form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr> <th><?php echo $dt_strings['SelTable']; ?> </th> <th><?php echo $dt_strings['FileName']; ?> </th> <th> </th> <tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo get_table_selectlist('dt_import_table', array('insert'), NULL, TRUE); ?> </td>
require './inc/'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { $table = get_request_data('table', 'GET'); $col = get_request_data('col', 'GET'); $where = get_request_data('where', 'GET'); } else { $table = get_request_data('table'); $col = get_request_data('col'); $where = get_request_data('where'); $s_wt['blob_as'][$col] = get_request_data('blobtype'); } $imageurl = 'showimage.php?where=' . urlencode($where) . '&table=' . $table . '&col=' . $col; $imageurl .= '&' . uniqid('UNIQ_'); $blob = get_blob_content(sprintf('SELECT %s FROM %s %s', $col, $table, $where)); $title = build_title(sprintf('Blob from %s %s', $table, $where), FALSE); echo html_head($title) . '<body bgcolor="' . $s_cust['color']['area'] . "\">\n" . js_window_resize(BLOB_WINDOW_WIDTH, BLOB_WINDOW_HEIGHT) . '<form method="post" action="' . url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '" name="showblob_form">' . "\n" . hidden_field('table', htmlentities($table)) . hidden_field('col', htmlentities($col)) . hidden_field('where', htmlentities($where)) . "<table>\n<tr>\n<td>\n" . get_selectlist('blobtype', $blob_types, $s_wt['blob_as'][$col], TRUE) . "</td>\n<td>\n" . '<input type="submit" name="change_blobtype" value="Change Type">' . "\n" . "</td>\n<td width=\"50\">\n</td>\n<td>\n" . '<input type="button" value="Close" onClick="self.close()">' . "\n" . "</td>\n</tr>\n<table>\n" . "</form>\n"; $blobas = isset($s_wt['blob_as'][$col]) && $s_wt['blob_as'][$col] != '' ? $s_wt['blob_as'][$col] : 'hex'; switch ($blobas) { case 'png': case 'jpg': case 'gif': echo '<img src="' . $imageurl . "\">\n"; break; case 'text': echo '<pre align="left">' . htmlspecialchars($blob) . "</pre>\n"; break; case 'html': echo $blob; break; case 'hex': echo hex_view($blob);
function get_tabmenu_top_fixed($page) { $menuentries = array('Database' => url_session('database.php'), 'Tables' => url_session('tables.php'), 'Accessories' => url_session('accessories.php'), 'SQL' => url_session('sql.php'), 'Data' => url_session('data.php'), 'Users' => url_session('user.php'), 'Admin' => url_session('admin.php')); $html = "<ul class=\"nav navbar-nav\">\n"; foreach ($menuentries as $item => $script) { if (count($_SESSION['s_' . strtolower($item) . '_panels']) == 1) { continue; } $class = $page == $item ? ' class="active"' : ''; $html .= '<li' . $class . '>' . ' <a class="menu-link" href="' . $script . '">' . $GLOBALS['menu_strings'][$item] . "</a>\n" . " </li>\n"; } $html .= "</ul>\n"; return $html; }
fbird_query($dbhandle, $sql) or $ib_error = fbird_errmsg(); // cleanup the watchtable output buffer $s_watch_buffer = ''; } } // cleanup the watchtable output buffer if (isset($_GET['go']) || isset($_GET['order'])) { $s_watch_buffer = ''; $s_cust['wt'][$s_login['database']] = array('table' => $s_wt['table'], 'start' => $s_wt['start'], 'order' => $s_wt['order'], 'dir' => $s_wt['direction']); set_customize_cookie($s_cust); } globalize_session_vars(); if (!empty($dbhandle)) { fbird_close($dbhandle); } header('Location: ' . url_session($s_referer)); exit; // // return the initial field values when editing a dataset // function init_edit_values($edit_where, $fields) { $values = array(); $quote = identifier_quote($GLOBALS['s_login']['dialect']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $quote . $edit_where['table'] . $quote . ' ' . $edit_where['where']; $res = fbird_query($GLOBALS['dbhandle'], $sql) or ib_error(); if ($row = fbird_fetch_assoc($res, IBASE_TEXT)) { fbird_free_result($res); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($field['comp'])) { $values[] = $field['csource'];
echo ' checked'; } ?> > <?php echo $adm_strings['ConnAfter']; ?> <br> <?php if (isset($iframekey_restore)) { ?> <br/> <div class="if"> <iframe src="<?php echo url_session('./iframe_content.php?key=' . $iframekey_restore); ?> " width="98%" height="<?php echo $s_cust['iframeheight']; ?> " name="adm_restore_iframe"></iframe> </div> <br/> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="adm_restore_doit" value="<?php echo $button_strings['Restore']; ?> "> </form>
echo url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?> " name="db_stat_form"> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr> <td> <?php echo '<b>' . $adm_strings['Analyze'] . "</b><br>\n"; echo get_indexed_selectlist('db_stat_option', database_statistic_options(), $s_dbstat_option); ?> </td> <td valign="bottom"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="db_stat_select" value="<?php echo $button_strings['Select']; ?> "> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <div class="if"> <iframe src="<?php echo url_session('./iframe_content.php?key=' . $iframekey_dbstat); ?> " width="98%" height="<?php echo $s_cust['iframeheight']; ?> " name="adm_dbstat_iframe"></iframe> </div> <?php }
function build_editdel_links($obj, $edit, $delete) { global $sql_strings; $where = get_where_str($obj); // build the Edit-Link if ($edit == TRUE) { $url = url_session('watchtable.php?edit=' . $where); echo '<td><a href="' . $url . '" class="act">' . $sql_strings['Edit'] . '</a></td>'; } // build the Del-link if ($delete == TRUE) { $url = url_session('watchtable.php?del=' . $where); echo '<td><a href="' . $url . '" class="act">' . $sql_strings['Delete'] . '</a></td>'; } }
$s_watch_buffer = ''; } // // process the export buttons from the sql_enter panel // if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_POST)) { foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $name) { if (preg_match('/sql_export_([0-9]+)/', $name, $matches) && isset($s_sql['queries'][$matches[1]])) { // set export parameters $s_export['source'] = array('option' => 'query', 'query' => $s_sql['queries'][$matches[1]]); // make sure the export-panel is open $idx = get_panel_index($s_data_panels, 'dt_export'); $s_data_panels[$idx][2] = 'open'; // goto the export-panel globalize_session_vars(); redirect(url_session('data.php#dt_export')); } } } // // print out all the panels // $s_page = 'SQL'; $panels = $s_sql_panels; require './inc/'; // // build a result table for an 'select' from the sql_enter panel // function get_result_table($result, $fieldinfo, $idx) { $table = '<table class="table table-bordered table-hover" id="resulttable_' . $idx . "\">\n" . " <tr align=\"left\">\n" . ' <th>' . implode('</th><th>', array_keys($result[0])) . "</th>\n" . " </tr>\n";
function get_closed_panel($title, $nr, $icon) { global $ptitle_strings; $fold_url = url_session('toggle_fold_panel.php?p=' . $nr . '&d=open'); return "<table class='table table-hover' width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n" . " <tr class=\"panel\">\n" . " <td width=\"25\" align=\"center\">\n" . ' ' . sprintf('<a href="%1$s"><img src="%2$s" alt="%3$s" title="%3$s" border="0"></a>' . "\n", $fold_url, $icon, $ptitle_strings['Open']) . ' <td width="100%"><a class="ptitle" href="' . $fold_url . '">' . $title . "</a></td>\n" . " <td width=\"65\">\n" . " </td>\n" . " </tr>\n" . "</table>\n"; }
echo $button_strings['Export']; ?> "> </td> <td align="right"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="dt_export_defaults" value="<?php echo $button_strings['Defaults']; ?> "> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } if (isset($iframekey_export)) { ?> <div class="if" id="dt_export_iframe"> <iframe src="<?php echo url_session('./iframe_content.php?key=' . $iframekey_export); ?> " width="98%" height="<?php echo $s_cust['iframeheight']; ?> " name="adm_export_iframe"></iframe> </div> <br/> <?php }
function js_refresh_systable() { $js = <<<EOT <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var sttimer; function refresh_systable(seconds) { if (sttimer) { window.clearInterval(sttimer); } if (seconds != 0) { sttimer = window.setInterval('requestSystable()', seconds*1000); } else { requestSystable(0); } } function requestSystable() { jsrsPOST = true; jsrsExecute("%1\$s", displaySystable, "systable", Array(document.db_systable_form.db_refresh.value)); } function displaySystable(returnstring) { var result = jsrsArrayFromString(returnstring, "~"); if (result[0].length > 0) { var target = \$("st"); target.innerHTML = result[0]; if (str) delete str; str = new SelectableTableRows(\$("systable"), true) } } </script> EOT; return sprintf($js, url_session('jsrs/systable_request.php')); }
function get_index_table($indices, $order, $dir) { global $acc_strings; $name_url = url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?idxorder=1&order=name'); $table_url = url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?idxorder=1&order=table'); if ($order == 'name') { $name_title = $dir == 'ASC' ? '* ' . $acc_strings['Name'] : $acc_strings['Name'] . ' *'; $table_title = $acc_strings['Table']; } else { $name_title = $acc_strings['Name']; $table_title = $dir == 'ASC' ? '* ' . $acc_strings['Table'] : $acc_strings['Table'] . ' *'; } $html = "<table class=\"table table-bordered\">\n" . " <tr align=\"left\">\n" . ' <th class="detail"><a href="' . $name_url . '">' . $name_title . "</a></th>\n" . ' <th class="detail">' . $acc_strings['Active'] . "</th>\n" . ' <th class="detail">' . $acc_strings['Unique'] . "</th>\n" . ' <th class="detail">' . $acc_strings['Sort'] . "</th>\n" . ' <th class="detail"><a href="' . $table_url . '">' . $table_title . "</a></th>\n" . ' <th class="detail">' . $acc_strings['Columns'] . "</th>\n" . " </tr>\n"; foreach ($indices as $iname => $index) { $uniq_flag = $index['uniq'] == TRUE ? $acc_strings['Yes'] : $acc_strings['No']; $active_flag = $index['active'] == TRUE ? $acc_strings['Yes'] : $acc_strings['No']; $segs = implode(', ', $index['seg']); $html .= " <tr>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $iname . "</td>\n" . ' <td align="center" class="detail">' . $active_flag . "</td>\n" . ' <td align="center" class="detail">' . $uniq_flag . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $index['dir'] . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $index['table'] . "</td>\n" . ' <td class="detail">' . $segs . "</td>\n" . " </tr>\n"; } $html .= "</table>\n"; return $html; }
<?php // Purpose set s_xyz_panels[][2]["open"|"close"] and redirect to $HTTP_REFERER // Author Lutz Brueckner <*****@*****.**> // Copyright (c) 2000-2006 by Lutz Brueckner, // published under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence v.2, // see file LICENCE for details // GET-Parameter: $p index of panel to open/close // $d the string "open" or "close" include './inc/'; include './inc/'; session_start(); localize_session_vars(); include './lang/' . (isset($s_cust) ? $s_cust['language'] : LANGUAGE) . '.inc.php'; include './inc/'; // some browsers may fail with the dynamically inserted html if (!isset($_GET['p'])) { redirect(url_session($s_referer)); } $p = $_GET['p']; $d = $_GET['d']; //calculate the panel name $pvar = 's_' . strtolower($_SESSION['s_page']) . '_panels'; if ($d == 'open' || $d == 'close') { ${$pvar}[$p][2] = $d; } set_customize_cookie($s_cust); globalize_session_vars(); redirect(url_session($s_referer));
// published under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence v.2, // see file LICENCE for details $tcnt = 0; if ($s_connected == TRUE && is_array($s_tables)) { foreach ($s_tables as $tablename => $properties) { if ($properties['is_view'] == TRUE) { continue; } $tcnt++; $title = $tablename; if ($s_tables_counts == TRUE && isset($properties['count'])) { $title .= ' [' . $properties['count'] . ']'; } $fold_url = fold_detail_url('table', $properties['status'], $tablename, $title); $comment_url = "javascript:requestCommentArea('table', '" . $tablename . "');"; echo ' <div id="' . 't_' . $tablename . "\" class=\"det\">\n"; if ($properties['status'] == 'open') { echo get_opened_table($tablename, $title, $fold_url, $comment_url, 'tc_' . $tablename); } else { // $properties['status'] == 'close' echo get_closed_detail($title, $fold_url, $comment_url, 'tc_' . $tablename); } echo " </div>\n"; } // foreach $s_tables echo '<form method="post" action="' . url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "#tb_show\" name=\"tb_show_form\">\n" . get_checkbox('tb_show_counts', '1', $s_tables_counts) . ' ' . $tb_strings['DispCounts'] . " \n" . get_checkbox('tb_show_cnames', '1', $s_tables_cnames) . ' ' . $tb_strings['DispCNames'] . " \n" . get_checkbox('tb_show_def', '1', $s_tables_def) . ' ' . $tb_strings['DispDef'] . " \n" . get_checkbox('tb_show_comp', '1', $s_tables_comp) . ' ' . $tb_strings['DispComp'] . " \n" . get_checkbox('tb_show_comments', '1', $s_tables_comment) . ' ' . $tb_strings['DispComm'] . "<br />\n" . ' <input type="submit" name="tb_show_reload" value="' . $button_strings['Reload'] . "\" class=\"bgrp\">\n"; if ($tcnt > 1) { echo ' <input type="submit" name="tb_table_open" value="' . $button_strings['OpenAll'] . "\" class=\"bgrp\">\n" . ' <input type="submit" name="tb_table_close" value="' . $button_strings['CloseAll'] . "\" class=\"bgrp\">\n"; } echo "</form>\n"; }
} $vcnt++; $title = $s_views_counts == TRUE && isset($properties['count']) ? $viewname . ' [' . $properties['count'] . ']' : $viewname; $fold_url = fold_detail_url('view', $properties['status'], $viewname, $title); echo '<div id="' . 'v_' . $viewname . "\" class=\"det\">\n"; if ($properties['status'] == 'open') { echo get_opened_view($viewname, $title, $fold_url); } else { // $properties['status'] == 'close' echo get_closed_detail($title, $fold_url); } echo "</div>\n"; } // foreach $s_tables } echo '<form method="post" action="' . url_session($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "\" name=\"acc_view_form\">\n"; if ($vcnt > 0) { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="acc_show_counts" value="yes"<?php if ($s_views_counts == TRUE) { echo ' checked'; } ?> > <?php echo $tb_strings['DispCounts']; ?> <br /> <input type="submit" name="acc_show_reload" value="<?php echo $button_strings['Reload']; ?>
// fbird_close($dbhandle); } if (DEBUG === TRUE) { echo "<div align=\"left\">\n"; show_time_consumption($start_time, microtime()); // echo 'cookie size: '.strlen($_COOKIE[get_customize_cookie_name()])."<br>\n"; // debug_var($_COOKIE[get_customize_cookie_name()]); // display links to display the session, post or get variables $session_url = url_session('./inc/display_variable.php?var=SESSION'); echo '<a href="' . $session_url . '" target="_blank">[ Session ]</a>' . "\n"; $post_url = url_session('./inc/display_variable.php?var=POST'); echo '<a href="' . $post_url . '" target="_blank">[ POST ]</a>' . "\n"; $get_url = url_session('./inc/display_variable.php?var=GET'); echo '<a href="' . $get_url . '" target="_blank">[ GET ]</a>' . "\n"; echo '<a href="./inc/phpinfo.php" target="_blank">[ phpinfo ]</a>' . "\n"; $kill_url = url_session('./inc/kill_session.php'); echo '<a href="' . $kill_url . '">[ kill session ]</a>' . "\n"; // Inhalt von $_POST und $_GET in der Session hinterlegen $s_POST = $_POST; $s_GET = $_GET; echo "</div>\n"; } if (DEBUG_HTML) { $fname = TMPPATH . substr_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'html', -3); write_output_buffer($fname); // if (in_array('tidy', get_loaded_extensions())) { // $tidy = tidy_parse_file($fname); // debug_var(tidy_get_error_buffer($tidy)); // } } require_once './views/footer.php';