コード例 #1
function mla7websitecite($style, $medium, $contributors, $articletitleinput, $websitetitleinput, $publishersponsorinput, $urlwebsiteinput, $electronicpublishday, $electronicpublishmonth, $electronicpublishyear, $webaccessdateday, $webaccessdatemonth, $webaccessdateyear)
    //Add the contributors
    $html = mlaauthorformat($contributors);
    //Add the article title (if provided)
    if ($articletitleinput) {
        //Uppercase all words in article title, lowercase all art., prep., & conj., append a period, and encapsulate in double quotes
        $articletitle = uppercasewords($articletitleinput);
        $articletitle = forcearticlelower($articletitle);
        $articletitle = articleperiod($articletitle);
        $html .= '"' . $articletitle . '" ';
    //Add the web site title (if provided)
    if ($websitetitleinput) {
        $html .= '<i>' . uppercasewords($websitetitleinput) . '</i>' . '. ';
    //Add the web site publisher/sponsor (if provided)
    if ($publishersponsorinput) {
        $html .= uppercasewords($publishersponsorinput) . ', ';
    } else {
        $html .= 'N.p., ';
    //Add the electronically published date (if provided)
    $html .= mlanewspublishdate($electronicpublishday, $electronicpublishmonth, $electronicpublishyear);
    //Add a period
    $html .= '. ';
    //Add the medium
    $html .= 'Web. ';
    //Add the access date (if provided)
    if ($webaccessdateday || $webaccessdatemonth || $webaccessdateyear) {
        $html .= mlaaccessdate($webaccessdateday, $webaccessdatemonth, $webaccessdateyear) . '. ';
    //Add the URL (if provided)
    if ($urlwebsiteinput) {
        $html .= '&#60;';
        $html .= checkurlprepend($urlwebsiteinput);
        $html .= '&#62;';
        $html .= '. ';
    echo $html;
コード例 #2
function apa6scholarjournalcite($style, $medium, $contributors, $yearpublishedinput, $articletitleinput, $journaltitleinput, $volume, $issue, $pagesstartinput, $pagesendinput, $pagesnonconsecutiveinput, $pagesnonconsecutivepagenumsinput, $urlwebsiteinput, $doiwebsiteinput, $webaccessdateday, $webaccessdatemonth, $webaccessdateyear, $databaseinput, $dbaccessdateday, $dbaccessdatemonth, $dbaccessdateyear, $urldbinput, $doidbinput)
    //Add the contributors
    $html = apaauthorformat($contributors);
    //Add the publishing date (if provided)
    if ($yearpublishedinput) {
        $html .= ' (' . $yearpublishedinput . '). ';
    //Add the article title (if provided)
    if ($articletitleinput) {
        $html .= articletitleapaformat($articletitleinput) . ' ';
    //Add the journal title (if provided)
    if ($journaltitleinput) {
        $journaltitleholder = uppercasewords($journaltitleinput);
        $html .= '<i>' . forcearticlelower($journaltitleholder) . '</i>';
    //Add the volume and issue numbers (if provided)
    if ($volume || $issue) {
        //Add a comma after the journal title (if provided)
        if ($journaltitleinput) {
            $html .= ', ';
        $html .= '<i>' . $volume . '</i>';
        if ($issue) {
            //Add the issue number (if provided)
            $html .= '(' . $issue . ')';
    //Add the page numbers (if provided)
    $pageholder = apascholarjournalpages($pagesstartinput, $pagesendinput, $pagesnonconsecutiveinput, $pagesnonconsecutivepagenumsinput);
    if ($pageholder) {
        //There are page numbers
        if ($volume || $issue) {
            //There is a volume & issue number preceeding
            $html .= ', ' . $pageholder;
        } else {
            //There is no volume & issue number preceeding
            if ($journaltitleinput) {
                //There is a magazine title preceeding
                $html .= ', ' . $pageholder;
            } else {
                //There is no journal title preceeding
                $html .= $pageholder;
    //Add a period
    $html .= '. ';
    //on a website
    if ($medium == "website") {
        //Add the URL (if provided)
        if ($urlwebsiteinput) {
            $html .= 'Retrieved from ' . checkurlprepend($urlwebsiteinput);
        } elseif ($doiwebsiteinput) {
            //Add the DOI (if provided)
            $html .= 'doi:' . $doiwebsiteinput;
    //in a database
    if ($medium == "db") {
        //Add the URL (if provided)
        if ($urldbinput) {
            $html .= 'Retrieved from ' . checkurlprepend($urldbinput);
        } elseif ($doidbinput) {
            //Add the DOI (if provided)
            $html .= 'doi:' . $doidbinput;
    echo $html;