function updatesubcatid($upid = 0, $type = null) { global $_G, $_SGLOBAL; $typequery = $type != null ? ' AND type = \'' . $type . '\'' : ''; $topquery = NULL; $topcat = array(); $topquery = DB::query('SELECT catid FROM ' . tname('categories') . ' WHERE upid=\'' . $upid . '\' ' . $typequery . ' ORDER BY catid;'); while ($topcat = DB::fetch($topquery)) { $subquery = NULL; $subcats = $subcat = array(); $subcatstr = ''; $subcats[$topcat['catid']] = $topcat['catid']; $subquery = DB::query('SELECT catid FROM ' . tname('categories') . ' WHERE upid=\'' . $topcat['catid'] . '\' ' . $typequery . ' ORDER BY catid;'); while ($subcat = DB::fetch($subquery)) { $subcats[$subcat['catid']] = $subcat['catid']; } $subcatstr = implode(', ', $subcats); if (!$subcatstr) { $subcatstr = $topcat['catid']; } DB::query('UPDATE ' . tname('categories') . ' SET subcatid=\'' . $subcatstr . '\' WHERE catid=\'' . $topcat['catid'] . '\' LIMIT 1;'); updatesubcatid($topcat['catid']); //遞歸處理所有子分類 } return 'message_success'; }
include_once B_ROOT . './source/function/cache.func.php'; updatecategorycache(); header('Location: admin.php?action=category&type=' . $type); } elseif (!empty($_POST['listsubmit'])) { //提交了數據 $item = array(); foreach ($_POST['display'] as $key => $value) { $query = ''; $key = intval($key); $value = intval($value); if ($key > 0) { $query = 'UPDATE ' . tname('categories') . ' SET displayorder=\'' . $value . '\' WHERE catid=\'' . $key . '\'; '; DB::query($query); } } updatesubcatid(); //更新子分類關係 include_once B_ROOT . './source/function/cache.func.php'; updatecategorycache(); header('Location: admin.php?action=category&type=' . $type); } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'add' || $_GET['op'] == 'edit') { //添加或更改分類的編輯頁面 shownav('catmanage', 'category_' . $_GET['op']); showsubmenu('category_' . $_GET['op']); showtips('category_' . $_GET['op'] . '_tips'); showformheader('category&op=' . $_GET['op'] . '&type=' . $_GET['type']); showtableheader(''); if ($_GET['upid'] > 0) { showsetting('category_upname', 'upname', $categorylist[$_GET['upid']]['name'], 'text', true); } showsetting($_GET['op'] . '_category_name', 'subject', $categorylist[$_GET['catid']]['name'], $_GET['op'] == 'edit' ? 'text' : 'textarea');
* [品牌空間] (C)2001-2010 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: 4337 2010-09-06 04:48:05Z fanshengshuai $ */ if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) { exit('Acess Denied'); } @set_time_limit(0); require_once B_ROOT . './source/adminfunc/tool.func.php'; $checkresults = array(); if (!empty($_GET['operation'])) { switch ($_GET['operation']) { case 'updatesubcatid': shownav('tool', 'tool_updatesubcatid'); cpmsg(updatesubcatid(), 'admin.php?action=tool&operation=updatecache'); break; case 'updatememberstats': shownav('tool', 'tool_updatememberstats'); cpmsg(updatememberstats(), 'admin.php?action=tool&operation=updatecache'); break; case 'changeallowner': shownav('tool', 'tool_updateallowner'); cpmsg(changeallowner(), 'admin.php?action=tool&operation=updatecache'); break; } if ($_GET['operation'] == 'updatecache') { $_GET['step'] = max(1, intval($_GET['step'])); shownav('global', 'tool_updatecache'); showsubmenu('tool_updatecache', array(array('tool_updatecache', 'tool&operation=updatecache', '1'), array('menu_tool_updatesubcatid', 'tool&operation=updatesubcatid', '0'), array('menu_tool_updatememberstats', 'tool&operation=updatememberstats', '0'), array('menu_tool_changeallowner', 'tool&operation=changeallowner', '0'), array('menu_tool_updateshopitemnum', 'tool&operation=updateshopitemnum', '0'))); showsubmenusteps('', array(array('tool_updatecache_confirm', $_GET['step'] == 1), array('tool_updatecache_verify', $_GET['step'] == 2), array('tool_updatecache_completed', $_GET['step'] == 3)));