コード例 #1
ファイル: CHost.php プロジェクト: jbfavre/debian-zabbix
  * Mass update hosts.
  * @param array  $hosts								multidimensional array with Hosts data
  * @param array  $hosts['hosts']					Array of Host objects to update
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['host']			Host name.
  * @param array  $hosts['fields']['groupids']		HostGroup IDs add Host to.
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['port']			Port. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['status']			Host Status. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['useip']			Use IP. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['dns']			DNS. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['ip']				IP. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['bulk']			bulk. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['proxy_hostid']	Proxy Host ID. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['ipmi_authtype']	IPMI authentication type. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['ipmi_privilege']	IPMI privilege. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['ipmi_username']	IPMI username. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['ipmi_password']	IPMI password. OPTIONAL
  * @return boolean
 public function massUpdate($data)
     $hosts = zbx_toArray($data['hosts']);
     $inputHostIds = zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid');
     $hostids = array_unique($inputHostIds);
     $db_hosts = $this->get(['output' => ['hostid', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_subject', 'tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
     foreach ($hosts as $host) {
         if (!array_key_exists($host['hostid'], $db_hosts)) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('You do not have permission to perform this operation.'));
     // Check connection fields only for massupdate action.
     if ((array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_psk_identity', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_psk', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_issuer', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_subject', $data)) && (!array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) || !array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data))) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('Cannot update host encryption settings. Connection settings for both directions should be specified.'));
     // Clean PSK fields.
     if (array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) && $data['tls_connect'] != HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK && (array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data) && ($data['tls_accept'] & HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK) != HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK)) {
         $data['tls_psk_identity'] = '';
         $data['tls_psk'] = '';
     // Clean certificate fields.
     if (array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) && $data['tls_connect'] != HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE && (array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data) && ($data['tls_accept'] & HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE) != HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE)) {
         $data['tls_issuer'] = '';
         $data['tls_subject'] = '';
     // check if hosts have at least 1 group
     if (isset($data['groups']) && empty($data['groups'])) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('No groups for hosts.'));
      * Update hosts properties
     if (isset($data['name'])) {
         if (count($hosts) > 1) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update visible host name.'));
     if (isset($data['host'])) {
         if (!preg_match('/^' . ZBX_PREG_HOST_FORMAT . '$/', $data['host'])) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect characters used for host name "%s".', $data['host']));
         if (count($hosts) > 1) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update host name.'));
         $curHost = reset($hosts);
         $sameHostnameHost = $this->get(['output' => ['hostid'], 'filter' => ['host' => $data['host']], 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1]);
         $sameHostnameHost = reset($sameHostnameHost);
         if ($sameHostnameHost && bccomp($sameHostnameHost['hostid'], $curHost['hostid']) != 0) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Host "%1$s" already exists.', $data['host']));
         // can't add host with the same name as existing template
         $sameHostnameTemplate = API::Template()->get(['output' => ['templateid'], 'filter' => ['host' => $data['host']], 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1]);
         if ($sameHostnameTemplate) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Template "%1$s" already exists.', $data['host']));
     if (isset($data['groups'])) {
         $updateGroups = $data['groups'];
     if (isset($data['interfaces'])) {
         $updateInterfaces = $data['interfaces'];
     if (array_key_exists('templates_clear', $data)) {
         $updateTemplatesClear = zbx_toArray($data['templates_clear']);
     if (isset($data['templates'])) {
         $updateTemplates = $data['templates'];
     if (isset($data['macros'])) {
         $updateMacros = $data['macros'];
     // second check is necessary, because import incorrectly inputs unset 'inventory' as empty string rather than null
     if (isset($data['inventory']) && $data['inventory']) {
         if (isset($data['inventory_mode']) && $data['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot set inventory fields for disabled inventory.'));
         $updateInventory = $data['inventory'];
         $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] = null;
     if (isset($data['inventory_mode'])) {
         if (!isset($updateInventory)) {
             $updateInventory = [];
         $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] = $data['inventory_mode'];
     if (isset($data['status'])) {
         $updateStatus = $data['status'];
     unset($data['hosts'], $data['groups'], $data['interfaces'], $data['templates_clear'], $data['templates'], $data['macros'], $data['inventory'], $data['inventory_mode'], $data['status']);
     if (!zbx_empty($data)) {
         DB::update('hosts', ['values' => $data, 'where' => ['hostid' => $hostids]]);
     if (isset($updateStatus)) {
         updateHostStatus($hostids, $updateStatus);
      * Update template linkage
     if (isset($updateTemplatesClear)) {
         $templateIdsClear = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplatesClear, 'templateid');
         if ($updateTemplatesClear) {
             $this->massRemove(['hostids' => $hostids, 'templateids_clear' => $templateIdsClear]);
     } else {
         $templateIdsClear = [];
     // unlink templates
     if (isset($updateTemplates)) {
         $hostTemplates = API::Template()->get(['hostids' => $hostids, 'output' => ['templateid'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
         $hostTemplateids = array_keys($hostTemplates);
         $newTemplateids = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplates, 'templateid');
         $templatesToDel = array_diff($hostTemplateids, $newTemplateids);
         $templatesToDel = array_diff($templatesToDel, $templateIdsClear);
         if ($templatesToDel) {
             $result = $this->massRemove(['hostids' => $hostids, 'templateids' => $templatesToDel]);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot unlink template'));
      * update interfaces
     if (isset($updateInterfaces)) {
         foreach ($hostids as $hostid) {
             API::HostInterface()->replaceHostInterfaces(['hostid' => $hostid, 'interfaces' => $updateInterfaces]);
     // link new templates
     if (isset($updateTemplates)) {
         $result = $this->massAdd(['hosts' => $hosts, 'templates' => $updateTemplates]);
         if (!$result) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot link template'));
     // macros
     if (isset($updateMacros)) {
         DB::delete('hostmacro', ['hostid' => $hostids]);
         $this->massAdd(['hosts' => $hosts, 'macros' => $updateMacros]);
      * Inventory
     if (isset($updateInventory)) {
         // disabling inventory
         if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) {
             $sql = 'DELETE FROM host_inventory WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostids);
             if (!DBexecute($sql)) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot delete inventory.'));
         } else {
             $existingInventoriesDb = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBselect('SELECT hostid,inventory_mode' . ' FROM host_inventory' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostids)), 'hostid');
             // check existing host inventory data
             $automaticHostIds = [];
             if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null) {
                 foreach ($hostids as $hostid) {
                     // if inventory is disabled for one of the updated hosts, throw an exception
                     if (!isset($existingInventoriesDb[$hostid])) {
                         $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid);
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Inventory disabled for host "%1$s".', $host['host']));
                     } elseif ($existingInventoriesDb[$hostid]['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC) {
                         $automaticHostIds[] = $hostid;
             $inventoriesToSave = [];
             foreach ($hostids as $hostid) {
                 $hostInventory = $updateInventory;
                 $hostInventory['hostid'] = $hostid;
                 // if no 'inventory_mode' has been passed, set inventory 'inventory_mode' from DB
                 if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null) {
                     $hostInventory['inventory_mode'] = $existingInventoriesDb[$hostid]['inventory_mode'];
                 $inventoriesToSave[$hostid] = $hostInventory;
             // when updating automatic inventory, ignore fields that have items linked to them
             if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC || $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null && $automaticHostIds) {
                 $itemsToInventories = API::item()->get(['output' => ['inventory_link', 'hostid'], 'hostids' => $automaticHostIds ? $automaticHostIds : $hostids, 'nopermissions' => true]);
                 $inventoryFields = getHostInventories();
                 foreach ($itemsToInventories as $hinv) {
                     // 0 means 'no link'
                     if ($hinv['inventory_link'] != 0) {
                         $inventoryName = $inventoryFields[$hinv['inventory_link']]['db_field'];
             // save inventory data
             foreach ($inventoriesToSave as $inventory) {
                 $hostid = $inventory['hostid'];
                 if (isset($existingInventoriesDb[$hostid])) {
                     DB::update('host_inventory', ['values' => $inventory, 'where' => ['hostid' => $hostid]]);
                 } else {
                     DB::insert('host_inventory', [$inventory], false);
      * Update host and host group linkage. This procedure should be done the last because user can unlink
      * him self from a group with write permissions leaving only read premissions. Thus other procedures, like
      * host-template linkage, inventory update, macros update, must be done before this.
     if (isset($updateGroups)) {
         $updateGroups = zbx_toArray($updateGroups);
         $hostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(['output' => ['groupid'], 'hostids' => $hostids]);
         $hostGroupIds = zbx_objectValues($hostGroups, 'groupid');
         $newGroupIds = zbx_objectValues($updateGroups, 'groupid');
         $groupsToAdd = array_diff($newGroupIds, $hostGroupIds);
         if ($groupsToAdd) {
             $this->massAdd(['hosts' => $hosts, 'groups' => zbx_toObject($groupsToAdd, 'groupid')]);
         $groupIdsToDelete = array_diff($hostGroupIds, $newGroupIds);
         if ($groupIdsToDelete) {
             $this->massRemove(['hostids' => $hostids, 'groupids' => $groupIdsToDelete]);
     return ['hostids' => $inputHostIds];
コード例 #2
    $goResult = DBend($goResult);
    show_messages($goResult, _('Host deleted'), _('Cannot delete host'));
} elseif (str_in_array(getRequest('go'), array('activate', 'disable'))) {
    $enable = getRequest('go') == 'activate';
    $hosts = getRequest('hosts', array());
    $actHosts = API::Host()->get(array('hostids' => $hosts, 'editable' => true, 'templated_hosts' => true, 'output' => array('hostid', 'name')));
    # get host name
    $hostNames = zbx_objectValues($actHosts, 'name');
    $actHosts = zbx_objectValues($actHosts, 'hostid');
    if ($actHosts) {
        $result = updateHostStatus($actHosts, $status);
        $result = DBend($result);
        $updated = count($actHosts);
        $messageSuccess = $enable ? _n('Host enabled', 'Hosts enabled', $updated) : _n('Host disabled', 'Hosts disabled', $updated);
        $messageFailed = $enable ? _n('Cannot enable host', 'Cannot enable hosts', $updated) : _n('Cannot disable host', 'Cannot disable hosts', $updated);
        # update racktables object
        require_once 'racktablesapi.php';
        $response = updateObjectStatus($hostNames, $status);
        if (isset($response['error'])) {
            show_messages(false, '', "Updating racktables object is failed. Error message:" . $response['error']);
        show_messages($result, $messageSuccess, $messageFailed);
コード例 #3
  * Mass update hosts
  * @param array $hosts multidimensional array with Hosts data
  * @param array  $hosts ['hosts'] Array of Host objects to update
  * @param string $hosts ['fields']['host'] Host name.
  * @param array  $hosts ['fields']['groupids'] HostGroup IDs add Host to.
  * @param int    $hosts ['fields']['port'] Port. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts ['fields']['status'] Host Status. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts ['fields']['useip'] Use IP. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts ['fields']['dns'] DNS. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts ['fields']['ip'] IP. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts ['fields']['proxy_hostid'] Proxy Host ID. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts ['fields']['ipmi_authtype'] IPMI authentication type. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts ['fields']['ipmi_privilege'] IPMI privilege. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts ['fields']['ipmi_username'] IPMI username. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts ['fields']['ipmi_password'] IPMI password. OPTIONAL
  * @return boolean
 public function massUpdate($data)
     $hosts = zbx_toArray($data['hosts']);
     $hostids = zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid');
     $updHosts = $this->get(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'editable' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => true));
     foreach ($hosts as $host) {
         if (!isset($updHosts[$host['hostid']])) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('You do not have permission to perform this operation.'));
     // check if hosts have at least 1 group
     if (isset($data['groups']) && empty($data['groups'])) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('No groups for hosts.'));
      * Update hosts properties
     if (isset($data['name'])) {
         if (count($hosts) > 1) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update visible host name.'));
     if (isset($data['host'])) {
         if (!preg_match('/^' . ZBX_PREG_HOST_FORMAT . '$/', $data['host'])) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect characters used for host name "%s".', $data['host']));
         if (count($hosts) > 1) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update host name.'));
         $curHost = reset($hosts);
         $hostExists = $this->get(array('filter' => array('host' => $curHost['host']), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN, 'editable' => true, 'nopermissions' => true));
         $hostExist = reset($hostExists);
         if ($hostExist && bccomp($hostExist['hostid'], $curHost['hostid']) != 0) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Host "%1$s" already exists.', $data['host']));
         // can't add host with the same name as existing template
         if (API::Template()->exists(array('host' => $curHost['host']))) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Template "%1$s" already exists.', $curHost['host']));
     if (isset($data['groups'])) {
         $updateGroups = $data['groups'];
     if (isset($data['interfaces'])) {
         $updateInterfaces = $data['interfaces'];
     if (isset($data['templates_clear'])) {
         $updateTemplatesClear = zbx_toArray($data['templates_clear']);
     if (isset($data['templates'])) {
         $updateTemplates = $data['templates'];
     if (isset($data['macros'])) {
         $updateMacros = $data['macros'];
     if (isset($data['inventory'])) {
         $updateInventory = $data['inventory'];
     if (isset($data['inventory_mode'])) {
         if (!isset($updateInventory)) {
             $updateInventory = array();
         $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] = $data['inventory_mode'];
     if (isset($data['status'])) {
         $updateStatus = $data['status'];
     if (!zbx_empty($data)) {
         $update = array('values' => $data, 'where' => array('hostid' => $hostids));
         DB::update('hosts', $update);
     if (isset($updateStatus)) {
         updateHostStatus($hostids, $updateStatus);
      * Update hostgroups linkage
     if (isset($updateGroups)) {
         $updateGroups = zbx_toArray($updateGroups);
         $hostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('hostids' => $hostids));
         $hostGroupids = zbx_objectValues($hostGroups, 'groupid');
         $newGroupids = zbx_objectValues($updateGroups, 'groupid');
         $result = $this->massAdd(array('hosts' => $hosts, 'groups' => $updateGroups));
         if (!$result) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot create host group.'));
         $groupidsToDel = array_diff($hostGroupids, $newGroupids);
         if (!empty($groupidsToDel)) {
             $result = $this->massRemove(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'groupids' => $groupidsToDel));
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot delete host group.'));
      * Update interfaces
     if (isset($updateInterfaces)) {
         $hostInterfaces = API::HostInterface()->get(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true));
         $this->massRemove(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'interfaces' => $hostInterfaces));
         $this->massAdd(array('hosts' => $hosts, 'interfaces' => $updateInterfaces));
     if (isset($updateTemplatesClear)) {
         $templateidsClear = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplatesClear, 'templateid');
         if (!empty($updateTemplatesClear)) {
             $this->massRemove(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'templateids_clear' => $templateidsClear));
     } else {
         $templateidsClear = array();
      * Update template linkage
     if (isset($updateTemplates)) {
         $hostTemplates = API::Template()->get(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN, 'preservekeys' => true));
         $hostTemplateids = array_keys($hostTemplates);
         $newTemplateids = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplates, 'templateid');
         $templatesToDel = array_diff($hostTemplateids, $newTemplateids);
         $templatesToDel = array_diff($templatesToDel, $templateidsClear);
         if (!empty($templatesToDel)) {
             $result = $this->massRemove(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'templateids' => $templatesToDel));
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot unlink template'));
         $result = $this->massAdd(array('hosts' => $hosts, 'templates' => $updateTemplates));
         if (!$result) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot link template'));
     // macros
     if (isset($updateMacros)) {
         DB::delete('hostmacro', array('hostid' => $hostids));
         $this->massAdd(array('hosts' => $hosts, 'macros' => $updateMacros));
      * Inventory
     if (isset($updateInventory)) {
         if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) {
             $sql = 'DELETE FROM host_inventory WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostids);
             if (!DBexecute($sql)) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot delete inventory.'));
         } else {
             $hostsWithInventories = array();
             $existingInventoriesDb = DBselect('SELECT hostid FROM host_inventory WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostids));
             while ($existingInventory = DBfetch($existingInventoriesDb)) {
                 $hostsWithInventories[] = $existingInventory['hostid'];
             // when hosts are being updated to use automatic mode for host inventories,
             // we must check if some items are set to populate inventory fields of every host.
             // if they do, mass update for those fields should be ignored
             if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC) {
                 // getting all items on all affected hosts
                 $itemsToInventories = API::item()->get(array('output' => array('inventory_link', 'hostid'), 'filter' => array('hostid' => $hostids), 'nopermissions' => true));
                 // gathering links to array: 'hostid'=>array('inventory_name_1'=>true, 'inventory_name_2'=>true)
                 $inventoryLinksOnHosts = array();
                 $inventoryFields = getHostInventories();
                 foreach ($itemsToInventories as $hinv) {
                     if ($hinv['inventory_link'] != 0) {
                         // 0 means 'no link'
                         if (isset($inventoryLinksOnHosts[$hinv['hostid']])) {
                             $inventoryLinksOnHosts[$hinv['hostid']][$inventoryFields[$hinv['inventory_link']]['db_field']] = true;
                         } else {
                             $inventoryLinksOnHosts[$hinv['hostid']] = array($inventoryFields[$hinv['inventory_link']]['db_field'] => true);
                 // now we have all info we need to determine, which inventory fields should be saved
                 $inventoriesToSave = array();
                 foreach ($hostids as $hostid) {
                     $inventoriesToSave[$hostid] = $updateInventory;
                     $inventoriesToSave[$hostid]['hostid'] = $hostid;
                     foreach ($updateInventory as $inventoryName => $hinv) {
                         if (isset($inventoryLinksOnHosts[$hostid][$inventoryName])) {
             } else {
                 // if mode is not automatic, all fields can be saved
                 $inventoriesToSave = array();
                 foreach ($hostids as $hostid) {
                     $inventoriesToSave[$hostid] = $updateInventory;
                     $inventoriesToSave[$hostid]['hostid'] = $hostid;
             $hostsWithoutInventory = array_diff($hostids, $hostsWithInventories);
             // hosts that have no inventory yet, need it to be inserted
             foreach ($hostsWithoutInventory as $hostid) {
                 DB::insert('host_inventory', array($inventoriesToSave[$hostid]), false);
             // those hosts that already have an inventory, need it to be updated
             foreach ($hostsWithInventories as $hostid) {
                 DB::update('host_inventory', array('values' => $inventoriesToSave[$hostid], 'where' => array('hostid' => $hostid)));
     return array('hostids' => $hostids);
コード例 #4
ファイル: proxies.php プロジェクト: SandipSingh14/Zabbix_
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['clone']) && isset($_REQUEST['proxyid'])) {
    unset($_REQUEST['proxyid'], $_REQUEST['hosts']);
    $_REQUEST['form'] = 'clone';
} elseif (str_in_array($_REQUEST['go'], array('activate', 'disable')) && isset($_REQUEST['hosts'])) {
    $goResult = true;
    $status = $_REQUEST['go'] == 'activate' ? HOST_STATUS_MONITORED : HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED;
    $hosts = get_request('hosts', array());
    foreach ($hosts as $hostId) {
        $dbHosts = DBselect('SELECT h.hostid,h.status' . ' FROM hosts h' . ' WHERE h.proxy_hostid=' . zbx_dbstr($hostId) . andDbNode('h.hostid'));
        while ($dbHost = DBfetch($dbHosts)) {
            $oldStatus = $dbHost['status'];
            if ($oldStatus == $status) {
            $goResult &= updateHostStatus($dbHost['hostid'], $status);
            if (!$goResult) {
    $goResult = DBend($goResult && $hosts);
    show_messages($goResult, _('Host status updated'), null);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['go'] == 'delete' && isset($_REQUEST['hosts'])) {
    $goResult = API::Proxy()->delete(get_request('hosts'));
    $goResult = DBend($goResult);
    show_messages($goResult, _('Proxy deleted'), _('Cannot delete proxy'));
コード例 #5
    $result = updateHostStatus($_REQUEST['hostid'], $_REQUEST['chstatus']);
    $result = DBend($result);
    show_messages($result, _('Host status updated'), _('Cannot update host status'));
    unset($_REQUEST['chstatus'], $_REQUEST['hostid']);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['go'] == 'delete') {
    $hostids = get_request('hosts', array());
    $go_result = API::Host()->delete(zbx_toObject($hostids, 'hostid'));
    $go_result = DBend($go_result);
    show_messages($go_result, _('Host deleted'), _('Cannot delete host'));
} elseif (str_in_array($_REQUEST['go'], array('activate', 'disable'))) {
    $status = $_REQUEST['go'] == 'activate' ? HOST_STATUS_MONITORED : HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED;
    $hosts = get_request('hosts', array());
    $act_hosts = available_hosts($hosts, 1);
    $go_result = updateHostStatus($act_hosts, $status);
    $go_result = DBend($go_result);
    show_messages($go_result, _('Host status updated'), _('Cannot update host status'));
if ($_REQUEST['go'] != 'none' && isset($go_result) && $go_result) {
    $url = new CUrl();
    $path = $url->getPath();
    insert_js('cookie.eraseArray("' . $path . '")');
 * Display
$hosts_wdgt = new CWidget();
$pageFilter = new CPageFilter(array('groups' => array('real_hosts' => 1, 'editable' => true), 'groupid' => get_request('groupid', null)));
$_REQUEST['groupid'] = $pageFilter->groupid;
$_REQUEST['hostid'] = get_request('hostid', 0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: CHost.php プロジェクト: TonywalkerCN/Zabbix
  * Mass update hosts.
  * @param array  $hosts								multidimensional array with Hosts data
  * @param array  $hosts['hosts']					Array of Host objects to update
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['host']			Host name.
  * @param array  $hosts['fields']['groupids']		HostGroup IDs add Host to.
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['port']			Port. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['status']			Host Status. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['useip']			Use IP. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['dns']			DNS. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['ip']				IP. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['bulk']			bulk. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['proxy_hostid']	Proxy Host ID. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['ipmi_authtype']	IPMI authentication type. OPTIONAL
  * @param int    $hosts['fields']['ipmi_privilege']	IPMI privilege. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['ipmi_username']	IPMI username. OPTIONAL
  * @param string $hosts['fields']['ipmi_password']	IPMI password. OPTIONAL
  * @return boolean
 public function massUpdate($data)
     $hosts = zbx_toArray($data['hosts']);
     $inputHostIds = zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid');
     $hostIds = array_unique($inputHostIds);
     $dbHosts = $this->get(array('hostids' => $hostIds, 'editable' => true, 'output' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
     foreach ($hosts as $host) {
         if (!isset($dbHosts[$host['hostid']])) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('You do not have permission to perform this operation.'));
     // check if hosts have at least 1 group
     if (isset($data['groups']) && empty($data['groups'])) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('No groups for hosts.'));
      * Update hosts properties
     if (isset($data['name'])) {
         if (count($hosts) > 1) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update visible host name.'));
     if (isset($data['host'])) {
         if (!preg_match('/^' . ZBX_PREG_HOST_FORMAT . '$/', $data['host'])) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect characters used for host name "%s".', $data['host']));
         if (count($hosts) > 1) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update host name.'));
         $curHost = reset($hosts);
         $sameHostnameHost = $this->get(array('output' => array('hostid'), 'filter' => array('host' => $data['host']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
         $sameHostnameHost = reset($sameHostnameHost);
         if ($sameHostnameHost && bccomp($sameHostnameHost['hostid'], $curHost['hostid']) != 0) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Host "%1$s" already exists.', $data['host']));
         // can't add host with the same name as existing template
         $sameHostnameTemplate = API::Template()->get(array('output' => array('templateid'), 'filter' => array('host' => $data['host']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
         if ($sameHostnameTemplate) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Template "%1$s" already exists.', $data['host']));
     if (isset($data['groups'])) {
         $updateGroups = $data['groups'];
     if (isset($data['interfaces'])) {
         $updateInterfaces = $data['interfaces'];
     $b = isset($data['templates_clear']);
     $c = array_key_exists('templates_clear', $data);
     $d = array_keys($data);
     if ($b) {
         $updateTemplatesClear = zbx_toArray($data['templates_clear']);
     if (isset($data['templates'])) {
         $updateTemplates = $data['templates'];
     if (isset($data['macros'])) {
         $updateMacros = $data['macros'];
     // second check is necessary, because import incorrectly inputs unset 'inventory' as empty string rather than null
     if (isset($data['inventory']) && $data['inventory']) {
         if (isset($data['inventory_mode']) && $data['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot set inventory fields for disabled inventory.'));
         $updateInventory = $data['inventory'];
         $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] = null;
     if (isset($data['inventory_mode'])) {
         if (!isset($updateInventory)) {
             $updateInventory = array();
         $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] = $data['inventory_mode'];
     if (isset($data['status'])) {
         $updateStatus = $data['status'];
     unset($data['hosts'], $data['groups'], $data['interfaces'], $data['templates_clear'], $data['templates'], $data['macros'], $data['inventory'], $data['inventory_mode'], $data['status']);
     if (!zbx_empty($data)) {
         DB::update('hosts', array('values' => $data, 'where' => array('hostid' => $hostIds)));
     if (isset($updateStatus)) {
         updateHostStatus($hostIds, $updateStatus);
      * Update hostgroups linkage
     if (isset($updateGroups)) {
         $updateGroups = zbx_toArray($updateGroups);
         $hostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('output' => array('groupid'), 'hostids' => $hostIds));
         $hostGroupIds = zbx_objectValues($hostGroups, 'groupid');
         $newGroupIds = zbx_objectValues($updateGroups, 'groupid');
         $result = $this->massAdd(array('hosts' => $hosts, 'groups' => $updateGroups));
         if (!$result) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot create host group.'));
         $groupIdsToDel = array_diff($hostGroupIds, $newGroupIds);
         if ($groupIdsToDel) {
             $result = $this->massRemove(array('hostids' => $hostIds, 'groupids' => $groupIdsToDel));
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot delete host group.'));
      * Update template linkage
     if (isset($updateTemplatesClear)) {
         $templateIdsClear = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplatesClear, 'templateid');
         if ($updateTemplatesClear) {
             $this->massRemove(array('hostids' => $hostIds, 'templateids_clear' => $templateIdsClear));
     } else {
         $templateIdsClear = array();
     // unlink templates
     if (isset($updateTemplates)) {
         $hostTemplates = API::Template()->get(array('hostids' => $hostIds, 'output' => array('templateid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
         $hostTemplateids = array_keys($hostTemplates);
         $newTemplateids = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplates, 'templateid');
         $templatesToDel = array_diff($hostTemplateids, $newTemplateids);
         $templatesToDel = array_diff($templatesToDel, $templateIdsClear);
         if ($templatesToDel) {
             $result = $this->massRemove(array('hostids' => $hostIds, 'templateids' => $templatesToDel));
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot unlink template'));
      * update interfaces
     if (isset($updateInterfaces)) {
         foreach ($hostIds as $hostId) {
             API::HostInterface()->replaceHostInterfaces(array('hostid' => $hostId, 'interfaces' => $updateInterfaces));
     // link new templates
     if (isset($updateTemplates)) {
         $result = $this->massAdd(array('hosts' => $hosts, 'templates' => $updateTemplates));
         if (!$result) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot link template'));
     // macros
     if (isset($updateMacros)) {
         DB::delete('hostmacro', array('hostid' => $hostIds));
         $this->massAdd(array('hosts' => $hosts, 'macros' => $updateMacros));
      * Inventory
     if (isset($updateInventory)) {
         // disabling inventory
         if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) {
             $sql = 'DELETE FROM host_inventory WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostIds);
             if (!DBexecute($sql)) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot delete inventory.'));
         } else {
             $existingInventoriesDb = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBselect('SELECT hostid,inventory_mode' . ' FROM host_inventory' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostIds)), 'hostid');
             // check existing host inventory data
             $automaticHostIds = array();
             if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null) {
                 foreach ($hostIds as $hostId) {
                     // if inventory is disabled for one of the updated hosts, throw an exception
                     if (!isset($existingInventoriesDb[$hostId])) {
                         $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostId);
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Inventory disabled for host "%1$s".', $host['host']));
                     } elseif ($existingInventoriesDb[$hostId]['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC) {
                         $automaticHostIds[] = $hostId;
             $inventoriesToSave = array();
             foreach ($hostIds as $hostId) {
                 $hostInventory = $updateInventory;
                 $hostInventory['hostid'] = $hostId;
                 // if no 'inventory_mode' has been passed, set inventory 'inventory_mode' from DB
                 if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null) {
                     $hostInventory['inventory_mode'] = $existingInventoriesDb[$hostId]['inventory_mode'];
                 $inventoriesToSave[$hostId] = $hostInventory;
             // when updating automatic inventory, ignore fields that have items linked to them
             if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC || $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null && $automaticHostIds) {
                 $itemsToInventories = API::item()->get(array('output' => array('inventory_link', 'hostid'), 'hostids' => $automaticHostIds ? $automaticHostIds : $hostIds, 'nopermissions' => true));
                 $inventoryFields = getHostInventories();
                 foreach ($itemsToInventories as $hinv) {
                     // 0 means 'no link'
                     if ($hinv['inventory_link'] != 0) {
                         $inventoryName = $inventoryFields[$hinv['inventory_link']]['db_field'];
             // save inventory data
             foreach ($inventoriesToSave as $inventory) {
                 $hostId = $inventory['hostid'];
                 if (isset($existingInventoriesDb[$hostId])) {
                     DB::update('host_inventory', array('values' => $inventory, 'where' => array('hostid' => $hostId)));
                 } else {
                     DB::insert('host_inventory', array($inventory), false);
     return array('hostids' => $inputHostIds);