$sysId = ''; $passy = ''; if (isset($_POST['sysId'])) { $sysId = $_POST['sysId']; } if (isset($_SESSION['servNowPass'])) { $passy = passDecrypt(urldecode($_SESSION['servNowPass'])); } $ticketEntry = ''; $type = $_POST['type']; if ($type == 'New') { newEntry($_POST); $ticketEntry = "Sent an Executive Notification regarding this issue: <br/><br/>NEW:" . $_POST['desc']; } else { if ($type == 'Update') { updateEntry($_POST); $ticketEntry = "Sent an Executive Notification regarding this issue: <br/><br/>" . $_POST['update']; } else { if ($type == 'Resolve') { resolved($_POST); $ticketEntry = "Sent an Executive Notification with the resolution: <br/><br/>" . $_POST['update']; } else { if ($type == 'New/Resolve') { newResolved($_POST); $ticketEntry = "Sent a New/Resolve Executive Notification with the resolution: <br/><br/>" . $_POST['update']; } else { if ($type == "Re-open") { reOpen($_POST); $ticketEntry = "Re-opening the corresponding Executive Notification for this issue: <br/><br/>" . $_POST['update']; } }
function adminManager_edit_course() { checkPerm('view'); require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course_managment.php'; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('adminrules', 'framework'); $adminidst = importVar('adminidst', true, 0); $out =& $GLOBALS['page']; $out->setWorkingZone('content'); $sel = new Course_Manager(); $sel->setLink('index.php?modname=admin_manager&op=edit_course'); if (isset($_GET['load']) || isset($_POST['save_selection'])) { $course_initial_sel = array(); $coursepath_initial_sel = array(); $catalogue_initial_sel = array(); $query = "\r\n\t\tSELECT id_entry, type_of_entry\r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_fw'] . "_admin_course\r\n\t\tWHERE idst_user = '******'"; $re_entry = sql_query($query); while (list($id, $type) = sql_fetch_row($re_entry)) { switch ($type) { case "course": $course_initial_sel[$id] = $id; break; case "coursepath": $coursepath_initial_sel[$id] = $id; break; case "catalogue": $catalogue_initial_sel[$id] = $id; break; } } if (isset($_GET['load'])) { $sel->resetCourseSelection($course_initial_sel); $sel->resetCoursePathSelection($coursepath_initial_sel); $sel->resetCatalogueSelection($catalogue_initial_sel); } } if (isset($_POST['save_selection'])) { $re = true; $course = $sel->getCourseSelection($_POST); $re &= updateEntry($course, $course_initial_sel, 'course', $adminidst); $coursepath = $sel->getCoursePathSelection($_POST); $re &= updateEntry($coursepath, $coursepath_initial_sel, 'coursepath', $adminidst); $catalogue = $sel->getCatalogueSelection($_POST); $re &= updateEntry($catalogue, $catalogue_initial_sel, 'catalogue', $adminidst); Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=admin_manager&op=view&result=' . ($re ? 'ok' : 'err')); } if (isset($_POST['undo_pref'])) { Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=admin_manager&op=view'); } $out->addStart(getTitleArea($lang->def('_ADMIN_MANAGMENT'), 'admin_managmer', $lang->def('_ADMIN_MANAGMENT')) . '<div class="std_block">' . Form::openForm('admin_menu_editing', 'index.php?modname=admin_manager&op=edit_course') . Form::getHidden('adminidst', 'adminidst', $adminidst), 'content'); $out->addEnd(Form::openButtonSpace() . Form::getButton('save_selection', 'save_selection', $lang->def('_SAVE')) . Form::getButton('undo_pref', 'undo_pref', $lang->def('_UNDO')) . Form::closeButtonSpace() . Form::closeForm() . '</div>', 'content'); $sel->loadSelector(); }
//echo "$key - $value<br>"; // add key (element/column name) and value to queryString array $queryString[] = "{$key} = '{$value}'"; //var_dump($queryString); } // get string from elements of queryString array $implodedArray = implode(', ', $queryString); $query = "UPDATE tbl_entries SET {$implodedArray} WHERE id = {$_SESSION['event_id']}"; //print_r($query); $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or trigger_error(mysqli_error()); return $result; mysqli_close($link); } // updateEntry() if (isset($_POST['btnUpdateEntry'])) { // update entry $queryResult = updateEntry($link); // assign message to query result $message = $queryResult ? '<span class="fi-asterisk alertHeader" aria-hidden="true"></span><h2>Success!</h2> Entry has been updated.' : '<span class="fi-asterisk alertHeader" aria-hidden="true"></span><h2>Warning!</h2> System error, entry not submitted. Please try again.'; $messageSpanClass = $queryResult ? 'info' : 'alert'; // display query result message $queryAlert = '<div data-alert class="alert-box ' . $messageSpanClass . '"> ' . $message . ' <a href="#" class="close">×</a> </div> <script>$(".alert-box").hide().prependTo("#formEditEntry").slideDown(800, "swing");</script> '; // get entry data, store in array for display $entryData = displayEntry($link); } // isset($_POST['btnUpdateEntry'])
if ($_POST['permalink'] == '') { $entry['slogan'] = ''; } } $entry['acceptcomment'] = empty($_POST['acceptcomment']) ? 0 : 1; $entry['accepttrackback'] = empty($_POST['accepttrackback']) ? 0 : 1; $entry['published'] = empty($_POST['published']) ? 0 : $_POST['published']; $entry['draft'] = 0; if (strpos($entry['slogan'], 'TCDraftPost') === 0) { $entry['slogan'] = $entry['title']; } if (empty($suri['id'])) { if ($id = addEntry($blogid, $entry)) { fireEvent('AddPost', $id, $entry); Setting::setBlogSetting('LatestEditedEntry_user' . getUserId(), $id, true); $result = array(); $result['error'] = ($id !== false) === true ? 0 : 1; $result['entryId'] = $id; Respond::PrintResult($result); exit; } } else { if ($id = updateEntry($blogid, $entry, $updateDraft)) { fireEvent('UpdatePost', $id, $entry); Setting::setBlogSetting('LatestEditedEntry_user' . getUserId(), $suri['id'], true); Respond::ResultPage(0); exit; } } } Respond::ResultPage(-1);
echo $data['text']; ?> </textarea> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['mod/submit']; ?> " /> </form> <?php $mitsuba->admin->ui->endSection(); ?> <br /> <?php } else { $mitsuba->admin->ui->checkToken($_POST['token']); updateEntry($conn, 1, $_GET['b'], $_POST['who'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['text']); $mitsuba->admin->ui->startSection($lang['mod/post_updated']); ?> <a href="?/news"><?php echo $lang['mod/back']; ?> </a><?php $mitsuba->admin->ui->endSection(); ?> <?php } } else { ?> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='?/news'" /> <?php }
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); switch (JRequest::getVar('task')) { case 'edit': editEntry(); break; case 'update': updateEntry(); break; default: displayEntries(); break; } function updateEntry() { JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('Update Guestbook Entry'), 'addedit.png'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $fldMessage = "'" . $db->getEscaped(JRequest::getVar('message')) . "'"; $fldLocation = "'" . $db->getEscaped(JRequest::getVar('location')) . "'"; $fldID = "'" . $db->getEscaped(JRequest::getVar('id')) . "'"; $insertFields = "UPDATE #__guestbook " . " SET message =" . $fldMessage . "," . " location=" . $fldLocation . " WHERE id = " . $fldID; $db->setQuery($insertFields, 0); $db->query(); echo "<h3> Field updated! </h3>"; echo "<a href ='index.php?option=com_guestbook'> Return to GuestBook List </a>"; } function displayEntries() { JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('Guest Book Entries'), 'addedit.png'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
if (empty($input)) { $method = ""; //blank out the method if the user hit create without entering any text - just pretend nothing ever happened } else { $entry = addEntry($input, $title, $desc); if (!is_null($entry)) { header('Location: ' . GMF_PATH . $entry->hash . '/' . $entry->editor_hash); die; } } } else { if ($method == "update") { if (!empty($_POST['hash']) && !empty($_POST['ehash'])) { $hash = $_POST['hash']; $editor_hash = $_POST['ehash']; $entry = updateEntry($hash, $editor_hash, $input, $title, $desc); header('Location: ' . GMF_PATH . $entry->hash . '/' . $entry->editor_hash); die; } } } } ?> <html> <head> <title> <?php echo "GMSnippet"; if ($method === "display" || $method === "preview") { echo " - " . $title;
{ $c = new Entry(); return $c->getFields(); } /* </functions> */ $action = Functions::get('action'); Functions::checkRights(__FILE__, $action, Functions::get('token')); switch ($action) { case 'fields_info': $data = infoFields(); break; case 'new': $data = addEntry(); break; case 'update': $data = updateEntry(Functions::get('id')); break; case 'info': $data = infoEntry(Functions::get('id')); break; case 'delete': $data = deleteEntry(Functions::get('id')); break; case 'customer_history': $data = getCustomerHistory(Functions::get('id')); break; case 'list': $data = listEntries(); break; default: Functions::setResponse(400);
$numEntries = getIndexNum(); $cookie = $_COOKIE['dertyn']; $storedcookie = getCookie(); $id = $_GET['number']; $type = $_GET['type']; if (ereg($type, "^rich\$")) { include_once "editor.php"; } ?> <?php if (checkCookie()) { showEditForm($id); } else { echo "please <a href=\"login.php\">login</a>."; } if (checkCookie() && $_POST['checksubmit']) { $subject = strip_tags($_POST['subject']); $body = $_POST['body']; $draft = strip_tags($_POST['draft']); $updateID = strip_tags($_POST['id']); updateEntry($subject, $body, $updateID, $draft); echo " <img src=\"icon_accept.gif\" border=\"0\" /> entry updated. "; } ?> <?php include_once "footer.php"; ?>