function unpack_zip_show_files($zipfile) { global $langEndFileUnzip, $langLesFound, $langRestore, $langLesFiles; $retArr = unpack_zip_inner($zipfile, FALSE); $retString = ''; if (count($retArr) > 0) { $retString .= "<br />$langEndFileUnzip<br /><br />$langLesFound <form action='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]' method='post'> <ol>"; $checked = ' checked'; foreach ($retArr as $entry) { $path = $entry['path']; $file = q($entry['file']); $course = q($entry['course']); $retString .= "<li>$langLesFiles <input type='radio' name='restoreThis' value='" . q(getIndirectReference($path)) . "'$checked> <b>$course</b> ($file)</li>\n"; $checked = ''; } $retString .= "</ol><br /><input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='do_restore' value='$langRestore' /> ".generate_csrf_token_form_field()." </form>"; } return $retString; }
$require_current_course = true; $require_course_admin = true; require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php'; require_once 'include/lib/hierarchy.class.php'; require_once 'archive_functions.php'; require_once 'restore_functions.php'; $toolName = $langCloneCourse; $treeObj = new Hierarchy(); $_POST['restoreThis'] = null; // satisfy course_details_form() if (isset($_POST['create_restored_course'])) { $tool_content = "posted"; $currentCourseCode = $course_code; $success = doArchive($course_id, $course_code); if ($success !== 0) { $retArr = unpack_zip_inner($webDir . "/courses/archive/{$course_code}/{$course_code}-" . date('Ymd') . ".zip"); $restoreEntry = null; foreach ($retArr as $entry) { if ($entry['course'] === $course_code) { $restoreEntry = $entry; } } if ($restoreEntry !== null) { $_POST['restoreThis'] = $restoreEntry['path']; // assign the real value to the variable, but no real essence here register_posted_variables(array('restoreThis' => true, 'course_code' => true, 'course_lang' => true, 'course_title' => true, 'course_desc' => true, 'course_vis' => true, 'course_prof' => true), 'all', 'autounquote'); create_restored_course($tool_content, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_vis, $course_prof); $tool_content .= "</p><br /><center><p><a href='index.php?course={$currentCourseCode}'>{$langBack}</a></p></center>"; $course_code = $currentCourseCode; // revert course code to the correct value }