コード例 #1
        $D->fb_user = null;
if ($D->fb_user) {
    $D->fb_logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
    if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
        $fb_email = $D->fb_user_profile['email'];
        $usersimple = $this->db1->fetch_field("SELECT iduser FROM users WHERE email='" . $fb_email . "' AND auth=''");
        if ($usersimple) {
            $D->msg_alert = 'The email that this facebook account is using is already registered';
        } else {
            $r = $this->db1->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE email='" . $fb_email . "' AND auth='facebook'");
            if (!($obj = $db2->fetch_object($r))) {
                $code = uniqueCode(11, 1, 'users', 'code');
                $fb_pass = getCode(10, 1);
                $salt = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                $hash = hash('sha512', $salt . $fb_pass);
                $ip = $this->db1->escape(ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
                $fb_id = $D->fb_user_profile['id'];
                $fb_first_name = $this->db1->e($D->fb_user_profile['first_name']);
                $fb_last_name = $this->db1->e($D->fb_user_profile['last_name']);
                $fb_gender = $D->fb_user_profile['gender'];
                $fb_username = $D->fb_user_profile['name'];
                $fb_username = str_replace(' ', '', $fb_username);
                $fb_username = str_replace('.', '', $fb_username);
                //if the username does not work, use your email
                if (!validateUsername($fb_username)) {
                    $newUser = explode('@', $fb_email);
                    $fb_username = str_replace('.', '', $newUser[0]);
コード例 #2
         if ($this->user->id != $idowner) {
             $this->db1->query("DELETE FROM notifications WHERE notif_type=3 AND idresult=" . $idcomment . " AND from_user_id=" . $this->user->id);
             $nnotifications = $this->network->getNumNotifications($idowner);
             if ($nnotifications <= 0) {
                 $nnotifications = 0;
             } else {
                 $nnotifications = $nnotifications - 1;
             $this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET num_notifications=" . $nnotifications . " WHERE iduser="******" LIMIT 1");
     echo '1: Ok';
 if ($action == 6) {
     $codep = uniqueCode(11, 1, 'posts', 'code');
     $r = $this->db1->query("INSERT INTO posts SET code='" . $codep . "', iduser="******", post='" . $txtshare . "', typepost='share', valueattach='" . $ip . ':' . $idowner . "', whendate='" . time() . "'");
     $idpost = $this->db1->insert_id();
     $this->db1->query('INSERT INTO activities SET iduser='******', idresult=' . $idpost . ', iduser2=' . $idowner . ',action=6, iditem=' . $ip . ', typeitem=1, date="' . time() . '"');
     $this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET num_posts=num_posts+1 WHERE iduser="******" LIMIT 1");
     //$this->db1->query("UPDATE posts SET numshares=numshares+1 WHERE idpost=".$ip." LIMIT 1");
     $idOwnerPost = $this->network->idOwnerPost($ip);
     if ($this->user->id != $idOwnerPost) {
         $this->db1->query("UPDATE posts SET numshares=numshares+1 WHERE idpost=" . $ip . " LIMIT 1");
         $this->db1->query("INSERT INTO notifications SET notif_type=5, idresult=" . $idpost . ", to_user_id=" . $idOwnerPost . ", from_user_id=" . $this->user->id . ", notif_object_type=1, notif_object_id=" . $ip . ",date='" . time() . "'");
         $this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET num_notifications=num_notifications+1 WHERE iduser=" . $idOwnerPost . ' LIMIT 1');
     if (!empty($txtshare)) {
         preg_match_all('~([#])([^\\s#]+)~', str_replace(array('\\r', '\\n'), ' ', $txtstatus), $matchedHashtags);
         if (!empty($matchedHashtags[0])) {
             foreach ($matchedHashtags[0] as $match) {