function meatsystem_uninstall() { require_once "modules/staminasystem/lib/lib.php"; uninstall_action("Cleaning the Carcass"); uninstall_action("Cooking"); return true; }
function staminatest_run() { global $session; page_header("Stamina Testing"); switch (httpget("op")) { case "start": output("Testing Testing!"); break; case "add": output("Attempting to install an action called Sexins, with these parameters:`n`nStarting and Maximum costs: 500`nMinimum cost: 200`nReps for a Reduction: 20`nReduction: 10`n"); install_action("Sexins", array("maxcost" => 25000, "mincost" => 10000, "expperrep" => 100, "expforlvl" => 1000, "costreduction" => 10, "dkpct" => 2.5)); break; case "process": output("Processing the Sexins action"); process_action("Sexins"); break; case "newday": output("Processing a New Day"); stamina_process_newday(); break; case "buff": output("Applying a stamina buff to Sexins for the current user, for 20 rounds, reducing action cost to half."); apply_stamina_buff('ultra-sexy-buff-for-sexins', array("name" => "Ultra Sexy Buff for Sexins", "action" => "Sexins", "costmod" => 0.5, "expmod" => 0.8, "rounds" => 5, "roundmsg" => "Round Message!", "wearoffmsg" => "Wearoff Message!")); output("Also applying a Stamina Class buff to all Hunting actions, reducing their cost to half for twenty rounds."); apply_stamina_buff('huntclasstest', array("name" => "Hunting Class test buff", "class" => "Hunting", "costmod" => 0.5, "expmod" => 0.8, "rounds" => 20, "roundmsg" => "Round Message!", "wearoffmsg" => "Wearoff Message!")); break; case "get": $thingtodebug = get_player_action("Sexins"); debug($thingtodebug); break; case "uninstall": output("Uninstalling the Sexins action, deleting all actions entries and associated buffs"); uninstall_action("Sexins"); break; case "dragonkill": output("Processing a Dragon Kill"); stamina_process_dragonkill(); break; case "calcbuffs": output("Calculating Buffs"); stamina_calculate_buffed_cost("Sexins"); break; case "calcexp": output("Calculating Buffed EXP"); stamina_calculate_buffed_exp("Sexins"); break; } addnav("Install an action called Sexins", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=add"); addnav("Uninstall", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=uninstall"); addnav("Process the Sexins Action for the current user", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=process"); addnav("Process newday", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=newday"); addnav("Add a buff", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=buff"); addnav("Get Stamina", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=get"); addnav("Process a Dragon Kill", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=dragonkill"); addnav("Calculate Buffed Cost", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=calcbuffs"); addnav("Calculate Buffed exp", "runmodule.php?module=staminatest&op=calcexp"); addnav("Back to the Grotto", "superuser.php"); page_footer(); return true; }
function scrapbots_uninstall() { uninstall_action("Scavenging for Scrap"); uninstall_action("Metalworking"); uninstall_action("Soldering"); uninstall_action("Programming"); return true; }
function insults_uninstall() { require_once "modules/staminasystem/lib/lib.php"; uninstall_action("Insults - Coarse"); uninstall_action("Insults - Confusing"); uninstall_action("Insults - Classy"); return true; }
function staminacorecombat_uninstall() { uninstall_action("Hunting - Normal"); uninstall_action("Hunting - Big Trouble"); uninstall_action("Hunting - Easy Fights"); uninstall_action("Hunting - Suicidal"); uninstall_action("Fighting - Standard"); uninstall_action("Running Away"); uninstall_action("Taking It on the Chin"); return true; }
function creaturetargets_uninstall() { require_once "modules/staminasystem/lib/lib.php"; uninstall_action("Fighting - Targeted"); return true; }