function umc_do_deposit_internal($all = false) { global $UMC_USER, $UMC_SETTING, $UMC_DATA; $player = $UMC_USER['username']; $uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $args = $UMC_USER['args']; // make sure user holds item $all_inv = $UMC_USER['inv']; if (!$all) { $item_slot = $UMC_USER['current_item']; if (!isset($all_inv[$item_slot])) { umc_error("{red}You need to hold the item you want to deposit! (current slot: {$item_slot});"); } $all_inv = array($item_slot => $all_inv[$item_slot]); } $sent_out_of_space_msg = 0; $seen = array(); foreach ($all_inv as $slot) { $item_id = $slot['item_name']; if (!isset($UMC_DATA[$item_id])) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Invalid item deposit cancelled!"); umc_error("Sorry, the item in your inventory is bugged, uncovery was notfied and this should be fixed soon. IF you want to speed it up, please send a ticket with as much detail as possible."); } $data = $slot['data']; if ($slot['meta']) { $meta = serialize($slot['meta']); } else { $meta = false; } // don't assign the same twice $item = umc_goods_get_text($slot['item_name'], $slot['data'], $slot['meta']); if (isset($seen[$item['full']])) { continue; } $inv = umc_check_inventory($slot['item_name'], $slot['data'], $slot['meta']); if ($inv == 0) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Item held could not be found in inventory: {$slot['item_name']}, {$slot['data']}, " . var_export($slot['meta'], true)); umc_error("There was a system error. The admin has been notified. Deposit aborted."); } if (isset($args[2]) && $args[2] != 'lot_reset') { $recipient = umc_sanitize_input($args[2], 'player'); $recipient_uuid = umc_user2uuid($recipient); } else { if (isset($args[2]) && $args[2] == 'lot_reset') { $recipient_uuid = 'reset000-lot0-0000-0000-000000000000'; $recipient = $args[2]; } else { $recipient = $player; $recipient_uuid = $uuid; if (!$all) { umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} No recipient given. Depositing for {gold}{$player}"); } } } if (!$all && isset($args[3])) { $amount = umc_sanitize_input($args[3], 'amount'); $amount_str = $amount; if ($amount > $inv) { umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} You do not have {yellow}{$amount} {green}{$item['full']}{gray}. Depositing {yellow}{$inv}{gray}."); $amount = $inv; $amount_str = $inv; } } else { $amount = $inv; $amount_str = $inv; } umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} You have {yellow}{$inv}{gray} items in your inventory, depositing {yellow}{$amount}"); // check if recipient has space $userlevel = umc_get_uuid_level($recipient_uuid); $allowed = $UMC_SETTING['depositbox_limit'][$userlevel]; $remaining = umc_depositbox_checkspace($recipient_uuid, $userlevel); $count = $allowed - $remaining; // umc_echo("Group: $userlevel Allowed: $allowed Remaining $remaining"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_iconomy.deposit\r\n WHERE item_name='{$item['item_name']}' AND recipient_uuid='{$recipient_uuid}'\r\n AND damage='{$data}' AND meta='{$meta}' AND sender_uuid='{$uuid}';"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); // create the seen entry so we do not do this again $seen[$item['full']] = 1; // check first if item already is being sold if (count($D) > 0) { $row = $D[0]; umc_echo("{green}[+]{gray} You already have {$item['full']}{gray} in the deposit for {gold}{$recipient}{gray}, adding {yellow}{$amount}{gray}."); $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_iconomy.`deposit` SET `amount`=amount+'{$amount}' WHERE `id`={$row['id']} LIMIT 1;"; } else { //check if recipient has space if ($count >= $allowed && $player != 'uncovery' && $recipient != 'lot_reset') { if (!$sent_out_of_space_msg) { umc_echo("{red}[!] {gold}{$recipient}{gray} does not have any more deposit spaces left " . "(Used {white}{$count} of {$allowed}{gray} available for group {white}{$userlevel}{gray})!"); $sent_out_of_space_msg = 1; } continue; } // check if recipient is an active user $target_active = umc_user_countlots($recipient); if ($target_active == 0 && $recipient != 'lot_reset') { umc_error("{red}[!] {gold}{$recipient}{gray} is not an active user, so you cannot deposit items for them!"); } // create a new deposit box if (strlen($item['item_name']) < 3) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Error depositing, item name too short!"); umc_error("There was an error with the deposit. Please send a ticket to the admin so this can be fixed."); } $text = "{green}[+]{gray} Depositing {yellow}{$amount_str} {$item['full']}{gray} for {gold}{$recipient}"; umc_echo($text); $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_iconomy.`deposit` (`damage` ,`sender_uuid` ,`item_name` ,`recipient_uuid` ,`amount` ,`meta`)\r\n VALUES ('{$data}', '{$uuid}', '{$item['item_name']}', '{$recipient_uuid}', '{$amount}', '{$meta}');"; $count++; umc_log("Deposit", "do_deposit", $text); } umc_mysql_query($sql, true); umc_clear_inv($item['item_name'], $data, $amount, $meta); } if ($recipient == 'lot_reset') { $allowed = 'unlimited'; } umc_echo("{green}[+]{gray} You have now used {white}{$count} of {$allowed}{gray} deposit boxes"); }
/** * Buy items * * @global type $UMC_USER * @param type $to_deposit * @return type */ function umc_do_buy_internal($to_deposit = false) { global $UMC_USER; $player = $UMC_USER['username']; $args = $UMC_USER['args']; $uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $userlevel = $UMC_USER['userlevel']; // we check first if the deposit is empty before we allow trading $remaining = umc_depositbox_checkspace($uuid, $userlevel); $minimum = 0; if ($to_deposit) { $minimum = 1; } if ($remaining < $minimum) { umc_log("shop", "cancel_sale", "sale cancelled, inventory full"); umc_error("You cannot trade items if your deposit is overfilled!"); } $do_check = false; $pos = array_search('check', $args); if ($pos) { $do_check = true; array_splice($args, $pos, 1); } if (!isset($args[2])) { umc_show_help(); return; } elseif (!is_numeric($args[2])) { umc_error("{red}Invalid shop_id: '{yellow}{$args[2]}{red}'. Did you mean '{yellow}/find {$args[2]}{red}'?;"); } $id = $args[2]; if (!isset($args[3])) { umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} You did not enter an amount. Attempting to buy all."); $amount = false; } $amount = umc_sanitize_input($args[3], 'amount'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_iconomy.stock WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1;"; $data_row = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); if (count($data_row) == 0) { umc_error("Sorry, there is no shop ID {$id}! Please try again."); } $row = $data_row[0]; $seller = umc_user2uuid($row['uuid']); $item = umc_goods_get_text($row['item_name'], $row['damage'], $row['meta']); if ($row) { if (!$amount && $row['amount'] == -1) { umc_error("{red}That item has an unlimited supply. Please enter an amount!;"); } if ($row['uuid'] == $uuid && $player != 'uncovery') { umc_error("{red}You cannot buy your own goods. Use {yellow}/cancel <id>{red} instead!;"); } if (!$amount || $amount > $row['amount'] && $row['amount'] != -1) { // buy as much as possible $amount = $row['amount']; } $sum = $amount * $row['price']; if ($do_check) { umc_echo("{white}[?] {gray}Buying {yellow}{$amount} {$item['full']}{gray} for {cyan}{$row['price']}{gray} each from {gold}{$seller}"); } else { umc_echo("{green}[+] {gray}Buying {yellow}{$amount} {$item['full']}{gray} for {cyan}{$row['price']}{gray} each from {gold}{$seller}"); } $balance = umc_money_check($player); if ($balance < $sum) { umc_echo("{red}[!]{gray} Insufficient funds ({white}{$sum}{gray} needed).;{purple}[?]{white} Why don't you vote for the server and try again?"); } else { $new_balance = $balance - $sum; if ($do_check) { umc_echo("{white}[?]{gray} You would have {green}{$new_balance} Uncs{gray} remaining after spending {cyan}{$sum}", true); return; } if (!$to_deposit) { umc_check_space($amount, $item['item_name'], $item['type']); } umc_echo("{green}[+]{gray} You have {green}{$new_balance} Uncs{gray} remaining after spending {cyan}{$sum}"); // transfer money player1 > player2 umc_money($uuid, $row['uuid'], $sum); $seller = umc_user2uuid($row['uuid']); umc_log('shop', 'buy', "{$player} bought from {$seller}/{$row['uuid']} {$amount} {$item['full_clean']} for {$sum}, money was tranferred"); // give goods to player1 $leftover = umc_checkout_goods($id, $amount, 'stock', false, $to_deposit); $msg = "{$player} bought {$amount} {$item['name']} for {$row['price']} Uncs/pcs (= {$sum} Uncs)! {$leftover} left in stock!;"; umc_msg_user($seller, $msg); } } else { umc_error("{red}The shop-id {white}{$id}{red} could not be found. Please use {yellow}/find{red} and{yellow} /shophelp buy;"); } }