function select($name) { $this->sheets = trigger_change('tabsheet_before_select', $this->sheets, $this->uniqid); if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->sheets)) { $keys = array_keys($this->sheets); $name = $keys[0]; } $this->selected = $name; }
/** * checks the validity of input parameters, fills $page['errors'] and * $page['infos'] and send an email with confirmation link * * @return bool (true if email was sent, false otherwise) */ function process_password_request() { global $page, $conf; if (empty($_POST['username_or_email'])) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid username or email'); return false; } $user_id = get_userid_by_email($_POST['username_or_email']); if (!is_numeric($user_id)) { $user_id = get_userid($_POST['username_or_email']); } if (!is_numeric($user_id)) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid username or email'); return false; } $userdata = getuserdata($user_id, false); // password request is not possible for guest/generic users $status = $userdata['status']; if (is_a_guest($status) or is_generic($status)) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Password reset is not allowed for this user'); return false; } if (empty($userdata['email'])) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible', $userdata['username']); return false; } $activation_key = generate_key(20); list($expire) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)')); single_update(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('activation_key' => pwg_password_hash($activation_key), 'activation_key_expire' => $expire), array('user_id' => $user_id)); $userdata['activation_key'] = $activation_key; set_make_full_url(); $message = l10n('Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:') . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= l10n('Username "%s" on gallery %s', $userdata['username'], get_gallery_home_url()); $message .= "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= l10n('To reset your password, visit the following address:') . "\r\n"; $message .= get_gallery_home_url() . '/password.php?key=' . $activation_key . '-' . urlencode($userdata['email']); $message .= "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= l10n('If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.') . "\r\n"; unset_make_full_url(); $message = trigger_change('render_lost_password_mail_content', $message); $email_params = array('subject' => '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('Password Reset'), 'content' => $message, 'email_format' => 'text/plain'); if (pwg_mail($userdata['email'], $email_params)) { $page['infos'][] = l10n('Check your email for the confirmation link'); return true; } else { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Error sending email'); return false; } }
ON u.' . $conf['user_fields']['id'] . ' = author_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_clauses) . ' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT ' . $conf['guestbook']['nb_comment_page'] . ' OFFSET ' . $page['start'] . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (!empty($row['author'])) { $author = $row['author']; if ($author == 'guest') { $author = l10n('guest'); } } else { $author = stripslashes($row['username']); } $tpl_comment = array('ID' => $row['id'], 'AUTHOR' => trigger_change('render_comment_author', $author), 'DATE' => format_date($row['date'], true), 'CONTENT' => trigger_change('render_comment_content', $row['content'], 'guestbook'), 'WEBSITE' => $row['website']); if ($conf['guestbook']['activate_rating']) { $tpl_comment['STARS'] = get_stars($row['rate'], get_root_url() . GUESTBOOK_PATH . 'template/jquery.raty/'); } if (is_admin() and !empty($row['email'])) { $tpl_comment['EMAIL'] = $row['email']; } if (can_manage_comment('delete', $row['author_id'])) { $tpl_comment['U_DELETE'] = add_url_params($url_self, array('action' => 'delete_comment', 'comment_to_delete' => $row['id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); } if (can_manage_comment('edit', $row['author_id'])) { $tpl_comment['U_EDIT'] = add_url_params($url_self, array('action' => 'edit_comment', 'comment_to_edit' => $row['id'])); if (isset($edit_comment) and $row['id'] == $edit_comment) { $tpl_comment['IN_EDIT'] = true; $tpl_comment['KEY'] = get_ephemeral_key(2); $tpl_comment['CONTENT'] = $row['content'];
$tags_string = ''; if (isset($line['tag_ids'])) { $tags_string = preg_replace_callback('/(\\d+)/', create_function('$m', 'global $name_of_tag; return isset($name_of_tag[$m[1]]) ? $name_of_tag[$m[1]] : $m[1];'), str_replace(',', ', ', $line['tag_ids'])); } $image_string = ''; if (isset($line['image_id'])) { $picture_url = make_picture_url(array('image_id' => $line['image_id'])); if (isset($image_infos[$line['image_id']])) { $element = array('id' => $line['image_id'], 'file' => $image_infos[$line['image_id']]['file'], 'path' => $image_infos[$line['image_id']]['path'], 'representative_ext' => $image_infos[$line['image_id']]['representative_ext']); $thumbnail_display = $page['search']['fields']['display_thumbnail']; } else { $thumbnail_display = 'no_display_thumbnail'; } $image_title = '(' . $line['image_id'] . ')'; if (isset($image_infos[$line['image_id']]['label'])) { $image_title .= ' ' . trigger_change('render_element_description', $image_infos[$line['image_id']]['label']); } else { $image_title .= ' unknown filename'; } $image_string = ''; switch ($thumbnail_display) { case 'no_display_thumbnail': $image_string = '<a href="' . $picture_url . '">' . $image_title . '</a>'; break; case 'display_thumbnail_classic': $image_string = '<a class="thumbnail" href="' . $picture_url . '">' . '<span><img src="' . DerivativeImage::thumb_url($element) . '" alt="' . $image_title . '" title="' . $image_title . '">' . '</span></a>'; break; case 'display_thumbnail_hoverbox': $image_string = '<a class="over" href="' . $picture_url . '">' . '<span><img src="' . DerivativeImage::thumb_url($element) . '" alt="' . $image_title . '" title="' . $image_title . '">' . '</span>' . $image_title . '</a>'; break; }
/** * Sends an email, using Piwigo specific informations. * * @param string|array $to * @param array $args * o from: sender [default value webmaster email] * o Cc: array of carbon copy receivers of the mail. [default value empty] * o Bcc: array of blind carbon copy receivers of the mail. [default value empty] * o subject [default value 'Piwigo'] * o content: content of mail [default value ''] * o content_format: format of mail content [default value 'text/plain'] * o email_format: global mail format [default value $conf_mail['default_email_format']] * o theme: theme to use [default value $conf_mail['mail_theme']] * o mail_title: main title of the mail [default value $conf['gallery_title']] * o mail_subtitle: subtitle of the mail [default value subject] * @param array $tpl - use these options to define a custom content template file * o filename * o dirname (optional) * o assign (optional) * * @return boolean */ function pwg_mail($to, $args = array(), $tpl = array()) { global $conf, $conf_mail, $lang_info, $page; if (empty($to) and empty($args['Cc']) and empty($args['Bcc'])) { return true; } if (!isset($conf_mail)) { $conf_mail = get_mail_configuration(); } include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; $mail = new PHPMailer(); foreach (get_clean_recipients_list($to) as $recipient) { $mail->addAddress($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']); } $mail->WordWrap = 76; $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; // Compute root_path in order have complete path set_make_full_url(); if (empty($args['from'])) { $from = array('email' => $conf_mail['email_webmaster'], 'name' => $conf_mail['name_webmaster']); } else { $from = unformat_email($args['from']); } $mail->setFrom($from['email'], $from['name']); $mail->addReplyTo($from['email'], $from['name']); // Subject if (empty($args['subject'])) { $args['subject'] = 'Piwigo'; } $args['subject'] = trim(preg_replace('#[\\n\\r]+#s', '', $args['subject'])); $mail->Subject = $args['subject']; // Cc if (!empty($args['Cc'])) { foreach (get_clean_recipients_list($args['Cc']) as $recipient) { $mail->addCC($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']); } } // Bcc $Bcc = get_clean_recipients_list(@$args['Bcc']); if ($conf_mail['send_bcc_mail_webmaster']) { $Bcc[] = array('email' => get_webmaster_mail_address(), 'name' => ''); } if (!empty($Bcc)) { foreach ($Bcc as $recipient) { $mail->addBCC($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']); } } // theme if (empty($args['theme']) or !in_array($args['theme'], array('clear', 'dark'))) { $args['theme'] = $conf_mail['mail_theme']; } // content if (!isset($args['content'])) { $args['content'] = ''; } // try to decompose subject like "[....] ...." if (!isset($args['mail_title']) and !isset($args['mail_subtitle'])) { if (preg_match('#^\\[(.*)\\](.*)$#', $args['subject'], $matches)) { $args['mail_title'] = $matches[1]; $args['mail_subtitle'] = $matches[2]; } } if (!isset($args['mail_title'])) { $args['mail_title'] = $conf['gallery_title']; } if (!isset($args['mail_subtitle'])) { $args['mail_subtitle'] = $args['subject']; } // content type if (empty($args['content_format'])) { $args['content_format'] = 'text/plain'; } $content_type_list = array(); if ($conf_mail['mail_allow_html'] and @$args['email_format'] != 'text/plain') { $content_type_list[] = 'text/html'; } $content_type_list[] = 'text/plain'; $contents = array(); foreach ($content_type_list as $content_type) { // key compose of indexes witch allow to cache mail data $cache_key = $content_type . '-' . $lang_info['code']; if (!isset($conf_mail[$cache_key])) { // instanciate a new Template if (!isset($conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'])) { $conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'] = get_mail_template($content_type); trigger_notify('before_parse_mail_template', $cache_key, $content_type); } $template =& $conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme']; $template->set_filename('mail_header', 'header.tpl'); $template->set_filename('mail_footer', 'footer.tpl'); $template->assign(array('GALLERY_URL' => get_gallery_home_url(), 'GALLERY_TITLE' => isset($page['gallery_title']) ? $page['gallery_title'] : $conf['gallery_title'], 'VERSION' => $conf['show_version'] ? PHPWG_VERSION : '', 'PHPWG_URL' => defined('PHPWG_URL') ? PHPWG_URL : '', 'CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'CONTACT_MAIL' => $conf_mail['email_webmaster'])); if ($content_type == 'text/html') { if ($template->smarty->templateExists('global-mail-css.tpl')) { $template->set_filename('global-css', 'global-mail-css.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('GLOBAL_MAIL_CSS', 'global-css'); } if ($template->smarty->templateExists('mail-css-' . $args['theme'] . '.tpl')) { $template->set_filename('css', 'mail-css-' . $args['theme'] . '.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('MAIL_CSS', 'css'); } } } $template =& $conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme']; $template->assign(array('MAIL_TITLE' => $args['mail_title'], 'MAIL_SUBTITLE' => $args['mail_subtitle'])); // Header $contents[$content_type] = $template->parse('mail_header', true); // Content // Stored in a temp variable, if a content template is used it will be assigned // to the $CONTENT template variable, otherwise it will be appened to the mail if ($args['content_format'] == 'text/plain' and $content_type == 'text/html') { // convert plain text to html $mail_content = '<p>' . nl2br(preg_replace('/(https?:\\/\\/([-\\w\\.]+[-\\w])+(:\\d+)?(\\/([\\w\\/_\\.\\#-]*(\\?\\S+)?[^\\.\\s])?)?)/i', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', htmlspecialchars($args['content']))) . '</p>'; } else { if ($args['content_format'] == 'text/html' and $content_type == 'text/plain') { // convert html text to plain text $mail_content = strip_tags($args['content']); } else { $mail_content = $args['content']; } } // Runtime template if (isset($tpl['filename'])) { if (isset($tpl['dirname'])) { $template->set_template_dir($tpl['dirname'] . '/' . $content_type); } if ($template->smarty->templateExists($tpl['filename'] . '.tpl')) { $template->set_filename($tpl['filename'], $tpl['filename'] . '.tpl'); if (!empty($tpl['assign'])) { $template->assign($tpl['assign']); } $template->assign('CONTENT', $mail_content); $contents[$content_type] .= $template->parse($tpl['filename'], true); } else { $contents[$content_type] .= $mail_content; } } else { $contents[$content_type] .= $mail_content; } // Footer $contents[$content_type] .= $template->parse('mail_footer', true); } // Undo Compute root_path in order have complete path unset_make_full_url(); // Send content to PHPMailer if (isset($contents['text/html'])) { $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Body = move_css_to_body($contents['text/html']); if (isset($contents['text/plain'])) { $mail->AltBody = $contents['text/plain']; } } else { $mail->isHTML(false); $mail->Body = $contents['text/plain']; } if ($conf_mail['use_smtp']) { // now we need to split port number if (strpos($conf_mail['smtp_host'], ':') !== false) { list($smtp_host, $smtp_port) = explode(':', $conf_mail['smtp_host']); } else { $smtp_host = $conf_mail['smtp_host']; $smtp_port = 25; } $mail->IsSMTP(); // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) 2 - debug, 0 - no message $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->Host = $smtp_host; $mail->Port = $smtp_port; if (!empty($conf_mail['smtp_secure']) and in_array($conf_mail['smtp_secure'], array('ssl', 'tls'))) { $mail->SMTPSecure = $conf_mail['smtp_secure']; } if (!empty($conf_mail['smtp_user'])) { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $conf_mail['smtp_user']; $mail->Password = $conf_mail['smtp_password']; } } $ret = true; $pre_result = trigger_change('before_send_mail', true, $to, $args, $mail); if ($pre_result) { $ret = $mail->send(); if (!$ret and (!ini_get('display_errors') or is_admin())) { trigger_error('Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, E_USER_WARNING); } if ($conf['debug_mail']) { pwg_send_mail_test($ret, $mail, $args); } } return $ret; }
validated, c.anonymous_id FROM ' . COMMENTS_TABLE . ' AS c INNER JOIN ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' AS i ON = c.image_id LEFT JOIN ' . USERS_TABLE . ' AS u ON u.' . $conf['user_fields']['id'] . ' = c.author_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_clauses) . ' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ' . $page['start'] . ', ' . $conf['comments_page_nb_comments'] . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $thumb = DerivativeImage::thumb_url(array('id' => $row['image_id'], 'path' => $row['path'])); if (empty($row['author_id'])) { $author_name = $row['author']; } else { $author_name = stripslashes($row['username']); } $template->append('comments', array('U_PICTURE' => get_root_url() . 'admin.php?page=photo-' . $row['image_id'], 'ID' => $row['id'], 'TN_SRC' => $thumb, 'AUTHOR' => trigger_change('render_comment_author', $author_name), 'DATE' => format_date($row['date'], array('day_name', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'time')), 'CONTENT' => trigger_change('render_comment_content', $row['content']), 'IS_PENDING' => 'false' == $row['validated'], 'IP' => $row['anonymous_id'])); $list[] = $row['id']; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | navigation bar | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $navbar = create_navigation_bar(get_root_url() . 'admin.php' . get_query_string_diff(array('start')), 'pending' == $page['filter'] ? $nb_pending : $nb_total, $page['start'], $conf['comments_page_nb_comments']); $template->assign('navbar', $navbar); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sending html code | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'comments');
function insert_user_comment_guestbook(&$comm, $key) { global $conf, $user, $page; $comm = array_merge($comm, array('ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (!$conf['guestbook']['comments_validation'] or is_admin()) { $comment_action = 'validate'; } else { $comment_action = 'moderate'; } // author if (!is_classic_user()) { if (empty($comm['author'])) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Please enter your username'); $comment_action = 'reject'; } else { $comm['author_id'] = $conf['guest_id']; // if a guest try to use the name of an already existing user, // he must be rejected $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) AS user_exists FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $conf['user_fields']['username'] . " = '" . addslashes($comm['author']) . "'\n;"; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if ($row['user_exists'] == 1) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('This login is already used by another user'); $comment_action = 'reject'; } } } else { $comm['author'] = addslashes($user['username']); $comm['author_id'] = $user['id']; } // content if (empty($comm['content'])) { $comment_action = 'reject'; } // key if (!verify_ephemeral_key(@$key)) { $comment_action = 'reject'; $_POST['cr'][] = 'key'; } // email if (empty($comm['email']) and is_classic_user() and !empty($user['email'])) { $comm['email'] = $user['email']; } else { if (empty($comm['email']) and $conf['comments_email_mandatory']) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'); $comment_action = 'reject'; } else { if (!empty($comm['email']) and !email_check_format($comm['email'])) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'); $comment_action = 'reject'; } } } // website if (!empty($comm['website'])) { $comm['website'] = strip_tags($comm['website']); if (!preg_match('/^(https?:\\/\\/)/i', $comm['website'])) { $comm['website'] = 'http://' . $comm['website']; } if (!url_check_format($comm['website'])) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('invalid website address'); $comment_action = 'reject'; } } // anonymous id = ip address $ip_components = explode('.', $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); if (count($ip_components) > 3) { array_pop($ip_components); } $comm['anonymous_id'] = implode('.', $ip_components); // comment validation and anti-spam if ($comment_action != 'reject' and $conf['anti-flood_time'] > 0 and !is_admin()) { $reference_date = pwg_db_get_flood_period_expression($conf['anti-flood_time']); $query = ' SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' . GUESTBOOK_TABLE . ' WHERE date > ' . $reference_date . ' AND author_id = ' . $comm['author_id']; if (!is_classic_user()) { $query .= ' AND anonymous_id = "' . $comm['anonymous_id'] . '"'; } $query .= ' ;'; list($counter) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($counter > 0) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'); $comment_action = 'reject'; } } // perform more spam check $comment_action = trigger_change('user_comment_check', $comment_action, $comm, 'guestbook'); if ($comment_action != 'reject') { $query = ' INSERT INTO ' . GUESTBOOK_TABLE . '( author, author_id, anonymous_id, content, date, validated, validation_date, website, rate, email ) VALUES ( \'' . $comm['author'] . '\', ' . $comm['author_id'] . ', \'' . $comm['anonymous_id'] . '\', \'' . $comm['content'] . '\', NOW(), \'' . ($comment_action == 'validate' ? 'true' : 'false') . '\', ' . ($comment_action == 'validate' ? 'NOW()' : 'NULL') . ', ' . (!empty($comm['website']) ? '\'' . $comm['website'] . '\'' : 'NULL') . ', ' . (!empty($comm['rate']) ? $comm['rate'] : 'NULL') . ', ' . (!empty($comm['email']) ? '\'' . $comm['email'] . '\'' : 'NULL') . ' ) '; pwg_query($query); $comm['id'] = pwg_db_insert_id(GUESTBOOK_TABLE); if ($conf['guestbook']['email_admin_on_comment'] and 'validate' == $comment_action or $conf['guestbook']['email_admin_on_comment_validation'] and 'moderate' == $comment_action) { include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/'; $comment_url = add_url_params(GUESTBOOK_URL, array('comment_id' => $comm['id'])); $keyargs_content = array(get_l10n_args('Author: %s', stripslashes($comm['author'])), get_l10n_args('Comment: %s', stripslashes($comm['content'])), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Manage this user comment: %s', $comment_url)); if ('moderate' == $comment_action) { $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('', ''); $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('(!) This comment requires validation', ''); } pwg_mail_notification_admins(get_l10n_args('Comment by %s', stripslashes($comm['author'])), $keyargs_content); } } return $comment_action; }
/** * Invokes a registered method. Returns the return of the method (or * a PwgError object if the method is not found) * @param methodName string the name of the method to invoke * @param params array array of parameters to pass to the invoked method */ function invoke($methodName, $params) { $method = @$this->_methods[$methodName]; if ($method == null) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_METHOD, 'Method name is not valid'); } if (isset($method['options']['post_only']) and $method['options']['post_only'] and !self::isPost()) { return new PwgError(405, 'This method requires HTTP POST'); } if (isset($method['options']['admin_only']) and $method['options']['admin_only'] and !is_admin()) { return new PwgError(401, 'Access denied'); } // parameter check and data correction $signature = $method['signature']; $missing_params = array(); foreach ($signature as $name => $options) { $flags = $options['flags']; // parameter not provided in the request if (!array_key_exists($name, $params)) { if (!self::hasFlag($flags, WS_PARAM_OPTIONAL)) { $missing_params[] = $name; } else { if (array_key_exists('default', $options)) { $params[$name] = $options['default']; if (self::hasFlag($flags, WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY)) { self::makeArrayParam($params[$name]); } } } } else { if ($params[$name] === '' and !self::hasFlag($flags, WS_PARAM_OPTIONAL)) { $missing_params[] = $name; } else { $the_param = $params[$name]; if (is_array($the_param) and !self::hasFlag($flags, WS_PARAM_ACCEPT_ARRAY)) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, $name . ' must be scalar'); } if (self::hasFlag($flags, WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY)) { self::makeArrayParam($the_param); } if ($options['type'] > 0) { if (($ret = self::checkType($the_param, $options['type'], $name)) !== null) { return $ret; } } if (isset($options['maxValue']) and $the_param > $options['maxValue']) { $the_param = $options['maxValue']; } $params[$name] = $the_param; } } } if (count($missing_params)) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_MISSING_PARAM, 'Missing parameters: ' . implode(',', $missing_params)); } $result = trigger_change('ws_invoke_allowed', true, $methodName, $params); if (strtolower(@get_class($result)) != 'pwgerror') { if (!empty($method['include'])) { include_once $method['include']; } $result = call_user_func_array($method['callback'], array($params, &$this)); } return $result; }
/** * @see get_quick_search_results but without result caching */ function get_quick_search_results_no_cache($q, $options) { global $conf; $q = trim(stripslashes($q)); $search_results = array('items' => array(), 'qs' => array('q' => $q)); $q = trigger_change('qsearch_pre', $q); $scopes = array(); $scopes[] = new QSearchScope('tag', array('tags')); $scopes[] = new QSearchScope('photo', array('photos')); $scopes[] = new QSearchScope('file', array('filename')); $scopes[] = new QSearchScope('author', array(), true); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('width', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('height', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('ratio', array(), false, 0.001); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('size', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('filesize', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('hits', array('hit', 'visit', 'visits')); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('score', array('rating'), true); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('id', array()); $createdDateAliases = array('taken', 'shot'); $postedDateAliases = array('added'); if ($conf['calendar_datefield'] == 'date_creation') { $createdDateAliases[] = 'date'; } else { $postedDateAliases[] = 'date'; } $scopes[] = new QDateRangeScope('created', $createdDateAliases, true); $scopes[] = new QDateRangeScope('posted', $postedDateAliases); // allow plugins to add their own scopes $scopes = trigger_change('qsearch_get_scopes', $scopes); $expression = new QExpression($q, $scopes); // get inflections for terms $inflector = null; $lang_code = substr(get_default_language(), 0, 2); @(include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/inflectors/' . $lang_code . '.php'); $class_name = 'Inflector_' . $lang_code; if (class_exists($class_name)) { $inflector = new $class_name(); foreach ($expression->stokens as $token) { if (isset($token->scope) && !$token->scope->is_text) { continue; } if (strlen($token->term) > 2 && ($token->modifier & (QST_QUOTED | QST_WILDCARD)) == 0 && strcspn($token->term, '\'0123456789') == strlen($token->term)) { $token->variants = array_unique(array_diff($inflector->get_variants($token->term), array($token->term))); } } } trigger_notify('qsearch_expression_parsed', $expression); //var_export($expression); if (count($expression->stokens) == 0) { return $search_results; } $qsr = new QResults(); qsearch_get_tags($expression, $qsr); qsearch_get_images($expression, $qsr); // allow plugins to evaluate their own scopes trigger_notify('qsearch_before_eval', $expression, $qsr); $ids = qsearch_eval($expression, $qsr, $tmp, $search_results['qs']['unmatched_terms']); $debug[] = "<!--\nparsed: " . $expression; $debug[] = count($expression->stokens) . ' tokens'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($expression->stokens); $i++) { $debug[] = $expression->stokens[$i] . ': ' . count($qsr->tag_ids[$i]) . ' tags, ' . count($qsr->tag_iids[$i]) . ' tiids, ' . count($qsr->images_iids[$i]) . ' iiids, ' . count($qsr->iids[$i]) . ' iids' . ' modifier:' . dechex($expression->stoken_modifiers[$i]) . (!empty($expression->stokens[$i]->variants) ? ' variants: ' . implode(', ', $expression->stokens[$i]->variants) : ''); } $debug[] = 'before perms ' . count($ids); $search_results['qs']['matching_tags'] = $qsr->all_tags; $search_results = trigger_change('qsearch_results', $search_results, $expression, $qsr); global $template; if (empty($ids)) { $debug[] = '-->'; $template->append('footer_elements', implode("\n", $debug)); return $search_results; } $permissions = !isset($options['permissions']) ? true : $options['permissions']; $where_clauses = array(); $where_clauses[] = ' IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')'; if (!empty($options['images_where'])) { $where_clauses[] = '(' . $options['images_where'] . ')'; } if ($permissions) { $where_clauses[] = get_sql_condition_FandF(array('forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'forbidden_images' => ''), null, true); } $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' i'; if ($permissions) { $query .= ' INNER JOIN ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id'; } $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode("\n AND ", $where_clauses) . "\n" . $conf['order_by']; $ids = query2array($query, null, 'id'); $debug[] = count($ids) . ' final photo count -->'; $template->append('footer_elements', implode("\n", $debug)); $search_results['items'] = $ids; return $search_results; }
break; default: break; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template init | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames(array('maintenance' => 'maintenance.tpl')); $url_format = get_root_url() . 'admin.php?page=maintenance&action=%s&pwg_token=' . get_pwg_token(); $purge_urls[l10n('All')] = sprintf($url_format, 'derivatives') . '&type=all'; foreach (ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $params) { $purge_urls[l10n($params->type)] = sprintf($url_format, 'derivatives') . '&type=' . $params->type; } $purge_urls[l10n(IMG_CUSTOM)] = sprintf($url_format, 'derivatives') . '&type=' . IMG_CUSTOM; $template->assign(array('U_MAINT_CATEGORIES' => sprintf($url_format, 'categories'), 'U_MAINT_IMAGES' => sprintf($url_format, 'images'), 'U_MAINT_ORPHAN_TAGS' => sprintf($url_format, 'delete_orphan_tags'), 'U_MAINT_USER_CACHE' => sprintf($url_format, 'user_cache'), 'U_MAINT_HISTORY_DETAIL' => sprintf($url_format, 'history_detail'), 'U_MAINT_HISTORY_SUMMARY' => sprintf($url_format, 'history_summary'), 'U_MAINT_SESSIONS' => sprintf($url_format, 'sessions'), 'U_MAINT_FEEDS' => sprintf($url_format, 'feeds'), 'U_MAINT_DATABASE' => sprintf($url_format, 'database'), 'U_MAINT_C13Y' => sprintf($url_format, 'c13y'), 'U_MAINT_SEARCH' => sprintf($url_format, 'search'), 'U_MAINT_COMPILED_TEMPLATES' => sprintf($url_format, 'compiled-templates'), 'U_MAINT_DERIVATIVES' => sprintf($url_format, 'derivatives'), 'purge_derivatives' => $purge_urls, 'U_HELP' => get_root_url() . 'admin/popuphelp.php?page=maintenance')); if ($conf['gallery_locked']) { $template->assign(array('U_MAINT_UNLOCK_GALLERY' => sprintf($url_format, 'unlock_gallery'))); } else { $template->assign(array('U_MAINT_LOCK_GALLERY' => sprintf($url_format, 'lock_gallery'))); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Define advanced features | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $advanced_features = array(); //$advanced_features is array of array composed of CAPTION & URL $advanced_features = trigger_change('get_admin_advanced_features_links', $advanced_features); $template->assign('advanced_features', $advanced_features); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sending html code | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'maintenance');
/** * Process a CSS file. * * @param string $css file content * @param string $file * @param string $header CSS directives that must appear first in * the minified file. * @return string */ private static function process_css($css, $file, &$header) { $css = self::process_css_rec($css, dirname($file), $header); if (strpos($file, '.min') === false and version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.4', '>=')) { require_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/cssmin.class.php'; $css = CssMin::minify($css, array('Variables' => false)); } $css = trigger_change('combined_css_postfilter', $css); return $css; }
// In case of incompatibility, the session stored image_order is removed. if ($orders[$image_order_id][2]) { $conf['order_by'] = str_replace('ORDER BY ', 'ORDER BY ' . $orders[$image_order_id][1] . ',', $conf['order_by']); $page['super_order_by'] = true; } else { pwg_unset_session_var('image_order'); $page['super_order_by'] = false; } } $forbidden = get_sql_condition_FandF(array('forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_images' => 'id'), 'AND'); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | category | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if ('categories' == $page['section']) { if (isset($page['category'])) { $page = array_merge($page, array('comment' => trigger_change('render_category_description', $page['category']['comment'], 'main_page_category_description'), 'title' => get_cat_display_name($page['category']['upper_names'], '', false))); } else { $page['title'] = ''; // will be set later } // GET IMAGES LIST if ($page['startcat'] == 0 and !isset($page['chronology_field']) and (isset($page['category']) or isset($page['flat']))) { if (!empty($page['category']['image_order']) and !isset($page['super_order_by'])) { $conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY ' . $page['category']['image_order']; } // flat categories mode if (isset($page['flat'])) { // get all allowed sub-categories if (isset($page['category'])) { $query = ' SELECT id
ON WHERE c.site_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY c.site_id ;'; $sites_detail = hash_from_query($query, 'site_id'); $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . SITES_TABLE . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $is_remote = url_is_remote($row['galleries_url']); $base_url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin.php'; $base_url .= '?page=site_manager'; $base_url .= '&site=' . $row['id']; $base_url .= '&pwg_token=' . get_pwg_token(); $base_url .= '&action='; $update_url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin.php'; $update_url .= '?page=site_update'; $update_url .= '&site=' . $row['id']; $tpl_var = array('NAME' => $row['galleries_url'], 'TYPE' => l10n($is_remote ? 'Remote' : 'Local'), 'CATEGORIES' => (int) @$sites_detail[$row['id']]['nb_categories'], 'IMAGES' => (int) @$sites_detail[$row['id']]['nb_images'], 'U_SYNCHRONIZE' => $update_url); if ($row['id'] != 1) { $tpl_var['U_DELETE'] = $base_url . 'delete'; } $plugin_links = array(); //$plugin_links is array of array composed of U_HREF, U_HINT & U_CAPTION $plugin_links = trigger_change('get_admins_site_links', $plugin_links, $row['id'], $is_remote); $tpl_var['plugin_links'] = $plugin_links; $template->append('sites', $tpl_var); } $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'site_manager');
is empty find child representative_picture_id */ if (!empty($category['representative_picture_id'])) { $img = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, file, path, representative_ext FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $category['representative_picture_id'] . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) > 0) { $element = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); $img = array('link' => make_picture_url(array('image_id' => $element['id'], 'image_file' => $element['file'], 'category' => $category)), 'src' => DerivativeImage::url(IMG_THUMB, $element)); } } $args = array('subject' => l10n('[%s] Visit album %s', $conf['gallery_title'], trigger_change('render_category_name', $category['name'], 'admin_cat_list'))); $tpl = array('filename' => 'cat_group_info', 'assign' => array('IMG' => $img, 'CAT_NAME' => trigger_change('render_category_name', $category['name'], 'admin_cat_list'), 'LINK' => make_index_url(array('category' => array('id' => $category['id'], 'name' => trigger_change('render_category_name', $category['name'], 'admin_cat_list'), 'permalink' => $category['permalink']))), 'CPL_CONTENT' => empty($_POST['mail_content']) ? '' : stripslashes($_POST['mail_content']))); if ('users' == $_POST['who'] and isset($_POST['users']) and count($_POST['users']) > 0) { check_input_parameter('users', $_POST, true, PATTERN_ID); // TODO code very similar to function pwg_mail_group. We'd better create // a function pwg_mail_users that could be called from here and from // pwg_mail_group // TODO to make checks even better, we should check that theses users // have access to this album. No real privacy issue here, even if we // send the email to a user without permission. $query = ' SELECT ui.user_id, ui.status, ui.language, u.' . $conf['user_fields']['email'] . ' AS email, u.' . $conf['user_fields']['username'] . ' AS username
FROM ' . CADDIE_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user['id'] . ' ;'; list($nb_photos_in_caddie) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($nb_photos_in_caddie > 0) { $template->assign(array('NB_PHOTOS_IN_CADDIE' => $nb_photos_in_caddie, 'U_CADDIE' => $link_start . 'batch_manager&filter=prefilter-caddie')); } // any orphan photo? $nb_orphans = count(get_orphans()); if ($nb_orphans > 0) { $template->assign(array('NB_ORPHANS' => $nb_orphans, 'U_ORPHANS' => $link_start . 'batch_manager&filter=prefilter-no_album')); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Plugin menu | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $plugin_menu_links = trigger_change('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', array()); function UC_name_compare($a, $b) { return strcmp(strtolower($a['NAME']), strtolower($b['NAME'])); } usort($plugin_menu_links, 'UC_name_compare'); $template->assign('plugin_menu_items', $plugin_menu_links); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Refresh permissions | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Only for pages witch change permissions if (in_array($page['page'], array('site_manager', 'site_update')) or !empty($_POST) and in_array($page['page'], array('album', 'cat_move', 'cat_options', 'user_list', 'user_perm'))) { invalidate_user_cache(); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Include specific page |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Start output of page // $template->set_filenames(array('header' => 'header.tpl')); trigger_notify('loc_begin_page_header'); $template->assign(array('GALLERY_TITLE' => isset($page['gallery_title']) ? $page['gallery_title'] : $conf['gallery_title'], 'PAGE_BANNER' => trigger_change('render_page_banner', str_replace('%gallery_title%', $conf['gallery_title'], isset($page['page_banner']) ? $page['page_banner'] : $conf['page_banner'])), 'BODY_ID' => isset($page['body_id']) ? $page['body_id'] : '', 'CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'PAGE_TITLE' => strip_tags($title), 'U_HOME' => get_gallery_home_url(), 'LEVEL_SEPARATOR' => $conf['level_separator'])); // Header notes if (!empty($header_notes)) { $template->assign('header_notes', $header_notes); } // No referencing is required if (!$conf['meta_ref']) { $page['meta_robots']['noindex'] = 1; $page['meta_robots']['nofollow'] = 1; } if (!empty($page['meta_robots'])) { $template->append('head_elements', '<meta name="robots" content="' . implode(',', array_keys($page['meta_robots'])) . '">'); } if (!isset($page['meta_robots']['noindex'])) { $template->assign('meta_ref', 1); }
$data = array(); $data['id'] = $_GET['image_id']; $data['name'] = $_POST['name']; $data['author'] = $_POST['author']; $data['level'] = $_POST['level']; if ($conf['allow_html_descriptions']) { $data['comment'] = @$_POST['description']; } else { $data['comment'] = strip_tags(@$_POST['description']); } if (!empty($_POST['date_creation'])) { $data['date_creation'] = $_POST['date_creation']; } else { $data['date_creation'] = null; } $data = trigger_change('picture_modify_before_update', $data); single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $data, array('id' => $data['id'])); // time to deal with tags $tag_ids = array(); if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) { $tag_ids = get_tag_ids($_POST['tags']); } set_tags($tag_ids, $_GET['image_id']); // association to albums if (!isset($_POST['associate'])) { $_POST['associate'] = array(); } check_input_parameter('associate', $_POST, true, PATTERN_ID); move_images_to_categories(array($_GET['image_id']), $_POST['associate']); invalidate_user_cache(); // thumbnail for albums
$query = ' SELECT id, name, permalink FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')'; $cat_map = hash_from_query($query, 'id'); foreach ($related_categories as $category) { $cats = array(); foreach (explode(',', $category['uppercats']) as $id) { $cats[] = $cat_map[$id]; } $template->append('related_categories', get_cat_display_name($cats)); } } // maybe someone wants a special display (call it before page_header so that // they can add stylesheets) $element_content = trigger_change('render_element_content', '', $picture['current']); $template->assign('ELEMENT_CONTENT', $element_content); if (isset($picture['next']) and $picture['next']['src_image']->is_original() and $template->get_template_vars('U_PREFETCH') == null and strpos(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Chrome/') === false) { $template->assign('U_PREFETCH', $picture['next']['derivatives'][pwg_get_session_var('picture_deriv', $conf['derivative_default_size'])]->get_url()); } $template->assign('U_CANONICAL', make_picture_url(array('image_id' => $picture['current']['id'], 'image_file' => $picture['current']['file']))); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sub pages | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ include PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/'; if ($conf['activate_comments']) { include PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/'; } if ($metadata_showable and pwg_get_session_var('show_metadata') != null) { include PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/'; }
/** * Assign a template var useable with {html_options} from a list of categories * * @param array[] $categories (at least id,name,global_rank,uppercats for each) * @param int[] $selected ids of selected items * @param string $blockname variable name in template * @param bool $fullname full breadcrumb or not */ function display_select_categories($categories, $selecteds, $blockname, $fullname = true) { global $template; $tpl_cats = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($fullname) { $option = strip_tags(get_cat_display_name_cache($category['uppercats'], null)); } else { $option = str_repeat(' ', 3 * substr_count($category['global_rank'], '.')); $option .= '- '; $option .= strip_tags(trigger_change('render_category_name', $category['name'], 'display_select_categories')); } $tpl_cats[$category['id']] = $option; } $template->assign($blockname, $tpl_cats); $template->assign($blockname . '_selected', $selecteds); }
/** * @return string */ function get_url() { if ($this->params == null) { return $this->src_image->get_url(); } return embellish_url(trigger_change('get_derivative_url', get_root_url() . $this->rel_url, $this->params, $this->src_image, $this->rel_url)); }
/** * returns informations from EXIF metadata, mapping is done in this function. * * @param string $filename * @param array $map * @return array */ function get_exif_data($filename, $map) { global $conf; $result = array(); if (!function_exists('read_exif_data')) { die('Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'); } // Read EXIF data if ($exif = @read_exif_data($filename) or $exif2 = trigger_change('format_exif_data', $exif = null, $filename, $map)) { if (!empty($exif2)) { $exif = $exif2; } else { $exif = trigger_change('format_exif_data', $exif, $filename, $map); } // configured fields foreach ($map as $key => $field) { if (strpos($field, ';') === false) { if (isset($exif[$field])) { $result[$key] = $exif[$field]; } } else { $tokens = explode(';', $field); if (isset($exif[$tokens[0]][$tokens[1]])) { $result[$key] = $exif[$tokens[0]][$tokens[1]]; } } } // GPS data $gps_exif = array_intersect_key($exif, array_flip(array('GPSLatitudeRef', 'GPSLatitude', 'GPSLongitudeRef', 'GPSLongitude'))); if (count($gps_exif) == 4) { if (is_array($gps_exif['GPSLatitude']) and in_array($gps_exif['GPSLatitudeRef'], array('S', 'N')) and is_array($gps_exif['GPSLongitude']) and in_array($gps_exif['GPSLongitudeRef'], array('W', 'E'))) { $result['latitude'] = parse_exif_gps_data($gps_exif['GPSLatitude'], $gps_exif['GPSLatitudeRef']); $result['longitude'] = parse_exif_gps_data($gps_exif['GPSLongitude'], $gps_exif['GPSLongitudeRef']); } } } if (!$conf['allow_html_in_metadata']) { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { // in case the origin of the photo is unsecure (user upload), we remove // HTML tags to avoid XSS (malicious execution of javascript) $result[$key] = strip_tags($value); } } return $result; }
/** * API method * Moves a category * @param mixed[] $params * @option string|int[] category_id * @option int parent * @option string pwg_token */ function ws_categories_move($params, &$service) { global $page; if (get_pwg_token() != $params['pwg_token']) { return new PwgError(403, 'Invalid security token'); } if (!is_array($params['category_id'])) { $params['category_id'] = preg_split('/[\\s,;\\|]/', $params['category_id'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } $params['category_id'] = array_map('intval', $params['category_id']); $category_ids = array(); foreach ($params['category_id'] as $category_id) { if ($category_id > 0) { $category_ids[] = $category_id; } } if (count($category_ids) == 0) { return new PwgError(403, 'Invalid category_id input parameter, no category to move'); } // we can't move physical categories $categories_in_db = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, name, dir FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $category_ids) . ') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $categories_in_db[$row['id']] = $row; // we break on error at first physical category detected if (!empty($row['dir'])) { $row['name'] = strip_tags(trigger_change('render_category_name', $row['name'], 'ws_categories_move')); return new PwgError(403, sprintf('Category %s (%u) is not a virtual category, you cannot move it', $row['name'], $row['id'])); } } if (count($categories_in_db) != count($category_ids)) { $unknown_category_ids = array_diff($category_ids, array_keys($categories_in_db)); return new PwgError(403, sprintf('Category %u does not exist', $unknown_category_ids[0])); } // does this parent exists? This check should be made in the // move_categories function, not here // 0 as parent means "move categories at gallery root" if (0 != $params['parent']) { $subcat_ids = get_subcat_ids(array($params['parent'])); if (count($subcat_ids) == 0) { return new PwgError(403, 'Unknown parent category id'); } } $page['infos'] = array(); $page['errors'] = array(); include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'; move_categories($category_ids, $params['parent']); invalidate_user_cache(); if (count($page['errors']) != 0) { return new PwgError(403, implode('; ', $page['errors'])); } }
/** * Returns webmaster mail address depending on $conf['webmaster_id'] * * @return string */ function get_webmaster_mail_address() { global $conf; $query = ' SELECT ' . $conf['user_fields']['email'] . ' FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $conf['user_fields']['id'] . ' = ' . $conf['webmaster_id'] . ' ;'; list($email) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); $email = trigger_change('get_webmaster_mail_address', $email); return $email; }
/** * Get tags list from SQL query (ids are surrounded by ~~, for get_tag_ids()). * * @param string $query * @param boolean $only_user_language - if true, only local name is returned for * multilingual tags (if ExtendedDescription plugin is active) * @return array[] ('id', 'name') */ function get_taglist($query, $only_user_language = true) { $result = pwg_query($query); $taglist = array(); $altlist = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $raw_name = $row['name']; $name = trigger_change('render_tag_name', $raw_name, $row); $taglist[] = array('name' => $name, 'id' => '~~' . $row['id'] . '~~'); if (!$only_user_language) { $alt_names = trigger_change('get_tag_alt_names', array(), $raw_name); foreach (array_diff(array_unique($alt_names), array($name)) as $alt) { $altlist[] = array('name' => $alt, 'id' => '~~' . $row['id'] . '~~'); } } } usort($taglist, 'tag_alpha_compare'); if (count($altlist)) { usort($altlist, 'tag_alpha_compare'); $taglist = array_merge($taglist, $altlist); } return $taglist; }
/** * Return a list of tags corresponding to given items. * * @param int[] $items * @param int $max_tags * @param int[] $excluded_tag_ids * @return array [id, name, counter, url_name] */ function get_common_tags($items, $max_tags, $excluded_tag_ids = array()) { if (empty($items)) { return array(); } $query = ' SELECT t.*, count(*) AS counter FROM ' . IMAGE_TAG_TABLE . ' INNER JOIN ' . TAGS_TABLE . ' t ON tag_id = id WHERE image_id IN (' . implode(',', $items) . ')'; if (!empty($excluded_tag_ids)) { $query .= ' AND tag_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $excluded_tag_ids) . ')'; } $query .= ' GROUP BY ORDER BY '; if ($max_tags > 0) { // TODO : why ORDER field is in the if ? $query .= 'counter DESC LIMIT ' . $max_tags; } else { $query .= 'NULL'; } $result = pwg_query($query); $tags = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $row['name'] = trigger_change('render_tag_name', $row['name'], $row); $tags[] = $row; } usort($tags, 'tag_alpha_compare'); return $tags; }
/** * Add info to the title of the thumbnail based on photo properties. * * @param array $info hit, rating_score, nb_comments * @param string $title * @param string $comment * @return string */ function get_thumbnail_title($info, $title, $comment = '') { global $conf, $user; $details = array(); if (!empty($info['hit'])) { $details[] = $info['hit'] . ' ' . strtolower(l10n('Visits')); } if ($conf['rate'] and !empty($info['rating_score'])) { $details[] = strtolower(l10n('Rating score')) . ' ' . $info['rating_score']; } if (isset($info['nb_comments']) and $info['nb_comments'] != 0) { $details[] = l10n_dec('%d comment', '%d comments', $info['nb_comments']); } if (count($details) > 0) { $title .= ' (' . implode(', ', $details) . ')'; } if (!empty($comment)) { $comment = strip_tags($comment); $title .= ' ' . substr($comment, 0, 100) . (strlen($comment) > 100 ? '...' : ''); } $title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($title)); $title = trigger_change('get_thumbnail_title', $title, $info); return $title; }
/** * Tries to login a user given username and password (must be MySql escaped). * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @param bool $remember_me * @return bool */ function try_log_user($username, $password, $remember_me) { return trigger_change('try_log_user', false, $username, $password, $remember_me); }
$representative_infos = $infos_of_image[$category['representative_picture_id']]; $tpl_var = array_merge($category, array('ID' => $category['id'], 'representative' => $representative_infos, 'TN_ALT' => strip_tags($category['name']), 'URL' => make_index_url(array('category' => $category)), 'CAPTION_NB_IMAGES' => get_display_images_count($category['nb_images'], $category['count_images'], $category['count_categories'], true, '<br>'), 'DESCRIPTION' => trigger_change('render_category_literal_description', trigger_change('render_category_description', @$category['comment'], 'subcatify_category_description')), 'NAME' => $name)); if ($conf['index_new_icon']) { $tpl_var['icon_ts'] = get_icon($category['max_date_last'], $category['is_child_date_last']); } if ($conf['display_fromto']) { if (isset($dates_of_category[$category['id']])) { $from = $dates_of_category[$category['id']]['from']; $to = $dates_of_category[$category['id']]['to']; if (!empty($from)) { $tpl_var['INFO_DATES'] = format_fromto($from, $to); } } } $tpl_thumbnails_var[] = $tpl_var; } // pagination $page['total_categories'] = count($tpl_thumbnails_var); $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection = array_slice($tpl_thumbnails_var, $page['startcat'], $conf['nb_categories_page']); $derivative_params = trigger_change('get_index_album_derivative_params', ImageStdParams::get_by_type(IMG_THUMB)); $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection = trigger_change('loc_end_index_category_thumbnails', $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection); $template->assign(array('maxRequests' => $conf['max_requests'], 'category_thumbnails' => $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection, 'derivative_params' => $derivative_params)); $template->assign_var_from_handle('CATEGORIES', 'index_category_thumbnails'); // navigation bar $page['cats_navigation_bar'] = array(); if ($page['total_categories'] > $conf['nb_categories_page']) { $page['cats_navigation_bar'] = create_navigation_bar(duplicate_index_url(array(), array('startcat')), $page['total_categories'], $page['startcat'], $conf['nb_categories_page'], true, 'startcat'); } $template->assign('cats_navbar', $page['cats_navigation_bar']); } pwg_debug('end include/');
} $nb_sub_photos[$cat_id] = $nb_photos; } } $template->assign('categories', array()); $base_url = get_root_url() . 'admin.php?page='; if (isset($_GET['parent_id'])) { $template->assign('PARENT_EDIT', $base_url . 'album-' . $_GET['parent_id']); } foreach ($categories as $category) { $cat_list_url = $base_url . 'cat_list'; $self_url = $cat_list_url; if (isset($_GET['parent_id'])) { $self_url .= '&parent_id=' . $_GET['parent_id']; } $tpl_cat = array('NAME' => trigger_change('render_category_name', $category['name'], 'admin_cat_list'), 'NB_PHOTOS' => isset($nb_photos_in[$category['id']]) ? $nb_photos_in[$category['id']] : 0, 'NB_SUB_PHOTOS' => isset($nb_sub_photos[$category['id']]) ? $nb_sub_photos[$category['id']] : 0, 'NB_SUB_ALBUMS' => isset($subcats_of[$category['id']]) ? count($subcats_of[$category['id']]) : 0, 'ID' => $category['id'], 'RANK' => $category['rank'] * 10, 'U_JUMPTO' => make_index_url(array('category' => $category)), 'U_CHILDREN' => $cat_list_url . '&parent_id=' . $category['id'], 'U_EDIT' => $base_url . 'album-' . $category['id'], 'IS_VIRTUAL' => empty($category['dir'])); if (empty($category['dir'])) { $tpl_cat['U_DELETE'] = $self_url . '&delete=' . $category['id']; $tpl_cat['U_DELETE'] .= '&pwg_token=' . get_pwg_token(); } else { if ($conf['enable_synchronization']) { $tpl_cat['U_SYNC'] = $base_url . 'site_update&site=1&cat_id=' . $category['id']; } } $template->append('categories', $tpl_cat); } trigger_notify('loc_end_cat_list'); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sending html code | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'categories');
$query = ' SELECT id FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_clause) . ' ' . $conf['order_by']; $filter_sets[] = query2array($query, null, 'id'); } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['search']) && strlen($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['search']['q'])) { include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/'; $res = get_quick_search_results_no_cache($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['search']['q'], array('permissions' => false)); if (!empty($res['items']) && !empty($res['qs']['unmatched_terms'])) { $template->assign('no_search_results', array_map('htmlspecialchars', $res['qs']['unmatched_terms'])); } $filter_sets[] = $res['items']; } $filter_sets = trigger_change('batch_manager_perform_filters', $filter_sets, $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']); $current_set = array_shift($filter_sets); foreach ($filter_sets as $set) { $current_set = array_intersect($current_set, $set); } $page['cat_elements_id'] = $current_set; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | first element to display | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // $page['start'] contains the number of the first element in its // category. For exampe, $page['start'] = 12 means we must show elements #12 // and $page['nb_images'] next elements if (!isset($_REQUEST['start']) or !is_numeric($_REQUEST['start']) or $_REQUEST['start'] < 0 or isset($_REQUEST['display']) and 'all' == $_REQUEST['display']) { $page['start'] = 0; } else { $page['start'] = $_REQUEST['start'];