function block_tribe_event_output($params)
    $default_excerpt_length = 650;
    if (!isset($event_ID) || empty($event_ID)) {
    $event = get_post($event_ID);
    // if block has event ID but the actual event does not exist then exit
    if (!isset($event)) {
    $block_classes = "outter-wrapper";
    if (!empty($custom_classes)) {
        $block_classes .= " " . $custom_classes;


	        <!-- start outter-wrapper -->   
	        <div <?php 
    pb_block_id_class($block_classes, $params);
	            <!-- block styles -->
	            <style type="text/css" scoped>
    include 'includes/inc_block_output_style.php';
	            <!-- start main-container -->
	            <div class="main-container">
	                <!-- start main wrapper -->
	                <div class="main wrapper clearfix">
	                    <!-- start main-content -->
	                    <div class="main-content">

	                    	<!-- Start Post --> 
	                    	<div class="clearfix tribe-events-tcblock">

								<!-- Event Cost -->
								<div class="tribe-events-event-cost">
    echo tribe_get_formatted_cost($event_ID);

								<!-- Event Title -->
								<h2 class="tribe-events-list-event-title summary">
    printf('<a class="url" href="%s" title="%s" rel="bookmark">%s</a>', esc_url(tribe_get_event_link($event_ID)), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)));
								<!-- Event Image -->
								<div class="tribe-events-event-image">
    if (has_post_thumbnail($event_ID) && get_post(get_post_thumbnail_id($event_ID))) {
        $post_thumbnail_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($event_ID), 'full');
        printf('<a href="%s" title="%s"><img src="%s" title="%s"/></a>', esc_url(tribe_get_event_link($event_ID)), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)), esc_url($post_thumbnail_src[0]), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)));

								<!-- Event Meta -->
								<div class="tribe-events-event-meta  vcard location">

									<!-- Schedule & Recurrence Details -->
									<div class="updated published time-details">
    printf('<span class="date-start dtstart">%s</span>', esc_attr(tribe_get_start_date($event_ID)));

									<!-- Venue Display Info -->
									<div class="tribe-events-venue-details">

										<span class="author fn org"><?php 
    echo tribe_get_venue($event_ID);

										<address class="tribe-events-address">
											<span class="adr">
												<span class="street-address"><?php 
    echo tribe_get_address($event_ID);
												<span class="delimiter">,</span>  
												<span class="locality"><?php 
    echo tribe_get_city($event_ID);
												<span class="delimiter">,</span>  
												<span class="postal-code"><?php 
    echo tribe_get_zip($event_ID);
												<span class="country-name"><?php 
    echo tribe_get_country($event_ID);

    printf('<a class="tribe-events-gmap" href="%s" title="Click to view a Google Map" target="_blank">- Google Map</a>', esc_url(tribe_get_map_link($event_ID)));
									</div> <!-- .tribe-events-venue-details -->

								</div><!-- .tribe-events-event-meta -->

								<!-- Event Content -->
								<div class="tribe-events-list-event-description tribe-events-content description entry-summary">

    $event_excerpt = !empty($event->post_excerpt) ? do_shortcode($event->post_excerpt) : mb_make_excerpt($event->post_content, $default_excerpt_length, true);
    // excerpt
    echo "<p>";
    echo $event_excerpt;
    echo "</p>";
    // read more
    printf('<a href="%s" class="tribe-events-read-more" rel="bookmark">%s &raquo;</a>', esc_url(tribe_get_event_link($event_ID)), esc_attr(__('Find out more', "loc_sport_core_plugin")));

								</div><!-- .tribe-events-list-event-description -->

	                    <!-- end main-content -->
	                <!-- end main wrapper -->
	             <!-- end main-container -->
	        <!-- end outter-wrapper -->
		<!-- END BLOCK -->
    return true;
コード例 #2
  * Get the venue map link
  * @deprecated since 3.6 use tribe_get_map_link_html() instead
  * @return string
 public static function gmap_link()
     $link = sprintf('<a class="tribe-events-gmap" href="%s" title="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', tribe_get_map_link(), __('Click to view a Google Map', 'tribe-events-calendar'), __('+ Google Map', 'tribe-events-calendar'));
     return apply_filters('tribe_event_meta_gmap_link', $link);
コード例 #3
 function dt_sc_events($atts, $content = null)
     if (!function_exists('dt_events_list') && dttheme_is_plugin_active('the-events-calendar/the-events-calendar.php')) {
         extract(shortcode_atts(array('limit' => '-1', 'carousel' => ''), $atts));
         global $post;
         $out = '';
         $firstcnt = 2;
         $post_thumbnail = 'blogcourse-three-column';
         $tpl_default_settings = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tpl_default_settings', TRUE);
         $tpl_default_settings = is_array($tpl_default_settings) ? $tpl_default_settings : array();
         $page_layout = array_key_exists("layout", $tpl_default_settings) ? $tpl_default_settings['layout'] : "content-full-width";
         if ($page_layout == 'with-left-sidebar' || $page_layout == 'with-right-sidebar') {
             $post_thumbnail .= '-single-sidebar';
         } elseif ($page_layout == 'both-sidebar') {
             $post_thumbnail .= '-both-sidebar';
         if ($carousel == 'true') {
             $html_tag = 'li';
         } else {
             $html_tag = 'div';
         $all_events = tribe_get_events(array('eventDisplay' => 'all', 'posts_per_page' => $limit));
         $cnt = 0;
         foreach ($all_events as $post) {
             $temp_class = $firstcls = '';
             if ($carousel != 'true') {
                 $no = $cnt + 1;
                 if ($no % $firstcnt == 1) {
                     $firstcls = ' first';
             $out .= '<' . $html_tag . ' class="dt-sc-one-half column ' . $firstcls . '" id="post-' . get_the_ID() . '">';
             $out .= '<div class="dt-sc-event-container">';
             $out .= '<div class="dt-sc-event-thumb">';
             $out .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . get_the_title() . '">';
             if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
                 $attr = array('title' => get_the_title());
                 $out .= get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, $post_thumbnail, $attr);
             } else {
                 $out .= '<img src="" alt="' . get_the_title() . '" />';
             $out .= '</a>';
             if (tribe_get_cost($post->ID) != '') {
                 $currency_symbol = tribe_get_event_meta($post->ID, '_EventCurrencySymbol', true);
                 if (!$currency_symbol) {
                     $currency_symbol = tribe_get_option('defaultCurrencySymbol', '$');
                 $currency_position = tribe_get_event_meta($post->ID, '_EventCurrencyPosition', true);
                 $out .= '<span class="event-price">';
                 if ($currency_position == 'suffix') {
                     $out .= tribe_get_cost($post->ID) . $currency_symbol;
                 } else {
                     $out .= $currency_symbol . tribe_get_cost($post->ID);
                 $out .= '</span>';
             $out .= '</div>';
             $out .= '<div class="dt-sc-event-content">';
             $out .= '<h2><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h2>';
             $out .= '<div class="dt-sc-event-meta">';
             $out .= '<p> <i class="fa fa-calendar-o"> </i>' . tribe_get_start_date($post->ID, false, 'M Y @ h a') . ' - ' . tribe_get_end_date($post->ID, false, 'M Y @ h a') . ' </p>';
             $venue_id = tribe_get_venue_id($post->ID);
             if (isset($venue_id) && $venue_id > 0) {
                 $url = esc_url(get_permalink($venue_id));
                 $venue_name = tribe_get_venue($post->ID);
                 $out .= '<p> <i class="fa fa-map-marker"> </i>';
                 $out .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $venue_name . '</a>';
                 $out .= ', ' . tribe_get_country($post->ID);
                 if (tribe_get_map_link() != '') {
                     $out .= '<a href="' . tribe_get_map_link() . '" title="' . $venue_name . '" target="_blank">' . __(' + Google Map ', 'dt_themes') . '</a>';
                 $out .= '</p>';
             $out .= '</div>';
             $out .= '</div>';
             $out .= '</div>';
             $out .= '</' . $html_tag . '>';
         if ($carousel == 'true') {
             return '<div class="dt-sc-events-carousel-wrapper"><ul class="dt-sc-events-carousel">' . $out . '</ul><div class="carousel-arrows"><a class="events-prev" href=""></a><a class="events-next" href=""></a></div></div>';
         } else {
             return $out;
     } else {
         return '';
コード例 #4
                                                        <span style="color:#0a0a0e !important; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:15px;"><?php 
echo $venue_phone;
$venue_address = tribe_get_full_address();
                                        <div class="tribe-events-meta-group tribe-events-meta-group-details" id="tribe-events-inst-meta-bottom">
$map = "" . urlencode(strip_tags($venue_address)) . "&zoom=14&size=600x200&markers=color:red%7C" . urlencode(strip_tags($venue_address));
                                            <a href="<?php 
" style="max-width: 100%;"><img src="<?php 
echo $map;
" alt="<?php 
echo tribe_get_venue();
" style="margin:auto; width:100%;"></a>
                                    </div><!-- #tribe-events-content -->

コード例 #5
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: sonijoy/my_repo
        if (tribe_address_exists(get_the_ID())) {
						<td class="tribe-events-event-meta-desc"><?php 
            _e('Address:', 'tribe-events-calendar');
<br />
            if (get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_EventShowMapLink', true) == 'true') {
							<a class="gmap" itemprop="maps" href="<?php 
                echo tribe_get_map_link();
" title="Click to view a Google Map" target="_blank"><?php 
                _e('Google Map', 'tribe-events-calendar');
						<td class="tribe-events-event-meta-value"><?php 
            echo tribe_get_full_address(get_the_ID());
コード例 #6
  * @deprecated
 function tribe_the_map_link($postId = null)
     _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.0.1', 'echo tribe_get_map_link()');
     echo tribe_get_map_link($postId);
    function widget($args, $instance)
        // DEFAULTS
        if (empty($instance)) {
            $widget_title = __('Event', "loc_sport_widgets_plugin");
            $excerpt_length = 650;
            // get events
            $events = tribe_get_events(array('eventDisplay' => 'all', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'numberposts' => 1));
            $event_ID = $events[0]->ID;
        $cost = tribe_get_formatted_cost($event_ID);
        // WPML
        if (function_exists('icl_translate')) {
            $widget_title = icl_translate('loc_sport_widgets_plugin', "{$widget_id}-widget[widget_title]", $widget_title);
        if (function_exists('icl_translate')) {
            $cost = icl_translate('loc_sport_widgets_plugin', "{$widget_id}-widget[cost]", $cost);
        if (!isset($event_ID) || empty($event_ID)) {
        $event = get_post($event_ID);

        echo $before_widget;

        if (!empty($widget_title)) {
            echo $before_title . $widget_title . $after_title;

            	<!-- Start Post --> 
            	<div class="clearfix tribe-events-tcblock">

					<!-- Event Cost -->
					<div class="tribe-events-event-cost">
        echo $cost;

					<!-- Event Title -->
					<h2 class="tribe-events-list-event-title summary">
        printf('<a class="url" href="%s" title="%s" rel="bookmark">%s</a>', esc_url(tribe_get_event_link($event_ID)), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)));
					<!-- Event Image -->
					<div class="tribe-events-event-image">
        if (has_post_thumbnail($event_ID) && get_post(get_post_thumbnail_id($event_ID))) {
            $post_thumbnail_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($event_ID), 'full');
            printf('<a href="%s" title="%s"><img src="%s" title="%s"/></a>', esc_url(tribe_get_event_link($event_ID)), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)), esc_url($post_thumbnail_src[0]), esc_attr(get_the_title($event_ID)));

					<!-- Event Meta -->
					<div class="tribe-events-event-meta  vcard location">

						<!-- Schedule & Recurrence Details -->
						<div class="updated published time-details">
        printf('<span class="date-start dtstart">%s</span>', esc_attr(tribe_get_start_date($event_ID)));

						<!-- Venue Display Info -->
						<div class="tribe-events-venue-details">

							<span class="author fn org"><?php 
        echo tribe_get_venue($event_ID);

							<address class="tribe-events-address">
								<span class="adr">
									<span class="street-address"><?php 
        echo tribe_get_address($event_ID);
									<span class="delimiter">,</span>  
									<span class="locality"><?php 
        echo tribe_get_city($event_ID);
									<span class="delimiter">,</span>  
									<span class="postal-code"><?php 
        echo tribe_get_zip($event_ID);
									<span class="country-name"><?php 
        echo tribe_get_country($event_ID);

        printf('<a class="tribe-events-gmap" href="%s" title="Click to view a Google Map" target="_blank">- Google Map</a>', esc_url(tribe_get_map_link($event_ID)));

						</div> <!-- .tribe-events-venue-details -->

					</div><!-- .tribe-events-event-meta -->

					<!-- Event Content -->
					<div class="tribe-events-list-event-description tribe-events-content description entry-summary">

        $event_excerpt = !empty($event->post_excerpt) ? do_shortcode($event->post_excerpt) : mb_make_excerpt($event->post_content, $excerpt_length, true);
        // excerpt
        echo "<p>";
        echo $event_excerpt;
        echo "</p>";
        // read more
        printf('<a href="%s" class="tribe-events-read-more" rel="bookmark">%s &raquo;</a>', esc_url(tribe_get_event_link($event_ID)), esc_attr(__('Find out more', "loc_sport_widgets_plugin")));

					</div><!-- .tribe-events-list-event-description -->

        echo $after_widget;

コード例 #8
  * Returns a formed HTML link to Google Maps for the given event.
  * @category Events
  * @param string $postId
  * @return string A fully qualified link to for this event
 function tribe_get_map_link_html($postId = null)
     $link = sprintf('<a class="tribe-events-gmap" href="%s" title="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', esc_url(tribe_get_map_link($postId)), __('Click to view a Google Map', 'tribe-events-calendar'), __('+ Google Map', 'tribe-events-calendar'));
     // @todo remove tribe_event_meta_gmap_link in 3.7
     return apply_filters('tribe_get_map_link_html', apply_filters('tribe_event_meta_gmap_link', $link));
                                                        <span style="color:#0a0a0e !important; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:15px;"><?php 
echo $venue_phone;
$venue_address = tribe_get_full_address($event_id);
                                        <div class="tribe-events-meta-group tribe-events-meta-group-details" id="tribe-events-inst-meta-bottom">
$map = "" . urlencode(strip_tags($venue_address)) . "&zoom=14&size=600x200&markers=color:red%7C" . urlencode(strip_tags($venue_address));
                                            <a href="<?php 
" style="max-width: 100%;"><img src="<?php 
echo $map;
" alt="<?php 
echo tribe_get_venue($event_id);
" style="margin:auto; width:100%;"></a>
                                    </div><!-- #tribe-events-content -->

コード例 #10
		<div class="tribe-event-schedule-details">
echo tribe_events_event_schedule_details();

if ($venue_details) {
			<!-- Venue Display Info -->
			<div class="tribe-events-venue-details">
    echo implode(', ', $venue_details);
    if (tribe_get_map_link()) {
        echo tribe_get_map_link_html();
			</div> <!-- .tribe-events-venue-details -->

</div><!-- .tribe-events-event-meta -->

<!-- Event Image -->
コード例 #11
                echo str_replace('http//', '//', str_replace(':', '', tribe_get_event_categories($postid, $catargs)));
                echo tribe_get_start_date($postid, true);
                                <td><a href="<?php 
                echo tribe_get_map_link($postid);
" target="_blank"><?php 
                echo tribe_get_venue($postid);
                echo tribe_get_full_address($postid, false);
                echo ucwords($tribe_events_status);
                if ($tribe_events_status != "cancelled") {