コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/libs/paloSantoCallsDetail.class.php";
    include_once "modules/agent_console/getinfo.php";
    global $arrConf;
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConfig['templates_dir']) ? $arrConfig['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    // added by Tri Do
    $sAction = getParameter('action');
    switch ($sAction) {
        case 'viewNote':
            return viewNote();
        case 'viewDelivery':
            return view_delivery();
    // Cadenas estáticas de Smarty
    $smarty->assign(array("Filter" => _tr('Filter'), "SHOW" => _tr("Show")));
    $bElastixNuevo = method_exists('paloSantoGrid', 'setURL');
    // Variables iniciales para posición de grid
    $offset = 0;
    $limit = 50;
    $total = 0;
    // Para poder consultar las colas activas
    $pConfig = new paloConfig("/etc", "amportal.conf", "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
    $ampconfig = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
    $ampdsn = $ampconfig['AMPDBENGINE']['valor'] . "://" . $ampconfig['AMPDBUSER']['valor'] . ":" . $ampconfig['AMPDBPASS']['valor'] . "@" . $ampconfig['AMPDBHOST']['valor'] . "/asterisk";
    $oQueue = new paloQueue($ampdsn);
    $listaColas = $oQueue->getQueue();
    if (!is_array($listaColas)) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error when connecting to database"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $oQueue->errMsg);
    // Para poder consultar los agentes de campañas
    $pDB = new paloDB($cadena_dsn);
    $oCallsDetail = new paloSantoCallsDetail($pDB);
    $listaAgentes = $oCallsDetail->getAgents();
    // Para llenar el select de agentes
    $urlVars = array('menu' => $module_name);
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($listaAgentes, $listaColas);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Validar y aplicar las variables de filtro
    $paramLista = NULL;
    $paramFiltro = array();
    foreach (array('date_start', 'date_end', 'calltype', 'agent', 'queue', 'phone') as $k) {
        $paramFiltro[$k] = getParameter($k);
    if (!isset($paramFiltro['date_start'])) {
        $paramFiltro['date_start'] = date("d M Y");
    if (!isset($paramFiltro['date_end'])) {
        $paramFiltro['date_end'] = date("d M Y");
    if (!$oFilterForm->validateForm($paramFiltro)) {
        // Hay un error al validar las variables del filtro
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Validation Error"));
        $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
        $strErrorMsg = "<b>" . _tr('The following fields contain errors') . ":</b><br>";
        $strErrorMsg = implode(', ', array_keys($arrErrores));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
    } else {
        $urlVars = array_merge($urlVars, $paramFiltro);
        $paramLista = $paramFiltro;
        $paramLista['date_start'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
        $paramLista['date_end'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $paramFiltro);
    // Inicio de objeto grilla y asignación de filtro
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    // enable export.
    $bExportando = $bElastixNuevo ? $oGrid->isExportAction() : isset($_GET['exportcsv']) && $_GET['exportcsv'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes';
    // Ejecutar la consulta con las variables ya validadas
    $arrData = array();
    $total = 0;
    if (is_array($paramLista)) {
        $total = $oCallsDetail->contarDetalleLlamadas($paramLista);
        if (is_null($total)) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error when connecting to database"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $oCallsDetail->errMsg);
            $total = 0;
        } else {
            // Habilitar la exportación de todo el contenido consultado
            if ($bExportando) {
                $limit = $total;
            // Calcular el offset de la petición de registros
            if ($bElastixNuevo) {
                $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
            } else {
                // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
                if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "end") {
                    // Mejorar el sgte. bloque.
                    if ($total % $limit == 0) {
                        $offset = $total - $limit;
                    } else {
                        $offset = $total - $total % $limit;
                // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
                if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "next") {
                    $offset = $_GET['start'] + $limit - 1;
                // Si se quiere retroceder
                if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "previous") {
                    $offset = $_GET['start'] - $limit - 1;
            // Ejecutar la consulta de los datos en el offset indicado
            $recordset = $oCallsDetail->leerDetalleLlamadas($paramLista, $limit, $offset);
            // add STT
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($recordset); $i++) {
                $recordset[$i]['stt'] = $i + 1;
            if (!is_array($recordset)) {
                $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error when connecting to database"));
                $smarty->assign("mb_message", $oCallsDetail->errMsg);
                $total = 0;
            } else {
                function _calls_detail_map_recordset($cdr)
                    $mapaEstados = array('abandonada' => 'Bỏ nhỡ', 'Abandoned' => 'Bỏ nhỡ', 'terminada' => 'Đã nghe', 'Success' => 'Đã nghe', 'fin-monitoreo' => _tr('End Monitor'), 'Failure' => _tr('Failure'), 'NoAnswer' => _tr('NoAnswer'), 'OnQueue' => _tr('OnQueue'), 'Placing' => _tr('Placing'), 'Ringing' => _tr('Ringing'), 'ShortCall' => _tr('ShortCall'), 'activa' => 'Đang gọi');
                    return array($cdr['stt'], $cdr[0], htmlentities($cdr[1], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), substr($cdr[2], 0, 10), substr($cdr[2], 11, 8), substr($cdr[3], 0, 10), substr($cdr[3], 11, 8), is_null($cdr[4]) ? '-' : formatoSegundos($cdr[4]), is_null($cdr[5]) ? '-' : formatoSegundos($cdr[5]), $cdr[6], $cdr[8], $cdr[9], isset($mapaEstados[$cdr[10]]) ? $mapaEstados[$cdr[10]] : _tr($cdr[10]), is_null($cdr[12]) || trim($cdr[12] == '') ? '' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="view_note(\'' . $cdr[11] . '\')">Xem</a>');
                $arrData = array_map('_calls_detail_map_recordset', $recordset);
    $arrColumnas = array('STT', 'Số Agent', 'Nhân viên', _tr("Start Date"), _tr("Start Time"), _tr("End Date"), _tr("End Time"), "Thời lượng", _tr("Thời gian chờ"), _tr("Queue"), _tr("Số điện thoại"), _tr("Chuyển máy"), _tr("Status"), 'Nội dung');
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $oGrid->setURL(construirURL($urlVars, array("nav", "start")));
        $oGrid->setTitle('Chi tiết cuộc gọi Call Center');
        $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Calls Detail"));
        return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    } else {
        global $arrLang;
        $url = construirURL($urlVars, array("nav", "start"));
        function _map_name($s)
            return array('name' => $s);
        $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr("Calls Detail"), "url" => $url, "icon" => "images/user.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total, "total" => $total, "columns" => array_map('_map_name', $arrColumnas));
        if (isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridPDF')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridPDF($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if (isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridXLS')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridXLS($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if ($bExportando) {
            header("Cache-Control: private");
            header("Pragma: cache");
            // Se requiere para HTTPS bajo IE6
            header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="calls_detail.csv"');
            header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8");
        if ($bExportando) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridCSV($arrGrid, $arrData);
        $sContenido = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
        if (strpos($sContenido, '<form') === FALSE) {
            $sContenido = "<form  method=\"POST\" style=\"margin-bottom:0;\" action=\"{$url}\">{$sContenido}</form>";
        return $sContenido;
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function reportReportCall($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB_cdr, &$pDB_billing, $arrConf, $arrLang)
    $pReportCall = new paloSantoReportCall($pDB_cdr, $pDB_billing);
    $type = getParameter("option_fil");
    $value_tmp = getParameter("value_fil");
    $date_ini_tmp = getParameter("date_from");
    $date_end_tmp = getParameter("date_to");
    $order_by_tmp = getParameter("order_by");
    $order_type_tmp = getParameter("order_type");
    $action = getParameter("nav");
    $start = getParameter("start");
    $value = isset($value_tmp) ? $value_tmp : "";
    $order_by = isset($order_by_tmp) ? $order_by_tmp : 1;
    $order_type = isset($order_type_tmp) ? $order_type_tmp : "asc";
    $date_from = isset($date_ini_tmp) ? $date_ini_tmp : date("d M Y");
    $date_to = isset($date_end_tmp) ? $date_end_tmp : date("d M Y");
    $date_ini = translateDate($date_from) . " 00:00:00";
    $date_end = translateDate($date_to) . " 23:59:59";
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $limit = 40;
    $total = $pReportCall->ObtainNumberDevices($type, $value);
    $oGrid->calculatePagination($action, $start);
    $offset = $oGrid->getOffsetValue();
    $end = $oGrid->getEnd();
    $urlFields = array('menu' => $module_name, 'option_fil' => $type, 'value_fil' => $value, 'date_from' => $date_from, 'date_to' => $date_to);
    $url = construirUrl($urlFields, array('nav', 'start'));
    $urlFields['order_by'] = $order_by;
    $urlFields['order_type'] = $order_type;
    $smarty->assign("order_by", $order_by);
    $smarty->assign("order_type", $order_type);
    $arrData = null;
    $arrResult = $pReportCall->ObtainReportCall($limit, $offset, $date_ini, $date_end, $type, $value, $order_by, $order_type);
    $order_type = $order_type == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $val) {
            $ext = $val['extension'];
            $arrTmp[0] = $ext;
            $arrTmp[1] = $val['user_name'];
            $arrTmp[2] = $val['num_incoming_call'];
            $arrTmp[3] = $val['num_outgoing_call'];
            $arrTmp[4] = "<label style='color: green;' title='{$val['duration_incoming_call']} {$arrLang['seconds']}'>" . $pReportCall->Sec2HHMMSS($val['duration_incoming_call']) . "</label>";
            $arrTmp[5] = "<label style='color: green;' title='{$val['duration_outgoing_call']} {$arrLang['seconds']}'>" . $pReportCall->Sec2HHMMSS($val['duration_outgoing_call']) . "</label>";
            $arrTmp[6] = "<a href='javascript: popup_ventana(\"?menu={$module_name}&action=graph&rawmode=yes&ext={$ext}&dini={$date_ini}&dfin={$date_end}\");'>" . "" . $arrLang['Call Details'] . "</a>";
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $img = "<img src='images/flecha_{$order_type}.png' border='0' align='absmiddle'>";
    $leyend_1 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=1&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Extension"]}</a>";
    $leyend_2 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=2&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["User name"]}</a>";
    $leyend_3 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=3&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Num. Incoming Calls"]}</a>";
    $leyend_4 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=4&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Num. Outgoing Calls"]}</a>";
    $leyend_5 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=5&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Sec. Incoming Calls"]}</a>";
    $leyend_6 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=6&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Sec. Outgoing Calls"]}</a>";
    if ($order_by == 1) {
        $leyend_1 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=1&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Extension"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
    } else {
        if ($order_by == 2) {
            $leyend_2 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=2&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["User name"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
        } else {
            if ($order_by == 3) {
                $leyend_3 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=3&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Num. Incoming Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
            } else {
                if ($order_by == 4) {
                    $leyend_4 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=4&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Num. Outgoing Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
                } else {
                    if ($order_by == 5) {
                        $leyend_5 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=5&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Sec. Incoming Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
                    } else {
                        if ($order_by == 6) {
                            $leyend_6 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=6&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Sec. Outgoing Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Summary by Extension"], "icon" => "images/list.png", "width" => "100%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "url" => $urlFields, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => $leyend_1, "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $leyend_2, "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => $leyend_3, "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => $leyend_4, "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => $leyend_5, "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => $leyend_6, "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => $arrLang["Details"], "property1" => "")));
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilterReportCall = createFieldForm($arrLang);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterReportCall);
    $_POST['option_fil'] = $type;
    $_POST['value_fil'] = $value;
    $_POST['date_from'] = $date_from;
    $_POST['date_to'] = $date_to;
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", $arrLang["Show"]);
    if ($_POST["date_from"] === "") {
        $_POST["date_from"] = " ";
    if ($_POST['date_to'] === "") {
        $_POST['date_to'] = " ";
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $date_from . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $date_to, $_POST, array("date_from" => date("d M Y"), "date_to" => date("d M Y")), true);
    $valueType = "";
    if (!is_null($type)) {
        if ($type == "Ext") {
            $valueType = _tr("Extension");
        } else {
            $valueType = _tr("User");
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $valueType . " = " . $value, $_POST, array("option_fil" => "Ext", "value_fil" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    //end section filter
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
    return $contenidoModulo;
コード例 #3
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    require_once "modules/{$module_name}/libs/ringgroup.php";
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    // DSN para consulta de cdrs
    $dsn = generarDSNSistema('asteriskuser', 'asteriskcdrdb');
    $pDB = new paloDB($dsn);
    $oCDR = new paloSantoCDR($pDB);
    $pDBACL = new paloDB($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']);
    if (!empty($pDBACL->errMsg)) {
        return "ERROR DE DB: {$pDBACL->errMsg}";
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDBACL);
    if (!empty($pACL->errMsg)) {
        return "ERROR DE ACL: {$pACL->errMsg}";
    $exten = '6868';
    $isAdministrator = true;
    if (is_null($exten) || $exten == "") {
        if (!$isAdministrator) {
            $smarty->assign('mb_message', "<b>" . _tr("contact_admin") . "</b>");
            return "";
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('mb_message', "<b>" . _tr("no_extension") . "</b>");
    // Para usuarios que no son administradores, se restringe a los CDR de la
    // propia extensión
    $sExtension = $isAdministrator ? '' : $pACL->getUserExtension($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    // DSN para consulta de ringgroups
    $dsn_asterisk = generarDSNSistema('asteriskuser', 'asterisk');
    $pDB_asterisk = new paloDB($dsn_asterisk);
    $oRG = new RingGroup($pDB_asterisk);
    $dataRG = $oRG->getRingGroup();
    $dataRG[''] = _tr('(Any ringgroup)');
    // Cadenas estáticas en la plantilla
    $smarty->assign(array("Filter" => _tr("Filter")));
    $arrFormElements = array("date_start" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Start Date"), "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}\$"), "date_end" => array("LABEL" => _tr("End Date"), "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}\$"), "field_name" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Field Name"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("dst" => _tr("Destination"), "src" => _tr("Source"), "channel" => _tr("Src. Channel"), "accountcode" => _tr("Account Code"), "dstchannel" => _tr("Dst. Channel")), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^(dst|src|channel|dstchannel|accountcode)\$"), "field_pattern" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Field"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[\\*|[:alnum:]@_\\.,/\\-]+\$"), "status" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Status"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("ALL" => _tr("ALL"), "ANSWERED" => _tr("ANSWERED"), "BUSY" => _tr("BUSY"), "FAILED" => _tr("FAILED"), "NO ANSWER " => _tr("NO ANSWER")), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "ringgroup" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Ring Group"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $dataRG, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Parámetros base y validación de parámetros
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    $paramFiltroBase = $paramFiltro = array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y"), 'field_name' => 'dst', 'field_pattern' => '', 'status' => 'ALL', 'ringgroup' => '');
    foreach (array_keys($paramFiltro) as $k) {
        if (!is_null(getParameter($k))) {
            $paramFiltro[$k] = getParameter($k);
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    if ($paramFiltro['date_start'] === "") {
        $paramFiltro['date_start'] = " ";
    if ($paramFiltro['date_end'] === "") {
        $paramFiltro['date_end'] = " ";
    $valueFieldName = $arrFormElements['field_name']["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$paramFiltro['field_name']];
    $valueStatus = $arrFormElements['status']["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$paramFiltro['status']];
    $valueRingGRoup = $arrFormElements['ringgroup']["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$paramFiltro['ringgroup']];
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $paramFiltro['date_start'] . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $paramFiltro['date_end'], $paramFiltro, array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $valueFieldName . " = " . $paramFiltro['field_pattern'], $paramFiltro, array('field_name' => "dst", 'field_pattern' => ""));
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Status") . " = " . $valueStatus, $paramFiltro, array('status' => 'ALL'), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Ring Group") . " = " . $valueRingGRoup, $paramFiltro, array('ringgroup' => ''));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $paramFiltro);
    if (!$oFilterForm->validateForm($paramFiltro)) {
        $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('Validation Error'), 'mb_message' => '<b>' . _tr('The following fields contain errors') . ':</b><br/>' . implode(', ', array_keys($oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion))));
        $paramFiltro = $paramFiltroBase;
        // Se aborta el intento de borrar CDRs, si había uno.
    // Tradudir fechas a formato ISO para comparación y para API de CDRs.
    $url = array_merge($url, $paramFiltro);
    $paramFiltro['date_start'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_start']) . ' 00:00:00';
    $paramFiltro['date_end'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_end']) . ' 23:59:59';
    // Valores de filtrado que no se seleccionan mediante filtro
    if ($sExtension != '') {
        $paramFiltro['extension'] = $sExtension;
    // Ejecutar el borrado, si se ha validado.
    if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
        if ($isAdministrator) {
            if ($paramFiltro['date_start'] <= $paramFiltro['date_end']) {
                $r = $oCDR->borrarCDRs($paramFiltro);
                if (!$r) {
                    $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oCDR->errMsg));
            } else {
                $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => _tr("Please End Date must be greater than Start Date")));
        } else {
            $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => _tr("Only administrators can delete CDRs")));
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("CDR Report"));
    // show paging section.
    // enable export.
    //$oGrid->deleteList("Are you sure you wish to delete CDR(s) Report(s)?","delete",_tr("Delete"));
    $arrData = null;
    if (!isset($sExtension) || $sExtension == "" && !$isAdministrator) {
        $total = 0;
    } else {
        $total = $oCDR->contarCDRs($paramFiltro);
    if ($oGrid->isExportAction()) {
        $limit = $total;
        $offset = 0;
        $arrColumns = array(_tr("Date"), _tr("Source"), _tr("Ring Group"), _tr("Destination"), _tr("Src. Channel"), _tr("Account Code"), _tr("Dst. Channel"), _tr("Status"), _tr("Duration"));
        $arrResult = $oCDR->listarCDRs($paramFiltro, $limit, $offset);
        if (is_array($arrResult['cdrs']) && $total > 0) {
            foreach ($arrResult['cdrs'] as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", strtotime($value[0]));
                $arrTmp[1] = $value[1];
                $arrTmp[2] = $value[11];
                $arrTmp[3] = $value[3];
                $arrTmp[4] = $value[9];
                $arrTmp[5] = $value[5];
                $iDuracion = $value[8];
                $iSec = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iSec) / 60);
                $iMin = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iMin) / 60);
                $sTiempo = "{$value[6]}s";
                if ($value[6] >= 60) {
                    if ($iDuracion > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iDuracion}h {$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                    } elseif ($iMin > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                $arrTmp[7] = $sTiempo;
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        if (!is_array($arrResult)) {
            $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oCDR->errMsg));
    } else {
        $limit = 20;
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        $arrResult = $oCDR->listarCDRs($paramFiltro, $limit, $offset);
        $arrColumns = array('STT', _tr("Date"), _tr("Source"), _tr("Destination"), _tr("Src. Channel"), _tr("Dst. Channel"), _tr("Status"), _tr("Duration"));
        if (is_array($arrResult['cdrs']) && $total > 0) {
            $index = 0;
            foreach ($arrResult['cdrs'] as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = $index;
                $arrTmp[1] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", strtotime($value[0]));
                $arrTmp[2] = $value[1];
                $arrTmp[3] = $value[2];
                $arrTmp[4] = channel_lookup($pDB_asterisk, $value[3]);
                $arrTmp[5] = channel_lookup($pDB_asterisk, $value[4]);
                $arrTmp[6] = $value[5];
                $iDuracion = $value[8];
                $iSec = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iSec) / 60);
                $iMin = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iMin) / 60);
                $sTiempo = "{$value[8]}s";
                if ($value[7] >= 60) {
                    if ($iDuracion > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iDuracion}h {$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                    } elseif ($iMin > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                $arrTmp[7] = $sTiempo;
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        if (!is_array($arrResult)) {
            $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oCDR->errMsg));
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $content = $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    return $content;
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function reportReportsBreak($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB)
    // Obtener rango de fechas de consulta. Si no existe, se asume día de hoy
    $sFechaInicio = date('d M Y');
    if (isset($_GET['txt_fecha_init'])) {
        $sFechaInicio = $_GET['txt_fecha_init'];
    if (isset($_POST['txt_fecha_init'])) {
        $sFechaInicio = $_POST['txt_fecha_init'];
    $sFechaFinal = date('d M Y');
    if (isset($_GET['txt_fecha_end'])) {
        $sFechaFinal = $_GET['txt_fecha_end'];
    if (isset($_POST['txt_fecha_end'])) {
        $sFechaFinal = $_POST['txt_fecha_end'];
    $arrFilterExtraVars = array("txt_fecha_init" => $sFechaInicio, "txt_fecha_end" => $sFechaFinal);
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Validación de las fechas recogidas
    if (!$oFilterForm->validateForm($arrFilterExtraVars)) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Validation Error"));
        $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
        $strErrorMsg = '<b>' . _tr('The following fields contain errors') . '</b><br/>';
        foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) {
            $strErrorMsg .= "{$k}, ";
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
        $arrFilterExtraVars = array("txt_fecha_init" => date('d M Y'), "txt_fecha_end" => date('d M Y'));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $arrFilterExtraVars);
    // Obtener fechas en formato yyyy-mm-dd
    $sFechaInicio = translateDate($arrFilterExtraVars['txt_fecha_init']);
    $sFechaFinal = translateDate($arrFilterExtraVars['txt_fecha_end']);
    $oReportsBreak = new paloSantoReportsBreak($pDB);
    //begin grid parameters
    $bElastixNuevo = method_exists('paloSantoGrid', 'setURL');
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    // enable export.
    $arrColumnas = array(_tr('Agent Number'), _tr('Agent Name'));
    $bExportando = $bElastixNuevo ? $oGrid->isExportAction() : isset($_GET['exportcsv']) && $_GET['exportcsv'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes';
    $datosBreaks = $oReportsBreak->getReportesBreak($sFechaInicio, $sFechaFinal);
    $mapa = array();
    // Columna del break dado su ID
    $sTagInicio = !$bExportando ? '<b>' : '';
    $sTagFinal = $sTagInicio != '' ? '</b>' : '';
    $filaTotales = array($sTagInicio . _tr('Total') . $sTagFinal, '');
    foreach ($datosBreaks['breaks'] as $idBreak => $sNombreBreak) {
        $mapa[$idBreak] = count($arrColumnas);
        $arrColumnas[] = $sNombreBreak;
        $filaTotales[] = 0;
        // Total de segundos usado por todos los agentes en este break
    $mapa['TOTAL'] = count($arrColumnas);
    $filaTotales[] = 0;
    // Total de segundos usado por todos los agentes en todos los breaks
    $arrColumnas[] = _tr('Total');
    $arrData = array();
    foreach ($datosBreaks['reporte'] as $infoAgente) {
        $filaAgente = array($infoAgente['numero_agente'], $infoAgente['nombre_agente']);
        $iTotalAgente = 0;
        // Total de segundos usados por agente en breaks
        // Valor inicial de todos los breaks es 0 segundos
        foreach (array_keys($datosBreaks['breaks']) as $idBreak) {
            $filaAgente[$mapa[$idBreak]] = '00:00:00';
        // Asignar duración del break para este agente y break
        foreach ($infoAgente['breaks'] as $tuplaBreak) {
            $sTagInicio = !$bExportando && $tuplaBreak['duracion'] > 0 ? '<font color="green">' : '';
            $sTagFinal = $sTagInicio != '' ? '</font>' : '';
            $filaAgente[$mapa[$tuplaBreak['id_break']]] = $sTagInicio . formatoSegundos($tuplaBreak['duracion']) . $sTagFinal;
            $iTotalAgente += $tuplaBreak['duracion'];
            $filaTotales[$mapa[$tuplaBreak['id_break']]] += $tuplaBreak['duracion'];
            $filaTotales[$mapa['TOTAL']] += $tuplaBreak['duracion'];
        // Total para todos los breaks de este agente
        $filaAgente[$mapa['TOTAL']] = formatoSegundos($iTotalAgente);
        $arrData[] = $filaAgente;
    $sTagInicio = !$bExportando ? '<b>' : '';
    $sTagFinal = $sTagInicio != '' ? '</b>' : '';
    foreach ($mapa as $iPos) {
        $filaTotales[$iPos] = $sTagInicio . formatoSegundos($filaTotales[$iPos]) . $sTagFinal;
    $arrData[] = $filaTotales;
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Reports Break"));
        $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Reports Break"));
        $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
        return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    } else {
        $url = construirURL($arrFilterExtraVars);
        $offset = 0;
        $total = count($datosBreaks['reporte']) + 1;
        $limit = $total;
        function _map_name($s)
            return array('name' => $s);
        $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr('Reports Break'), "url" => $url, "icon" => "images/list.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total, "total" => $total, "columns" => array_map('_map_name', $arrColumnas));
        if (isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridPDF')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridPDF($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if (isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridXLS')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridXLS($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if ($bExportando) {
            $title = $sFechaInicio . "-" . $sFechaFinal;
            header("Cache-Control: private");
            header("Pragma: cache");
            header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present');
            header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $title . ".csv\"");
        if ($bExportando) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridCSV($arrGrid, $arrData);
        $sContenido = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if (strpos($sContenido, '<form') === FALSE) {
            $sContenido = "<form  method=\"POST\" style=\"margin-bottom:0;\" action=\"{$url}\">{$sContenido}</form>";
        return $sContenido;
コード例 #5
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    include_once "libs/paloSantoGrid.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoConfig.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoACL.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoForm.class.php";
    require_once "libs/misc.lib.php";
    include_once "lib/paloSantoVoiceMail.class.php";
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    $lang = get_language();
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $lang_file = "modules/{$module_name}/lang/{$lang}.lang";
    if (file_exists("{$base_dir}/{$lang_file}")) {
        include_once "{$lang_file}";
    } else {
        include_once "modules/{$module_name}/lang/en.lang";
    //global variables
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    global $arrLang;
    global $arrLangModule;
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    $arrLang = array_merge($arrLang, $arrLangModule);
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    //segun el usuario que esta logoneado consulto si tiene asignada extension para buscar los voicemails
    $pDB = new paloDB($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']);
    $pConfig = new paloConfig("/etc", "amportal.conf", "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
    $arrAMP = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
    $dsnAsterisk = $arrAMP['AMPDBENGINE']['valor'] . "://" . $arrAMP['AMPDBUSER']['valor'] . ":" . $arrAMP['AMPDBPASS']['valor'] . "@" . $arrAMP['AMPDBHOST']['valor'] . "/asterisk";
    $pDB_ast = new paloDB($dsnAsterisk);
    if (!empty($pDB->errMsg)) {
        echo "ERROR DE DB: {$pDB->errMsg} <br>";
    $arrData = array();
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB);
    if (!empty($pACL->errMsg)) {
        echo "ERROR DE ACL: {$pACL->errMsg} <br>";
    $arrVoiceData = array();
    $inicio = $fin = $total = 0;
    $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    $ext = $extension;
    $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    $bandCustom = true;
    if (is_null($ext) || $ext == "") {
        $bandCustom = false;
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["contact_admin"] . "</b>");
            return "";
    if ($esAdministrador) {
        $extension = "[[:digit:]]+";
    $smarty->assign("menu", "voicemail");
    $smarty->assign("Filter", $arrLang['Show']);
    //formulario para el filtro
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFormVoiceList($arrLang);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Por omision las fechas toman el sgte. valor (la fecha de hoy)
    $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
    $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
    $dateStartFilter = getParameter('date_start');
    $dateEndFilter = getParameter('date_end');
    $report = false;
    if (getParameter('filter')) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($dateStartFilter) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($dateEndFilter) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $dateStartFilter, "date_end" => $dateEndFilter);
        } else {
            // Error
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", $arrLang["Validation Error"]);
            $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
            $strErrorMsg = "<b>{$arrLang['The following fields contain errors']}:</b><br>";
            foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) {
                $strErrorMsg .= "{$k}, ";
            $strErrorMsg .= "";
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
        if ($dateStartFilter == "") {
            $dateStartFilter = " ";
        if ($dateEndFilter == "") {
            $dateEndFilter = " ";
        //se añade control a los filtros
        $report = true;
        $arrDate = array('date_start' => $dateStartFilter, 'date_end' => $dateEndFilter);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        if (isset($dateStartFilter) and isset($dateEndFilter)) {
            $report = true;
            $date_start = translateDate($dateStartFilter) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($dateEndFilter) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrDate = array('date_start' => $dateStartFilter, 'date_end' => $dateEndFilter);
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $dateStartFilter, "date_end" => $dateEndFilter);
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_GET);
        } else {
            $report = true;
            //se añade control a los filtros
            $arrDate = array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y"));
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")));
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    if ($report) {
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $arrDate['date_start'] . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $arrDate['date_end'], $arrDate, array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")), true);
    if (getParameter('submit_eliminar')) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($_POST['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($_POST['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $_POST['date_start'], "date_end" => $_POST['date_end']);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    if (getParameter('config')) {
        if (!(is_null($ext) || $ext == "")) {
            return form_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast);
    if (getParameter('save')) {
        if (!save_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast)) {
            return form_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast);
    if (getParameter('action') == "display_record") {
        $file = getParameter("name");
        $ext = getParameter("ext");
        $user = isset($_SESSION['elastix_user']) ? $_SESSION['elastix_user'] : "";
        $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($user);
        $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($user);
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/" . base64_decode($file);
        $tmpfile = basename($voicemailPath);
        $filetmp = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/{$tmpfile}";
        if (!is_file($filetmp)) {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            if ($extension != $ext) {
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$extension}/INBOX/" . base64_decode($file);
        if (isset($file) && preg_match("/^[[:alpha:]]+[[:digit:]]+\\.(wav|WAV|Wav|mp3|gsm)\$/", base64_decode($file))) {
            if (!is_file($voicemailPath)) {
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            $sContenido = "";
            $name = basename($voicemailPath);
            $format = substr(strtolower($name), -3);
            // This will set the Content-Type to the appropriate setting for the file
            $ctype = '';
            switch ($format) {
                case "mp3":
                    $ctype = "audio/mpeg";
                case "wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "Wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "WAV":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "gsm":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-gsm";
                    // not downloadable
                // not downloadable
                    die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            if ($sContenido == "") {
                $session_id = session_id();
            $sContenido = <<<contenido
                    <embed src='index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=download&ext={$ext}&name={$file}&rawmode=yes&elastixSession={$session_id}' width=300, height=20 autoplay=true loop=false type="{$ctype}"></embed><br>
            $smarty->assign("CONTENT", $sContenido);
        } else {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
    if (getParameter('action') == "download") {
        $user = isset($_SESSION['elastix_user']) ? $_SESSION['elastix_user'] : "";
        $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($user);
        $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($user);
        $record = getParameter("name");
        $ext = getParameter("ext");
        if (!preg_match("/^[[:digit:]]+\$/", $ext)) {
            Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        $record = base64_decode($record);
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/" . $record;
        $tmpfile = basename($voicemailPath);
        $filetmp = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/{$tmpfile}";
        if (!is_file($filetmp)) {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            if ($extension != $ext) {
                Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_extension"] . "</b>");
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$extension}/INBOX/" . $record;
        if (isset($record) && preg_match("/^[[:alpha:]]+[[:digit:]]+\\.(wav|WAV|Wav|mp3|gsm)\$/", $record)) {
            // See if the file exists
            if (!is_file($voicemailPath)) {
                Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            // Gather relevent info about file
            $size = filesize($voicemailPath);
            $name = basename($voicemailPath);
            //$extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($name,"."),1));
            $extension = substr(strtolower($name), -3);
            // This will set the Content-Type to the appropriate setting for the file
            $ctype = '';
            switch ($extension) {
                case "mp3":
                    $ctype = "audio/mpeg";
                case "wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "Wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "WAV":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "gsm":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-gsm";
                    // not downloadable
                // not downloadable
                    die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            // need to check if file is mislabeled or a liar.
            $fp = fopen($voicemailPath, "rb");
            if ($size && $ctype && $fp) {
                header("Pragma: public");
                header("Expires: 0");
                header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                header("Cache-Control: public");
                header("Content-Description: wav file");
                header("Content-Type: " . $ctype);
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $name);
                header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                header("Content-length: " . $size);
        } else {
            Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
    $end = 0;
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    //si tiene extension consulto sino, muestro un mensaje de que no tiene asociada extension
    $archivos = array();
    if (!(is_null($ext) || $ext == "") || $esAdministrador) {
        if (is_null($ext) || $ext == "") {
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["no_extension_assigned"] . "</b>");
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $folder = "INBOX";
        if ($esAdministrador) {
            if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
                while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) {
                    if ($dir != "." && $dir != ".." && ereg($extension, $dir, $regs) && is_dir($path . "/" . $dir)) {
                        $directorios[] = $dir;
        } else {
            $directorios[] = $extension;
        $arrData = array();
        foreach ($directorios as $directorio) {
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$directorio}/{$folder}";
            if (file_exists($voicemailPath)) {
                if ($handle = opendir($voicemailPath)) {
                    $bExito = true;
                    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                        //no tomar en cuenta . y ..
                        //buscar los archivos de texto (txt) que son los que contienen los datos de las llamadas
                        if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && ereg("(.+)\\.[txt|TXT]", $file, $regs)) {
                            //leer la info del archivo
                            $pConfig = new paloConfig($voicemailPath, $file, "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
                            $arrVoiceMailDes = array();
                            $arrVoiceMailDes = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
                            //verifico que tenga datos
                            if (is_array($arrVoiceMailDes) && count($arrVoiceMailDes) > 0 && isset($arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor'])) {
                                //uso las fechas del filtro
                                //si la fecha de llamada esta dentro del rango, la muestro
                                $fecha = date("Y-m-d", $arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor']);
                                $hora = date("H:i:s", $arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor']);
                                if (strtotime("{$fecha} {$hora}") <= strtotime($date_end) && strtotime("{$fecha} {$hora}") >= strtotime($date_start)) {
                                    $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='" . utf8_encode("voc-" . $file) . ",{$directorio}' />";
                                    $arrTmp[1] = $fecha;
                                    $arrTmp[2] = $hora;
                                    $arrTmp[3] = $arrVoiceMailDes['callerid']['valor'];
                                    $arrTmp[4] = $arrVoiceMailDes['origmailbox']['valor'];
                                    $arrTmp[5] = $arrVoiceMailDes['duration']['valor'] . ' sec.';
                                    $pathRecordFile = base64_encode($regs[1] . '.wav');
                                    $recordingLink = "<a href='#' onClick=\"javascript:popUp('index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=display_record&ext={$directorio}&name={$pathRecordFile}&rawmode=yes',350,100); return false;\">{$arrLang['Listen']}</a>&nbsp;";
                                    $recordingLink .= "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=download&ext={$directorio}&name={$pathRecordFile}&rawmode=yes'>{$arrLang['Download']}</a>";
                                    $arrTmp[6] = $recordingLink;
                                    $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
            } else {
                // No vale la ruta
        function sort_voicemails_hora_desc($a, $b) { return ($a[2] == $b[2]) ? 0 : (($a[2] < $b[2]) ? 1 : -1); }
        function sort_voicemails_fecha_desc($a, $b) { return ($a[1] == $b[1]) ? 0 : (($a[1] < $b[1]) ? 1 : -1); }
        usort($arrData, 'sort_voicemails_hora_desc');
        usort($arrData, 'sort_voicemails_fecha_desc');
        $fechas = array();
        $horas = array();
        foreach ($arrData as $llave => $fila) {
            $fechas[$llave] = $fila[1];
            $horas[$llave] = $fila[2];
        array_multisort($fechas, SORT_DESC, $horas, SORT_DESC, $arrData);
        $limit = 15;
        $total = count($arrData);
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
        // Construyo el URL base
        if (isset($arrFilterExtraVars) && is_array($arrFilterExtraVars) and count($arrFilterExtraVars) > 0) {
            $url = array_merge($url, $arrFilterExtraVars);
        //Fin Paginacion
        $arrVoiceData = array_slice($arrData, $offset, $limit);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["contact_admin"] . "</b>");
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Voicemail List"], "url" => $url, "icon" => "/modules/{$module_name}/images/pbx_voicemail.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => "", "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $arrLang["Date"], "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => $arrLang["Time"], "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => $arrLang["CallerID"], "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => $arrLang["Extension"], "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => $arrLang["Duration"], "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => $arrLang["Message"], "property1" => "")));
    if ($bandCustom == true) {
        $oGrid->customAction("config", _tr("Configuration"));
    $oGrid->deleteList(_tr("Are you sure you wish to delete voicemails?"), "submit_eliminar", _tr("Delete"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrVoiceData, $arrLang);
    if (strpos($contenidoModulo, '<form') === FALSE) {
        $contenidoModulo = "<form style='margin-bottom:0;' method='POST' action='?menu={$module_name}'>{$contenidoModulo}</form>";
    return $contenidoModulo;
コード例 #6
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function listadoLoginLogout($pDB, $smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir)
    $oCalls = new paloSantoLoginLogout($pDB);
    $smarty->assign(array('SHOW' => _tr('Show'), 'Filter' => _tr('Find')));
    $arrFormElements = array('date_start' => array('LABEL' => _tr('Date Init'), 'REQUIRED' => 'yes', 'INPUT_TYPE' => 'DATE', 'INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM' => '', 'VALIDATION_TYPE' => 'ereg', 'VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}$'), 'date_end' => array('LABEL' => _tr('Date End'), 'REQUIRED' => 'yes', 'INPUT_TYPE' => 'DATE', 'INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM' => '', 'VALIDATION_TYPE' => 'ereg', 'VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}$'), 'detailtype' => array('LABEL' => _tr('Tipo'), 'REQUIRED' => 'no', 'INPUT_TYPE' => 'SELECT', 'INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM' => array('D' => _tr('Detallado'), 'G' => _tr('General')), 'VALIDATION_TYPE' => 'text', 'VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM' => ''), 'queue' => array('LABEL' => _tr('Incoming Queue'), 'REQUIRED' => 'no', 'INPUT_TYPE' => 'SELECT', 'INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM' => generarComboColasEntrantes($oCalls), 'VALIDATION_TYPE' => 'text', 'VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM' => '^\\d+$'));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Parámetros base y validación de parámetros
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    $paramFiltroBase = $paramFiltro = array('date_start' => date('d M Y'), 'date_end' => date('d M Y'), 'detailtype' => 'D', 'queue' => '');
    foreach (array_keys($paramFiltro) as $k) {
        if (!is_null(getParameter($k))) {
            $paramFiltro[$k] = getParameter($k);
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $paramFiltro);
    if (!$oFilterForm->validateForm($paramFiltro)) {
        $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('Validation Error'), 'mb_message' => '<b>' . _tr('The following fields contain errors') . ':</b><br/>' . implode(', ', array_keys($oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion))));
        $paramFiltro = $paramFiltroBase;
    // Tradudir fechas a formato ISO para comparación y para API de CDRs.
    $url = array_merge($url, $paramFiltro);
    $paramFiltro['date_start'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_start']) . ' 00:00:00';
    $paramFiltro['date_end'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_end']) . ' 23:59:59';
    // Consulta y recorte de registros
    $recordset = $oCalls->leerRegistrosLoginLogout($paramFiltro['detailtype'], $paramFiltro['date_start'], $paramFiltro['date_end'], trim($paramFiltro['queue']) == '' ? NULL : $paramFiltro['queue']);
    if (!is_array($recordset)) {
        $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('Query Error'), 'mb_message' => $oCalls->errMsg));
        $recordset = array();
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $bExportando = $oGrid->isExportAction();
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    // Formato del arreglo de datos a mostrar
    $arrData = array();
    $sTagInicio = !$bExportando ? '<b>' : '';
    $sTagFinal = $sTagInicio != '' ? '</b>' : '';
    $recordSlice = $bExportando ? $recordset : array_slice($recordset, $offset, LIMITE_PAGINA);
    foreach ($recordSlice as $tupla) {
        $arrData[] = array($tupla['number'], $tupla['name'], $tupla['datetime_init'], $tupla['estado'] == 'ONLINE' ? $sTagInicio . $tupla['datetime_end'] . $sTagFinal : $tupla['datetime_end'], format_time($tupla['duration']), format_time($tupla['total_incoming']), format_time($tupla['total_outgoing']), format_time($tupla['total_incoming'] + $tupla['total_outgoing']), number_format(100.0 * ($tupla['duration'] <= 0 ? 0 : ($tupla['total_incoming'] + $tupla['total_outgoing']) / $tupla['duration']), 2), _tr($tupla['estado']));
    // Calcular totales de pie de página
    $ktotales = array('duration', 'total_incoming', 'total_outgoing');
    $totales = array_combine($ktotales, array_fill(0, count($ktotales), 0));
    foreach ($recordset as $tupla) {
        foreach ($ktotales as $k) {
            $totales[$k] += $tupla[$k];
    $arrData[] = array($sTagInicio . _tr('Total') . $sTagFinal, '', '', '', $sTagInicio . format_time($totales['duration']) . $sTagFinal, $sTagInicio . format_time($totales['total_incoming']) . $sTagFinal, $sTagInicio . format_time($totales['total_outgoing']) . $sTagFinal, $sTagInicio . format_time($totales['total_incoming'] + $totales['total_outgoing']) . $sTagFinal, '', '');
    $arrColumnas = array(_tr('Agente'), _tr('Nombre'), _tr('Date Init'), _tr('Date End'), _tr('Total Login'), _tr('Llamadas entrantes'), _tr('Llamadas salientes'), _tr('Tiempo en Llamadas'), _tr('Service(%)'), _tr('Estado'));
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('Login Logout'));
    $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr('Login Logout'));
    return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
コード例 #7
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    include_once "libs/paloSantoGrid.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoDB.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoForm.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoConfig.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoCDR.class.php";
    require_once "libs/misc.lib.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoRate.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoTrunk.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoGraphImage.lib.php";
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    $lang = get_language();
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $lang_file = "modules/{$module_name}/lang/{$lang}.lang";
    if (file_exists("{$base_dir}/{$lang_file}")) {
        include_once "{$lang_file}";
    } else {
        include_once "modules/{$module_name}/lang/en.lang";
    //global variables
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    global $arrLang;
    global $arrLangModule;
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    $arrLang = array_merge($arrLang, $arrLangModule);
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    $MAX_DAYS = 60;
    $arrData = array();
    $smarty->assign("menu", "dest_distribution");
    $smarty->assign("Filter", $arrLang['Filter']);
    $arrFormElements = array("date_start" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["Start Date"], "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}\$"), "date_end" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["End Date"], "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}\$"), "criteria" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["Criteria"], "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("minutes" => $arrLang["Distribution by Time"], "num_calls" => $arrLang["Distribution by Number of Calls"], "charge" => $arrLang["Distribution by Cost"]), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Por omision las fechas toman el sgte. valor (la fecha de hoy)
    $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
    $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
    $value_criteria = "minutes";
    if (isset($_POST['filter'])) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($_POST['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($_POST['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
            //valido que no exista diferencia mayor de 31 dias entre las fechas
            $inicio = strtotime($date_start);
            $fin = strtotime($date_end);
            $num_dias = ($fin - $inicio) / 86400;
            if ($num_dias > $MAX_DAYS) {
                $_POST['date_start'] = date("d M Y");
                $_POST['date_end'] = date("d M Y");
                $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
                $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
                $smarty->assign("mb_title", $arrLang["Validation Error"]);
                $smarty->assign("mb_message", "{$arrLang['Date Range spans maximum number of days']}:{$MAX_DAYS}");
            $value_criteria = $_POST['criteria'];
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $_POST['date_start'], "date_end" => $_POST['date_end'], "criteria" => $_POST['criteria']);
        } else {
            // Error
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", $arrLang["Validation Error"]);
            $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
            $strErrorMsg = "<b>{$arrLang['The following fields contain errors']}:</b><br>";
            foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) {
                $strErrorMsg .= "{$k}, ";
            $strErrorMsg .= "";
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
        $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/dest_dist_filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['date_start']) && isset($_GET['date_end'])) {
            //valido que no exista diferencia mayor de 31 dias entre las fechas
            $date_start = translateDate($_GET['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($_GET['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
            $inicio = strtotime($date_start);
            $fin = strtotime($date_end);
            $num_dias = ($fin - $inicio) / 86400;
            if ($num_dias > $MAX_DAYS) {
                $_GET['date_start'] = date("d M Y");
                $_GET['date_end'] = date("d M Y");
                $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
                $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
                $smarty->assign("mb_title", $arrLang["Validation Error"]);
                $smarty->assign("mb_message", "{$arrLang['Date Range spans maximum number of days']}:{$MAX_DAYS}");
            $value_criteria = $_GET['criteria'];
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $_GET['date_start'], "date_end" => $_GET['date_end'], "criteria" => $_GET['criteria']);
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/dest_dist_filter.tpl", "", $_GET);
        } else {
            $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/dest_dist_filter.tpl", "", array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y"), 'criteria' => 'minutes'));
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'image') {
        ejecutarGrafico($value_criteria, $date_start, $date_end);
        return '';
    //obtener los datos a mostrar
    $type_graph = $value_criteria;
    //consulto cuales son los trunks de salida
    $data_graph = leerDatosGrafico($type_graph, $date_start, $date_end);
    $title_sumary = $data_graph['title_sumary'];
    //contruir la tabla de sumario
    $smarty->assign('URL_GRAPHIC', construirURL(array('module' => $module_name, 'rawmode' => 'yes', 'action' => 'image', 'criteria' => $value_criteria, 'date_start' => date('d M Y', strtotime($date_start)), 'date_end' => date('d M Y', strtotime($date_end)))));
    if (count($data_graph["values"]) > 0) {
        $mostrarSumario = TRUE;
        $total_valores = array_sum($data_graph["values"]);
        $resultados = $data_graph["values"];
        foreach ($resultados as $pos => $valor) {
            $results[] = array($data_graph['legend'][$pos], number_format($valor, 2), number_format($valor / $total_valores * 100, 2));
        if (count($results) > 1) {
            $results[] = array("<b>Total<b>", "<b>" . number_format($total_valores, 2) . "<b>", "<b>" . number_format(100, 2) . "<b>");
        $smarty->assign("Rate_Name", $arrLang["Rate Name"]);
        $smarty->assign("Title_Criteria", $title_sumary);
        $smarty->assign("results", $results);
    } else {
        $mostrarSumario = FALSE;
    $smarty->assign("mostrarSumario", $mostrarSumario);
    $smarty->assign("contentFilter", $htmlFilter);
    $smarty->assign("title", $arrLang['Destination Distribution']);
    $smarty->assign("icon", "images/bardoc.png");
    return $smarty->fetch("file:{$local_templates_dir}/dest_distribution.tpl");
コード例 #8
function report_Extention($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB_cdr, $pDB_ext)
    $arrFormElements = array("date_from" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Start date"), "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "date_to" => array("LABEL" => _tr("End date"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "extensions" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Number"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => loadExtentions($pDB_ext), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "EDITABLE" => "yes", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "classify_by" => array("LABEL" => "", "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("Number" => _tr('Extension (Number)'), "Queue" => _tr('Queue'), "Trunk" => _tr('Trunk')), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "EDITABLE" => "yes", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", 'ONCHANGE' => 'show_elements();'), "call_to" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Number"), "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("id" => 'call_to'), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "EDITABLE" => "yes", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "trunks" => array("LABEL" => "Trunk", "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => loadTrunks($pDB_ext), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "EDITABLE" => "yes", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $smarty->assign("HERE", _tr("Here"));
    $date_ini = getParameter("date_from");
    $date_fin = getParameter("date_to");
    $ext = getParameter("call_to");
    $date_ini2 = translateDate($date_ini);
    $date_fin2 = translateDate($date_fin);
    $ext2 = $ext;
    $option = "";
    if (isset($_POST["classify_by"])) {
        $option = $_POST["classify_by"];
        $smarty->assign("classify_by", $option);
    if (getAction() == "show") {
        $smarty->assign("date_from", $date_ini);
        $smarty->assign("date_1", $date_ini);
        $smarty->assign("date_to", $date_fin);
        $smarty->assign("date_2", $date_fin);
        $date_ini2 = translateDate($date_ini);
        $date_fin2 = translateDate($date_fin);
    } else {
        $_POST["date_from"] = date("d M Y");
        $_POST["date_to"] = date("d M Y");
        $date_ini = date("d M Y");
        $date_fin = date("d M Y");
        $date_ini2 = translateDate($date_ini);
        $date_fin2 = translateDate($date_fin);
    $_POST["extensions"] = $ext;
    $smarty->assign("value_2", $date_ini);
    $smarty->assign("module_name", $module_name);
    $pExtention = new paloSantoExtention($pDB_cdr);
    $ruta_img = array();
    $error = false;
    if ($option == "Number") {
        if (!preg_match("/^[1-9]{1}[[:digit:]]*\$/", $ext) && isset($ext)) {
            $error = true;
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Validation Error"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("The extension must be numeric and can not start with zero"));
        $smarty->assign("SELECTED_1", "selected");
        $smarty->assign("SELECTED_2", "");
        $smarty->assign("SELECTED_3", "");
        $numIn = 0;
        $numOut = 0;
        $numTot = 0;
        $result = $pExtention->countCallsByExtension($date_ini2, $date_fin2, $ext);
        if (is_array($result)) {
            $numIn = $result['num_incoming_call'];
            $numOut = $result['num_outgoing_call'];
            $numTot = $numIn + $numOut;
        if ($numIn != 0) {
            $VALUE = (int) (100 * ($numIn / $numTot));
        } else {
            $VALUE = 0;
        $ruta_img = array("?menu={$module_name}&amp;action=grafic&amp;du={$VALUE}%&amp;in={$numIn}&amp;out={$numOut}&amp;ext={$ext2}&amp;tot={$numTot}&amp;rawmode=yes");
    } else {
        if ($option == "Queue") {
            $smarty->assign("SELECTED_1", "");
            $smarty->assign("SELECTED_2", "selected");
            $smarty->assign("SELECTED_3", "");
            $ruta_img = array("?menu={$module_name}&amp;action=grafic_queue&amp;queue={$ext2}&amp;dti={$date_ini2}&amp;dtf={$date_fin2}&amp;rawmode=yes");
        } else {
            if ($option == "Trunk") {
                $smarty->assign("SELECTED_1", "");
                $smarty->assign("SELECTED_2", "");
                $smarty->assign("SELECTED_3", "selected");
                $trunkT = getParameter("trunks");
                $smarty->assign("trunks", $trunkT);
                $ruta_img = array("?menu={$module_name}&amp;action=grafic_trunk&amp;trunk={$trunkT}&amp;dti={$date_ini2}&amp;dtf={$date_fin2}&amp;rawmode=yes", "?menu={$module_name}&amp;action=grafic_trunk2&amp;trunk={$trunkT}&amp;dti={$date_ini2}&amp;dtf={$date_fin2}&amp;rawmode=yes");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ruta_img); $i++) {
        $ruta_img[$i] = "<img src='" . $ruta_img[$i] . "' border='0'>";
    if (count($ruta_img) > 0 && !$error) {
        $smarty->assign("ruta_img", "<tr class='letra12'><td align='center'>" . implode('&nbsp;&nbsp;', $ruta_img) . '<td></tr>');
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("ruta_img", "<tr class='letra12'><td align='center'><td></tr>");
    $smarty->assign("icon", "modules/{$module_name}/images/reports_graphic_reports.png");
    $htmlForm = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", _tr("Graphic Report"), $_POST);
    $contenidoModulo = "<form  method='POST' style='margin-bottom:0;' action='?menu={$module_name}'>" . $htmlForm . "</form>";
    return $contenidoModulo;
コード例 #9
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function listadoHoldTime($pDB, $smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$oGrid, &$arrGrid, &$arrData)
    $arrData = array();
    $oCalls = new paloSantoHoldTime($pDB);
    $fecha_init = date("d M Y");
    $fecha_end = date("d M Y");
    // preguntamos por el TIPO del filtro (Entrante/Saliente)
    if (!isset($_POST['cbo_tipos']) || $_POST['cbo_tipos'] == "") {
        $_POST['cbo_tipos'] = "E";
        //por defecto las consultas seran de Llamadas Entrantes
    $tipo = 'E';
    $entrantes = 'T';
    $salientes = 'T';
    if (isset($_POST['cbo_tipos'])) {
        $tipo = $_POST['cbo_tipos'];
    if (isset($_POST['cbo_estado_entrantes'])) {
        $entrantes = $_POST['cbo_estado_entrantes'];
    if (isset($_POST['cbo_estado_salientes'])) {
        $salientes = $_POST['cbo_estado_salientes'];
    //validamos la fecha
    if (isset($_POST['txt_fecha_init']) && isset($_POST['txt_fecha_end'])) {
        $fecha_init_actual = $_POST['txt_fecha_init'];
        $fecha_end_actual = $_POST['txt_fecha_end'];
    } elseif (isset($_GET['txt_fecha_init']) && isset($_GET['txt_fecha_end'])) {
        $fecha_init_actual = $_GET['txt_fecha_init'];
        $fecha_end_actual = $_GET['txt_fecha_end'];
    } else {
        $fecha_init_actual = $fecha_init;
        $fecha_end_actual = $fecha_end;
    $sValidacion = "^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}\$";
    if (isset($_POST['submit_fecha']) || isset($_POST['cbo_tipos'])) {
        // si se ha presionado el boton pregunto si hay una fecha de inicio elegida
        if (isset($_POST['txt_fecha_init']) && $_POST['txt_fecha_init'] != "" && isset($_POST['txt_fecha_end']) && $_POST['txt_fecha_end'] != "") {
            // sihay una fecha de inicio pregunto si es valido el formato de la fecha
            if (ereg($sValidacion, $_POST['txt_fecha_init'])) {
                // si el formato es valido procedo a convertir la fecha en un arreglo que contiene
                // el anio , mes y dia seleccionados
                $fecha_init = $fecha_init_actual;
                $arrFecha_init = explode('-', translateDate($fecha_init));
            } else {
                // si la fecha esta en un formato no valido se envia un mensaje de error
                $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error"));
                $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Debe ingresar una fecha valida"));
            // pregunto si es valido el formato de la fecha final
            if (ereg($sValidacion, $_POST['txt_fecha_end'])) {
                // si el formato es valido procedo a convertir la fecha en un arreglo que contiene
                // el anio , mes y dia seleccionados
                $fecha_end = $fecha_end_actual;
                $arrFecha_end = explode('-', translateDate($fecha_end));
            } else {
                // si la fecha esta en un formato no valido se envia un mensaje de error
                $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error"));
                $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Debe ingresar una fecha valida"));
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("cbo_tipos" => $tipo, "cbo_estado_entrantes" => $entrantes, "cbo_estado_salientes" => $salientes, "txt_fecha_init" => $_POST['txt_fecha_init'], "txt_fecha_end" => $_POST['txt_fecha_end']);
        } elseif (isset($_GET['txt_fecha_init']) && $_GET['txt_fecha_init'] != "" && isset($_GET['txt_fecha_end']) && $_GET['txt_fecha_end'] != "") {
            if (ereg($sValidacion, $_GET['txt_fecha_init'])) {
                // si el formato es valido procedo a convertir la fecha en un arreglo que contiene
                // el anio , mes y dia seleccionados
                $fecha_init = $fecha_init_actual;
                $arrFecha_init = explode('-', translateDate($fecha_init));
            } else {
                // si la fecha esta en un formato no valido se envia un mensaje de error
                $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error"));
                $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Debe ingresar una fecha valida"));
            // pregunto si es valido el formato de la fecha final
            if (ereg($sValidacion, $_GET['txt_fecha_end'])) {
                // si el formato es valido procedo a convertir la fecha en un arreglo que contiene
                // el anio , mes y dia seleccionados
                $fecha_end = $fecha_end_actual;
                $arrFecha_end = explode('-', translateDate($fecha_end));
            } else {
                // si la fecha esta en un formato no valido se envia un mensaje de error
                $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error"));
                $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Debe ingresar una fecha valida"));
            $tipo = $_GET['cbo_tipos'];
            $entrantes = $_GET['cbo_estado_entrantes'];
            $salientes = $_GET['cbo_estado_salientes'];
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("cbo_tipos" => $_GET['cbo_tipos'], "cbo_estado_entrantes" => $_GET['cbo_estado_entrantes'], "cbo_estado_salientes" => $_GET['cbo_estado_salientes'], "txt_fecha_init" => $_GET['txt_fecha_init'], "txt_fecha_end" => $_GET['txt_fecha_end']);
        } elseif (!isset($fecha_init) && !isset($fecha_end)) {
            // si se ha presionado el boton para listar por fechas, y no se ha ingresado una fecha
            // se le muestra al usuario un mensaje de error
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Debe ingresar una fecha inicio/fin"));
    $bElastixNuevo = method_exists('paloSantoGrid', 'setURL');
    $bExportando = $bElastixNuevo ? $oGrid->isExportAction() : isset($_GET['exportcsv']) && $_GET['exportcsv'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes';
    //para el pagineo
    // LISTADO
    $limit = 50;
    $offset = 0;
    //numero de registros
    $arrCallsTmp = $oCalls->getHoldTime($tipo, $entrantes, $salientes, translateDate($fecha_init), translateDate($fecha_end), $limit, $offset);
    $totalCalls = $arrCallsTmp['NumRecords'];
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    } else {
        // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "end") {
            // Mejorar el sgte. bloque.
            if ($totalCalls % $limit == 0) {
                $offset = $totalCalls - $limit;
            } else {
                $offset = $totalCalls - $totalCalls % $limit;
        // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "next") {
            $offset = $_GET['start'] + $limit - 1;
        // Si se quiere retroceder
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "previous") {
            $offset = $_GET['start'] - $limit - 1;
    // Construyo el URL base
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    if (isset($arrFilterExtraVars) && is_array($arrFilterExtraVars) && count($arrFilterExtraVars) > 0) {
        $url = array_merge($url, $arrFilterExtraVars);
    //fin de pagineo
    //llamamos  a la función que hace la consulta  a la base según los criterios de búsqueda
    $arrCalls = $oCalls->getHoldTime($tipo, $entrantes, $salientes, translateDate($fecha_init), translateDate($fecha_end), $limit, $offset);
    //Llenamos el contenido de las columnas
    $arrTmp = array();
    $sTagInicio = !$bExportando ? '<b>' : '';
    $sTagFinal = $sTagInicio != '' ? '</b>' : '';
    if (is_array($arrCalls)) {
        $end = $arrCalls['NumRecords'];
        foreach ($arrCalls['Data'] as $calls) {
            $arrTmp[0] = $calls['cola'];
            //primeramente enceramos los valores de horas
            $arrTmp[1] = "";
            $arrTmp[2] = "";
            $arrTmp[3] = "";
            $arrTmp[4] = "";
            $arrTmp[5] = "";
            $arrTmp[6] = "";
            $arrTmp[7] = "";
            $arrTmp[8] = "";
            $arrTmp[9] = "";
            foreach ($calls as $intervalo => $num_veces) {
                if ($intervalo == '0') {
                    $arrTmp[1] = $num_veces;
                } elseif ($intervalo == '1') {
                    $arrTmp[2] = $num_veces;
                } elseif ($intervalo == '2') {
                    $arrTmp[3] = $num_veces;
                } elseif ($intervalo == '3') {
                    $arrTmp[4] = $num_veces;
                } elseif ($intervalo == '4') {
                    $arrTmp[5] = $num_veces;
                } elseif ($intervalo == '5') {
                    $arrTmp[6] = $num_veces;
                } elseif ($intervalo == "6") {
                    $arrTmp[7] = $num_veces;
                } elseif ($intervalo == 'tiempo_promedio') {
                    //tiempo promedio de espera en segundos
                    $arrTmp[8] = number_format($num_veces, 0);
                } elseif ($intervalo == 'nuevo_valor_maximo') {
                    //valor mayor en segundos
                    $arrTmp[9] = $num_veces;
                $arrTmp[10] = sumNumCalls($arrTmp);
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        $arrTmp[0] = $sTagInicio . _tr("Total") . $sTagFinal;
        for ($j = 1; $j <= 8; $j++) {
            $sum = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrData); $i++) {
                $sum = $sum + $arrData[$i][$j];
            $arrTmp[$j] = $sTagInicio . $sum . $sTagFinal;
        $sumTotalCalls = $maxTimeWait = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrData); $i++) {
            $maxTimeWait = $oCalls->getMaxWait($maxTimeWait, $arrData[$i][9]);
            $sumTotalCalls = $sumTotalCalls + $arrData[$i][10];
        $arrTmp[10] = $sTagInicio . $sumTotalCalls . $sTagFinal;
        $arrTmp[9] = $sTagInicio . $maxTimeWait . $sTagFinal;
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    //Para el combo de tipos
    $tipos = array("E" => _tr("Ingoing"), "S" => _tr("Outgoing"));
    $combo_tipos = "<select name='cbo_tipos' id='cbo_tipos' onChange='submit();'>" . combo($tipos, $_POST['cbo_tipos']) . "</select>";
    //para el combo de entrantes
    if (isset($_POST['cbo_estado_entrantes'])) {
        $cbo_estado_entrates = $_POST['cbo_estado_entrantes'];
    } elseif (isset($_GET['cbo_estado_entrantes'])) {
        $cbo_estado_entrates = $_GET['cbo_estado_entrantes'];
    } else {
        $cbo_estado_entrates = 'T';
    $estados_entrantes = array("T" => _tr("Todas"), "E" => _tr("Exitosas"), "A" => _tr("Abandonadas"));
    $combo_estados_entrantes = "<select name='cbo_estado_entrantes' id='cbo_estado_entrantes' >" . combo($estados_entrantes, $cbo_estado_entrates) . "</select>";
    //para el combo de salientes
    if (isset($_POST['cbo_estado_salientes'])) {
        $cbo_estado_salientes = $_POST['cbo_estado_salientes'];
    } elseif (isset($_GET['cbo_estado_salientes'])) {
        $cbo_estado_salientes = $_GET['cbo_estado_salientes'];
    } else {
        $cbo_estado_salientes = 'T';
    $estados_salientes = array("T" => _tr("Todas"), "E" => _tr("Exitosas"), "N" => _tr("No Realizadas"), "A" => _tr("Abandonadas"));
    $combo_estados_salientes = "<select name='cbo_estado_salientes' id='cbo_estado_salientes' >" . combo($estados_salientes, $cbo_estado_salientes) . "</select>";
    //validamos que combo se cargará segun lo electo en combo TIPO, al principio le seteamos por defecto el de ENTRANTES
    $td = "<td class='letra12' align='right'>" . _tr("Estado") . "</td><td>{$combo_estados_entrantes}</td>";
    if (isset($_POST['cbo_tipos']) && $_POST['cbo_tipos'] == "E") {
        $td = "<td class='letra12' align='left'>" . _tr("Estado") . "</td><td>{$combo_estados_entrantes}</td>";
    } elseif (isset($_POST['cbo_tipos']) && $_POST['cbo_tipos'] == "S") {
        $td = "<td class='letra12' align='left'>" . _tr("Estado") . "</td><td>{$combo_estados_salientes}</td>";
    $oGrid->showFilter(insertarCabeceraCalendario() . "\n\n            <table width='100%' border='0'>\n                <tr>\n                    <td align='left'>\n                        <table>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td class='letra12'>\n                                " . _tr("Date Init") . "\n                                <span  class='required'>*</span>\n                            </td>\n                            <td>\n                                " . insertarDateInit($fecha_init_actual) . "\n                            </td>\n                            <td class='letra12'>\n                                &nbsp;\n                            </td>\n                            <td class='letra12'>\n                                " . _tr("Date End") . "\n                                <span  class='required'>*</span>\n                            </td>\n                            <td>\n                                " . insertarDateEnd($fecha_end_actual) . "\n                            </td>\n\n                        </tr>\n\n                        <tr>\n                            <td class='letra12' align='left'>" . _tr("Tipo") . "</td>\n                            <td>{$combo_tipos}</td>\n                            <td class='letra12'>\n                                &nbsp;\n                            </td>\n                            " . $td . "\n                            <td>\n                                <input type='submit' name='submit_fecha' value=" . _tr("Find") . " class='button'>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        </table>\n                    </td>\n                </tr>\n            </table>\n\n        ");
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $arrColumnas = array(_tr("Cola"), "0 - 10", "11 - 20", "21 - 30", "31 - 40", "41 - 50", "51 - 60", "61 >", _tr("Tiempo Promedio Espera(Seg)"), _tr("Espera Mayor(seg)"), _tr("Total Calls"));
        $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Hold Time"));
        $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Hold Time"));
        $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
        return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    } else {
        global $arrLang;
        $offset = 0;
        $limit = $totalCalls;
        //Llenamos las cabeceras
        $url = construirURL($url, array("nav", "start"));
        $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr("Hold Time"), "url" => $url, "icon" => "images/list.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $end == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $offset + $limit <= $end ? $offset + $limit : $end, "total" => $end, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => _tr("Cola"), "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => "0 - 10", "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => "11 - 20", "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => "21 - 30", "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => "31 - 40", "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => "41 - 50", "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => "51 - 60", "property1" => ""), 7 => array("name" => "61 >", "property1" => ""), 8 => array("name" => _tr("Tiempo Promedio Espera(Seg)"), "property1" => ""), 9 => array("name" => _tr("Espera Mayor(seg)"), "property1" => ""), 10 => array("name" => _tr("Total Calls"), "property1" => "")));
        if (isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridPDF')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridPDF($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if (isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridXLS')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridXLS($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if ($bExportando) {
            $fechaActual = date("d M Y");
            header("Cache-Control: private");
            header("Pragma: cache");
            header('Content-Type: application/octec-stream');
            $title = "\"" . $fechaActual . ".csv\"";
            header("Content-disposition: inline; filename={$title}");
            header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
        if ($bExportando) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridCSV($arrGrid, $arrData);
        $sContenido = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
        if (strpos($sContenido, '<form') === FALSE) {
            $sContenido = "<form  method=\"POST\" style=\"margin-bottom:0;\" action=\"{$url}\">{$sContenido}</form>";
        return $sContenido;
コード例 #10
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    include_once "libs/paloSantoGrid.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoDB.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoForm.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoConfig.class.php";
    require_once "libs/misc.lib.php";
    //Incluir librería de lenguaje
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/libs/paloSantoCallPerAgent.class.php";
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrLang;
    $arrCallsAgentTmp = 0;
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConfig['templates_dir']) ? $arrConfig['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    $pConfig = new paloConfig("/etc", "amportal.conf", "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
    $arrConfig = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
    $pDB = new paloDB($cadena_dsn);
    $arrData = array();
    $oCallsAgent = new paloSantoCallsAgent($pDB);
    $urlVars = array('menu' => $module_name);
    $smarty->assign("menu", "calls_per_agent");
    $smarty->assign("Filter", _tr('Query'));
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Por omision las fechas toman el sgte. valor (la fecha de hoy)
    $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
    $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
    $arrFilterExtraVars = null;
    $fieldPat = array();
    if (isset($_POST['filter'])) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($_POST['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($_POST['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
            if (!empty($_POST['field_pattern'])) {
                $fieldPat[$_POST['field_name']][] = $_POST['field_pattern'];
            if (!empty($_POST['field_pattern_1'])) {
                $fieldPat[$_POST['field_name_1']][] = $_POST['field_pattern_1'];
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $_POST['date_start'], "date_end" => $_POST['date_end'], "field_name" => $_POST['field_name'], "field_pattern" => $_POST['field_pattern'], "field_name_1" => $_POST['field_name_1'], "field_pattern_1" => $_POST['field_pattern_1']);
        } else {
            // Error
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Validation Error"));
            $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
            $strErrorMsg = "<b>" . _tr('The following fields contain errors') . ":</b><br>";
            foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) {
                $strErrorMsg .= "{$k}, ";
            $strErrorMsg .= "";
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
        $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['date_start']) and isset($_GET['date_end'])) {
            $date_start = translateDate($_GET['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($_GET['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
            if (!empty($_GET['field_pattern'])) {
                $fieldPat[$_GET['field_name']][] = $_GET['field_pattern'];
            if (!empty($_GET['field_pattern_1'])) {
                $fieldPat[$_GET['field_name_1']][] = $_GET['field_pattern_1'];
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $_GET['date_start'], "date_end" => $_GET['date_end']);
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_GET);
        } else {
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y"), 'field_name' => 'agent', 'field_pattern' => '', 'field_name_1' => 'agent', 'field_pattern_1' => ''));
    $bElastixNuevo = method_exists('paloSantoGrid', 'setURL');
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    // enable export.
    $bExportando = $bElastixNuevo ? $oGrid->isExportAction() : isset($_GET['exportcsv']) && $_GET['exportcsv'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' || isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes';
    $offset = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    if (isset($fieldPat['type'])) {
        $fieldPat['type'] = array_map('strtoupper', $fieldPat['type']);
    $arrCallsAgentTmp = $oCallsAgent->obtenerCallsAgent($date_start, $date_end, $fieldPat);
    if (!is_array($arrCallsAgentTmp)) {
        $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oCallsAgent->errMsg));
        $arrCallsAgentTmp = array();
    $totalCallsAgents = count($arrCallsAgentTmp);
    // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $oGrid->setTotal($totalCallsAgents + 1);
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "end") {
            // Mejorar el sgte. bloque.
            if ($totalCallsAgents % $limit == 0) {
                $offset = $totalCallsAgents - $limit;
            } else {
                $offset = $totalCallsAgents - $totalCallsAgents % $limit;
        // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "next") {
            $offset = $_GET['start'] + $limit - 1;
        // Si se quiere retroceder
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "previous") {
            $offset = $_GET['start'] - $limit - 1;
    // Bloque comun
    $arrCallsAgent = array_slice($arrCallsAgentTmp, $offset, $limit);
    $arrData = array();
    $sumCallAnswered = $sumDuration = $timeMayor = 0;
    foreach ($arrCallsAgent as $cdr) {
        $arrData[] = array($cdr['agent_number'], htmlentities($cdr['agent_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $cdr['type'], $cdr['queue'], $cdr['num_answered'], formatoSegundos($cdr['sum_duration']), formatoSegundos($cdr['avg_duration']), formatoSegundos($cdr['max_duration']));
        $sumCallAnswered += $cdr['num_answered'];
        // Total de llamadas contestadas
        $sumDuration += $cdr['sum_duration'];
        // Total de segundos en llamadas
        $timeMayor = $timeMayor < $cdr['max_duration'] ? $cdr['max_duration'] : $timeMayor;
    $sTagInicio = !$bExportando ? '<b>' : '';
    $sTagFinal = $sTagInicio != '' ? '</b>' : '';
    $arrData[] = array($sTagInicio . _tr('Total') . $sTagFinal, '', '', '', $sTagInicio . $sumCallAnswered . $sTagFinal, $sTagInicio . formatoSegundos($sumDuration) . $sTagFinal, $sTagInicio . formatoSegundos($sumCallAnswered > 0 ? $sumDuration / $sumCallAnswered : 0) . $sTagFinal, $sTagInicio . formatoSegundos($timeMayor) . $sTagFinal);
    // Construyo el URL base
    if (isset($arrFilterExtraVars) && is_array($arrFilterExtraVars) && count($arrFilterExtraVars) > 0) {
        $urlVars = array_merge($urlVars, $arrFilterExtraVars);
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $oGrid->setURL(construirURL($urlVars, array("nav", "start")));
        $arrColumnas = array(_tr("No.Agent"), _tr("Agent"), _tr("Type"), _tr("Queue"), _tr("Calls answered"), _tr("Duration"), _tr("Average"), _tr("Call longest"));
        $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Calls per Agent"));
        $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Calls per Agent"));
        $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
        return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    } else {
        $url = construirURL($urlVars, array("nav", "start"));
        $offset = 0;
        $total = count($arrData);
        $limit = $total;
        $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr("Calls per Agent"), "url" => $url, "icon" => "images/user.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => _tr("No.Agent"), "property" => ""), 1 => array("name" => _tr("Agent"), "property" => ""), 2 => array("name" => _tr("Type"), "property" => ""), 3 => array("name" => _tr("Queue"), "property" => ""), 4 => array("name" => _tr("Calls answered"), "property" => ""), 5 => array("name" => _tr("Duration"), "property" => ""), 6 => array("name" => _tr("Average"), "property" => ""), 7 => array("name" => _tr("Call longest"), "property" => "")));
        if (isset($_GET['exportpdf']) && $_GET['exportpdf'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridPDF')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridPDF($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if (isset($_GET['exportspreadsheet']) && $_GET['exportspreadsheet'] == 'yes' && method_exists($oGrid, 'fetchGridXLS')) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridXLS($arrGrid, $arrData);
        if ($bExportando) {
            header("Cache-Control: private");
            header("Pragma: cache");
            header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
            header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="calls_per_agent.csv"');
            header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
        if ($bExportando) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridCSV($arrGrid, $arrData);
        $sContenido = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
        if (strpos($sContenido, '<form') === FALSE) {
            $sContenido = "<form  method=\"POST\" style=\"margin-bottom:0;\" action=\"{$url}\">{$sContenido}</form>";
        return $sContenido;
コード例 #11
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function generarReporte($smarty, $fecha_actual_init, $fecha_actual_end, $oReportsCalls, &$arrGrid = null, $bElastixNuevo, $bExportando, &$oGrid, $url, $htmlFilter)
    $fecha_init = translateDate($fecha_actual_init) . " 00:00:00";
    $fecha_end = translateDate($fecha_actual_end) . " 23:59:59";
    $limit = 50;
    $offset = 0;
    // instancio una objeto de la clase paloSantoReports Calls
    $arrQueues = $oReportsCalls->getQueueCallEntry(null, $offset);
    $total = count($arrQueues);
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    } else {
        // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "end") {
            $totalQueues = count($arrQueues);
            // Mejorar el sgte. bloque.
            if ($totalQueues % $limit == 0) {
                $offset = $totalQueues - $limit;
            } else {
                $offset = $totalQueues - $totalQueues % $limit;
        // Si se quiere avanzar a la sgte. pagina
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "next") {
            $offset = $_GET['start'] + $limit - 1;
        // Si se quiere retroceder
        if (isset($_GET['nav']) && $_GET['nav'] == "previous") {
            $offset = $_GET['start'] - $limit - 1;
    // lamo al metodo que me genera el reporte
    $arrDatosReporte = $oReportsCalls->getCall($arrQueues, $fecha_init, $fecha_end);
    // obtengo la cantidad de registros que apareceran en el reporte
    $arrQueues = $oReportsCalls->getQueueCallEntry($limit, $offset);
    $end = count($arrQueues);
    //defino el esqueleto del reporte
    $indice = 0;
    // comienzo a llenar el arreglo $arrTmp con los datos que se mostraran en el reporte
    $arrData = array();
    foreach ($arrQueues as $queue) {
        $arrTmp[0] = $queue['queue'];
        $arrTmp[1] = $arrDatosReporte['Success'][$indice];
        $arrTmp[2] = $arrDatosReporte['Left'][$indice];
        $arrTmp[3] = $arrDatosReporte['WaitTime'][$indice];
        $arrTmp[4] = $arrTmp[1] + $arrTmp[2];
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $sumExitosa = $sumAbandonada = $sumTotalCall = 0;
    $sumWait = "00:00:00";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrData); $i++) {
        $sumExitosa = $sumExitosa + $arrData[$i][1];
        $sumAbandonada = $sumAbandonada + $arrData[$i][2];
        $sumWait = $oReportsCalls->getTotalWaitTime($sumWait, $arrData[$i][3]);
        $sumTotalCall = $sumTotalCall + $arrData[$i][4];
    $sTagInicio = !$bExportando ? '<b>' : '';
    $sTagFinal = $sTagInicio != '' ? '</b>' : '';
    $arrTmp[0] = $sTagInicio . _tr("Total") . $sTagFinal;
    $arrTmp[1] = $sTagInicio . $sumExitosa . $sTagFinal;
    $arrTmp[2] = $sTagInicio . $sumAbandonada . $sTagFinal;
    $arrTmp[3] = $sTagInicio . $sumWait . $sTagFinal;
    $arrTmp[4] = $sTagInicio . $sumTotalCall . $sTagFinal;
    $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $arrColumnas = array(_tr("Queue"), _tr("Successful"), _tr("Left"), _tr("Time Hopes"), _tr("Total Calls"));
        $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Ingoing Calls Success"));
        $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Ingoing Calls Success"));
        $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
        return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    } else {
        global $arrLang;
        $offset = 0;
        $total = count($arrQueues) + 1;
        $limit = $total;
        $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr("List Calls"), "url" => $url, "icon" => "images/list.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array('name' => _tr("Queue"), 'property1' => ''), 1 => array('name' => _tr("Successful"), 'property1' => ''), 2 => array('name' => _tr("Left"), 'property1' => ''), 3 => array('name' => _tr("Time Hopes"), 'property1' => ''), 4 => array('name' => _tr("Total Calls"), 'property1' => '')));
        if ($bExportando) {
            // ----------- cabeceras necesarias para enviar la data a un archivo.  ----------- //
            // para que los datos de un formulario no se pierdan
            header("Cache-Control: private");
            // obliga a la pagina a que sea cacheada
            header("Pragma: cache");
            // origina de un flujo de datos.
            header('Content-Type: application/octec-stream');
            // nombre del archivo del reporte a generarse, en base a la fecha seleccionada del reporte.
            $title = "\"" . $fecha_actual_init . " a " . $fecha_actual_end . ".csv\"";
            // hace que la data se guarde en un archivo con el nombre especificado en el parametro filename
            header("Content-disposition: inline; filename={$title}");
            // fuerza a que el archivo sea download
            header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
        if ($bExportando) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridCSV($arrGrid, $arrData);
        $sContenido = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
        if (strpos($sContenido, '<form') === FALSE) {
            $sContenido = "<form  method=\"POST\" style=\"margin-bottom:0;\" action=\"{$url}\">{$sContenido}</form>";
        return $sContenido;
コード例 #12
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: lordbasex/elastix-gui
function saveTime($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $sZonaActual)
    $date = getParameter("date");
    $date = translateDate($date);
    $date = explode("-", $date);
    $month = "";
    $year = "";
    $day = "";
    if (isset($date[0]) && isset($date[1]) && isset($date[2])) {
        $month = $date[1];
        $day = $date[2];
        $year = $date[0];
    // Validación básica
    $listaVars = array('ServerDate_Hour' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', 'ServerDate_Minute' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', 'ServerDate_Second' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$');
    $bValido = TRUE;
    foreach ($listaVars as $sVar => $sReg) {
        if (!ereg($sReg, $_POST[$sVar])) {
            $bValido = FALSE;
    if (!ereg('^[[:digit:]]{4}$', $year)) {
        $bValido = FALSE;
    if (!ereg('^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', $month)) {
        $bValido = FALSE;
    if (!ereg('^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', $day)) {
        $bValido = FALSE;
    if ($bValido && !checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
        $bValido = FALSE;
    // Validación de zona horaria nueva
    $sZonaNueva = $_POST['TimeZone'];
    $listaZonas = leeZonas();
    if (!in_array($sZonaNueva, $listaZonas)) {
        $sZonaNueva = $sZonaActual;
    if (!$bValido) {
        // TODO: internacionalizar
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr('Date not valid'));
    } else {
        if ($sZonaNueva != $sZonaActual) {
            $sComando = '/usr/bin/elastix-helper dateconfig' . ' --timezone ' . $sZonaNueva . ' 2>&1';
            $output = $ret = NULL;
            exec($sComando, $output, $ret);
            if ($ret != 0) {
                $smarty->assign('mb_message', _tr('Failed to change timezone') . ' - ' . implode('<br/>', $output));
                $bValido = FALSE;
        if ($bValido) {
            $sZonaActual = $sZonaNueva;
            $fecha = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $year, $month, $day, $_POST['ServerDate_Hour'], $_POST['ServerDate_Minute'], $_POST['ServerDate_Second']);
            $cmd = "/usr/bin/elastix-helper dateconfig --datetime '{$fecha}' 2>&1";
            $output = $ret_val = "";
            exec($cmd, $output, $ret_val);
            if ($ret_val == 0) {
                $smarty->assign('mb_message', _tr('System time changed successfully'));
            } else {
                $smarty->assign('mb_message', _tr('System time can not be changed') . " - <br/>" . implode('<br/>', $output));
    return formTime($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $listaZonas, $sZonaActual);
コード例 #13
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function reportbilling_report($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDBSet, &$pDB, &$pRate, &$pDBTrunk, &$pDBSQLite, &$oCDR, $arrConf, $arrLang, $arrConfig)
    $pbilling_report = new paloSantobilling_report($pDB);
    $filter_field = getParameter("filter_field");
    $filter_value = getParameter("filter_value");
    $start_date_tmp = getParameter("date_start");
    $end_date_tmp = getParameter("date_end");
    $horas = getParameter("horas");
    $minutos = getParameter("minutos");
    $segundos = getParameter("segundos");
    $action = getParameter("nav");
    $start = getParameter("start");
    $arrColumns = "";
    $hourToSec = "";
    $minToSec = "";
    $style_time = "";
    $style_text = "";
    $filter_value_tmp = "";
    $time = 0;
    if ($filter_field == 'duration') {
        $filter_value = "";
        if (isset($horas)) {
            $hourToSec = $horas * 3600;
            $_POST['horas'] = $horas;
        } else {
            $hourToSec = 0;
            $_POST['horas'] = $hourToSec;
        if (isset($minutos)) {
            $minToSec = $minutos * 60;
            $_POST['minutos'] = $minutos;
        } else {
            $minToSec = 0;
            $_POST['minutos'] = $minToSec;
        if (isset($segundos)) {
            $_POST['segundos'] = $segundos;
        } else {
            $segundos = 0;
            $_POST['segundos'] = $segundos;
        $time = $hourToSec + $minToSec + $segundos;
        $_POST['filter_value'] = $filter_value;
        $style_time = "style='display: block;'";
        $style_text = "style='display: none;'";
    } else {
        $horas = "";
        $minutos = "";
        $segundos = "";
        $_POST['horas'] = $horas;
        $_POST['minutos'] = $minutos;
        $_POST['segundos'] = $segundos;
        $_POST['filter_value'] = $filter_value;
        if ($filter_field == "dst" || $filter_field == "rate_applied" || $filter_field == "dstchannel") {
            if ($filter_value != "") {
                $filter_value_tmp = $pDB->DBCAMPO('%' . $filter_value . '%');
            } else {
                $filter_value_tmp = "";
        } else {
            if ($filter_value != "") {
                $filter_value_tmp = $pDB->DBCAMPO($filter_value);
            } else {
                $filter_value_tmp = "";
        $style_time = "style='display: none;'";
        $style_text = "style='display: block;'";
    if (isset($start_date_tmp)) {
        $start_date = translateDate($start_date_tmp) . " 00:00:00";
        $_POST['date_start'] = $start_date_tmp;
    } else {
        $start_date = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
        $_POST['date_start'] = date("d M Y");
    if (isset($end_date_tmp)) {
        $end_date = translateDate($end_date_tmp) . " 23:59:59";
        $_POST['date_end'] = $end_date_tmp;
    } else {
        $end_date = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
        $_POST['date_end'] = date("d M Y");
    $smarty->assign("style_time", $style_time);
    $smarty->assign("style_text", $style_text);
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $arrData = array();
    $arrData = null;
    $extension = "";
    $totalbilling_report = $pbilling_report->obtainNumReport($filter_field, $filter_value_tmp, $start_date, $end_date, $pDBSQLite, $time, "ANSWERED", "outgoing", $arrConfig);
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name, 'filter_field' => $filter_field, 'filter_value' => $filter_value, 'date_start' => $_POST['date_start'], 'date_end' => $_POST['date_end'], 'horas' => $horas, 'minutos' => $minutos, 'segundos' => $segundos);
    // enable csv export.
    // show paging section.
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Billing Report"));
    $arr_rates = $pbilling_report->getRates($pDBSQLite);
    if ($oGrid->isExportAction()) {
        $limit = $totalbilling_report;
        $offset = 0;
        $arrResult = $pbilling_report->obtainReport($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value_tmp, $start_date, $end_date, $pDBSQLite, $time, "ANSWERED", "outgoing", $arrConfig);
        $arrData = array();
        // obteniendo tarifa default
        $rates_default = $pbilling_report->getDefaultRate($pDBSQLite);
        $rate = $rates_default['rate'];
        $sum_cost = 0;
        $rate_offset_default = $rates_default['rate_offset'];
        if (is_array($arrResult) && $totalbilling_report > 0) {
            foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = $value['Date'];
                $hidden_digits = $value['digits'];
                if ($value['Rate_applied'] == null) {
                    $arrRateTmp = getRate($arr_rates, $value);
                    $value['Rate_applied'] = $arrRateTmp['Rate_applied'];
                    $value['Rate_value'] = $arrRateTmp['Rate_value'];
                    $value['Offset'] = $arrRateTmp['Offset'];
                    $hidden_digits = $arrRateTmp['digits'];
                if ($value['Rate_applied'] == null) {
                    $rate_applied = $arrLang['default'];
                } else {
                    $rate_applied = $value['Rate_applied'];
                $arrTmp[1] = $rate_applied;
                if ($value['Rate_value'] == null) {
                    $rate_value = $rate;
                } else {
                    $rate_value = $value['Rate_value'];
                if ($value['Offset'] == null) {
                    $rate_offset = $rate_offset_default;
                } else {
                    $rate_offset = $value['Offset'];
                if ($hidden_digits == 0) {
                    $destination = $value['Destination'];
                } else {
                    $size_destination = strlen($value['Destination']);
                    if ($hidden_digits < $size_destination) {
                        $hide = getCharsAsterisk($hidden_digits);
                        $destination = substr($value['Destination'], 0, -$hidden_digits) . $hide;
                    } else {
                        $size_destination = strlen($value['Destination']);
                        $destination = getCharsAsterisk($size_destination);
                $arrTmp[2] = $rate_value;
                $arrTmp[3] = $value['Src'];
                $arrTmp[4] = $destination;
                $arrTmp[5] = $value['Dst_channel'];
                $arrTmp[6] = $value['accountcode'];
                $iDuracion = $value['duration'];
                $iSec = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iSec) / 60);
                $iMin = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iMin) / 60);
                $sTiempo = $value['duration'] . "s";
                if ($value['duration'] >= 60) {
                    if ($iDuracion > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iDuracion}h {$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                    } elseif ($iMin > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                $arrTmp[7] = $sTiempo;
                $charge = $value['duration'] / 60 * $rate_value + $rate_offset;
                $arrTmp[8] = number_format($charge, 3);
                $sum_cost = $sum_cost + $arrTmp[8];
                $arrTmp[9] = $sum_cost;
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        $arrColumns = array(_tr("Date"), _tr("Rate Applied"), _tr("Rate Value"), _tr("Source"), _tr("Destination"), _tr("Dst. Channel"), _tr("Account Code"), _tr("Duration"), _tr("Cost"), _tr("Summary Cost"));
    } else {
        $limit = 20;
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        $arrResult = $pbilling_report->obtainReport($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value_tmp, $start_date, $end_date, $pDBSQLite, $time, "ANSWERED", "outgoing", $arrConfig);
        $arrData = array();
        // obteniendo tarifa default
        $rates_default = $pbilling_report->getDefaultRate($pDBSQLite);
        $rate = $rates_default['rate'];
        $sum_cost = 0;
        $rate_offset_default = $rates_default['rate_offset'];
        if (is_array($arrResult) && $totalbilling_report > 0) {
            foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = $value['Date'];
                $hidden_digits = $value['digits'];
                if ($value['Rate_applied'] == null) {
                    $arrRateTmp = getRate($arr_rates, $value);
                    $value['Rate_applied'] = $arrRateTmp['Rate_applied'];
                    $value['Rate_value'] = $arrRateTmp['Rate_value'];
                    $value['Offset'] = $arrRateTmp['Offset'];
                    $hidden_digits = $arrRateTmp['digits'];
                if ($value['Rate_applied'] == null) {
                    $rate_applied = $arrLang['default'];
                } else {
                    $rate_applied = $value['Rate_applied'];
                $arrTmp[1] = $rate_applied;
                if ($value['Rate_value'] == null) {
                    $rate_value = $rate;
                } else {
                    $rate_value = $value['Rate_value'];
                if ($value['Offset'] == null) {
                    $rate_offset = $rate_offset_default;
                } else {
                    $rate_offset = $value['Offset'];
                if ($hidden_digits == 0) {
                    $destination = $value['Destination'];
                } else {
                    $size_destination = strlen($value['Destination']);
                    if ($hidden_digits < $size_destination) {
                        $hide = getCharsAsterisk($hidden_digits);
                        $destination = substr($value['Destination'], 0, -$hidden_digits) . $hide;
                    } else {
                        $size_destination = strlen($value['Destination']);
                        $destination = getCharsAsterisk($size_destination);
                $arrTmp[2] = $rate_value;
                $arrTmp[3] = $value['Src'];
                $arrTmp[4] = $destination;
                $arrTmp[5] = $value['Dst_channel'];
                $arrTmp[6] = $value['accountcode'];
                $iDuracion = $value['duration'];
                $iSec = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iSec) / 60);
                $iMin = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iMin) / 60);
                $sTiempo = $value['duration'] . "s";
                if ($value['duration'] >= 60) {
                    if ($iDuracion > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iDuracion}h {$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                    } elseif ($iMin > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                $arrTmp[7] = $sTiempo;
                $charge = $value['duration'] / 60 * $rate_value + $rate_offset;
                $arrTmp[8] = number_format($charge, 3);
                $sum_cost = $sum_cost + $arrTmp[8];
                $arrTmp[9] = $sum_cost;
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        $arrColumns = array(_tr("Date"), _tr("Rate Applied"), _tr("Rate Value"), _tr("Source"), _tr("Destination"), _tr("Dst. Channel"), _tr("Account Code"), _tr("Duration"), _tr("Cost"), _tr("Summary Cost"));
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilterbilling_report = createFieldFilter($arrLang);
    if ($_POST['date_start'] === "") {
        $_POST['date_start'] = " ";
    if ($_POST['date_end'] === "") {
        $_POST['date_end'] = " ";
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $_POST['date_start'] . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $_POST['date_end'], $_POST, array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")), true);
    if (!is_null($filter_field)) {
        $valueFilterField = $arrFormFilterbilling_report['filter_field']["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$filter_field];
    } else {
        $valueFilterField = "";
    if (!is_null($filter_field)) {
        if ($filter_field == "duration") {
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $valueFilterField . " = " . $_POST['horas'] . "H:" . $_POST['minutos'] . "M:" . $_POST['segundos'] . "S", $_POST, array('filter_field' => "dst", 'horas' => "", "minutos" => "", "segundos" => ""));
        } else {
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $valueFilterField . " = " . $filter_value, $_POST, array('filter_field' => "src", 'filter_value' => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterbilling_report);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    $content = $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    return $content;
コード例 #14
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/libs/paloSantoTiempoConexiondeAgentes.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoConfig.class.php";
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    // Obtengo la ruta del template a utilizar para generar el filtro.
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    //conexion resource
    $pConfig = new paloConfig("/etc", "amportal.conf", "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
    $arrConfig = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
    $dsnAsteriskCdr = $arrConfig['AMPDBENGINE']['valor'] . "://" . $arrConfig['AMPDBUSER']['valor'] . ":" . $arrConfig['AMPDBPASS']['valor'] . "@" . $arrConfig['AMPDBHOST']['valor'] . "/asterisk";
    $pDB = new paloDB($arrConf['dsn_conn_database']);
    $pDB_asterisk = new paloDB($dsnAsteriskCdr);
    $oCallsAgent = new paloSantoTiempoConexiondeAgentes($pDB);
    // Variables estáticas asignadas vía Smarty
    $smarty->assign(array("Filter" => _tr('Show')));
    $bElastixNuevo = method_exists('paloSantoGrid', 'setURL');
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $bExportando = $bElastixNuevo ? $oGrid->isExportAction() : isset($_GET['exportcsv']) && $_GET['exportcsv'] == 'yes';
    // Estas son las colas entrantes disponibles en el sistema
    $arrQueue = leerColasEntrantes($pDB, $pDB_asterisk);
    $t = array_keys($arrQueue);
    if (count($t) <= 0) {
        // TODO: internacionalizar y poner en plantilla
        return <<<NO_QUEUE_END
<p><b>No queues have been defined for incoming calls.</b></p>
<p>For proper operation and reporting, it is necessary to configure at least one queue. You can add queues <a href="?menu=pbxconfig&amp;display=queues">here</a>. 
In addition, the queue must be registered for use by incoming calls by clicking <a href="?menu=queues">here</a>.</p>
    $sColaOmision = $t[0];
    //Esto es para validar cuando recien se entra al modulo, para q aparezca seteado un numero de agente en el textbox
    // TODO: reemplazar con lista desplegable de agentes en cola elegida
    $sAgenteOmision = $oCallsAgent->obtener_agente();
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrQueue);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Valores iniciales de las variables
    $paramConsulta = array('date_start' => date('d M Y'), 'date_end' => date('d M Y'), 'queue' => $sColaOmision, 'agent' => $sAgenteOmision);
    foreach (array_keys($paramConsulta) as $k) {
        if (isset($_GET[$k])) {
            $paramConsulta[$k] = $_GET[$k];
        if (isset($_POST[$k])) {
            $paramConsulta[$k] = $_POST[$k];
    if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($paramConsulta)) {
        // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
    } else {
        // Error
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Validation Error"));
        $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
        $strErrorMsg = "<b>" . _tr('Required field') . ":</b><br/>";
        foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) {
            $strErrorMsg .= "{$k}, ";
        $strErrorMsg .= "";
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
        $paramConsulta = array('date_start' => date('d M Y'), 'date_end' => date('d M Y'), 'queue' => $sColaOmision, 'agent' => $sAgenteOmision);
    // Se genera el filtro con las variables ya validadas
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $paramConsulta);
    // Consultar los datos y generar la matriz del reporte
    $sFechaInicial = translateDate($paramConsulta['date_start']);
    $sFechaFinal = translateDate($paramConsulta['date_end']);
    $r = $oCallsAgent->reportarBreaksAgente($paramConsulta['agent'], $paramConsulta['queue'], $sFechaInicial, $sFechaFinal);
    $b = $bExportando ? array('', '') : array('<b>', '</b>');
    $ub = $bExportando ? array('', '') : array('<u><b>', '</b></u>');
    $arrData = array();
    if (is_array($r) && count($r) > 0) {
        $tempTiempos = array('monitoreadas' => 0, 'llamadas_por_hora' => 0, 'duracion_llamadas' => 0, 'promedio_duracion' => 0, 'total_llamadas' => 0);
        foreach ($r['tiempos_llamadas'] as $tupla) {
            $tempTiempos['llamadas_por_hora'] = $tempTiempos['total_llamadas'] += $tupla['N'];
            $tempTiempos['duracion_llamadas'] += $tupla['tiempo_llamadas_entrantes'];
            if ($tupla['status'] == 'terminada') {
                $tempTiempos['monitoreadas'] = $tupla['N'];
                $tempTiempos['promedio_duracion'] = $tupla['promedio_sobre_monitoreadas'];
        if ($r['tiempo_conexion'] > 0) {
            $tempTiempos['llamadas_por_hora'] /= $r['tiempo_conexion'] / 3600;
        $sFormatoMonitoreadas = sprintf('%d %s(s) (%d %s, %d %s)', $tempTiempos['total_llamadas'], _tr('Call'), $tempTiempos['monitoreadas'], _tr('Monitored'), $tempTiempos['total_llamadas'] - $tempTiempos['monitoreadas'], _tr('Unmonitored'));
        $arrData = array(array($b[0] . strtoupper(_tr('Agent name')) . $b[1], $r['name'], "", ""), array($b[0] . strtoupper(_tr('Conecction Data')) . $b[1], "", "", ""), array(_tr('First Conecction'), $r['primera_conexion'], "", ""), array(_tr('Last Conecction'), $r['ultima_conexion'], "", ""), array(_tr('Time Conecction'), formatoSegundos($r['tiempo_conexion']), "", ""), array(_tr('Count Conecction'), $r['conteo_conexion'], "", ""), array($b[0] . strtoupper(_tr('Calls Entry')) . $b[1], "", "", ""), array(_tr('Count Calls Entry'), $sFormatoMonitoreadas, "", ""), array(_tr('Calls/h'), number_format($tempTiempos['llamadas_por_hora'], 2), "", ""), array(_tr('Time Call Entry'), formatoSegundos($tempTiempos['duracion_llamadas']), "", ""), array(_tr('Average Calls Entry'), $tempTiempos['promedio_duracion'] . "    (" . _tr('Monitored only') . ')', "", ""), array($b[0] . strtoupper(_tr('Reason No Ready')) . $b[1], "", "", ""), array($ub[0] . _tr('Break') . $ub[1], $ub[0] . _tr('Count') . $ub[1], $ub[0] . _tr('Hour') . $ub[1], $ub[0] . _tr('Porcent compare whit time not ready') . $ub[1]));
        $tempBreaks = array();
        $iTotalSeg = 0;
        foreach ($r['tiempos_breaks'] as $tupla) {
            $tempBreaks[] = array($tupla['name'], $tupla['N'], formatoSegundos($tupla['total_break']), $tupla['total_break']);
            $iTotalSeg += $tupla['total_break'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($tempBreaks); $i++) {
            $tempBreaks[$i][3] = number_format(100.0 * ($tempBreaks[$i][3] / $iTotalSeg), 2) . ' %';
            $arrData[] = $tempBreaks[$i];
    } else {
        if (!is_array($r)) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Database Error"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $oCallsAgent->errMsg);
        $arrData[] = array($b[0] . _tr("There aren't records to show") . $b[1], '', '', '');
    // Creo objeto de grid
    // La definición del grid
    $paramConsulta['menu'] = $module_name;
    if ($bElastixNuevo) {
        $arrColumnas = array("", "", "", "");
        $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Agent Information"));
        $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Agent Information"));
        $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
        return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    } else {
        global $arrLang;
        $total = $end = count($arrData);
        $offset = 0;
        $url = construirUrl($paramConsulta);
        $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr("Time conecction of agents"), "icon" => "images/list.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "url" => $url, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => "", "property" => ""), 1 => array("name" => "", "property" => ""), 2 => array("name" => "", "property" => ""), 3 => array("name" => "", "property" => "")));
        if ($bExportando) {
            $fechaActual = date("d M Y");
            header("Cache-Control: private");
            header("Pragma: cache");
            $title = $fechaActual;
            header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present');
            header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $title . ".csv\"");
        if ($bExportando) {
            return $oGrid->fetchGridCSV($arrGrid, $arrData);
        $sContenido = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
        if (strpos($sContenido, '<form') === FALSE) {
            $sContenido = "<form  method=\"POST\" style=\"margin-bottom:0;\" action=\"{$url}\">{$sContenido}</form>";
        return $sContenido;
コード例 #15
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: sebvallee/lbcParser
echo "</div>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<div class='form-group'>";
echo "<input name='submit' type='submit' class='form-control' value='Envoyer' />";
echo "</div>";
echo "</form>";
$html = file_get_html($url);
$annonces = array();
echo "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank' title='{$url}'>Voir cette recherche sur Le Bon Coin .fr</a>";
echo "<hr />";
foreach ($html->find('.list-lbc a') as $annonce) {
    $annonce_id = parse_url($annonce->href);
    $annonce_id = $annonce_id['path'];
    $annonce_id = preg_match_all('!\\d+!', $annonce_id, $matches);
    $annonce_id = $matches[0][0];
    $annonces[] = array('id' => $annonce_id, 'title' => trim($annonce->find('.lbc .detail .title', 0)->plaintext), 'url' => $annonce->href, 'timestamp' => translateDate(trim(strip_tags($annonce->find('.lbc .date', 0)->innertext))), 'price' => trim($annonce->find('.lbc .detail .price', 0)->plaintext), 'image' => trim($annonce->find('.lbc .image .image-and-nb img', 0)->src));
$last_annonce = $annonces[0]['timestamp'];
$annonces_new = $annonces;
$annonces_old = unserialize(file_get_contents('datas/annonces.txt'));
function udiffCompare($a, $b)
    return $a['id'] - $b['id'];
$diff = array_udiff($annonces_new, $annonces_old, 'udiffCompare');
if (!empty($diff) or $_GET["viewold"] == "1") {
    $i = 1;
    if ($_GET["viewold"] == "1") {
        $diff = $annonces;
    echo "<div class='container-fluid'>";
コード例 #16
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    //include module files
    include_once "libs/paloSantoForm.class.php";
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    //global variables
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    $smarty->assign("TIME_TITULO", _tr("Date and Time Configuration"));
    $smarty->assign("INDEX_HORA_SERVIDOR", _tr("Current Datetime"));
    $smarty->assign("TIME_NUEVA_FECHA", _tr("New Date"));
    $smarty->assign("TIME_NUEVA_HORA", _tr("New Time"));
    $smarty->assign("TIME_NUEVA_ZONA", _tr("New Timezone"));
    $smarty->assign("INDEX_ACTUALIZAR", _tr("Apply changes"));
    $smarty->assign("TIME_MSG_1", _tr("The change of date and time can concern important  system processes.") . '  ' . _tr("Are you sure you wish to continue?"));
    $arrForm = array();
    $oForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrForm);
    	Para cambiar la zona horaria:
    	1)	Abrir y mostrar columna 3 de /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab que muestra todas las zonas horarias.
    	2)	Al elegir fila de columna 3, verificar que sea de la forma abc/def y que
    		existe el directorio /usr/share/zoneinfo/abc/def . Pueden haber N elementos
    		en la elección, separados por / , incluyendo uno solo (sin / alguno)
    	3)	Si existe /etc/localtime, borrarlo
    	4)	Copiar archivo /usr/share/zoneinfo/abc/def a /etc/localtime
    	5)	Si existe /var/spool/postfix/etc/localtime , removerlo y sobreescribr
    		con el mismo archivo copiado a /etc/localtime
    	Luego de esto, ejecutar cambio de hora local
    // Abrir el archivo /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab y cargar la columna 3
    // Se ignoran líneas que inician con #
    $listaZonas = NULL;
    $hArchivo = fopen('/usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab', 'r');
    if ($hArchivo) {
        $listaZonas = array();
        while ($tupla = fgetcsv($hArchivo, 2048, "\t")) {
            if (count($tupla) >= 3 && $tupla[0][0] != '#') {
                $listaZonas[] = $tupla[2];
    // Cargar de /etc/sysconfig/clock la supuesta zona horaria configurada.
    // El resto de contenido del archivo se preserva, y la clave ZONE se
    // escribirá como la última línea en caso de actualizar
    $sZonaActual = "America/New_York";
    $infoZona = NULL;
    $hArchivo = fopen('/etc/sysconfig/clock', 'r');
    if ($hArchivo) {
        $infoZona = array();
        while (!feof($hArchivo)) {
            $s = fgets($hArchivo);
            $regs = NULL;
            if (ereg('^ZONE="(.*)"', $s, $regs)) {
                $sZonaActual = $regs[1];
            } else {
                $infoZona[] = $s;
    if (isset($_POST['Actualizar'])) {
        //		print '<pre>';print_r($_POST);print '</pre>';
        $date = getParameter("date");
        $date = translateDate($date);
        $date = explode("-", $date);
        $month = "";
        $year = "";
        $day = "";
        if (isset($date[0]) && isset($date[1]) && isset($date[2])) {
            $month = $date[1];
            $day = $date[2];
            $year = $date[0];
        // Validación básica
        $listaVars = array('ServerDate_Hour' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', 'ServerDate_Minute' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', 'ServerDate_Second' => '^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$');
        $bValido = TRUE;
        foreach ($listaVars as $sVar => $sReg) {
            if (!ereg($sReg, $_POST[$sVar])) {
                $bValido = FALSE;
        if (!ereg('^[[:digit:]]{4}$', $year)) {
            $bValido = FALSE;
        if (!ereg('^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', $month)) {
            $bValido = FALSE;
        if (!ereg('^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$', $day)) {
            $bValido = FALSE;
        if ($bValido && !checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
            $bValido = FALSE;
        // Validación de zona horaria nueva
        $sZonaNueva = $_POST['TimeZone'];
        if (!in_array($sZonaNueva, $listaZonas)) {
            $sZonaNueva = $sZonaActual;
        if (!$bValido) {
            // TODO: internacionalizar
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr('Date not valid'));
        } else {
            if ($sZonaNueva != $sZonaActual) {
                $sComando = '/usr/bin/elastix-helper dateconfig' . ' --timezone ' . $sZonaNueva . ' 2>&1';
                $output = $ret = NULL;
                exec($sComando, $output, $ret);
                if ($ret != 0) {
                    $smarty->assign('mb_message', _tr('Failed to change timezone') . ' - ' . implode('<br/>', $output));
                    $bValido = FALSE;
            if ($bValido) {
                $sZonaActual = $sZonaNueva;
                $fecha = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $year, $month, $day, $_POST['ServerDate_Hour'], $_POST['ServerDate_Minute'], $_POST['ServerDate_Second']);
                $cmd = "/usr/bin/elastix-helper dateconfig --datetime '{$fecha}' 2>&1";
                $output = $ret_val = "";
                exec($cmd, $output, $ret_val);
                if ($ret_val == 0) {
                    $smarty->assign('mb_message', _tr('System time changed successfully'));
                } else {
                    $smarty->assign('mb_message', _tr('System time can not be changed') . " - <br/>" . implode('<br/>', $output));
    $sContenido = '';
    $mes = date("m", time());
    $mes = (int) $mes - 1;
    $smarty->assign("CURRENT_DATETIME", strftime("%Y,{$mes},%d,%H,%M,%S", time()));
    $smarty->assign('LISTA_ZONAS', $listaZonas);
    $smarty->assign('ZONA_ACTUAL', $sZonaActual);
    $smarty->assign("CURRENT_DATE", strftime("%d %b %Y", time()));
    $smarty->assign("icon", "modules/{$module_name}/images/system_preferences_datetime.png");
    $sContenido .= $oForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/time.tpl", _tr('Date and Time Configuration'), $_POST);
    return $sContenido;