function amr_build_user_data_maybe_cache($ulist = '1') { //returns the lines of data, including the headings global $amr_refreshed_heading; // seems heading not used right when we are filtering. workaround for now. /* Get the fields to use for the chosen list type */ global $aopt, $amrusers_fieldfiltering; global $amain; global $wp_post_types; global $time_start; global $cache; global $amr_current_list; $amr_current_list = $ulist; if (get_transient('amr_users_cache_' . $ulist)) { track_progress('Stop - run for ' . $ulist . ' in progress already according to transient'); return false; } //else track_progress('Set in progress flag for '.$ulist); set_transient('amr_users_cache_' . $ulist, true, 10); // 10 seconds allowed for now $network = ausers_job_prefix(); // track_progress('Getting data for network='.$network); register_shutdown_function('amr_shutdown'); set_time_limit(360); // should we make this an option.... $time_start = microtime(true); ameta_options(); $date_format = get_option('date_format'); $time_format = get_option('time_format'); add_filter('pub_priv_sql_capability', 'amr_allow_count'); // checked by the get_posts_by_author_sql if (!isset($amrusers_fieldfiltering)) { $amrusers_fieldfiltering = false; } if (function_exists('amr_check_for_realtime_filtering')) { amr_check_for_realtime_filtering($ulist); } if (empty($aopt['list'][$ulist])) { track_progress('No configuration for list ' . $ulist); return false; } $l = $aopt['list'][$ulist]; /* *get the config with any additional filtering */ $rptid = amr_rptid($ulist); if (!$amrusers_fieldfiltering) { // then do cache stuff /* now record the cache attempt */ $cache = new adb_cache(); $r = $cache->clear_cache($rptid); // If (!($r)) echo '<br />Cache does not exist or not cleared for '.$rptid; $r = $cache->record_cache_start($rptid, $amain['names'][$ulist]); // If (!($r)) echo '<br />Cache start not recorded '.$rptid; // $cache->log_cache_event(sprintf(__('Started cacheing report %s','amr-users'),$rptid)); } // end cache //track_progress('before get all users needed'); $list = amr_get_alluserdata($ulist); /* keyed by user id, and only the non excluded main fields and the ones that we asked for */ $total = count($list); //track_progress('after get all user data'.$total); $head = ''; $tablecaption = ''; if ($total > 0) { if (isset($l['selected']) and count($l['selected']) > 0) { $head .= PHP_EOL . '<div class="wrap" style ="clear: both; text-align: center; font-size:largest;"><!-- heading wrap -->' . PHP_EOL . '<strong>' . $amain['names'][$ulist] . '</strong>'; /* to look like wordpress */ $tablecaption .= '<caption> ' . $amain['names'][$ulist] . '</caption>'; $head .= '<ul class="report_explanation" style="list-style-type:none;">'; /* check for filtering */ if (isset($l['excluded']) and count($l['excluded']) > 0) { /* do headings */ $head .= '<li><em>' . __('Excluding where:', 'amr-users') . '</em> '; foreach ($l['excluded'] as $k => $ex) { if (is_array($ex)) { $head .= ' ' . agetnice($k) . '=' . implode(__(' or ', 'amr-users'), $ex) . ','; } else { $head .= ' ' . agetnice($k) . '=' . $ex . ', '; } if (empty($list)) { return; } foreach ($list as $iu => $user) { if (isset($user[$k])) { /* then we need to check the values and exclude the whole user if necessary */ if (is_array($ex)) { if (in_array($user[$k], $ex)) { unset($list[$iu]); } } else { if ($user[$k] == $ex) { unset($list[$iu]); } } } } } $head = rtrim($head, ','); $head .= '</li>'; } if (isset($l['excludeifblank']) and count($l['excludeifblank']) > 0) { $head .= '<li><em>' . __('Exclude if blank:', 'amr-users') . '</em> '; foreach ($l['excludeifblank'] as $k => $tf) { $head .= ' ' . agetnice($k) . ','; if (empty($list)) { return; } foreach ($list as $iu => $user) { /* now check each user */ if (empty($user[$k])) { /* if does not exists or empty then we need to check the values and exclude the whole user if necessary */ unset($list[$iu]); } } } $head = rtrim($head, ','); $head .= '</li>'; } //if (WP_DEBUG) track_progress('after excluding users:'.count($list)); if (isset($l['includeonlyifblank']) and count($l['includeonlyifblank']) > 0) { $head .= '<li><em>' . __('Include only if blank:', 'amr-users') . '</em> '; foreach ($l['includeonlyifblank'] as $k => $tf) { $head .= ' ' . agetnice($k) . ','; if (empty($list)) { return; } foreach ($list as $iu => $user) { /* now check each user */ if (!empty($user[$k])) { /* if does not exists or empty then we need to check the values and exclude the whole user if necessary */ unset($list[$iu]); } } } $head = rtrim($head, ','); $head .= '</li>'; } //if (WP_DEBUG) track_progress('after checking include if blank:'.count($list)); if (isset($l['included']) and count($l['included']) > 0) { $head .= '<li><em>' . __('Including where:', 'amr-users') . '</em> '; foreach ($l['included'] as $k => $in) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />Check include:'.$k;var_dump($in);} $inc = implode(__(' or ', 'amr-users'), $in); $head .= ' ' . agetnice($k) . '=' . $inc . ','; //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />'.$head;} if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as $iu => $user) { /* for each user */ if (isset($user[$k])) { /* then we need to check the values and include the user if a match */ // user[k] could be csv multiple values // inclusions an array, so need to do a like? or a $is_in = false; //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />Check user:'******','); $head .= '</li>'; } //if (WP_DEBUG) { track_progress('after checking includes '.count($list));//echo '<br />'.$head; } if (isset($l['sortby']) and count($l['sortby']) > 0) { $head .= '<li class="sort"><em>' . __(' Cache sorted by: ', 'amr-users') . '</em>'; /* class used to replace in the front end sort info */ asort($l['sortby']); // sort the sortbys first, so that $cols is in right order $cols = array(); foreach ($l['sortby'] as $sbyi => $sbyv) { if (isset($l['sortdir'][$sbyi])) { //$cols[$sbyi] = array(SORT_DESC); 20111214 $cols[$sbyi] = SORT_DESC; } else { //$cols[$sbyi] = array(SORT_ASC); 20111214 $cols[$sbyi] = SORT_ASC; } $head .= agetnice($sbyi) . ','; } //track_progress('after sortby '.$ulist); $head = rtrim($head, ','); $head .= '</li>'; //track_progress('before msort cols = '.count($cols)); if (!empty($cols)) { $list = auser_multisort($list, $cols); } //track_progress('after msort '.$ulist); } unset($cols); if (empty($list)) { $tot = 0; } else { $tot = count($list); } //track_progress('after sorting '.$tot.' users'); if ($tot === $total) { $text = sprintf(__('All %1s Users processed.', 'amr-users'), $total); } else { $text = sprintf(__('%1s Users processed from total of %2s', 'amr-users'), $tot, $total); } //$tottext = sprintf(__('%1s records in list', 'amr-users'), $tot); $head .= '<li class="selected">' . $text . '</li>'; $head .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- heading wrap -->' . PHP_EOL; //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />'.$head;} $html = $head; if (empty($amr_refreshed_heading)) { $amr_refreshed_heading = $head; } else { $amr_refreshed_heading = $head . $amr_refreshed_heading; } $html = $head; $count = 0; //now make the fields into columns if ($tot > 0) { //if (empty($list)) echo '<br />1What happened list is empty '; if (!empty($l['grouping'][1])) { $grouping_field = $l['grouping'][1]; } $sel = $l['selected']; asort($sel); /* get the selected fields in the display order requested */ foreach ($sel as $s2 => $sv) { if ($sv > 0) { $sel2[$s2] = $sv; } } // here we can jump in and save the filter values, if we are NOT already doing a real timefilter // if do filtering , then build up filter for values now if (!$amrusers_fieldfiltering and function_exists('amr_save_filter_fieldvalues')) { $combofields = amr_get_combo_fields($ulist); if (empty($list)) { echo '<br />What happened list is empty '; } amr_save_filter_fieldvalues($ulist, $list, $combofields); } /* get the col headings ----------------------------*/ $lines[0] = amr_build_cols($sel2); // tech headings $lines[1] = amr_build_col_headings($sel2); // the headings lines foreach ($lines[1] as $jj => $kk) { if (empty($kk)) { $lines[1][$jj] = '""'; } else { $lines[1][$jj] = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $kk) . '"'; } /* Note for csv any quote must be doubleqouoted */ } if (!$amrusers_fieldfiltering) { // then do cache stuff /* cache the col headings ----------------------------*/ //$csv = implode (",", $iline); $cache->cache_report_line($rptid, 0, $lines[0]); /* cache the internal column headings */ // $cols = amr_users_get_column_headings ($ulist, $line, $iline); //$csv = implode (",", $line); $cache->cache_report_line($rptid, 1, $lines[1]); /* cache the column headings */ //unset($cols); //unset($line);unset($iline); unset($lines); //track_progress('before cacheing list'); } $count = 1; if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as $j => $u) { //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br />Building list add: '.$j; var_dump($u);; $count = $count + 1; unset($line); if (!empty($u['ID'])) { $line[0] = $u['ID']; } else { $line[0] = ''; } foreach ($sel2 as $is => $v) { /* defines the column order */ $colno = (int) $v; if (!isset($u[$is])) { $value = ''; } else { $value = $u[$is]; } /* unfortunately for fields, this must be done here */ if (!empty($value)) { if (!empty($l['before'][$is])) { $value = html_entity_decode($l['before'][$is]) . $value; } if (!empty($l['after'][$is])) { $value = $value . html_entity_decode($l['after'][$is]); } } if (!empty($line[$colno])) { $line[$colno] .= $value; } else { $line[$colno] = $value; } } if (function_exists('ausers_build_format_column')) { // code to call extra function added as per andy.bounsall request, not yet fully tested by me foreach ($line as $colno => $value) { $line[$colno] = ausers_build_format_column($ulist, $colno, $value); } } /* ****** PROBLEM - ok now? must be at end*/ /* *** amr - can we save the grouping field value similar to the index maybe ? */ if (!empty($grouping_field) and !empty($u[$grouping_field])) { $line[99998] = $u[$grouping_field]; } // else // $line[99998] = ''; // save the index value if have it if (!empty($u['index'])) { $line[99999] = $u['index']; } else { $line[99999] = ''; } $lines[$count] = $line; unset($line); } } if (empty($lines)) { echo '<br / >Problem - no lines'; } //else if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />'; var_dump($lines);} unset($list); // do not need list, we got the lines now if (!$amrusers_fieldfiltering) { // then do cache stuff $cache->cache_report_lines($rptid, 2, $lines); } } else { $html .= sprintf(__('No users found for list %s', 'amr-users'), $ulist); } } else { $html .= '<h2 style="clear:both; ">' . sprintf(__('No fields chosen for display in settings for list %s', 'amr-users'), $ulist) . '</h2>'; } } else { $html .= __('No users in database! - que pasar?', 'amr-users'); } unset($s); //track_progress('nearing end'); if (!$amrusers_fieldfiltering) { // if we are not just doing a real time filtering where we will not have full data then do cache stuff $cache->record_cache_end($rptid, $count - 1); $cache->record_cache_peakmem($rptid); $cache->record_cache_headings($rptid, $html); $time_end = microtime(true); $time = $time_end - $time_start; $cache->log_cache_event('<em>' . sprintf(__('Completed %s in %s microseconds', 'amr-users'), $rptid, number_format($time, 2)) . '</em>'); } if (!empty($amain['public'][$ulist])) { // returns url if set to go to file $csvurl = amr_generate_csv($ulist, true, false, 'csv', '"', ',', chr(13) . chr(10), true); } delete_transient('amr_users_cache_' . $ulist); // so another can run //track_progress('Release in progress flag for '.$ulist); delete_transient('amr-users-html-for-list-' . $ulist); // to force use of new one // we built up the html when filtering, but then trashed again ? if (!empty($lines)) { return $lines; } else { return false; } }
function cache_report_lines($reportid, $start, $lines) { // cache multiple - break into btaches $total = count($lines); $batchsize = min(1000, $total); $batchstart = 0; $row = $start; while ($batchstart < $total) { if ($batchstart + $batchsize > $total) { $batchsize = $total - $batchstart; } $results = $this->cache_batch_lines($reportid, $row, array_slice($lines, $batchstart, $batchsize)); if (!$results) { $this->log_cache_event('No results ' . $results); track_progress('No results ' . $results); return $results; } $this->log_cache_event('Cached next batch of ' . $batchsize . ' from ' . $batchstart); track_progress('Cached next batch of ' . $batchsize . ' from ' . $batchstart); $batchstart = $batchstart + $batchsize; $row = $row + $batchsize; } return $results; }
function alist_one($type = 'user', $ulist = 1, $options) { //options can be headings, csv, show_search, show_perpage /* Get the fields to use for the chosen list type */ global $aopt, $amain, $amrusers_fieldfiltering, $amr_current_list, $amr_search_result_count; global $amr_refreshed_heading; if (empty($aopt['list'][$ulist])) { printf(__('No such list: %s', 'amr-users'), $ulist); return; } $l = $aopt['list'][$ulist]; /* *get the config */ do_action('amr-add-criteria-to-list', $ulist); // allows one to force criteria into the request field for example (eg: show only logged in user) $transient_suffix = amr_check_use_transient($ulist, $options); if ($transient_suffix) { // no filters, no search, no sort, nothing special happening //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br />using transient: '.$transient_suffix.'<br />'; $html = get_transient('amr-users-html-for-list-' . $transient_suffix); if (!empty($html)) { if (current_user_can('administrator')) { echo '<br /><a href="' . add_query_arg('refresh', '1') . '" title="' . __('Note to logged in admin only: Now using temporary saved html (transient) for frontend. Click to refresh.', 'amr-users') . '">!</a>'; } return $html; } } $caption = ''; $sortedbynow = ''; if (empty($amain['list_rows_per_page'][$ulist])) { $amain['list_rows_per_page'][$ulist] = $amain['rows_per_page']; } $rowsperpage = amr_rows_per_page($amain['list_rows_per_page'][$ulist]); // will check request // use $options as our 'request' input so shortcode parameters will work. // allow _REQUEST to override $options /*$request_override_allowed = array( 'filter', 'fieldvaluefilter', 'fieldnamefilter', 'sort'); */ foreach ($_REQUEST as $param => $value) { // we do not know the column names, so jsut transfer all? $options[$param] = $value; } // figure out what we are doing - searching, filtering ------------------------------------------------------- $search = ''; if (!empty($options['su'])) { $search = strip_tags($options['su']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['clear_filtering'])) { // we do not need these then unset($_REQUEST['fieldnamefilter']); unset($_REQUEST['fieldvaluefilter']); unset($_REQUEST['filter']); //do we neeed to unset the individual cols? maybe not } $amrusers_fieldfiltering = false; if (!empty($options['filter'])) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<h1>Filtering</h1>';} foreach (array('fieldnamefilter', 'fieldvaluefilter') as $i => $filtertype) { if (isset($options[$filtertype])) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br />doing: '.$filtertype;} foreach ($options[$filtertype] as $i => $col) { if (empty($options[$col])) { //ie showing all unset($options[$filtertype][$i]); unset($options[$col]); } else { $amrusers_fieldfiltering = true; } // set as we are maybe doing realtime filtering flag } } } } $c = new adb_cache(); $rptid = $c->reportid($ulist, $type); if ($amrusers_fieldfiltering) { $lines = amr_build_user_data_maybe_cache($ulist); // since we are filtering, we will run realtime, but not save, else we would lose the normal report if (empty($lines)) { return; } $totalitems = count($lines); //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br /> field filtering & $totalitems='.$totalitems; } else { if (!$c->cache_exists($rptid) or isset($options['refresh'])) { if (amr_debug()) { _e('If debug only: Either refresh requested OR no cache exists. A rebuild will be initiated .... ', 'amr-users'); } $success = amr_try_build_cache_now($c, $ulist, $rptid); //$lines = amr_build_user_data_maybe_cache($ulist); $totalitems = $c->get_cache_totallines($rptid); //now need the lines, but first, paging check will tell us how many $amrusers_fieldfiltering = false; // already done if it must be } else { $totalitems = $c->get_cache_totallines($rptid); } } //---------- setup paging variables if ($totalitems < 1) { _e('No lines found.', 'amr-users'); echo amr_users_get_refresh_link($ulist); return; } if ($rowsperpage > $totalitems) { $rowsperpage = $totalitems; } $lastpage = ceil($totalitems / $rowsperpage); if (!empty($_REQUEST['listpage'])) { // if we requested a page MUST use that $page = (int) $_REQUEST['listpage']; } else { // is a random page stipulated ? if (isset($options['show_randompage'])) { // allows a random page $page = rand(1, $lastpage); } else { // else.....start at the very beginning, a very good place to start... $page = 1; } } if ($page > $lastpage) { $page = $lastpage; } if ($page == 1) { $start = 1; } else { $start = 1 + ($page - 1) * $rowsperpage; } $shuffle = false; if (!empty($options['shuffle'])) { $shuffle = true; } $filtercol = array(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ get the data if (!$amrusers_fieldfiltering) { // because already have lines if were doing field level filtering $headinglines = $c->get_cache_report_lines($rptid, 0, 2); /* get the internal heading names for internal plugin use only */ /* get the user defined heading names */ if (!defined('str_getcsv')) { $icols = amr_str_getcsv($headinglines[0]['csvcontent'], ',', '"', '\\'); } else { $icols = str_getcsv($headinglines[0]['csvcontent'], ',', '"', '\\'); } $icols = array_unique($icols); //since may end up with two indices, eg if filtering and grouping by same value if (!defined('str_getcsv')) { $cols = amr_str_getcsv($headinglines[1]['csvcontent'], '","', '"', '\\'); } else { $cols = str_getcsv($headinglines[1]['csvcontent'], ',', '"', '\\'); } if (isset($options['filter']) or !empty($options['sort']) or !empty($options['su'])) { $lines = amr_get_lines_to_array($c, $rptid, 2, $totalitems + 1, $icols, $shuffle); } else { if (isset($options['start_empty'])) { $lines = array(); $totalitems = 0; } else { $lines = amr_get_lines_to_array($c, $rptid, $start + 1, $rowsperpage, $icols, $shuffle); } } } else { // we are field filtering unset($lines[0]); // the tech lines and the headings line unset($lines[1]); $totalitems = count($lines); // must be here, only reset for field filtering $s = $l['selected']; asort($s); /* get the selected fields in the display order requested */ $cols = amr_build_col_headings($s); $icols = amr_build_cols($s); foreach ($lines as $i => $j) { $lines[$i] = amr_convert_indices($j, $icols); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ display time filter check if (isset($options['filter'])) { // then we are filtering //if (amr_debug()) { // var_dump($options['filter']); // echo '<br />Check for filtering at display time <br />'; var_dump($icols); // } foreach ($icols as $cindex => $col) { if (!empty($options[$col])) { if (!(isset($options['fieldnamefilter']) and in_array($col, $options['fieldnamefilter'])) and !(isset($options['fieldvaluefilter']) and in_array($col, $options['fieldvaluefilter']))) { $filtercol[$col] = esc_attr($options[$col]); } } } if (!empty($options['index'])) { $filtercol['index'] = strip_tags($options['index']); } if (false and !$amrusers_fieldfiltering and empty($filtercol) and current_user_can('manage_options')) { //NO LONGER REQUIRED, keep for debug only helpful maybe message nlr or perhaps only if by url? But could be trying own html? and be confused echo '<p>'; _e('This Message shows to admin only!', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('Filter requested.', 'amr-users'); _e('Maybe you chose "show all", which is OKAY... or are attempting some own html or link ? .', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('No valid filter column given.', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('Column filter Usage is :', 'amr-users'); echo '<br /><strong>'; echo '?filter=hide&column_name=value<br />'; echo '?filter=show&column_name=value</br> '; echo '?filter=1&column_name=value'; echo '</strong></br> '; _e('Note: Hide only works if the column is currently being displayed.', 'amr-users'); _e('For this list, expecting column_name to be one of ', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />' . implode('<br />', $icols) . '<br />'; echo '</p>'; } if (!empty($filtercol)) { // for each of the filter columns that are not field filters foreach ($filtercol as $fcol => $value) { //if (amr_debug()) {echo '<hr>Apply filters for field "'.$fcol. '" against... '.$value; } foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { //if (WP_DEBUG) {echo '<br>line='; var_dump($line);} if ($value === '*') { if (empty($line[$fcol])) { unset($lines[$i]); } else { } } elseif ($value === '-') { if (!empty($line[$fcol])) { unset($lines[$i]); } else { } } elseif (empty($line[$fcol])) { unset($lines[$i]); } else { if ($fcol == 'ID') { // id can have filtering - allows link to profile page if (!($line[$fcol] == $value)) { /// amr ?? unset($lines[$i]); } } else { if (!strstr($line[$fcol], $value)) { // fuzzy filtering - hmm why - maybe not??? // is it to avoid situation where value may have spaces before/after ??? unset($lines[$i]); } } } //else if (!($line[$fcol] == $value)) { strisstr will catch these ? //} if ($options['filter'] == 'hide') { unset($lines[$i][$fcol]); } } // if hiding, delete that column if ($options['filter'] == 'hide') { foreach ($icols as $cindex => $col) { if ($fcol == $col) { unset($icols[$cindex]); unset($cols[$cindex]); } } } // end delete col //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br />Lines left '.count($lines); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $amr_search_result_count = count($lines); $totalitems = $amr_search_result_count; // slice the right section of the returned values based on rowsperpage and currentpage // update the paging variables if ($amr_search_result_count > 0 and $rowsperpage > $amr_search_result_count) { $rowsperpage = $amr_search_result_count; } $lastpage = ceil($amr_search_result_count / $rowsperpage); if ($page > $lastpage) { $page = $lastpage; } if ($page == 1) { $start = 1; } else { $start = 1 + ($page - 1) * $rowsperpage; } } //echo '<br />count lines = '.$amr_search_result_count. ' '.$start. ' '. $rowsperpage; $lines = array_slice($lines, $start - 1, $rowsperpage, true); } //end if //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ check for sort or search if (!empty($options['sort']) or !empty($search)) { /* then we want to sort, so have to fetch ALL the lines first and THEN sort. Keep page number in case workingthrough the list ! */ // if searching also want all the lines first so can search within and do pagination correctly if ($lines) { $linesunsorted = amr_check_for_sort_request($lines); $linesunsorted = array_values($linesunsorted); /* reindex as our indexing is stuffed and splice will not work properly */ //if (!empty($search)) $totalitems = count($linesunsorted); //save total here before splice $lines = array_splice($linesunsorted, $start - 1, $rowsperpage); unset($linesunsorted); // free up memory? /* now fix the cache headings*/ $sortedbynow = ''; if (!empty($options['sort'])) { foreach ($icols as $i => $t) { if ($t == $options['sort']) { $sortedbynow = strip_tags($cols[$i]); } } $sortedbynow = '<li><em>' . __('Sorted by:', 'amr-users') . '</em>' . $sortedbynow . '</li><li class="sort">'; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------finished filtering and sorting //var_dump($lines); $html = amr_display_final_list($lines, $icols, $cols, $page, $rowsperpage, $totalitems, $caption, $search, $ulist, $c, $filtercol, $sortedbynow, $options); if ($transient_suffix) { // ie no filters, no search, no sort, nothing special happening $expiration = empty($amain['transient_expiration']) ? 60 : $amain['transient_expiration']; //allow setting later set_transient('amr-users-html-for-list-' . $transient_suffix, $html, $expiration); track_progress('Transient set for html for list ' . $transient_suffix); } return $html; }
function amrmeta_check_find_fields() { global $amr_nicenames; $amr_nicenames = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames'); // refetch so have all includidng excluded if (is_wp_error($amr_nicenames) or empty($amr_nicenames)) { /* *** Check if we have nicenames already built */ echo '<h3 style="clear:both;">' . __('List of possible fields not yet built.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; track_progress('Before counting users'); $result = count_users(); track_progress('After counting users'); $total_users = $result['total_users']; if ($total_users > 1000) { amr_users_message(__('You have many users. Please be patient when you rebuild.', 'amr-users')); echo '<p>'; foreach ($result['avail_roles'] as $i => $t) { echo '<br />' . __($i) . ' ' . $t; } echo '<p>'; echo alist_rebuild_names(); return; } else { echo '<h3 style="clear:both;">' . __('Automatically rebuilding list of possible fields now.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; track_progress('Before rebuilding names'); $amr_nicenames = ameta_rebuildnicenames(); track_progress('After rebuilding names'); echo '<h3 style="clear:both;">' . __('List Rebuilt', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; } } }
function amr_count_sql($sql, $text, $before, $after) { global $wpdb; /* $results = $wpdb->get_col( $sql, 0 ); echo $before; foreach ($results as $i => $total) { printf($text,number_format($total,0,'.',',')); } unset($results); */ $total = $wpdb->get_var($sql); // note prepare not necessary as we specified the input query - no user input echo $before; $text2 = sprintf($text, number_format($total, 0, '.', ',')); echo $text2; track_progress('After ' . $text2 . ': '); echo $after; flush(); }