<?php if (!function_exists('add_action')) { echo 'Hi there! I\'m just a plugin, not much I can do when called directly.'; exit; } function tr_dev_icons() { $icons = new TypeRocket\Elements\Icons(); $generator = new \TypeRocket\Html\Generator(); echo '<h3><i class="tr-icon-tools"></i> Icons</h3><p>These can be used with custom post types and admin pages.</p><ol>'; foreach ($icons as $k => $v) { echo $generator->newElement('li', ['class' => 'tr-icon-' . $k], ' ' . $k . ' ( .tr-icon-' . $k . ' )')->getString(); } echo '</ol>'; } function tr_dev_stats() { ?> <h3>Run Time</h3> <p>If you are using xDebug profiling or tracking times will be slower.</p> <p><b>TR Run Time</b>: <?php echo TR_END - TR_START; ?> </p> <p>Also noted in the footer at every page load when debug mode is on.</p> <?php } $tabs = tr_tabs(); $tabs->addTab(['id' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Stats', 'content' => '', 'callback' => 'tr_dev_stats'])->addTab(['id' => 'icons', 'title' => 'Icon Names', 'content' => '', 'callback' => 'tr_dev_icons'])->render('box');
echo 'Hi there! I\'m just a plugin, not much I can do when called directly.'; exit; } ?> <h1>Theme Options</h1> <?php $form = new \TypeRocket\Elements\Form(); $form->useJson(); $form->setGroup($this->getName()); ?> <div class="typerocket-container"> <?php echo $form->open(); // about $contact = [$form->text('Company Name'), $form->text('Company Email'), $form->text('Company Phone'), $form->search('Terms Page')->setPostType('page'), $form->checkbox('Company Open')->setText('Company open for business')->setLabel(false)]; $about = $form->getFromFieldsString($contact); // api $help = '<a target="blank" href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide#api_key">Get Your Google Maps API</a> to activate maps in the theme.'; $api = $form->password('Google Maps API Key')->setHelp($help)->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'new-password'); // save $save = $form->submit('Save'); // layout tr_tabs()->setSidebar($save)->addTab('About', $about)->addTab('APIs', $api)->render('box'); echo $form->close(); ?> </div>
if (!function_exists('add_action')) { echo 'Heei... O que está fazendo?'; exit; } ?> <h2>Opções gerais</h2> <?php $form = new \TypeRocket\Form(); $form->setGroup($this->getName()); ?> <div id="tr-dev-content" class="typerocket-container"> <?php echo $form->open(); // about $contact = array($form->text('Nome da Empresa'), $form->text('Endereço'), $form->text('Cidade'), $form->text('CEP'), $form->text('Telefone'), $form->text('E-mail')); $about = $form->getFromFieldsString($contact); // api $help = '<a target="blank" href="https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide#api_key">Get Your Google Maps API</a> to activate maps in the theme.'; $api = $form->password('Google Maps API Key')->setSetting('help', $help)->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'new-password'); // save $form->setDebugStatus(false); $save = $form->submit('Salvar'); // layout tr_tabs()->setSidebar($save)->addTab('Dados de contato', $about)->addTab('APIs', $api)->render('box'); echo $form->close(); ?> </div>