begin_table(); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(`unread` = 'yes') FROM messages WHERE `receiver` = {$CURUSER['id']} AND `location` IN ('in','both')"); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=" . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `location` IN ('in','both')"); $inbox = mysql_result($res, 0); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE `receiver` = " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `location` IN ('in','both') AND `unread` = 'yes'"); $unread = mysql_result($res, 0); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE `sender` = " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `location` IN ('out','both')"); $outbox = mysql_result($res, 0); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE `sender` = " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `location` = 'draft'"); $draft = mysql_result($res, 0); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE `sender` = " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `location` = 'template'"); $template = mysql_result($res, 0); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?inbox">' . T_("INBOX") . ' </a> ', " {$inbox} " . P_("message", $inbox) . " ({$unread} " . T_("unread") . ")"); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?outbox">' . T_("OUTBOX") . ' </a> ', " {$outbox} " . P_("message", $outbox)); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?draft">' . T_("DRAFT") . ' </a> ', " {$draft} " . P_("message", $draft)); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?templates">' . T_("TEMPLATES") . ' </a> ', " {$template} " . P_("message", $template)); end_table(); echo "<br /><br />"; } elseif ($type == "Mail") { $order = order("added,sender,sendto,subject", "added", true); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE {$where}"); $count = mysql_result($res, 0); list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager2(20, $count); print $pagertop; begin_form(); begin_table(0, "list"); $table[' '] = th("<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleChecked(this.checked);this.form.remove.disabled=true;\" />", 1); $table['Sender'] = th_left("Sender", 'sender'); $table['Sent_to'] = th_left("Sent To", 'receiver'); $table['Subject'] = th_left("Subject", 'subject'); $table['Date'] = th_left("Date", 'added');
} if ($sDateTo != "") { $sDateCondition .= " and date < '" . $sDateTo . "' "; } if ($sNameOfStat == "NumberOfFinds") { $sTypeCondition = " and cl.type=1 "; } if ($sNameOfStat == "MaintenanceOfCaches") { $sTypeCondition = " and cl.type=6 "; } $asUserID = explode(",", $sUserIDLine); if (!strlen($sUserIDLine)) { $sEND = tr2('SelectUsers', $lang); } if (count($asUserID) > 30) { $sEND = tr2('more30', $lang); } if ($sEND != "") { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "alert( '{$sEND}' );"; //$asUserID = explode(",", ""); echo "</script>"; } if ($sEND != "") { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "return;"; echo "</script>"; } $sCondition = ""; foreach ($asUserID as $sID) { if (strlen($sCondition)) {
$aUserName[$sID] = $record['username']; } unset($dbc); //////////////////// echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; $i = 0; foreach ($asUserID as $sID) { $sName = $aUserName[$sID]; $sName = str_replace("'", "`", $sName); echo "gcl.addColumn('number', '{$sName}');"; $aNrColumn[$sID] = $i; $i++; } //echo "gcl.addChartOption('vAxis', { title: 'Ilość keszy' } );"; echo " var chartOpt = gcl.getChartOption();"; echo " chartOpt.vAxis.title= '" . tr2('NrCaches', $lang) . "';"; echo "</script>"; //////////////////////////// $dbc = new dataBase(); $query = "SELECT year( year, month( ) month, day( ) day,\n u.username username, u.user_id user_id,\n COUNT(*) count\n\n FROM\n cache_logs cl\n join caches c on c.cache_id = cl.cache_id\n join user u on cl.user_id = u.user_id\n\n WHERE cl.deleted=0 " . $sTypeCondition . $sCondition . "GROUP BY year, month, day, user_id\n order by year, month, day "; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query); $nCount = array(); foreach ($asUserID as $sID) { $anCount[$sID] = 0; } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; while ($record = $dbc->dbResultFetch()) { $nYear = $record['year']; $nMonth = $record['month'] - 1; $nDay = $record['day']; $sNewDate = "new Date( {$nYear}, {$nMonth}, {$nDay} )";
private function makePtContent($newPt, $langTr, $dynstylepath, $regions) { $fileContent = '<span style="display:none" id="ptPromoId">xxkgfj8ipzxx' . $newPt['id'] . 'xxkgfj8ipzxx</span>'; $fileContent .= '<table width="100%"><tr><td style="padding-left: 10px;padding-right: 10px;">'; if ($newPt['image'] != '') { $fileContent .= '<img height="50" src="' . $newPt['image'] . '" />'; } else { $fileContent .= '<img height="50" src="tpl/stdstyle/images/blue/powerTrailGenericLogo.png" />'; } $fileContent .= '</td><td width=50% style="font-size: 13px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;" valign="center"><a href="powerTrail.php?ptAction=showSerie&ptrail=' . $newPt['id'] . '">' . $newPt['name'] . '</a>'; $fileContent .= '<td style="font-size: 13px;" valign="center"><b>' . $newPt['cacheCount'] . '</b> ' . tr2('pt138', $langTr) . ', <b>' . round($newPt['points'], 2) . '</b> ' . tr2('pt038', $langTr) . '</td>'; if ($regions) { $fileContent .= '</td><td style="font-size: 12px;" valign="center">' . tr2($regions['code1'], $langTr) . '>' . $regions['adm3']; } $fileContent .= '</td></tr></table>'; file_put_contents($dynstylepath . '' . $langTr . '.php', $fileContent); // print "$langTr <br/> $fileContent"; }
function search_control_set($control_set, $value) { $url = INDEX . get_session('contr'); return '' . NL . '<div id="form_search">' . NL . '<form action="' . $url . '" method="post" class=standard>' . NL . '<table>' . tr2('Control Set:', select_control_set('control_set', $control_set, 'onChange="submit()"')) . tr2('<span class=fs110>' . translate('Search for:') . '</span>', '<input type="text" id="search" name="search" value="' . $value . '" size="50" onChange="submit()" />') . NL . '</table>' . NL . '</form>' . NL . '</div>' . NL . '<div class=clear></div>'; }
function ratings($score, $votes) { $language = $_POST['lang']; if ($votes < 3) { return '<span style="color: gray">' . tr2('pt083', $language) . '</span>'; } $scoreNum = score2ratingnum($score); switch ($scoreNum) { case 0: return '<span style="color: #790000">' . tr2('pt074', $language) . '</span>'; case 1: return '<span style="color: #BF3C3C">' . tr2('pt073', $language) . '</span>'; case 2: return '<span style="color: #B36200">' . tr2('pt072', $language) . '</span>'; case 3: return '<span style="color: #518C00">' . tr2('pt071', $language) . '</span>'; case 4: return '<span style="color: #009D00">' . tr2('pt070', $language) . '</span>'; } }
echo "<br><table width=60% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>"; tr2('align=center colspan=2 class=colhead', 'Place bet'); tr2('align=center', '<b>Amount to bet</b>', 'align=center', '<form name=p2p method=post action=' . $phpself . '><input type=text name=amnt size=20 value=1> <select name=unit> <option value=1>MB</option> <option value=2>GB</option> </select>'); tr2('align=center colspan=2', '<input type=submit value=Gamble!>'); echo "</table></form>"; } } else { echo "<br>You already have " . safeChar($maxusrbet) . " open bets, wait until they are completed before you start another.<br>"; } // Open Bets table echo "<table width=90% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><br>"; tr2('align=center class=colhead colspan=4', 'Open Bets'); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align=center width=15%><b>Name</b></td><td width=15% align=center><b>Amount</b></td>"; echo "<td width=45% align=center><b>Time</b></td><td align=center><b>Take Bet</b></td>"; echo "</tr>"; while ($res = mysql_fetch_assoc($loca)) { echo " <tr>"; echo "<td align=center>{$res['proposed']}</td>"; echo "<td align=center>" . safeChar(prefixed($res['amount'])) . "</td>"; echo "<td align=center>{$res['time']}</td>"; echo "<td align=center><b><a href=" . $casino . "?takebet={$res['id']}>this</a></b></td>"; echo "</tr>"; $abcdefgh = 1; } if ($abcdefgh == false) { echo "<tr><td align=center colspan=4>Sorry no Bets</td></tr>";