コード例 #1
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $filename . '"');
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header("Expires: 0");
         echo $header . $html . $footer;
 // END if ($section == "results")
 /* -------------- STAFF Exports -------------- */
 if ($section == "staff") {
     include DB . 'judging_locations.db.php';
     include DB . 'styles.db.php';
     include DB . 'admin_common.db.php';
     include DB . 'output_staff_points.db.php';
     // Get total amount of paid and received entries
     $total_entries = total_paid_received("judging_scores", "default");
     //$total_entries = 750;
     // Figure out whether BOS Judge Points are awarded or not
     // "BOS points may only be awarded if a competition has at least 30 entries in at least five beer and/or three mead/cider categories."
     $beer_styles[] = 0;
     $mead_styles[] = 0;
     $cider_styles[] = 0;
     do {
         if ($row_styles2['brewStyleType'] = "Cider") {
             $beer_syles[] = 0;
             $mead_styles[] = 0;
             $cider_styles[] = 1;
         } elseif ($row_styles2['brewStyleType'] = "Mead") {
             $beer_syles[] = 0;
             $mead_styles[] = 1;
             $cider_styles[] = 0;
コード例 #2

 * Module:      default.admin.php
 * Description: This module houses links to all administration functions.
include LIB . 'admin.lib.php';
include DB . 'admin_common.db.php';
include DB . 'judging_locations.db.php';
include DB . 'stewarding.db.php';
include DB . 'dropoff.db.php';
include DB . 'contacts.db.php';
include INCLUDES . 'form_check.inc.php';
if ($go == "default") {
    $totalRows_entry_count = total_paid_received("default", "default");
    $entries_unconfirmed = $totalRows_entry_count - $totalRows_log_confirmed;
if ($check_judging_flights) {
    include PROCESS . 'process_judging_flight_check.inc.php';
// Future use for granular BOS mats and pullsheets.
function style_types_bos_print($file_name,$section,$go,$view) {
	$query_style_types = sprintf("SELECT id FROM %s", $prefix."style_types");
	$style_types = mysql_query($query_style_types, $brewing) or die(mysql_error());
	$row_style_types = mysql_fetch_assoc($style_types);
	$return = '';
コード例 #3

$totalRows_entry_count = total_paid_received($go, 0);
if (NHC) {
    // Place NHC SQL calls below
    $query_package_count = sprintf("SELECT a.scorePlace, a.scoreEntry FROM %s a, %s b, %s c WHERE a.eid = b.id AND c.uid = b.brewBrewerID AND b.brewBrewerID = '%s'", $judging_scores_db_table, $brewing_db_table, $brewer_db_table, $_SESSION['user_id']);
    if ($prefix != "final_") {
        $query_package_count .= " AND a.scoreEntry >=25";
    $package_count = mysql_query($query_package_count, $brewing) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_package_count = mysql_fetch_assoc($package_count);
    $totalRows_package_count = mysql_num_rows($package_count);
    //echo $totalRows_package_count;
    $query_admin_adv = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM {$brewing_db_table} WHERE brewBrewerID = '%s' AND brewWinner='6'", $_SESSION['user_id']);
    $admin_adv = mysql_query($query_admin_adv, $brewing) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_admin_adv = mysql_fetch_assoc($admin_adv);
} else {
    if ($section == "list") {
        $query_log = sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$brewing_db_table} WHERE brewBrewerID = '%s' ORDER BY brewCategorySort, brewSubCategory, brewName {$dir}", $_SESSION['user_id']);
        $query_log_paid = sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$brewing_db_table} WHERE brewBrewerID = '%s' AND NOT brewPaid='1'", $_SESSION['user_id']);
        $query_log_confirmed = sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$brewing_db_table}  WHERE brewBrewerID = '%s' AND brewConfirmed='1'", $_SESSION['user_id']);
    } elseif ($section == "pay") {
        if ($msg == "10") {
            // If redirected from PayPal, update the brewer table to mark entries as paid
            $a = explode('-', $view);
            foreach (array_unique($a) as $value) {
                $updateSQL = "UPDATE {$brewing_db_table} SET brewPaid='1' WHERE id='" . $value . "';";
                //echo $updateSQL;
                mysql_select_db($database, $brewing);
                $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $brewing) or die(mysql_error());