$topic_check_status = '<span style="color:green;">√</span>'; break; case 3: $topic_check_status = '<span style="color:#E6C506;">≈</span>'; break; case 4: $topic_check_status = '<span style="color:red;">≠</span>'; break; case 5: $topic_check_status = '<span style="color:blue;">∞</span>'; break; default: $topic_check_status = '<span style="color:red;">?</span>'; } } $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array('ROW_CLASS' => !($i % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2', 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author, 'GOTO_PAGE' => $goto_page, 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $newest_post_img, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_attachment']), 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_type, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_IMG' => $last_post_url, 'TOPIC_CHECK_STATUS' => isset($topic_tor[$topic_id]) ? $topic_check_status . " · " : "", 'TOPICS_SEPARATOR' => $topics_separator, 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $view_topic_url)); //bt if (isset($topic_tor[$topic_id])) { $seeds = isset($topic_tor[$topic_id]['seeders']) ? $topic_tor[$topic_id]['seeders'] : 0; $leechs = isset($topic_tor[$topic_id]['leechers']) ? $topic_tor[$topic_id]['leechers'] : 0; $s_last = $topic_tor[$topic_id]['seeder_last_seen']; $compl = $topic_tor[$topic_id]['complete_count']; $att_id = $topic_tor[$topic_id]['attach_id']; $size = $topic_tor[$topic_id]['size']; $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow.tor', array('SEEDERS' => $seeds ? $seeds : 0, 'SEEDERS_TITLE' => $seeds ? 'Seeders' : " Seeder last seen: \n " . ($s_last ? create_date($ft_cfg['default_dateformat'], $s_last, $ft_cfg['board_timezone']) : 'Never'), 'LEECHERS' => $leechs ? $leechs : 0, 'TORRENT_SIZE' => humn_size($size), 'DL_TORRENT_HREF' => append_sid("download.php?id=" . $att_id))); } $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow.compl', array('COMPLETED' => isset($compl) ? $compl : '')); unset($compl); //bt end } //// $topics_count -= $total_announcements;
function topic_list($box, $tpl = '', $topic_rowset, $list_title = '', $split_type = false, $display_nav_tree = true, $footer = '', $inbox = true, $select_field = '', $select_type = 0, $select_formname = '', $select_values = array()) { global $db, $template, $board_config, $userdata, $phpEx, $lang, $images, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; global $tree, $bbcode_parse; static $box_id; // save template state $sav_tpl = $template->_tpldata; // init if (empty($tpl)) { $tpl = 'topics_list_box'; } if (empty($list_title)) { $list_title = $lang['Topics']; } if (!empty($select_values) && !is_array($select_values)) { $s_values = $select_values; $select_values = array(); $select_values[] = $s_values; } // selections $select_multi = false; $select_unique = false; if (!empty($select_field) && $select_type > 0 && !empty($select_formname)) { switch ($select_type) { case 1: $select_multi = true; break; case 2: $select_unique = true; break; } } if ($split_type) { // set in separate table $split_box = $inbox && (isset($board_config['split_topic_split']) ? intval($board_config['split_topic_split']) : false); // get split params $switch_split_global_announce = isset($board_config['split_global_announce']) ? intval($board_config['split_global_announce']) : false; $switch_split_announce = isset($board_config['split_announce']) ? intval($board_config['split_announce']) : false; $switch_split_sticky = isset($board_config['split_sticky']) ? intval($board_config['split_sticky']) : false; if (!$switch_split_global_announce && !$switch_split_announce && !$switch_split_sticky) { $split_box = $split_type = false; } } else { $split_box = $switch_split_global_announce = $switch_split_announce = $switch_split_sticky = false; } // Define censored word matches $orig_word = array(); $replacement_word = array(); obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word); //-- mod : keep unread ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- delete // // read the user cookie // $tracking_topics = ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . "_t"]) : array(); // $tracking_forums = ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . "_f"]) : array(); // $tracking_all = ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all']) ) ? intval($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all']) : NULL; //-- add // get last visit for guest if (!$userdata['session_logged_in']) { $userdata['user_lastvisit'] = $board_config['guest_lastvisit']; } //-- fin mod : keep unread ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get a default title if (empty($list_title)) { $list_title = $lang['forum']; } // choose template $template->set_filenames(array($tpl => $tpl . '.tpl')); // check if user replied to the topics $user_topics = array(); $topic_rowset_count = count($topic_rowset); if ($userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) { // get all the topic ids to display $topic_ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $topic_rowset_count; $i++) { $topic_item_type = substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 0, 1); $topic_id = intval(substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 1)); if ($topic_item_type == POST_TOPIC_URL) { $topic_ids[] = $topic_id; } } // check if the user replied to if (!empty($topic_ids)) { // check the posts $s_topic_ids = implode(', ', $topic_ids); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT topic_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . "\n WHERE topic_id IN ({$s_topic_ids})\n AND poster_id = " . $userdata['user_id']; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain post information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $user_topics[POST_TOPIC_URL . $row['topic_id']] = true; } } } // initiate $template->assign_block_vars($tpl, array('FORMNAME' => $select_formname, 'FIELDNAME' => $select_field)); // spanning of the first column (list name) $span_left = 1; if ($topic_rowset_count > 0) { // add folder image $span_left++; } $span_left++; if ($select_unique) { // selection in front is asked $span_left++; } // spanning of the whole line (bottom row and/or empty list) $span_all = $span_left + 4; if ($select_multi && $topic_rowset_count > 0) { $span_all++; } // display topics $color = false; $prec_topic_type = ''; $header_sent = false; if (!isset($box_id)) { $box_id = -1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $topic_rowset_count; $i++) { $topic_item_type = substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 0, 1); $topic_id = intval(substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 1)); $topic_title = count($orig_word) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_title']) : $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_title']; $replies = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_replies']; $topic_type = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; $user_replied = !empty($user_topics) && isset($user_topics[$topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id']]); $force_type_display = false; $forum_id = $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id']; if (defined('POST_BIRTHDAY') && $topic_type == POST_BIRTHDAY) { $topic_type = $lang['Birthday'] . ': '; } else { if ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Global_Announcement'] . ' '; } else { if ($topic_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Announcement'] . ' '; } else { if ($topic_type == POST_STICKY) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Sticky'] . ' '; } else { $topic_type = ''; } } } } if ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_vote']) { $topic_type .= $lang['Topic_Poll'] . ' '; $force_type_display = true; } if (defined('POST_BIRTHDAY') && $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_BIRTHDAY) { $folder_image = $images['folder_birthday']; $folder_alt = $lang['Happy_birthday']; $newest_post_img = ''; } else { if ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_MOVED) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Moved'] . ' '; $topic_id = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_moved_id']; $folder_image = $images['folder']; $folder_alt = $lang['Topics_Moved']; $newest_post_img = ''; $force_type_display = true; } else { if (defined('POST_BIRTHDAY') && $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_BIRTHDAY) { $folder = $images['folder_birthday']; $folder_new = $images['folder_birthday']; } else { if ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_global_announce_own'] : $images['folder_global_announce']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_global_announce_new_own'] : $images['folder_global_announce_new']; } else { if ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_announce_own'] : $images['folder_announce']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_announce_new_own'] : $images['folder_announce_new']; } else { if ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_STICKY) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_sticky_own'] : $images['folder_sticky']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_sticky_new_own'] : $images['folder_sticky_new']; } else { if ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_locked_own'] : $images['folder_locked']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_locked_new_own'] : $images['folder_locked_new']; } else { if ($replies >= $board_config['hot_threshold']) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_hot_own'] : $images['folder_hot']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_hot_new_own'] : $images['folder_hot_new']; } else { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_own'] : $images['folder']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['folder_new_own'] : $images['folder_new']; } } } } } } $newest_post_img = ''; //-- mod : keep unread ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- delete // if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] && ($topic_item_type == POST_TOPIC_URL) ) // { // if( $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] > $userdata['user_lastvisit'] ) // { // if( !empty($tracking_topics) || !empty($tracking_forums) || !empty($tracking_all) ) // { // $unread_topics = true; // if( !empty($tracking_topics[$topic_id]) ) // { // if( $tracking_topics[$topic_id] >= $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] ) // { // $unread_topics = false; // } // } // if( !empty($tracking_forums[$forum_id]) ) // { // if( $tracking_forums[$forum_id] >= $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] ) // { // $unread_topics = false; // } // } // if( !empty($tracking_all) ) // { // if( $tracking_all >= $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] ) // { // $unread_topics = false; // } // } //-- add if ($topic_item_type == POST_TOPIC_URL) { // have we got a last visit time for this topic $topic_last_read = intval($board_config['tracking_unreads'][$topic_id]); if (!empty($board_config['tracking_all']) && $board_config['tracking_all'] > $topic_last_read) { $topic_last_read = $board_config['tracking_all']; } if (isset($board_config['tracking_forums'][$forum_id]) && $board_config['tracking_forums'][$forum_id] > $topic_last_read) { $topic_last_read = $board_config['tracking_forums'][$forum_id]; } if (isset($board_config['tracking_topics'][$topic_id]) && $board_config['tracking_topics'][$topic_id] > $topic_last_read) { $topic_last_read = $board_config['tracking_topics'][$topic_id]; } if (empty($topic_last_read)) { $topic_last_read = $userdata['user_lastvisit']; } // unread status ? $unread_topics = $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] > $topic_last_read; //-- fin mod : keep unread ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($unread_topics) { $folder_image = $folder_new; $folder_alt = $lang['New_posts']; $newest_post_img = '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.{$phpEx}?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&view=newest") . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_newest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" border="0" /></a> '; } else { $folder_image = $folder; $folder_alt = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; $newest_post_img = ''; } //-- mod : keep unread ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- delete // } // else // { // $folder_image = $folder_new; // $folder_alt = ( $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['New_posts']; // $newest_post_img = '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&view=newest") . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_newest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" border="0" /></a> '; // } // } // else // { // $folder_image = $folder; // $folder_alt = ( $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; // $newest_post_img = ''; // } // } // else // { // $folder_image = $folder; // $folder_alt = ( $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; // $newest_post_img = ''; //-- fin mod : keep unread ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } } } // generate list of page for the topic $goto_page = ''; if ($replies + 1 > $board_config['posts_per_page']) { $total_pages = ceil(($replies + 1) / $board_config['posts_per_page']); $goto_page = ' [ <img src="' . $images['icon_gotopost'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Goto_page'] . '" title="' . $lang['Goto_page'] . '" />' . $lang['Goto_page'] . ': '; $times = 1; for ($j = 0; $j < $replies + 1; $j += $board_config['posts_per_page']) { $goto_page .= '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.{$phpEx}?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&start={$j}") . '">' . $times . '</a>'; if ($times == 1 && $total_pages > 4) { $goto_page .= ' ... '; $times = $total_pages - 3; $j += ($total_pages - 4) * $board_config['posts_per_page']; } else { if ($times < $total_pages) { $goto_page .= ', '; } } $times++; } $goto_page .= ' ] '; } $topic_author = ''; $first_post_time = ''; $last_post_time = ''; $last_post_url = ''; $views = ''; switch ($topic_item_type) { case POST_USERS_URL: $view_topic_url = append_sid("profile.{$phpEx}?" . POST_USERS_URL . "={$topic_id}"); break; default: $view_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.{$phpEx}?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}"); $topic_author = $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? '<a href="' . append_sid("profile.{$phpEx}?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id']) . '">' : ''; $topic_author .= $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? $topic_rowset[$i]['username'] : ($topic_rowset[$i]['post_username'] != '' ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username'] : $lang['Guest']); $topic_author .= $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? '</a>' : ''; $first_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); $last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); $last_post_author = $topic_rowset[$i]['id2'] == ANONYMOUS ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2'] != '' ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2'] . ' ' : $lang['Guest'] . ' ' : '<a href="' . append_sid("profile.{$phpEx}?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['id2']) . '">' . $topic_rowset[$i]['user2'] . '</a>'; $last_post_url = '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.{$phpEx}?" . POST_POST_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id']) . '#' . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_latest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" border="0" /></a>'; $views = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_views']; break; } // categories hierarchy v 2 compliancy $nav_tree = ''; if ($display_nav_tree && !empty($topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id'])) { if ($tree['auth'][POST_FORUM_URL . $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id']]['tree.auth_view']) { $nav_tree = make_cat_nav_tree(POST_FORUM_URL . $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id'], '', 'gensmall'); } } if (!empty($nav_tree)) { $nav_tree = '[ ' . $nav_tree . ' ]'; } // get the type for rupture $topic_real_type = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; // if no split between global and standard announcement, group them with standard announcement if (!$switch_split_global_announce && $topic_real_type == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_real_type = POST_ANNOUNCE; } // if no split between announce and sticky, group them with sticky if (!$switch_split_announce && $topic_real_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_real_type = POST_STICKY; } // if no split between sticky and normal, group them with normal if (!$switch_split_sticky && $topic_real_type == POST_STICKY) { $topic_real_type = POST_NORMAL; } // check if rupture $rupt = false; // split if ($i == 0 || $split_type) { if ($i == 0) { $rupt = true; } // check the rupt if ($prec_topic_type != $topic_real_type) { $rupt = true; } } $prec_topic_type = $topic_real_type; // header if ($rupt) { // close the prec box if ($split_box && $i != 0) { // footer $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('COLSPAN' => $span_all)); // table closure $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.footer_table', array()); // spacing $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array()); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.spacer', array()); // unset header $header_sent = false; } // get box title $main_title = $list_title; $sub_title = $list_title; switch ($topic_real_type) { case POST_BIRTHDAY: $sub_title = $lang['Birthday']; break; case POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE: $sub_title = $lang['Post_Global_Announcement']; break; case POST_ANNOUNCE: $sub_title = $lang['Post_Announcement']; break; case POST_STICKY: $sub_title = $lang['Post_Sticky']; break; case POST_CALENDAR: $sub_title = $lang['Calendar_event']; break; case POST_NORMAL: $sub_title = $lang['Topics']; break; } $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_TITLE' => !$split_box ? $main_title : $sub_title, 'L_REPLIES' => $lang['Replies'], 'L_AUTHOR' => $lang['Author'], 'L_VIEWS' => $lang['Views'], 'L_LASTPOST' => $lang['Last_Post'], 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); // open a new box if ($split_box || $i == 0) { $box_id++; $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_table', array('COLSPAN' => $span_left, 'BOX_ID' => $box_id)); // selection fields if ($select_multi) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_table.multi_selection', array()); } // set header $header_sent = true; } // not in box, send a row title if ($split_type && !$split_box) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_TITLE' => $sub_title, 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_row', array()); } } // erase the type before the title if split if ($split_type && $topic_real_type == $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] && !$force_type_display) { $topic_type = ''; } // get the announces dates $topic_announces_dates = ''; if (in_array($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'], array(POST_ANNOUNCE, POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE))) { $topic_announces_dates = get_announces_title($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_time'], $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_announce_duration']); } // get the calendar dates /*** Remove Calander Stuff $topic_calendar_dates = ''; if (function_exists('get_calendar_title')) { $topic_calendar_dates = get_calendar_title($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_calendar_time'], $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_calendar_duration']); } ***/ // get the topic icons $icon = ''; $type = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; if ($type == POST_NORMAL) { /*** Remove Calander Code if ( defined('POST_CALENDAR') && !empty($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_calendar_time']) ) { $type = POST_CALENDAR; } ***/ if (defined('POST_PICTURE') && !empty($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_pic_url'])) { $type = POST_PICTURE; } $icon = get_icon_title($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_icon'], 1, $type); } //-- mod : topic description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- add $topic_desc = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_desc']; //-- end mod : topic description ------------------------------------------------------------------- // send topic to template $selected = !empty($select_values) && in_array($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], $select_values); $color = !$color; $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('ROW_CLASS' => $color || !defined('TOPIC_ALTERNATE_ROW_CLASS') ? 'row1' : 'row2', 'ROW_FOLDER_CLASS' => $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_CLASS') ? USER_REPLIED_CLASS : ($color || !defined('TOPIC_ALTERNATE_ROW_CLASS') ? 'row1' : 'row2'), 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author, 'GOTO_PAGE' => !empty($goto_page) ? '<br />' . $goto_page : '', 'TOPIC_NAV_TREE' => !empty($nav_tree) ? (empty($goto_page) ? '<br />' : '') . $nav_tree : '', 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $newest_post_img, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_attachment']), 'ICON' => $icon, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'TOPIC_DESCRIPTION' => $bbcode_parse->smilies_pass($topic_desc), 'L_TOPIC_DESCRIPTION' => $lang['Topic_description'], 'TOPIC_ANNOUNCES_DATES' => $topic_announces_dates, 'TOPIC_CALENDAR_DATES' => $topic_calendar_dates, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_type, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_IMG' => $last_post_url, 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $view_topic_url, 'BOX_ID' => $box_id, 'FID' => $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 'L_SELECT' => $selected && ($select_multi || $select_unique) ? 'checked="checked"' : '')); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic', array()); // selection fields if ($select_multi) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.multi_selection', array()); } if ($select_unique) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.single_selection', array()); } // icons $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.icon', array()); //-- mod : topic description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- add // topic description if (!empty($topic_desc)) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.switch_topic_desc', array()); } //-- end mod : topic description ------------------------------------------------------------------- // nav tree asked if ($display_nav_tree && !empty($nav_tree)) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.nav_tree', array()); } } // end for topic_rowset read // send a header if missing if (!$header_sent) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_TITLE' => $list_title, 'L_REPLIES' => $lang['Replies'], 'L_AUTHOR' => $lang['Author'], 'L_VIEWS' => $lang['Views'], 'L_LASTPOST' => $lang['Last_Post'], 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); // open a new box $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_table', array('COLSPAN' => $span_left)); } // no data if ($topic_rowset_count == 0) { // send no topics notice $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_NO_TOPICS' => $lang['No_search_match'], 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.no_topics', array()); } // bottom line if (!empty($footer)) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('COLSPAN' => $span_all, 'FOOTER' => $footer)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.bottom', array()); } // table closure $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('COLSPAN' => $span_all)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.footer_table', array()); // spacing if (empty($footer)) { // spacing $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array()); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.spacer', array()); } // transfert to a var $template->assign_var_from_handle('_box', $tpl); $res = $template->vars['_box']; // restore template saved state $template->_tpldata = $sav_tpl; unset($sav_tpl); // Man that would be big :), can be do this elegently. // assign value to the main template $template->assign_vars(array($box => $res)); }
'TOPIC_TYPE_ICON' => $topic_link['icon'], 'TOPIC_CLASS' => (!empty($topic_link['class_new']) ? ('topiclink' . $topic_link['class_new']) : $topic_link['class']), 'CLASS_NEW' => $topic_link['class_new'], 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $topic_link['newest_post_img'], 'GOTO_PAGE' => $topic_pagination['base'], 'GOTO_PAGE_FULL' => $topic_pagination['full'], 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'VIEWS' => $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_views'], 'FIRST_POST_URL' => $first_post_url, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'FIRST_POST_AUTHOR' => $first_post_author, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_URL' => $last_post_url, 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $topic_link['image_alt'], 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_attachment']), ) ); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination('modcp.' . PHP_EXT . '?' . POST_FORUM_URL . '=' . $forum_id . '&sid=' . $user->data['session_id'], $forum_topics, $config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], (floor($start / $config['topics_per_page']) + 1), ceil($forum_topics / $config['topics_per_page'])), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page'] ) ); $template->pparse('body'); break; } page_footer(true, '', true);
$topic_type = $lang['Topic_Sticky'] . ' '; } else { if ($topic_type == POST_COMMEND) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Commend'] . ' '; } else { if ($topic_status == TOPIC_MOVED) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Moved'] . ' '; } else { $topic_type = ''; } } } } } if ($row['topic_vote']) { $topic_type .= $lang['Topic_Poll'] . ' '; } $topic_title = $row['topic_title']; if (count($orig_word)) { $topic_title = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $topic_title); } $u_view_topic = "modcp.{$phpEx}?mode=split&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&sid=" . $userdata['session_id']; $topic_replies = $row['topic_replies']; $last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $row['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array('U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $u_view_topic, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_img, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_type, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'REPLIES' => $topic_replies, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($row['topic_attachment']), 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt)); } $template->assign_vars(array('PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.{$phpEx}?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "={$forum_id}&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'], $forum_topics, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], floor($start / $board_config['topics_per_page']) + 1, ceil($forum_topics / $board_config['topics_per_page'])), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page'])); $template->pparse('body'); break; } include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.' . $phpEx;
$s_table = '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="6"><span class="gensmall">' . $s_table_lang . '</span></td></tr>'; } else { $s_table = ''; } if ($topic_type_table != 0 && $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == 4) { $s_table = '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="6"><span class="gensmall">' . $lang['Topics'] . '</span></td></tr>'; $topic_type_table = 0; } else { if ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_COMMEND) { $s_table = ''; $topic_type_table = 0; } else { $topic_type_table = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; } } $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array('ROW_COLOR' => $row_color, 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class, 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author, 'GOTO_PAGE' => $goto_page, 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $newest_post_img, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_attachment']), 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'S_TABLE' => $s_table, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_type, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_IMG' => $last_post_url, 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $view_topic_url)); } $topics_count -= $total_announcements; $template->assign_vars(array('PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("viewforum.{$phpEx}?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "={$forum_id}&topicdays={$topic_days}", $topics_count, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], floor($start / $board_config['topics_per_page']) + 1, ceil($topics_count / $board_config['topics_per_page'])), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page'])); } else { // // No topics // $no_topics_msg = $forum_row['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED ? $lang['Forum_locked'] : $lang['No_topics_post_one']; $template->assign_vars(array('L_NO_TOPICS' => $no_topics_msg)); $template->assign_block_vars('switch_no_topics', array()); } // // Parse the page and print // $template->pparse('body');
'FORUM_NAME' => get_object_lang(POST_FORUM_URL . $searchset[$i]['forum_id'], 'name'), 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $topic_link['image'], 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $topic_link['image_alt'], 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'TOPIC_TITLE_PLAIN' => $topic_title_plain, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_link['type'], 'TOPIC_TYPE_ICON' => $topic_link['icon'], 'TOPIC_CLASS' => (!empty($topic_link['class_new']) ? ('topiclink' . $topic_link['class_new']) : $topic_link['class']), 'CLASS_NEW' => $topic_link['class_new'], 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $topic_link['newest_post_img'], 'L_NEWS' => $news_label, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($searchset[$i]['topic_attachment']), // Event Registration - BEGIN 'REG_OPTIONS' => $regoptions, 'REG_USER_OWN_REG' => $reg_user_own_reg, // Event Registration - END 'GOTO_PAGE' => $topic_pagination['base'], 'GOTO_PAGE_FULL' => $topic_pagination['full'], 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_IMG' => $last_post_url, // UPI2DB - BEGIN 'NO_AGM' => ($mark_read_forbid || (isset($s2) && ($s2 == 'perm'))) ? 'disabled' : '',
$template->assign_block_vars('recent', array( 'ROW_CLASS' => (!($i % 2)) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2'], 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $topic_link['image'], 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $topic_link['image_alt'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'TOPIC_TITLE_PLAIN' => $topic_title_plain, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_link['type'], 'TOPIC_TYPE_ICON' => $topic_link['icon'], 'TOPIC_CLASS' => (!empty($topic_link['class_new']) ? ('topiclink' . $topic_link['class_new']) : $topic_link['class']), 'CLASS_NEW' => $topic_link['class_new'], 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $topic_link['newest_post_img'], 'L_NEWS' => $news_label, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($line[$i]['topic_attachment']), 'GOTO_PAGE' => $topic_pagination['base'], 'GOTO_PAGE_FULL' => $topic_pagination['full'], 'L_VIEWS' => $lang['Views'], 'VIEWS' => $views, 'L_REPLIES' => $lang['Replies'], 'REPLIES' => $replies, //'FIRST_POST_TIME' => sprintf($lang['Recent_first'], $first_time), 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_time, 'FIRST_AUTHOR' => $first_author, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_time, 'LAST_AUTHOR' => $last_author, 'LAST_URL' => $last_url, 'FORUM_NAME' => $line[$i]['forum_name'], 'U_VIEW_FORUM' => $forum_url,
$topic_author .= $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? '</a>' : ''; $first_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); $last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); // Begin PNphpBB2 Module // $last_post_author = ( $topic_rowset[$i]['id2'] == ANONYMOUS ) ? ( ($topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2'] != '' ) ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2'] . ' ' : $lang['Guest'] . ' ' ) : '<a href="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['id2']) . '">' . $topic_rowset[$i]['user2'] . '</a>'; $last_post_author = $topic_rowset[$i]['id2'] == ANONYMOUS ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2'] != '' ? DataUtil::formatForDisplay($topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2']) . ' ' : $lang['Guest'] . ' ' : '<a href="' . append_sid("profile.{$phpEx}?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['id2']) . '">' . DataUtil::formatForDisplay($topic_rowset[$i]['user2']) . '</a>'; // End PNphpBB2 Module $last_post_url = '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.{$phpEx}?" . POST_POST_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id']) . '#' . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_latest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" border="0" /></a>'; $views = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_views']; // Begin PNphpBB2 Module // $row_color = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_color1'] : $theme['td_color2']; // $row_class = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2']; $row_color = !($i % 2) ? $phpbb_theme['td_color1'] : $phpbb_theme['td_color2']; $row_class = !($i % 2) ? $phpbb_theme['td_class1'] : $phpbb_theme['td_class2']; // End PNphpBB2 Module $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array('ICON' => $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_icon'] == 0 ? " " : "<img " . $board_config['posticons_size'] . " src=\"" . $board_config['path_posticons'] . "/image_" . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_icon'] . ".gif\" alt=\"" . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_icon'] . "\" border=\"0\">", 'ROW_COLOR' => $row_color, 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class, 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author, 'GOTO_PAGE' => $goto_page, 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $newest_post_img, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => !intval($attach_config['disable_mod']) ? topic_attachment_image($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_attachment']) : '', 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title_status . $topic_title, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_type, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_IMG' => $last_post_url, 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $view_topic_url)); // Begin PNphpBB2 Module (Split Annouce/Sticky) $topic_real_type = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; // if no split between global and standard announcement, group them with standard announcement if (!$switch_split_global_announce && $topic_real_type == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_real_type = POST_ANNOUNCE; } // if no split between announce and sticky, group them with sticky if (!$switch_split_announce && $topic_real_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_real_type = POST_STICKY; } // if no split between sticky and normal, group them with normal if (!$switch_split_sticky && $topic_real_type == POST_STICKY) { $topic_real_type = POST_NORMAL; } // check prec type
function topic_list($box, $tpl = '', $topic_rowset, $list_title = '', $split_type = false, $display_nav_tree = true, $footer = '', $inbox = true, $select_field = '', $select_type = 0, $select_formname = '', $select_values = array()) { global $template, $db, $cache, $config, $user, $lang, $images, $theme; global $tree, $bbcode, $user; static $box_id; // save template state $sav_tpl = $template->_tpldata; // init if (empty($tpl)) { $tpl = 'topics_list_box'; } if (empty($list_title)) { $list_title = $lang['Topics']; } if (!empty($select_values) && !is_array($select_values)) { $s_values = $select_values; $select_values = array(); $select_values[] = $s_values; } // selections $select_multi = false; $select_unique = false; if (!empty($select_field) && $select_type > 0 && !empty($select_formname)) { switch ($select_type) { case 1: $select_multi = true; break; case 2: $select_unique = true; break; } } // get split params $switch_split_global_announce = isset($config['split_global_announce']) && isset($lang['Post_Global_Announcement']) ? intval($config['split_global_announce']) : false; $switch_split_announce = isset($config['split_announce']) ? intval($config['split_announce']) : false; $switch_split_sticky = isset($config['split_sticky']) ? intval($config['split_sticky']) : false; $switch_split_news = isset($config['split_news']) ? intval($config['split_news']) : false; // set in separate table $split_box = $inbox && (isset($config['split_topic_split']) ? intval($config['split_topic_split']) : false); // take care of the context if (!$split_type) { $split_box = false; $switch_split_global_announce = false; $switch_split_announce = false; $switch_split_sticky = false; $switch_split_news = false; } if (!$switch_split_global_announce && !$switch_split_announce && !$switch_split_sticky && !$switch_split_news) { $split_type = false; $split_box = false; } // read the user cookie $tracking_forums = isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) ? unserialize($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) : array(); $tracking_topics = isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) ? unserialize($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) : array(); $tracking_all = isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all']) ? intval($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all']) : NULL; // categories hierarchy v 2 compliancy $cat_hierarchy = function_exists('get_auth_keys'); if (!$cat_hierarchy) { // standard read $is_auth = array(); $is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, AUTH_LIST_ALL, $user->data); } // topic icon present $icon_installed = function_exists('get_icon_title'); // get a default title if (empty($list_title)) { $list_title = $lang['forum']; } // choose template $template->set_filenames(array($tpl => $tpl . '.tpl')); // check if user replied to the topic $user_topics = array(); if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) { // get all the topic ids to display $topic_ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($topic_rowset); $i++) { $topic_item_type = substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 0, 1); $topic_id = intval(substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 1)); if ($topic_item_type == POST_TOPIC_URL) { $topic_ids[] = $topic_id; } } // check if the user replied to if (!empty($topic_ids)) { // check the posts $s_topic_ids = implode(', ', $topic_ids); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT topic_id FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE topic_id IN ({$s_topic_ids})\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND poster_id = " . $user->data['user_id']; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $user_topics[POST_TOPIC_URL . $row['topic_id']] = true; } } } // initiate $template->assign_block_vars($tpl, array('FORMNAME' => $select_formname, 'FIELDNAME' => $select_field)); // spanning of the first column (list name) $span_left = 1; if (sizeof($topic_rowset) > 0) { // add folder image $span_left++; } if ($icon_installed) { // add topic icon $span_left++; } if ($select_unique) { // selection in front is asked $span_left++; } // spanning of the whole line (bottom row and/or empty list) $span_all = $span_left + 4; if ($select_multi && sizeof($topic_rowset) > 0) { $span_all++; } // display topics $color = false; $prec_topic_type = ''; $header_sent = false; if (!isset($box_id)) { $box_id = -1; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($topic_rowset); $i++) { $topic_item_type = substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 0, 1); $topic_id = intval(substr($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 1)); $topic_title = censor_text($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_title']); $replies = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_replies']; $topic_type = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; $user_replied = !empty($user_topics) && isset($user_topics[$topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id']]); $force_type_display = false; $forum_id = $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id']; if (defined('POST_BIRTHDAY') && $topic_type == POST_BIRTHDAY) { $topic_type = $lang['Birthday'] . ': '; } elseif ($topic_type == POST_NEWS) { $topic_type = $lang['News'] . ': '; } elseif ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Global_Announcement'] . ' '; } elseif ($topic_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Announcement'] . ' '; } elseif ($topic_type == POST_STICKY) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Sticky'] . ' '; } else { $topic_type = ''; } if (!empty($topic_rowset[$i]['poll_start']) && $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] != TOPIC_MOVED) { $topic_type .= $lang['Topic_Poll'] . ' '; $force_type_display = true; } if (defined('POST_BIRTHDAY') && $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_BIRTHDAY) { $folder_image = $images['folder_birthday']; $folder_alt = $lang['HAPPY_BIRTHDAY']; $newest_post_img = ''; } elseif ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_MOVED) { $topic_type = $lang['Topic_Moved'] . ' '; $topic_id = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_moved_id']; $folder_image = $images['topic_nor_read']; $folder_alt = $lang['Topics_Moved']; $newest_post_img = ''; $force_type_display = true; } else { /* define('USER_REPLIED_ICON', true); $user_replied = true; */ if (defined('POST_BIRTHDAY') && $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_BIRTHDAY) { $folder = $images['folder_birthday']; $folder_new = $images['folder_birthday']; } elseif ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_NEWS) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_nor_read_own'] : $images['topic_nor_read']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_nor_unread_own'] : $images['topic_nor_unread']; } elseif ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_glo_read_own'] : $images['topic_glo_read']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_glo_unread_own'] : $images['topic_glo_unread']; } elseif ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_ann_read_own'] : $images['topic_ann_read']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_ann_unread_own'] : $images['topic_ann_unread']; } elseif ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] == POST_STICKY) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_imp_read_own'] : $images['topic_imp_read']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_imp_unread_own'] : $images['topic_imp_unread']; } elseif ($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_nor_locked_read_own'] : $images['topic_nor_locked_read']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_nor_locked_unread_own'] : $images['topic_nor_locked_unread']; } else { if ($replies >= $config['hot_threshold']) { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_hot_read_own'] : $images['topic_hot_read']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_hot_unread_own'] : $images['topic_hot_unread']; } else { $folder = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_nor_read_own'] : $images['topic_nor_read']; $folder_new = $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_ICON') ? $images['topic_nor_unread_own'] : $images['topic_nor_unread']; } } $newest_post_img = ''; if ($user->data['session_logged_in'] && $topic_item_type == POST_TOPIC_URL) { // UPI2DB - BEGIN if (!$user->data['upi2db_access']) { // UPI2DB - END if ($topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'] > $user->data['user_lastvisit']) { if (!empty($tracking_topics) || !empty($tracking_forums) || !empty($tracking_all)) { $unread_topics = true; if (!empty($tracking_topics[$topic_id])) { if ($tracking_topics[$topic_id] >= $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time']) { $unread_topics = false; } } if (!empty($tracking_forums[$forum_id])) { if ($tracking_forums[$forum_id] >= $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time']) { $unread_topics = false; } } if (!empty($tracking_all)) { if ($tracking_all >= $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time']) { $unread_topics = false; } } if ($unread_topics) { $folder_image = $folder_new; $folder_alt = $lang['New_posts']; $newest_post_img = '<a href="' . append_sid(CMS_PAGE_VIEWTOPIC . "?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&view=newest") . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_newest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" /></a> '; } else { $folder_image = $folder; $folder_alt = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; $newest_post_img = ''; } } else { $folder_image = $folder_new; $folder_alt = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['New_posts']; $newest_post_img = '<a href="' . append_sid(CMS_PAGE_VIEWTOPIC . "?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&view=newest") . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_newest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_newest_post'] . '" /></a> '; } } else { $folder_image = $folder; $folder_alt = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; $newest_post_img = ''; } // UPI2DB - BEGIN } else { viewforum_calc_unread($user->data['upi2db_unread'], $topic_id, $topic_rowset, $i, $folder_new, $folder, $folder_alt, $folder_image, $newest_post_img, $upi2db_status); } // UPI2DB - END } else { $folder_image = $folder; $folder_alt = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; $newest_post_img = ''; } } // generate list of page for the topic $topic_pagination = generate_topic_pagination($forum_id, $topic_id, $replies); $topic_author = ''; $first_post_time = ''; $last_post_time = ''; $last_post_url = ''; $views = ''; switch ($topic_item_type) { case POST_USERS_URL: $view_topic_url = append_sid(CMS_PAGE_VIEWTOPIC . '?' . POST_TOPIC_URL . '=' . $topic_id); break; default: $view_topic_url = append_sid(CMS_PAGE_VIEWTOPIC . '?' . POST_TOPIC_URL . '=' . $topic_id); $topic_author = $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? '<a href="' . append_sid(CMS_PAGE_PROFILE . '?mode=viewprofile&' . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id']) . '">' : ''; $topic_author .= $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? $topic_rowset[$i]['username'] : ($topic_rowset[$i]['post_username'] != '' ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username'] : $lang['Guest']); $topic_author .= $topic_rowset[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? '</a>' : ''; $first_post_time = create_date_ip($config['default_dateformat'], $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_time'], $config['board_timezone']); $last_post_time = create_date_ip($config['default_dateformat'], $topic_rowset[$i]['post_time'], $config['board_timezone']); $last_post_author = $topic_rowset[$i]['id2'] == ANONYMOUS ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2'] != '' ? $topic_rowset[$i]['post_username2'] . ' ' : $lang['Guest'] . ' ' : '<a href="' . append_sid(CMS_PAGE_PROFILE . '?mode=viewprofile&' . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['id2']) . '">' . $topic_rowset[$i]['user2'] . '</a>'; $last_post_url = '<a href="' . append_sid(CMS_PAGE_VIEWTOPIC . '?' . POST_POST_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id']) . '#p' . $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_latest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" /></a>'; $views = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_views']; // BEGIN cmx_mod $news_label = $topic_rowset[$i]['news_id'] > 0 ? $lang['News'] . ':' : ''; // END cmx_mod break; } // categories hierarchy v 2 compliancy $nav_tree = ''; if ($display_nav_tree && !empty($topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id'])) { if ($cat_hierarchy) { if ($tree['auth'][POST_FORUM_URL . $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id']]['tree.auth_view']) { $nav_tree = make_cat_nav_tree(POST_FORUM_URL . $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id'], '', '', 'gensmall'); } } else { if ($is_auth[$topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id']]['auth_view']) { $nav_tree = '<a href="' . append_sid(CMS_PAGE_VIEWFORUM . '?' . POST_FORUM_URL . '=' . $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_id']) . '" class="gensmall">' . $topic_rowset[$i]['forum_name'] . '</a>'; } } } if (!empty($nav_tree)) { $nav_tree = '[ ' . $nav_tree . ' ]'; } // get the type for rupture $topic_real_type = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; // if no split between global and standard announcement, group them with standard announcement if (!$switch_split_global_announce && $topic_real_type == POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_real_type = POST_ANNOUNCE; } // if no split between announce and sticky, group them with sticky if (!$switch_split_announce && $topic_real_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) { $topic_real_type = POST_NEWS; } // if no split between news and global announcement, group them with normal if (!$switch_split_news && $topic_real_type == POST_NEWS) { $topic_real_type = POST_STICKY; } // if no split between sticky and normal, group them with normal if (!$switch_split_sticky && $topic_real_type == POST_STICKY) { $topic_real_type = POST_NORMAL; } // check if rupture $rupt = false; // split if ($i == 0 || $split_type) { if ($i == 0) { $rupt = true; } // check the rupt if ($prec_topic_type != $topic_real_type) { $rupt = true; } } $prec_topic_type = $topic_real_type; // header if ($rupt) { // close the prec box if ($split_box && $i != 0) { // footer $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('COLSPAN' => $span_all)); // table closure $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.footer_table', array()); // spacing $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array()); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.spacer', array()); // unset header $header_sent = false; } // get box title $main_title = $list_title; $sub_title = $list_title; switch ($topic_real_type) { case POST_BIRTHDAY: $sub_title = $lang['Birthday']; break; case POST_NEWS: $sub_title = $lang['News']; break; case POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE: $sub_title = $lang['Post_Global_Announcement']; break; case POST_ANNOUNCE: $sub_title = $lang['Post_Announcement']; break; case POST_STICKY: $sub_title = $lang['Post_Sticky']; break; case POST_CALENDAR: $sub_title = $lang['Calendar_event']; break; case POST_NORMAL: $sub_title = $lang['Topics']; break; } $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_TITLE' => !$split_box ? $main_title : $sub_title, 'L_REPLIES' => $lang['Replies'], 'L_AUTHOR' => $lang['Author'], 'L_VIEWS' => $lang['Views'], 'L_LASTPOST' => $lang['Last_Post'], 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); // open a new box if ($split_box || $i == 0) { $box_id++; $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_table', array('COLSPAN' => $span_left, 'BOX_ID' => $box_id)); // selection fields if ($select_multi) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_table.multi_selection', array()); } // set header $header_sent = true; } // not in box, send a row title if ($split_type && !$split_box) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_TITLE' => $sub_title, 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_row', array()); } } // erase the type before the title if split if ($split_type && $topic_real_type == $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'] && !$force_type_display) { $topic_type = ''; } // get the announces dates $topic_announces_dates = ''; // get the calendar dates $topic_calendar_dates = ''; if (function_exists(get_calendar_title)) { $topic_calendar_dates = get_calendar_title($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_calendar_time'], $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_calendar_duration']); } // get the topic icons $icon = ''; if ($icon_installed) { $type = $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type']; if ($type == POST_NORMAL) { if (defined('POST_CALENDAR') && !empty($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_calendar_time'])) { $type = POST_CALENDAR; } if (defined('POST_PICTURE') && !empty($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_pic_url'])) { $type = POST_PICTURE; } } $icon = get_icon_title($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_icon'], 1, $type); } // UPI2DB - BEGIN if ($user->data['upi2db_access']) { $mark_always_read = mark_always_read($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_type'], $topic_id, $forum_id, 'viewforum', 'icon', $user->data['upi2db_unread'], $start, $folder_image); } else { $mark_always_read = '<img src="' . $folder_image . '" alt="' . $folder_alt . '" title="' . $folder_alt . '" />'; } // UPI2DB - END // send topic to template $selected = !empty($select_values) && in_array($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], $select_values); $color = !$color; $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('ROW_CLASS' => $color || !defined('TOPIC_ALTERNATE_ROW_CLASS') ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2'], 'ROW_FOLDER_CLASS' => $user_replied && defined('USER_REPLIED_CLASS') ? USER_REPLIED_CLASS : ($color || !defined('TOPIC_ALTERNATE_ROW_CLASS') ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2']), 'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author, 'TOPIC_DESCRIPTION' => $topic_desc, 'GOTO_PAGE' => $topic_pagination['base'], 'GOTO_PAGE_FULL' => $topic_pagination['full'], 'TOPIC_NAV_TREE' => !empty($nav_tree) ? (empty($goto_page) ? '<br />' : '') . $nav_tree : '', 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $newest_post_img, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_attachment']), 'ICON' => $icon, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'TOPIC_ANNOUNCES_DATES' => $topic_announces_dates, 'TOPIC_CALENDAR_DATES' => $topic_calendar_dates, 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_type, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_IMG' => $last_post_url, 'L_NEWS' => $news_label, 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $view_topic_url, 'BOX_ID' => $box_id, 'FID' => $topic_rowset[$i]['topic_id'], 'U_MARK_ALWAYS_READ' => $mark_always_read, 'L_SELECT' => $selected && ($select_multi || $select_unique) ? 'checked="checked"' : '')); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic', array()); if (!empty($topic_rowset[$i]['topic_desc']) && $config['show_topic_description']) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.switch_topic_desc', array()); } // selection fields if ($select_multi) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.multi_selection', array()); } if ($select_unique) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.single_selection', array()); } // icons if ($icon_installed) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.icon', array()); } // nav tree asked if ($display_nav_tree && !empty($nav_tree)) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.topic.nav_tree', array()); } } // end for topic_rowset read // send an header if missing if (!$header_sent) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_TITLE' => $list_title, 'L_REPLIES' => $lang['Replies'], 'L_AUTHOR' => $lang['Author'], 'L_VIEWS' => $lang['Views'], 'L_LASTPOST' => $lang['Last_Post'], 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); // open a new box $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.header_table', array('COLSPAN' => $span_left)); } // no data if (sizeof($topic_rowset) == 0) { // send no topics notice $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('L_NO_TOPICS' => $lang['No_search_match'], 'COLSPAN' => $span_all)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.no_topics', array()); } // bottom line if (!empty($footer)) { $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('COLSPAN' => $span_all, 'FOOTER' => $footer)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.bottom', array()); } // table closure $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array('COLSPAN' => $span_all)); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.footer_table', array()); // spacing if (empty($footer)) { // spacing $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row', array()); $template->assign_block_vars($tpl . '.row.spacer', array()); } // transfert to a var $template->assign_var_from_handle('_box', $tpl); $res = $template->_tpldata['.'][0]['_box']; // restore template saved state $template->_tpldata = $sav_tpl; // assign value to the main template $template->assign_vars(array($box => $res)); }
$row_class = (!($i % 2)) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2']; $template->assign_block_vars('topic_watch_row', array( 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $topic_link['image'], 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $topic_link['image_alt'], 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_poster, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $watch_rows[$i]['topic_title'], 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_link['type'], 'TOPIC_TYPE_ICON' => $topic_link['icon'], 'TOPIC_CLASS' => (!empty($topic_link['class_new']) ? ('topiclink' . $topic_link['class_new']) : $topic_link['class']), 'CLASS_NEW' => $topic_link['class_new'], 'NEWEST_POST_IMG' => $topic_link['newest_post_img'], 'L_NEWS' => $news_label, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($watch_rows[$i]['topic_attachment']), 'FORUM_NAME' => $watch_rows[$i]['forum_name'], 'REPLIES' => $replies, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => create_date_ip($config['default_dateformat'], $watch_rows[$i]['topic_time'], $config['board_timezone']), 'LAST_POST_TIME' => create_date_ip($config['default_dateformat'], $watch_rows[$i]['post_time'], $config['board_timezone']), 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_poster, 'GOTO_PAGE' => $topic_pagination['base'], 'GOTO_PAGE_FULL' => $topic_pagination['full'], // gratuitous name changes 'S_WATCHED_TOPIC_ID' => $watch_rows[$i]['topic_id'], 'S_WATCHED_TOPIC' => $watch_rows[$i]['topic_title'], 'S_WATCHED_TOPIC_REPLIES' => $replies, 'S_WATCHED_TOPIC_VIEWS' => $views, 'S_WATCHED_TOPIC_START' => create_date_ip($config['default_dateformat'], $watch_rows[$i]['topic_time'], $config['board_timezone']),
//-- fin mod : quick title edition --------------------------------------------- if (count($orig_word)) { $topic_title = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $topic_title); } $u_view_topic = "modcp.{$phpEx}?mode=split&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&sid=" . $userdata['session_id']; $topic_replies = $row['topic_replies']; //-- mod : rank color system --------------------------------------------------- //-- add $topic_author_color = $rcs->get_colors($row); $topic_author = $row['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? '<a href="' . $get->url('userlist', array('mode' => 'viewprofile', POST_USERS_URL => $row['user_id']), true) . '"' . $topic_author_color . '>' : ''; $topic_author .= $row['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? $row['username'] : ($row['post_username'] != '' ? $row['post_username'] : $lang['Guest']); $topic_author .= $row['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ? '</a>' : ''; $first_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $row['topic_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); $last_post_author_color = $rcs->get_colors($row, '', false, 'group_id2', 'color2', 'level2'); $last_post_author = $row['id2'] == ANONYMOUS ? $row['post_username2'] != '' ? $row['post_username2'] : $lang['Guest'] : '<a href="' . $get->url('userlist', array('mode' => 'viewprofile', POST_USERS_URL => $row['id2']), true) . '"' . $last_post_author_color . '>' . $row['user2'] . '</a>'; $last_post_url = '<a href="' . $get->url('viewtopic', array(POST_POST_URL => $row['topic_last_post_id']), true, $row['topic_last_post_id']) . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_latest_reply'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . '" border="0" /></a>'; $views = $row['topic_views']; //-- fin mod : rank color system ----------------------------------------------- $last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $row['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); // Start Smilies Invasion Mod if ($board_config['allow_smilies']) { $topic_title = smilies_pass($topic_title); } // End Smilies Invasion Mod $template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array('U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $u_view_topic, 'TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_img, 'HYPERCELL_CLASS' => get_hypercell_class($row['topic_status'], false, $row['topic_type']), 'TOPIC_TYPE' => $topic_type, 'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title, 'REPLIES' => $topic_replies, 'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author, 'VIEWS' => $views, 'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author, 'LAST_POST_IMG' => $last_post_url, 'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time, 'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id, 'TOPIC_ATTACHMENT_IMG' => topic_attachment_image($row['topic_attachment']), 'L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt)); } $template->assign_vars(array('PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("modcp.{$phpEx}?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "={$forum_id}&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'], $forum_topics, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], floor($start / $board_config['topics_per_page']) + 1, ceil($forum_topics / $board_config['topics_per_page'])), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page'])); $template->pparse('body'); break; } include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.' . $phpEx;
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