コード例 #1
function make_move($move, $userid, $roomid)
    if (!is_numeric($move)) {
    global $db, $ir;
    $game = $db->query("SELECT * FROM bs_room WHERE id={$roomid}", $c) or die("1");
    $ga = $db->fetch_row($game);
    $turn = $ga['turn'];
    if ($turn == $userid) {
        $ginfo = $db->query("SELECT * FROM bs_game WHERE bs_room={$roomid}");
        $gin = $db->fetch_row($ginfo);
        if ($gin['p1'] == $userid) {
            $oppboard = explode('|', $gin['p2b']);
            $icoppboard = explode('|', $gin['p1bo']);
            $boardfield = "p1bo";
        } else {
            if ($gin['p2'] == $userid) {
                $oppboard = explode('|', $gin['p1b']);
                $icoppboard = explode('|', $gin['p2bo']);
                $boardfield = "p2bo";
        if ($icoppboard[$move] == 0) {
            if ($oppboard[$move] == 0 && ctype_digit($oppboard[$move])) {
                $oppboard[$move] = -1;
            $icoppboard[$move] = $oppboard[$move];
            $uicoppboard = implode("|", $icoppboard);
            $db->query("UPDATE bs_game SET {$boardfield} = '{$uicoppboard}' WHERE bs_room = {$roomid}");
            $db->query("UPDATE bs_room SET play_time=unix_timestamp() WHERE id={$roomid}");
            $winner = check_win($roomid);
            if ($winner != 0) {
                award_win($roomid, $winner);
            } else {
            //only toggle turn if no win yet
コード例 #2
function make_move($move, $userid, $roomid)
    global $db, $ir;
    $game = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ttt_room WHERE id={$roomid}", $c) or die("1");
    $ga = $db->fetch_row($game);
    $turn = $ga['turn'];
    if ($turn == $userid) {
        $ginfo = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ttt_game WHERE ttt_room={$roomid}");
        $gin = $db->fetch_row($ginfo);
        $field = "b" . $move;
        if ($gin[$field] == 0) {
            $ctime = time();
            $db->query("UPDATE ttt_game SET {$field} = {$userid} WHERE ttt_room = {$roomid}");
            $db->query("UPDATE ttt_room SET play_time=unix_timestamp() WHERE id={$roomid}");
            $winner = check_win($roomid);
            if ($winner != 0) {
                award_win($roomid, $winner);
            } else {
            //only toggle turn if no win yet
コード例 #3
function make_move($move, $userid, $roomid)
    global $db, $ir;
    $game = $db->query("SELECT * FROM man_room WHERE id={$roomid}", $c) or die("1");
    $ga = $db->fetch_row($game);
    $turn = $ga['turn'];
    if ($turn == $userid) {
        $ginfo = $db->query("SELECT * FROM man_game WHERE man_room={$roomid}");
        $gin = $db->fetch_row($ginfo);
        $movefrom = "b" . $move;
        //make sure square is not empty
        if ($gin["{$movefrom}"] > 0) {
            //make sure square is on their side of the board
            if ($gin['bottom'] == $userid && $move > 0 && $move < 7 or $gin['bottom'] != $userid && $move > 7 && move < 14) {
                $totstones = $gin["{$movefrom}"];
                $gin["{$movefrom}"] = 0;
                $spot = ($move + 1) % 14;
                while ($totstones > 0) {
                    if ($spot != 7 && $spot != 0 || ($spot == 7 && $gin['bottom'] == $userid || $spot == 0 && $gin['bottom'] != $userid)) {
                        $gin["b" . $spot] += 1;
                        $finalspot = $spot;
                    if ($spot == 7 && $gin['bottom'] != $userid || $spot == 0 && $gin['bottom'] == $userid) {
                    $spot = $spot % 14;
                if ($finalspot == 0 || $finalspot == 7) {
                    $notoggle = 1;
                if ($gin["b" . $finalspot] == 1 && $finalspot != 0 && $finalspot != 7) {
                    $oppspot = get_opp($finalspot);
                    if ($gin["b" . $oppspot] > 0) {
                        //only if on your side of the board
                        if ($finalspot > 0 && $finalspot < 7 && $gin['bottom'] == $userid || $finalspot > 7 && $finalspot < 14 && $gin['bottom'] != $userid) {
                            $wonstones = 1 + $gin["b" . $oppspot];
                            if ($gin['bottom'] == $userid) {
                                $gin['b7'] += $wonstones;
                            if ($gin['bottom'] != $userid) {
                                $gin['b0'] += $wonstones;
                            $gin["b" . $oppspot] = 0;
                            $gin["b" . $finalspot] = 0;
                $db->query("UPDATE man_game SET b0={$gin['b0']},b1={$gin['b1']},b2={$gin['b2']},b3={$gin['b3']},b4={$gin['b4']},b5={$gin['b5']},b6={$gin['b6']},b7={$gin['b7']},b8={$gin['b8']},b9={$gin['b9']},b10={$gin['b10']},b11={$gin['b11']},b12={$gin['b12']},b13={$gin['b13']} WHERE man_room={$roomid}");
                $db->query("UPDATE man_room SET play_time=unix_timestamp() WHERE id={$roomid}");
                $winner = check_win($roomid);
                if ($winner != 0) {
                    award_win($roomid, $winner);
                } else {
                    if (!$notoggle) {
コード例 #4
function end_turn($userid, $roomid)
    global $db, $ir;
    $ui = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT p1,p2,turn FROM or_room WHERE id = {$roomid}"));
    if ($ui['turn'] == $userid) {
コード例 #5
function toggle_turn($roomid)
    global $db, $ir;
    $ui = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT p1,p2,turn FROM or_room WHERE id = {$roomid}"));
    if ($ui['turn'] == $ui['p1']) {
        $db->query("UPDATE or_room SET notifyturn=0,play_time=unix_timestamp(),turn={$ui['p2']} WHERE id={$roomid}");
        $availablemoves = get_available_moves($roomid, $ui['p2']);
        $anyavail = count($availablemoves);
        if ($anyavail == 0) {
            $uname = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$ui['p2']}"));
            $_POST['chattxt'] = "{$uname['username']} has no legal moves and passed their turn.";
            $db->query("INSERT INTO or_chat (or_room, timestamp, txt) VALUES({$roomid}, unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['chattxt']}')");
            //only toggle turn if no win yet
    } else {
        $db->query("UPDATE or_room SET notifyturn=0,play_time=unix_timestamp(),turn={$ui['p1']} WHERE id={$roomid}");
        $availablemoves = get_available_moves($roomid, $ui['p1']);
        $anyavail = count($availablemoves);
        if ($anyavail == 0) {
            $uname = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$ui['p1']}"));
            $_POST['chattxt'] = "{$uname['username']} has no legal moves and passed their turn.";
            $db->query("INSERT INTO or_chat (or_room, timestamp, txt) VALUES({$roomid}, unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['chattxt']}')");
            //only toggle turn if no win yet
コード例 #6
 if ($username) {
     //Check the clock - 35 seconds per move
     //UPDATE - now time is a variable amount set by user
     $turntime = $ga['time_left'];
     if ($turntime < 35) {
         $turntime = 35;
     $lastmove = $ga['play_time'];
     $ctime = time();
     $timespent = $ctime - $lastmove;
     $timeleft = $turntime - $timespent;
     if ($timeleft <= 0) {
         $movelist = move_list(0, 0, $gi['listofmoves'], $gi['posa'], 0, 0);
         $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$movelist}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
         //lost their turn
         $txt = "{$username} ran out of time and lost his/her move.";
         $db->query("INSERT INTO {$gpre}chat ({$gpre}room, timestamp, txt) VALUES({$roomid}, unix_timestamp(), '{$txt}')");
         if ($ga['turn'] == $ga['p1']) {
             $missfield = "p1missed";
             $missuserid = $ga['p1'];
         if ($ga['turn'] == $ga['p2']) {
             $missfield = "p2missed";
             $missuserid = $ga['p2'];
         if ($ga["{$missfield}"] >= 2) {
             $db->query("UPDATE {$gpre}room SET p1missed=0,p2missed=0,pleft={$missuserid} WHERE id={$roomid}");
             $db->query("UPDATE users SET {$gpre}room=0 WHERE userid={$missuserid}", $c);
             $db->query("UPDATE {$gpre}room SET p1=0 WHERE p1={$missuserid}", $c);
             $db->query("UPDATE {$gpre}room SET p2=0 WHERE p2={$missuserid}", $c);
コード例 #7
function end_turn($userid, $roomid)
    global $db, $ir;
    $ui = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT p1,p2,turn FROM bg_room WHERE id = {$roomid}"));
    if ($ui['turn'] == $userid) {
        $db->query("UPDATE bg_game SET d1=0,d2=0,d3=0,d4=0,dselected=0 WHERE bg_room={$roomid}");
コード例 #8
function make_move($move, $userid, $roomid)
    global $db, $ir;
    $game = $db->query("SELECT * FROM st_room WHERE id={$roomid}", $c) or die("1");
    $ga = $db->fetch_row($game);
    $game2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM st_game WHERE st_room={$roomid}", $c) or die("1");
    $gijoe = $db->fetch_row($game2);
    $turn = $ga['turn'];
    $red = $gijoe['red'];
    if ($gijoe['p1'] == $red) {
        $blue = $gijoe['p2'];
    } else {
        $blue = $gijoe['p1'];
    $pselect = $gijoe['pselected'];
    $uname = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$userid}"));
    $attackersusername = $uname['username'];
    if ($userid == $red) {
        $uname = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$blue}"));
    } else {
        $uname = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$red}"));
    $defendersusername = $uname['username'];
    if ($turn == $userid) {
        if ($userid == $red) {
            $loc = "a";
            $antiloc = "b";
        } else {
            $loc = "b";
            $antiloc = "a";
        if ($pselect == $move) {
            $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET pselected = 0 WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
        //deselect their piece
        if ($gijoe[$loc . $move] != 0) {
            $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET pselected = {$move} WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
        //basic moves
        //pselect working and deselect working basic moves so normal pieces can move.
        $piecetomove = $gijoe[$loc . $pselect];
        //out of bounds
        if ($move == 56 || $move == 46 || $move == 53 || $move == 43) {
        if ($move < 11 || $move > 88 || $move == 19 || $move == 29 || $move == 39 || $move == 49 || $move == 59 || $move == 69 || $move == 79) {
        //movement of linear pieces
        if (abs($piecetomove) > 0 && abs($piecetomove) < 7 || abs($piecetomove) == 8) {
            if ($gijoe[$antiloc . $move] != 0) {
                //if the oppent has a piece there ATTACK
                if (valid_move($pselect, $move) == 1) {
                    $piece1 = $gijoe[$loc . $pselect];
                    $piece2 = $gijoe[$antiloc . $move];
                    if (attack_piece(abs($piece1), abs($piece2)) == 2) {
                        $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                        //start spot
                        $finishingspot = $loc . $move;
                        //finishing spot
                        $revealedpiece = "-" . abs($gijoe[$startingspot]);
                        // reveal the piece
                        $opponentsspot = $antiloc . $move;
                        // losers spot
                        $Attackname = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                        // name of attackers piece
                        $Defendname = number_to_name(abs($piece2));
                        // name of defenders piece
                        $text = $attackersusername . "\\'s " . $Attackname . " (" . abs($piece1) . ") killed " . $defendersusername . "\\'s " . $Defendname . " (" . abs($piece2) . ")";
                        $piecelost = "p" . $loc . abs($piece2);
                        //piece captured
                        $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                        $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$piecelost} = {$piecelost} +1,{$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = {$revealedpiece}, {$opponentsspot} = 0, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
                    } else {
                        if (attack_piece(abs($piece1), abs($piece2)) == 1) {
                            $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                            $finishingspot = $antiloc . $move;
                            $piecesname = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                            // name of the two pieces
                            $text = "Both " . $piecesname . "\\'s (" . abs($piece1) . ") were killed";
                            $piecelost = "p" . $loc . abs($piece2);
                            // piece captured
                            $piecelost2 = "p" . $antiloc . abs($piece1);
                            //piece lost
                            $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                            $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$piecelost} = {$piecelost} +1,{$piecelost2} = {$piecelost2} +1,{$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = 0, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
                        } else {
                            if (attack_piece(abs($piece1), abs($piece2)) == 3) {
                                $winningpiece = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                                // name of the two pieces
                                $text = $attackersusername . "\\'s " . $winnpiece . " (" . abs($piece1) . ") captured the flag";
                                $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                                $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
                                award_win($roomid, $userid);
                            } else {
                                $Attackname = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                                // name of attackers piece
                                $Defendname = number_to_name(abs($piece2));
                                // name of defenders piece
                                $text = $attackersusername . "\\'s " . $Attackname . " (" . abs($piece1) . ") lost to " . $defendersusername . "\\'s " . $Defendname . " (" . abs($piece2) . ")";
                                $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                                $finishingspot = $antiloc . $move;
                                $revealedpiece = "-" . abs($gijoe[$finishingspot]);
                                $piecelost = "p" . $antiloc . abs($piece1);
                                $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                                $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$piecelost} = {$piecelost} +1,{$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = {$revealedpiece}, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
            } else {
                if ($gijoe[$loc . $move] == 0) {
                    if (valid_move($pselect, $move) == 1) {
                        $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                        $finishingspot = $loc . $move;
                        $piecetomove = $gijoe[$startingspot];
                        $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                        $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = {$piecetomove}, pselected = 0, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
        //movement of scout
        if (abs($piecetomove) == 7) {
            if ($gijoe[$antiloc . $move] != 0) {
                //if the oppent has a piece there ATTACK
                $scoutresults = array();
                $scoutresults = valid_scout($pselect, $move);
                $differenceofspots = $scoutresults['distance'];
                $direction = $scoutresults['direction'];
                if ($differenceofspots > 0) {
                    $openspots = 1;
                    for ($i = 1; $i < $differenceofspots; $i++) {
                        if ($direction == 4) {
                            $checklake = $pselect + $i;
                            if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                            $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect + $i);
                            $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect + $i);
                            $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                            $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                            if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                        if ($direction == 3) {
                            $checklake = $pselect - $i;
                            if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                            $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect - $i);
                            $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect - $i);
                            $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                            $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                            if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                        if ($direction == 2) {
                            $movevalue = $i . "0";
                            $checklake = $pselect - $movevalue;
                            if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                            $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect - $movevalue);
                            $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect - $movevalue);
                            $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                            $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                            if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                        if ($direction == 1) {
                            $movevalue = $i . "0";
                            $checklake = $pselect + $movevalue;
                            if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                            $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect + $movevalue);
                            $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect + $movevalue);
                            $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                            $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                            if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                $openspots = 0;
                    if ($openspots == 1) {
                        $piece1 = $gijoe[$loc . $pselect];
                        $piece2 = $gijoe[$antiloc . $move];
                        if (attack_piece(abs($piece1), abs($piece2)) == 2) {
                            $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                            //start spot
                            $finishingspot = $loc . $move;
                            //finishing spot
                            $revealedpiece = "-" . abs($gijoe[$startingspot]);
                            // reveal the piece
                            $opponentsspot = $antiloc . $move;
                            // losers spot
                            $Attackname = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                            // name of attackers piece
                            $Defendname = number_to_name(abs($piece2));
                            // name of defenders piece
                            $text = $attackersusername . "\\'s " . $Attackname . " (" . abs($piece1) . ") killed " . $defendersusername . "\\'s " . $Defendname . " (" . abs($piece2) . ")";
                            $piecelost = "p" . $loc . abs($piece2);
                            //piece captured
                            $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                            $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$piecelost} = {$piecelost} +1,{$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = {$revealedpiece}, {$opponentsspot} = 0, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
                        } else {
                            if (attack_piece(abs($piece1), abs($piece2)) == 1) {
                                $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                                $finishingspot = $antiloc . $move;
                                $piecesname = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                                // name of the two pieces
                                $text = "Both " . $piecesname . "\\'s (" . abs($piece1) . ") were killed";
                                $piecelost = "p" . $loc . abs($piece2);
                                // piece captured
                                $piecelost2 = "p" . $antiloc . abs($piece1);
                                //piece lost
                                $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                                $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$piecelost} = {$piecelost} +1,{$piecelost2} = {$piecelost2} +1,{$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = 0, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
                            } else {
                                if (attack_piece(abs($piece1), abs($piece2)) == 3) {
                                    $winningpiece = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                                    // name of the two pieces
                                    $text = $attackersusername . "\\'s " . $Attackname . "captured the flag";
                                    $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                                    $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
                                    award_win($roomid, $userid);
                                } else {
                                    $Attackname = number_to_name(abs($piece1));
                                    // name of attackers piece
                                    $Defendname = number_to_name(abs($piece2));
                                    // name of defenders piece
                                    $text = $attackersusername . "\\'s " . $Attackname . " (" . abs($piece1) . ") lost to " . $defendersusername . "\\'s " . $Defendname . " (" . abs($piece2) . ")";
                                    $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                                    $finishingspot = $antiloc . $move;
                                    $revealedpiece = "-" . abs($gijoe[$finishingspot]);
                                    $piecelost = "p" . $antiloc . abs($piece1);
                                    $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                                    $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$piecelost} = {$piecelost} +1,{$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = {$revealedpiece}, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");
            } else {
                if ($gijoe[$loc . $move] == 0) {
                    $scoutresults = array();
                    $scoutresults = valid_scout($pselect, $move);
                    $differenceofspots = $scoutresults['distance'];
                    $direction = $scoutresults['direction'];
                    if ($differenceofspots > 0) {
                        $openspots = 1;
                        for ($i = 1; $i < $differenceofspots; $i++) {
                            if ($direction == 4) {
                                $checklake = $pselect + $i;
                                if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                                $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect + $i);
                                $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect + $i);
                                $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                                $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                                if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                            if ($direction == 3) {
                                $checklake = $pselect - $i;
                                if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                                $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect - $i);
                                $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect - $i);
                                $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                                $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                                if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                            if ($direction == 2) {
                                $movevalue = $i . "0";
                                $checklake = $pselect - $movevalue;
                                if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                                $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect - $movevalue);
                                $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect - $movevalue);
                                $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                                $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                                if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                            if ($direction == 1) {
                                $movevalue = $i . "0";
                                $checklake = $pselect - $movevalue;
                                if ($checklake == 56 || $checklake == 46 || $checklake == 53 || $checklake == 43) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                                $temp1 = $loc . ($pselect + $movevalue);
                                $temp2 = $antiloc . ($pselect + $movevalue);
                                $openplayer = $gijoe[$temp1];
                                $openopponent = $gijoe[$temp2];
                                if ($openplayer != 0 || $openopponent != 0) {
                                    $openspots = 0;
                        if ($openspots == 1) {
                            $startingspot = $loc . $pselect;
                            $finishingspot = $loc . $move;
                            $piecetomove = $gijoe[$startingspot];
                            $text = "";
                            $newmovelist = move_list($pselect, $move, $gijoe['listofmoves'], $gijoe['posa'], $attackersusername, $defendersusername);
                            $db->query("UPDATE st_game SET listofmoves = '{$newmovelist}', {$startingspot} = 0, {$finishingspot} = {$piecetomove}, pselected = 0, lastmove = {$move}, battletxt = '{$text}' WHERE st_room={$roomid}");