public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { if (strpos($name, 'from') !== 0) { throw new \Exception("Method {$name} not allowed"); } return new self($arguments[0], toLower(substr($name, strlen('from'))), $arguments[1]); }
public function service($name) { $start = AetherTimer::getMicroTime(); $memcache = new Memcache(); $memcache->connect('localhost', 11211); $db = Config::getDb(); $routeSearch = new RouteSearch(); $cacheKey = "stops_"; $filters = array(); if (isset($_GET['term'])) { $query = toLower($_GET['term']); $filters['search'] = new MongoRegex("/^{$query}/i"); $cacheKey .= $query; } elseif (isset($_GET['lat']) && isset($_GET['long'])) { $lat = $_GET['lat']; $long = $_GET['long']; $regex = '/^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*$/'; $cacheKey .= $lat . "," . $long; if (preg_match($regex, $lat) && preg_match($regex, $long)) { $filters['location'] = array('$near' => array((double) $lat, (double) $long)); } } if (isset($_GET['from']) && !empty($_GET['from'])) { $from = toLower($_GET['from']); $filters['connectsFrom'] = $from; } $cacheKey .= r_implode(":", $filters); $result = $memcache->get($cacheKey); if ($result) { $result = unserialize($result); } else { // Find stops near me!! $db->routes->ensureIndex(array('search' => 1)); $filters['active'] = true; $stops = $db->stops->find($filters); $result = array('stops' => array()); while ($stop = $stops->getNext()) { $result['stops'][] = array('name' => $stop['name']); } $result['generated'] = time(); $result['length'] = count($result['stops']); $memcache->set($cacheKey, serialize($result), false, 7200); } $time = AetherTimer::getMicroTime() - $start; $result['time'] = $time; if (isset($_GET['callback'])) { return new AetherJSONPResponse($result, $_GET['callback']); } else { return new AetherJSONResponse($result); } }
/** * Search for routes going from from to to * @return array * @param string $from * @param string $to * @param mixed $time */ public function search($from, $to, $time = false, $weekday = false, $limit = 5, $offset = 0, $timer = false) { if ($timer) { $timer->tick("search", "Entering RouteSearch::search"); } if (!$weekday) { $weekday = (int) date("w"); } if ($weekday == 0) { // sunday, fix it $weekday = 7; } $cacheKey = $from . $to . $time . $weekday; $memcache = new Memcache(); $memcache->connect('localhost', 11211); $hits = $memcache->get($cacheKey); if ($timer) { $timer->tick("search", "Fetched from memcache"); } if ($hits) { $hits = unserialize($hits); } if (!is_array($hits) || count($hits) == 0) { $hits = array(); /** * First find all buses having both stops in their path, kinda nice */ if ($timer) { $timer->tick("search", "No cache"); } $db = Config::getDb(); $start = toLower($from); $end = toLower($to); if ($timer) { $timer->tick("search", "Lowercased input"); } $buses = $db->routes->find(array('search' => array('$all' => array($start, $end)))); if ($timer) { $timer->tick("search", "Search routes"); } // Find some necessary data if (!$time) { $time = date("Hi"); } //"0700"; $minutes = (int) substr($time, -2); $hours = (int) substr($time, 0, -2); $searchFilters = array(); $hitCount = 0; $timeSort = array(); while ($route = $buses->getNext()) { // Iterate over stops and find the $startStop = null; $endStop = null; foreach ($route['stops'] as $stop) { if (!$startStop && toLower($stop['name']) == $start) { $startStop = $stop; } elseif ($startStop && !$endStop && toLower($stop['name']) == $end) { $endStop = $stop; } } if ($startStop && $endStop) { /** * By now we have tested that we have both stops * and in the correct order for this route * Its time to generate the query to find departures */ $minuteMark = $minutes - (int) $startStop['timeOffset']; $latestStartTime = date("Hi", mktime($hours, $minuteMark)); $startOffset = (int) $startStop['timeOffset']; $endOffset = (int) $endStop['timeOffset']; $runningTime = $endOffset - $startOffset; $filters = array('route' => $route['_id'], 'time' => array('$gte' => (int) $latestStartTime), 'days' => $weekday); $departuresForRoute = $db->departures->find($filters)->sort(array('time' => 1))->limit(15); /** * Loop over each departure and calculate some times */ while ($dep = $departuresForRoute->getNext()) { $arrivalTime = (int) $dep['time']; $startTime = Config::timeAdd($arrivalTime, $startOffset); $startM = substr($startTime, -2); $startH = substr($startTime, 0, -2); $waitTime = ($startH - $hours) * 60 + ($startM - $minutes); $arrivalTime = Config::timeAdd(str_replace(":", "", $startTime), $runningTime, "H:i"); while ($waitTime < 0) { $waitTime += 1440; } $timeSort[] = $waitTime; // Wait time should be arrival time minus specified search time $hits[] = array('id' => $route['num'], 'name' => $route['dest'], 'runningTime' => $runningTime, 'startTime' => $startTime, 'wait' => $waitTime, 'arrivalTime' => $arrivalTime, 'arrivalSpan' => $runningTime + $waitTime); } } } if ($timer) { $timer->tick("search", "Searched departures"); } array_multisort($timeSort, SORT_ASC, $hits); $memcache->set($cacheKey, serialize($hits), false, 120); } $this->count = count($hits); return array_slice($hits, $offset, $limit); }
<?php if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die; } $sticker = ""; if (array_key_exists("PROPERTIES", $arResult) && is_array($arResult["PROPERTIES"])) { foreach (array("SPECIALOFFER", "NEWPRODUCT", "SALELEADER") as $propertyCode) { if (array_key_exists($propertyCode, $arResult["PROPERTIES"]) && intval($arResult["PROPERTIES"][$propertyCode]["PROPERTY_VALUE_ID"]) > 0) { $sticker = toLower($arResult["PROPERTIES"][$propertyCode]["NAME"]); break; } } } ?> <div class="detail_item"> <?php if (is_array($arResult["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]) || is_array($arResult["DETAIL_PICTURE"])) { ?> <div class="detail_item_img_container" <?php if (!empty($arResult["PHOTO_GALLERY"])) { ?> onclick="showPhoto(<?php echo CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arResult["PHOTO_GALLERY"]); ?> , '<?php echo $arResult["NAME"]; ?> ')"<?php } ?>
$a = $s->attributes(); $fromHash = sha1(toLower((string) $a->from)); $toHash = sha1(toLower((string) $a->to)); $from = $stopsCache[$fromHash]; $to = $stopsCache[$toHash]; $route = array('num' => (string) $a->num, 'dest' => (string) $a->dest, 'hash' => (string) $a->hash, 'stops' => array(), 'from' => (string) $a->from, 'fromId' => $from['_id'], 'to' => (string) $a->to, 'toId' => $to['_id'], 'search' => array()); foreach ($s->stops->stop as $st) { $sa = $st->attributes(); $stophash = sha1(toLower((string) $sa->name)); if (array_key_exists($stophash, $stopsCache)) { $stt = $stopsCache[$stophash]; } else { exit("Failed to find stop: {$sa->name}"); } $route['stops'][] = array('name' => (string) $sa->name, 'stopId' => $stt['_id'], 'timeDiff' => (int) $sa->timeDiff, 'timeOffset' => (int) $sa->timeOffset); $route['search'][] = toLower($sa->name); } $db->routes->insert($route); // Handle departures foreach ($s->departures->dep as $deps) { $da = $deps->attributes(); $days = array(); if ((string) $da->days != "") { foreach (explode(";", (string) $da->days) as $day) { $days[] = (int) $day; } } else { $days = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); } $db->departures->insert(array('route' => $route['_id'], 'days' => $days, 'time' => (int) $da->time)); }
" id="need_new_agr_<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsbx($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"])); ?> " value="Y"> <script> arModulesList[arModulesList.length] = '<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"]); ?> '; BX("need_license").value = 'Y'; </script> <?php } } else { echo GetMessage("SUP_SULL_REF_N"); if (toLower($myaddmodule) == toLower($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"]) || strpos(toLower($myaddmodule), toLower($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"])) !== false) { ?> <script> BX("need_license").value = 'Y'; BX("need_license_module").value = '<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"]); ?> '; </script><?php } $md = CUtil::JSEscape($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"]); ?> <input type="hidden" name="md_name_<?php echo $md; ?> " id="md_name_<?php
?> </a> </div> <?php $bNoOrder = true; foreach ($arResult["ORDERS"] as $key => $val) { $bNoOrder = false; ?> <table class="equipment orders<?php if ($val["ORDER"]["CANCELED"] == "Y") { ?> canceled<?php } else { echo " " . toLower($val["ORDER"]["STATUS_ID"]); } ?> " style="width:726px"> <thead> <tr> <td> <span><?php echo GetMessage("STPOL_ORDER_NO"); echo $val["ORDER"]["ID"]; ?> <?php echo GetMessage("STPOL_FROM"); ?> <?php echo $val["ORDER"]["DATE_INSERT"];
public function calculate($parameters) { return toLower($this->parametersToString($parameters)); }
public function makeSmartUrl($url, $apply) { $smartParts = array(); if ($apply) { foreach ($this->arResult["ITEMS"] as $PID => $arItem) { $smartPart = array(); //Prices if ($arItem["PRICE"]) { if ($arItem["VALUES"]["MIN"]["HTML_VALUE"] || $arItem["VALUES"]["MAX"]["HTML_VALUE"]) { if ($arItem["VALUES"]["MIN"]["HTML_VALUE"]) { $smartPart["from"] = $arItem["VALUES"]["MIN"]["HTML_VALUE"]; } if ($arItem["VALUES"]["MAX"]["HTML_VALUE"]) { $smartPart["to"] = $arItem["VALUES"]["MAX"]["HTML_VALUE"]; } } } if ($smartPart) { array_unshift($smartPart, toLower("price-" . $arItem["CODE"])); $smartParts[] = $smartPart; } } foreach ($this->arResult["ITEMS"] as $PID => $arItem) { $smartPart = array(); if ($arItem["PRICE"]) { continue; } //Numbers && calendar == ranges if ($arItem["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "N" || $arItem["DISPLAY_TYPE"] == "U") { if ($arItem["VALUES"]["MIN"]["HTML_VALUE"] || $arItem["VALUES"]["MAX"]["HTML_VALUE"]) { if ($arItem["VALUES"]["MIN"]["HTML_VALUE"]) { $smartPart["from"] = $arItem["VALUES"]["MIN"]["HTML_VALUE"]; } if ($arItem["VALUES"]["MAX"]["HTML_VALUE"]) { $smartPart["to"] = $arItem["VALUES"]["MAX"]["HTML_VALUE"]; } } } else { foreach ($arItem["VALUES"] as $key => $ar) { if ($ar["CHECKED"] && $ar["URL_ID"]) { $smartPart[] = $ar["URL_ID"]; } } } if ($smartPart) { if ($arItem["CODE"]) { array_unshift($smartPart, toLower($arItem["CODE"])); } else { array_unshift($smartPart, $arItem["ID"]); } $smartParts[] = $smartPart; } } } if (!$smartParts) { $smartParts[] = array("clear"); } return str_replace("#SMART_FILTER_PATH#", implode("/", $this->encodeSmartParts($smartParts)), $url); }
/** * @param $method * @param $args * @return $this */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (strpos(toLower($method), 'is') === 0) { $this->setParam($type = 'bool', $method, $args); } else { $this->setParam($type = 'array', $method, $args); } return $this; }
/** * Parse a traffic days text and return an array over running days * * @return array Array of days this text implies, and in the future what exceptions it implies * @param string $text */ public static function parseTrafficDaysText($text) { $text = str_replace("kjører ", "", $text); $parts = explode(" ", $text); $days = array('ma' => 1, 'ti' => 2, 'on' => 3, 'to' => 4, 'fr' => 5, 'lø' => 6, 'sø' => 7); $start = false; $end = false; $exceptions = false; foreach ($parts as $p) { $p = str_replace(array(".", ","), array("", ""), $p); $p = toLower($p); if (is_numeric($p)) { $exceptions[] = $p; } else { if (is_string($p) && array_key_exists($p, $days)) { // This is a valid day if (!$start) { $start = $days[$p]; } elseif ($start && !$end && $p != "ikke") { $end = $days[$p]; } elseif ($p == "ikke" && !$exceptions) { break; } } } } $return = array(); if ($start) { if (!$end) { $end = $start; } for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { $return[] = $i; } } return $return; }
/** * Import bus stops from a csv file fmor eiendomsprofil data * * @return int * @param string $file */ public function import($file) { $db = Config::getDb(); // Lat/long limits, should be converted $top = 60.60108; //lat $bottom = 59.90108; //lat $left = 5.005268; //long $right = 5.725268; //long $gPoint = new gPoint(); $gPoint->setLongLat($left, $top); $gPoint->convertLLtoTM(); $utmTop = (int) $gPoint->N(); $utmLeft = (int) $gPoint->E(); $gPoint->setLongLat($right, $bottom); $gPoint->convertLLtoTM(); $utmBottom = (int) $gPoint->N(); $utmRight = (int) $gPoint->E(); $utmTop = 6800000; $utmBottom = 6600000; $utmRight = -15000; $utmLeft = -46000; $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $i = 0; $db->stops->ensureIndex(array('location' => '2d')); if ($handle) { echo "Top: {$utmTop} Bottom: {$utmBottom} Left: {$utmLeft} Right: {$utmRight}<br>\n"; fgets($handle, 4096); while (!feof($handle)) { $line = fgets($handle); if (strlen($line) > 10) { $fields = explode(",", $line); $name = substr($fields[3], 1, -1); $x = (int) substr($fields[8], 1, -1); $y = (int) substr($fields[9], 1, -1); if ($x < $utmRight && $x > $utmLeft && $y < $utmTop && $y > $utmBottom) { $i++; $gPoint->setUTM($x, $y, "33V"); $gPoint->convertTMtoLL(); $lat = $gPoint->Lat(); $long = $gPoint->Long(); $location = array((double) $lat, (double) $long); $stop = $db->stops->findOne(array('location' => $location)); if ($stop === null) { $db->stops->insert(array('name' => $name, 'location' => $location, 'aliases' => array($name), 'search' => array(toLower($name)), 'connectsFrom' => array(), 'connectsTo' => array())); } else { if (array_key_exists('aliases', $stop)) { $aliases = $stop['aliases']; } else { $aliases = array(); } $aliases[] = $name; $res = $db->stops->update(array("_id" => $stop['_id']), array('$set' => array('aliases' => $aliases))); } unset($stop); //echo "$name lies as $lat,$long\n"; } } } fclose($handle); return $i; } return false; }
// reminders $arResult["REMINDERS"] = array(); $rsReminders = CTaskReminders::GetList(array("date" => "asc"), array("USER_ID" => $loggedInUserId, "TASK_ID" => $arParams["TASK_ID"])); while ($arReminder = $rsReminders->Fetch()) { $arResult["REMINDERS"][] = array("date" => $arReminder["REMIND_DATE"], "type" => $arReminder["TYPE"], "transport" => $arReminder["TRANSPORT"]); } } else { if ($arResult["IS_IFRAME"]) { ShowInFrame($this, true, GetMessage("TASKS_TASK_NOT_FOUND")); } else { ShowError(GetMessage("TASKS_TASK_NOT_FOUND")); } return; } $arResult['ALLOWED_ACTIONS'] = $arResult['TASK']['META:ALLOWED_ACTIONS']; $sTitle = $arResult["TASK"]['TITLE'] . ' (' . toLower(str_replace("#TASK_NUM#", $arResult["TASK"]["ID"], GetMessage("TASKS_TASK_NUM"))) . ')'; if ($arParams["SET_TITLE"] == "Y") { $APPLICATION->SetTitle($sTitle); } if (!isset($arParams["SET_NAVCHAIN"]) || $arParams["SET_NAVCHAIN"] != "N") { if ($taskType == "user") { $APPLICATION->AddChainItem(CUser::FormatName($arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], $arResult["USER"]), CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~PATH_TO_USER_PROFILE"], array("user_id" => $arParams["USER_ID"]))); $APPLICATION->AddChainItem($sTitle); } else { $APPLICATION->AddChainItem($arResult["GROUP"]["NAME"], CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~PATH_TO_GROUP"], array("group_id" => $arParams["GROUP_ID"]))); $APPLICATION->AddChainItem($sTitle); } } if ($arResult["IS_IFRAME"]) { ShowInFrame($this); } else {
/** * Makes a case swapped version of the string * @param string $string the input string * @param boolean $mb to use or not to use multibyte character feature * @return string case swapped version of the input string * * @author Rod Elias <*****@*****.**> */ function swapCase($string, $mb = false) { return array_reduce(str_split($string), function ($carry, $item) use($mb) { return $carry .= isLower($item, $mb) ? toUpper($item, $mb) : toLower($item, $mb); }, ''); }
} } $arListParams = array('SELECT' => array('UF_*')); if (!$bExcel && $arParams['USERS_PER_PAGE'] > 0) { $arListParams['NAV_PARAMS'] = array('nPageSize' => $arParams['USERS_PER_PAGE'], 'bShowAll' => false); } if ($bDisable) { $dbUsers = new CDBResult(); $dbUsers->InitFromArray(array()); } else { if ($arFilter['LAST_NAME_RANGE']) { //input format: a-z (letter - letter) $letterRange = explode('-', $arFilter['LAST_NAME_RANGE'], 2); $startLetterRange = array_shift($letterRange); $endLetterRange = array_shift($letterRange); $arFilter[] = array('LOGIC' => 'OR', array('><F_LAST_NAME' => array(toUpper($startLetterRange), toUpper($endLetterRange))), array('><F_LAST_NAME' => array(toLower($startLetterRange), toLower($endLetterRange)))); unset($arFilter['LAST_NAME_RANGE']); } $dbUsers = $obUser->GetList($sort_by = 'last_name', $sort_dir = 'asc', $arFilter, $arListParams); } $arDepartments = array(); $strUserIDs = ''; while ($arUser = $dbUsers->Fetch()) { $arResult['USERS'][$arUser['ID']] = $arUser; $strUserIDs .= ($strUserIDs == '' ? '' : '|') . $arUser['ID']; } //head $dbRes = CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), array('UF_HEAD' => array_keys($arResult['USERS']), 'IBLOCK_ID' => COption::GetOptionInt('intranet', 'iblock_structure')), false, array('ID', 'NAME', 'UF_HEAD')); while ($arSection = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $arResult['USERS'][$arSection['UF_HEAD']]["DEP_HEAD"][$arSection["ID"]] = $arSection["NAME"]; }
$webdav = $arResult['webdav']; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function historyShowMoreEditUsers(elem) { if(BX('hidden-feed-com-editing-more')) {'hidden-feed-com-editing-more'), 'inline'); BX.hide(BX(elem)); } } </script> <div id="feed-file-history-cont" class="feed-file-history-cont"> <div class="feed-file-history-top"> <span class="feed-file-history-icon feed-file-history-icon-<?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx(toLower(GetFileExtension($webdav->arParams['file_name']))); ?> "></span> <div class="feed-file-hist-name"> <div class="feed-com-file-wrap"> <span class="feed-con-file-name-wrap"> <span class="feed-com-file-name"><a class="feed-com-file-name-text" href="#" onclick="if(wdufCurrentIdDocument){BX.fireEvent(BX(wdufCurrentIdDocument), 'click');}return false;"><?php echo $webdav->arParams['file_name']; ?> </a><span class="feed-com-file-size"><?php echo CFile::FormatSize(intval($webdav->arParams["file_size"])); ?> </span></span> </span> <?php if (!empty($arResult['editService'])) {
echo GetMessage("SUP_SU_RECOMEND"); ?> </td> </tr> <? } if (isset($arUpdateList["MODULE"])) { for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arUpdateList["MODULE"]); $i < $cnt; $i++) { $checked = " checked"; $arModuleTmp = $arUpdateList["MODULE"][$i]; if(strlen($myaddmodule) > 0) { if(toLower($myaddmodule) != toLower($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"])) $checked = ""; } $strTitleTmp = $arModuleTmp["@"]["NAME"]." (".$arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"].")\n".$arModuleTmp["@"]["DESCRIPTION"]."\n"; if (is_array($arModuleTmp["#"]) && array_key_exists("VERSION", $arModuleTmp["#"]) && count($arModuleTmp["#"]["VERSION"]) > 0) for ($j = 0, $cntj = count($arModuleTmp["#"]["VERSION"]); $j < $cntj; $j++) $strTitleTmp .= str_replace("#VER#", $arModuleTmp["#"]["VERSION"][$j]["@"]["ID"], GetMessage("SUP_SULL_VERSION"))."\n".$arModuleTmp["#"]["VERSION"][$j]["#"]["DESCRIPTION"][0]["#"]."\n"; $strTitleTmp = htmlspecialcharsbx(preg_replace("/<.+?>/i", "", $strTitleTmp)); ?> <tr title="<?php echo $strTitleTmp; ?> " ondblclick="ShowDescription('<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape($arModuleTmp["@"]["ID"]); ?> ')">
function generirajUpit() { $listaUpit = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['oib'])) { $listaUpit[] = 'contains(oib, "' . $_REQUEST['oib'] . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['naziv'])) { $listaUpit[] = 'contains(' . toLower('naziv') . ', "' . mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['naziv']) . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['kategorija'])) { $kategorijaUpit = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['kategorija'] as $kategorija) { $kategorijaUpit[] = '@kategorija="' . $kategorija . '"'; } if (!empty($kategorijaUpit)) { $listaUpit[] = '(' . implode(' or ', $kategorijaUpit) . ')'; } } $telefonUpit = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['broj'])) { $telefonUpit[] = 'contains(broj, "' . $_REQUEST['broj'] . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['pozivni'])) { $telefonUpit[] = '@pozivni="' . $_REQUEST['pozivni'] . '"'; } if (!empty($telefonUpit)) { $listaUpit[] = 'telefon[' . implode(' and ', $telefonUpit) . ']'; } $adresaUpit = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['ulica'])) { $adresaUpit[] = 'contains(' . toLower('ulica') . ', "' . mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['ulica']) . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['kucnibr'])) { $adresaUpit[] = 'contains(kucnibr, "' . $_REQUEST['kucnibr'] . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['mjesto'])) { $adresaUpit[] = 'contains(' . toLower('mjesto') . ', "' . mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['mjesto']) . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['postbr'])) { $adresaUpit[] = 'mjesto[contains(@postbr, "' . $_REQUEST['postbr'] . '")]'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['drzava'])) { $adresaUpit[] = 'contains(' . toLower('drzava') . ', "' . mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['drzava']) . '")'; } if (!empty($adresaUpit)) { $listaUpit[] = 'adresa[' . implode(' and ', $adresaUpit) . ']'; } $otvorenoUpit1 = array(); #$otvorenoUpit2 = array(); #$pom = 24; if (!empty($_REQUEST['dan']) and !empty($_REQUEST['radvr'])) { $otvorenoUpit1[] = '@dan="' . $_REQUEST['dan'] . '" and (' . $_REQUEST['radvr'] . ' >= radp and ' . $_REQUEST['radvr'] . ' < radk)'; if (!empty($otvorenoUpit1)) { $listaUpit[] = 'radvr[' . implode(' and ', $otvorenoUpit1) . ']'; } #$otvorenoUpit1[] = '@dan="' . $_REQUEST['dan'] . '" and (('. $_REQUEST['radvr'] . ' >= radp and ' .$_REQUEST['radvr'] . ' < radk) and #(/podaci/mjesta[@kategorija="izletiste"] or /podaci/mjesta[@kategorija="kafic"] or /podaci/mjesta[@kategorija="restoran"]))'; # if (!empty($otvorenoUpit1)) { $listaUpit[] = 'radvr[' . implode(' or ', $otvorenoUpit1) . ']'; } #$otvorenoUpit2[] = '@dan="' . $_REQUEST['dan'] . '" and ((( '.$_REQUEST['radvr'] . ' >= radp and ' .$_REQUEST['radvr'] . ' < sum(radk;24))) #and (/podaci/mjesta[@kategorija="nocniklub"]))'; #if (!empty($otvorenoUpit2)) { $listaUpit[] = 'radvr[' . implode(' or ', $otvorenoUpit2) . ']'; } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['email'])) { $listaUpit[] = 'contains(' . toLower('email') . ', "' . mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['email']) . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['webstr'])) { $listaUpit[] = 'contains(' . toLower('webstr') . ', "' . mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['webstr']) . '")'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['tipprivatsnoti'])) { $listaUpit[] = '@tipprivatsnoti="' . $_REQUEST['tipprivatsnoti'] . '"'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['parking'])) { $listaUpit[] = '@parking="' . $_REQUEST['parking'] . '"'; } $strUpit = implode(' and ', $listaUpit); if (empty($strUpit)) { return '/podaci/mjesta'; } else { return '/podaci/mjesta[' . $strUpit . ']'; } }
?> <li id="<?php echo $this->GetEditAreaId($arElement['ID']); ?> " onclick="app.openNewPage('<?php echo $arElement["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]; ?> ')"> <?php $this->AddEditAction($arElement['ID'], $arElement['EDIT_LINK'], CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arParams["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_EDIT")); $this->AddDeleteAction($arElement['ID'], $arElement['DELETE_LINK'], CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arParams["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_DELETE"), array("CONFIRM" => GetMessage('CT_BCS_ELEMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM'))); $sticker = ""; if (array_key_exists("PROPERTIES", $arElement) && is_array($arElement["PROPERTIES"])) { foreach (array("SPECIALOFFER", "NEWPRODUCT", "SALELEADER") as $propertyCode) { if (array_key_exists($propertyCode, $arElement["PROPERTIES"]) && intval($arElement["PROPERTIES"][$propertyCode]["PROPERTY_VALUE_ID"]) > 0) { $sticker = toLower($arElement["PROPERTIES"][$propertyCode]["NAME"]); break; } } } ?> <table> <tr> <td> <?php if (is_array($arElement["PREVIEW_PICTURE"])) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $arElement["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]; ?> " class="item_list_img"><span><img src="<?php
?> <?php if (!empty($arBlock["TYPE"]) && $arBlock["TYPE"] == "ONE") { ?> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block"> <div class="posr"> <?php } ?> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block <?php if (!empty($arBlock["TYPE"])) { echo $arBlock["TYPE"] == "ONE" ? "one" : "one two"; } ?> " id="<?php echo toLower($stepCode . "_" . $block); ?> "> <!-- BLOCK CONTENT container title --> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-title-container"> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-line"></div> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-point"></div> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-title"><?php echo GetMessage("STOREAS_STEPS_" . $stepCode . "_" . toUpper($block)); ?> </div> <!-- BLOCK CONTENT status --> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-status-container"> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-status red"></div> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-status orange"></div> <div class="adm-s-setting-content-block-status yellow"></div>
/** * @param $method * @return string */ public function getFinanceToken($method) { $login = toLower(str_replace('.', '-', $this->getLogin())); $masterToken = $this->getMasterToken(); $financeNum = intval($this->getFinancialNum() + 1); $financeToken = hash("sha256", $masterToken . $financeNum . $method . $login); return $financeToken; }
protected function fillFilter() { if (CModule::IncludeModule('extranet') && CExtranet::IsExtranetSite()) { $this->fillFilterByExtranet(); } else { $this->fillFilterByIntranet(); } if ($this->arParams['FILTER_1C_USERS'] == 'Y') { $this->arFilter['UF_1C'] = 1; } if ($this->externalValues['UF_DEPARTMENT']) { $this->arFilter['UF_DEPARTMENT'] = $this->arParams['FILTER_SECTION_CURONLY'] == 'N' ? CIntranetUtils::GetIBlockSectionChildren($this->externalValues['UF_DEPARTMENT']) : $this->externalValues['UF_DEPARTMENT']; } elseif ((!CModule::IncludeModule('extranet') || !CExtranet::IsExtranetSite()) && $this->arParams["SHOW_USER"] != "all") { // only employees for an intranet site if ($this->arParams["SHOW_USER"] == "extranet") { $this->arFilter["UF_DEPARTMENT"] = false; } elseif ($this->arParams["SHOW_USER"] != "inactive" && $this->arParams["SHOW_USER"] != "fired") { $this->arFilter["!UF_DEPARTMENT"] = false; } } //items equal to FALSE (see converting to boolean in PHP) will be removed (see array_filter()). After merge with $this->arFilter $this->arFilter = array_merge($this->arFilter, array_filter(array('WORK_POSITION' => $this->externalValues['POST'], 'WORK_PHONE' => $this->externalValues['PHONE'], 'UF_PHONE_INNER' => $this->externalValues['UF_PHONE_INNER'], 'WORK_COMPANY' => $this->externalValues['COMPANY'], 'EMAIL' => $this->externalValues['EMAIL'], 'NAME' => $this->externalValues['FIO'], 'KEYWORDS' => $this->externalValues['KEYWORDS'], 'LAST_NAME' => $this->externalValues['LAST_NAME'], 'LAST_NAME_RANGE' => $this->externalValues['LAST_NAME_RANGE']))); if ($this->externalValues['IS_ONLINE'] == 'Y') { $this->arFilter['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = static::LAST_ACTIVITY; } if ($this->externalValues['LAST_NAME']) { $this->arFilter['LAST_NAME_EXACT_MATCH'] = 'Y'; } $isEnoughFiltered = (bool) array_intersect(array_keys($this->arFilter), array('WORK_POSITION', 'WORK_PHONE', 'UF_PHONE_INNER', 'WORK_COMPANY', 'EMAIL', 'NAME', 'KEYWORDS', 'LAST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME_RANGE', 'LAST_ACTIVITY', 'UF_DEPARTMENT')); if ($this->arFilter['LAST_NAME_RANGE']) { //input format: a-z (letter - letter) $letterRange = explode('-', $this->arFilter['LAST_NAME_RANGE'], 2); $startLetterRange = array_shift($letterRange); $endLetterRange = array_shift($letterRange); $this->arFilter[] = array('LOGIC' => 'OR', array('><F_LAST_NAME' => array(toUpper($startLetterRange), toUpper($endLetterRange))), array('><F_LAST_NAME' => array(toLower($startLetterRange), toLower($endLetterRange)))); unset($this->arFilter['LAST_NAME_RANGE']); } return $isEnoughFiltered; }