コード例 #1
function trim_body($body)
    /* remove stuff in quotes */
    while (($p = strpos($body, '<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>')) !== false) {
        $e = strpos($body, '<br></td></tr></table>', $p) + strlen('<br></td></tr></table>');
        $body = substr($body, 0, $p) . substr($body, $e);
    $body = strip_tags($body);
    if (strlen($body) > $GLOBALS['MNAV_MAX_LEN']) {
        $body = substr($body, 0, $GLOBALS['MNAV_MAX_LEN']) . '...';
    return $body;
$search_options = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('field', "all\nsubject", "Entire Message\nSubject Only", $field, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$logic_options = tmpl_draw_select_opt("AND\nOR", "AND\nOR", $search_logic, '', '');
$sort_options = tmpl_draw_select_opt("DESC\nASC", "Descending Order\nAscending Order", $sort_order, '', '');
$TITLE_EXTRA = ': Search For ' . htmlspecialchars($srch);
ses_update_status($usr->sid, 'Searching posts');
$page_pager = '';
if ($srch) {
    if (!($c =& fetch_search_cache($srch, $start, $ppg, $search_logic, $field, $sort_order, $forum_limiter, $total))) {
        $search_data = '<br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="ContentTable">
<tr class="RowStyleA"><th colspan=2 width="100%" align="center">No Results</th></tr>
    } else {
        $i = 0;
        $search_data = '';
        while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
            $body = trim_body(read_msg_body($r->foff, $r->length, $r->file_id));
            $poster_info = !empty($r->poster_id) ? '<a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id=' . $r->poster_id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r->alias . '</a>' : '' . $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'];
コード例 #2
if (isset($_POST['go'])) {
    if (empty($_POST['opt_list'])) {
    list($list_tag, $list_type) = explode(':', trim($_POST['tp']), 2);
    $tag = '[LIST TYPE=' . $list_type . ']\\n';
    foreach ($_POST['opt_list'] as $o) {
        $tag .= '[*]' . addslashes($o) . '\\n';
    $tag .= '[/LIST]';
    echo '<html><script>';
    echo "\n\n" . 'insertParentTag(\'' . $tag . '\', \' \'); window.close();</script></html>';
$tp_select_data = tmpl_draw_select_opt("OL:1\nOL:a\nUL:square\nUL:disc\nUL:circle", "Numerical\nAlpha\nSquare\nDisc\nCircle", isset($_POST['tp']) ? $_POST['tp'] : (isset($_GET['tp']) ? $_GET['tp'] : ''), '', '');
if (!empty($_POST['opt_list'])) {
    list($list_tag, $list_type) = explode(':', trim($_POST['tp']), 2);
    $list_entry_data = '';
    foreach ($_POST['opt_list'] as $k => $op) {
        $list_entry_data .= '<li>' . htmlspecialchars($op) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1"><a href="javascript:document.list.del.value=\'' . $k . '\'; document.list.submit();">Delete</a></font>';
    $list_sample = '<tr>
<td colspan=2>
<' . $list_tag . ' type="' . $list_type . '">
' . $list_entry_data . '
</' . $list_tag . '>
    $_POST['opt_list'] = base64_encode(@serialize($_POST['opt_list']));
} else {
コード例 #3
/* fetch a list of accesible forums */
$c = uq('SELECT f.id, f.name
			FROM phpgw_fud_forum f
			INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_fc_view v ON v.f=f.id
			INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
			INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.resource_id=f.id AND g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . '
			' . (_uid ? ' LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.resource_id=f.id AND g2.user_id=' . _uid : '') . '
			' . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' WHERE mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NULL THEN g1.group_cache_opt ELSE g2.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0') . '
			ORDER BY v.id');
$vl = $kl = '';
while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
    $vl .= $r[0] . "\n";
    $kl .= $r[1] . "\n";
$forum_sel = tmpl_draw_select_opt(rtrim($vl), rtrim($kl), $frm, '', '');
$page = !empty($_POST['page']) ? (int) $_POST['page'] : 1;
if ($page > 1 && isset($_POST['prev'])) {
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['next'])) {
$thread_sel = '';
if (isset($_POST['sel_th'])) {
    $c = uq("SELECT t.id, m.subject FROM phpgw_fud_thread t INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON t.root_msg_id=m.id WHERE t.id IN(" . implode(',', $_POST['sel_th']) . ")");
    while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
        $thread_sel .= '<option value="' . $r[0] . '" selected>' . $r[1] . '</option>';
コード例 #4
<tr valign="top"><td class="RowStyleA">File dell&#39;avatar personalizzato: ' . $avatar_err . '</td><td class="RowStyleA"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>' . $custom_avatar_preview . '</td><td>' . $buttons . '</td></tr></table></td></tr> 
<input type="hidden" name="avatar_tmp" value="' . $avatar_tmp . '">';
$post_options = tmpl_post_options('sig');
$theme_select = create_theme_select('reg_theme', $reg_theme);
$day_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n11\n12\n13\n14\n15\n16\n17\n18\n19\n20\n21\n22\n23\n24\n25\n26\n27\n28\n29\n30\n31", "\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n11\n12\n13\n14\n15\n16\n17\n18\n19\n20\n21\n22\n23\n24\n25\n26\n27\n28\n29\n30\n31", $b_day, '', '');
$month_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n11\n12", "\nGennaio\nFebbraio\nMarzo\nAprile\nMaggio\nGiugno\nLuglio\nAgosto\nSettembre\nOttobre\nNovembre\nDicembre", $b_month, '', '');
$gender_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("512\n1024\n0", "NON SPECIFICATO\nMaschio\nFemmina", $uent->users_opt & 512 ? 512 : $uent->users_opt & 1024, '', '');
$mppg_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("0\n5\n10\n20\n30\n40", "Usa le impostazioni standard del forum\n5\n10\n20\n30\n40", $reg_posts_ppg, '', '');
$view_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("384\n128" . ($FUD_OPT_2 & 512 ? "\n256\n0" : ''), "Vista piatta\nFlat thread listing/Tree message listing" . ($FUD_OPT_2 & 512 ? "\nTree thread listing/Flat message listing\nVista ad albero" : ''), $uent->users_opt & (128 | 256), '', '');
$timezone_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt($tz_values, $tz_names, $reg_time_zone, '', '');
$notification_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("4\n0", "Email\nICQ", $uent->users_opt & 4, '', '');
$ignore_admin_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_ignore_admin', "8\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 8, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$invisible_mode_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_invisible_mode', "32768\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 32768, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$show_email_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_display_email', "1\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 1, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$notify_default_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_notify', "2\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 2, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$pm_notify_default_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_pm_notify', "64\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 64, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$accept_user_email = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_email_messages', "16\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 16, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$accept_pm = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_pm_messages', "32\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 32, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$show_sig_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_show_sigs', "4096\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 4096, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$show_avatar_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_show_avatars', "8192\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 8192, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$show_im_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_show_im', "16384\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 16384, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$append_sig_radio = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('reg_append_sig', "2048\n0", "Sì\nNo", $uent->users_opt & 2048, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$reg_user_image_field = $FUD_OPT_2 & 65536 ? '<tr><td class="RowStyleA">Immagine:</td><td class="RowStyleA"><input type="text" name="reg_user_image" value="' . $reg_user_image . '"maxlength=255 size=30></td></tr>' : '';
$sig_len_limit = $FORUM_SIG_ML ? '<b>Maximum Length: </b>' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_SIG_ML'] . ' characters <a href="javascript: alert(\'Your Signature is \'+document.fud_register.reg_sig.value.length+\' characters long. The maximum allowed signature length is ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_SIG_ML'] . '\');" class="SmallText">Check Signature Length</a>' : '';
if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 2) {
    $page_gen_end = gettimeofday();
コード例 #5
    $checked = !$all_v ? ' checked' : '';
    $private_msg_entry .= '<tr class="RowStyleB"><td>' . $pmsg_status . '</td><td width="100%" class="GenText">' . $msg_type . '<a href="' . $goto . '" class="GenLink">' . $obj->subject . '</a>' . $deny_recipt . '</td>
<td nowrap class="GenText">' . $online_indicator . '<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;' . _rsid . '&amp;id=' . $obj->ouser_id . '" class="GenLink">' . $obj->alias . '</a></td>
<td nowrap class="DateText">' . strftime("%a, %d %B %Y %H:%M", $obj->post_stamp) . '</td>
<td nowrap align="center" class="GenText">' . $action . '</td>
<td align="center" class="GenText"><input type="checkbox" name="sel[]" value="' . $obj->id . '"' . $checked . '></td></tr>';
if (!$private_msg_entry) {
    $private_msg_entry = '<tr class="RowStyleC"><td colspan="6" align="center">There are no messages inside this folder</td></tr>';
    $private_tools = '';
} else {
    $btn_action = $folder_id == 5 ? 'Restore To:' : 'Move To:';
    $moveto_list = tmpl_draw_select_opt(implode("\n", array_keys($folders)), implode("\n", $folders), '', '', '');
    $private_tools = '<tr class="RowStyleB"><td colspan=6 class="GenText" align=right>
<input type="submit" class="button" name="btn_move" value="' . $btn_action . '">
<select name="moveto">' . $moveto_list . '</select>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" class="button" name="btn_delete" value="Delete"></td></tr>';
if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 2) {
    $page_gen_end = gettimeofday();
    $page_gen_time = sprintf('%.5f', $page_gen_end['sec'] - $PAGE_TIME['sec'] + ($page_gen_end['usec'] - $PAGE_TIME['usec']) / 1000000);
    $page_stats = '<br /><div align="left" class="SmallText">Total time taken to generate the page: ' . $page_gen_time . ' seconds</div>';
} else {
    $page_stats = '';
echo $GLOBALS['fud_egw_hdr'];
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5"><tr><td class="ForumBackground">
コード例 #6
while ($e = db_rowarr($r)) {
    $vl .= $e[0] . "\n";
    $kl .= ($e[2] ? '* ' : '') . htmlspecialchars($e[1]) . "\n";
if (!$n) {
} else {
    if ($n == 1) {
        $group_id = rtrim($vl);
        $group_selection = '';
    } else {
        if (!$group_id) {
            $group_id = (int) $vl;
        $group_selection = tmpl_draw_select_opt(rtrim($vl), rtrim($kl), $group_id, '', '');
        $group_selection = '<br /><br />
<form method="post" action="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=groupmgr">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="ContentTable">
<tr><th colspan=2>Selezione dell&#39;editor di gruppi</th></tr>
<tr class="RowStyleA">
	<td nowrap><b>Gruppo:</b></td>
	<td width="100%"><select name="group_id">' . $group_selection . '</select></td>
<tr class="RowStyleC"><td colspan=2 align="left"><input type="submit" class="button" name="btn_groupswitch" value="Modifica gruppo"></td></tr>
</table>' . _hs . '</form>';
if (isset($_POST['btn_cancel'])) {
コード例 #7
/* sticky/announcment controls */
if ($perms & 64 && (!isset($thr) || $thr->root_msg_id == $msg->id && !$reply_to)) {
    if (!isset($_POST['prev_loaded'])) {
        if (!isset($thr)) {
            $thr_ordertype = $thr_orderexpiry = '';
        } else {
            $thr_ordertype = ($thr->thread_opt | 1) ^ 1;
            $thr_orderexpiry = $thr->orderexpiry;
    } else {
        $thr_ordertype = isset($_POST['thr_ordertype']) ? (int) $_POST['thr_ordertype'] : '';
        $thr_orderexpiry = isset($_POST['thr_orderexpiry']) ? (int) $_POST['thr_orderexpiry'] : '';
    $thread_type_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("0\n4\n2", "Normale\nTopped\nAnnuncio", $thr_ordertype, '', '');
    $thread_expiry_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("1000000000\n3600\n7200\n14400\n28800\n57600\n86400\n172800\n345600\n604800\n1209600\n2635200\n5270400\n10540800\n938131200", "Mai\n1 Ora\n3 Ore\n4 Ore\n8 Ore\n16 Ore\n1 Giorno\n2 Giorni\n4 Giorni\n1 Settimana\n2 Settimane\n1 Mese\n2 Mesi\n4 Mesi\n1 Anno", $thr_orderexpiry, '', '');
    $admin_options = '<tr class="RowStyleB"><td class="GenText" nowrap>Opzioni per il moderatore:</td>
Tipo di topic: <select name="thr_ordertype">' . $thread_type_select . '</select>
Topic che scade: <select name="thr_orderexpiry">' . $thread_expiry_select . '</select>
} else {
    $admin_options = '';
/* thread locking controls */
if ($perms & 4096) {
    if (!isset($_POST['prev_loaded']) && isset($thr)) {
        $thr_locked_checked = $thr->thread_opt & 1 ? ' checked' : '';
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['prev_loaded'])) {
コード例 #8
print_reg_field('Topics Per Page', 'THREADS_PER_PAGE', 1);
print_reg_field('Message icons per row', 'POST_ICONS_PER_ROW', 1);
print_bit_field('Allow Tree View of Thread Listing', 'TREE_THREADS_ENABLE');
print_bit_field('Default Topic View', 'DEFAULT_THREAD_VIEW');
print_reg_field('Maximum Depth of Thread Listing (tree view)', 'TREE_THREADS_MAX_DEPTH', 1);
print_reg_field('Maximum Shown Subject Length (tree view)', 'TREE_THREADS_MAX_SUBJ_LEN', 1);
print_reg_field('Polls Per Page', 'POLLS_PER_PAGE', 1);
print_reg_field('Word Wrap', 'WORD_WRAP', 1);
print_reg_field('Flood Trigger (seconds)', 'FLOOD_CHECK_TIME', 1);
print_reg_field('Moved Topic Pointer Expiry', 'MOVED_THR_PTR_EXPIRY', 1);
<tr class="field"><td colspan=2>Server Time Zone: <font size="-1"> <?php 
echo $help_ar['SERVER_TZ'][0];
</font><br /><select name="CF_SERVER_TZ" style="font-size: xx-small;"><?php 
echo tmpl_draw_select_opt($tz_values, $tz_names, $SERVER_TZ, '', '');
print_bit_field('Forum Search Engine', 'FORUM_SEARCH');
print_reg_field('Search results cache', 'SEARCH_CACHE_EXPIRY', 1);
print_bit_field('Member Search', 'MEMBER_SEARCH_ENABLED');
print_reg_field('Members Per Page', 'MEMBERS_PER_PAGE', 1);
print_reg_field('Maximum logged-in users', 'MAX_LOGGEDIN_USERS', 1);
print_reg_field('Quick Pager Link Count', 'THREAD_MSG_PAGER', 1);
print_reg_field('General Pager Link Count', 'GENERAL_PAGER_COUNT', 1);
print_bit_field('Show Edited By', 'SHOW_EDITED_BY');
print_bit_field('Show Edited By Moderator', 'EDITED_BY_MOD');
print_reg_field('Edit Time Limit (minutes)', 'EDIT_TIME_LIMIT', 1);
print_bit_field('Display IP Publicly', 'DISPLAY_IP');
print_reg_field('Max Image Count', 'MAX_IMAGE_COUNT', 1);
コード例 #9
        $body = substr($body, 0, $GLOBALS['MNAV_MAX_LEN']) . '...';
    return $body;
$TITLE_EXTRA = ': Message Navigator';
ses_update_status($usr->sid, 'Browsing Messages using <a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=mnav">Message Navigator</a>');
if ($forum_limiter) {
    if ($forum_limiter[0] != 'c') {
        $qry_lmt = ' AND f.id=' . (int) $forum_limiter . ' ';
    } else {
        $qry_lmt = ' AND c.id=' . (int) substr($forum_limiter, 1) . ' ';
} else {
    $qry_lmt = '';
$mnav_time_unit = tmpl_draw_select_opt("60\n3600\n86400\n604800\n2635200", "Minute(s)\nHour(s)\nDay(s)\nWeek(s)\nMonth(s)", $unit, '', '');
if (!$rng) {
    $mnav_pager = $rng = '';
    $unit = 86400;
    $mnav_data = '<br />
<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="mnavWarnTbl">
	<td class="GenTextRed">You must enter a valid date range. This value can be a float (0.12) but it must be greater then zero.</td>
} else {
    if ($unit <= 0) {
        $mnav_pager = $rng = '';
        $unit = 86400;
コード例 #10
function trim_body($body)
    /* remove stuff in quotes */
    while (($p = strpos($body, '<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>')) !== false) {
        $e = strpos($body, '<br></td></tr></table>', $p) + strlen('<br></td></tr></table>');
        $body = substr($body, 0, $p) . substr($body, $e);
    $body = strip_tags($body);
    if (strlen($body) > $GLOBALS['MNAV_MAX_LEN']) {
        $body = substr($body, 0, $GLOBALS['MNAV_MAX_LEN']) . '...';
    return $body;
$search_options = tmpl_draw_radio_opt('field', "all\nsubject", "Messaggio completo\nSolo oggetto", $field, '', '', '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
$logic_options = tmpl_draw_select_opt("AND\nOR", "AND\nOR", $search_logic, '', '');
$sort_options = tmpl_draw_select_opt("DESC\nASC", "ordine decrescente\nordine crescente", $sort_order, '', '');
$TITLE_EXTRA = ': Ricerca ' . htmlspecialchars($srch);
ses_update_status($usr->sid, 'Cerca nei topic');
$page_pager = '';
if ($srch) {
    if (!($c =& fetch_search_cache($srch, $start, $ppg, $search_logic, $field, $sort_order, $forum_limiter, $total))) {
        $search_data = '<br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="ContentTable">
<tr class="RowStyleA"><th colspan=2 width="100%" align="center">Nessun risultato</th></tr>
    } else {
        $i = 0;
        $search_data = '';
        while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
            $body = trim_body(read_msg_body($r->foff, $r->length, $r->file_id));
            $poster_info = !empty($r->poster_id) ? '<a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id=' . $r->poster_id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r->alias . '</a>' : '' . $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'];
コード例 #11
        poll_opt_add($pl_option, $pl_id);
    $pl_option = '';
/* if we have a poll, fetch poll options */
if ($pl_id) {
    $poll_opts = poll_fetch_opts($pl_id);
/* edit a poll option */
if (isset($_GET['pl_optedit'])) {
    $pl_option = @$poll_opts[$_GET['pl_optedit']];
    $pl_option_id = $_GET['pl_optedit'];
$TITLE_EXTRA = ': Editor di sondaggi';
$pl_expiry_date_data = tmpl_draw_select_opt("0\n3600\n21600\n43200\n86400\n259200\n604800\n2635200\n31536000", "Illimitato\n1 ora\n6 ore\n12 ore\n1 giorno\n3 giorni\n1 settimana\n1 mese\n1 anno", $pl_expiry_date, '', '');
$pl_max_votes_data = tmpl_draw_select_opt("0\n10\n50\n100\n200\n500\n1000\n10000\n100000", "Illimitato\n10\n50\n100\n200\n500\n1000\n10000\n100000", $pl_max_votes, '', '');
if ($frm->group_cache_opt & 16384) {
    $checked = isset($_POST['pl_smiley_disabled']) ? ' checked' : '';
    $pl_smiley_disabled_chk = '<tr><td align="right" valign="top" colspan=2 class="GenText"><input type="checkbox" name="pl_smiley_disabled" value="Y"' . $checked . '>Disabilita gli smiley</td></tr>';
} else {
    $pl_smiley_disabled_chk = '';
$pl_submit = !$pl_id ? '<input type="submit" class="button" name="pl_submit" value="Crea sondaggio">' : '<input type="submit" class="button" name="pl_submit" value="Aggiorna sondaggio">';
/* this is only available on a created poll */
if ($pl_id) {
    if (isset($pl_option)) {
        $pl_option = post_to_smiley($pl_option);
        if ($frm->forum_opt & 16) {
            $pl_option = html_to_tags($pl_option);
        } else {
            if ($frm->forum_opt & 8) {
コード例 #12
/* sticky/announcment controls */
if ($perms & 64 && (!isset($thr) || $thr->root_msg_id == $msg->id && !$reply_to)) {
    if (!isset($_POST['prev_loaded'])) {
        if (!isset($thr)) {
            $thr_ordertype = $thr_orderexpiry = '';
        } else {
            $thr_ordertype = ($thr->thread_opt | 1) ^ 1;
            $thr_orderexpiry = $thr->orderexpiry;
    } else {
        $thr_ordertype = isset($_POST['thr_ordertype']) ? (int) $_POST['thr_ordertype'] : '';
        $thr_orderexpiry = isset($_POST['thr_orderexpiry']) ? (int) $_POST['thr_orderexpiry'] : '';
    $thread_type_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("0\n4\n2", "Normal\nSticky\nAnnouncement", $thr_ordertype, '', '');
    $thread_expiry_select = tmpl_draw_select_opt("1000000000\n3600\n7200\n14400\n28800\n57600\n86400\n172800\n345600\n604800\n1209600\n2635200\n5270400\n10540800\n938131200", "Never\n1 Hour\n3 Hours\n4 Hours\n8 Hours\n16 Hours\n1 Day\n2 Days\n4 Days\n1 Week\n2 Weeks\n1 Month\n2 Month\n4 Month\n1 Year", $thr_orderexpiry, '', '');
    $admin_options = '<tr class="RowStyleB"><td class="GenText" nowrap>Moderator Options:</td>
Topic Type: <select name="thr_ordertype">' . $thread_type_select . '</select>
Topic Expiry: <select name="thr_orderexpiry">' . $thread_expiry_select . '</select>
} else {
    $admin_options = '';
/* thread locking controls */
if ($perms & 4096) {
    if (!isset($_POST['prev_loaded']) && isset($thr)) {
        $thr_locked_checked = $thr->thread_opt & 1 ? ' checked' : '';
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['prev_loaded'])) {
コード例 #13
	<td align="center"><font size="-1">year</font><br><select name="e_year"><?php 
echo tmpl_draw_select_opt($vl_y, $kl_y, $_POST['e_year'], '', '');
	<td valign="top"><b>Level of detail: </b></td>
	<td colspan=3><select name="sep"><?php 
echo tmpl_draw_select_opt("hour\nday\nweek\nmonth\nyear", "Hour\nDay\nWeek\nMonth\nYear", $_POST['sep'], '', '');
	<td valign="top"><b>Graph Data: </b></td>
	<td colspan=3><select name="type"><?php 
echo tmpl_draw_select_opt("msg\nthr\nusr", "Posted Messages\nCreated Topics\nRegistered users", $_POST['type'], '', '');
<tr><td colspan=4 align="right"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>
echo _hs;
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1">
if (isset($total_disk_usage)) {
<h4>Disk Usage</h4>