function tla_ads($xml_filename, $inventory_key, $box_type) { // Examples /* $xml_filename = 'local_222925.xml'; $inventory_key = 'I3XF0SPPQPJOOFR2WSS9'; */ // Number of seconds before connection to XML times out // (This can be left the way it is) $CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 15; // Local file to store XML // This file MUST be writable by web server // You should create a blank file and CHMOD it to 666 $LOCAL_XML_FILENAME = IP_ROOT_PATH . 'files/' . $xml_filename; $ads_content = ''; if (!file_exists($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME)) { @touch($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME); @chmod($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME, 0666); } if (!file_exists($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME) || !is_writable($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME)) { $ads_content = 'File ' . htmlspecialchars($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME) . ' either doesn\'t exist or isn\'t writable.'; return $ads_content; } if (filemtime($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME) < time() - 3600 || filesize($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME) < 3) { $url = '' . $inventory_key . '&l=php-tla-2.0.1'; if (function_exists('json_decode') && is_array(json_decode('{"a":1}', true))) { $url .= '&f=json'; } tla_updateLocal($url, $LOCAL_XML_FILENAME, $CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); } if (filemtime($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME) < time() - 3600 || filesize($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME) < 20) { $request_uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : ''; $user_agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ''; tla_updateLocalXML('' . $inventory_key . '&referer=' . urlencode($request_uri) . '&user_agent=' . urlencode($user_agent), $LOCAL_XML_FILENAME, $CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); } $xml = tla_getLocal($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME); $links = tla_decode($xml); if ($links && is_array($links)) { $ads_content .= empty($box_type) ? "\n<ul>\n" : ''; $ads_content .= empty($box_type) ? "\n</ul>\n" : ''; echo "\n<ul>\n"; foreach ($links as $link) { if (isset($link['PostID']) && $link['PostID'] > 0) { continue; } //echo '<li style="padding: 0; float: left; margin: 0; width: 25%; clear: none; display: block;">' . ($link['BeforeText'] ? $link['BeforeText'] . ' ' : '') . '<a href="' . $link['URL'] . '">' . $link['Text'] . '</a>' . ($link['AfterText'] ? ' ' . $link['AfterText'] : '') . '</li>' . "\n"; $ads_content .= (empty($box_type) ? '<li>' : ($ads_count > 0 ? ' • ' : '')) . $link['BeforeText'] . '<a href="' . $link['URL'] . '">' . $link['Text'] . '</a> ' . $link['AfterText'] . (empty($box_type) ? '</li>' . "\n" : ''); $ads_count++; if (isset($link['PostID']) && $link['PostID'] > 0) { continue; } } echo '</ul>'; } $ads_content = empty($box_type) ? $ads_content : '<div class="gensmall" style="text-align: center;">' . $ads_content . '</div>'; return $ads_content; }
function tla_ads() { // Number of seconds before connection to XML times out // (This can be left the way it is) $CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 15; // Local file to store XML // This file MUST be writable by web server // You should create a blank file and CHMOD it to 666 $LOCAL_FILENAME = 'local_305242.xml'; if (!file_exists($LOCAL_FILENAME)) { @touch($LOCAL_FILENAME); @chmod($LOCAL_FILENAME, 0666); } if (!file_exists($LOCAL_FILENAME)) { die("Script error: {$LOCAL_FILENAME} does not exist. Please create a blank file named {$LOCAL_FILENAME}."); } if (!is_writable($LOCAL_FILENAME)) { die("Script error: {$LOCAL_FILENAME} is not writable. Please set write permissions on {$LOCAL_FILENAME}."); } if (filemtime($LOCAL_FILENAME) < time() - 3600 || filesize($LOCAL_FILENAME) < 3) { $url = ''; if (function_exists('json_decode') && is_array(json_decode('{"a":1}', true))) { $url .= '&f=json'; } tla_updateLocal($url, $LOCAL_FILENAME, $CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); } $xml = tla_getLocal($LOCAL_FILENAME); $links = tla_decode($xml); if (is_array($links)) { echo "<div class=\"blog_categories friends\"><ul style=\"margin: 0;padding: 0;\">\n"; foreach ($links as $link) { if (isset($link['PostID']) && $link['PostID'] > 0) { continue; } echo "<li style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD;display: block;margin: 0;padding: 5px 0 2px;\">" . ($link['BeforeText'] ? $link['BeforeText'] . ' ' : '') . '<a href="' . $link['URL'] . '">' . $link['Text'] . '</a>' . ($link['AfterText'] ? ' ' . $link['AfterText'] : '') . "</li>\n"; } echo '</ul>'; } }