コード例 #1
function tk_export_values($option_groups)
    foreach ($option_groups as $option_group) {
        $values = serialize((array) tk_get_values($option_group));
        $serialized_val .= $values;
    return $serialized_val;
コード例 #2
function init_backend()
     * WML
    $wml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>
				<menu title="Custom Menu">
					<page title="Tabs" headline="Tab test">
						<p>You can also put in Text here like in HTML</p>
							<tab title="Tab 1">
								Content in Tab 1
							<tab title="Tab 2">
								Content in Tab 2
							<tab title="Tab 3">
								Content in Tab 3
					<page title="Accordions" headline="Accordion test">
						<p>You can also put in Text here like in HTML</p>
							<section title="Section 1">
								Content in Section 1
							<section title="Section 2">
								Content in Section 3
							<section title="Section 3">
								Content in Section 3
					<page title="Forms" headline="Form test">
						<p>You can also put in Text here like in HTML</p>
						<form name="myform">
							<textfield name="name" label="Name:" tooltip="Put in your name"/>
							<textarea name="longtext" label="Long text:" />
							<checkbox name="mycheckbox" label="Check this:" description="Description for button" />
							<radio name="radiotest" label="Radio test" value="1" description="Button 1" />
							<radio name="radiotest" value="2" description="Button 2" />
							<radio name="radiotest" value="3" description="Button 3" />
							<select name="myselect" label="Select box">
								<option name="First entry" value="first" />
								<option name="Second entry" value="second" />
								<option name="Third entry" value="third" />
								<option name="Fourth entry" value="fourth" />
							<colorpicker name="colorforme" label="Color" tooltip="Select a colour" />
							<file name="ourfile" label="File" tooltip="Upload your file!" />
							<button name="Save" />
					<page title="Nested HTML" headline="Usind HTML in WML">
						<p>As you can see,you can use HTML in WML.</p>
						<table class="widefat">
								<td>HTML Table</td>
										<section title="Section 1">
											Content of an accordion in HTML
     * Example
    // tk_wml_parse( $wml );
    // Creating php file for translations
    // tk_wml_create_textfiles( $wml );
     * Hiding elemts by id 
    tk_select_add_option('myselect', '110', 'Svens Police value');
    tk_select_delete_option('myselect', 'first');
    tk_autocomplete_add_value('city', 'Dusseldorf');
    tk_autocomplete_delete_value('city', 'New York');
    add_filter('tk_fileupload_tempfile', 'tkf_fileactions', 1, 2);
     * Example with WML file
    // Example for loading xml file
    tk_wml_parse_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/example.xml');
    // tk_wml_create_textfiles_from_wml_file( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/example.xml' );
     * Getting back values from form fields
    $values = tk_get_values('myform');