<?php $id = $_GET['id']; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); $sysdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $db = mysqli_connect("<INSERT IP HERE>", "<INSERT USERNAME HERE>", "<INSERT PASSWORD HERE>", "<INSERT DATABASE HERE>") or print "<p style='text-align: center;'>" . "Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . "</p>"; $query = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM SEMINARS"); $x = 0; foreach ($query as $row) { if ($row['start_date'] > $sysdate && $row['SPOKESPERSONS_spokespersonID'] == $id) { $row['attendees'] = attendees($db, $row['seminarID']); //convert start/end time $row['start_date'] = timeConvert($row, 'start_date'); $row['end_date'] = timeConvert($row, 'end_date'); //convert and add date $date = dateConvert($row, 'start_date'); //add date in readable format $row['date'] = $date; $obj[$x] = $row; $x++; } } print json_encode($obj); function dateConvert($obj, $value) { $time = strtotime($obj[$value]); $format = date('l, F jS, Y', $time); return $format; } function timeConvert($obj, $value) {
/** * Title * * Description * * @access public */ function timeBetween($tm1, $tm2) { $trueTime1 = timeConvert($tm1); $trueTime2 = timeConvert($tm2); if ($trueTime1 > $trueTime2) { //$trueTime1-=24*60*60; if ($trueTime2 < time()) { $trueTime2 += 24 * 60 * 60; } else { $trueTime1 -= 24 * 60 * 60; } } /* echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $trueTime1); echo " - "; echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $trueTime2); echo "<br>"; */ if (time() >= $trueTime1 && time() <= $trueTime2) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Summary of timeBetween * @param mixed $tm1 Time 1 * @param mixed $tm2 Time 2 * @return bool */ function timeBetween($tm1, $tm2) { $trueTime1 = timeConvert($tm1); $trueTime2 = timeConvert($tm2); if ($trueTime1 > $trueTime2) { if ($trueTime2 < time()) { $trueTime2 += 24 * 60 * 60; } else { $trueTime1 -= 24 * 60 * 60; } } if (time() >= $trueTime1 && time() <= $trueTime2) { return true; } return false; }
/** * 审计报告输出 * @access public * @param string $_GET['md5'] * @return void */ public function show() { $md5 = I('get.md5'); $model = M('file'); $condition['md5'] = $md5; $info = $model->where($condition)->find(); $savePath = $info['savepath']; if ($info == NULL) { die("No record."); } if ($info['status'] != 2) { die("The Application hasn't Done. Please waiting for few minutes."); } //转换测试时间 $info = array_merge($info, timeConvert($info['totaltime'])); $this->assign('info', $info); // 赋值数据集 $file_id = $info['id']; $risk = M('Risk'); $analysis = M('Analysis'); //查询漏洞个数 unset($conn); $conn['fileid'] = $info['id']; $conn['verdict'] = 2; $riskCount = $analysis->where($conn)->count(); $this->assign('riskNumber', $riskCount); //查询安全漏洞与风险评估结果 unset($conn); $conn['assessid'] = 2; $conn['ischeck'] = 1; $vulInfo = $risk->where($conn)->order('risklevel desc')->select(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($vulInfo); $i++) { unset($conn); $conn['riskid'] = $vulInfo[$i]['id']; $conn['fileid'] = $file_id; $rst = $analysis->where($conn)->find(); if ($rst != FALSE) { $vulInfo[$i]['result'] = $rst['result']; $vulInfo[$i]['verdict'] = $rst['verdict']; } else { $vulInfo[$i]['result'] = NULL; $vulInfo[$i]['verdict'] = NULL; } } $this->assign('vul', $vulInfo); #查询Drozer安全审计结果 unset($conn); $conn['assessid'] = 1; $conn['ischeck'] = 1; $riskInfo = $risk->where($conn)->order('risklevel desc')->select(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($riskInfo); $i++) { unset($conn); $conn['riskid'] = $riskInfo[$i]['id']; $conn['fileid'] = $file_id; $rst = $analysis->where($conn)->find(); if ($rst != FALSE) { $riskInfo[$i]['result'] = $rst['result']; $riskInfo[$i]['verdict'] = $rst['verdict']; } else { $riskInfo[$i]['result'] = NULL; $riskInfo[$i]['verdict'] = NULL; } } $this->assign('risk', $riskInfo); #查询敏感信息与权限审计结果 unset($conn); $conn['assessid'] = 3; $conn['ischeck'] = 1; $tipsInfo = $risk->where($conn)->order('risklevel desc')->select(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tipsInfo); $i++) { unset($conn); $conn['riskid'] = $tipsInfo[$i]['id']; $conn['fileid'] = $file_id; $rst = $analysis->where($conn)->find(); if ($rst != FALSE) { $tipsInfo[$i]['result'] = $rst['result']; $tipsInfo[$i]['verdict'] = $rst['verdict']; } else { $tipsInfo[$i]['result'] = NULL; $tipsInfo[$i]['verdict'] = NULL; } } $this->assign('tips', $tipsInfo); //显示截图 $picPath = BASE_PATH . $savePath; $picPath = dirname($picPath) . '/' . $md5; $picList = getDirPicture($picPath); $this->assign('picture', $picList); //$this->assign('empty','<span class="empty">没有数据</span>'); $this->display(); }
} $pvalue9 = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM pvalues WHERE PROPERTY_ID='" . $prop_id9 . "' AND OBJECT_ID='" . $obj9->id . "'"); if (!$pvalue9['ID']) { $p9 = ''; } //---------------------------- end_tme $end_time = time(); //$end_time=$end_time + 3600; //time correction (1 hour) //---------------------------- today if ($_GET['today'] == 1) { $today = 1; } else { $today = 0; } if ($today) { $end_time = timeConvert("23:59") + 59; //-3600 } //---------------------------- Precision if ($_GET['px']) { $px_per_point = (int) $_GET['px']; } else { $px_per_point = 10; //precision } //---------------------------- start_time (end_time) & period def if (preg_match('/(\\d+)d/', $type, $m)) { //days (86400) &type=1d $total = (int) $m[1]; $period = round($total * 24 * 60 * 60 / (($w - 80) / $px_per_point)); $start_time = $end_time - $total * 24 * 60 * 60;
?> <div class="container"> <h4 class="text-center"> <?php echo $Getir['sarki_sarkici']; ?> - <?php echo $Getir['sarki_adi']; ?> </h4> <h5 class="text-center"> <small><b><?php echo $Getir['sarki_ekleyen']; ?> </b> tarafından <b><?php echo timeConvert($Getir['sarki_tarih']); ?> </b> oluşturuldu</small> </h5> <div class="col-md-3" style="display: block;"></div> <div class="col-md-8" style="display: block;"> <?php if ($Getir['sarki_link']) { YoutubeResim($Getir['sarki_link']); ?> <br> <br> <?php YoutubeVideo($Getir['sarki_link']); ?> <br>
<label for="numberDay">Sisesta</label> <input type="text" class="numberDay" id="numberDay" name="numberDay"/> <input type="color" name="color"/> <input type="submit" value="edasi"/> </form> <?php exit; function timeConvert($mysqlTime) { date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Helsinki'); $date = date_create($mysqlTime); $timestamp = date_timestamp_get($date); echo $timestamp; } $mysqlTime = "2006-12-24 10:12:00"; timeConvert($mysqlTime); ?> <style type="text/css"> input:invalid { background-color: red; } input:valid { background-color: green; } </style> <form> <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox"/> <input type="text" spellcheck="true"/> <input required="required" x-moz-errormessage="katakana" type="url" pattern="https?://.+" step="0.1" onchange="console.log('color: '+this.value);"/>
$ttx = $tt1 / $ttp; if ($ttn - $tt0 > 86400) { $ttx = $ttx - $width; } $d1on_ = timeConvert("00:00") - 3600; $d1off_ = timeConvert("07:00") - 3600; $d2on_ = timeConvert("07:00") - 3600; $d2off_ = timeConvert("10:00") - 3600; $d3on_ = timeConvert("10:00") - 3600; $d3off_ = timeConvert("17:00") - 3600; $d4on_ = timeConvert("17:00") - 3600; $d4off_ = timeConvert("21:00") - 3600; $d5on_ = timeConvert("21:00") - 3600; $d5off_ = timeConvert("23:00") - 3600; $d6on_ = timeConvert("23:00") - 3600; $d6off_ = timeConvert("23:59") - 3600; $d1on = $d1on_ - $tt0; $d1off = $d1off_ - $tt0; $d2on = $d2on_ - $tt0; $d2off = $d2off_ - $tt0; $d3on = $d3on_ - $tt0; $d3off = $d3off_ - $tt0; $d4on = $d4on_ - $tt0; $d4off = $d4off_ - $tt0; $d5on = $d5on_ - $tt0; $d5off = $d5off_ - $tt0; $d6on = $d6on_ - $tt0; $d6off = $d6off_ - $tt0; $d1onx = $d1on / $ttp; $d1offx = $d1off / $ttp; $d2onx = $d2on / $ttp;
if (mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM BOOKINGS WHERE email='{$email}' AND SEMINARS_seminarID={$seminar}"))['email']) { $response = "<h1>You have already registered for this seminar!</h1>"; echo $response; } else { mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO BOOKINGS (email,bookID,SEMINARS_seminarID,SEMINARS_ROOMS_roomsID,fname,lname) VALUES ('{$email}',{$numID},{$seminar},{$room},'{$fName}','{$lName}')"); mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE SEMINARS SET attendees=(SELECT count(*) FROM BOOKINGS WHERE SEMINARS_seminarID={$seminar}) WHERE seminarID={$seminar}"); $spokesperson = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT name FROM SPOKESPERSONS WHERE spokespersonID=(SELECT SPOKESPERSONS_spokespersonID FROM SEMINARS WHERE seminarID={$seminar})"))['name']; $email_spokesperson = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT email FROM SPOKESPERSONS WHERE spokespersonID=(SELECT SPOKESPERSONS_spokespersonID FROM SEMINARS WHERE seminarID={$seminar})"))['email']; $title = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT title FROM SEMINARS WHERE seminarID={$seminar}"))['title']; $booking = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT bookID FROM BOOKINGS WHERE email='{$email}' AND SEMINARS_seminarID={$seminar}"))['bookID']; $start_date = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT start_date FROM SEMINARS WHERE seminarID=" . $seminar))['start_date']; $end_date = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT end_date FROM SEMINARS WHERE seminarID=" . $seminar))['end_date']; $link = base_url() . 'index.php/withdraw/' . $booking; $date = dateConvert($start_date, ['start_date']); $start_time = timeConvert($start_date, ['start_date']); $end_time = timeConvert($end_date, ['end_date']); $response = "<h2>Congratulations!</h2><p>You have successfully registered for the {$title} seminar.\n Don not forget that the seminar starts on {$date} at {$start_time} and ends at {$end_time}.\n Should you wish to unregister, please click on the button below or send an email to {$spokesperson} at <a href='mailto:{$email_spokesperson}?Subject=Withdrawal%20{$title}%20 seminar'>{$email_spokesperson}</a>.\n </p><a href='{$link}'>Withdraw</a>"; echo $response; $db->close(); } function dateConvert($obj) { $time = strtotime($obj); $format = date('l, F jS, Y', $time); return $format; } function timeConvert($obj, $value) { $time = strtotime($obj); $format = date('g:i a', $time); return $format;