function task_select(&$state, &$HTML, $rec = -1) { if ($rec < 0) { //checking returned if (!isset($_GET["row"])) { return; } $rec = $_GET["row"]; //get row number } task_list($state); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists($rec, $state->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid task id " . $rec, true); } $record = $state->records[$rec]; if ($record[1] != "") { $inactive = new DateTime($record[1]); $diff = date_diff($state->from_date, $inactive)->days; if ($diff < $state->columns[COL_INACTIVE]) { $state->columns[COL_INACTIVE] = $diff; $state->columns[COL_AGENT] = "task"; } $record[0] .= "<br>(inactive as of " . $record[1] . ")"; } $state->task_id = $rec; $state->msgStatus = ""; $HTML .= "cell = document.getElementById('TK_" . $state->row . "');\n"; $HTML .= "cell.innerHTML = '" . $record[0] . "';\n"; }
function entry_audit() { global $_DB, $_STATE; init_setup(); //restore the list if (!array_key_exists($_POST["selOrgs"], $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid org id " . $_POST["selOrgs"]); //we're being spoofed } init_setup(); //re-display the list $_SESSION["organization_id"] = intval($_POST["selOrgs"]); //Set theme for organization: $sql = "SELECT theme FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "d10_preferences\n\t\t\tWHERE organization_idref=" . $_SESSION["organization_id"] . ";"; $stmt = $_DB->query($sql); if ($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) { $_SESSION["_SITE_CONF"]["THEME"] = $row->theme; } $stmt->closeCursor(); $_SESSION["org_TZO"] = $_STATE->records[$_POST["selOrgs"]][1]; $_SESSION["UserPermits"] = $GLOBALS["_PERMITS"]->get_permits($_SESSION["person_id"]); //set the users's permissions $_STATE->msgStatus = "Your organization has been changed"; return true; }
function field_input_audit() { global $_STATE; $errors = ""; foreach ($_STATE->fields as $name => $field) { if (($msg = $field->audit()) === true) { continue; } $errors .= "<br>" . $name . ": " . $msg; } if ($errors != "") { $_STATE->msgStatus = "Error:" . $errors; return false; } $diff = date_diff($_STATE->fields["Close Date"]->value, COM_NOW(), true); if ($diff->m > 2) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "The Close Date is suspect - proceeding anyway"; } if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selAccounting"]), $_STATE->accounting)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid accounting id " . $_POST["selAccounting"]); //we're being spoofed } $_STATE->accounting_id = intval($_POST["selAccounting"]); //Should check to see if inactive is greater than any timelogs? foreach ($_STATE->fields as $name => $field) { $field->disabled = true; } return TRUE; }
function errorButler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if ($_SESSION["_SITE_CONF"]["RUNLEVEL"] == 1) { return false; } error_log($errstr . " in " . $errfile . " on line " . $errline); throw_the_bum_out("An error has occurred<br> please notify the system administrator", NULL); return true; }
function accounting_select() { global $_STATE; accounting_list(); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selAccounting"]), $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid accounting id " . $_POST["selAccounting"]); //we're being spoofed } $_STATE->record_id = intval($_POST["selAccounting"]); }
function org_select() { global $_STATE; list_setup(); //restore the org list if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selOrg"]), $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid org id " . $_POST["selOrg"]); //we're being spoofed } $_STATE->record_id = intval($_POST["selOrg"]); }
function date_select(&$state, &$HTML) { $rec = strval($_GET["row"]); if ($rec < $state->columns[COL_OPEN] || $rec >= $state->columns[COL_INACTIVE]) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid date " . $rec, true); } $state->logdate = clone $state->from_date; $state->logdate->add(new DateInterval('P' . $rec . 'D')); $state->msgStatus = ""; $HTML .= "cell = document.getElementById('DT_" . $state->row . "');\n"; $HTML .= "cell.innerHTML = '" . $state->logdate->format("Y-m-d") . "';\n"; }
function subtask_select($ID = -1) { global $_STATE; if ($ID < 0) { //not yet selected subtask_list(); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selSubtask"]), $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid subtask id " . $_POST["selSubtask"]); //we're being spoofed } $ID = intval($_POST["selSubtask"]); } $_STATE->record_id = $ID; }
function entry_audit(&$permits) { global $_DB, $_STATE; permit_list($permits); //the allowable permits if (isset($_POST["chkPermit"])) { foreach ($_POST["chkPermit"] as $ID => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($ID, $_STATE->fields)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid permit id " . $_POST["chkPermit"]); } if ($value == "on") { $_STATE->fields[strval($ID)]->checked = TRUE; } } } foreach ($_STATE->fields as $ID => &$permit) { $permit->disabled = true; $sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO " . $_DB->prefix . "c20_person_permit (person_idref, permit_idref"; $sqlvalues = "VALUES (" . $_STATE->person_id . ", " . $ID; if (!$permit->assigned && $permit->checked) { //add permit switch ($permit->grade) { case PERMITS::GR_PRJ: $sqlinsert .= ", project_idref"; $sqlvalues .= ", " . $_STATE->project_id; //fall thru to also set org //fall thru to also set org case PERMITS::GR_ORG: $sqlinsert .= ", organization_idref"; $sqlvalues .= ", " . $_SESSION["organization_id"]; //case PERMITS::GR_SYS doesn't set org or project idrefs } $sqlinsert .= ") "; $sqlvalues .= ");"; $_DB->exec($sqlinsert . $sqlvalues); $permit->assigned = true; } else { if ($permit->assigned && !$permit->checked) { //delete permit $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "c20_person_permit\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE person_permit_id=" . $permit->person_permit . ";"; $_DB->exec($sql); $permit->assigned = false; } } } return TRUE; }
function entry_audit() { global $_STATE; init_setup(); //restore the list if (!array_key_exists($_POST["selOrgs"], $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid org id " . $_POST["selOrgs"]); //we're being spoofed } init_setup(); //re-display the list $_SESSION["organization_id"] = intval($_POST["selOrgs"]); $_SESSION["org_TZO"] = $_STATE->records[$_POST["selOrgs"]][1]; $_SESSION["UserPermits"] = $GLOBALS["_PERMITS"]->get_permits($_SESSION["person_id"]); //set the users's permissions $_STATE->msgStatus = "Your organization has been changed"; return true; }
function entry_audit() { global $_STATE; if (!isset($_POST["chkTable"])) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "No tables were saved"; return; } foreach ($_POST["chkTable"] as $ID => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($ID, $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid table name " . $_POST["chkTable"]); } if ($value == "on") { $_STATE->msgStatus .= "<br>" . $ID; if (!save($_STATE->records[$ID])) { $_STATE->msgStatus .= ": attempted save failed"; } } } return; }
<?php //copyright 2010,2014-2015 C.D.Price $_TEMP_PERMIT = "_LEGAL_"; //a temp permission for the "are you logged in" gate (in prepend) require_once "prepend.php"; require_once "common.php"; require_once "db_" . $_SESSION['_SITE_CONF']['DBMANAGER'] . ".php"; if (isset($_POST["btnSubmit"])) { //logging out throw_the_bum_out("Goodbye!", "Logout: by id=" . $_SESSION["person_id"]); //let prepend take care of it (not really a bum) } $organization = ""; $person = ""; if (isset($_SESSION["person_id"])) { //logged in $db = new db_connect($_SESSION['_SITE_CONF']['DBEDITOR']); $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . $db->prefix . "a00_organization WHERE organization_id=:org"; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':org', $_SESSION["organization_id"], PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); if (!($row = $stmt->fetchObject())) { $organization = "--No Organization--"; } else { $organization = COM_output_edit($row->name); } $stmt->closeCursor(); $sql = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM " . $db->prefix . "c00_person WHERE person_id=:person"; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':person', $_SESSION["person_id"], PDO::PARAM_INT);
break 2; case STATE::UPDATE: $_STATE->msgGreet = ""; $new_date = new DATE_FIELD("txtNew", "", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0, FALSE, "now"); $msg = $new_date->audit(); if ($msg === true) { upgrade($new_date); } else { $_STATE->msgStatus = $msg; $_STATE->status = STATE::INIT; break; } $_STATE->status = STATE::DONE; break 2; default: throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid state=" . $_STATE->status); } } //while & switch //End Main State Gate function old_date() { global $_DB, $_STATE; $sql = "SELECT MAX(logdate) as old_date FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "b00_timelog;"; $stmt = $_DB->query($sql); $row = $stmt->fetchObject(); $old_date = new DateTime($row->old_date); $stmt->closeCursor(); $days = array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); $_STATE->old_date = $days[$old_date->format("w")] . " " . $old_date->format("Y-m-d"); }
<?php if ($_SESSION["person_id"] != 0 && $_SESSION["_SITE_CONF"]["RUNLEVEL"] != 1 || !$_PERMITS->can_pass(PERMITS::_SUPERUSER)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): no permit"); } phpinfo();
public function set_state($ID = -1) { global $_DB, $_STATE; if ($ID > 0) { //either object construct sees only 1 rec or page has chosen another in list $this->selected = true; if (!array_key_exists($ID, $this->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid project id " . $selected); } $this->project_id = $ID; if ($this->select_list[0] == -1) { $this->select_list[0] = $ID; } } elseif (!$this->selected) { //returned POST if (isset($_POST["selProject"]) || isset($_POST["btnAll"])) { if (isset($_POST["btnAll"])) { $this->select_list = array(); foreach ($this->records as $key => $value) { if ($value[self::INACTIVE] != '' && !$this->show_inactive) { continue; } $this->select_list[] = $key; } } else { $this->select_list = $_POST["selProject"]; //$_POST[""selProject"] is an array } $this->selected = true; if ($this->select_list[0] == -1) { //adding if ($this->multiple) { $_STATE->project_ids = $this->select_list; } $this->project_id = -1; $_STATE->project_id = $this->project_id; return; } $this->project_id = $this->select_list[0]; } foreach ($this->select_list as $selected) { if (!array_key_exists($selected, $this->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid project id " . $selected); } } } $_STATE->project_id = $this->project_id; $_STATE->project_ids = $this->select_list; $sql = "SELECT a10.close_date, a20.accounting_id, AS accounting\n\t\tFROM " . $_DB->prefix . "a10_project AS a10\n\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN " . $_DB->prefix . "a20_accounting AS a20\n\t\tON a10.accounting_idref = a20.accounting_id\n\t\tWHERE project_id=" . $_STATE->project_id . ";"; $stmt = $_DB->query($sql); $row = $stmt->fetchObject(); $_STATE->close_date = new DateTime($row->close_date); $_STATE->accounting_id = $row->accounting_id; $_STATE->accounting = $row->accounting; $stmt->closeCursor(); }
function change_activity(&$state) { global $_DB; if ($state->activity_id == 0) { //creating a new one add_activity($state); } else { activity_list($state); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists($state->activity_id, $state->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid activity id " . $state->activity_id, true); } } log_list($state, $state->row); //find this row's records $record = reset($state->records); $old_activity = $record["activity_id"]; if ($state->activity_id == $old_activity) { return; } foreach ($state->records as $ID => $record) { if ($record["column"] < $state->columns[COL_OPEN]) { continue; } $sql = "UPDATE " . $_DB->prefix . "b00_timelog\n\t\t\t\tSET activity_idref=" . $state->activity_id . " WHERE timelog_id=" . $ID . ";"; $_DB->exec($sql); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "b00_timelog WHERE activity_idref=" . $old_activity . ""; $stmt = $_DB->query($sql); if ($stmt->fetchObject()->count == 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "b02_activity WHERE activity_id=" . $old_activity . ""; $_DB->exec($sql); } $stmt->closeCursor(); }
function save_input() { global $_STATE; $_STATE->new_rate = array("ID" => $_POST["ID"], "rate" => $_POST["rate"], "eff" => $_POST["eff"], "exp" => $_POST["exp"]); person_list(); if (!array_key_exists($_STATE->record_id, $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid person id"); } //we're being spoofed $rates = $_STATE->records[$_STATE->record_id]["rates"]; $ndx = 0; if ($_POST["ID"] == 0) { $rate_rec = array("ID" => 0); array_unshift($rates, $rate_rec); //add to beginning } else { $found = false; foreach ($rates as $rate_rec) { if ($rate_rec["ID"] == $_STATE->new_rate["ID"]) { $found = true; break; } ++$ndx; } if (!$found) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid rate id"); } } $_STATE->rates = $rates; //rates for this person $_STATE->rate_ndx = $ndx; }
function new_info(&$db, &$state) { if (!isset($_POST["recID"])) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid POST", true); } if (!audit_counts($db, $state)) { return false; } $recID = $_POST["recID"]; if ($recID == 0) { //adding add_log($db, $state); return true; } log_list($db, $state); if (!array_key_exists(strval($recID), $state->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid recID " . $recID, true); } if ($state->records[$recID]["event_id"] != $_POST["event"]) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid record " . $recID, true); } if ($_POST["sessions"] == 0) { delete_log($db, $state); } else { update_log($db, $state); } return true; }
function record_select() { global $_DB, $_STATE; list_setup(); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selEvent"]), $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid event id " . $_POST["selEvent"]); //we're being spoofed } $_STATE->record_id = intval($_POST["selEvent"]); $sql = "SELECT name, description FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "a30_event\n\t\t\tWHERE event_id=" . $_STATE->record_id . ";"; $row = $_DB->query($sql)->fetchObject(); $_STATE->forwho = $row->name . ": " . $row->description; //PROPERTIES wants to see this }
public function set_state($ID = -1) { global $_DB, $_STATE; if ($ID > 0) { //either object construct sees only 1 rec or page has chosen another in list $this->selected = true; if (!array_key_exists($ID, $this->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid person id " . $selected); } $this->person_id = $ID; } elseif (!$this->selected) { //returned POST or superduper user if (isset($_POST["selPerson"]) || isset($_POST["btnAll"])) { if (isset($_POST["btnAll"])) { $this->select_list = array_keys($this->records); } else { $this->select_list = $_POST["selPerson"]; //$_POST[""selPerson"] is an array } $this->selected = true; if ($this->select_list[0] == -1) { //adding if ($this->multiple) { $_STATE->person_ids = $this->select_list; } $this->person_id = -1; $_STATE->person_id = $this->person_id; return; } $this->person_id = $this->select_list[0]; } else { //it's the superduper user if ($_SESSION["person_id"] != 0) { //or is it throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid person id " . $this->selected); } $_STATE->person_id = 0; $_STATE->person_organization_id = 0; $sql = "SELECT lastname, firstname FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "c00_person WHERE person_id=0;"; $row = $_DB->query($sql)->fetchObject(); $_STATE->person_name = $row->firstname . " " . $row->lastname; return; } foreach ($this->select_list as $selected) { if (!array_key_exists($selected, $this->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid person id " . $selected); } } } $_STATE->person_id = $this->person_id; if ($this->multiple) { $_STATE->person_ids = $this->select_list; } $_STATE->person_name = $this->records[$this->person_id][1] . " " . $this->records[$this->person_id][0]; $sql = "SELECT person_organization_id FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "c10_person_organization\n\t\t\tWHERE organization_idref=" . $_SESSION["organization_id"] . " AND person_idref=" . $_STATE->person_id . ";"; $stmt = $_DB->query($sql); $row = $stmt->fetchObject(); $_STATE->person_organization_id = $row->person_organization_id; $stmt->closeCursor(); // $_STATE->person_organization_id = $_DB->query($sql)->fetchObject()->person_organization_id; }
function change_event(&$state) { global $_DB; event_list($state); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists($state->event_id, $state->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid eventing id " . $state->event_id, true); } log_list($state, $state->row); //find this row's records $record = reset($state->records); $old_event = $record["event_id"]; if ($state->event_id == $old_event) { return; } foreach ($state->records as $ID => $record) { if ($record["column"] < $state->columns[COL_OPEN]) { continue; } $sql = "UPDATE " . $_DB->prefix . "b10_eventlog\n\t\t\t\tSET event_idref=" . $state->event_id . " WHERE eventlog_id=" . $ID . ";"; $_DB->exec($sql); } }
function entry_audit() { global $_STATE; if (!isset($_POST["chkTable"])) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "No tables were refreshed"; return; } if ($_POST["txtCount"] != "" && !is_numeric($_POST["txtCount"])) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "Invalid 'Stop after' count"; return; } tables_list(); try { //Use an unprintable char as the delimiter: $db = new db_connect("\r" . $_POST["txtName"] . "\r" . $_POST["txtPswd"]); } catch (PDOException $e) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage(); return; } foreach ($_POST["chkTable"] as $ID => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($ID, $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid table name " . $_POST["chkTable"]); } if ($value == "on") { $_STATE->msgStatus .= $ID; if (!refresh($db, $_STATE->records[$ID])) { $_STATE->msgStatus .= ": attempted refresh failed"; } $_STATE->msgStatus .= "<br>"; } } $db = NULL; return; }
if ($_STATE->backup < 0) { $_STATE = $_STATE->goback(-$_STATE->backup); } else { $_STATE = $_STATE->loopback($_STATE->backup); } } else { if (isset($_GET["servercall"]) || isset($_POST["servercall"])) { $EX_servercall = true; ob_clean(); //server_call wants a clean buffer } } } require_once "lib/staff.php"; if (!isset($EX_staff[$_STATE->ID])) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid process ID"); } else { $EX_staffer = $EX_staff[$_STATE->ID]; eval($EX_staffer[PRE_EXEC]); require_once "main/" . $EX_staffer[PAGE]; } //called processes should not exit(); or, if they do, they must do their own STATE->push(), etc $_STATE->push(); $_DB = NULL; function EX_pageStart($scripts = array()) { //The standardized HTML stuff at the top of the page: global $_STATE, $EX_servercall, $_VERSION; if ($EX_servercall) { exit; //server_call wants a clean buffer
<?php require_once "lib/permits.php"; $_PERMITS = new PERMITS(); //Successful login sets a "_LEGAL_" permit so that subsequent modules can get through this gate; //Publicly viewable pages, eg. login.php, will declare a $_TEMP_PERMIT = "_LEGAL_" if (!$_PERMITS->can_pass("_LEGAL_")) { //must be logged in; prevents specifying module in URL to bypass login throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): no permit; not _LEGAL_"); }
function audit_hours(&$state, &$logdate, &$status) { global $_DB; $ID = 0; if ($state->row > 0) { //0 is add row log_list($state); foreach ($state->records as $ID => $record) { //find this row's records if ($record["row"] == $state->row) { break; } array_shift($state->records); } if ($ID == 0) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid POST 1", true); } } $day = clone $logdate; for ($ndx = 0; $ndx < abs($state->columns); $ndx++, $day->add(new DateInterval('P1D'))) { if (!isset($_POST["hours" . $ndx]) || $ndx < $state->closedCols || $_POST["hours" . $ndx] == "") { $status[] = ''; //no change to this record continue; } if (!isset($_POST["rec" . $ndx])) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid POST 2", true); } $hours = $_POST["hours" . $ndx]; $recID = $_POST["rec" . $ndx]; //from data-recid attribute $state->msgStatus = "!Please enter valid hours (" . $ndx . ")"; if (!audit_hour($state, $recID, $hours, $day->format("Y-m-d"))) { return false; } if ($recID == 0) { //if adding hours, we're done if ($hours == 0) { $status[] = ''; } else { $status[] = 'a'; } continue; } foreach ($state->records as $ID => $record) { //find our record if ($record["row"] != $state->row) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid POST 3", true); } if ($record["column"] == $ndx) { break; } array_shift($state->records); } if ($record["ID"] != $recID) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid POST 4", true); } if ($hours == 0) { $status[] = 'd'; } elseif ($hours == $record["hours"]) { $status[] = ''; } else { $status[] = 'u'; } } if ($state->row > 0) { //0 is add row $state->task_id = intval($_POST["task"]); $state->subtask_id = intval($_POST["subtask"]); $state->account_id = intval($_POST["account"]); $state->activity_id = intval($_POST["activity"]); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "v00_timelog\n\t\t\t\tWHERE (person_id=" . $state->person_id . ") AND (project_id=" . $state->project_id . ")\n\t\t\t\tAND (logdate BETWEEN '" . $state->from_date->format('Y-m-d') . "' AND '" . $state->to_date->format('Y-m-d') . "')\n\t\t\t\tAND (task_id=" . $state->task_id . ") AND (subtask_id=" . $state->subtask_id . ")\n\t\t\t\tAND (account_id=" . $state->account_id . ") AND (activity_id=" . $state->activity_id . ");"; $stmt = $_DB->query($sql); if ($stmt->fetchObject()->count == 0) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid POST 5", true); } } $state->msgStatus = "-"; //tell server_call to reset page return true; }
public function set_state($ID = -1) { global $_DB, $_STATE; if ($ID > 0) { //either object construct sees only 1 rec or page has chosen another in list $this->selected = true; if (!array_key_exists($ID, $this->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid project id " . $selected); } $this->project_id = $ID; } elseif (!$this->selected) { //returned POST if (isset($_POST["selProject"]) || isset($_POST["btnAll"])) { if (isset($_POST["btnAll"])) { $this->select_list = array_keys($this->records); } else { $this->select_list = $_POST["selProject"]; //$_POST[""selProject"] is an array } $this->selected = true; if ($this->select_list[0] == -1) { //adding if ($this->multiple) { $_STATE->project_ids = $this->select_list; } $this->project_id = -1; $_STATE->project_id = $this->project_id; return; } $this->project_id = $this->select_list[0]; } foreach ($this->select_list as $selected) { if (!array_key_exists($selected, $this->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid project id " . $selected); } } } $_STATE->project_id = $this->project_id; if ($this->multiple) { $_STATE->project_ids = $this->select_list; } // $record = $this->records[strval($_STATE->project_id)]; $sql = "SELECT a10.close_date, a20.accounting_id, AS accounting\n\t\tFROM " . $_DB->prefix . "a10_project AS a10\n\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN " . $_DB->prefix . "a20_accounting AS a20\n\t\tON a10.accounting_idref = a20.accounting_id\n\t\tWHERE project_id=" . $_STATE->project_id . ";"; $stmt = $_DB->query($sql); $row = $stmt->fetchObject(); $_STATE->close_date = new DateTime($row->close_date); // if (count($_STATE->project_ids) == 1) { // $record = $this->records[strval($_STATE->project_id)]; // $_STATE->heading .= "<br>Project: ".$record[0].": ".$record[1]. // "<br>close date=".$_STATE->close_date->format("Y-m-d"); // } $_STATE->accounting_id = $row->accounting_id; $_STATE->accounting = $row->accounting; $stmt->closeCursor(); }
function subtask_select($ID = -1) { global $_DB, $_STATE; if ($ID < 0) { //not yet selected subtask_list(); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selSubtask"]), $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid subtask id " . $_POST["selSubtask"]); //we're being spoofed } $ID = intval($_POST["selSubtask"]); } $_STATE->record_id = $ID; $sql = "SELECT name, description FROM " . $_DB->prefix . "a14_subtask\n\t\t\tWHERE subtask_id=" . $_STATE->record_id . ";"; $row = $_DB->query($sql)->fetchObject(); $_STATE->forwho = $row->name . ": " . $row->description; //PROPERTIES wants to see this }
function state_gate(&$state) { if ($state->PREFSETgoback == "y") { return false; } //all done here //State Gate: (the while (1==1) allows a loop back through the switch using a 'break 1') while (1 == 1) { switch ($this->status) { case PREF_SET::PREF_INIT: //All client interaction is via server_call which bypasses state maintenance in executive.php, //hence, we must handle the state (fortunately, it's very simple): $state->PREFSETgoback = "y"; $state->replace(); //put a new SSO on the state stack; we assume that we got here thru normal executive.php //channels (ie. not via server_call) which will put yet another SSO on the stack; to get back //to the SSO with PREFSETgoback="y", must now backup 2 entries: $state->PREFSETgoback = "n"; $state->backup = -2; //minus => goback 2 entries (positive => goback to status) $state->push(); $state = STATE_pull(); $this->get_recs(); $this->status = PREF_SET::PREF_DISP; break 2; case PREF_SET::PREF_DISP: $this->pref_name = $_GET["who"]; $this->status = PREF_SET::PREF_CHANGE; echo $this->display_back(); break 2; case PREF_SET::PREF_CHANGE: if (isset($_GET["who"])) { $this->status = PREF_SET::PREF_DISP; break 1; } echo $this->new_pref(); break 2; default: throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): PREF_SET error"); } } //while & switch //End Main State Gate return true; }
function entry_audit() { global $_STATE; if (!isset($_POST["chkTable"])) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "No tables were loaded"; return; } tables_list(); try { //Use an unprintable char as the delimiter: $db = new db_connect("\r" . $_POST["txtName"] . "\r" . $_POST["txtPswd"]); } catch (PDOException $e) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage(); return; } foreach ($_POST["chkTable"] as $ID => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($ID, $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid table name " . $_POST["chkTable"]); } if ($value == "on") { $_STATE->msgStatus .= $ID; if ($_STATE->records[$ID]->MDBname == "") { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): non-loadable table " . $_POST["chkTable"]); } if (!load($db, $_STATE->records[$ID])) { $_STATE->msgStatus .= "<br>attempted load of " . $GLOBALS["MDBload_path"] . $_STATE->records[$ID]->MDBname . ".csv" . " failed"; } $_STATE->msgStatus .= "<br>"; } } $db = NULL; return; }
function new_info(&$state) { $state->recID = 0; if ($state->row > 0) { //0 is add row log_list($state); foreach ($state->records as $recID => $record) { $state->recID = $recID; if ($record["row"] == $state->row) { break; } } if ($state->recID == 0) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid POST", true); } } if (!audit_counts($state)) { return false; } if (substr($_POST["comments"], 0, 1) == "\n") { $_POST["comments"] = "---"; } $logdate = clone $state->from_date; if ($state->recID == 0) { //adding if (!audit_date($state, $logdate)) { return false; } add_log($state); return; } if ($state->records[$state->recID]["event_id"] != $_POST["event"] || $state->records[$state->recID]["account_id"] != $_POST["account"]) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid record " . $recID, true); } if ($_POST["sessions"] == 0) { delete_log($state); } else { update_log($state); } }