コード例 #1
ファイル: theme-options.php プロジェクト: riaface/GrowBeyond
function themerex_options_load_scripts()
    // WP Color Picker
    themerex_enqueue_style('wp-color-picker', false, array(), null);
    // ThemeREX options styles
    themerex_enqueue_style('themerex-options-style', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/css/theme-options.css'), array(), null);
    themerex_enqueue_style('themerex-options-style-datepicker', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/css/theme-options-datepicker.css'), array(), null);
    // ThemeREX messages script
    themerex_enqueue_style('themerex-messages-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/messages/_messages.css'), array(), null);
    // WP core scripts
    themerex_enqueue_script('wp-color-picker', false, array('jquery'), null, true);
    // jQuery scripts
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core', false, array('jquery'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-tabs', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-accordion', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-sortable', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-draggable', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-datepicker', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-input-mask', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/js/jquery.maskedinput.1.3.1.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
    // ThemeREX options scripts
    themerex_enqueue_script('themerex-options-script', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/js/theme-options.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
    // ThemeREX messages script
    themerex_enqueue_script('themerex-messages', themerex_get_file_url('/js/messages/_messages.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
コード例 #2
 function load_scripts()
     if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == 'trx_emailer') {
         themerex_enqueue_style('trx-emailer-style', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/tools/emailer/emailer.css'), array(), null);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == 'trx_emailer') {
         themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core', false, array('jquery'), null, true);
         themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-tabs', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
         themerex_enqueue_script('trx-emailer-script', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/tools/emailer/emailer.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: shortcodes.php プロジェクト: amankatoch/wp-plugin
function sc_zoom($atts, $content = null)
    if (in_shortcode_blogger()) {
        return '';
    extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => "", "class" => "", "src" => "", "url" => "", "over" => "", "border" => "none", "align" => "", "width" => "", "height" => "", "top" => "", "bottom" => "", "left" => "", "right" => ""), $atts));
    $s = getStyleString('!' . $top, '!' . $right, '!' . $bottom, '!' . $left, $width, $height);
    $width = getStyleValue($width);
    $height = getStyleValue($height);
    if (empty($id)) {
        $id = 'sc_zoom_' . str_replace('.', '', mt_rand());
    themerex_enqueue_script('elevate-zoom', themerex_get_file_url('/js/jquery.elevateZoom-3.0.4.min.js'), array(), null, true);
    $src = $src != '' ? $src : $url;
    if ($src > 0) {
        $attach = wp_get_attachment_image_src($src, 'full');
        if (isset($attach[0]) && $attach[0] != '') {
            $src = $attach[0];
    if ($over > 0) {
        $attach = wp_get_attachment_image_src($over, 'full');
        if (isset($attach[0]) && $attach[0] != '') {
            $over = $attach[0];
    return empty($src) ? '' : (!sc_param_is_off($border) ? '<div class="sc_border sc_border_' . $border . '">' : '') . '<div' . ($id ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' class="sc_zoom' . (!empty($class) ? ' ' . $class : '') . '"' . ($s != '' ? ' style="' . $s . '"' : '') . '>' . '<img src="' . $src . '"' . ($height != '' ? ' style="height:' . $height . ';"' : '') . ' data-zoom-image="' . $over . '" alt="" />' . '</div>' . (!sc_param_is_off($border) ? '</div>' : '');
コード例 #4

$show_all = !isset($postinfo_buttons) || !is_array($postinfo_buttons);
// Social share buttons
if (is_singular() && get_theme_option('show_share') == 'yes') {
    themerex_enqueue_script('social-share', themerex_get_file_url('/js/social/social-share.js'), array(), null, true);
if ($show_all || in_array('more', $postinfo_buttons)) {
	<li class="squareButton light ico"><a class="icon-link" title="<?php 
    _e('More', 'themerex');
" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url($post_data['post_link']);
    _e('More', 'themerex');
if ($show_all || in_array('likes', $postinfo_buttons)) {
    $likes = isset($_COOKIE['themerex_likes']) ? $_COOKIE['themerex_likes'] : '';
    $allow = themerex_strpos($likes, ',' . $post_data['post_id'] . ',') === false;
	<li class="likeButton like<?php 
コード例 #5
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('User menu text color', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select user menu foreground color."', 'themerex'), "id" => "user_menu_fore_color", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Show Theme customizer', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Do you want to show theme customizer in the right panel? Your website visitors will be able to customise it yourself.', 'themerex'), "id" => "show_theme_customizer", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "no", "options" => $yes_no, "type" => "switch");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Remember visitor\'s settings', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('To remember the settings that were made by the visitor, when navigating to other pages or to limit their effect only within the current page', 'themerex'), "id" => "remember_visitors_settings", "std" => "yes", "options" => $yes_no, "type" => "switch");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Responsive Layouts', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Do you want use responsive layouts on small screen or still use main layout?', 'themerex'), "id" => "responsive_layouts", "std" => "yes", "options" => $yes_no, "type" => "switch");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Favicon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Upload a 16px x 16px image that will represent your website\'s favicon.<br /><em>To ensure cross-browser compatibility, we recommend converting the favicon into .ico format before uploading. (<a href="http://www.favicon.cc/">www.favicon.cc</a>)</em>', 'themerex'), "id" => "favicon", "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Additional CSS and HTML/JS code', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Put here your custom CSS and JS code', 'themerex'), "override" => "category,page,post", "type" => "info");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Your CSS code', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Put here your css code to correct main theme styles', 'themerex'), "id" => "custom_css", "override" => "category,post,page", "divider" => false, "cols" => 80, "rows" => 20, "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Your HTML/JS code', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Put here your invisible html/js code: Google analitics, counters, etc', 'themerex'), "id" => "custom_code", "override" => "category,post,page", "cols" => 80, "rows" => 20, "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Body style', 'themerex'), "id" => 'customization_body', "override" => "category,post,page", "icon" => 'iconadmin-picture-1', "type" => "tab");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Body parameters', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Background color, pattern and image used only for fixed body style.', 'themerex'), "override" => "category,post,page", "type" => "info");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Body style', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select body style:<br><b>boxed</b> - if you want use background color and/or image,<br><b>wide</b> - page fill whole window with centered content,<br><b>fullwide</b> - page content stretched on the full width of the window (with few left and right paddings),<br><b>fullscreen</b> - page content fill whole window without any paddings', 'themerex'), "id" => "body_style", "divider" => false, "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "wide", "options" => $body_styles, "dir" => "horizontal", "type" => "radio");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Load background image', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Always load background images or only for boxed body style', 'themerex'), "id" => "load_bg_image", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "boxed", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('boxed' => __('Boxed', 'themerex'), 'always' => __('Always', 'themerex')), "type" => "switch");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Background color', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Body background color', 'themerex'), "id" => "bg_color", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "#bfbfbf", "type" => "color");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Background predefined pattern', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select theme background pattern (first case - without pattern)', 'themerex'), "id" => "bg_pattern", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "options" => array(0 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/spacer.png'), 1 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_1.png'), 2 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_2.png'), 3 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_3.png'), 4 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_4.png'), 5 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_5.png'), 6 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_6.png'), 7 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_7.png'), 8 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_8.png'), 9 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/pattern_9.png')), "style" => "list", "type" => "images");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Background custom pattern', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select or upload background custom pattern. If selected - use it instead the theme predefined pattern (selected in the field above)', 'themerex'), "id" => "bg_custom_pattern", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Background predefined image', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select theme background image (first case - without image)', 'themerex'), "id" => "bg_image", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "options" => array(0 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/spacer.png'), 1 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_1_thumb.jpg'), 2 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_2_thumb.jpg'), 3 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_3_thumb.jpg'), 4 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_4_thumb.jpg'), 5 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_5_thumb.jpg'), 6 => themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_6_thumb.jpg')), "style" => "list", "type" => "images");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Background custom image', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select or upload background custom image. If selected - use it instead the theme predefined image (selected in the field above)', 'themerex'), "id" => "bg_custom_image", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Background custom image position', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select custom image position', 'themerex'), "id" => "bg_custom_image_position", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "left_top", "options" => array('left_top' => "Left Top", 'center_top' => "Center Top", 'right_top' => "Right Top", 'left_center' => "Left Center", 'center_center' => "Center Center", 'right_center' => "Right Center", 'left_bottom' => "Left Bottom", 'center_bottom' => "Center Bottom", 'right_bottom' => "Right Bottom"), "type" => "select");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Show video background', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Show video on the site background (only for Fullscreen body style)", 'themerex'), "id" => "show_video_bg", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "no", "options" => $yes_no, "type" => "switch");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Youtube code for video bg', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Youtube code of video", 'themerex'), "id" => "video_bg_youtube_code", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Local video for video bg', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("URL to video-file (uploaded on your site)", 'themerex'), "id" => "video_bg_url", "readonly" => false, "override" => "category,post,page", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose video', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'type' => 'video', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose Video', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select Video', 'themerex'))), "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Use overlay for video bg', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Use overlay texture for the video background', 'themerex'), "id" => "video_bg_overlay", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "no", "options" => $yes_no, "type" => "switch");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo', 'themerex'), "id" => 'customization_logo', "override" => "category,post,page", "icon" => 'iconadmin-heart-1', "type" => "tab");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Main logo', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select or upload logos for the site\'s header and select it position', 'themerex'), "override" => "category,post,page", "type" => "info");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo image (main)', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Main logo image for the header (if logo in the same line with menu)', 'themerex'), "id" => "logo_image", "override" => "category,post,page", "divider" => false, "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo image (above)', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Logo image for the header (if logo above the menu)', 'themerex'), "id" => "logo_top", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo image (fixed)', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Logo image for the header (if menu is fixed after the page is scrolled)', 'themerex'), "id" => "logo_fixed", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo image (side)', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Logo image for the side menu', 'themerex'), "id" => "logo_side", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => "", "type" => "media");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo text', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Logo text - display it after logo image', 'themerex'), "id" => "logo_text", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => __('Kindergarten', 'themerex'), "type" => "text");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo slogan', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Logo slogan - display it under logo image (instead the site slogan)', 'themerex'), "id" => "logo_slogan", "override" => "category,post,page", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
$THEMEREX_options[] = array("title" => __('Logo height', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Height for the logo in the header area', 'themerex'), "id" => "logo_height", "override" => "category,post,page", "increment" => 1, "std" => '', "min" => 10, "max" => 300, "mask" => "?999", "type" => "spinner");
コード例 #6
function update_notifier()
    $xml = get_latest_theme_version(NOTIFIER_CACHE_INTERVAL);
    // Get the latest remote XML file on our server
    $theme_data = wp_get_theme();
		.update-nag { display: none; }
		#theme_update_instructions {max-width: 670px;}
		.theme_update_changelog_title {margin: 30px 0 0 0; padding: 30px 0 0 0; border-top: 1px solid #ddd;}
		.theme_update_changelog ul { list-style-type:disc; margin-left:20px;}

	<div class="wrap">
		<div id="icon-tools" class="icon32"></div>
    _e('Theme Updates', 'themerex');
	    <div id="message" class="updated below-h2"><p><strong><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('There is a new version of the %s theme available.', 'themerex'), NOTIFIER_THEME_NAME);
</strong> <?php 
    echo sprintf(__('You have version %s installed. Update to version %s.', 'themerex'), $theme_data->get('Version'), $xml->latest);

		<div><img alt="" style="margin: 0 0 20px 0; border: 1px solid #ddd;" src="<?php 
    echo themerex_get_file_url('/screenshot.png');
" /></div>
		<div id="theme_update_instructions">
    _e('Update Download and Instructions', 'themerex');
    echo sprintf(__('<strong>Please note:</strong> make a backup of the Theme inside your WordPress installation folder <strong>/wp-content/themes/%s/</strong>', 'themerex'), NOTIFIER_THEME_FOLDER_NAME);
    _e('To update the Theme, login to <a href="' . esc_url('http://www.themeforest.net/') . '">ThemeForest</a>, head over to your <strong>downloads</strong> section and re-download the theme like you did when you bought it.', 'themerex');
    echo sprintf(__("Extract the zip's contents, look for the extracted theme folder, and after you have all the new files upload them using FTP to the <strong>/wp-content/themes/%s/</strong> folder overwriting the old ones (this is why it's important to backup any changes you've made to the theme files).", 'themerex'), NOTIFIER_THEME_FOLDER_NAME);
    _e("If you didn't make any changes to the theme files, you are free to overwrite them with the new ones without the risk of losing theme settings, pages, posts, etc, and backwards compatibility is guaranteed.", 'themerex');
	    <h3 class="theme_update_changelog_title"><?php 
    _e('Changelog', 'themerex');
	    <div class="theme_update_changelog"><?php 
    echo esc_html($xml->changelog);

コード例 #7
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: WestBayResidential/wbrsorg
// todo: magnific & pretty
// magnific & pretty
themerex_enqueue_style('magnific-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.css'), array(), null);
themerex_enqueue_script('magnific', themerex_get_file_url('/js/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
// Load PrettyPhoto if it selected in Theme Options
if (get_theme_option('popup_engine') == 'pretty') {
    themerex_enqueue_style('prettyphoto-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/prettyphoto/css/prettyPhoto.css'), array(), null);
    themerex_enqueue_script('prettyphoto', themerex_get_file_url('/js/prettyphoto/jquery.prettyPhoto.min.js'), array('jquery'), 'no-compose', true);
// todo: Media elements library
if (get_theme_option('use_mediaelement') == 'yes') {
    if (floatval(get_bloginfo('version')) < "3.6") {
        themerex_enqueue_style('mediaplayer-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.css'), array(), null);
        themerex_enqueue_script('mediaplayer', themerex_get_file_url('/js/mediaplayer/mediaelement.min.js'), array(), null, true);
    } else {
} else {
    global $wp_scripts, $wp_styles;
    $wp_scripts->done[] = 'mediaelement';
    $wp_scripts->done[] = 'wp-mediaelement';
    $wp_styles->done[] = 'mediaelement';
    $wp_styles->done[] = 'wp-mediaelement';
if ($post_number > 0) {
    // Pagination
コード例 #8
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: amankatoch/wp-plugin
function themerex_init_template()
    // AJAX Queries settings
    global $THEMEREX_ajax_nonce, $THEMEREX_ajax_url;
    $THEMEREX_ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce('ajax_nonce');
    $THEMEREX_ajax_url = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
    // Set theme params from GET
    if (isset($_GET['set']) && $_GET['set'] == 1) {
        foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
            if (get_theme_option($k, null) !== null) {
                setcookie($k, $v, 0, '/');
                $_COOKIE[$k] = $v;
    // Get custom options from current category / page / post / shop
    // Reject old browsers support
    global $THEMEREX_jreject;
    $THEMEREX_jreject = false;
    if (!isset($_COOKIE['jreject'])) {
        themerex_enqueue_style('jquery_reject-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/jreject/css/jquery.reject.css'), array(), null);
        themerex_enqueue_script('jquery_reject', themerex_get_file_url('/js/jreject/jquery.reject.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
        setcookie('jreject', 1, 0, '/');
        $THEMEREX_jreject = true;
    // Main menu
    global $THEMEREX_mainmenu;
    if (get_custom_option('show_top_panel') != 'hide') {
        $menu_slug = get_custom_option('menu_main');
        $args = array('menu' => empty($menu_slug) || $menu_slug == 'default' || is_inherit_option($menu_slug) ? '' : $menu_slug, 'container' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'menu_class' => '', 'menu_id' => 'mainmenu', 'echo' => false, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'depth' => 11, 'theme_location' => 'mainmenu');
        if (get_theme_option('custom_menu') == 'yes' && class_exists('themerex_walker')) {
            $args['walker'] = new themerex_walker();
        $THEMEREX_mainmenu = wp_nav_menu($args);
    } else {
        $THEMEREX_mainmenu = '';
    // User menu
    global $THEMEREX_usermenu;
    if (get_custom_option('show_top_panel') != 'hide' && get_custom_option('show_user_menu') == 'yes') {
        $menu_slug = get_custom_option('menu_user');
        $THEMEREX_usermenu = wp_nav_menu(array('menu' => empty($menu_slug) || $menu_slug == 'default' || is_inherit_option($menu_slug) ? '' : $menu_slug, 'container' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'menu_class' => '', 'menu_id' => 'usermenu', 'echo' => false, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'depth' => 11, 'theme_location' => 'usermenu'));
    } else {
        $THEMEREX_usermenu = '';
    // Side menu
    global $THEMEREX_sidemenu;
    if (get_custom_option('show_left_panel') == 'yes') {
        $menu_slug = get_custom_option('menu_side');
        $THEMEREX_sidemenu = wp_nav_menu(array('menu' => empty($menu_slug) || $menu_slug == 'default' || is_inherit_option($menu_slug) ? '' : $menu_slug, 'container' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'menu_class' => '', 'menu_id' => 'sidemenu', 'echo' => false, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'depth' => 11, 'theme_location' => 'sidemenu'));
    } else {
        $THEMEREX_sidemenu = '';
    // Panel menu
    global $THEMEREX_panelmenu;
    if (get_custom_option('show_right_panel') == 'yes') {
        $menu_slug = get_custom_option('menu_right');
        $THEMEREX_panelmenu = wp_nav_menu(array('menu' => empty($menu_slug) || $menu_slug == 'default' || is_inherit_option($menu_slug) ? '' : $menu_slug, 'container' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'menu_class' => '', 'menu_id' => 'panelmenu', 'echo' => false, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'depth' => 11, 'theme_location' => 'panelmenu'));
    } else {
        $THEMEREX_panelmenu = '';
    // Include current skin
    $skin = themerex_escape_shell_cmd(get_custom_option('theme_skin'));
    if (file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/' . $skin . '.php'))) {
        require_once themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/' . $skin . '.php');
    // Logo image and icon from skin
    global $logo_text, $logo_slogan, $logo_icon, $logo_image, $logo_side, $logo_fixed, $logo_footer;
    $logo_text = get_custom_option('logo_text');
    $logo_slogan = get_custom_option('logo_slogan');
    $menu_align = get_custom_option('menu_align');
    if ($logo_slogan == '') {
        $logo_slogan = get_bloginfo('description');
    $logo_icon = $logo_image = $logo_side = $logo_fixed = $logo_footer = '';
    if (($logo_icon = get_custom_option('logo_icon')) == '' && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-icon.png'))) {
        $logo_icon = themerex_get_file_url('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-icon.png');
    if ($menu_align == 'left' || $menu_align == 'center') {
        if (($logo_image = get_custom_option('logo_top')) == '' && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-top.png'))) {
            $logo_image = themerex_get_file_url('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-top.png');
    if ($logo_image == '' && ($logo_image = get_custom_option('logo_image')) == '' && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo.png'))) {
        $logo_image = themerex_get_file_url('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo.png');
    if (($logo_side = get_custom_option('logo_side')) == '' && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-side.png'))) {
        $logo_side = themerex_get_file_url('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-side.png');
    if ($logo_side == '') {
        $logo_side = $logo_image;
    if (($logo_fixed = get_custom_option('logo_fixed')) == '' && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-fixed.png'))) {
        $logo_fixed = themerex_get_file_url('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-fixed.png');
    if ($logo_fixed == '') {
        $logo_fixed = $logo_image;
    if (($logo_footer = get_custom_option('logo_image_footer')) == '' && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-footer.png'))) {
        $logo_footer = themerex_get_file_url('/skins/' . $skin . '/images/logo-footer.png');
    if ($logo_footer == '') {
        $logo_footer = $logo_image;
    global $THEMEREX_shop_mode;
    $THEMEREX_shop_mode = getValueGPC('themerex_shop_mode');
    if (empty($THEMEREX_shop_mode)) {
        $THEMEREX_shop_mode = get_custom_option('shop_mode', '');
    if (empty($THEMEREX_shop_mode) || !is_archive()) {
        $THEMEREX_shop_mode = 'thumbs';
コード例 #9
											<div id="co_bg_images_list">
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
												<a href="#" id="image_<?php 
        echo esc_attr($i);
" class="<?php 
        echo $i == 3 || $i == 6 ? 'no_margin ' : '';
        echo $bg_image == $i ? ' current' : '';
"><img src="<?php 
        echo themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_' . esc_attr($i) . '_thumb2.jpg');
" alt="" /></a>
											<div id="co_bg_images"></div>
									<script type="text/javascript">
											// Theme & Background color
											jQuery('#co_theme_color').css('backgroundColor', '<?php 
    echo esc_attr($theme_color);
コード例 #10

if (!is_user_logged_in() && get_theme_option('show_login') == 'yes') {
    // todo: Login form
    themerex_enqueue_script('form-login', themerex_get_file_url('/js/_form_login.js'), array(), null, true);
	<div id="user-popUp" class="user-popUp mfp-with-anim mfp-hide">
		<div class="sc_tabs">
			<ul class="loginHeadTab">
				<li><a href="#loginForm" class="loginFormTab icon"><?php 
    _e('Log In', 'themerex');
				<li><a href="#registerForm" class="registerFormTab icon"><?php 
    _e('Create an Account', 'themerex');
			<div id="loginForm" class="formItems loginFormBody">
				<div class="itemformLeft">
					<form action="<?php 
    echo esc_url(wp_login_url());
" method="post" name="login_form" class="formValid">
						<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php 
    echo esc_url(home_url());
" />
						<ul class="formList">
							<li class="icon formLogin"><input type="text" id="login" name="log" value="" placeholder="<?php 
コード例 #11
     * Displays the widget settings controls on the widget panel.
     * Make use of the get_field_id() and get_field_name() function
     * when creating your form elements. This handles the confusing stuff.
    function form($instance)
        /* Widget admin side css */
        themerex_enqueue_style('widget-qrcode-style', themerex_get_file_url('/widgets/qrcode/widget-qrcode-admin.css'), array(), null);
        themerex_enqueue_script('qrcode', themerex_get_file_url('/widgets/qrcode/jquery.qrcode-0.6.0.min.js'), array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-tabs'), null, false);
        //themerex_enqueue_style('color-picker',        themerex_get_file_url('/js/colorpicker/colorpicker.css'), array(), null);
        //themerex_enqueue_script('color-picker',       themerex_get_file_url('/js/colorpicker/colorpicker.js'), array('jquery'),null,true);
        /* Set up some default widget settings. */
        $address = explode(',', get_theme_option('user_address'));
        $defaults = array('title' => '', 'description' => __('QR Code Generator (for your vcard)', 'themerex'), 'ulname' => '', 'ufname' => '', 'ucompany' => '', 'uaddr' => '', 'ucity' => '', 'upostcode' => '', 'ucountry' => '', 'uemail' => '', 'usite' => '', 'uphone' => '', 'uid' => md5(microtime()), 'urev' => date('Y-m-d'), 'image' => '', 'show_personal' => 0, 'show_what' => 1, 'auto_draw' => 0, 'width' => 160, 'text' => '', 'color' => '#000000', 'bg' => '');
        $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $defaults);

		<div class="widget_qrcode">
        	<div class="qrcode_tabs">
                <ul class="tabs">
                    <li class="first"><a href="#tab_settings"><?php 
        _e('Settings', 'themerex');
                    <li><a href="#tab_fields" onmousedown="initQRCode()"><?php 
        _e('Personal Data', 'themerex');
                    <li><a href="#tab_text" onmousedown="initQRCode()"><?php 
        _e('Any Text', 'themerex');
                <div id="tab_settings" class="tab_content tab_settings">
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
        _e('Title:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_title" onfocus="initQRCode()" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('title');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['title']);
" style="width:100%;" />
        _e('Show as QR Code:', 'themerex');
</label><br />
                        <input class="fld_show_what" onfocus="initQRCode()" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('show_what');
_1" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('show_what');
" value="1" type="radio" <?php 
        echo $instance['show_what'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('show_what');
_1"> <?php 
        _e('Personal VCard', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_show_what" onfocus="initQRCode()" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('show_what');
_0" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('show_what');
" value="0" type="radio" <?php 
        echo $instance['show_what'] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('show_what');
_0"> <?php 
        _e('Any text', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_show_personal" onfocus="initQRCode()" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('show_personal');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('show_personal');
" value="1" type="checkbox" <?php 
        echo $instance['show_personal'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('show_personal');
        _e('Show data under QR Code:', 'themerex');
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('width');
        _e('Width:', 'themerex');
                        <input onmousedown="initQRCode()" onfocus="initQRCode()" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('width');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('width');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['width']);
" style="width:100%;" class="fld_width" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('color');
        _e('Color:', 'themerex');
                        <input onmousedown="initQRCode()" onfocus="initQRCode()" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('color');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('color');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['color']);
" style="width:100%; background-color:<?php 
        echo $instance['color'];
" class="iColorPicker fld_color" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('bg');
        _e('Bg color:', 'themerex');
                        <input onmousedown="initQRCode()" onfocus="initQRCode()" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('bg');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('bg');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['bg']);
" style="width:100%; background-color:<?php 
        echo $instance['bg'];
" class="iColorPicker fld_bg" />
                <div id="tab_fields" class="tab_content tab_personal">
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ulname');
        _e('Last name:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_ulname" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ulname');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('ulname');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['ulname']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ufname');
        _e('First name:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_ufname" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ufname');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('ufname');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['ufname']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ucompany');
        _e('Company:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_ucompany" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ucompany');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('ucompany');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['ucompany']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('uphone');
        _e('Phone:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_uphone" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('uphone');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('uphone');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['uphone']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('uaddr');
        _e('Address:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_uaddr" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('uaddr');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('uaddr');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['uaddr']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ucity');
        _e('City:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_ucity" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ucity');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('ucity');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['ucity']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('upostcode');
        _e('Post code:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_upostcode" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('upostcode');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('upostcode');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['upostcode']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ucountry');
        _e('Country:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_ucountry" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('ucountry');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('ucountry');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['ucountry']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('uemail');
        _e('E-mail:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_uemail" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('uemail');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('uemail');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['uemail']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('usite');
        _e('Web Site URL:', 'themerex');
                        <input class="fld_usite" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('usite');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('usite');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['usite']);
" style="width:100%;" />
                <div id="tab_text" class="tab_content tab_text">
                        <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('fld_text');
        _e('Text to show as QR Code:', 'themerex');
                        <textarea class="fld_text" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('text');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('text');
" style="width:100%;"><?php 
        echo $instance['text'];
            <input class="fld_uid" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('uid');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('uid');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['uid']);
" type="hidden" />
            <input class="fld_urev" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('urev');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('urev');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($instance['urev']);
" type="hidden" />
                <input class="fld_button_draw" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('button_draw');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('button_draw');
" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(__('Update', 'themerex'));
" type="button" />
                <input class="fld_auto_draw" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('auto_draw');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('auto_draw');
" value="1" type="checkbox" <?php 
        echo $instance['auto_draw'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('auto_draw');
"> <?php 
        _e('Auto', 'themerex');
            <input class="fld_image" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('image');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('image');
" value="" type="hidden" />
            <div id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('qrcode_image');
" class="qrcode_image"><img src="<?php 
        echo $instance['image'];
" alt="" /></div>
            <div id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('qrcode_data');
" class="qrcode_data">
        if ($instance['show_personal'] == 1) {
            if ($instance['show_what'] == 1) {
                    <li class="user_name odd first"><?php 
                echo __('Name:', 'themerex') . ' ' . $instance['ufname'] . ' ' . $instance['ulname'];
                echo ($instance['ucompany'] ? '<li class="user_company even">' . __('Company:', 'themerex') . ' ' . $instance['ucompany'] . '</li>' : '') . ($instance['uphone'] ? '<li class="user_phone odd">' . __('Phone:', 'themerex') . ' ' . $instance['uphone'] . '</li>' : '') . ($instance['uemail'] ? '<li class="user_email even">' . __('E-mail:', 'themerex') . ' ' . '<a href="mailto:' . $instance['uemail'] . '">' . $instance['uemail'] . '</a></li>' : '') . ($instance['usite'] ? '<li class="user_site odd">' . __('Site:', 'themerex') . ' ' . '<a href="' . $instance['usite'] . '" target="_blank">' . $instance['usite'] . '</a></li>' : '');
            } else {
                    <li class="text odd first"><?php 
                echo $instance['text'];

        <script type="text/javascript">
			function initQRCode() {
				var widget = null;
				jQuery('#widgets-right .widget_qrcode input.iColorPicker').each(function() {
					var obj = jQuery(this);
					if (!obj.hasClass('colored') && obj.attr('id').indexOf('__i__') < 0) {
						widget = obj.parents('.widget_qrcode');
						widget.find('.fld_button_draw').click(function() {
						widget.parents('form').find('.widget-control-save').click(function() {
						widget.find('.tab_personal input,.tab_text textarea,.fld_auto_draw,.iColorPicker').change(function () {
							if (widget.find('.fld_auto_draw').attr('checked')=='checked') {
							} else 
                if (widget && widget.find('.fld_auto_draw').attr('checked')=='checked')
            function updateQRCode(widget) {
				showQRCode(widget, {
                        ufname:		widget.find('.fld_ufname').val(),
                        ulname:		widget.find('.fld_ulname').val(),
                        ucompany:	widget.find('.fld_ucompany').val(),
                        usite:		widget.find('.fld_usite').val(),
                        uemail:		widget.find('.fld_uemail').val(),
                        uphone:		widget.find('.fld_uphone').val(),
                        //ufax:		widget.find('.fld_ufax').val(),
                        uaddr:		widget.find('.fld_uaddr').val(),
                        ucity:		widget.find('.fld_ucity').val(),
                        upostcode:	widget.find('.fld_upostcode').val(),
                        ucountry:	widget.find('.fld_ucountry').val(),
                        //unote:	widget.find('.fld_unote').val(),
                        //ucats:	widget.find('.fld_ucats').val(),
                        uid:		widget.find('.fld_uid').val(),
                        urev:		widget.find('.fld_urev').val(),
                        text: 		widget.find('.fld_text').val()
                        qrcode: widget.find('.qrcode_image').eq(0),
                        personal: widget.find('.qrcode_data'),
                        show_personal: widget.find('.fld_show_personal').attr('checked')=='checked',
                        show_what: widget.find('.fld_show_what').attr('checked')=='checked' ? 1 : 0,
                        width: widget.find('.fld_width').val(),
                        color: widget.find('.fld_color').val(),
                        bg: widget.find('.fld_bg').val()
				widget.find('.fld_image').val(widget.find('.qrcode_image canvas').get(0).toDataURL('image/png'));
			function showQRCode(widget, vc, opt) {
				if (opt.show_what==1) {
					var text = 'BEGIN:VCARD\n'
						+ 'VERSION:3.0\n'
						+ 'FN:' + vc.ufname + ' ' + vc.ulname + '\n'
						+ 'N:' + vc.ulname + ';' + vc.ufname + '\n'
						+ (vc.ucompany ? 'ORG:' + vc.ucompany + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.uphone ? 'TEL;TYPE=cell, pref:' + vc.uphone + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.ufax ? 'TEL;TYPE=fax, pref:' + vc.ufax + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.uaddr || vc.ucity || vc.ucountry ? 'ADR;TYPE=dom, home, postal, parcel:;;' + vc.uaddr + ';' + vc.ucity + ';;' + vc.upostcode + ';' + vc.ucountry + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.usite ? 'URL:' + vc.usite + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.uemail ? 'EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:' + vc.uemail + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.ucats ? 'CATEGORIES:' + vc.ucats + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.unote ? 'NOTE:' + vc.unote + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.urev ? 'NOTE:' + vc.urev + '\n' : '')
						+ (vc.uid ? 'UID:' + vc.uid + '\n' : '')
						+ 'END:VCARD';
				} else {
					var text = vc.text;
						'text': text,
						'color': opt.color,
						'bgColor': opt.bg!='' ? opt.bg : null,
						'width': opt.width,
						'height': opt.width,
						'size': opt.width
				if (opt.show_personal == 0)
							+ (opt.show_what==1 
								? '<li class="user_name odd first">' + vc.ufname + ' ' + vc.ulname + '</li>'
									+ (vc.ucompany ? '<li class="user_company even">' + vc.ucompany + '</li>' : '')
									+ (vc.uphone ? '<li class="user_phone odd">' + vc.uphone + '</li>' : '')
									+ (vc.uemail ? '<li class="user_email even"><a href="mailto:' + vc.uemail + '">' + vc.uemail + '</a></li>' : '')
									+ (vc.usite ? '<li class="user_site odd"><a href="' + vc.usite + '" target="_blank">' + vc.usite + '</a></li>' : '')
								: '<li class="text odd first">' + vc.text + '</li>')
						+ '</ul>'
			if (!window.setColorPicker) {
				function setColorPicker(id_picker) {
					jQuery('#'+id_picker).click(function (e) {
						"use strict";
						iColorShow(null, jQuery(this), function(fld, clr) {
							"use strict";
							fld.css('backgroundColor', clr).val(clr);
						color: jQuery('#'+id_picker).val(),
						onShow: function (colpkr) {
							return false;
						onHide: function (colpkr) {
							return false;
						onChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) {
							jQuery('#'+id_picker).css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex).val('#' + hex);
コード例 #12
		</ul><!-- .comments_list -->
    if (!comments_open() && get_comments_number() != 0 && post_type_supports(get_post_type(), 'comments')) {
			<p class="no_comments"><?php 
        _e('Comments are closed.', 'themerex');
	</section><!-- .comments -->
if (comments_open()) {
    themerex_enqueue_script('jquery-autosize', themerex_get_file_url('/js/jquery.autosize.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);

	<section class="formValid">
    _e('Leave a Reply', 'themerex');
		<div class="commForm commentsForm">
    $commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
    $req = get_option('require_name_email');
    $aria_req = $req ? ' aria-required="true"' : '';
    $comments_args = array('id_submit' => 'send_comment', 'label_submit' => __('Post Comment', 'themerex'), 'title_reply' => '', 'logged_in_as' => '', 'comment_notes_before' => '', 'comment_notes_after' => '', 'comment_field' => '<div class="message">' . '<textarea placeholder="' . __('Message', 'themerex') . '" id="comment" name="comment" class="textAreaSize" aria-required="true"></textarea>' . '</div>' . '<div class="enterBlock clr">' . '<div class="squareButton comm sc_button_size_big accent_2 big"><a class="enter" href="#">' . __('Post comment', 'themerex') . '</a></div>' . '</div>', 'fields' => apply_filters('comment_form_default_fields', array('author' => '<div class="columnsWrap"><div class="columns1_2">' . '<input placeholder="' . __('Name', 'themerex') . '" id="author" name="author" type="text" value="' . esc_attr(isset($commenter['comment_author']) ? $commenter['comment_author'] : '') . '" size="30"' . esc_attr($aria_req) . ' />' . '</div>', 'email' => '<div class="columns1_2">' . '<input placeholder="' . __('Email', 'themerex') . '" id="email" name="email" type="text" value="' . esc_attr(isset($commenter['comment_author_email']) ? $commenter['comment_author_email'] : '') . '" size="30"' . esc_attr($aria_req) . ' />' . '</div></div>')));
コード例 #13
ファイル: header.php プロジェクト: WestBayResidential/wbrsorg
    if (!$favicon && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('favicon.ico'))) {
        $favicon = themerex_get_file_url('favicon.ico');
if ($favicon) {
		<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($favicon);
" />
	<!--[if lt IE 9]>
	<script src="<?php 
echo themerex_get_file_url('/js/html5.js');
" type="text/javascript"></script>

<body <?php 
$class = $style = '';
if ($body_style == 'boxed' || get_custom_option('load_bg_image') == 'always') {
    $customizer = get_theme_option('show_theme_customizer') == 'yes';
    if ($customizer && ($img = (int) getValueGPC('bg_image', 0)) > 0) {
        $class = 'bg_image_' . $img;
    } else {
コード例 #14

//====================================== Editor area ========================================
if ($post_data['post_edit_enable']) {
    require_once themerex_get_file_dir('/admin/theme-options.php');
    wp_register_script('wp-color-picker', '/wp-admin/js/color-picker.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    themerex_enqueue_style('fontello-admin', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/css/fontello/css/fontello-admin.css'), array(), null);
    if (array_key_exists('post_type', $post_data)) {
        themerex_options_prepare_js($post_data['post_type'] == 'page' ? 'page' : 'post');

	<div id="frontend_editor">
		<div id="frontend_editor_inner">
			<form method="post">
				<label id="frontend_editor_post_title_label" for="frontend_editor_post_title"><?php 
    _e('Title', 'themerex');
				<input type="text" name="frontend_editor_post_title" id="frontend_editor_post_title" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($post_data['post_title']);
" />
    $ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce('themerex_editor_nonce');
    $ajax_url = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
    wp_editor($post_data['post_content_original'], 'frontend_editor_post_content', array('wpautop' => true, 'textarea_rows' => 16));
コード例 #15
function themerex_shortcodes_load_scripts()
    themerex_enqueue_script('themerex-shortcodes-script', themerex_get_file_url('/shortcodes/shortcodes_admin.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('themerex-selection-script', themerex_get_file_url('/js/jquery.selection.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
コード例 #16
    // Uncomment this section if you want filter related posts on post formats
    if ($post_data['post_format'] != '' && $post_data['post_format'] != 'standard') {
        $args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => 'post_format', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => 'post-format-' . $post_data['post_format']));
    $args = addSortOrderInQuery($args, get_custom_option('post_related_sort'), get_custom_option('post_related_order'));
    $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts($args, OBJECT);
    if (is_array($recent_posts) && count($recent_posts) > 0) {
        if (get_custom_option("post_related_style") == 'yes') {
            // todo: magnific & pretty
            // magnific & pretty
            themerex_enqueue_style('magnific-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.css'), array(), null);
            themerex_enqueue_script('magnific', themerex_get_file_url('/js/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
            // Load PrettyPhoto if it selected in Theme Options
            if (get_theme_option('popup_engine') == 'pretty') {
                themerex_enqueue_style('prettyphoto-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/prettyphoto/css/prettyPhoto.css'), array(), null);
                themerex_enqueue_script('prettyphoto', themerex_get_file_url('/js/prettyphoto/jquery.prettyPhoto.min.js'), array('jquery'), 'no-compose', true);
		<section class="relatedWrap<?php 
        echo get_custom_option("show_post_comments") == 'yes' ? ' hrShadow' : '';
        _e('Recomended Posts', 'themerex');
			<div class="relatedPostWrap">
				<div class="columnsWrap <?php 
        echo get_custom_option("post_related_style") == 'no' ? ' no_indent_style columnsFloat' : ' indent_style';
コード例 #17

//====================================== Editor area ========================================
if ($post_data['post_edit_enable']) {
    require_once themerex_get_file_dir('/admin/theme-options.php');
    wp_register_script('wp-color-picker', get_site_url() . '/wp-admin/js/color-picker.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    themerex_enqueue_style('fontello-admin', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/css/fontello/css/fontello-admin.css'), array(), null);
    themerex_enqueue_style('frontend-editor-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/editor/_editor.css'), array('main-style'), null);
    themerex_enqueue_script('frontend-editor', themerex_get_file_url('/js/editor/_editor.js'), array(), null, true);
    themerex_options_prepare_js($post_data['post_type'] == 'page' ? 'page' : 'post');
	<div id="frontend_editor">
		<div id="frontend_editor_inner">
			<form method="post">
				<label id="frontend_editor_post_title_label" for="frontend_editor_post_title"><?php 
    _e('Title', 'themerex');
				<input type="text" name="frontend_editor_post_title" id="frontend_editor_post_title" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($post_data['post_title']);
" />
    $ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce('themerex_editor_nonce');
    $ajax_url = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
    wp_editor($post_data['post_content_original'], 'frontend_editor_post_content', array('wpautop' => true, 'textarea_rows' => 16));
				<label id="frontend_editor_post_excerpt_label" for="frontend_editor_post_excerpt"><?php 
コード例 #18
function theme_skin_add_scripts_classter()
    if (file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/skins/general/general.js'))) {
        themerex_enqueue_script('theme-skin-script', themerex_get_file_url('/skins/general/general.js'), array('main-style'), null);
コード例 #19
											<span class="co_label"><?php 
    _e('Background image:', 'themerex');
											<div id="co_bg_images_list">
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
												<a href="#" id="image_<?php 
        echo $i;
" class="co_image_wrapper<?php 
        echo $bg_image == $i ? ' current' : '';
"><img src="<?php 
        echo themerex_get_file_url('/images/bg/image_' . $i . '_thumb2.jpg');
" width="48" height="28" alt="" /></a>
									<script type="text/javascript">
											// Theme & Background color
											jQuery('#co_theme_color').css('backgroundColor', '<?php 
    echo $theme_color;
コード例 #20
 function frontend_scripts()
     themerex_enqueue_style('custom-menu-style', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/tools/custom_menu/custom_menu.css'), array(), null);
     themerex_enqueue_script('custom-menu-script', themerex_get_file_url('/admin/tools/custom_menu/custom_menu.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
コード例 #21
 function themerex_scripts()
     global $concatenate_scripts;
     $concatenate_scripts = get_theme_option('compose_scripts') == 'yes';
     //Enqueue styles
     $fonts = getThemeFontsList(false);
     $font = get_custom_option('theme_font');
     if (isset($fonts[$font])) {
         $theme_font_link = !empty($fonts[$font]['link']) ? $fonts[$font]['link'] : str_replace(' ', '+', $font) . ':100,100italic,300,300italic,400,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic';
     } else {
         $theme_font_link = "Roboto:100,100italic,300,300italic,400,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic";
     // Must be loaded before main stylesheet
     wp_enqueue_style('theme-font', 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $theme_font_link . '&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext,latin-ext,cyrillic', array(), null);
     wp_enqueue_style('fontello', get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/fontello/css/fontello.css', array(), null);
     wp_enqueue_style('animation', get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/fontello/css/animation.css', array(), null);
     // Main stylesheet
     wp_enqueue_style('main-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), null);
     // Shortcodes
     wp_enqueue_style('shortcodes', get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/shortcodes/shortcodes.css', array('main-style'), null);
     // Customizer
     wp_add_inline_style('shortcodes', prepareThemeCustomStyles());
     // Responsive
     if (get_theme_option('responsive_layouts') == 'yes') {
         wp_enqueue_style('responsive', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/responsive.css', array('main-style'), null);
     // WooCommerce customizer
     if (function_exists('is_woocommerce')) {
         wp_enqueue_style('woo-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/woo-style.css', array('main-style'), null);
     // BuddyPress customizer
     if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
         wp_enqueue_style('buddy-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/buddy-style.css', array('main-style'), null);
     // BB Press customizer
     if (class_exists('bbPress')) {
         wp_enqueue_style('bbpress-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/bbpress-style.css', array('main-style'), null);
     // Load scripts
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery', false, array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('underscore', false, array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-cookie', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery.cookie.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-easing', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery.easing.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-autosize', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery.autosize.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core', false, array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-tabs', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-effects-core', false, array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-effects-fade', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-effects-core'), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('superfish', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/superfish.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('_utils', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/_utils.js', array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('_front', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/_front.js', array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('shortcodes-init', get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/shortcodes/shortcodes_init.js', array(), null, true);
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     wp_enqueue_script('flexslider', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery.flexslider-min.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
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     wp_enqueue_script('swiperslider', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_style('swiperslider-scrollbar-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.scrollbar.css', array(), null);
     wp_enqueue_script('swiperslider-scrollbar', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.scrollbar-2.1.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
     //		wp_enqueue_style(  'swiperslider-3dflow-style',  get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.3dflow.css', array(), null );
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     global $wp_styles;
     $wp_styles->done[] = 'mediaelement';
     $wp_styles->done[] = 'wp-mediaelement';
     wp_enqueue_style('mediaplayer-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.css'), array(), null);
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         wp_enqueue_script('mediaplayer', themerex_get_file_url('/js/mediaplayer/mediaelement.min.js'), array(), null, true);
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         wp_enqueue_script('form-comments', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/_form_comments.js', array(), null, true);
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         wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-draggable', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true);
         wp_enqueue_script('_customizer', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/_customizer.js', array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_style('messages-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/messages/_messages.css', array('main-style'), null);
     wp_enqueue_script('messages', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/messages/_messages.js', array(), null, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('knob', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery.knob.js', array(), null, true);
     if (function_exists('awesome_weather_wp_head')) {
コード例 #22
 function shortcodes_vc_scripts()
     // Include CSS
     themerex_enqueue_style('shortcodes_vc-style', themerex_get_file_url('/shortcodes/shortcodes_vc.css'), array(), null);
     // Include JS
     themerex_enqueue_script('shortcodes_vc', themerex_get_file_url('/shortcodes/shortcodes_vc.js'), array(), null, true);
コード例 #23
    function buildGalleryTag($photos, $w, $h, $zoom = false, $link = '')
        $engine = get_custom_option('substitute_slider_engine');
        $gallery_text = '';
        $gallery_items_in_bg = $engine != 'chop';
        // todo: magnific & pretty
        // magnific & pretty
        themerex_enqueue_style('magnific-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.css'), array(), null);
        themerex_enqueue_script('magnific', themerex_get_file_url('/js/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
        // Load PrettyPhoto if it selected in Theme Options
        if (get_theme_option('popup_engine') == 'pretty') {
            themerex_enqueue_style('prettyphoto-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/prettyphoto/css/prettyPhoto.css'), array(), null);
            themerex_enqueue_script('prettyphoto', themerex_get_file_url('/js/prettyphoto/jquery.prettyPhoto.min.js'), array('jquery'), 'no-compose', true);
        // todo: sliders
        themerex_enqueue_style('swiperslider-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.css'), array(), null);
        themerex_enqueue_style('swiperslider-scrollbar-style', themerex_get_file_url('/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.scrollbar.css'), array(), null);
        themerex_enqueue_script('swiperslider', themerex_get_file_url('/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper-2.7.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
        themerex_enqueue_script('swiperslider-scrollbar', themerex_get_file_url('/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.scrollbar-2.4.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
        themerex_enqueue_script('flexslider', themerex_get_file_url('/js/jquery.flexslider.min.js'), array('jquery'), null, true);
        if (count($photos) > 0) {
            if ($engine == 'chop') {
                $effects2D = array("vertical", "horizontal", "half", "multi");
                $effects3D = array("3DBlocks", "3DFlips");
                $chop_effect = $effects2D[min(3, mt_rand(0, 3))] . '|' . $effects3D[min(1, mt_rand(0, 1))];
            $id = "sc_slider_" . str_replace('.', '', mt_rand());
            $interval = mt_rand(5000, 10000);
            $gallery_text = '
				<div id="' . $id . '" class="sc_slider sc_slider_' . $engine . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' swiper-slider-container' : '') . ' sc_slider_controls"' . (!empty($w) && themerex_strpos($w, '%') === false ? ' data-old-width="' . $w . '"' : '') . (!empty($h) && themerex_strpos($h, '%') === false ? ' data-old-height="' . $h . '"' : '') . ($engine == 'chop' ? ' data-effect="' . $chop_effect . '"' : '') . ' data-interval="' . $interval . '"' . '>
					<ul class="slides' . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' swiper-wrapper' : '') . '"' . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' style="height:' . $h . 'px;"' : '') . '>
            $numSlide = 0;
            foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                if ($gallery_items_in_bg) {
                    $photo_min = getResizedImageURL($photo, $w, $h);
                    $gallery_text .= '<li' . ' class="' . $engine . '-slide"' . ' style="background-image:url(' . $photo_min . ');' . (!empty($w) ? 'width:' . $w . (themerex_strpos($w, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . (!empty($h) ? 'height:' . $h . (themerex_strpos($h, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . '">' . ($zoom ? '<a href="' . $photo . '"></a>' : ($link ? '<a href="' . $link . '"></a>' : '')) . '</li>';
                } else {
                    $photo_min = getResizedImageTag($photo, $w, $h);
                    $gallery_text .= '<li' . ' class="' . $engine . '-slide' . ($engine == 'chop' && $numSlide == 1 ? ' cs-activeSlide' : '') . '"' . ' style="' . ($engine == 'chop' && $numSlide == 1 ? 'display:block;' : '') . (!empty($w) ? 'width:' . $w . (themerex_strpos($w, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . (!empty($h) ? 'height:' . $h . (themerex_strpos($h, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . '">' . ($zoom ? '<a href="' . $photo . '">' . $photo_min . '</a>' : (!empty($link) ? '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $photo_min . '</a>' : $photo_min)) . '</li>';
            $gallery_text .= '</ul>';
            if ($engine == 'swiper' || $engine == 'chop') {
                $gallery_text .= '
					<ul class="flex-direction-nav">
					<li><a class="flex-prev" href="#"></a></li>
					<li><a class="flex-next" href="#"></a></li>
            $gallery_text .= '</div>';
        return $gallery_text;