function guifi_device_print_data($device) { $radios = db_query('SELECT * FROM {guifi_radios} WHERE id=%d ORDER BY id', $device['id']); $rows[] = array(t($device[type]), '<b>' . $device[nick] . '</b>'); if (count($device['funders'])) { $rows[] = array(count($device['funders']) == 1 ? t('Funder') : t('Funders'), implode(', ', guifi_funders_links($device['funders']))); } if (count($device['maintainers'])) { $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs'), implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($device['maintainers']))); } // If radio, print model & firmware if ($device['type'] == 'radio') { $rows[] = array($device[manufacturer] . '-' . $device[model], $device[variable][firmware]); // going to list all device radios if (count($device['radios'])) { foreach ($device['radios'] as $radio_id => $radio) { if ($radio['fund_required'] == '') { $policy = t('n/d, ask to node contacts'); } else { if ($radio['fund_required'] == 'yes') { $policy = t('Fund: :fund :curr', array(':fund' => $radio['fund_amount'], ':curr' => $radio['fund_currency'])); } else { $policy = t($radio['fund_required']); } } $rowsr[] = array($radio['ssid'], $radio['mode'], $radio['protocol'], $radio['channel'], $radio['mac'], t($radio['clients_accepted']), $policy); } $rows[] = array(array('data' => theme('table', array(t('ssid'), t('mode'), t('protocol'), t('ch'), t('wireless mac'), t('clients'), t('connection policy')), $rowsr), 'colspan' => 2)); } } // If ADSL, print characteristics if ($device['type'] == 'ADSL' and $device['variable'] != '') { $bandwidth = guifi_bandwidth_types(); $rows[] = array(t('bandwidth'), $bandwidth[$device['variable']['download']] . '/' . $bandwidth[$device['variable']['upload']]); $rows[] = array(t('SNMP index to graph'), $device['variable']['mrtg_index']); } // Others with modelDescr set if (isset($device['variable']['modelDescr'])) { switch ($device['type']) { case 'ups': $vDescr = t('Power: %power', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs'])); break; case 'generator': $vDescr = t('Max Power: %power Watts', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs'])); break; case 'battery': $vDescr = t('Power: %power/Ah, Quantity: %quantity', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs'], '%quantity' => $device['variable']['units'])); break; case 'rack': $vDescr = t('Height: %height Us, Width: %width inches, Depth: %depth mm', array('%height' => $device['variable']['height'], '%width' => $device['variable']['width'], '%depth' => $device['variable']['depth'])); break; case 'breaker': $vDescr = t('Protection: %cbtype, Auto-reclose: %recloser', array('%cbtype' => $device['variable']['cbtype'], '%recloser' => $device['variable']['recloser'] ? t('Yes') : t('No'))); break; } $rows[] = array($device['variable']['modelDescr'], $vDescr); } // generic if ($device['type'] == 'generic' || 'confine' and !empty($device['variable']['mrtg_index'])) { $rows[] = array(t('SNMP index to graph'), $device['variable']['mrtg_index']); } if ($device['graph_server'] > 0) { $gs = node_load(array('nid' => $device['graph_server'])); } else { $gs = node_load(array('nid' => guifi_graphs_get_server($device['id'], 'device'))); } $rows[] = array(t('graphs provided from'), array('data' => l(guifi_service_str($device['graph_server']), $gs->l, array('attributes' => array('title' => $gs->nick . ' - ' . $gs->title))), 'colspan' => 2)); $ip = guifi_main_ip($device[id]); $rows[] = array(t('IP address & MAC'), $ip[ipv4] . '/' . $ip[maskbits] . ' ' . $device[mac]); $status_url = guifi_cnml_availability(array('device' => $device['id'], 'format' => 'long'), $gs); if (!empty($ip[ipv4])) { $rows[] = array(t('status & availability'), array('data' => t($device[flag]) . $status_url, 'class' => $device['flag'])); } $rows[] = array(array('data' => theme_guifi_contacts($device), 'colspan' => 2)); return array_merge($rows); }
function guifi_domain_print_data($domain) { $node = node_load(array('nid' => $domain['sid'])); $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Service:') . ' <a href="' . url('node/' . $node->nid) . '">' . $node->nick . '</a>'); $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Domain:') . '</strong> ' . $domain['name']); $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Scope:') . '</strong> ' . $domain['scope']); $rows[] = array(array('data' => theme_guifi_contacts($domain), 'colspan' => 0)); return array_merge($rows); }
function theme_guifi_node_data($node, $links = FALSE) { guifi_log(GUIFILOG_TRACE, 'function guifi_node_data(node)', $node); /* $zone = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT id, title, master, zone_mode FROM {guifi_zone} WHERE id = %d', $node->zone_id));*/ $zone = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT id, title, master FROM {guifi_zone} WHERE id = %d', $node->zone_id)); $rows[] = array(t('node'), $node->nid . ' ' . $node->nick, '<b>' . $node->title . '</b>'); // $rows[] = array(t('zone (mode)'),l($zone->title,'node/'.$zone->id).' ('.t($zone->zone_mode).')',$node->zone_description); $rows[] = array(t('zone'), l($zone->title, 'node/' . $zone->id), $node->zone_description); $rows[] = array(t('position (lat/lon)'), sprintf('<a href="" target="_blank">Lat:%f<br />Lon:%f</a>', $node->lat, $node->lon, $node->lat, $node->lon), $node->elevation . ' ' . t('meters above the ground')); $rows[] = array(t('available for mesh & status'), $node->stable, array('data' => t($node->status_flag), 'class' => $node->status_flag)); if (count($node->funders)) { $rows[] = array(count($node->funders) == 1 ? t('Funder') : t('Funders'), array('data' => implode(', ', guifi_funders_links($node->funders)), 'colspan' => 2)); } if (count($node->maintainers)) { $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs'), array('data' => implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($node->maintainers)), 'colspan' => 2)); } else { $radios = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT count(id) c FROM {guifi_radios} WHERE nid=%d', $node->id)); if ($radios->c > 1) { $pmaintainers = guifi_maintainers_parents($node->zone_id); if (!empty($pmaintainers)) { $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs') . ' ' . t('(from parents)'), implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($pmaintainers))); } } } if ($node->graph_server > 0) { $gs = node_load(array('nid' => $node->graph_server)); } else { $gs = node_load(array('nid' => guifi_graphs_get_server($node->id, 'node'))); } $rows[] = array(t('graphs provided from'), array('data' => l(guifi_service_str($node->graph_server), $gs->l, array('attributes' => array('title' => $gs->nick . ' - ' . $gs->title))), 'colspan' => 2)); $output = theme('table', NULL, array_merge($rows)); $output .= theme_guifi_contacts($node); if ($links) { $node = node_load(array('nid' => $node->id)); drupal_set_title(t('%node data', array('%node' => $node->title))); drupal_set_breadcrumb(guifi_node_ariadna($node)); $output .= theme_links(module_invoke_all('link', 'node', $node, FALSE)); print theme('page', $output, FALSE); return; } return theme('box', NULL, $output); }
/** * outputs the user information data **/ function guifi_users_node_list_form($form_state, $params = array()) { global $user; $owner = $user->uid; guifi_log(GUIFILOG_TRACE, 'function guifi_users_node_list_form()', $params); if (empty($form_state['values'])) { if (is_numeric($params)) { $node = node_load($params); } else { $node = node_load(array('nid' => $params->id)); } } // $form_state['#redirect'] = FALSE; // if (!empty($op)) { // $edit=$_POST['edit']; // if ((empty($edit['user_checked'])) and ($op == t('Edit selected'))) // form_set_error('',t('You must select a user checkbox for editing it')); // else // return guifi_edit_user($edit['user_checked']); // } drupal_set_breadcrumb(guifi_zone_ariadna($node->zone_id)); $title = t('Users @') . ' ' . $node->title; drupal_set_title($title); if ($node->type == 'guifi_node') { $query = db_query("SELECT id " . "FROM {guifi_users} " . "WHERE nid = %d " . "ORDER BY lastname, firstname", $node->nid); } else { $query = db_query("SELECT id " . "FROM {guifi_users} " . "ORDER BY lastname, firstname"); } $rows[] = array(); $num_rows = FALSE; $f = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsible' => FALSE, '#title' => t('Users')); $options = array(); while ($guserid = db_fetch_object($query)) { $guser = (object) guifi_user_load($guserid->id); $services = $guser->services; if ($node->type == 'guifi_service') { if ($node->service_type != 'Proxy' or $node->nid != $services['proxy']) { continue; } } if (!empty($guser->lastname)) { $realname = $guser->lastname . ', ' . $guser->firstname; } else { $realname = $guser->firstname; } $service = node_load(array('nid' => $guser->services['proxy'])); if (user_access('administer guifi users') or $node->uid == $owner) { $realname2 = $realname; $username2 = $guser->username; } else { $realname2 = ereg_replace("_", " ", $realname); if (strlen($realname2) > 3) { $realname2 = substr($realname, 0, 3); $realname2 .= ".."; } $username2 = $guser->username; if (strlen($username2) > 3) { $username2 = substr($guser->username, 0, 3); $username2 .= ".."; } } $options[$guser->id] = $realname2 . ' (' . $username2 . ')' . l($service->nick, 'node/' . $service->id, array('attributes' => array('title' => $service->title))) . ' - ' . $guser->status . '<br />' . theme_guifi_contacts($guser, FALSE); if (!isset($default_user)) { $default_user = $guser->id; } } if (count($options)) { $f['user_id'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => $title, '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default_user); if (user_access('administer guifi users') or $node->uid == $owner) { $f['editUser'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Edit selected user')); } } else { $f['empty'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('There are no users to list at') . ' ' . $node->title); } if (user_access('administer guifi users') or $node->uid == $owner) { if ($node->type == 'guifi_node') { $f['addUser'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add user')); } } return $f; }
/** * outputs the zone information data **/ function theme_guifi_service_data($node, $links = TRUE) { if (!isset($node->nid)) { $node = node_load(array('nid' => $node->id)); } guifi_log(GUIFILOG_TRACE, 'guifi_service_print_data()', $node); $zone = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT title FROM {guifi_zone} WHERE id = %d', $node->zone_id)); $type = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT description FROM {guifi_types} WHERE type="service" AND text = "%s"', $node->service_type)); $rows[] = array(t('service'), $node->nid . '-' . $node->nick, '<b>' . $node->title . '</b>'); $rows[] = array(t('type'), $node->service_type, t($type->description)); if ($node->device_id > 0) { $device = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT nick FROM {guifi_devices} WHERE id = %d', $node->device_id)); $url = url('guifi/device/' . $node->device_id); $rows[] = array(t('device & status'), '<a href=' . $url . '>' . $device->nick . '</a>', array('data' => t($node->status_flag), 'class' => $node->status_flag)); } $node->var = unserialize($node->extra); switch ($node->service_type) { case 'mail': $rows[] = array(t('inbound and outbound servers'), $node->var['in'], $node->var['out']); $rows[] = array(t('webmail and admin url'), guifi_url($node->var['webmail']), guifi_url($node->var['admin'])); break; case 'Proxy': case 'ADSL': $rows[] = array(t('bandwidth (Down/Up)'), $node->var['down'], $node->var['up']); $rows[] = array(t('proxy name & port'), $node->var['proxy'], $node->var['port']); $rows[] = array(t('type'), $node->var['type'], NULL); if (is_array($node->var['fed'])) { $rows[] = array(t('federation'), implode(", ", $node->var['fed']), NULL); } else { $rows[] = array(t('federation'), t('This proxy is not federated yet'), NULL); } break; case 'ftp': $rows[] = array(t('ftphost'), $node->var['ftphost'], NULL); $rows[] = array(t('supported protocols'), implode(", ", $node->var['protocols']), NULL); break; case 'ntp': $rows[] = array(t('IP address or hostname'), $node->var['ntp'], NULL); break; case 'asterisk': $rows[] = array(t('dial prefix and incoming calls'), $node->var['prefix'], $node->var['incoming']); if (isset($node->var['protocols'])) { $rows[] = array(t('supported protocols'), implode(", ", $node->var['protocols']), NULL); } break; default: if (!empty($node->var['url'])) { if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\//', $node->var[url])) { $url = $node->var[url]; } else { $url = 'http://' . $node->var[url]; } $rows[] = array(t('url'), '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $node->var['url'] . '</a>', NULL); } break; } if (isset($node->var['homepages'])) { if (count($node->var['homepages'] > 0)) { $rows[] = array(t('homepages'), NULL, NULL); foreach ($node->var['homepages'] as $homepage) { if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\//', $homepage)) { $url = $homepage; } else { $url = 'http://' . $homepage; } $rows[] = array(NULL, '<a href=' . $url . '>' . $homepage . '</a>', NULL); } } } if (isset($node->var['ircs'])) { if (count($node->var['ircs'] > 0)) { $rows[] = array(t('ircs'), NULL, NULL); foreach ($node->var['ircs'] as $irc) { $rows[] = array(NULL, $irc, NULL); } } } if (isset($node->var['domains'])) { if (count($node->var['domains'] > 0)) { $rows[] = array(t('domains'), NULL, NULL); foreach ($node->var['domains'] as $domain) { $rows[] = array(NULL, $domain, NULL); } } } $output = theme('table', NULL, $rows); $output .= theme_guifi_contacts($node); if ($links) { drupal_set_breadcrumb(guifi_node_ariadna($node)); $output .= theme_links(module_invoke_all('link', 'node', $node, FALSE)); print theme('page', $output, FALSE); return; } return $output; }
/** guifi_zone_view(): zone view page **/ function guifi_zone_view($node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE, $block = FALSE) { node_prepare($node); if ($teaser) { return $node; } if ($block) { return $node; } $node->content['data'] = array('#value' => theme_table(NULL, array(array(array('data' => '<small>' . theme_guifi_zone_data($node, FALSE) . '</small>' . theme_guifi_contacts($node), 'width' => '35%'), array('data' => guifi_zone_simple_map($node), 'width' => '65%'))), array('width' => '100%')), '#weight' => 1); $node->content['graph'] = array('#value' => theme_guifi_zone_stats($node, FALSE), '#weight' => 2); $node->content['nodes'] = array('#value' => theme_guifi_zone_nodes($node, FALSE), '#weight' => 3); return $node; }