/** * Display of Custom Post Type Columns * @param array $column * @since 1.0.0 */ public function custom_columns($column) { global $post; switch ($column) { case 'title': the_title(); break; case 'author': the_author(); break; case 'cat': echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'docu_cat', ' ', ', ', ''); break; case 'tag': echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'docu_tag', ' ', ', ', ''); break; case 'comment': comments_number(__('No Comments', 'documentate'), __('1 Comment', 'documentate'), __('% Comments', 'documentate')); break; case 'views': $views = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'documentate_post_views_count', true); if ($views) { printf(_n('%s view', '%s views', $rating, 'documentate'), $views); } else { echo __('No Views', 'documentate'); } break; case 'date': the_date(); break; } }
/** * Display Video Meta as Viewed, Liked */ function mars_video_meta() { global $post, $videotube; $viewed = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'count_viewed', true) ? get_post_meta($post->ID, 'count_viewed', true) : 1; $datetime_format = isset($videotube['datetime_format']) ? $videotube['datetime_format'] : 'videotube'; $comments = wp_count_comments($post->ID); $block = ' <div class="meta">'; if ($datetime_format != 'videotube') { $block .= '<span class="date">' . the_date('', '', '', false) . '</span>'; } else { $block .= '<span class="date">il y a ' . human_time_diff(get_the_time('U'), current_time('timestamp')) . '</span>'; } $block .= ' <span class="views"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i>' . $viewed . '</span>'; if (function_exists('mars_get_like_count')) { $block .= '<span class="heart"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i>' . mars_get_like_count($post->ID) . '</span>'; } $block .= ' <span class="fcomments"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i>' . $comments->approved . '</span> '; $block .= ' </div> '; return $block; }
function wpex_post_meta() { ?> <section class="meta clearfix" id="single-meta"> <ul> <li class="meta-single-date"><span class="fa fa-calendar"></span><?php the_date(); ?> </li> <?php if (comments_open()) { ?> <li class="comment-scroll meta-single-comments"><span class="fa fa-comment"></span> <?php comments_popup_link(__('Leave a comment', 'wpex'), __('1 Comment', 'wpex'), __('% Comments', 'wpex'), 'comments-link', __('Comments closed', 'wpex')); ?> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if (function_exists('zilla_likes')) { ?> <li class="meta-single-zilla-likes"><?php zilla_likes(); ?> </li><?php } ?> </ul> </section><!--/meta --> <?php }
function post_excerpts_here() { //posts with date, author, time, content excerpts, and title.. if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { echo '<div class="excerpt-div">'; the_post(); echo '<h2 class="post-title"><a href="'; the_permalink(); echo '" title="'; the_title(); echo '">'; the_title(); echo '</a></h2>'; echo '<h4 class="post-info">'; echo 'Created on '; the_date(); echo ' at '; the_time(); echo ' by '; the_author_meta(first_name); echo '.</h4>'; echo '<p class="post-excerpt">'; the_excerpt(); echo '</p>'; echo '</div>'; } // end while } // end if }
function blog_summary_shortcode($attr) { // Describes what attributes to parse from shortcode; only 'count' extract(shortcode_atts(array('count' => '5', 'grouptag' => 'ul', 'entrytag' => 'li', 'titletag' => 'h4', 'datetag' => 'span', 'commentstag' => 'span', 'summarytag' => 'div'), $attr)); // Queries to populate our loop based on shortcode count attribute $r = new WP_Query("showposts={$count}&what_to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish"); // Only run if we have posts; can't run this through searches if ($r->have_posts() && !is_search()) { // If we're using a Sandbox-friendly theme . . . if (function_exists('sandbox_body_class')) { // We can't have double hfeed classes, otherwise it won't parse $groupclasses = 'xoxo'; } else { // Otherwise, use hfeed to ensure hAtom compliance $groupclasses = 'xoxo hfeed'; } // Begin the output for shortcode and inserts in the group tag what classes we have $output = '<' . $grouptag . ' class="' . $groupclasses . '">'; // Begins our loop for returning posts while ($r->have_posts()) { // Sets which post from our loop we're at $r->the_post(); // Allows the_date() with multiple posts within a single day unset($previousday); // If we're using a Sandbox-friendly theme . . . if (function_exists('sandbox_post_class')) { // Let's use semantic classes with each entry element $entryclasses = sandbox_post_class(false); } else { // Otherwise, use hentry to ensure hAtom compliance $entryclasses = 'hentry'; } // Begin entry wrapper and inserts what classes we got from above $output .= "\n" . '<' . $entrytag . ' class="' . $entryclasses . '">'; // Post title $output .= "\n" . '<' . $titletag . ' class="entry-title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . sprintf(__('Permalink to %s', 'blog_summary'), the_title_attribute('echo=0')) . '" rel="bookmark">' . get_the_title() . '</a></' . $titletag . '>'; // Post date with hAtom support $output .= "\n" . '<' . $datetag . ' class="entry-date"><abbr class="published" title="' . get_the_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO') . '">' . sprintf(__('%s', 'blog_summary'), the_date('', '', '', false)) . '</abbr></' . $datetag . '>'; // Comments number $output .= "\n" . '<' . $commentstag . ' class="entry-comments"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '#comments" title="' . sprintf(__('Comments to %s', 'blog_summary'), the_title_attribute('echo=0')) . '">' . sprintf(__('Comments (%s)', 'blog_summary'), apply_filters('comments_number', get_comments_number())) . '</a></' . $commentstag . '>'; // Post excerpt with hAtom support $output .= "\n" . '<' . $summarytag . ' class="entry-summary">' . "\n" . apply_filters('the_excerpt', get_the_excerpt()) . '</' . $summarytag . '>'; // Close each post LI $output .= "\n" . '</' . $entrytag . '>'; // Finish the have_posts() query } // while ( $r->have_posts() ) : // Close the parent UL $output .= "\n" . '</' . $grouptag . '>'; // Rewinds loop from $r->the_post(); rewind_posts(); // End the initial IF statement } // if ( $r->have_posts() ) : // Clears our query to put the loop back where it was wp_reset_query(); // $r = new WP_Query() // Returns $output to the shortcode return $output; }
function rb_portfolio_loop_content() { if (have_posts()) { add_thickbox(); while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <article <?php post_class(); ?> > <?php rb_portfolio_add_image(); //rb_portfolio_featured_post_image(); the_date('F Y', '<span class="portfolio-date">', '</span>'); genesis_do_post_title(); rb_portfolio_add_authors(); rb_portfolio_display_thickbox_content(); ?> </article> <?php } } }
function b_wp_contents_show($options) { // global $xoopsDB,$xoopsUser; // global $tableoptions,$tableusers; // global $id, $posts, $post, $day, $previousday, $newday; $id = 1; global $posts, $post, $day, $previousday, $newday; global $dateformat, $time_difference, $siteurl, $blogfilename; global $tablelinks, $tablelinkcategories; global $querystring_start, $querystring_equal, $querystring_separator, $month, $wpdb, $start_of_week; global $tableposts, $tablepost2cat, $tablecomments, $tablecategories; global $smilies_directory, $use_smilies, $wp_smiliessearch, $wp_smiliesreplace; global $wp_bbcode, $use_bbcode, $wp_gmcode, $use_gmcode, $use_htmltrans, $wp_htmltrans, $wp_htmltranswinuni; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-blog-header.php'; $blog = 1; $block = array(); $block['siteurl'] = $siteurl; foreach ($posts as $post) { $content = array(); start_wp(); $content['date'] = the_date('', '<h2>', '</h2>', false); $content['time'] = the_time('', false); $content['title'] = the_title('', '', false); $content['permlink'] = get_permalink(); // ob_start(); the_author(); $content['author'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); the_category(); $content['category'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); the_content(); $content['body'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); link_pages('<br />Pages: ', '<br />', 'number'); $content['linkpage'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); comments_popup_link('Comments (0)', 'Comments (1)', 'Comments (%)'); $content['comments'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); trackback_rdf(); $content['trackback'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // $block['contents'][] = $content; } return $block; }
function tabs() { $course_duration_parameter = apply_filters('vibe_course_duration_parameter', 86400); $drip_duration_parameter = apply_filters('vibe_drip_duration_parameter', 86400); $unit_duration_parameter = apply_filters('vibe_unit_duration_parameter', 60); $quiz_duration_parameter = apply_filters('vibe_quiz_duration_parameter', 60); $product_duration_parameter = apply_filters('vibe_product_duration_parameter', 86400); $assignment_duration_parameter = apply_filters('vibe_assignment_duration_parameter', 86400); return apply_filters('wplms_course_creation_tabs', array('create_course' => array('icon' => 'book-open', 'title' => isset($this->course_id) ? __('EDIT COURSE', 'wplms-front-end') : __('CREATE COURSE', 'wplms-front-end'), 'subtitle' => __('Start building a course', 'wplms-front-end'), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Course title', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'title', 'id' => 'post_title', 'from' => 'post', 'value_type' => 'single', 'style' => 'col-md-12', 'default' => __('ENTER A COURSE TITLE', 'wplms-front-end'), 'help' => __('This is the title of the course which is displayed on top of every course', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Category', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy' => 'course-cat', 'from' => 'taxonomy', 'value_type' => 'single', 'style' => 'col-md-12', 'id' => 'course-cat', 'default' => __('Select a Course Category', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Image', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'featured_image', 'level' => 'thumbnail', 'value_type' => 'single', 'upload_title' => __('Upload a Course Image', 'wplms-front-end'), 'upload_button' => __('Set as Course Image', 'wplms-front-end'), 'style' => 'col-md-3', 'from' => 'post', 'id' => 'post_thumbnail', 'default' => VIBE_URL . '/images/add_image.png'), array('label' => __('Course Short Description', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'style' => 'col-md-9', 'value_type' => 'single', 'id' => 'post_excerpt', 'from' => 'post', 'extras' => '<a class="link toggle_vibe_post_content">' . __('Add full description', 'wplms-front-end') . '</a>', 'default' => __('Enter a short description of the course.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Full Description', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'editor', 'style' => 'col-md-12', 'value_type' => 'single', 'id' => 'post_content', 'from' => 'post', 'noscript' => true, 'default' => __('Enter full description of the course.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => isset($this->course_id) ? __('SAVE COURSE', 'wplms-front-end') : __('CREATE COURSE', 'wplms-front-end'), 'id' => isset($this->course_id) ? 'save_course_button' : 'create_course_button', 'type' => 'button'))), 'course_settings' => array('icon' => 'settings-1', 'title' => __('SETTINGS', 'wplms-front-end'), 'subtitle' => __('Course settings', 'wplms-front-end'), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Course duration', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Maximum Course Duration', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'number', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_duration', 'from' => 'meta', 'extra' => calculate_duration_time($course_duration_parameter), 'default' => 9999, 'desc' => sprintf(__('Enter the maximum duration for the course in %s. This is the maximum duration within which the student should complete the course. Use 9999 for unlimited access to course.', 'wplms-front-end'), calculate_duration_time($course_duration_parameter))), array('label' => __('Course Evaluation', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Course Evaluation Mode', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'switch', 'options' => array('H' => __('MANUAL', 'wplms-front-end'), 'S' => __('AUTOMATIC', 'wplms-front-end')), 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_auto_eval', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => 'H', 'desc' => __('User gets the course result instantly upon submission.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Prerequisite Course', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set a prerequisite Course', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'selectmulticpt', 'cpt' => 'course', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_pre_course', 'placeholder' => __('Enter first 4 letters of course for search', 'wplms-front-end'), 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Pre-required course which the user needs to complete before subscribing to this course.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Drip Feed', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Course Drip Feed', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'conditionalswitch', 'hide_nodes' => array('vibe_course_section_drip', 'vibe_course_drip_duration'), 'options' => array('H' => __('DISABLE', 'wplms-front-end'), 'S' => __('ENABLE', 'wplms-front-end')), 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_drip', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => 'H', 'desc' => __('Drip Feed courses, units are released one by one after certain duration of time.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Drip Feed Type', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Drip Feed Type', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'switch', 'options' => array('H' => __('UNIT', 'wplms-front-end'), 'S' => __('SECTION', 'wplms-front-end')), 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_section_drip', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => 'H', 'desc' => __('Drip Feed courses, units are released one by one after certain duration to the user.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Drip Duration', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set Duration between two successive Course elements', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'number', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_drip_duration', 'from' => 'meta', 'extra' => calculate_duration_time($drip_duration_parameter), 'default' => 1, 'desc' => sprintf(__('Enter the drip duration for the course in %s. This is the duration after which the next unit/section unlocks for the user after viewing the previous unit/section.', 'wplms-front-end'), calculate_duration_time($drip_duration_parameter))), array('label' => __('Course Certificate', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Course Certificate', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'conditionalswitch', 'hide_nodes' => array('vibe_course_passing_percentage', 'vibe_certificate_template'), 'options' => array('H' => __('DISABLE', 'wplms-front-end'), 'S' => __('ENABLE', 'wplms-front-end')), 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_certificate', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => 'H', 'desc' => __('Award Course completion Certificates to student on course completion.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Passing Percentage', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set Certificate Percentage', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'number', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_passing_percentage', 'from' => 'meta', 'extra' => __(' out of 100', 'wplms-front-end'), 'default' => 40, 'desc' => __('Any user achieving more marks (weighted average of Quizzes/assignments in course) than this gets the Course certificate.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Certificate Template', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Select Certificate template', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'selectcpt', 'cpt' => 'certificate', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_certificate_template', 'placeholder' => __('Enter first 3 letters to search course template', 'wplms-front-end'), 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Connect a custom Certificate template for this Course.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Badge', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Course Badge', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'conditionalswitch', 'hide_nodes' => array('vibe_course_badge_percentage', 'vibe_course_badge_title', 'vibe_course_badge'), 'options' => array('H' => __('DISABLE', 'wplms-front-end'), 'S' => __('ENABLE', 'wplms-front-end')), 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_badge', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => 'H', 'desc' => __('Award Excellence badges to student on course completion.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Badge Percentage', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set Excellence Badge Percentage', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'number', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_badge_percentage', 'from' => 'meta', 'extra' => __(' out of 100', 'wplms-front-end'), 'default' => 75, 'desc' => __('Any user achieving more marks (weighted average of Quizzes/assignments in course) than this gets the Course Badge.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Badge Title', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set Badge title', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'text', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_badge_title', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => __('Course Badge Title', 'wplms-front-end'), 'desc' => __('Course Badge Title', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Badge', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Upload Course Badge', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'media', 'style' => '', 'title' => __('Select or Upload a Course badge.', 'wplms-front-end'), 'button' => __('Add Course badge.', 'wplms-front-end'), 'id' => 'vibe_course_badge', 'default' => VIBE_URL . '/images/add_image.png', 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Upload a course badge.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Start Date', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Start date', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'date', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_start_date', 'default' => the_date('Y-m-d', '', '', false), 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Set a Course start date.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Instructions', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Add Course specific instructions', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'editor', 'noscript' => true, 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_instructions', 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Course instructions are displayed when the user starts a course.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Completion Message', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Completion Message', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'editor', 'noscript' => true, 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_message', 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Completion message is shown to the student when she finishes the course.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('SAVE SETTINGS', 'wplms-front-end'), 'id' => 'save_course_settings_button', 'type' => 'button'))), 'course_components' => array('icon' => 'archive', 'title' => __('COMPONENTS', 'wplms-front-end'), 'subtitle' => __('Course settings', 'wplms-front-end'), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Course Group', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set a Course Group', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'group', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_group', 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Set a course specific group.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Course Forum', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set a Course Forum', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'forum', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_forum', 'from' => 'meta', 'desc' => __('Set a course forum.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('SAVE COMPONENTS', 'wplms-front-end'), 'id' => 'save_course_components_button', 'type' => 'button'))), 'course_curriculum' => array('icon' => 'file', 'title' => __('SET CURRICULUM', 'wplms-front-end'), 'subtitle' => __('Add Units and Quizzes', 'wplms-front-end'), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Curriculum'), 'id' => 'vibe_course_curriculum', 'buttons' => array('add_course_section' => __('ADD SECTION', 'wplms-front-end'), 'add_course_unit' => __('ADD UNIT', 'wplms-front-end'), 'add_course_quiz' => __('ADD QUIZ', 'wplms-front-end')), 'type' => 'curriculum', 'style' => '', 'default' => 9999, 'desc' => __('Build Course curriculum', 'wplms-front-end')))), 'course_pricing' => array('icon' => 'tag', 'title' => __('PRICING', 'wplms-front-end'), 'subtitle' => __('Set Price for Course', 'wplms-front-end'), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Course Pricing', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('label' => __('Free ', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Free Course', 'wplms-front-end'), 'type' => 'switch', 'options' => array('H' => __('No', 'wplms-front-end'), 'S' => __('Yes', 'wplms-front-end')), 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_course_free', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => 'H', 'desc' => __('By pass any purchase process.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('Product ', 'wplms-front-end'), 'text' => __('Set a Course Product', 'wplms-front-end'), 'cpt' => 'product', 'type' => 'selectproduct', 'style' => '', 'id' => 'vibe_product', 'from' => 'meta', 'default' => '', 'desc' => __('Connect a Product with this course.', 'wplms-front-end')), array('label' => __('SAVE PRICING', 'wplms-front-end'), 'id' => 'save_pricing_button', 'type' => 'button'))), 'course_live' => array('icon' => 'glass', 'title' => $this->status == 'publish' ? __('MODIFY COURSE', 'wplms-front-end') : __('PUBLISH COURSE', 'wplms-front-end'), 'subtitle' => $this->status == 'publish' ? __('Change Course status', 'wplms-front-end') : __('Go Live !', 'wplms-front-end'), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Take Offline', 'wplms-front-end'), 'id' => 'offline_course', 'type' => 'course_live'))))); }
function sh_latest_posts($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array('cat' => 'news', 'label' => __('News', 'initfest')), $atts); $result = '<section class="content"><h3>' . $atts['label'] . ' | <small><a href="' . esc_url(get_term_link($atts['cat'], 'category')) . '">' . __('see all', 'initfest') . '</a></small></h3><div class="grid">'; $news_args = array('category_name' => 'news,news-bg', 'numberposts' => 6, 'lang' => of_get_lang()); $news = new WP_Query($news_args); ob_start(); if ($news->have_posts()) { $i = 0; while ($news->have_posts() && $i++ < 6) { $news->the_post(); ?> <div class="col3"> <h4><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h4> <p class="info"><?php pll_e('От'); ?> <?php the_author(); ?> | <?php pll_e('Публикувано на'); ?> <?php the_date(); ?> </p> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <a class="button" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php pll_e('виж цялата новина'); ?> </a> </div> <?php if ($i == 3) { echo '</div></section><section class="content"><div class="grid">'; } } } $result .= ob_get_contents(); $result .= '</div></section>'; ob_end_clean(); return $result; }
function b_wp_contents_show($options) { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $wpdb, $siteurl; global $tableoptions, $tableposts, $tableusers, $tablecategories, $tablecomments, $tablepost2cat; global $querystring_start, $querystring_equal, $querystring_separator; global $id, $posts, $post, $day, $previousday, $dateformat, $newday; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-blog-header.php'; $blog = 1; $block = array(); $block['siteurl'] = $siteurl; foreach ($posts as $post) { $content = array(); start_wp(); $content['date'] = the_date('', '<h2>', '</h2>', false); $content['time'] = the_time('', false); $content['title'] = the_title('', '', false); $content['permlink'] = get_permalink(); // ob_start(); the_author(); $content['author'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); the_category(); $content['category'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); the_content(); $content['body'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); link_pages('<br />Pages: ', '<br />', 'number'); $content['linkpage'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); comments_popup_link('Comments (0)', 'Comments (1)', 'Comments (%)'); $content['comments'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // ob_start(); trackback_rdf(); $content['trackback'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // $block['contents'][] = $content; } return $block; }
function newlife_post_data() { $postDate = the_date('', '', '', FALSE); $postAuthor = get_the_author(); $postCategory = get_the_category_list(', '); echo "<div class='post-data'>"; echo "Posted on " . $postDate . " by " . $postAuthor; if ($postCategory != "") { echo " in " . $postCategory . "."; } edit_post_link('EDIT', '<br /><span class="edit-post">', '</span>'); echo "</div>"; }
function download_date_function($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'format' => 'Y/m/d \\a\\t g:i A', 'type' => ''), $atts, 'download_date'); if ($atts['id'] != '') { $id = $atts['id']; } else { $id = get_the_ID(); } if ($atts['type'] == 'modified') { $date = the_modified_date($atts['format'], '', '', false); } else { $date = the_date($atts['format'], '', '', false); } return $date; }
function hjemmesider_intralist($atts) { global $post; ob_start(); // define query parameters based on attributes $options = array('post_type' => 'simpleintra', 'order' => 'DESC'); $query = new WP_Query($options); // run the loop based on the query if ($query->have_posts()) { ?> <ul class="intranet-liste nul"> <?php while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); ?> <li> <h4><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h4> <p class="dato"><b>Udgivet:</b> <?php the_date(); ?> </p> <p class="forfatter"><b>Forfatter:</b> <?php the_author(); ?> </p> <p class="comment-count"><b>Kommentarer: </b> <?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?> </p> </li> <?php } wp_reset_postdata(); ?> </ul> <?php $myvariable = ob_get_clean(); return $myvariable; } }
function addImage($fileId, $postId, $postType) { include_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php'; include_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/file.php'; include_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/media.php'; $post = get_post($postId); $imageTitle = $post->post_title . the_date('yyyymmdd') . the_time('hhmmss'); $response = media_handle_upload($fileId, $postId, array(title => $imageTitle)); if (gettype($response) == 'integer') { $urlImage = get_post_meta($response, '_wp_attached_file'); add_post_meta($postId, 'wpcf-imagenes', get_site_url() . '/wp-content/uploads/' . $urlImage[0]); //Guarda los ids de las imagenes relacionadas add_post_meta($postId, 'wpcf-ids-imagenes', $response); return true; } else { return $response; } }
function tbr_theme_intro( $excerpt ) { global $post; $title = get_the_title($post->ID); $github_slug = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'github_slug', true ); $download_name = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'download_name', true ); $download_path = '/wp-content/downloads/' . $download_name . '?no_cache=1'; $release_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'release_date', true ); $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'theme_type'); $terms_as_text = strip_tags( get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'resource_type', '', ', ', '' ) ); $thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id(); $thumb_url_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumb_id, 'full-size', true); $resized_src = beans_edit_image( $thumb_url_array[0], array( 'resize' => array( 750, false ) ) ); ?> <div class="uk-grid"> <div class="tm-image uk-width-small-1-1 uk-width-medium-3-5 uk-margin-large-bottom"> <figure class="uk-thumbnail"> <img src="<?php echo $resized_src; ?>" width="750" alt="<?php echo $title; ?> Child-Theme for the Beans WordPress Theme" /> </figure> </div> <div class="tm-theme-info uk-width-small-1-1 uk-width-medium-2-5"> <header class="tm-theme-top uk-clearfix uk-float-left"> <h1 class="uk-margin-remove-top uk-h2"><?php echo $title; ?></h1> <p class="uk-article-lead"><?php echo the_excerpt(); ?></p> </header> <div class="tm-downloads"> <a class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-margin-right" href="<?php echo $download_path; ?>" onclick="javascript:_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Resource', 'Download' '<?php echo $title; ?>']);" title="Download <?php echo $title; ?>" data-uk-tooltip="{pos:'bottom-left'}">Download</a> <?php if ( $github_slug != '' ) : ?> <a class="tm-text-medium tm-github uk-button uk-margin-right" title="View the <?php echo $title; ?> code on GitHub" href="https://github.com/ThemeButler/<?php echo $github_slug; ?>" target="_blank" data-uk-tooltip="{pos:'bottom-left'}"><i class="uk-icon-github uk-icon-small uk-margin-small-right"></i>View on GitHub</a> <?php endif; ?> </div> <ul class="tm-summary uk-list uk-margin-left-remove uk-clearfix"> <li>Type: <span><?php echo $terms_as_text; ?></span></li> <li>Released: <span><?php the_date('d/m/Y'); ?></span></li> <li>Requirements: <span>WordPress 4.0+</span></li> </ul> </div> <? }
/** * Section template. */ function section_template() { if (is_category() || is_archive() || is_search() || is_author()) { echo '<div class="current_posts_info">'; if (is_search()) { printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('Search results for', 'pagelines'), get_search_query()); } elseif (is_category()) { printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('Currently viewing the category:', 'pagelines'), single_cat_title(false, false)); } elseif (is_tag()) { printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('Currently viewing the tag:', 'pagelines'), single_tag_title(false, false)); } elseif (is_archive()) { if (is_author()) { global $author; global $author_name; $curauth = isset($_GET['author_name']) ? get_user_by('slug', $author_name) : get_userdata(intval($author)); printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('Posts by:', 'pagelines'), $curauth->display_name); } elseif (is_day()) { printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('From the daily archives:', 'pagelines'), get_the_time('l, F j, Y')); } elseif (is_month()) { printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('From the monthly archives:', 'pagelines'), get_the_time('F Y')); } elseif (is_year()) { printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('From the yearly archives:', 'pagelines'), get_the_time('Y')); } else { if (is_post_type_archive()) { $title = post_type_archive_title(null, false); } if (!isset($title)) { $o = get_queried_object(); if (isset($o->name)) { $title = $o->name; } } if (!isset($title)) { $title = the_date(); } printf('%s <strong>"%s"</strong>', __('Viewing archives for ', 'pagelines'), $title); } } echo '</div>'; } }
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function wpex_copyright() { $copy = get_theme_mod('wpex_copyright', 'Powered by <a href=\\"http://www.wordpress.org\\" title="WordPress" target="_blank">WordPress</a> and <a href=\\"http://themeforest.net/user/WPExplorer?ref=WPExplorer" target="_blank" title="WPExplorer" rel="nofollow">WPExplorer Themes</a>'); $year = the_date('Y', $before = '', $after = '', $echo = FALSE); $year = intval($year) + 1; $patron = '[year]'; $copy = str_replace($patron, $year, $copy); ?> <?php // Display custom copyright if ($copy) { echo do_shortcode($copy); ?> <?php // Copyright fallback } else { ?> © <?php _e('Copyright', 'wpex'); ?> <?php the_date('Y'); ?> · <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?> " title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> "><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php }
function sf_post_detail_heading() { global $post; ?> <header class="article-heading hidden-hatom"> <div class="container"> <div class="entry-title" itemprop="name"><?php the_title(); ?> </div> <span class="date updated"><?php the_date(); ?> </span> <span class="vcard author"> <span class="fn"><?php the_author_meta('display_name'); ?> </span> </span> </div> </header> <?php }
ks_header(); global $ks_settings; if (have_posts()) { the_post(); if (!ks_is_comments()) { ?> <div<?php echo $ks_settings['h2_style']; ?> ><h2><?php the_title(); ?> </h2></div> <?php the_date('', '<div align="center"><font color="' . $ks_settings['date_color'] . '">', '</font></div>'); ?> <div align="right"><img localsrc="68" alt="" /><font color="<?php echo $ks_settings['author_color']; ?> "><?php the_author(); ?> </font> <img localsrc="46" alt=" @ " /><font color="<?php echo $ks_settings['author_color']; ?> "><?php the_time(); ?> </font></div>
</figure> <h4 rel="author"><a target="_blank" title="Google Plus de <?php echo get_the_author(); ?> " href="<?php the_author_meta('google_plus'); ?> ?rel=author" itemprop="contact"> de <span itemprop="name"><?php echo get_the_author(); ?> </span></a></h4> <time datetime="<?php the_time('Y/m/d g:i:s A'); ?> " pubdate><?php the_date('j F Y'); ?> </time> </aside> <?php echo excerpt_count(160); ?> </article> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <h3 class="section_title">No hay contenido en <?php echo single_tag_title('', false);
" rel="bookmark"> <div class="entry-meta"> <?php $category = get_the_category(); echo '<h3>' . $category[0]->cat_name . '</h3>'; if (has_post_format()) { echo get_post_format_string(get_post_format()); } ?> <span><time datetime="<?php the_time('Y-m-d'); ?> "><?php the_date('j F Y', '<br />', '<br />'); ?> </time></span> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?> </h1> </a><!-- .tile-content --> </article><!-- #post-<?php the_ID(); ?>
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the_title(); ?> </h2> <div class="entry-content"> <?php the_content('<span class="more-link">' . __('Read More', 'veryplaintxt') . '</span>'); ?> <?php link_pages('<div class="page-link">' . __('Pages: ', 'veryplaintxt'), "</div>\n", 'number'); ?> </div> <div class="entry-meta"> <?php printf(__('This was written by %1$s. Posted on <abbr class="published" title="%2$s">%3$s at %4$s</abbr>. Filed under %5$s. %6$sBookmark the <a href="%7$s" title="Permalink to %8$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>. Follow comments here with the <a href="%9$s" title="Comments RSS to %8$s" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml">RSS feed</a>.', 'veryplaintxt'), '<span class="vcard"><span class="fn n">' . $authordata->display_name . '</span></span>', get_the_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO'), the_date('l, F j, Y,', '', '', false), get_the_time(), get_the_category_list(', '), get_the_tag_list('Tagged ', ', ', '. '), get_permalink(), wp_specialchars(get_the_title(), 'double'), comments_rss()); if ('open' == $post->comment_status && 'open' == $post->ping_status) { ?> <?php printf(__('<a href="#respond" title="Post a comment">Post a comment</a> or leave a <a href="%s" rel="trackback" title="Trackback URL for your post">trackback</a>.', 'veryplaintxt'), get_trackback_url()); } elseif (!('open' == $post->comment_status) && 'open' == $post->ping_status) { ?> <?php printf(__('Comments are closed, but you can leave a <a href="%s" rel="trackback" title="Trackback URL for your post">trackback</a>.', 'veryplaintxt'), get_trackback_url()); } elseif ('open' == $post->comment_status && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) { ?> <?php printf(__('Trackbacks are closed, but you can <a href="#respond" title="Post a comment">post a comment</a>.', 'veryplaintxt')); } elseif (!('open' == $post->comment_status) && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) { ?> <?php
$title = get_the_title(); $upper_title = strtoupper($title); ?> <div class="container bg-shadow"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-9"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2><?php echo $upper_title; ?> </h2> <div class="post-meta-bar cf"> <div class="post-meta-date"> <?php the_date('', 'Posted on: <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> <i>', '</i>'); ?> </div> <div class="post-meta-cat"> <?php the_breadcrumbs(); // $categories = get_the_category_list(', '); // //var_dump($categories); // echo 'Posted under: ' . '<i>' . $categories . '</i>'; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php
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</div> <?php if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="date"> <?php echo str_replace(',', '</strong><br />', the_date('M,Y', '<p><strong>', '</p>', FALSE)); ?> </div> <div class="project-title"> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><h2><?php the_title(); ?> </h2></a>
the_ID(); ?> " <?php post_class('clearfix'); ?> role="article"> <section class="clearfix mb_80"> <div class="container container620"> <div class="row"> <div class="blog_title text_indent col-sm-12 mb_25 clearfix"> <h3 class="nomargin"><?php the_title(); ?> </h3> <div class="blog_date"><?php the_date('d.m.Y'); ?> , <?php the_time(); ?> </div> </div> <div class="text_big col-sm-12 clearfix"><?php the_excerpt(); ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-12 text_indent blog_meta"> <a class="more_info" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> ">read more</a>
if (have_posts()) { ?> <?php while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <div class = "blogCopy clearfix"> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title('<h3>', '</h3>'); ?> </a> <p class="blogDate"><?php the_date(); ?> <em> in </em> <em><?php the_category(' '); ?> </em></p> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?>
/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: sergey * Date: 23.01.16 * Time: 15:07 */ ?> <div class="blog-post"> <h2 class="blog-post-title"> <?php the_title(); ?> </h2> <p class="blog-post-meta"> <?php the_date('F d, Y'); ?> — <a href="#"><?php the_author(); ?> </a> </p> <?php $content = get_the_content(); ?> <?php if (is_single()) { ?> <?php the_content();