コード例 #1
ファイル: exportdhcp.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
// can only be one row - does not matter if nothing is
// found as array search will return false
$row = $result->FetchRow();
if (!in_array($row["admingrp"], $grps)) {
    myError($w, $p, my_("You may not export DHCP subnets as you are not a member of the customers admin group"));
$startnum = inet_aton(DEFAULTROUTE);
$endnum = inet_aton(ALLNETS);
// if a specific network template exists, use that, else use generic template
$template = new IPplanIPTemplate("basetemplate-dhcp", $cust);
$err = $template->is_error();
// error with template here is fatal
if ($err) {
    myError($w, $p, my_("Error reading template!"));
insert($w, textb(sprintf(my_("Exporting all subnets marked as DHCP and all IP addresses with a user marked as '%s'"), DHCPRESERVED)));
insert($w, textbr());
insert($w, textbr());
$cnt = 0;
// search only for subnets marked dhcp
$ds->dhcp = 1;
$result = $ds->GetBase($startnum, $endnum, '', $cust);
// loop through each subnet looking for a template
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $baseaddr = inet_ntoa($row["baseaddr"]);
    $baseindex = $row["baseindex"];
    $descrip = $row["descrip"];
    $size = inet_ntoa(inet_aton(ALLNETS) + 1 - $row["subnetsize"]);
    $broadcast = inet_ntoa($row["baseaddr"] + $row["subnetsize"] - 1);
    $result_template =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT info, infobin\n            FROM baseadd\n            WHERE baseindex={$baseindex}");
    // no template defined on subnet, skip subnet
コード例 #2
ファイル: modifydns.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Changed by")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
// capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("domain", "primary_DNS", "secondary_DNS", "serial_date", "ttl", "refresh", "retry", "expire", "minimum_ttl", "last_modified", "last_exported", "changed_by"));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    // have zone records been modified
    if ($row["error_message"] == "E") {
        insert($c, textb($row["domain"]));
        insert($c, block(" ‡"));
    } else {
        insert($c, text($row["domain"]));
    if ($row["slaveonly"] == "Y") {
        insert($c, span(my_("Slave zone"), array("class" => "textSmall")));
        $export->addCell($row["domain"] . my_(" (Slave zone)"));
    } else {
    $result1 =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT hname FROM fwddns\n                                  WHERE id=" . $row["data_id"] . "\n                                  ORDER BY horder");
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    $row1 = $result1->FetchRow();
    insert($c, text($row1["hname"]));
コード例 #3
ファイル: createsubnetform.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
insert($f, input_text(array("name" => "descrip", "size" => "80", "maxlength" => "80")));
insert($f, textbrbr(my_("Subnet size/mask")));
// size maybe set from router script!!!
insert($f, selectbox(array("1" => " - host", "2" => " - 2 hosts", "4" => " - 4 hosts", "8" => " - 8 hosts", "16" => " - 16 hosts", "32" => " - 32 hosts", "64" => " - 64 hosts", "128" => " - 128 hosts", "256" => " - 256 hosts (class C)", "512" => " - 512 hosts", "1024" => " - 1k hosts", "2048" => " - 2k hosts", "4096" => " - 4k hosts", "8192" => " - 8k hosts", "16384" => " - 16k hosts", "32768" => " - 32k hosts", "65536" => " - 64k hosts (class B)", "131072" => " - 128k hosts", "262144" => " - 256k hosts"), array("name" => "size"), $size));
insert($f, textbr());
//if (NMAP != "" and ini_get("safe_mode") == 0) {
if (NMAP != "") {
    insert($f, checkbox(array("name" => "addnmapinfo", "value" => "1"), my_("Add active hosts using NMAP")));
    insert($f, text(" | "));
insert($f, checkbox(array("name" => "addhostinfo", "value" => "1"), my_("Add host names from DNS")));
insert($f, text(" | "));
insert($f, checkbox(array("name" => "dhcp", "value" => "1", "onclick" => "location.href='" . location_uri("createsubnetform.php?cust={$cust}&size={$size}&ipplanGroup={$ipplanGroup}&dhcp=1" . "'")), my_("Is this a DHCP subnet?"), $dhcp));
if ($dhcp) {
    insert($f, block("<p>"));
    insert($f, textb(my_("Creating a new DHCP subnet")));
insert($f, textbr());
// if called from findfree, save find results
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) and stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "findfree.php")) {
    insert($f, hidden(array("name" => "findfree", "value" => base64_encode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))));
// Requires new default template: basetemplate.xml
// Start of template support [FE]
if ($dhcp) {
    // use dhcp template (for additional subnet information)
    $template = new IPplanIPTemplate("basetemplate-dhcp", $cust);
} else {
    // use base template (for additional subnet information)
    $template = new IPplanIPTemplate("basetemplate", $cust);
コード例 #4
ファイル: displaybase.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
    insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Search for IP subnets not part of a range for customer '%s'"), $ds->custdescrip)));
} elseif ($areaindex and !$rangeindex) {
    insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Search for IP subnets between multiple ranges for customer '%s'"), $ds->custdescrip)));
} else {
    insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Search for IP subnets between %s and %s %s for customer '%s'"), $ds->start, $ds->end, $ds->site, $ds->custdescrip)));
if ($ipaddr) {
    insert($w, textb(my_("IP address filter: ")));
    insert($w, textbr($ipaddr));
if ($descrip) {
    insert($w, textb(my_("Description filter: ")));
    insert($w, textbr($descrip));
if ($size > 0) {
    insert($w, textb(my_("Subnet size filter: Subnets larger than ")));
    insert($w, text(inet_ntoa(inet_aton(ALLNETS) + 1 - $size) . "/" . inet_bits($size)));
$srch = new mySearch($w, $_GET, $descrip, "descrip");
$srch->expr = $expr;
$srch->expr_disp = TRUE;
// draw the sucker!
$totcnt = 0;
$vars = "";
// fastforward till first record if not first block of data
while ($block and $totcnt < $block * MAXTABLESIZE and $row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $vars = DisplayBlock($w, $row, $totcnt, "&cust={$cust}&areaindex={$areaindex}" . "&rangeindex={$rangeindex}&ipaddr={$ipaddr}&expr={$expr}&size={$size}" . "&descrip=" . urlencode($descrip));
insert($w, block("<p>"));
コード例 #5
ファイル: usermanager.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
insert($view, block("<center><b>" . my_("Current Users/Groups") . "</b></center>"));
insert($view, $cc = container("center"));
insert($cc, block("| "));
insert($cc, anchor($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?action=newuserform", my_("New User")));
insert($cc, block(" | "));
insert($cc, anchor($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?action=newgroupform", my_("New Group")));
insert($cc, block(" |"));
//insert($view, $cc = container("center"));
insert($view, $searchform = form(array("method" => "post", "action" => $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])));
insert($searchform, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend")));
insert($legend, text(my_("Search")));
insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "usersearch", "value" => "{$usersearch}", "size" => "20", "maxlength" => "40")));
insert($con, submit(array("value" => my_("Search"))));
insert($view, textb(my_("Edit Users/Groups")));
insert($view, textbr());
insert($view, block("<i>" . my_("Click on a group or user") . "</i>"));
$mid = new TreeMenu();
$mid->setIconsize(16, 16);
insert($view, block($mid->getTreeMenu('treemenu1')));
insert($view, block('<br><br>'));
コード例 #6
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
insert($w, $r = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
insert($r, $q = container("div", array("class" => "textErrorBig")));
insert($q, generic("p"));
insert($w, $t = container("div", array("class" => "MrMagooInstall")));
insert($t, $s = container("ul"));
insert($s, $l1 = container("li"));
insert($l1, textb(my_("For security purposes, it is highly recomended that IPPlan is installed on an SSL Webserver.")));
insert($s, generic("br"));
insert($s, $l2 = container("li"));
insert($l2, textb(my_("Production systems need to use a transaction-aware database table. Do not use MYISAM (use INNODB) and enable it in config.php")));
insert($s, generic("br"));
insert($s, $l3 = container("li"));
insert($l3, textb(my_("Read all Instructions carefully before proceeding!")));
insert($w, generic("br"));
insert($w, block(my_("Have you read the <a href=\"http://iptrack.sourceforge.net/doku.php?id=faq\">FAQ</a>? How about the <a href=\"http://iptrack.sourceforge.net/documentation/\">User Manual</a>? ")));
insert($w, text(my_("Have you read the UPGRADE document if upgrading?")));
insert($w, generic("br"));
insert($w, generic("br"));
insert($w, textbrbr(my_("What would you like to do today?")));
insert($w, $f = form(array("name" => "THISFORM", "method" => "POST", "action" => "schemacreate.php")));
insert($f, selectbox(array("0" => "Upgrade", "1" => "New Installation"), array("name" => "new")));
insert($f, generic("br"));
insert($f, generic("br"));
insert($f, textbr(my_("Would you like us to run the SQL against the database defined in config.php or would you rather print it to the screen so you can do it yourself?")));
insert($f, selectbox(array("0" => my_("Run the SQL Now"), "1" => my_("Just print it to the screen")), array("name" => my_("display"))));
insert($f, generic("br"));
insert($f, textbr(my_("If you are displaying the schema, please remove the comments with a text editor before executing into your database.")));
insert($f, generic("br"));
コード例 #7
ファイル: modifyarearange.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    // no point in making this a hyperlink - there are no ranges so search will
    // always return nothing!
    insert($c, text(inet_ntoa($row["areaaddr"])));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, text($row["adescrip"]));
    $export->addCell(my_("No range"));
    $export->addCell(my_("No range in this area"));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, block("<small>"));
    insert($c, anchor("deletearea.php?areaindex=" . $row["areaindex"] . "&cust=" . $cust, my_("Delete Area"), $ipplanParanoid ? array("onclick" => "return confirm('" . my_("Are you sure?") . "')") : FALSE));
    insert($c, block(" | "));
    insert($c, anchor("createarea.php?action=modify&areaindex=" . $row["areaindex"] . "&ipaddr=" . inet_ntoa($row["areaaddr"]) . "&cust=" . $cust . "&descrip=" . urlencode($row["adescrip"]), my_("Modify Area")));
    insert($c, block("</small>"));
insert($w, block("<p>"));
insert($w, textb(sprintf(my_("Total records: %u"), $cnt)));
$temp2 = $cnt;
// create the export view form
$export->setInfo(array(array("customer_ID", "customer_description", "total_ranges_and_areas_with_ranges", "total_areas_without_ranges"), array($cust, $ds->getCustomerDescrip($cust), $temp1, $temp2)));
$export->createExportForm($w, NULL);
コード例 #8
ファイル: findfree.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
    $diff = (100 - $width) * 5;
    $width = $width * 5;
    insert($w, block("<img height=\"10\" width=\"{$width}\" src=\"../images/square_red.jpg\">"));
    insert($w, block("<img height=\"10\" width=\"{$diff}\" src=\"../images/square_green.jpg\">"));
    insert($w, textbr(''));
    insert($w, textb(my_("Total unassigned subnets (pre-allocated subnets marked as free): ")));
    insert($w, textbr($cntfree));
    insert($w, textb(my_("Unassigned subnets (pre-allocated subnets marked as free): ")));
    insert($w, textbr(round($cntfreesubsize / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2) . "%"));
    $width = round($cntfreesubsize / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2);
    $diff = (100 - $width) * 5;
    $width = $width * 5;
    insert($w, block("<img height=\"10\" width=\"{$width}\" src=\"../images/square_red.jpg\">"));
    insert($w, block("<img height=\"10\" width=\"{$diff}\" src=\"../images/square_green.jpg\">"));
    insert($w, textbr());
    insert($w, textb(my_("IP addresses allocated (including reserved addresses/excluding reserved addresses): ")));
    insert($w, textbr(round($used / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2) . "%" . "/" . round(($used - $cntsubnets * 2) / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2) . "%"));
    $width = round($used / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2);
    $diff = (100 - $width) * 5;
    $width = $width * 5;
    insert($w, block("<img height=\"10\" width=\"{$width}\" src=\"../images/square_red.jpg\">"));
    insert($w, block("<img height=\"10\" width=\"{$diff}\" src=\"../images/square_green.jpg\">"));
if( function_exists('memory_get_usage') ) {
echo memory_get_usage(); // php >=4.3 only
// create the export view form
$export->setInfo(array(array("customer_ID", "customer_description", "addr_start", "addr_end", "total_allocated_networks_subnets", "percent_network_subnets_allocated", "total_unassigned_subnets", "percent_unassigned_subnets", "percent_ip_allocated_include_reserved", "percent_ip_allocated_exclude_reserved"), array($cust, $ds->getCustomerDescrip($cust), $start, $end, $cnt, round($cntsubsize / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2), $cntfree, round($cntfreesubsize / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2), round($used / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2), round(($used - $cntsubnets * 2) / ($endnum - $startnum + 1) * 100, 2))));
$export->createExportForm($w, NULL);
コード例 #9
ファイル: displaysubnet.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
// $cblk will not exist if only a host - stats area not drawn
if ($maxcnt > 1) {
    //if ($maxcnt > MAXTABLESIZE) {
    if ($printed or $totcnt / MAXTABLESIZE > 1) {
        insert($cblk, block(" |"));
    insert($cblk, block("<p>"));
    // draw select box
    insert($consel, selectbox($lst, array("name" => "ip[]", "multiple size" => "5")));
if ($block > 0) {
    $vars = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?baseindex=" . $baseindex . "&block=" . ($block - 1) . "&showactive=" . $showactive . "&expr={$expr}&search=" . urlencode($search);
    insert($ck1, anchor($vars, "<<"));
insert($ck1, textb(my_("IP address")));
// create the export view form
$expression = $export->translateExpr($expr);
$export->setInfo(array(array("customer_ID", "customer_description", "subnet_ID", "search_criterion", "search_expression", "total_addresses", "used_addresses", "free_addresses", "active_polled(D_W_M_Y)", "utilization", "efficiency"), array($cust, $ds->getCustomerDescrip($cust), $baseindex, $expression, $descrip, $maxcnt, $recs + 2 . "(including network and broadcast)", $maxcnt - $recs - 2, $pollcnt["d"] . "_" . $pollcnt["w"] . "_" . $pollcnt["m"] . "_" . $pollcnt["y"], round(($recs + 2) / $maxcnt * 100, 2), round($recs / $maxcnt * 100, 2))));
$export->createExportForm($w, NULL);
// myFetchRow class - special FetchRow to fill in missing records from subnet
// required for pager to work as records are expected in sequence - this just completes
// sequence
class myFetchRow
    var $result;
    var $baseaddr;
    var $subnetsize;
    var $pointer = -1;
コード例 #10
ファイル: displayswip.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
$startnum = inet_aton($start);
$endnum = inet_aton($end);
$custdescrip = $ds->GetCustomerDescrip($cust);
if ($areaindex and !$rangeindex) {
    insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Search for IP subnets between multiple ranges for customer '%s'"), $custdescrip)));
    $result = $ds->GetBaseFromArea($areaindex, $descrip, $cust);
} else {
    insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Search for IP subnets between %s and %s %s for customer '%s'"), $start, $end, $site, $custdescrip)));
    $result = $ds->GetBase($startnum, $endnum, $descrip, $cust);
if ($ipaddr) {
    insert($w, textb(my_("IP address filter: ")));
    insert($w, textbr($ipaddr));
if ($descrip) {
    insert($w, textb(my_("Description filter: ")));
    insert($w, textbr($descrip));
insert($w, $f = form(array("name" => "swiptosend", "method" => "post", "action" => "emailswip.php")));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $temparray2 = array();
    $swip = genSWIP($ds, $row["baseindex"], inet_ntoa($row["baseaddr"]), inet_ntoa($row["baseaddr"] + $row["subnetsize"] - 1), $cust, $row["descrip"], $row["swipmod"], $filename);
    if ($swip == FALSE) {
        myError($w, $p, my_("Error reading template!"));
    insert($f, block("<pre>"));
    insert($f, text($swip));
    insert($f, block("</pre>"));
    $ind = $row["baseindex"];
    insert($f, checkbox(array("name" => "baseindex[]", "value" => "{$ind}"), my_("E-mail this entry?")));
コード例 #11
ファイル: createsubnet.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
 // so do not create
 if (!$extst) {
     $warn = 1;
     myError($w, $p, sprintf(my_("Subnet %s not created - out of defined authority boundary"), inet_ntoa($base)) . "\n", FALSE);
 $restemp = $ds->GetDuplicateSubnet($base, $size, $cust);
 if ($restemp->FetchRow()) {
     $warn = 1;
     myError($w, $p, sprintf(my_("Subnet %s could not be created - possibly overlaps with an existing subnet"), inet_ntoa($base)) . "\n", FALSE);
 } else {
     // find subnets from other customers that overlap
     $result = $ds->GetDuplicateSubnetAll($base, $size, $grps);
     if ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
         $warn = 1;
         insert($w, textb(my_("WARNING: ")));
         insert($w, text(sprintf(my_("Subnet %s overlaps with the following subnets from other customers.  This may not be a problem as the subnet may occur in both customers routing tables:"), inet_ntoa($base))));
         insert($w, block("<p>"));
         // create a table
         insert($w, $t = table(array("cols" => "3", "class" => "outputtable")));
         // draw heading
         setdefault("cell", array("class" => "heading"));
         insert($t, $c = cell());
         insert($c, text(my_("Base address")));
         insert($t, $c = cell());
         insert($c, text(my_("Subnet description")));
         insert($t, $c = cell());
         insert($c, text(my_("Customer")));
         do {
             setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
             insert($t, $c = cell());
コード例 #12
ファイル: modifyzone.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
insert($c, text(my_("Last exported")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Changed by")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("zone", "primary_DNS", "secondary_DNS", "serial_date", "ttl", "refresh", "retry", "expire", "minimum_ttl", "last_modified", "last_exported", "changed_by"));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    if ($row["error_message"] == "E" or $ds->RevZoneChanged($cust, $row["id"])) {
        insert($c, textb($row["zone"]));
        insert($c, block(" &Dagger;"));
    } else {
        insert($c, text($row["zone"]));
    //    insert($c,text($row["zone"]));
    insert($c, textbr());
    insert($c, block("<small><i>"));
    if ($row["slaveonly"] == "Y") {
        insert($c, text(my_("Slave zone")));
        insert($c, textbr());
        $export->addCell($row["zone"] . my_(" (Slave zone)") . " " . inet_ntoa($row['zoneip']) . "/" . inet_bits($row['zonesize']));
    } else {
        $export->addCell($row["zone"] . " " . inet_ntoa($row['zoneip']) . "/" . inet_bits($row['zonesize']));
    insert($c, anchor("findfree.php?cust={$cust}&showused=1" . "&start=" . inet_ntoa($row["zoneip"]) . "&end=" . inet_ntoa($row["zoneip"] + $row["zonesize"] - 1), inet_ntoa($row["zoneip"]) . "/" . inet_bits($row["zonesize"])));
コード例 #13
ファイル: modifydnsrecord.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
    $srch = new mySearch($w, $arr, $descrip, "descrip");
    $srch->legend = my_("Refine Search on Host");
    $srch->expr = $expr;
    $srch->expr_disp = TRUE;
    // draw the sucker!
$totcnt = 0;
$vars = "";
// fastforward till first record if not first block of data
while ($block and $totcnt < $block * MAXTABLESIZE and $row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $vars = DisplayBlock($w, $row, $totcnt, "&domain=" . urlencode($domain) . "&cust=" . $cust . "&expr={$expr}&descrip=" . urlencode($descrip), "sortorder");
insert($w, block("<p>"));
insert($w, textb($domain));
insert($w, $f = form(array("name" => "deleterecords", "method" => "post", "action" => $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])));
// create a table
insert($f, $t = table(array("cols" => "7", "class" => "outputtable")));
// draw heading
setdefault("cell", array("class" => "heading"));
insert($t, $c = cell());
if (!empty($vars)) {
    insert($c, anchor($vars, "<<"));
insert($c, text(my_("Sort-Order")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Host")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Record Type")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
コード例 #14
ファイル: searchall.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
$sqllastmod = $ds->ds->SQLDate("M d Y H:i:s", 'ipaddr.lastmod');
if ($areaindex and !$rangeindex) {
    insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Search for IP subnets between multiple ranges for customer '%s'"), $custdescrip)));
    // NOTE: ipaddr column aliased to baseaddr to make DisplayBlock work
    $result =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT ipaddr.userinf, ipaddr.location, \n                             ipaddr.telno, ipaddr.descrip, {$sqllastmod} AS lastmod,\n                             ipaddr.ipaddr AS baseaddr, ipaddr.baseindex, \n                             ipaddr.hname, \n                             customer.custdescrip, customer.customer\n                           FROM ipaddr, base, netrange, customer {$addtables}\n                           {$where} AND\n                             base.customer = customer.customer AND\n                             base.baseindex = ipaddr.baseindex AND\n                             netrange.areaindex={$areaindex} AND\n                             base.baseaddr BETWEEN netrange.rangeaddr AND \n                                netrange.rangeaddr+netrange.rangesize-1 AND\n                             netrange.customer={$cust}");
    //                           ORDER by
    //                              ipaddr.ipaddr");
} else {
    insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Search for IP subnets between %s and %s %s for customer '%s'"), $start, $end, $site, $custdescrip)));
    // NOTE: ipaddr column aliased to baseaddr to make DisplayBlock work
    // get detail from ipaddr table - could be nothing!
    $result =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT ipaddr.userinf, ipaddr.location, \n                             ipaddr.telno, ipaddr.descrip, {$sqllastmod} AS lastmod,\n                             ipaddr.ipaddr AS baseaddr, ipaddr.baseindex,\n                             ipaddr.hname, \n                             customer.custdescrip, customer.customer\n                           FROM ipaddr, base, customer {$addtables}\n                           {$where} AND\n                             base.customer = customer.customer AND\n                             base.baseindex = ipaddr.baseindex AND\n                             base.baseaddr BETWEEN {$startnum} AND {$endnum}");
    //                           ORDER by
    //                              ipaddr.ipaddr");
insert($w, textb(sprintf(my_("Search filter on %s: "), $field)));
insert($w, textbr($search));
$totcnt = 0;
$vars = "";
// fastforward till first record if not first block of data
while ($block and $totcnt < $block * MAXTABLESIZE and $row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $vars = DisplayBlock($w, $row, $totcnt, "&cust=" . $cust . "&areaindex=" . $areaindex . "&rangeindex=" . $rangeindex . "&day=" . $day . "&month=" . $month . "&year=" . $year . "&tmplfield=" . $tmplfield . "&search=" . urlencode($search) . "&field=" . $field);
insert($w, block("<p>"));
// create a table
insert($w, $t = table(array("cols" => "6", "class" => "outputtable")));
// draw heading
setdefault("cell", array("class" => "heading"));
insert($t, $c = cell());
if (!empty($vars)) {
コード例 #15
ファイル: dns.php プロジェクト: hetznerZA/ipplan
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
require_once "../ipplanlib.php";
require_once "../config.php";
require_once "../layout/class.layout";
// set language
isset($_COOKIE["ipplanLanguage"]) && myLanguage($_COOKIE['ipplanLanguage']);
$title = my_("DNS results");
$w = myheading($p, $title, true);
// explicitly cast variables as security measure against SQL injection
list($ip) = myRegister("S:ip");
if (!$_GET) {
    myError($w, $p, my_("You cannot reload or bookmark this page!"));
if (testIP($ip)) {
    myError($w, $p, my_("Invalid IP address"));
$result = gethostbyaddr($ip);
insert($w, text($result));
if ($result == $ip) {
    insert($w, textb(my_(" No DNS reverse record found")));