コード例 #1
             $opt_etree->hideTestCases = SHOW_TESTCASES;
             $opt_etree->tc_action_enabled = false;
             $opt_etree->showTestCaseExecStatus = false;
             $opt_etree->nodeHelpText = array();
             $opt_etree->nodeHelpText['testproject'] = lang_get('gen_test_plan_design_report');
             $opt_etree->nodeHelpText['testsuite'] = $opt_etree->nodeHelpText['testproject'];
             $opt_etree->actionJS['testproject'] = 'TPLAN_PTP';
             $opt_etree->actionJS['testsuite'] = 'TPLAN_PTS';
             $opt_etree->hideTestCases = HIDE_TESTCASES;
     $filters = null;
     $treeContents = null;
     list($treeContents, $testcases_to_show) = testPlanTree($db, $rightPaneAction, $args->tproject_id, $args->tproject_name, $args->tplan_id, $testplan_name, $filters, $opt_etree);
     $gui->ajaxTree = new stdClass();
     $gui->ajaxTree->cookiePrefix = "{$args->doc_type}_tplan_id_{$args->tplan_id}_";
     $gui->ajaxTree->loadFromChildren = true;
     $gui->ajaxTree->root_node = $treeContents->rootnode;
     $gui->ajaxTree->children = trim($treeContents->menustring);
     if ($gui->ajaxTree->children == '') {
         $gui->ajaxTree->children = '{}';
         // generate valid JSON
         $gui->ajaxTree->root_node->href = '';
     tLog("Argument _REQUEST['type'] has invalid value", 'ERROR');
コード例 #2
  * Build the tree menu for generation of JavaScript test case tree.
  * Depending on mode and user's selections in user interface, 
  * either a completely filtered tree will be build and returned,
  * or only the minimal necessary data to "lazy load" 
  * the objects in the tree by later Ajax calls.
  * No return value - all variables will be stored in gui object
  * which is passed by reference.
  * @author Andreas Simon
  * @param object $gui Reference to GUI object (data will be written to it)
 public function build_tree_menu(&$gui)
     $tree_menu = null;
     $filters = $this->get_active_filters();
     $loader = '';
     $children = "[]";
     $cookie_prefix = '';
     // by default, disable drag and drop, then later enable if needed
     $drag_and_drop = new stdClass();
     $drag_and_drop->enabled = false;
     $drag_and_drop->BackEndUrl = '';
     $drag_and_drop->useBeforeMoveNode = FALSE;
     if (!$this->testproject_mgr) {
         $this->testproject_mgr = new testproject($this->db);
     $tc_prefix = $this->testproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($this->args->testproject_id);
     switch ($this->mode) {
         case 'plan_mode':
             // No lazy loading here.
             $opt_etree = $this->treeOpt[$this->mode];
             $filters->show_testsuite_contents = 1;
             switch ($this->args->feature) {
                 case 'test_urgency':
                     $filters->hide_testcases = 1;
                     // ??
                     $opt_etree->allow_empty_build = 1;
                     $opt_etree->hideTestCases = 1;
                     $opt_etree->getTreeMethod = 'getLinkedForTesterAssignmentTree';
                 case 'tc_exec_assignment':
                     $filters->hide_testcases = 0;
                     $opt_etree->hideTestCases = 0;
                     $opt_etree->allow_empty_build = 0;
                     $opt_etree->getTreeMethod = 'getLinkedForTesterAssignmentTree';
                     // TICKET 4905: Test Case Tester Assignment - filters dont work properly
                     //        for 'Assigned to' Field
                     // This way we are GOING TO IGNORE SETTING BUILD
                     $opt_etree->buildIDKeyMap = 'filter_result_build';
                 case 'planUpdateTC':
                     $filters->hide_testcases = 0;
                     $opt_etree->hideTestCases = 0;
                     $opt_etree->allow_empty_build = 1;
                     $opt_etree->getTreeMethod = 'getLinkedForTesterAssignmentTree';
             list($tree_menu, $testcases_to_show) = testPlanTree($this->db, $gui->menuUrl, $this->args->testproject_id, $this->args->testproject_name, $this->args->testplan_id, $this->args->testplan_name, $filters, $opt_etree);
             $root_node = $tree_menu->rootnode;
             $children = $tree_menu->menustring ? $tree_menu->menustring : "[]";
             // improved cookiePrefix - all trees in plan mode show test cases
             // assigned to a specified test plan -> store state for each feature and each project
             // usage of wrong values in $this->args->xyz for cookiePrefix
             // instead of correct values in $filters->setting_xyz
             $cookie_prefix = $this->args->feature . "_tplan_id_" . $filters->setting_testplan . "_";
         case 'edit_mode':
             if ($gui->tree_drag_and_drop_enabled[$this->args->feature]) {
                 $drag_and_drop->enabled = true;
                 $drag_and_drop->BackEndUrl = $this->args->basehref . 'lib/ajax/dragdroptprojectnodes.php';
                 $drag_and_drop->useBeforeMoveNode = true;
             // improved cookiePrefix -
             // all trees in edit mode show test cases of whole test project
             // -> store state for each feature and each project
             $cookie_prefix = $this->args->feature . "_tproject_id_" . $this->args->testproject_id . "_";
             if ($this->do_filtering) {
                 // TICKET 4353: added active/inactive filter
                 $ignore_inactive_testcases = DO_NOT_FILTER_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 $ignore_active_testcases = DO_NOT_FILTER_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 if (isset($filters['filter_active_inactive'])) {
                     if ($filters['filter_active_inactive'] == IGNORE_INACTIVE_TESTCASES) {
                         $ignore_inactive_testcases = IGNORE_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                     if ($filters['filter_active_inactive'] == IGNORE_ACTIVE_TESTCASES) {
                         $ignore_active_testcases = IGNORE_ACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 $options = array('forPrinting' => NOT_FOR_PRINTING, 'hideTestCases' => SHOW_TESTCASES, 'tc_action_enabled' => DO_ON_TESTCASE_CLICK, 'exclude_branches' => null, 'ignore_inactive_testcases' => $ignore_inactive_testcases, 'ignore_active_testcases' => $ignore_active_testcases);
                 $forrest = generateTestSpecTree($this->db, $this->args->testproject_id, $this->args->testproject_name, $gui->menuUrl, $filters, $options);
                 $tree_menu = $forrest['menu'];
                 $root_node = $tree_menu->rootnode;
                 $children = $tree_menu->menustring ? $tree_menu->menustring : "[]";
             } else {
                 $loader = $this->args->basehref . 'lib/ajax/gettprojectnodes.php?' . "root_node={$this->args->testproject_id}&" . "tcprefix=" . urlencode($tc_prefix . $this->configuration->tc_cfg->glue_character);
                 $tcase_qty = $this->testproject_mgr->count_testcases($this->args->testproject_id);
                 $root_node = new stdClass();
                 $root_node->href = "javascript:EP({$this->args->testproject_id})";
                 $root_node->id = $this->args->testproject_id;
                 $root_node->name = $this->args->testproject_name . " ({$tcase_qty})";
                 $root_node->wrapOpen = $root_node->wrapClose = '';
                 $root_node->testlink_node_type = 'testproject';
         case 'plan_add_mode':
             // improved cookiePrefix -
             // tree in plan_add_mode is only used for add/removed test cases features
             // and shows all test cases defined within test project,
             // but as test cases are added to a specified test plan -> store state for each test plan
             // usage of wrong values in $this->args->xyz for cookiePrefix instead of correct
             // values in $filters->setting_xyz
             $cookie_prefix = "add_remove_tc_tplan_id_{$filters['setting_testplan']}_";
             if ($this->do_filtering) {
                 // TICKET 4496: added active/inactive filter
                 // Will be refactored in future versions
                 // $ignore_inactive_testcases = DO_NOT_FILTER_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 // $ignore_active_testcases = DO_NOT_FILTER_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 // if ($filters['filter_active_inactive'] == IGNORE_INACTIVE_TESTCASES)
                 // {
                 //   $ignore_inactive_testcases = IGNORE_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 // }
                 // if ($filters['filter_active_inactive'] == IGNORE_ACTIVE_TESTCASES)
                 // {
                 //   $ignore_active_testcases = IGNORE_ACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 // }
                 // need to be refactored
                 $ignore_inactive_testcases = DO_NOT_FILTER_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 $ignore_active_testcases = DO_NOT_FILTER_INACTIVE_TESTCASES;
                 $options = array('forPrinting' => NOT_FOR_PRINTING, 'hideTestCases' => HIDE_TESTCASES, 'tc_action_enabled' => ACTION_TESTCASE_DISABLE, 'viewType' => 'testSpecTreeForTestPlan', 'ignore_inactive_testcases' => $ignore_inactive_testcases, 'ignore_active_testcases' => $ignore_active_testcases);
                 $options['nodeHelpText']['testproject'] = lang_get('right_pane_test_plan_tree');
                 $options['nodeHelpText']['testsuite'] = lang_get('display_tsuite_contents');
                 // belongs to treeMenu.inc.php
                 $forrest = generateTestSpecTree($this->db, $this->args->testproject_id, $this->args->testproject_name, $gui->menuUrl, $filters, $options);
                 $tree_menu = $forrest['menu'];
                 $root_node = $tree_menu->rootnode;
                 $children = $tree_menu->menustring ? $tree_menu->menustring : "[]";
             } else {
                 $loader = $this->args->basehref . 'lib/ajax/gettprojectnodes.php?' . "root_node={$this->args->testproject_id}&show_tcases=0" . "&" . http_build_query(array('tsuiteHelp' => lang_get('display_tsuite_contents')));
                 $root_node = new stdClass();
                 $root_node->href = "javascript:EP({$this->args->testproject_id})";
                 $root_node->id = $this->args->testproject_id;
                 $root_node->name = $this->args->testproject_name;
                 $root_node->wrapOpen = '<span title="' . lang_get('right_pane_test_plan_tree') . '">';
                 $root_node->wrapClose = '</span>';
                 $root_node->testlink_node_type = 'testproject';
         case 'execution_mode':
             // No lazy loading here.
             // Filtering is always done in execution mode, no matter if user enters data or not,
             // since the user should usually never see the whole tree here.
             $filters->hide_testcases = false;
             $filters->show_testsuite_contents = $this->configuration->exec_cfg->show_testsuite_contents;
             $exec_cfg =& $this->configuration->exec_cfg;
             $opt_etree = new stdClass();
             $opt_etree->useCounters = $exec_cfg->enable_tree_testcase_counters;
             $opt_etree->useColours = new stdClass();
             $opt_etree->useColours->testcases = $exec_cfg->enable_tree_testcases_colouring;
             $opt_etree->useColours->counters = $exec_cfg->enable_tree_counters_colouring;
             $opt_etree->testcases_colouring_by_selected_build = $exec_cfg->testcases_colouring_by_selected_build;
             if ($this->mode == 'execution_mode') {
                 $opt_etree->actionJS['testproject'] = 'EXDS';
             list($tree_menu, $testcases_to_show) = execTree($this->db, $gui->menuUrl, array('tproject_id' => $this->args->testproject_id, 'tproject_name' => $this->args->testproject_name, 'tplan_id' => $this->args->testplan_id, 'tplan_name' => $this->args->testplan_name), $filters, $opt_etree);
             $root_node = $tree_menu->rootnode;
             $children = $tree_menu->menustring ? $tree_menu->menustring : "[]";
             // improved cookiePrefix -
             // tree on test execution shows test cases depending on test plan, platform and build.
             // Because test plan is implicitily given with build -> store state for each (platform-build)
             // combination
             // Usage of wrong values in $this->args->xyz for cookiePrefix
             // instead of correct values in $filters->setting_xyz
             $cookie_prefix = 'test_exec_build_id_' . $filters->setting_build . '_';
             if (isset($filters->setting_platform)) {
                 $cookie_prefix .= 'platform_id_' . $filters->setting_platform . '_';
     $gui->tree = $tree_menu;
     $gui->ajaxTree = new stdClass();
     $gui->ajaxTree->loader = $loader;
     $gui->ajaxTree->root_node = $root_node;
     $gui->ajaxTree->children = $children;
     $gui->ajaxTree->cookiePrefix = $cookie_prefix;
     $gui->ajaxTree->dragDrop = $drag_and_drop;
コード例 #3
 function buildTreePlanMode($menuUrl)
     // No lazy loading here.
     $opt_etree = $this->treeOpt[$this->mode];
     $filtersObj = new stdClass();
     $filtersObj->show_testsuite_contents = 1;
     switch ($this->args->feature) {
         case 'test_urgency':
             $filtersObj->hide_testcases = 1;
             // @TODO Document Why
             $opt_etree->allow_empty_build = 1;
             $opt_etree->hideTestCases = 1;
             $opt_etree->getTreeMethod = 'getLinkedForTesterAssignmentTree';
         case 'tc_exec_assignment':
             $filtersObj->hide_testcases = 0;
             $opt_etree->hideTestCases = 0;
             $opt_etree->allow_empty_build = 0;
             $opt_etree->getTreeMethod = 'getLinkedForTesterAssignmentTree';
             // Test Case Tester Assignment -
             // filters dont work properly for 'Assigned to' Field
             // This way we are GOING TO IGNORE SETTING BUILD
             $opt_etree->buildIDKeyMap = 'filter_result_build';
         case 'planUpdateTC':
             $filtersObj->hide_testcases = 0;
             $opt_etree->hideTestCases = 0;
             $opt_etree->allow_empty_build = 1;
             $opt_etree->getTreeMethod = 'getLinkedForTesterAssignmentTree';
     $ajaxTree = $this->ajaxTreeTemplate();
     list($ajaxTree->tree_menu, $testcases_to_show) = testPlanTree($this->db, $menuUrl, $this->args->testproject_id, $this->args->testproject_name, $this->args->testplan_id, $this->args->testplan_name, $filtersObj, $opt_etree);
     $ajaxTree->root_node = $ajaxTree->tree_menu->rootnode;
     $ajaxTree->children = $ajaxTree->tree_menu->menustring ? $ajaxTree->tree_menu->menustring : "[]";
     $ajaxTree->cookiePrefix = $this->args->feature . "_tplan_id_" . $filtersObj->setting_testplan . "_";
     $ajaxTree->filters = $filtersObj;
     return $ajaxTree;