コード例 #1
function tdd_pb_get_bars($args)
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults = array('ids' => array(), 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => '', 'class' => '', 'default_color' => 'tdd_pb_red'));
    $tdd_pb_options = get_option('tdd_pb_options');
    //Filter the array to ensure we're getting things that look like integers. Will also filter out blank array items
    $idsarr = array_filter($args['ids'], 'is_numeric');
    //count if this is a race (more than one progress bar being displayed. The race format can also be forced by passing "tdd_pb_race" in the $class argument)
    if (count($idsarr) > 1) {
        $race = 'tdd_pb_race';
        if (!$args['height']) {
            $args['height'] = $tdd_pb_options['race_height'] . 'px';
    } else {
        $race = '';
        if (!$args['height']) {
            $args['height'] = $tdd_pb_options['single_height'] . 'px';
    $race = count($idsarr) > 1 ? 'tdd_pb_race' : '';
    //Set up our global container
    $return = '<div class="tdd_pb_global_container ' . $race . ' ' . sanitize_html_class($args['class']);
    $return .= '" style="width:' . esc_attr(strip_tags($args['width'])) . '">';
    //If there are no ids to display, this is kind of a moot proccess - so let's say so:
    if (count($idsarr) <= 0) {
        $return .= '<p>' . __('No progress bars were set, so there is nothing to display', 'tdd_pb') . '</p></div>';
        return $return;
    //Setup a new WP_Query for our progress bars.
    $tdd_pb_query = new WP_Query();
    $tdd_pb_query->query(array('post_type' => 'tdd_pb', 'posts_per_page' => 100, 'post__in' => $idsarr, 'no_found_rows' => true));
    //If there were no posts to display, again, this is moot, so let's say so:
    if (!$tdd_pb_query->have_posts()) {
        $return .= '<p>' . __('No progress bars found', 'tdd_pb') . '</p></div>';
        return $return;
    while ($tdd_pb_query->have_posts()) {
        $color = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_color', true);
        $custom_color = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_custom_color', true);
        $percentage = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_percentage', true);
        $start = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_start', true);
        $end = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_end', true);
        $input_method = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_input_method', true);
        $percentage_display = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_percentage_display', true);
        $xofy_display = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_tdd_pb_xofy_display', true);
        //Get the calculated percentage
        if ($input_method == 'xofy' && $end > 0) {
            $start = floatval($start);
            $end = floatval($end);
            $calcpercentage = round($start / $end * 100, 2);
        } else {
            $calcpercentage = $percentage;
        //This filter allows you to hook in and modify the percentage, perhaps based on a fancy API call...
        $calcpercentage = apply_filters('tdd_pb_calculated_percentage', $calcpercentage, get_the_ID());
        //Fallback to default bar color
        $color_class = $color ? sanitize_html_class('tdd_pb_' . $color) : $args['default_color'];
        //Are we displaying text on the bar? Potentially... (there's a global setting that can override this)
        $text_on_bar = '';
        if ($percentage_display == 'on' || $percentage_display === '') {
            $text_on_bar .= round(floatval($calcpercentage), 2) . '%';
        if ($xofy_display == 'on') {
            $text_on_bar .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . intval($start) . ' ' . __('of', 'tdd_pb') . ' ' . intval($end);
        $barargs = array('percentage' => $calcpercentage, 'text_on_bar' => $text_on_bar, 'title' => get_the_title(), 'classes' => array(), 'width' => esc_attr($args['width']), 'height' => esc_attr($args['height']), 'color_class' => $color_class, 'custom_color' => tdd_pb_sanitize_color_hex_raw($custom_color));
        $return .= tdd_pb_render_bar($barargs);
    //Close the progress bar container, and return everything to screen.
    $return .= '</div>';
    return $return;
コード例 #2
ファイル: admin.php プロジェクト: kasuparu/wp-timecraft
 function validate($input)
     //whitelist checkboxes (add them back in, even if false)
     $output['display_percentage'] = isset($input['display_percentage']) ? true : false;
     $output['animate'] = isset($input['animate']) ? true : false;
     $output['default_css'] = isset($input['default_css']) ? true : false;
     //Sanitize other options
     if (!empty($input['bar_background_color'])) {
         $output['bar_background_color'] = tdd_pb_sanitize_color_hex_raw($input['bar_background_color']);
     } else {
     if (!empty($input['single_height'])) {
         $output['single_height'] = absint($input['single_height']);
     } else {
     if (!empty($input['race_height'])) {
         $output['race_height'] = absint($input['race_height']);
     } else {
     if (!empty($input['percentage_color'])) {
         $output['percentage_color'] = tdd_pb_sanitize_color_hex_raw($input['percentage_color']);
     } else {
     //We now need to set all the array indexes that are blank to their default values.
     $mergedoutput = $this->get_options($output);
     return $mergedoutput;