コード例 #1
ファイル: DbHandler.php プロジェクト: kenirwin/SubjectsPlus
 function writeTable($qualifier, $subject_id = '', $description_search = 0)
     global $IconPath;
     global $proxyURL;
     $db = new Querier();
     // sanitize submission
     $subject_id = scrubData($subject_id);
     // Prepare conditions
     $condition1 = "";
     $condition2 = "";
     $condition3 = "";
     switch ($qualifier) {
         case "Num":
             $condition1 = "WHERE left(title, 1)  REGEXP '[[:digit:]]+'";
             $condition2 = "WHERE left(alternate_title, 1)  REGEXP '[[:digit:]]+'";
         case "All":
             $condition1 = "WHERE title != ''";
             $condition2 = "WHERE alternate_title != ''";
         case "bysub":
             if (isset($subject_id)) {
                 //get title ids in pluslets' resource token connected to subject
                 $lobjGuide = new Guide($subject_id);
                 $lobjTitleIds = $lobjGuide->getRelatedTitles();
                 $condition1 = "WHERE (subject_id = {$subject_id}";
                 $condition1 .= count($lobjTitleIds) > 0 ? "\nOR t.title_id IN (" . implode(',', $lobjTitleIds) . ")" : "";
                 $condition1 .= ")";
                 $condition2 = "WHERE subject_id = {$subject_id}";
             } else {
                 $condition1 = "WHERE title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%");
                 $condition2 = "WHERE alternate_title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%");
         case "bytype":
             if (isset($_GET["type"])) {
                 $condition1 = "WHERE ctags LIKE " . $db->quote(scrubData($_GET["type"]));
                 $condition2 = "WHERE ctags LIKE " . $db->quote(scrubData($_GET["type"]));
                 $condition3 = "and alternate_title NOT NULL";
         case "search":
             $condition1 = "WHERE title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%");
             // If you uncomment the next line, it will search description field
             $condition1 = "WHERE (title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%") . " OR description LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%");
             $condition2 = "WHERE alternate_title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" + $qualifier + "%");
             // This is the simple output by letter and also the search
             if (strlen($qualifier) == 1) {
                 // Is like the first letter
                 $condition1 = "WHERE title LIKE " . $db->quote($qualifier . "%");
             } else {
                 $condition1 = "WHERE title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%");
             if ($description_search == 1) {
                 // If you uncomment the next line, it will search description field
                 $condition1 = "WHERE (title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%") . " OR description LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $qualifier . "%") . ")";
             $condition2 = "WHERE alternate_title LIKE " . $db->quote("%" + $qualifier + "%");
     $q1 = "SELECT distinct left(t.title,1) as initial, t.title as newtitle, t.description, location, access_restrictions, t.title_id as this_record,eres_display, display_note, pre, citation_guide, ctags, helpguide\n            FROM title as t\n            INNER JOIN location_title as lt\n            ON t.title_id = lt.title_id\n            INNER JOIN location as l\n            ON lt.location_id = l.location_id\n            INNER JOIN restrictions as r\n            ON l.access_restrictions = r.restrictions_id\n            INNER JOIN rank as rk\n            ON rk.title_id = t.title_id\n            INNER JOIN source as s\n            ON rk.source_id = s.source_id\n            {$condition1}\n            AND eres_display = 'Y'\n            ORDER BY newtitle";
     $q2 = "SELECT distinct left(t.alternate_title,1) as initial, t.alternate_title as newtitle, t.description, location, access_restrictions, t.title_id as this_record,eres_display, display_note, pre, citation_guide, ctags, helpguide\n            FROM title as t\n            INNER JOIN location_title as lt\n            ON t.title_id = lt.title_id\n            INNER JOIN location as l\n            ON lt.location_id = l.location_id\n            INNER JOIN restrictions as r\n            ON l.access_restrictions = r.restrictions_id\n            INNER JOIN rank as rk\n            ON rk.title_id = t.title_id\n            INNER JOIN source as s\n            ON rk.source_id = s.source_id\n            {$condition2}\n\t\t        AND eres_display = 'Y'\n            {$condition3}\n\n\t\t        ORDER BY newtitle";
     $r = $db->query($q1);
     $num_rows = count($r);
     if ($num_rows == 0) {
         return "<div class=\"no_results\">" . _("Sorry, there are no results at this time.") . "</div>";
     // prepare 	header
     $items = "<table width=\"98%\" class=\"item_listing\">";
     $row_count = 0;
     $colour1 = "oddrow";
     $colour2 = "evenrow";
     foreach ($r as $myrow) {
         $row_colour = $row_count % 2 ? $colour1 : $colour2;
         $patterns = "/'|\"/";
         $replacements = "";
         $item_title = $myrow[1];
         if ($myrow["pre"] != "") {
             $item_title = $myrow["pre"] . " " . $item_title;
         $safe_title = trim(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $item_title));
         $blurb = $myrow["description"];
         $bib_id = $myrow[5];
         /// CHECK RESTRICTIONS ///
         if ($myrow['4'] == 2 or $myrow['4'] == 3) {
             $url = $proxyURL . $myrow[3];
             $rest_icons = "restricted";
         } elseif ($myrow['4'] == 4) {
             $url = $myrow[3];
             $rest_icons = "restricted";
         } else {
             $url = $myrow[3];
             $rest_icons = "";
             // if you want the unlocked icon to show, enter "unrestricted" here
         $current_ctags = explode("|", $myrow["ctags"]);
         // add our $rest_icons info to this array at the beginning
         array_unshift($current_ctags, $rest_icons);
         $icons = showIcons($current_ctags);
         /// Check for Help Guide ///
         if ($myrow["helpguide"] != "") {
             $helpguide = " <a href=\"" . $myrow["helpguide"] . "\"><img src=\"{$IconPath}/help.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _("Help Guide") . "\" title=\"" . _("Help Guide") . "\" /></a>";
         } else {
             $helpguide = "";
         //Check if there is a display note
         if ($myrow["display_note"] == NULL) {
             $display_note_text = "";
         } else {
             $display_note_text = "<br /><strong>" . _("Note:") . " </strong>" . $myrow['display_note'];
         $bonus = "{$blurb}<br />";
         if ($blurb != "") {
             $information1 = "<span id=\"bib-{$bib_id}\" class=\"toggleLink curse_me\"><img src=\"{$IconPath}/information.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _("more information") . "\" title=\"" . _("more information") . "\" /></span>";
             // This is new details link; you can use the one above if you prefer
             $information = "<span id=\"bib-{$bib_id}\" class=\"toggleLink curse_me\">" . _("about") . "</span>";
         } else {
             $information = "";
         $target = targetBlanker();
         $items .= self::generateLayout($row_colour, $url, $target, $item_title, $information, $information1, $icons, $helpguide, $display_note_text, $bonus);
     $items .= "</table>";
     return $items;
コード例 #2
ファイル: 1.php プロジェクト: kenirwin/SubjectsPlus
 public function output($action = "", $view = "public")
     // public vs. admin
     global $proxyURL;
     global $check_this;
     global $IconPath;
     global $all_ctags;
     $last_source_id = "";
     // Create TOC
     $TOC = self::createTOC();
     $this->_body = $TOC;
     $db = new Querier();
     // Display all items for a subject, as tagged in Records tab
     $q = "select title, description, location, source, source.source_id, restrictions, location.format,\n\t\trestrictions_id, title.title_id, location.access_restrictions, rank.subject_id,\n\t\trank.title_id, location.helpguide, display_note, ctags, description_override, call_number\n\t\tFROM title, restrictions, location, location_title, source, rank\n\t\tWHERE title.title_id = location_title.title_id and location.location_id = location_title.location_id\n\t\tAND restrictions_id = access_restrictions and rank.subject_id = '{$this->_subject_id}' and rank.title_id = title.title_id\n\t\tAND source.source_id = rank.source_id\n        ORDER BY source.rs asc, source.source, rank.rank asc, title.title, format";
     //print $q;
     $r = $db->query($q);
     // set up some row colours
     $row_count = 0;
     $colour1 = "oddrow";
     $colour2 = "evenrow";
     $results = "";
     // init
     foreach ($r as $myrow) {
         $label = $myrow["title"];
         $url = $myrow["location"];
         $restrictions = $myrow["restrictions_id"];
         $display_note = $myrow["display_note"];
         // Use description override if it exists
         if ($myrow["description_override"] != "") {
             $blurb = $myrow["description_override"];
         } else {
             $blurb = $myrow["description"];
         if ($restrictions == 2 or $restrictions == 3) {
             // Check if it is restricted to local students
             $rest_icons = "restricted";
             $final_url = $proxyURL . $myrow[2];
             //$rest_icons = "<img src=\"$IconPath/lock.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Available to Students, Faculty and Staff\" title=\"Available to Students, Faculty and Staff\" /> ";
         } else {
             $rest_icons = "";
             $final_url = $myrow[2];
             //$rest_icons = "<img src=\"$IconPath/lock_unlock.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Unrestricted Resource\" title=\"Unrestricted Resource\" /> ";
         // Generate our icons, comparing current ctags to the master list (in config.php)
         $pub_icons = "";
         $current_ctags = explode("|", $myrow["ctags"]);
         // add our $rest_icons info to this array at the beginning
         array_unshift($current_ctags, $rest_icons);
         $pub_icons = showIcons($current_ctags);
         //Check if there is a display note
         if ($display_note == NULL) {
             $display_note_text = "";
         } else {
             $display_note_text = "<strong>note: </strong>{$display_note}";
         $row_colour = $row_count % 2 ? $colour1 : $colour2;
         // Do we need a subdivision header?
         $this_source_id = $myrow[4];
         if ($this_source_id != $last_source_id) {
             $results .= "<p class=\"leftcolheader\"><a name=\"{$myrow['4']}\"></a>{$myrow['3']}</p>\n\n";
             $last_source_id = $this_source_id;
             $res_class = "dbresults no-border";
         } else {
             $res_class = "dbresults";
         // clean up blurb
         $blurb = stripslashes($blurb) . "<br />";
         // let's set our targets
         $target = targetBlanker();
         // Display results
         switch ($myrow["format"]) {
             case "1":
                 // web
                 $first_line = "<a style=\"text-decoration: underline\" href=\"{$final_url}\" {$target}>{$label}</a> {$pub_icons}<br />";
             case "2":
                 // print
                 $first_line = "<em>{$label}</em><br /><strong>" . _("Print Location:") . "</strong> {$final_url} {$pub_icons}<br />";
                 if ($myrow["8"] == $last_title_id) {
                     $blurb = "";
                     $res_class = "dbresults-inset";
             case "3":
                 // print with url
                 $first_line = "<em>{$label}</em><br /><strong>" . _("Print Location:") . "</strong>\n                    <a style=\"text-decoration: underline\" href=\"{$final_url}\" {$target}>" . $myrow["call_number"] . "</a> {$pub_icons}<br />";
                 if ($myrow["8"] == $last_title_id) {
                     $blurb = "";
                     $res_class = "dbresults-inset";
         $results .= "<div class=\"{$res_class}\">\n                {$first_line}\n                {$blurb}\n                {$display_note_text}\n            </div>";
         $last_title_id = $myrow["8"];
         // Add 1 to the row count, for the "even/odd" row striping
     $this->_body .= $results;
     return $this->_pluslet;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Pluslet.php プロジェクト: johnwinsor/SubjectsPlus
 protected function tokenizeText()
     global $proxyURL;
     global $PublicPath;
     global $FAQPath;
     global $UserPath;
     global $IconPath;
     global $open_string;
     global $close_string;
     global $open_string_kw;
     global $close_string_kw;
     global $open_string_cn;
     global $close_string_cn;
     global $open_string_bib;
     $db = new Querier();
     $icons = "";
     //$target = "target=\"_" . $target . "\"";
     $target = "";
     $target = targetBlanker();
     $tokenized = "";
     $parts = preg_split('/<span[^>]*>{{|}}<\\/span>/', $this->_body);
     if (count($parts) == 1) {
         $parts = preg_split('/{{|}}/', $this->_body);
     if (count($parts) > 1) {
         // there are tokens in $body
         foreach ($parts as $part) {
             if (preg_match('/^dab},\\s?{\\d+},\\s?{.+},\\s?{[01]{3}$/', $part) || preg_match('/^dab},\\s?{\\d+},\\s?{.+},\\s?{[01]{2}$/', $part) || preg_match('/^faq},\\s?{(\\d+,)*\\d+$/', $part) || preg_match('/^cat},\\s?{.+},\\s?{.*},\\s?{\\w+$/', $part) || preg_match('/^fil},\\s?{.+},\\s?{.+$/', $part) || preg_match('/^sss},\\s?{[^}]*/', $part) || preg_match('/^toc},\\s?{[^}]*/', $part)) {
                 // $part is a properly formed token
                 $fields = preg_split('/},\\s?{/', $part);
                 $prefix = substr($part, 0, 3);
                 switch ($prefix) {
                     case "faq":
                         $query = "SELECT faq_id, question FROM `faq` WHERE faq_id IN(" . $fields[1] . ") ORDER BY question";
                         $result = $db->query($query);
                         $tokenized .= "<ul>";
                         foreach ($result as $myrow) {
                             $tokenized .= "<li><a href=\"{$FAQPath}" . "?faq_id={$myrow['0']}\" {$target}>" . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($myrow[1])) . "</a></li>";
                         $tokenized .= "</ul>";
                     case "fil":
                         $ext = explode(".", $fields[1]);
                         $i = count($ext) - 1;
                         $our_icon = showDocIcon($ext[$i]);
                         $file = "{$UserPath}/{$fields['1']}";
                         $tokenized .= "<a href=\"{$file}\" {$target}>{$fields['2']}</a> <img style=\"position:relative; top:.3em;\" src=\"{$IconPath}/{$our_icon}\" alt=\"{$ext[$i]}\" />";
                     case "cat":
                         $pretext = "";
                         switch ($fields[3]) {
                             case "subject":
                                 $cat_url = $open_string . $fields[1] . $close_string;
                                 $pretext = $fields[2] . " ";
                                 $linktext = $fields[1];
                             case "keywords":
                                 $cat_url = $open_string_kw . $fields[1] . $close_string_kw;
                                 $linktext = $fields[2];
                             case "call_num":
                                 $cat_url = $open_string_cn . $fields[1] . $close_string_cn;
                                 $linktext = $fields[2];
                             case "bib":
                                 $cat_url = $open_string_bib . $fields[1];
                                 $linktext = $fields[2];
                         $tokenized .= "{$pretext}<a href=\"{$cat_url}\" {$target}>{$linktext}</a>";
                     case "dab":
                         $description = "";
                         // Check for icons or descriptions in fields[3]
                         // 00 = neither; 10 = icons no desc; 01 = desc no icons; 11 = both
                         if (isset($fields["3"])) {
                             // Transform the number into an array of values
                             $options = str_split($fields["3"]);
                             $show_icon_option = $options[0];
                             $show_desc_option = $options[1];
                             if ($show_icon_option == 1) {
                                 $show_icons = "yes";
                                 $show_rank = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $show_icons = "";
                             if ($show_desc_option == 1) {
                                 $show_desc = 1;
                                 $show_rank = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $show_desc = "";
                             // This option was not in previous version so it needs to be checked
                             if (isset($options[2])) {
                                 $show_note_option = $options[2];
                                 if ($show_note_option == 1) {
                                     $show_note = 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $show_note = "";
                         $query = "SELECT location, access_restrictions, format, ctags, helpguide, citation_guide, description, call_number, t.title, display_note\n                                    FROM location l, location_title lt, title t\n                                    WHERE l.location_id = lt.location_id\n                                    AND lt.title_id = t.title_id\n                                    AND t.title_id = {$fields['1']}";
                         $result = $db->query($query);
                         foreach ($result as $myrow) {
                             // eliminate final line breaks -- offset fixed 11/15/2011 agd
                             $myrow[6] = preg_replace('/(<br \\/>)+/', '', $myrow[6]);
                             // See if it's a web format
                             if ($myrow[2] == 1) {
                                 if ($myrow[1] == 1) {
                                     $url = $myrow[0];
                                     $rest_icons = "unrestricted";
                                 } else {
                                     $url = $proxyURL . $myrow[0];
                                     $rest_icons = "restricted";
                                 $current_ctags = explode("|", $myrow[3]);
                                 // add our $rest_icons info to this array at the beginning
                                 array_unshift($current_ctags, $rest_icons);
                                 if ($show_icons == "yes") {
                                     $icons = showIcons($current_ctags);
                                 } else {
                                     $icons = "";
                                 if ($show_desc == 1) {
                                     // if we know the subject_id, good; for public, must look up
                                     $subject_id = '';
                                     if (isset($_GET["subject_id"])) {
                                         $subject_id = $_GET["subject_id"];
                                     } elseif (isset($_GET["subject"])) {
                                         $q1 = "SELECT subject_id FROM subject WHERE shortform = '" . $_GET["subject"] . "'";
                                         $r1 = $db->query($q1);
                                         //$subject_id = $db->last_id($r1);
                                         //$subject_id = $subject_id[0];
                                         $subject_id = $r1[0]["subject_id"];
                                     $override = findDescOverride($subject_id, $fields[1]);
                                     // if they do want to display the description:
                                     if ($override != "") {
                                         // show the subject-specific "description_override" if it exists
                                         $description = "<br />" . scrubData($override);
                                     } else {
                                         $description = "<br />" . scrubData($myrow[6]);
                                     //$description = "<br />$myrow[9]";
                                 if (isset($show_note) && $show_note == 1) {
                                     if ($myrow[9] != "") {
                                         $note = "<br />" . _("Note: ") . $myrow[9];
                                 } else {
                                     $note = "";
                                 if (!isset($note)) {
                                     $note = "";
                                 $tokenized .= "<a href=\"{$url}\" {$target}>{$myrow['8']}</a> {$icons} {$description} {$note}";
                             } else {
                                 // It's print
                                 $format = "other";
                                 $current_ctags = explode("|", $myrow[3]);
                                 if ($show_icons == "yes") {
                                     $icons = showIcons($current_ctags);
                                 } else {
                                     $icons = "";
                                 // added Diane Z fall 2014
                                 if ($show_desc == 1) {
                                     // if we know the subject_id, good; for public, must look up
                                     $subject_id = '';
                                     if (isset($_GET["subject_id"])) {
                                         $subject_id = $_GET["subject_id"];
                                     } elseif (isset($_GET["subject"])) {
                                         $q1 = "SELECT subject_id FROM subject WHERE shortform = '" . $_GET["subject"] . "'";
                                         $r1 = $db->query($q1);
                                         $subject_id = $r1[0]["subject_id"];
                                     $override = findDescOverride($subject_id, $fields[1]);
                                     // if they do want to display the description:
                                     if ($override != "") {
                                         // show the subject-specific "description_override" if it exists
                                         $description = "<br />" . $override;
                                     } else {
                                         $description = "<br />" . $myrow[6];
                                     //$description = "<br />$myrow[9]";
                                 // end diane fall 2014
                                 if (isset($show_note) && $show_note == 1) {
                                     if ($myrow[9] != "") {
                                         $note = "<br />" . _("Note: ") . $myrow[9];
                                 } else {
                                     $note = "";
                                 // Simple Print (2), or Print with URL (3)
                                 if ($myrow[2] == 3) {
                                     $tokenized .= "<em>{$myrow['8']}</em><br />" . _("") . "\n                                        <a href=\"{$myrow['0']}\" {$target}>{$myrow['7']}</a>\n                                        {$icons} {$description}";
                                 } else {
                                     // check if it's a url
                                     if (preg_match('/^(https?|www)/', $myrow[0])) {
                                         $tokenized .= "<a href=\"{$myrow['0']}\" {$target}>{$myrow['8']}</a> {$icons} {$description} {$note}";
                                     } else {
                                         $tokenized .= "{$myrow['8']} <em>{$myrow['0']}</em> {$icons} {$description} {$note}";
                     case 'sss':
                         global $tel_prefix;
                         $querier = new Querier();
                         $qs = "SELECT lname, fname, email, tel, title from staff WHERE email IN ('" . str_replace(',', "','", $fields[1]) . "') ORDER BY lname, fname";
                         //print $qs;
                         $staffArray = $querier->query($qs);
                         foreach ($staffArray as $value) {
                             // get username from email
                             $truncated_email = explode("@", $value[2]);
                             $staff_picture = $this->_relative_asset_path . "users/_" . $truncated_email[0] . "/headshot.jpg";
                             // Output Picture and Contact Info
                             $tokenized .= "\n                    \t\t\t<div class=\"clearboth\"><img src=\"{$staff_picture}\" alt=\"Picture: {$value['1']} {$value['0']}\"  class=\"staff_photo2\" align=\"left\" style=\"margin-bottom: 5px;\" />\n                    \t\t\t<p><a href=\"mailto:{$value['2']}\">{$value['1']} {$value['0']}</a><br />{$value['4']}<br />\n                    \t\t\tTel: {$tel_prefix} {$value['3']}</p>\n</div>\n";
                     case 'toc':
                         $lobjTocPluslet = new Pluslet_TOC('', '', $this->_subject_id);
                         $lobjTocPluslet->setTickedItems(explode(',', $fields[1]));
                         $tokenized .= $lobjTocPluslet->output();
             } else {
                 $tokenized .= $part;
         // end foreach
     } else {
         $this->_body = $this->_body;
     $this->_body = $tokenized;