コード例 #1
 function addComment($props)
     if (!$props) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Insert requested with empty (filtered) data set'), 'error');
         return false;
     //global $user;
     $txn = db_transaction();
     try {
         //$uid = $user->uid;
         //$props['author'] = $uid;
         $now = new DateTime();
         $props['date_posted'] = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         // check for top level posts with an empty parent & set it to mysql null.
         if (!isset($props['parent_id']) || empty($props['parent_id'])) {
             $props['parent_id'] = null;
         $result = FALSE;
         $query = db_insert(tableName('comment'))->fields($props);
         $id = $query->execute();
         if ($id) {
             $result = $id;
         } else {
             drupal_set_message(t('We could not add your comment'), 'error');
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         drupal_set_message(t('We could not add your comment. ') . (_DEBUG ? $ex->__toString() : ''), 'error');
     return $result;
コード例 #2
 public static function getMyOrganisations($detail = FALSE)
     if ($detail) {
         return Groups::getGroups(_ORGANISATION_GROUP);
     } else {
         $user_id = $GLOBALS['user']->uid;
         $table = tableName(_ORGANISATION_GROUP);
         $orgids = db_query("SELECT o.org_id from {$table} as o " . "LEFT JOIN soc_user_membership as um on o.org_id = um.group_id " . "WHERE um.uid = {$user_id} AND um.type = :organisation", array(':organisation' => _ORGANISATION_GROUP))->fetchCol();
     return $orgids;
コード例 #3
 function getLabelCodeInfo($lid)
     return Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('code, title, sortorder, language, assessment_value')->order('language, sortorder, code')->where('lid=:lid')->from(tableName())->bindParam(":lid", $lid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->query()->readAll();
コード例 #4
             $my_id = Users::getMyId();
             if ($project['state'] == 'draft' && !($project['mentor_id'] == $my_id || $project['owner_id'] == $my_id || Users::isAdmin() || Groups::isAssociate(_PROJECT_OBJ, $project_id))) {
                 jsonBadResult(t('You cannot view this proposal. It is in draft state.'));
             if (Users::isSuperVisor()) {
                 $project['rate'] = Project::getRating($project_id, $my_id);
             } else {
                 $project['rate'] = -2;
                 if (Users::isStudent()) {
                     $table = tableName('student_favourite');
                     $favourite = db_select($table)->fields($table)->condition('pid', $project_id)->condition('uid', $my_id)->execute()->rowCount();
                     $project['favourite'] = $favourite != 0;
                     //Count the views of the students
                     $result = db_update(tableName('project'))->condition('pid', $project_id)->fields(array('views' => $project['views'] + 1))->execute();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             jsonBadResult(t('Could not get details of project') . (_DEBUG ? $e->getMessage() : ""));
     } else {
         jsonBadResult(t("No valid project identifier submitted!"));
 case 'view':
     $type = _PROJECT_OBJ;
     $id = altSubValue($_POST, 'id');
     $target = altSubValue($_POST, 'target', '');
     $inline = getRequestVar('inline', FALSE);
コード例 #5
         $container = $is_modal ? 'admin_container' : 'our_content';
         $before = 'toc';
         $args = array('id' => $proposal_id, 'before' => $before, 'target' => $container, 'replace_target' => true);
         $proposal_nr = Proposal::getInstance()->getProposalById($proposal_id);
         if (!$proposal_nr) {
             jsonBadResult(t('This proposal was already deleted!'), $args);
         $title = altPropertyValue($proposal_nr, 'title');
         $state = altPropertyValue($proposal_nr, 'state');
         if (!Groups::isOwner(_PROPOSAL_OBJ, $proposal_id)) {
             jsonBadResult(t('You can only delete your own proposals!'), $args);
         } elseif ($state == 'published') {
             jsonBadResult(t('We could not remove your proposal: It has already been published.'), $args);
         } else {
             $num_deleted = db_delete(tableName(_PROPOSAL_OBJ))->condition(AbstractEntity::keyField(_PROPOSAL_OBJ), $proposal_id)->execute();
             if ($num_deleted) {
                 // junk the proposal comments too
                 ThreadedComments::getInstance()->removethreadsForEntity($proposal_id, _PROPOSAL_OBJ);
                 $args['before'] = '';
                 jsonGoodResult(TRUE, tt('You have removed the proposal %1$s', $title), $args);
             } else {
                 jsonBadResult(t('We could not remove your proposal'), $args);
     } else {
         jsonBadResult(t('No proposal identifier submitted!'), $args);
 case 'save_public':
     // no break so that the request filters down to 'save'
コード例 #6
ファイル: Agreement.php プロジェクト: edwinraycom/vals-soc
 static function updateAgreement($props)
     if (!$props) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Update requested with empty (filtered) data set'), 'error');
         return false;
     //echo var_dump($props);
     $txn = db_transaction();
     try {
         $id = db_update(tableName(_AGREEMENT_OBJ))->fields($props)->condition(self::keyField(_AGREEMENT_OBJ), $props['agreement_id'])->execute();
         if ($props['student_signed'] && $props['supervisor_signed'] && $props['mentor_signed']) {
             $res = db_update(tableName(_PROJECT_OBJ))->fields(array('state' => 'active'))->condition(self::keyField(_PROJECT_OBJ), $props['project_id'])->execute();
         return TRUE;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         drupal_set_message(t('We could not update your agreement.') . (_DEBUG ? $ex->__toString() : ''), 'error');
     return FALSE;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Project.php プロジェクト: edwinraycom/vals-soc
 static function changeProject($props, $id)
     if (!$props) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Update requested with empty data set'));
         return false;
     if (isset($props['url']) && $props['url'] && stripos($props['url'], 'http') === FALSE) {
         $props['url'] = 'http://' . $props['url'];
     $key = self::keyField(_PROJECT_OBJ);
     $query = db_update(tableName(_PROJECT_OBJ))->condition($key, $id)->fields($props);
     $res = $query->execute();
     // the returned value from db_update is how many rows were updated rather than a boolean
     // - however if the user submits the form without changing anything no rows are actually updated and
     // zero is returned, which is not an error per se. so as a hack set this back to '1'
     // until we find a better way of handling this
     if ($res == 0) {
         $res = 1;
     return $res;
コード例 #8
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hatone/Nucleus-v3.64
 *  Updates the configuration in the database
 *  @param	$name
 * 			name of the config var
 *  @param	$val
 * 			new value of the config var
function updateConfig($name, $val)
    global $MYSQL_CONN;
    $name = addslashes($name);
    $val = trim(addslashes($val));
    $query = 'UPDATE ' . tableName('nucleus_config') . " SET   value = '{$val}'" . " WHERE name  = '{$name}'";
    sql_query($query, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR26 . ': ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    return sql_insert_id($MYSQL_CONN);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Proposal.php プロジェクト: edwinraycom/vals-soc
 static function updateProposal($props, $proposal_id)
     if (!$props) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Update requested with empty (filtered) data set'), 'error');
         return false;
     global $user;
     $txn = db_transaction();
     try {
         $uid = Users::getMyId();
         if (!Users::isOfType(_STUDENT_TYPE, $uid) && !Users::isAdmin()) {
             drupal_set_message(t('You must be a student to submit a proposal'), 'error');
             return FALSE;
         //$project = Project::getProjectById($project_id);
         //    		$student_details = Users::getStudentDetails($uid);
         //     		$props['owner_id'] = $uid;
         //     		$props['org_id'] = $project['org_id'];
         //     		$props['inst_id'] = $student_details->inst_id ;
         //     		$props['supervisor_id'] = $student_details->supervisor_id ;
         //$props['pid'] = $project['pid'];
         //$props['state'] = 'draft' ;
         $id = db_update(tableName(_PROPOSAL_OBJ))->fields($props)->condition(self::keyField(_PROPOSAL_OBJ), $proposal_id)->execute();
         //     		if ($id){
         //     			//TODO: notify mentor???
         //     			drupal_set_message('You have saved your proposal. Later you can edit it.');
         //     			return TRUE;
         //     		} else {
         //     			drupal_set_message(tt('We could not add your %1$s.', $type), 'error');
         //     		}
         return TRUE;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         drupal_set_message(t('We could not update your proposal.') . (_DEBUG ? $ex->__toString() : ''), 'error');
     return FALSE;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Groups.php プロジェクト: edwinraycom/vals-soc
 static function addGroup($props, $type)
     global $user;
     if (!$props) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Insert requested with empty (filtered) data set'), 'error');
         return false;
     $txn = db_transaction();
     try {
         $uid = $user->uid;
         $props['owner_id'] = $uid;
         if ($type == _ORGANISATION_GROUP) {
             if (!isset($props['url'])) {
                 $props['url'] = '';
             if (!isset($props['description'])) {
                 $props['description'] = '';
             $subtype = _MENTOR_TYPE;
         } else {
             if ($type == _INSTITUTE_GROUP) {
                 $subtype = _SUPERVISOR_TYPE;
             } else {
                 drupal_set_message(tt('This type of group cannot be added: %1$s', $type), 'error');
                 return false;
         $id = db_insert(tableName($type))->fields($props)->execute();
         if ($id) {
             //Make current user creating this organisation, member
             $result = db_insert('soc_user_membership')->fields(array('uid' => $uid, 'type' => $type, 'group_id' => $id))->execute();
             if ($result) {
                 $insert = db_insert('soc_codes')->fields(array('type', 'code', 'entity_id', 'studentgroup_id'));
                 $insert->values(array('type' => $subtype, 'code' => createRandomCode($subtype, $id), 'entity_id' => $id, 'studentgroup_id' => 0));
                 $insert->values(array('type' => "{$type}_admin", 'code' => createRandomCode($type, $id), 'entity_id' => $id, 'studentgroup_id' => 0));
                 $result = $result && $insert->execute();
                 if (!$result) {
                     drupal_set_message(t('We could not add a code.'), 'error');
             } else {
                 drupal_set_message(tt('We could not add you to this %1$s.', $type), 'error');
         } else {
             drupal_set_message(tt('We could not add your %1$s.', $type), 'error');
         return $result ? $id : FALSE;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         drupal_set_message(t('We could not add your group. ') . (_DEBUG ? $ex->__toString() : ''), 'error');
     return FALSE;
コード例 #11
module_load_include('php', 'vals_soc', 'includes/classes/ThreadedComments');
module_load_include('php', 'vals_soc', 'includes/classes/ThreadUIBuilder');
module_load_include('php', 'vals_soc', 'includes/classes/Project');
module_load_include('php', 'vals_soc', 'includes/classes/Proposal');
module_load_include('php', 'vals_soc', 'includes/classes/Institutes');
module_load_include('php', 'vals_soc', 'includes/classes/Organisations');
switch ($_GET['action']) {
    case 'delete':
        if (!Users::isAdmin()) {
            echo errorDiv("You cannot delete comments");
        } else {
            $type = altSubValue($_POST, 'entity_type', '');
            $id = altSubValue($_POST, 'id', '');
            $entity_id = altSubValue($_POST, 'entity_id', '');
            try {
                $result = db_delete(tableName('comment'))->condition('id', $id);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo "Error " . $e->getMessage();
            echo $result ? successDiv(tt('You succesfully deleted your %1$s.', t('comment'))) : errorDiv(tt('We could not delete your %1%s.', t('comment')));
    case 'save':
        global $user;
        $type = altSubValue($_POST, 'entity_type', '');
        $id = altSubValue($_POST, 'id', '');
        $entity_id = altSubValue($_POST, 'entity_id', '');
        $target = altSubValue($_POST, 'target', '');
        $properties = ThreadedComments::getInstance()->filterPostLite(ThreadedComments::getInstance()->getKeylessFields(), $_POST);
        $properties['author'] = $user->uid;
        $result = ThreadedComments::getInstance()->addComment($properties);
コード例 #12
function delHold($msi, $smarty, $user_id, $contact_id, $data_type, $id_field, $data_id, &$err_msg)
    /* delete the hold_address, _phone, or _email rec */
    $u_c = new ContactData($msi, $smarty, $user_id, $contact_id);
    switch ($data_type) {
        case a:
            $da =& $uc->ad;
        case p:
            $da =& $uc->ph;
        case e:
            $da =& $uc->em;
    if (noChange($da)) {
        /*$err_msg.= '<br />no changes left - deleting hold '.
          "id field: $id_field, data_id: $data_id "; */
        /*echo '<br />delete from '.tableName($data_type,'h').
          " where contact_id=$contact_id and $id_field=$data_id";*/
        $msi_error = false;
        if (!$msi->real_query('delete from ' . tableName($data_type, 'h') . " where contact_id={$contact_id} and {$id_field}={$data_id}")) {
            $err_msg .= "data type {$data_type} delete hold query failed: " . $msi->error . ' ';
            $msi_error = true;
    //echo '<pre>'.print_r($da,true).'</pre>';
    unset($da, $u_c);
    /* return NOT $msi_error, so delHold will return true on success */
    return !$msi_error;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Users.php プロジェクト: edwinraycom/vals-soc
 public static function getUsers($member_type, $group_type = '', $group_id = '', $id = '')
     global $user;
     $group_head = $user->uid;
     //todo: find out whether current user is indeed head of the group
     $group_type = $group_type ?: self::participationGroup($member_type);
     if ($group_id == 'all') {
         // updated to ensure we only retrieve users that belong to
         // one of the logged in users 'soc_user_membership ' groups.
         // For example, this was originally retrieving ALL mentors,
         // inc ones not in any of the current users organisations
         $group_ids = Users::isAdmin() ? null : db_query("SELECT group_id from soc_user_membership t" . " WHERE t.uid = {$group_head} AND t.type = '{$group_type}' ")->fetchCol();
         if ($group_ids) {
             //So we know which groups and of which type membertype should be member
             $query = "SELECT DISTINCT u.*,n.name as fullname from users as u " . "left join users_roles as ur on u.uid = ur.uid " . "left join role as r  on ur.rid = r.rid " . "left join soc_user_membership as um  on u.uid = um.uid " . 'left join soc_names as n on u.uid=n.names_uid ' . "WHERE r.name = '{$member_type}' AND um.type = '{$group_type}' AND um.group_id IN (" . implode(',', $group_ids) . ")";
             $members = db_query($query);
         } else {
             //So the admin cannot see who are subscribed???? Used to be : return NULL;
             $query = "SELECT DISTINCT u.*,n.name as fullname from users as u " . "left join users_roles as ur on u.uid = ur.uid " . "left join role as r  on ur.rid = r.rid " . "left join soc_user_membership as um  on u.uid = um.uid " . 'left join soc_names as n on u.uid=n.names_uid ' . "WHERE r.name = '{$member_type}' AND um.type = '{$group_type}' ";
             $members = db_query($query);
     } else {
         if ($id) {
             $members = db_query("SELECT u.*,n.name as fullname from users as u " . 'left join soc_names as n on u.uid=n.names_uid ' . "WHERE u.uid = '{$id}'");
         } else {
             if ($group_id && $group_type) {
                 $group_ids = array($group_id);
             } else {
                 if ($group_type) {
                     $key = self::keyField($group_type);
                     $table = tableName($group_type);
                     //get the organisation from the current user, assuming he/she is head of the organisation/group/etc
                     $group_ids = db_query("SELECT {$key} from {$table} t" . " WHERE t.owner_id = {$group_head} ")->fetchCol();
                 } else {
                     $group_ids = null;
             if ($group_ids) {
                 //So we know which groups and of which type membertype should be member
                 $members = db_query("SELECT u.*,n.name as fullname from users as u " . "left join users_roles as ur on u.uid = ur.uid " . "left join role as r  on ur.rid = r.rid " . "left join soc_user_membership as um  on u.uid = um.uid " . 'left join soc_names as n on u.uid=n.names_uid ' . "WHERE r.name = '{$member_type}' AND um.type = '{$group_type}' AND um.group_id IN (" . implode(',', $group_ids) . ")");
             } else {
                 return NULL;
     return $members;