コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: novnan/meiju
$doaction = $_GET['doaction'] == 'dozt' ? 'dozt' : '';
$rewritedoaction = 'doinfo';
if ($doaction == 'dozt') {
    $rewritedoaction = 'dozt';
    if (empty($classid)) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $n_r = $empire->fetch1("select ztid,ztname,intro,ztimg,ztpagekey,restb from {$dbtbpre}enewszt where ztid='{$classid}'");
    if (!$n_r['ztid']) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $pubid = '-' . $classid;
    $search = "&doaction=dozt&classid={$classid}";
    $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqZtname($n_r);
    $title = stripSlashes($n_r['ztname']);
    $pagetitle = ehtmlspecialchars($title);
    $infopfennum = 0;
    $pinfopfen = 0;
    $url = ReturnZtLink($n_r['ztid']) . " > " . $fun_r[pl];
} else {
    if (empty($id) || empty($classid)) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    if (empty($class_r[$classid][tbname]) || InfoIsInTable($class_r[$classid][tbname])) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $n_r = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where id='{$id}' limit 1");
    if (!$n_r['id'] || $n_r['classid'] != $classid) {
コード例 #2
function ReplaceShowClassVars($no, $listtemp, $r, $num, $ecms = 0, $subnews = 0)
    global $public_r, $class_r;
    if ($ecms == 1) {
        $classurl = sys_ReturnBqZtname($r);
        $r['classname'] = $r['ztname'];
        $r['classid'] = $r['ztid'];
        $r['classimg'] = $r['ztimg'];
    } else {
        $classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, 9);
    if ($subnews) {
        $r[intro] = sub($r[intro], 0, $subnews, false);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classurl--]", $classurl, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classname--]", $r[classname], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classid--]", $r[classid], $listtemp);
    if (empty($r[classimg])) {
        $r[classimg] = $public_r[newsurl] . "e/data/images/notimg.gif";
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--classimg--]", $r[classimg], $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--intro--]", nl2br($r[intro]), $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--num--]", $num, $listtemp);
    $listtemp = str_replace("[!--no--]", $no, $listtemp);
    return $listtemp;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ListAllPl.php プロジェクト: novnan/meiju
     $r['username'] = "******" . $ecms_hashur['ehref'] . "' target='_blank'><b>{$r['username']}</b></a>";
 if (empty($r['username'])) {
     $r['username'] = '******';
 $r['saytime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $r['saytime']);
 if ($r[isgood]) {
     $r[saytime] = '<font color=red>' . $r[saytime] . '</font>';
 $saytext = RepPltextFace(stripSlashes($r['saytext']));
 $title = '';
 if ($r['pubid'] < 0) {
     $ztr['ztid'] = $r['classid'];
     $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqZtname($ztr);
     $title = "<a href='{$titleurl}' target='_blank'>" . $class_zr[$r['classid']]['ztname'] . "</a>";
     $pagefunr = eReturnRewritePlUrl($r['classid'], 0, 'dozt', 0, 0, 1);
     $plurl = $pagefunr['pageurl'];
 } else {
     if ($class_r[$r[classid]][tbname]) {
         $index_r = $empire->fetch1("select checked from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$r[classid]][tbname] . "_index where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1");
         $infotb = ReturnInfoMainTbname($class_r[$r[classid]][tbname], $index_r['checked']);
         $infor = $empire->fetch1("select isurl,titleurl,classid,id,title from " . $infotb . " where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1");
         $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($infor);
         $title = "<a href='{$titleurl}' target='_blank'>" . stripSlashes($infor[title]) . "</a>";
     $pagefunr = eReturnRewritePlUrl($r['classid'], $r['id'], 'doinfo', 0, 0, 1);
     $plurl = $pagefunr['pageurl'];
コード例 #4
        $group .= " ,扣除点数:" . $r[userfen];
$classurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($r, 9);
$getclassurlr['classid'] = $bclassid;
$bclassurl = sys_ReturnBqClassname($getclassurlr, 9);
$classes = "<a href='{$bclassurl}' target='_blank'>" . $class_r[$bclassid][classname] . "</a>&nbsp;>&nbsp;<a href='{$classurl}' target='_blank'>" . $class_r[$classid][classname] . "</a>";
$zts = '';
if ($r[ztid] && $r[ztid] != '|') {
    $ztr = explode('|', $r[ztid]);
    $count = count($ztr) - 1;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $zturlr[ztid] = $ztr[$i];
        $zturl = sys_ReturnBqZtname($zturlr);
        $zts .= "<a href='{$zturl}' target='_blank'>" . $class_zr[$ztr[$i]][ztname] . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$titletype = $class_tr[$r[ttid]]['tname'];
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link href="../adminstyle/<?php 
echo $loginadminstyleid;
/adminstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
コード例 #5
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: BGCX261/zjh-dev-svn-to-git
$trueztid = 0;
$ztid = $_GET['ztid'];
if ($ztid) {
    $ztid = RepPostVar($ztid);
    if (strstr($ztid, ',')) {
        $son_r = sys_ReturnMoreZt($ztid);
        $trueztid = $son_r[0];
        $add .= ' and (' . $son_r[1] . ')';
    } else {
        $trueztid = intval($ztid);
        $add .= " and ztid like '%|" . $trueztid . "|%'";
        if ($pageecms == 1) {
            $pagetitle = $class_zr[$trueztid]['ztname'];
            $this_r['ztid'] = $trueztid;
            $pageurl = sys_ReturnBqZtname($this_r);
            $pageclassid = $trueztid;
    if (empty($class_zr[$trueztid][tbname])) {
        printerror('ErrorUrl', '', 1);
    if (empty($tbname)) {
        $tbname = $class_zr[$trueztid][tbname];
        $mid = $etable_r[$tbname][mid];
        $yhid = $class_zr[$trueztid][yhid];
if (empty($tbname)) {
    $tbname = $public_r['tbname'];