function check_login() { // If session does not exist on server side, or IP address has changed, or session has expired, show login screen. if (!isset($_SESSION['uid']) || !$_SESSION['uid'] || time() >= $_SESSION['expires_on']) { logout(); } $_SESSION['expires_on'] = time() + INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT; // User accessed a page : Update his/her session expiration date. $numero_ID = $_SESSION['numero_abo']; if ($_SESSION['username'] != 'beprev') { $today = new DateTime('now'); $horodate = date_format($today, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $req = 'SELECT MAX("ID") from user_log;'; $result = sypel_query($req); $table = sypel_fetch_row($result); $Id = $table[0]; if (strlen($Id) == 0) { $Id = 0; } $Id = $Id + 1; $page = $_SESSION["ipFrontOffice"] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $req = "INSERT INTO user_log (\"ID\", id_user,page,horodate) VALUES ('{$Id}','{$numero_ID}','{$page}','{$horodate}');"; $result = sypel_query($req); } }
# REQUETES //$dbconn = pg_connect(CONFIG_DB) or die('Connexion impossible : ' . pg_last_error()); # GRAPHE Semaine Type $req = 'SELECT table1."NODE_Y"+table2."NODE_Y" as weekpower FROM ( SELECT "NODE_X" as jour, "INSTANT", "NODE_Y" FROM mot_springbok_model_point WHERE "ID" = (select "ID" from mot_springbok_model_ref where "ID_plic" = ' . $idplic . ' order by date_calib desc limit 1) AND "NUM_VAR" = 1 ) as table1, ( SELECT "INSTANT", "NODE_Y" FROM mot_springbok_model_point WHERE "ID" = (select "ID" from mot_springbok_model_ref where "ID_plic" = ' . $idplic . ' order by date_calib desc limit 1) AND "NUM_VAR" = 4 ) as table2 WHERE table1."INSTANT" = table2."INSTANT" ORDER BY table1."jour", table1."INSTANT"'; $result = sypel_query($req); // or die('Échec de la requête : ' . pg_last_error()); $data_semaine_type = array(); $i = 0; while ($ligne = pg_fetch_row($result)) { #print_r($i." : ".$ligne[0]."\n"); $data_semaine_type[$i] = round($ligne[0]); //print_r($ligne); $i = $i + 1; } ?>