public function update() { try { $dbh = getPDOConnection(); $dbh->beginTransaction(); $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE expo SET startTime = ?, stopTime = ?, " . " expoHourCeiling = ?, title = ?, description = ?, " . " scheduleAssignAsYouGo = ?, scheduleVisible = ?, " . " allowScheduleTimeConflict = ?, newUserAddedOnRegistration = ? " . " WHERE expoid = ?"); if (is_null($this->startTime)) { $this->startTime = new DateTime(); } if (is_null($this->stopTime)) { $this->stopTime = new DateTime(); } $stmt->execute(array(swwat_format_isodatetime($this->startTime), swwat_format_isodatetime($this->stopTime), $this->expoHourCeiling, $this->title, $this->description, $this->scheduleAssignAsYouGo, $this->scheduleVisible, $this->allowScheduleTimeConflict, $this->newUserAddedOnRegistration, $this->expoid)); $dbh->commit(); return $this; } catch (PDOException $pe) { logMessage('Expo::update()', $pe->getMessage()); } }
public function update() { try { $dbh = getPDOConnection(); $dbh->beginTransaction(); $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE station SET startTime = ?, stopTime = ?, " . " stationTitle = ?, description = ?, location = ?, instruction = ? " . " WHERE stationid = ?"); if (is_null($this->startTime)) { $this->startTime = new DateTime(); } if (is_null($this->stopTime)) { $this->stopTime = new DateTime(); } $stmt->execute(array(swwat_format_isodatetime($this->startTime), swwat_format_isodatetime($this->stopTime), $this->stationTitle, $this->description, $this->location, $this->instruction, $this->stationid)); $dbh->commit(); return $this; } catch (PDOException $pe) { logMessage('Station::update()', $pe->getMessage()); } }
$shiftstatus_new[$k]->statusTime = swwat_parse_date(html_entity_decode($_POST[PARAM_STATUSDATE][$k - 1] . " " . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSHOUR][$k]), true); } } } else { $shiftstatus_new[$k]->shiftstatusid = NULL; $shiftstatus_new[$k]->workerid = NULL; $shiftstatus_new[$k]->stationid = NULL; $shiftstatus_new[$k]->expoid = NULL; $shiftstatus_new[$k]->statusType = NULL; $shiftstatus_new[$k]->statusTime = NULL; } } } for ($k = 0; $k < $c; $k++) { if (!is_null($shiftstatus_new[$k]->shiftstatusid)) { $shiftstatus_old = ShiftStatus::selectID($shiftstatus_new[$k]->shiftstatusid); if ($shiftstatus_new[$k]->workerid != $shiftstatus_old->workerid || $shiftstatus_new[$k]->stationid != $shiftstatus_old->stationid || $shiftstatus_new[$k]->expoid != $shiftstatus_old->expoid || $shiftstatus_new[$k]->statusType != $shiftstatus_old->statusType || swwat_format_isodatetime($shiftstatus_new[$k]->statusTime) != swwat_format_isodatetime($shiftstatus_old->statusTime)) { $shiftstatus_new[$k]->update(); } } else { if (!is_null($shiftstatus_new[$k]->statusType)) { $shiftstatus_new[$k]->insert(); } } } header("Location: ShiftStatusViewPage.php?" . PARAM_LIST_INDEX . "=" . $type . ":" . $index); include "ShiftStatusViewPage.php"; return; } header('Location: ShiftCheckInPage.php'); include 'ShiftCheckInPage.php';
public static function selectWorker($workerId, $date = NULL, $expoId = NULL) { try { $sql = JOB_SELECT_WORKER; $params = array(); $params[] = $workerId; if (!is_null($date)) { $sql .= " AND stopTime > ? "; $params[] = swwat_format_isodatetime($date); } if (!is_null($expoId)) { $sql .= " AND expoid = ? "; $params[] = $expoId; } $rows = simpleSelect("Job", $sql, $params); for ($k = 0; $k < count($rows); $k++) { $rows[$k]->fixDates(); } // $k return $rows; } catch (PDOException $pe) { logMessage('Job::selectWorker(' . $workerId . ', ' . $date . ', ' . $expoId . ')', $pe->getMessage()); } }
function createJobDataHTMLRows(StationJob $job, $formName, $showDates, $isDisabledFlag = TRUE) { if (is_null($job)) { return; } $_POST[PARAM_MAXCREW] = htmlspecialchars($job->maxCrew); $_POST[PARAM_MINCREW] = htmlspecialchars($job->minCrew); $_POST[PARAM_ASSIGNEDCREW] = htmlspecialchars($job->assignedCrew); $_POST[PARAM_MAXSUPERVISOR] = htmlspecialchars($job->maxSupervisor); $_POST[PARAM_MINSUPERVISOR] = htmlspecialchars($job->minSupervisor); $_POST[PARAM_ASSIGNEDSUPERVISOR] = htmlspecialchars($job->assignedSupervisor); if ($showDates) { // remember these are READ-only echo "<tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Start Time:</td>\n<td>"; echo "<input type='text' value='" . swwat_format_isodatetime($job->startTime) . "' disabled='disabled'/>"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Start Time:</td>\n<td>"; echo "<input type='text' value='" . swwat_format_isodatetime($job->stopTime) . "' disabled='disabled'/>"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; } // $optionArray = 2D array {{name, value}, {name, value}, ...} $jobOptionArray = JobTitle::titleOptions($job->expoid); if (is_null($job->jobTitle)) { $job->jobTitle = $jobOptionArray[0][0]; } $_POST[PARAM_JOB] = $job->jobTitle; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Job:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createSelect(0, PARAM_JOB, $jobOptionArray, $_POST[PARAM_JOB], $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Min Crew:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_MINCREW, $formName, 'mincrewCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Max Crew:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_MAXCREW, $formName, 'maxcrewCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Assigned Crew:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_ASSIGNEDCREW, $formName, NULL, 11, TRUE); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Min Supervisor:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_MINSUPERVISOR, $formName, 'minsupervisorCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Max Supervisor:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_MAXSUPERVISOR, $formName, 'maxsupervisorCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Assigned Supervisor:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_ASSIGNEDSUPERVISOR, $formName, NULL, 11, TRUE); echo "</td></tr>\n"; }
public function update() { try { $dbh = getPDOConnection(); $dbh->beginTransaction(); $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE shiftstatus SET workerid = ?, stationid = ?, expoid = ?, statusType = ?, statusTIme = ? WHERE shiftstatusid = ?"); if (is_null($this->statusTime)) { $this->statusTime = new DateTime(); } $stmt->execute(array($this->workerid, $this->stationid, $this->expoid, $this->statusType, swwat_format_isodatetime($this->statusTime), $this->shiftstatusid)); $dbh->commit(); return $this; } catch (PDOException $pe) { logMessage('ShiftStatus::update()', $pe->getMessage()); } }