コード例 #1

 * Lists out all the options from the Blog Features Section of the theme options
 * This file is included in functions.php
 * @package Suffusion
 * @subpackage Admin
global $suffusion_social_networks, $suffusion_comment_label_name, $suffusion_comment_label_req, $suffusion_comment_label_email, $suffusion_comment_label_uri, $suffusion_comment_label_your_comment;
$suffusion_blog_features_options = array(array("name" => "Back-End", "type" => "sub-section-2", "category" => "blog-features", "parent" => "root"), array("name" => "SEO / Meta Settings", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "seo-settings", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Force IE7 Compatibility View", "desc" => "You can enable compatibility view by force in IE8. This handles some cases of image-rendering bugs (squishing, stretching etc) that are\n\t\t\tdisplayed with some plugins", "id" => "suf_ie7_compatibility", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("no-force" => "Don't force compatibility mode", "force" => "Force compatibility mode"), "std" => "no-force"), array("name" => "Enable SEO settings for the theme?", "desc" => "Suffusion comes bundled with SEO settings. You should turn these off if you are using a plugin like All-in-One SEO or Platinum SEO. ", "id" => "suf_seo_enabled", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("enabled" => "Enable SEO", "disabled" => "Disable SEO"), "std" => "enabled"), array("name" => "Select Meta tags", "desc" => "The options you pick here will be applied to the document headers. Each option corresponds to a meta tag that the theme creates: ", "id" => "suf_seo_all_settings", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_options_array(array('generator' => 'Show WordPress version tags', 'theme' => 'Include Suffusion theme information tags', 'robots' => 'Hide page from Google and other search engines', 'author' => "Include author information", 'copyright' => 'Include copyright info', 'revised' => "Include page revision info")), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Title style", "desc" => "The best practices in SEO suggest that your article title should be the first text in your page title.\n\t\t\tFor category views etc the article title is the name of category. You can pick your setting: ", "id" => "suf_seo_title_style", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('page-blog' => 'Show the page title followed by the blog title', 'blog-page' => 'Show the blog title followed by the page title', 'page' => 'Show the page title only'), "std" => "page-blog"), array("name" => "Title Separator", "desc" => "This is the symbol that appears as a separator between the page title and blog title (based on your selection in the parevious option):", "id" => "suf_seo_title_separator", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Use &amp;bull; for &bull;, &amp;gt; for &gt; and &amp;raquo; for &raquo;", "std" => "&raquo;"), array("name" => "Blog description / subtitle in page title on home page", "id" => "suf_seo_show_subtitle", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('show' => 'Include blog subtitle in page title', 'hide' => 'Hide blog subtitle in page title'), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Page numbers in title", "id" => "suf_seo_show_page_num", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('show' => 'Include page number in the title on the second page and higher', 'hide' => 'Hide page number in the title'), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Homepage Meta Description", "desc" => "Enter a brief description for your home page, not more than 30 words:", "id" => "suf_seo_meta_description", "parent" => "seo-settings", "hint" => "Leave blank if you don't want a meta description", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Homepage Meta Keywords", "desc" => "Enter a comma-separated list of keywords that best describe your blog:", "id" => "suf_seo_meta_keywords", "parent" => "seo-settings", "type" => "textarea", "std" => "", "hint" => "Leave blank if you don't want meta keywords"), array("name" => "Comment Settings", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "comment-settings", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Hide \"Comment form closed\" Message on Pages", "desc" => "You can decide if you want to show the \"Comment form closed\" message on pages.\n\t\t\tIf you choose 'All' your settings in the next option will be ignored.\n\t\t\tNote that this option is different from choosing 'Select All' in the next option, because this guarantees that always all are selected, while the next option only ensures that all selections at the time of setup are stored", "id" => "suf_comments_disabled_all_sel", "parent" => "comment-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "All, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Selections from the next option"), "std" => "all"), array("name" => "Select pages to hide \"Comment form closed\" message", "desc" => "If you disable comments on a page, a \"Comment form closed\" message shows up. " . "You can choose to hide this message for selected pages, if you think it makes your page look too \"blog-like\". " . "If you select a page from the list below it will not show the \"Comment form closed\" message. " . "Note that if comments are <b>enabled</b> for a page, selecting it here will not make a difference. ", "id" => "suf_comments_disabled", "parent" => "comment-settings", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_page_array()), array("name" => "Hide \"Comment form closed\" Message on Posts", "desc" => "If you disable comments on a post, you can make a  \"Comment form closed\" message show up. " . "You can choose to hide this message for all such posts, if you think it makes your page look too \"blog-like\". " . "Note that if comments are <b>enabled</b> for a post, setting this option will not make a difference. ", "id" => "suf_comments_disabled_msg_for_posts", "parent" => "comment-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('show' => 'Show the message', 'hide' => 'Hide the message'), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Trackbacks and Pingbacks?", "desc" => "By default Trackbacks and Pingbacks to your blog posts show up along with other comments. ", "id" => "suf_show_track_ping", "parent" => "comment-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show all Trackbacks and Pingbacks with comments", "hide" => "Don't show Trackbacks and Pingbacks", "separate" => "Show Trackbacks and Pingbacks, but separate them from the comments"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Allow Replies for Trackbacks and Pingbacks?", "desc" => "For comments that are trackbacks or pingbacks you might want to hide the \"Reply\" link: ", "id" => "suf_show_hide_reply_link_for_pings", "parent" => "comment-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("allow" => "Allow replies to Trackbacks and Pingbacks", "disallow" => "Don't allow replies to Trackbacks and Pingbacks"), "std" => "disallow"), array("name" => "Comment styles", "desc" => "How do you want your comments to be displayed?", "id" => "suf_comment_display_type", "parent" => "comment-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme default", "plain" => "Plain nested", "author-above" => "Bubble with author above comment", "author-below" => "Bubble with author below comment"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Comment form labels styles", "desc" => "You can choose to have theme-based styles for labels in your comment form, or leave them unstyled. The theme-based style is more colorful (which you may or may not prefer): ", "id" => "suf_comment_label_styles", "parent" => "comment-settings", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme default", "plain" => "Plain (unstyled)", "colored" => "Coloured", "inside" => "Label inside field"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Comment form labels", "desc" => "Setup your comment form labels here", "category" => "comment-labels", "parent" => "comment-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Comment form: Name", "desc" => "Label for 'Name': ", "id" => "suf_comment_label_name", "parent" => "comment-settings", "grouping" => "comment-labels", "type" => "text", "std" => esc_attr($suffusion_comment_label_name)), array("name" => "Comment form: Name Required", "desc" => "Label to display to show that the name is required: ", "id" => "suf_comment_label_name_req", "parent" => "comment-settings", "grouping" => "comment-labels", "type" => "text", "std" => esc_attr($suffusion_comment_label_req)), array("name" => "Comment form: Email", "desc" => "Label for 'Email': ", "id" => "suf_comment_label_email", "parent" => "comment-settings", "grouping" => "comment-labels", "type" => "text", "std" => esc_attr($suffusion_comment_label_email)), array("name" => "Comment form: Email Required", "desc" => "Label to display to show that the email is required: ", "id" => "suf_comment_label_email_req", "parent" => "comment-settings", "grouping" => "comment-labels", "type" => "text", "std" => esc_attr($suffusion_comment_label_req)), array("name" => "Comment form: URI", "desc" => "Label for 'URI': ", "id" => "suf_comment_label_uri", "parent" => "comment-settings", "grouping" => "comment-labels", "type" => "text", "std" => esc_attr($suffusion_comment_label_uri)), array("name" => "Comment form: Your Comment", "desc" => "Label for 'Your Comment': ", "id" => "suf_comment_label_your_comment", "parent" => "comment-settings", "grouping" => "comment-labels", "type" => "text", "std" => esc_attr($suffusion_comment_label_your_comment)), array("name" => "Comment form: HTML Tags", "desc" => "Show the message about allowed HTML tags?", "id" => "suf_comment_show_html_tags", "parent" => "comment-settings", "grouping" => "comment-labels", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show message", "hide" => "Hide message"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "User Profiles", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "user-profiles", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Select Additional Social Networks", "desc" => "You can add other contact methods for users on your blog. These will show up in the admin page under Users -&gt; Your Profile.\n\t\t\t\tThis will take effect only if you are at WordPress verison 2.9 or later: ", "id" => "suf_uprof_networks", "parent" => "user-profiles", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_options_array($suffusion_social_networks), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Show author information for individual posts and pages", "desc" => "You can add author information to each post. In subsequent options you can specify what you want to put in the author information section.", "id" => "suf_uprof_post_info_enabled", "parent" => "user-profiles", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("hide" => "Don't show author information", "bottom" => "Show information at the bottom of the content for pages and posts", 'pages' => "Show information for pages only", 'posts' => 'Show information for posts only'), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Author information header", "desc" => "Specify the header for the author information section. Leave blank if you don't want a header", "id" => "suf_uprof_post_info_header", "parent" => "user-profiles", "type" => "text", "std" => "[suffusion-the-author]"), array("name" => "Author Gravatar", "desc" => "You can choose to show the Gravatar for the author in the information section", "id" => "suf_uprof_post_info_gravatar", "parent" => "user-profiles", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("hide" => "Don't show Gravatar", "show" => "Show Gravatar"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Gravatar Size", "desc" => "Set the size of the gravatar", "id" => "suf_uprof_post_info_gravatar_size", "parent" => "user-profiles", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("32" => "32px", "48" => "48px", "64" => "64px", "96" => "96px", "128" => "128px"), "std" => "64"), array("name" => "Gravatar Alignment", "desc" => "Which side do you want your Gravatar?", "id" => "suf_uprof_post_info_gravatar_alignment", "parent" => "user-profiles", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("left" => "Left", "right" => "Right"), "std" => "left"), array("name" => "Author information content", "desc" => "Here you can put in any information you want about the author. You can use any of the author short codes:", "id" => "suf_uprof_post_info_content", "parent" => "user-profiles", "type" => "textarea", "std" => "[suffusion-the-author display='description']"), array("name" => "Analytics", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "analytics", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Enable Analytics?", "desc" => "If you have a Google Analytics acccount you can add your tracking code through this section. " . "Note that if you are using a separate plugin for analytics you can ignore this section (i.e., don't enable Analytics).", "id" => "suf_analytics_enabled", "parent" => "analytics", "type" => "radio", "note" => "Please set this option to \"Analytics enabled\" if you want to override the theme's settings for Analytics.", "options" => array("not-enabled" => "Analytics not enabled", "enabled" => "Analytics enabled"), "std" => "not-enabled"), array("name" => "Custom Google Analytics Tracking Code", "desc" => "Enter your tracking code here for Google Analytics (with the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> tags). Note that you can skip this if you are using a plugin for analytics", "id" => "suf_custom_analytics_code", "parent" => "analytics", "type" => "textarea", "hint" => "Enter the tracking code here", "note" => "If you have any text here, it will be included with your pages (even if incorrect!!). Note that if your analytics are not enabled then this will be ignored.", "std" => ""), array("name" => "OpenID Setup", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "openid-setup", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Enable OpenID support?", "desc" => "If you have set up your blog as an <a href=\"http://openid.net/\">OpenID</a> server, you will need to populate the OpenID server and delegate here." . "This theme currently does not help set your blog up as an OpenID provider. It only supports your blog if you have OpenID enabled. If you want to set your blog as a server see <a href=\"http://intertwingly.net/blog/2007/01/03/OpenID-for-non-SuperUsers\">here</a>.", "id" => "suf_openid_enabled", "parent" => "openid-setup", "type" => "radio", "note" => "Please set this option to \"OpenID enabled\" if you want to override the theme's settings for OpenID.", "options" => array("not-enabled" => "OpenID not enabled", "enabled" => "OpenID enabled"), "std" => "not-enabled"), array("name" => "OpenID Server", "desc" => "Set the location of your OpenID server. " . "If you have chosen \"OpenID not enabled\" above then this setting will be ignored.", "id" => "suf_openid_server", "parent" => "openid-setup", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL here (including http://)", "std" => ""), array("name" => "OpenID Delegate", "desc" => "Set the location of your OpenID delegate. " . "If you have chosen \"OpenID not enabled\" above then this setting will be ignored.", "id" => "suf_openid_delegate", "parent" => "openid-setup", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL here (including http://)", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Custom Includes", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "custom-additions", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Don't like the default styles? Add your own...", "desc" => "If you are really picky about how your blog should look and the bundled styles don't make you happy, feel free to add your own styles here.\n\t\t\t\tYou can either add externally defined stylesheets or define the CSS here.\n\t\t\t\tThese are called up at the end of all other stylesheet invocations (unless of course you have a plugin that adds something after this!), so what you define here will pretty much override everything else.", "parent" => "custom-additions", "category" => "custom-css", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Custom Styles", "desc" => "If you want to define any custom styles, include the CSS code here. These styles will override all other styles that you have defined / set.\n\t\t\t\tDon't include the <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/style&gt;</code> tags.", "id" => "suf_custom_css_code", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-css", "type" => "textarea", "hint" => "Enter the CSS styles here", "note" => "If you have any text here, it will be included in the header of your pages (even if incorrect!!).", "std" => ""), array("name" => "First Additional Stylesheet link", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional stylesheets, include the entire link here for the first sheet. An example would be a plugin with a separate stylesheet. Note that for this option to work you have to set <i>Back-end &rarr; Site Optimization &rarr; Auto-generate CSS file for customization options</i> to be linked in the source.", "id" => "suf_custom_css_link_1", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-css", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the stylesheet here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Second Additional Stylesheet link", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional stylesheets, include the entire link here for the second sheet. An example would be a plugin with a separate stylesheet.  Note that for this option to work you have to set <i>Back-end &rarr; Site Optimization &rarr; Auto-generate CSS file for customization options</i> to be linked in the source.", "id" => "suf_custom_css_link_2", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-css", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the stylesheet here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Third Additional Stylesheet link", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional stylesheets, include the entire link here for the third sheet. An example would be a plugin with a separate stylesheet. Note that for this option to work you have to set <i>Back-end &rarr; Site Optimization &rarr; Auto-generate CSS file for customization options</i> to be linked in the source.", "id" => "suf_custom_css_link_3", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-css", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the stylesheet here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Got JavaScript?", "desc" => "Here you can add custom JavaScript. This is a feature that will normally not be used, since you will rely on plugins to automatically add JavaScript.", "parent" => "custom-additions", "category" => "custom-js", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "First External JavaScript file", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional JavaScript files, include the entire link here for the first file.\n\t\t\t\tNote that you have to ensure the JavaScript file's variables and definitions don't conflict with other JS variables and definitions. ", "id" => "suf_custom_js_file_1", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-js", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the JavaScript file path here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Second External JavaScript file", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional JavaScript files, include the entire link here for the second file.\n\t\t\t\tNote that you have to ensure the JavaScript file's variables and definitions don't conflict with other JS variables and definitions. ", "id" => "suf_custom_js_file_2", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-js", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the JavaScript file path here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Third External JavaScript file", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional JavaScript files, include the entire link here for the third file.\n\t\t\t\tNote that you have to ensure the JavaScript file's variables and definitions don't conflict with other JS variables and definitions. ", "id" => "suf_custom_js_file_3", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-js", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the JavaScript file path here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Custom Header JavaScript", "desc" => "If you want to add some custom JavaScript to your header you can do so here.\n\t\t\t\tThis could include affiliate code or anything else that you want to add.\n\t\t\t\tDo not include the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> tags.", "id" => "suf_custom_header_js", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-js", "type" => "textarea", "hint" => "Enter the JavaScript here", "note" => "If you have any text here, it will be included in the header of your pages (even if incorrect!!).", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Custom Footer JavaScript", "desc" => "If you want to add some custom JavaScript to your footer you can do so here.\n\t\t\t\tThis could include affiliate code or anything else that you want to add.\n\t\t\t\tDo not include the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> tags.", "id" => "suf_custom_footer_js", "grouping" => "custom-js", "parent" => "custom-additions", "type" => "textarea", "hint" => "Enter the JavaScript here", "note" => "If you have any text here, it will be included in the footer of your pages (even if incorrect!!).", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Additional Auto-discovery RSS / Atom feeds", "desc" => "You might want to set up additional RSS / Atom feeds for your blog, like a \"Post of the Day\" etc. You can add those feeds here.\n\t\t\t\tNote that this section is for <b>auto-discovery</b> of feeds only. It will make your feed show up in the address bar of browsers like FireFox.", "parent" => "custom-additions", "category" => "custom-feed", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Disable default feed?", "desc" => "By default Suffusion creates the default RSS feed for the theme. If you would prefer using FeedBurner or another such feed, you might want to disable the default feed:", "id" => "suf_custom_default_rss_enabled", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("not-enabled" => "Default feed not enabled", "enabled" => "Default feed enabled"), "std" => "enabled"), array("name" => "Address of First Additional RSS Feed", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional RSS Feeds, include the entire link here for the first feed. You could set up a FeedBurner feed here", "id" => "suf_custom_rss_feed_1", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed URL here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Title of First Additional RSS Feed", "desc" => "What should the first feed be called? E.g. Post of the day. This will be ignored if the preceding field is blank.", "id" => "suf_custom_rss_title_1", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed title here", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Address of Second Additional RSS Feed", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional RSS Feeds, include the entire link here for the second feed.", "id" => "suf_custom_rss_feed_2", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed URL here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Title of Second Additional RSS Feed", "desc" => "What should the second feed be called? E.g. Post of the day. This will be ignored if the preceding field is blank.", "id" => "suf_custom_rss_title_2", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed title here", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Address of Third Additional RSS Feed", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional RSS Feeds, include the entire link here for the third feed.", "id" => "suf_custom_rss_feed_3", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed URL here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Title of Third Additional RSS Feed", "desc" => "What should the third feed be called? E.g. Post of the day. This will be ignored if the preceding field is blank.", "id" => "suf_custom_rss_title_3", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed title here", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Address of First Additional Atom Feed", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional Atom Feeds, include the entire link here for the first feed.", "id" => "suf_custom_atom_feed_1", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed URL here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Title of First Additional Atom Feed", "desc" => "What should the first feed be called? E.g. Post of the day. This will be ignored if the preceding field is blank.", "id" => "suf_custom_atom_title_1", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed title here", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Address of Second Additional Atom Feed", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional Atom Feeds, include the entire link here for the second feed.", "id" => "suf_custom_atom_feed_2", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed URL here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Title of Second Additional Atom Feed", "desc" => "What should the second feed be called? E.g. Post of the day. This will be ignored if the preceding field is blank.", "id" => "suf_custom_atom_title_2", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed title here", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Address of Third Additional Atom Feed", "desc" => "If you want to define any additional Atom Feeds, include the entire link here for the third feed.", "id" => "suf_custom_atom_feed_3", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed URL here, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Title of Third Additional Atom Feed", "desc" => "What should the third feed be called? E.g. Post of the day. This will be ignored if the preceding field is blank.", "id" => "suf_custom_atom_title_3", "parent" => "custom-additions", "grouping" => "custom-feed", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the feed title here", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Modules", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "modules", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Disable Widgets", "desc" => "Disabling widgets that you are not using keeps your site load lower. You won't see a disabled widget in Appearance &rarr; Widgets", "id" => "suf_module_widgets", "parent" => "modules", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_options_array(array('search' => 'Disable Search', 'twitter' => 'Disable Twitter', 'flickr' => 'Disable Flickr', 'translator' => 'Disable Google Translator', 'featured-posts' => 'Disable Featured Posts', 'follow-me' => 'Disable Follow Me', 'child-pages' => 'Disable Child Pages', 'query-posts' => 'Disable Query Posts', 'query-users' => 'Disable Query Users')), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Site Optimization", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "site-optimization", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Auto-generate CSS file for customization options", "desc" => "You can cache the generated CSS and/or link it to another file instead of printing it all out in your site's HTML.", "id" => "suf_autogen_css", "parent" => "site-optimization", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("autogen" => "Auto-generate the CSS and include it as a linked file (High load on server, elegant page source code)", "autogen-inline" => "Auto-generate the CSS and print it in the HTML source (Least load on server, ugly page source code)", "autogen-file" => "Auto-generate the CSS and link it as a file (Low load on server, elegant page source code)", "nogen" => "Don't auto-generate the CSS, and print it in the HTML source (Low load on server, ugly page source code)", "nogen-link" => "Don't auto-generate the CSS, and link it in the HTML source (Highest load on server, elegant page source code)"), "std" => "autogen-file"), array("name" => "Minify generated CSS", "desc" => "Minifying the generated CSS will make it all be printed in a single line. Disable this if you are using a caching plugin.", "id" => "suf_minify_css", "parent" => "site-optimization", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("minify" => "Minify the CSS", "no-minify" => "Don't minify the CSS"), "std" => "no-minify"), array("name" => "Use \"Lite\" version of JQuery Cycle?", "desc" => "If you are using the \"Featured Content\" or the Advanced Gallery features (in <em>Other Graphical Elements</em>) and you require only the 'Fade' transition and you don't want the post index, you should use the Lite version of the JQuery Cycle plugin. It is much smaller: ", "id" => "suf_featured_use_lite", "parent" => "site-optimization", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("lite" => "Use Lite version (4 KB)", "regular" => "Use Regular version (29 KB)"), "std" => "regular"), array("name" => "Child Themes", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "child-themes", "parent" => "blog-features"), array("name" => "Inherit styles?", "desc" => "Suffusion has a multi-level stylesheet hierarchy that processes style.css first, then skin.css, where 'skin' is the light theme corresponding to your theme selection.\n\t\t\tIf your theme selection is a dark theme, it then processes dark-style.css and finally dark-skin.css.\n\t\t\tIn case of child themes, however, you might not want to load all the CSS files. Pick what you want for your child theme. Note that this might impact gzip/minification:", "id" => "suf_style_inheritance", "parent" => "child-themes", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("everything" => "Inherit all stylesheets corresponding to the theme selection (You don't need any @import in your style.css)", "nothing" => "Don't inherit any stylesheet (all inclusions will be done using @import tags in your child theme's style.css. Use this if you don't want any pre-defined color scheme)"), "std" => "everything"));
コード例 #2

 * Lists out all the options from the Other Graphical Elements section of the theme options
 * This file is included in functions.php
 * @package Suffusion
 * @subpackage Admin
global $suffusion_theme_name;
$suffusion_visual_effects_options = array(array("name" => "Other Graphical Elements", "type" => "sub-section-2", "category" => "visual-effects", "parent" => "root"), array("name" => "Favicon", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "favicon-setup", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Favicons", "desc" => "As such you don't need the support of your theme to add a Favicon for your site.\n\t\t\t\tYou can drop a file called favicon.ico in your root directory for it to be effective, though that method has its limitations.\n\t\t\t\tE.g. Your file has to be in an ICO format and must be called favicon.ico.", "parent" => "favicon-setup", "type" => "blurb"), array("name" => "Favicon Path", "desc" => "Set the image to be used as your Favicon. You can use a PNG, GIF, ICO or JPG file that is 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64 px in size.\n\t\t\t\tNote that older versions of Internet Explorer do not support PNG.\n\t\t\t\tSee <a href='http://perishablepress.com/press/2007/10/17/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-favicons/'>this article</a> for a very comprehensive writeup on Favicons.", "id" => "suf_favicon_path", "parent" => "favicon-setup", "type" => "upload", "hint" => "Enter the full URL here (including http://), or click on \"Upload Image\"", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Navigation Bar Above Header", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "navt-setup", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Look and Feel", "desc" => "Adjust the general look and feel options of the Navigation Bar", "category" => "navt-lf", "parent" => "navt-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Basic Setup", "desc" => "You can define what you want to show in your navigation bar. The navigation bar contains two widget areas, 'Top Bar Left Widgets' and 'Top Bar Right Widgets' and a drop down menu.", "id" => "suf_navt_contents", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("pages" => "Drop-down menus and widget areas", "hide" => "Hidden"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Navigation Bar Style", "desc" => "You can choose different navigation bar styles - full width or page width:", "id" => "suf_navt_bar_style", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("full-full" => "Navigation bar is as wide as your browser window and contents of the bar begin from the left or right", "full-align" => "Navigation bar is as wide as your browser window and contents of the bar are aligned with your main page", "align" => "Navigation bar and its contents are aligned with your main page", "theme" => "Theme Default"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Drop-down menu position", "desc" => "Where in the navigation bar do you want your drop-down menu?", "id" => "suf_navt_dd_pos", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "radio", "concept" => "halign", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "left" => "Left", "right" => "Right", "center" => "Center"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Menu Item Style", "desc" => "Control how your menu items look", "id" => "suf_navt_item_type", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("tab" => "Show menu items as individual tabs", "continuous" => "Show menu items as a continuous list", "theme" => "Theme Default"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Drop-down menu delay", "desc" => "You can set a delay for the drop-down menu in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_delay", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Leave blank for no delay", "std" => "500"), array("name" => "Fade effect for drop-down menu", "desc" => "There is a fade-in effect for the drop-down menu enabled by default. You can disable it", "id" => "suf_navt_effect", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("none" => "No effects", "fade" => "Fade in the page"), "std" => "fade"), array("name" => "Show \"Home\" page?", "desc" => "You can show a link to your blog's home page. This could either be an icon or a text link. This setting is ignored if you are hiding your navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_show_home", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("none" => "Don't show a home link", "text" => "Show a text link", "icon" => "Show an icon"), "std" => "none"), array("name" => "\"Home\" page text", "desc" => "If you have opted to show a text link above, you can set the text to show. The default is \"Home\".\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you are hiding your navigation bar or if you have chosen to not show a home link or to show a home icon.", "id" => "suf_navt_home_text", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "text", "std" => "Home"), array("name" => "Order of entities in navigation bar", "desc" => "You can define the order in which Pages, Categories and Links (Bookmarks) appear in the navigation bar: ", "id" => "suf_navt_entity_order", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "sortable-list", "std" => suffusion_entity_prepositions('nav')), array("name" => "Text Transformation for the Navigation Bar", "desc" => "By default all your page names are displayed with the first letter of each word capitalized in the navigation bar (except in IE 6, where it is unstyled). You can change this setting:", "id" => "suf_navt_text_transform", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("uppercase" => "ALL UPPERCASE", "lowercase" => "all lowercase", "capitalize" => "Capitalize First Letter Of Each Word", "none" => "No transformation"), "std" => "capitalize"), array("name" => "Pages in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "Control the display of pages in the navigation bar", "category" => "navt-pages", "parent" => "navt-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Page listing style in the Navigation Bar", "desc" => "You can choose how to show pages in your navigation bar. By default a single tab for pages is shown in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_pages_style", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-pages", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("flattened" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-page-flat.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show the top level pages in the navigation bar and their sub-pages in drop-downs</p></div>", "rolled-up" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-page-roll-up.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show a single tab called \"Pages\" (or whatever you want to call it) and build a drop-down under it</p></div>"), "std" => "rolled-up"), array("name" => "\"Pages\" tab title", "desc" => "In the above option if you have chosen to show a single tab for pages and build a drop-down under it, you can set the title for that tab.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level pages in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_page_tab_title", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-pages", "type" => "text", "std" => "Pages"), array("name" => "\"Pages\" tab link", "desc" => "If you have a specific page that you want to go to upon clicking the Pages tab, set the full URL here.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level pages in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_page_tab_link", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-pages", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Pages in Navigation Bar - All or Selected", "desc" => "Choose which pages you want to display in your navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_pages_all_sel", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-pages", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Include all, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Include selections from the next option", "exclude-all" => "Exclude all, ignoring next option", "exclude-selected" => "Exclude selections from the next option"), "std" => "exclude-all"), array("name" => "Select pages to show in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "If you have too many pages on your blog you might want to exclude some so that the navigation bar doesn't get ugly. Note that if your navigation bar is hidden, this setting is ignored. Also if you select a page whose parent is not selected, the child will NOT be displayed. All pages are excluded by default", "id" => "suf_navt_pages", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-pages", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_page_array(), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Categories in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "Control the display of categories in the navigation bar", "category" => "navt-cats", "parent" => "navt-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Category listing style in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "You can choose how to show categories in your navigation bar. By default a single tab for categories is shown in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_cat_style", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-cats", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("flattened" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-cat-flat.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show the top level categories in the navigation bar and their sub-pages in drop-downs</p></div>", "rolled-up" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-cat-roll-up.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show a single tab called \"Categories\" (or whatever you want to call it) and build a drop-down under it</p></div>"), "std" => "rolled-up"), array("name" => "\"Categories\" tab title", "desc" => "In the above option if you have chosen to show a single tab for categories and build a drop-down under it, you can set the title for that tab.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level categories in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_cat_tab_title", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-cats", "type" => "text", "std" => "Categories"), array("name" => "\"Categories\" tab link", "desc" => "If you have a specific page that you want to go to upon clicking the Categories tab, set the full URL here.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level categories in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_cat_tab_link", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-cats", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Categories in Navigation Bar - All or Selected", "desc" => "Choose which categories you want to display in your navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_cats_all_sel", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-cats", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Include all, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Include selections from the next option", "exclude-all" => "Exclude all, ignoring next option", "exclude-selected" => "Exclude selections from the next option"), "std" => "exclude-all"), array("name" => "Select categories to show in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "If you have too many categories on your blog you might want to exclude some so that the navigation bar doesn't get ugly. Note that if your navigation bar is hidden, this setting is ignored. Also if you select a category whose parent is not selected, the child will NOT be displayed.\n\t\t\t\tThe exclusion is hierarchical, so if you exclude a parent category but include its child, neither the parent nor the child will show up in the dropdown. All categories are excluded by default. ", "id" => "suf_navt_cats", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-cats", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_category_array(), 'std' => ""), array("name" => "Links in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "Control the display of links in the navigation bar", "category" => "navt-links", "parent" => "navt-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "WordPress Link listing style in the Navigation Bar", "desc" => "You can choose how to show links in your navigation bar. By default a single tab for links is shown in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_links_style", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-links", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("flattened" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-link-flat.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show the links in the navigation bar</p></div>", "rolled-up" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-link-roll-up.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show a single tab called \"Links\" (or whatever you want to call it) and build a drop-down under it</p></div>"), "std" => "rolled-up"), array("name" => "\"Links\" tab title", "desc" => "In the above option if you have chosen to show a single tab for WordPress links and build a drop-down under it, you can set the title for that tab.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display individual links in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_links_tab_title", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-links", "type" => "text", "std" => "Links"), array("name" => "\"Links\" tab link", "desc" => "If you have a specific page that you want to go to upon clicking the Links tab, set the full URL here.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level links in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_navt_links_tab_link", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-links", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Links in Navigation Bar - All or Selected", "desc" => "Choose which links you want to display", "id" => "suf_navt_links_all_sel", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-links", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Include all, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Include selections from the next option", "exclude-all" => "Exclude all, ignoring next option", "exclude-selected" => "Exclude selections from the next option"), "std" => "selected"), array("name" => "Select links to show in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "If you have too many links on your blog you might want to exclude some so that the navigation bar doesn't get ugly.\n\t\t\t\tAll links are excluded by default. ", "id" => "suf_navt_links", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-links", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_link_array(), "std" => ''), array("name" => "WP 3.0 Navigation Menus", "desc" => "Control the display of inbuilt navigation menus (WP 3.0 and higher)", "category" => "navt-3menu", "parent" => "navt-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "WP 3.0 Navigation Menus - All or Selected", "desc" => "You can decide if you want to show all menus or selected menus in the navigation bar.\n\t\t\tIf you choose 'All' your settings in the next option will be ignored. Also note that if you have added a menu to the navigation bar through the WP 3.0 menu administration page, it will show up even if excluded here.\n\t\t\tNote that this option is different from choosing 'Select All' in the next option, because this guarantees that always all are displayed, while the next option only ensures that all selections at the time of setup are displayed", "id" => "suf_navt_menus_all_sel", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-3menu", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "All, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Selections from the next option"), "std" => "selected"), array("name" => "Select Menus to show", "desc" => "If you have too many menus on your blog you might want to exclude some so that the navigation bar doesn't get ugly.\n\t\t\tAll menus are included by default. ", "id" => "suf_navt_menus", "parent" => "navt-setup", "grouping" => "navt-3menu", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_wp_menu_array(), "std" => ''), array("name" => "Header", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "header-setup", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Header Layout Style", "desc" => "You can choose different header styles - full width or page width:", "id" => "suf_header_layout_style", "parent" => "header-setup", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("out-hcfull" => "Header is outside the main wrapper, its background and contents are as wide as your browser window", "out-hcalign" => "Header is outside the main wrapper, its background and contents are aligned with the main wrapper", "out-cfull-halign" => "Header is outside the main wrapper, its background is as wide as your browser window, but header contents are aligned with the main wrapper", "in-align" => "Header is inside the main wrapper", "theme" => "Theme Default"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Blog Title / Header Alignment", "desc" => "Which side would you like your header?", "id" => "suf_header_alignment", "parent" => "header-setup", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("left" => "Left", "right" => "Right", "center" => "Center", "hidden" => "Hidden"), "std" => "left"), array("name" => "Description / Sub-Header Alignment", "desc" => "Which side would you like your sub-header?", "id" => "suf_sub_header_alignment", "parent" => "header-setup", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("left" => "Left", "right" => "Right", "center" => "Center", "hidden" => "Hidden"), "std" => "right"), array("name" => "Description / Sub-Header Vertical Alignment, relative to header", "desc" => "Which line would you like your sub-header relative to the header?", "id" => "suf_sub_header_vertical_alignment", "parent" => "header-setup", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("above" => "Above the header text", "below" => "Below the header text", "same-line" => "Same line as the header"), "std" => "same-line"), array("name" => "Navigation Bar Below Header", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "nav-setup", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Look and Feel", "category" => "nav-lf", "parent" => "nav-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show / Hide Navigation Bar", "id" => "suf_nav_contents", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("pages" => "Drop-down menus", "hide" => "Hidden"), "std" => "pages"), array("name" => "Navigation Bar Style", "desc" => "This will only be effective if your Header is outside the main wrapper (see Visual Effects &rarr; Header Customization):", "id" => "suf_nav_bar_style", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("full-full" => "Navigation bar is as wide as your browser window and contents of the bar begin from the left or right", "full-align" => "Navigation bar is as wide as your browser window and contents of the bar are aligned with your main page", "align" => "Navigation bar and its contents are aligned with your main page", "theme" => "Theme Default"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Drop-down menu position", "desc" => "Where in the navigation bar do you want your drop-down menu?", "id" => "suf_nav_dd_pos", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "left" => "Left", "right" => "Right", "center" => "Center"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Menu Item Style", "id" => "suf_nav_item_type", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("tab" => "Show menu items as individual tabs", "continuous" => "Show menu items as a continuous list", "theme" => "Theme Default"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Drop-down menu delay", "desc" => "You can set a delay for the drop-down menu in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_delay", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Leave blank for no delay", "std" => "500"), array("name" => "Fade effect for drop-down menu", "desc" => "There is a fade-in effect for the drop-down menu enabled by default. You can disable it", "id" => "suf_nav_effect", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("none" => "No effects", "fade" => "Fade in the page"), "std" => "fade"), array("name" => "Show \"Home\" page?", "desc" => "You can show a link to your blog's home page. This could either be an icon or a text link. This setting is ignored if you are hiding your navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_show_home", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("none" => "Don't show a home link", "text" => "Show a text link", "icon" => "Show an icon"), "std" => "none"), array("name" => "\"Home\" page text", "desc" => "If you have opted to show a text link above, you can set the text to show. The default is \"Home\".\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you are hiding your navigation bar or if you have chosen to not show a home link or to show a home icon.", "id" => "suf_home_text", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "text", "std" => "Home"), array("name" => "Order of entities in navigation bar", "desc" => "You can define the order in which Pages, Categories and Links (Bookmarks) appear in the navigation bar: ", "id" => "suf_nav_entity_order", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "sortable-list", "std" => suffusion_entity_prepositions('nav')), array("name" => "Text Transformation for Navigation Bar", "id" => "suf_nav_text_transform", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-lf", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("uppercase" => "ALL UPPERCASE", "lowercase" => "all lowercase", "capitalize" => "Capitalize First Letter Of Each Word", "none" => "No transformation"), "std" => "capitalize"), array("name" => "Pages in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "Control the display of pages in the navigation bar", "category" => "nav-pages", "parent" => "nav-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Page listing style in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "You can choose how to show pages in your navigation bar. By default a single tab for pages is shown in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_pages_style", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-pages", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("flattened" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-page-flat.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show the top level pages in the navigation bar and their sub-pages in drop-downs</p></div>", "rolled-up" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-page-roll-up.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show a single tab called \"Pages\" (or whatever you want to call it) and build a drop-down under it</p></div>"), "std" => "rolled-up"), array("name" => "\"Pages\" tab title", "desc" => "In the above option if you have chosen to show a single tab for pages and build a drop-down under it, you can set the title for that tab.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level pages in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_page_tab_title", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-pages", "type" => "text", "std" => "Pages"), array("name" => "\"Pages\" tab link", "desc" => "If you have a specific page that you want to go to upon clicking the Pages tab, set the full URL here.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level pages in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_page_tab_link", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-pages", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Pages in Navigation Bar - All or Selected", "desc" => "Choose which pages you want to display in your navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_pages_all_sel", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-pages", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Include all, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Include selections from the next option", "exclude-all" => "Exclude all, ignoring next option", "exclude-selected" => "Exclude selections from the next option"), "std" => "exclude-all"), array("name" => "Select pages to include/exclude in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "The selections here will be used with the previous option.", "id" => "suf_nav_pages", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-pages", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_page_array(), "std" => ''), array("name" => "Categories in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "Control the display of categories in the navigation bar", "category" => "nav-cats", "parent" => "nav-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Category listing style in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "You can choose how to show categories in your navigation bar. By default a single tab for categories is shown in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_cat_style", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-cats", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("flattened" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-cat-flat.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show the top level categories in the navigation bar and their sub-pages in drop-downs</p></div>", "rolled-up" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-cat-roll-up.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show a single tab called \"Categories\" (or whatever you want to call it) and build a drop-down under it</p></div>"), "std" => "rolled-up"), array("name" => "\"Categories\" tab title", "desc" => "In the above option if you have chosen to show a single tab for categories and build a drop-down under it, you can set the title for that tab.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level categories in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_cat_tab_title", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-cats", "type" => "text", "std" => "Categories"), array("name" => "\"Categories\" tab link", "desc" => "If you have a specific page that you want to go to upon clicking the Categories tab, set the full URL here.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level categories in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_cat_tab_link", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-cats", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Categories in Navigation Bar - All or Selected", "desc" => "Choose which categories you want to display in your navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_cats_all_sel", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-cats", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Include all, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Include selections from the next option", "exclude-all" => "Exclude all, ignoring next option", "exclude-selected" => "Exclude selections from the next option"), "std" => "exclude-all"), array("name" => "Select categories to show in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "If you have too many categories on your blog you might want to exclude some so that the navigation bar doesn't get ugly. Note that if your navigation bar is hidden, this setting is ignored. Also if you select a category whose parent is not selected, the child will NOT be displayed.\n\t\t\t\tThe exclusion is hierarchical, so if you exclude a parent category but include its child, neither the parent nor the child will show up in the dropdown. All categories are excluded by default. ", "id" => "suf_nav_cats", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-cats", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_category_array(), 'std' => ''), array("name" => "Links in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "Control the display of links in the navigation bar", "category" => "nav-links", "parent" => "nav-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "WordPress Link listing style in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "You can choose how to show links in your navigation bar. By default a single tab for links is shown in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_links_style", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-links", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("flattened" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-link-flat.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show the links in the navigation bar</p></div>", "rolled-up" => "<div class='picture'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/admin/images/nav-link-roll-up.jpg' alt='Flattened'/><p>Show a single tab called \"Links\" (or whatever you want to call it) and build a drop-down under it</p></div>"), "std" => "rolled-up"), array("name" => "\"Links\" tab title", "desc" => "In the above option if you have chosen to show a single tab for WordPress links and build a drop-down under it, you can set the title for that tab.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display individual links in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_links_tab_title", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-links", "type" => "text", "std" => "Links"), array("name" => "\"Links\" tab link", "desc" => "If you have a specific page that you want to go to upon clicking the Links tab, set the full URL here.\n\t\t\t\tThis setting is ignored if you have chosen to display top level links in the navigation bar.", "id" => "suf_nav_links_tab_link", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-links", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the full URL, including http://", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Links in Navigation Bar - All or Selected", "desc" => "Choose which links you want to display", "id" => "suf_nav_links_all_sel", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-links", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Include all, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Include selections from the next option", "exclude-all" => "Exclude all, ignoring next option", "exclude-selected" => "Exclude selections from the next option"), "std" => "selected"), array("name" => "Select links to show in Navigation Bar", "desc" => "If you have too many links on your blog you might want to exclude some so that the navigation bar doesn't get ugly. Note that if your navigation bar is hidden, this setting is ignored.\n\t\t\t\tAll links are excluded by default. ", "id" => "suf_nav_links", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-links", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_link_array(), "std" => ''), array("name" => "WP 3.0 Navigation Menus", "desc" => "Control the display of inbuilt navigation menus (WP 3.0 and higher)", "category" => "nav-3menu", "parent" => "nav-setup", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "WP 3.0 Navigation Menus - All or Selected", "desc" => "You can decide if you want to show all menus or selected menus in the navigation bar.\n\t\t\tIf you choose 'All' your settings in the next option will be ignored. Also note that if you have added a menu to the navigation bar through the WP 3.0 menu administration page, it will show up even if excluded here.\n\t\t\tNote that this option is different from choosing 'Select All' in the next option, because this guarantees that always all are displayed, while the next option only ensures that all selections at the time of setup are displayed", "id" => "suf_nav_menus_all_sel", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-3menu", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "All, ignoring next option", "selected" => "Selections from the next option"), "std" => "selected"), array("name" => "Select Menus to show", "desc" => "If you have too many menus on your blog you might want to exclude some so that the navigation bar doesn't get ugly.\n\t\t\tAll menus are included by default. ", "id" => "suf_nav_menus", "parent" => "nav-setup", "grouping" => "nav-3menu", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_wp_menu_array(), "std" => ''), array("name" => "\"Title\" attribute upon hovering over navigation bar", "desc" => "If you set this to show the title, when you hover over the menu, a little box with the title of the link will show up.\n\t\t\tThis applies to both navigation bars. Also, the WP 3.0 menus are not impacted by this setting:", "id" => "suf_nav_strip_a_title", "parent" => "nav-setup", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show title attribute", "hide" => "Hide title attribute"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Footer", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "footer-customization", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Footer Layout Style", "desc" => "You can choose different footer styles - full width or page width:", "id" => "suf_footer_layout_style", "parent" => "footer-customization", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("out-hcfull" => "Footer is outside the main wrapper, its background and contents are as wide as your browser window", "out-hcalign" => "Footer is outside the main wrapper, its background and contents are aligned with the main wrapper", "out-cfull-halign" => "Footer is outside the main wrapper, its background is as wide as your browser window, but footer contents are aligned with the main wrapper", "in-align" => "Footer is inside the main wrapper", "theme" => "Theme Default"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Text in left part of footer", "desc" => "Enter the text to put in the left section of the footer. HTML is permitted. For the &copy; symbol use &amp;#169; .", "id" => "suf_footer_left", "parent" => "footer-customization", "type" => "textarea", "hint" => "Enter the text here.", "note" => "If you have any text here, it will be included with your pages (even if structurally incorrect!!).", "std" => "&#169; " . date('Y') . " <a href='" . home_url() . "'>" . get_bloginfo('name') . "</a>"), array("name" => "Text in central part of footer", "desc" => "Enter the text to put in the central section of the footer. HTML is permitted. For the &copy; symbol use &amp;#169; .", "id" => "suf_footer_center", "parent" => "footer-customization", "type" => "textarea", "hint" => "Enter the text here.", "note" => "If you have any text here, it will be included with your pages (even if structurally incorrect!!).", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Post and Page Bylines", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "post-settings", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Posts (Default/Standard post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines", "category" => "post-settings-post", "parent" => "post-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_meta_position", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_show_perm", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Categories for posts?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_show_cats", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link for Posts?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_show_comment", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\" for Posts?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags for posts?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_show_tags", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-post", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Pages", "desc" => "Control positioning of page bylines", "category" => "post-settings-page", "parent" => "post-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_page_meta_position", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-page", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Comments link for Pages?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all pages on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_page_show_comment", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-page", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\" for Pages?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all pages on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_page_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-page", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_page_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-settings", "grouping" => "post-settings-page", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Post Formats", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "post-format-settings", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Posts ('Aside' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'aside'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_aside_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_aside_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_aside_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without title?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts without titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_aside_no_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_aside_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_aside_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_aside_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_aside_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_aside_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-aside", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Posts ('Gallery' post format)", "desc" => "Control display for post format 'gallery'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_gallery_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Disable Gallery Post Format in archives", "id" => "suf_gallery_format_disable", "desc" => "Disable the Gallery Post Format and treat it as a regulary post.", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => ''), array("name" => "Gallery posts in archives - Number of thumbnails to show", "id" => "suf_gallery_format_thumb_count", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "slider", "options" => array("range" => "min", "min" => 4, "max" => 20, "step" => 1, "size" => "400px", "unit" => ""), "std" => 6), array("name" => "Gallery posts in archives - Thumbnail panel position", "id" => "suf_gallery_format_thumb_panel_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("left" => "Left of leading image", "right" => "Right of leading image", "below" => "Below leading image"), "std" => "right"), array("name" => "Gallery posts in archives - Thumbnail panel width", "desc" => "If you have chosen \"left\" or \"right\" above, please enter the width in pixels:", "id" => "suf_gallery_format_thumb_panel_width", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the number of pixels here (don't enter 'px'). Non-integers will be ignored.", "std" => "250"), array("name" => "Gallery posts in archives - Width of individual thumbnail", "id" => "suf_gallery_format_thumbnail_width", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("64" => "64px", "96" => "96px", "128" => "128px", "192" => "192px", "256" => "256px"), "std" => "96"), array("name" => "Gallery posts in archives - Height of individual thumbnail", "id" => "suf_gallery_format_thumbnail_height", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "select", "options" => array("64" => "64px", "96" => "96px", "128" => "128px", "192" => "192px", "256" => "256px"), "std" => "96"), array("name" => "Gallery posts in archives - Proportional resizing", "desc" => "If you are resizing an image 400x300 px to 128x128, the resizing is disproportionate. How do you want to handle the resize in such a scenario?", "id" => "suf_gallery_format_zc", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("0" => "Preserve original proportions (final size might be different from desired size)", "1" => "Transform to desired proportions (image might get cropped)"), "std" => "1"), array("name" => "Random thumbnails", "id" => "suf_gallery_random_thumbs_disable", "desc" => "Don't randomly pick the thumbnails.", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-gallery", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => ''), array("name" => "Posts ('Link' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'link'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_link_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_link_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_link_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_link_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_link_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_link_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_link_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_link_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_link_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-link", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Posts ('Image' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'image'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_image_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_image_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_image_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_image_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_image_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_image_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_image_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_image_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_image_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-image", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Posts ('Quote' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'quote'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_quote_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_quote_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_quote_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_quote_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_quote_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_quote_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_quote_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_quote_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_quote_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-quote", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Posts ('Status' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'status'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_status_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_status_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_status_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_status_no_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_status_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_status_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_status_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_status_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_status_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-status", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Posts ('Video' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'video'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_video_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_video_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_video_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_video_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_video_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_video_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_video_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_video_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_video_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-video", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Posts ('Audio' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'audio'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_audio_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Audio shortcode", "desc" => "Enable Suffusion's audio shortcode (might cause conflicts with plugins other than JetPack or WP Audio Player)", "id" => "suf_enable_audio_shortcode", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_audio_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_audio_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_audio_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_audio_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_audio_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_audio_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_audio_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_audio_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-audio", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Posts ('Chat' post format)", "desc" => "Control positioning of post bylines for post format 'chat'", "category" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Show Title?", "desc" => "Should the title be displayed?", "id" => "suf_post_chat_show_title", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show", "hide" => "Hide"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Position of meta information (including date)", "desc" => "Choose where you want information like Comments, Posted By etc to appear", "id" => "suf_post_chat_meta_position", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme Default", "corners" => "Show in corners above/below content", "left-pullout" => "Pullout on the left (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-pullout" => "Pullout on the right side (this will reduce your main column width)", "left-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the left outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "right-outer-pullout" => "Pullout on the right outside post (this will reduce your main column width)", "line-top" => "Single line above post", "line-bottom" => "Single line below post"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts without titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink:", "id" => "suf_post_chat_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Permalink under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Permalink under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Permalink above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Permalink near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Permalinks"), "std" => "show-tleft"), array("name" => "Show Permalink for posts with titles?", "desc" => "You can show an explicit permalink for posts with titles. The link will show up in the location set above:", "id" => "suf_post_chat_with_title_show_perm", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Always show", "hide" => "Always hide"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Categories?", "desc" => "Links for the categories that the post is associated with show up under the title for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_chat_show_cats", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show" => "Show Categories under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Categories under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Categories above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Categories near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Categories"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Comments link?", "desc" => "A link for comments shows up under the title for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_chat_show_comment", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Comments link under title on the left side", "show" => "Show Comments link under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Comments link above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Comments link near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Comments link"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show \"Posted By\"?", "desc" => "Information about the poster shows up near the footer for all posts on the left side. Do you want to hide it?", "id" => "suf_post_chat_show_posted_by", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Posted By under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Posted By under title on the right side", "show" => "Show Posted By above footer on the left side", "show-bright" => "Show Posted By near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Posted By"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "\"Posted By\" format", "desc" => "You can change the appearance of the \"Posted By\" text:", "id" => "suf_post_chat_posted_by_format", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "select", "options" => array("by" => "Posted by {author}", "by-on" => "Posted by {author} on {date}", "by-at" => "Posted by {author} at {time}", "by-on-at" => "Posted by {author} on {date} at {time}", "by-at-on" => "Posted by {author} at {time} on {date}"), "std" => "by-at"), array("name" => "Show Tags?", "desc" => "Links for the tags that the post is associated with show up near the footer for all posts on the right side. Do you want to hide them?", "id" => "suf_post_chat_show_tags", "parent" => "post-format-settings", "grouping" => "post-format-settings-post-chat", "type" => "select", "options" => array("show-tleft" => "Show Tags under title on the left side", "show-tright" => "Show Tags under title on the right side", "show-bleft" => "Show Tags above footer on the left side", "show" => "Show Tags near footer on the right side", "hide" => "Hide Tags"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Byline Configuration", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "byline-configuration", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Categories", "category" => "byline-categories", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "HTML Before", "desc" => "HTML to show before category list in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_before_category", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-categories", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "HTML After", "desc" => "HTML to show after category list in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_after_category", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-categories", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Tags", "category" => "byline-tags", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "HTML Before", "desc" => "HTML to show before tag list in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_before_tag", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-tags", "type" => "text", "std" => __('Tagged with: ', 'suffusion')), array("name" => "HTML After", "desc" => "HTML to show after tag list in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_after_tag", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-tags", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Permalinks", "category" => "byline-permalinks", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "HTML Before", "desc" => "HTML to show before permalinks in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_before_permalink", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-permalinks", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "HTML After", "desc" => "HTML to show after permalinks in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_after_permalink", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-permalinks", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Edit", "category" => "byline-edit", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "HTML Before", "desc" => "HTML to show before the edit link in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_before_edit", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-edit", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "HTML After", "desc" => "HTML to show after the edit link in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_after_edit", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-edit", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Date", "category" => "byline-date", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "HTML Before", "desc" => "HTML to show before the date in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_before_date", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-date", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "HTML After", "desc" => "HTML to show after the date in bylines (shortcodes allowed)", "id" => "suf_byline_after_date", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-date", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Custom Taxonomies", "category" => "byline-custom", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "HTML Before and After", "desc" => "Set the HTML to be shown before and after a custom taxonomy byline", "id" => "suf_byline_before_after_cpt_taxonomies", "parent" => "byline-configuration", "grouping" => "byline-custom", "type" => "associative-array", "options" => array("Custom Taxonomy" => suffusion_get_custom_taxonomies(), "HTML before taxonomy list" => array('name' => 'before', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''), "HTML after taxonomy list" => array('name' => 'after', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '')), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Featured Content", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "featured-settings", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Showing Featured Posts", "desc" => "Featured posts help bring certain posts to the top of your blog. Suffusion supports Featured Posts in multiple ways:\n\t\t\t\t<ul class='margin-20'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Sticky Posts</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Selected Categories</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Selected Posts</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Selected Pages</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Selected Tags</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t\tSuffusion uses the excellent <a href='http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/'>JQuery Cycle</a> to create a Featured section above your posts.\n\t\t\t\tAdditionally you can define a \"Featured Image\" (preferably as wide as your blog posts). If you don't associate a featured image, the thumbnail will be picked.\n\t\t\t\tAnd if you don't provide a thumbnail, the first attached image will be used. Note, though, that not having a featured image will generate thumbnail size images, displaying a lot of blank space.\n\t\t\t\tGood practices:\n\t\t\t\t<ul class='margin-20'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Use featured images for every post that you want to show in your featured section.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Define featured images that are at least as wide as your posts.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>Don't use too many featured posts. Remember that this section should have useful information, not all information. Having too many posts will make your script sluggish.</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t\t", "parent" => "featured-settings", "type" => "blurb"), array("name" => "Where to Show", "desc" => "Where do you want the Featured Content to appear?", "category" => "fc-where", "parent" => "featured-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Main (default) page", "desc" => "You can enable the Featured Posts slider on your main page. This is also the default page: ", "id" => "suf_featured_index_view", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("enabled" => "Enabled", "disabled" => "Disabled"), "std" => "disabled"), array("name" => "Category view", "id" => "suf_featured_category_view", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("enabled" => "Enabled", "disabled" => "Disabled"), "std" => "disabled"), array("name" => "Tag view", "id" => "suf_featured_tag_view", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("enabled" => "Enabled", "disabled" => "Disabled"), "std" => "disabled"), array("name" => "Author view", "id" => "suf_featured_author_view", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("enabled" => "Enabled", "disabled" => "Disabled"), "std" => "disabled"), array("name" => "Search view", "id" => "suf_featured_search_view", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("enabled" => "Enabled", "disabled" => "Disabled"), "std" => "disabled"), array("name" => "Time archive view", "desc" => "You can enable the Featured Posts slider for your tiem archive (time / date / day / month / year) view. This way you will see the featured section whenever you are looking at time-based archives: ", "id" => "suf_featured_time_view", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("enabled" => "Enabled", "disabled" => "Disabled"), "std" => "disabled"), array("name" => "First page / all pages", "desc" => "Show featured content only on the first page of a category/tag/time archive etc: ", "id" => "suf_featured_view_first_only", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("first" => "First page only", "all" => "All pages (second, third etc)"), "std" => "first"), array("name" => "Static Pages with Featured Content", "desc" => "By default the featured content is not shown on static pages. You can choose the pages in your blog that will contain the Featured Posts: ", "id" => "suf_featured_pages_with_fc", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-where", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_page_array(), "std" => ""), array("name" => "What to Show", "desc" => "What do you want to display in the Featured Content section?", "category" => "fc-what", "parent" => "featured-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Number of Posts", "desc" => "By default this is limited to the number of posts you allow per page: ", "id" => "suf_featured_num_posts", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the number here. Please enter positive numeric values only", "std" => get_option('posts_per_page')), array("name" => "Show Duplicate Posts", "desc" => "Show posts from the featured content section in the rest of the body: ", "id" => "suf_featured_show_dupes", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show duplicate posts", "hide" => "Hide duplicate posts"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Show Sticky Posts", "desc" => "To make a post \"sticky\" go to the \"Edit Posts\" menu, then click on the \"Visibility\" option in the publish section and\n\t\t\t\tselect \"Stick this post to the front page\": ", "id" => "suf_featured_allow_sticky", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show sticky posts", "hide" => "Hide sticky posts"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Show Latest Posts?", "id" => "suf_featured_show_latest", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show latest posts", "hide" => "Hide latest posts"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Number of Latest Posts", "desc" => "This is not relevant if you are hiding latest posts.\n\t\t\t\tIn case the number of latest posts is higher than the total number of posts, this setting is ignored: ", "id" => "suf_featured_num_latest_posts", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the number here. Please enter positive numeric values only", "std" => 5), array("name" => "Select Categories", "desc" => "In addition to sticky posts you can include posts from selected categories in the featured posts slider.\n\t\t\t\tBy default no category is selected: ", "id" => "suf_featured_selected_categories", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_category_array(), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Select Pages", "desc" => "Note that the inclusion is NOT hierarchical here. By default no page is selected: ", "id" => "suf_featured_selected_pages", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "export" => "ne", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_page_array(), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Posts to show", "desc" => "Include a comma-separated list of post ids you want to include in the featured posts: ", "id" => "suf_featured_selected_posts", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Tags to show", "desc" => "Include a comma-separated list of tags you want to include in the featured posts: ", "id" => "suf_featured_selected_tags", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-what", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "How to Show", "desc" => "Set the visual effects of the featured content section here", "category" => "fc-how", "parent" => "featured-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Image preference order", "desc" => "You can change the order of preference for picking up images. If an image is not found for your first preference, the next one is looked for: ", "id" => "suf_featured_img_pref", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "sortable-list", "std" => suffusion_entity_prepositions('thumb-featured')), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Transition Effects", "desc" => "You can pick the effect you want to use for your featured posts' transitions. These are effects provided by the JQuery Cycle script.\n\t\t\t\tNote that not all effects will look good on your blog. You should pick the one that best suits your needs: ", "id" => "suf_featured_fx", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "select", "options" => array("fade" => "Fade In", "scrollUp" => "Scroll Up", "scrollDown" => "Scroll Down", "scrollLeft" => "Scroll Left", "scrollRight" => "Scroll Right", "scrollHorz" => "Scroll Horizontally", "scrollVert" => "Scroll Vertically", "slideX" => "Slide in and back horizontally", "slideY" => "Slide in and back vertically", "turnUp" => "Turn Upwards", "turnDown" => "Turn Downwards", "turnLeft" => "Turn Leftwards", "turnRight" => "Turn Rightwards", "zoom" => "Zoom", "fadeZoom" => "Zoom and Fade", "blindX" => "Vertical Blinds", "blindY" => "Horizontal Blinds", "blindZ" => "Diagonal Blinds", "growX" => "Grow horizontally from center", "growY" => "Grow vertically from center", "curtainX" => "Squeeze in both edges horizontally", "curtainY" => "Squeeze in both edges vertically", "cover" => "Current post is covered by next post", "uncover" => "Current post moves off next post", "wipe" => "Wipe"), "std" => "fade"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Image synchronization", "desc" => "By default a new image starts showing only when the old one has cleared. You can change this behavior: ", "id" => "suf_featured_sync", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("0" => "Show new image only after old one has cleared out fully", "1" => "Start showing new image as the old one starts clearing out"), "std" => "0"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Time for each post display", "desc" => "The posts in the Featured Posts are each displayed for 4000 milliseconds (4 seconds). You can change this interval: ", "id" => "suf_featured_interval", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the time in milliseconds (don't enter \"ms\"!)", "std" => "4000"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Transition speed for post", "desc" => "Depending on the transition effect you have chosen you may want to speed up or slow down your transition. Set the duration of the transition effect here: ", "id" => "suf_featured_transition_speed", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the time in milliseconds (don't enter \"ms\"!)", "std" => "1000"), array("name" => "Featured content skinning", "desc" => "Override skinning CSS of the skin stylesheet, if applicable", "id" => "suf_featured_override_theme", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Height of the Featured Posts section", "desc" => "The Featured Posts section is 250px high by default. You can change this setting depending on the size of your featuerd images.", "id" => "suf_featured_height", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the number of pixels here (don't enter 'px'). Non-integers will be ignored.", "std" => "250"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Show Border", "desc" => "You can opt to show a border for your featured posts section: ", "id" => "suf_featured_show_border", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("theme" => "Theme default", "show" => "Show border", "hide" => "Hide border"), "std" => "theme"), array("name" => "Image size in featured content", "desc" => "You can set the size of the featured image (if present):", "id" => "suf_featured_image_size", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("full" => "Full size of the image", "custom" => "Custom size defined below"), "std" => "full"), array("name" => "Custom width of featured image", "desc" => "If you have chosen to define a custom size above, please enter the width in pixels:", "id" => "suf_featured_image_custom_width", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the number of pixels here (don't enter 'px'). Non-integers will be ignored.", "std" => "200"), array("name" => "Custom height of featured image", "desc" => "If you have chosen to define a custom size above, please enter the height in pixels:", "id" => "suf_featured_image_custom_height", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the number of pixels here (don't enter 'px'). Non-integers will be ignored.", "std" => "200"), array("name" => "Proportional resizing", "desc" => "If you are resizing an image 400x200 px to 250x150, the resizing is disproportionate. How do you want to handle the resize in such a scenario?", "id" => "suf_featured_zc", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("default" => "Inherit setting from thumbnail (<em>Layouts &rarr; Layout: Excerpt / List / Tile / Full &rarr; Thumbnail settings</em>)", "0" => "Preserve original proportions (final size might be different from desired size)", "1" => "Transform to desired proportions (image might get cropped)"), "std" => "default"), array("name" => "Stretch smaller images", "desc" => "Make images stretch to full-width of the slider", "id" => "suf_featured_stretch_w", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Display Text", "desc" => "You can decide what you want to include in your text display for the featured content. This text is laid over the featured image: ", "id" => "suf_featured_excerpt_type", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("title-excerpt" => "Show post title and excerpt", "title" => "Show post title only (no excerpt)", "excerpt" => "Show excerpt only (no title)", "none" => "Don't show any text (useful if your images have text included)"), "std" => "title-excerpt"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Position of Text", "desc" => "You can decide where you want your excerpt to appear on the featured posts section: ", "id" => "suf_featured_excerpt_position", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("top" => "Top", "bottom" => "Bottom", "right" => "Right", "left" => "Left", "alttb" => "Alternate excerpt between top and bottom", "altlr" => "Alternate excerpt between left and right", "rotate" => "Rotate between the four positions"), "std" => "rotate"), array("name" => "Center images", "desc" => "Center the images in the slides if they are not full-size", "id" => "suf_featured_center_slides", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Width of Text", "desc" => "You can define the width to use for excerpts. Note that this is relevant only if your excerpt is at the right or at the left of your featured posts.", "id" => "suf_featured_excerpt_width", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "text", "hint" => "Enter the number of pixels here (don't enter 'px'). Non-integers will be ignored.", "std" => "250"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Text background color", "desc" => "Depending on the color of your featured images, you might want to choose a different background color for your excerpt in your featured posts. ", "id" => "suf_featured_excerpt_bg_color", "grouping" => "fc-how", "parent" => "featured-settings", "type" => "color-picker", "std" => "222222"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Text font color", "desc" => "Depending on the color of your featured images, you might want to choose a different font color for your excerpt in your featured posts. ", "id" => "suf_featured_excerpt_font_color", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "color-picker", "std" => "FFFFFF"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Link font color", "desc" => "Depending on the color of your featured images, you might want to choose a different link font color in your excerpt in your featured posts. ", "id" => "suf_featured_excerpt_link_color", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "color-picker", "std" => "FFFFFF"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Post Index", "desc" => "You can show an index of posts for your Featured Posts (only for full version of JQuery Cycle): ", "id" => "suf_featured_pager", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show Post Index below featured content", "show-overlaid" => "Show Post Index overlaid on the bottom", "hide" => "Hide Post Index"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Post Index Style", "id" => "suf_featured_pager_style", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("numbers" => "Show numbers", "bullets" => "Show bullets"), "std" => "numbers"), array("name" => "Post Index Alignment", "id" => "suf_featured_pager_alignment", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("left" => "Left", "center" => "Center", "right" => "Right"), "std" => "left"), array("name" => "Featured Posts - Pause, Previous and Next Controls", "desc" => "In addition to the numbered listing of posts you can display a controller for showing links to \"Previous Post\", \"Pause\" and \"Next Post\": ", "id" => "suf_featured_controller", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show Pause, Previous and Next Controls below featured content", "show-overlaid" => "Show controls overlaid on the bottom", "show-overlaid-icons" => "Show controls overlaid as icons", "hide" => "Hide Pause, Previous and Next Controls"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Pause, Previous and Next Controls Alignment", "id" => "suf_featured_controller_alignment", "parent" => "featured-settings", "grouping" => "fc-how", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("left" => "Left", "center" => "Center", "right" => "Right"), "std" => "right"), array("name" => "Breadcrumbs and Page Navigation", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "pagination-settings", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Navigation Breadcrumb", "category" => "nav-bc", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Breadcrumb Navigation for Pages", "desc" => "For every page that you visit you see all siblings of the page, its parent and all siblings of the parent below the navigation bar.\n\t\t\t\tThis is okay if you have a small number of pages at each level, but cumbersome if you have many siblings (it messes up the display). You can change this setting:", "id" => "suf_nav_breadcrumb", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "nav-bc", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Show all siblings, and all siblings of parent", "breadcrumb" => "Don't show siblings, but show entire path to the page (traditional \"breadcrumb\" display)", "none" => "Hide the breadcrumb view altogether"), "std" => "breadcrumb"), array("name" => "Breadcrumb Navigation (non-Pages)", "desc" => "Where do you want breadcrumbs?", "id" => "suf_show_breadcrumbs_in", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "nav-bc", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_options_array(array('single' => 'Single posts', 'attach' => 'Attachment views', 'custom-posts' => 'Custom post types', 'custom-post-hierarchy' => 'Hierarchical custom post types', 'category' => "Categories", 'tag' => 'Tags', 'taxonomy' => 'Custom taxonomies', 'custom-post-archives' => 'Custom post archives', 'date' => 'Date archives', 'author' => 'Author views', 'search' => 'Search results', '404' => '404 page')), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Show Home Link", "desc" => "Where do you want to show a 'Home' link? This is only relevant if the breadcrumb is being shown.", "id" => "suf_show_home_in", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "nav-bc", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_options_array(array('single' => 'Single posts', 'page' => 'Pages', 'custom-posts' => 'Custom post types', 'custom-post-hierarchy' => 'Hierarchical custom post types', 'category' => "Categories", 'tag' => 'Tags', 'taxonomy' => 'Custom taxonomies', 'custom-post-archives' => 'Custom post archives', 'date' => 'Date archives', 'author' => 'Author views', 'search' => 'Search results', '404' => '404 page')), "std" => ""), array("name" => "Excluded pages in breadcrumb", "desc" => "Pages excluded in the drop down menu are not shown in the breadcrumb. You might want to change this setting if you want all pages to be available for navigation:", "id" => "suf_nav_exclude_in_breadcrumb", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "nav-bc", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("hide" => "Hide excluded pages", "show" => "Show excluded pages"), "std" => "hide"), array("name" => "Breadcrumb Separator", "desc" => "This is the symbol that appears as a separator between levels in your breadcrumb.\n\t\t\t\tIf you have selected the \"breadcrumb\" display above then the setting you make here takes effect. Otherwise this is ignored:", "id" => "suf_breadcrumb_separator", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "nav-bc", "type" => "text", "std" => "&raquo;"), array("name" => "Posts", "desc" => "Control the display of post pagination", "category" => "post-pagination", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Options for paged navigation of posts", "desc" => "Suffusion lets you select your own type of page navigation. And if you don't like Suffusion's page navigation styles, you can always use WP-PageNavi.\n\t\t\t\tIf you use WP-PageNavi then the selection here is ignored. ", "id" => "suf_pagination_type", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "post-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("old-new" => "Simple navigation, showing links to a page with older posts and a page with newer posts", "numbered" => "A numbered listing of pages"), "std" => "old-new"), array("name" => "Numbered Listing - Page x of y", "desc" => "If you have chosen to display a numbered listing of pages, you can choose to show prefix the page list that will highlight which page you are on.\n\t\t\t\tIt will put in a text saying \"Page x of y\". If you use WP-PageNavi then the selection here is ignored.", "id" => "suf_pagination_index", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "post-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show \"Page x of y\"", "hide" => "Don't show \"Page x of y\""), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Numbered Listing - Previous and Next links", "desc" => "If you have chosen to display a numbered listing of pages, you can choose to additionally show links for \"Older Entries\" and \"Newer Entries\".\n\t\t\t\tIf you use WP-PageNavi then the selection here is ignored.", "id" => "suf_pagination_prev_next", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "post-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show links for \"Older Entries\" and \"Newer Entries\"", "hide" => "Don't show links for \"Older Entries\" and \"Newer Entries\""), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Numbered Listing - Show all pages in listing", "desc" => "If you have chosen to display a numbered listing of pages, you can choose to display all the pages in the list or replace it with dots as appropriate.\n\t\t\t\tIn case of a large number of pages you might prefer to use dots. If you use WP-PageNavi then the selection here is ignored.", "id" => "suf_pagination_show_all", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "post-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Show all pages in the list", "dots" => "Replace pages in the middle with dots"), "std" => "dots"), array("name" => "Previous / Next Posts", "desc" => "Control the display of previous and next posts on single post views", "category" => "prev-next-posts", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Above / below post?", "id" => "suf_prev_next_above_below", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "prev-next-posts", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("below" => "Below the post", "above" => "Above the post", "above-below" => "Above and below", "dont-show" => "Don't show"), "std" => "below"), array("name" => "Restrict Categories", "id" => "suf_prev_next_categories", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "prev-next-posts", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("restrict" => "Previous / Next posts should belong to the same category (might not show the right category if posts have multiple categories)", "no-restrict" => "Previous / Next posts could belong to any category"), "std" => "restrict"), array("name" => "Comments", "desc" => "Control the display of comment pagination", "category" => "comment-pagination", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "type" => "sub-section-4"), array("name" => "Options for paged navigation of comments", "desc" => "Here you can decide if you want paged navigation for your comments: ", "id" => "suf_cpagination_type", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "comment-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("old-new" => "Simple navigation, showing links to a page with older comments and a page with newer comments", "numbered" => "A numbered listing of pages for the comments"), "std" => "old-new"), array("name" => "Numbered Listing of Comments - Page x of y", "desc" => "If you have chosen to display a numbered listing of pages for comments, you can choose to show prefix the page list that will highlight which page you are on.\n\t\t\t\tIt will put in a text saying \"Page x of y\".", "id" => "suf_cpagination_index", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "comment-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show \"Page x of y\"", "hide" => "Don't show \"Page x of y\""), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Numbered Listing of Comments - Previous and Next links", "desc" => "If you have chosen to display a numbered listing of pages for comments, you can choose to additionally show links for \"Older Comments\" and \"Newer Comments\"", "id" => "suf_cpagination_prev_next", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "comment-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show links for \"Older Comments\" and \"Newer Comments\"", "hide" => "Don't show links for \"Older Comments\" and \"Newer Comments\""), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Numbered Listing of Comments - Show all comment pages in listing", "desc" => "If you have chosen to display a numbered listing of comment pages, you can choose to display all the pages in the list or replace it with dots as appropriate.\n\t\t\t\tIn case of a large number of pages you might prefer to use dots.", "id" => "suf_cpagination_show_all", "parent" => "pagination-settings", "grouping" => "comment-pagination", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("all" => "Show all pages in the list", "dots" => "Replace pages in the middle with dots"), "std" => "dots"), array("name" => "Miscellaneous", "type" => "sub-section-3", "category" => "body-styles", "parent" => "visual-effects"), array("name" => "Use Rounded Corners?", "desc" => "By default rounded corners are shown in capable browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari and the latest Opera, but not in IE. You can turn off rounded corners in all browsers if you want:", "id" => "suf_show_rounded_corners", "parent" => "body-styles", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("show" => "Show rounded corners where applicable for capable browsers", "dont-show" => "Don't show rounded corners for any browser"), "std" => "show"), array("name" => "Image Aspect Ratio", "desc" => "Suffusion preserves the original aspect ratio of an image by removing the height parameter. You can disable this feature:", "id" => "suf_fix_aspect_ratio", "parent" => "body-styles", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("preserve" => "Preserve the original aspect ratio", "dont-preserve" => "Allow overriding the image's aspect ratio by explicit use of the 'height' attribute"), "std" => "preserve"), array("name" => "Use JetPack Photon for Resizing", "desc" => "If JetPack is installed and the Photon module is activated, use Photon for resizing images.", "id" => "suf_use_photon_resizing", "parent" => "body-styles", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Thumbnail Generation", "desc" => "If you are not using a particular feature, you can turn off the automatic thumbnail generation for that. This will be applicable to all new images you upload and not to existing images:", "id" => "suf_disable_auto_thumbs", "parent" => "body-styles", "type" => "multi-select", "options" => suffusion_get_formatted_options_array(array('gallery-thumb' => 'Disable thumbnail generation for the "Gallery" post format', 'mosaic-thumb' => 'Disable thumbnail generation for the Mosaic layout', 'widget-24' => 'Disable 24px &times; 24px thumbnail generation for widgets / magazine layout', 'widget-32' => 'Disable 32px &times; 32px thumbnail generation for widgets / magazine layout', 'widget-48' => 'Disable 48px &times; 48px thumbnail generation for widgets / magazine layout', 'widget-64' => 'Disable 64px &times; 64px thumbnail generation for widgets / magazine layout', 'widget-96' => 'Disable 96px &times; 96px thumbnail generation for widgets / magazine layout')), "std" => ""));