コード例 #1
	//is both date of birth and age in years/months missing?
	if($dateOfBirthYear && $dateOfBirthMonth && $dateOfBirthDay) {
	} else {
		if($dateOfBirthIn=="Months") {
			* 20/Jun/14: suggestion by stakeholders;
			* If Patient Provides "Age in Years", then date of birth should be == 1/Jan (year when the date was computed)
		} elseif($dateOfBirthIn=="Years") {
			* 20/Jun/14: suggestion by stakeholders;
			* If Patient Provides "Age in Years", then date of birth should be == 1/Jan (year when the date was computed)
		} else {
			$error.="<br /><strong>Date of Birth is Missing</strong><br />Kindly provide the Date of Birth or Age in Months/Years<br />";
	* is pregnant, ANC # should be provided
	* 20/Jun/14: suggestion by stakeholders;
	* ANC Number is desirable but not mandatory
	if($pregnant=="Yes" && !$pregnantANCNumber) {
コード例 #2
* update patient's ART
function updatePatientData($patientID,$field,$data,$collectionDate) {
	global $datetime,$user;
	if($patientID && $field && $data && getDetailedTableInfo2("vl_patients","id='$patientID' limit 1","id")) {
		//special provisions for date of birth
		if($field=="dateOfBirth") {
			//replace data with dateOfBirth
		//log table change
		//update vl_hubs
		mysqlquery("update vl_patients set $field='$data' where id='$patientID'");
コード例 #3


								//Date of Collection; deduct by 1 date for reasons I'm yet to figure out
								if(!$collectionDate) {
								//Sample Type
								$sampleTypeID=getDetailedTableInfo2("vl_appendix_sampletype","lower(appendix)='".strtolower(trim($excelData->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][8]))."' limit 1","id");
								//Date of Treatment Initiation

								//Current Regimen