コード例 #1
function createEmailFromTemplate($templateName, $user, $data = null)
    global $APP_DIR;
    $email_config = getConfig("_email");
    if (!$email_config || !$templateName || !$user) {
        return null;
    $templateDir = $email_config["templates"];
    $template = readTextFile("{$APP_DIR}/{$templateDir}/{$templateName}.html");
    if (!$template) {
        return null;
    $name = is_string($user) ? substringBefore($user, "@") : $user["first_name"] . " " . $user["last_name"];
    $to_email = is_string($user) ? $user : $user["email"];
    if (isset($email_config["to"])) {
        $to_email = $email_config["to"];
    $logo = combine($email_config["baseUrl"], getConfig("app.logo"));
    $cfg = array("site" => getConfig("defaultTitle"), "baseUrl" => $email_config["baseUrl"], "logo" => $logo, "name" => $name, "to" => $to_email);
    $template = replaceVariables($template, $cfg);
    $template = replaceVariables($template, $user);
    $template = replaceVariables($template, $data);
    $subject = substringBefore($template, "\n");
    $body = substringAfter($template, "\n");
    //replace classes with inlineStyles
    $styles = readConfigFile("{$APP_DIR}/{$templateDir}/inline.css");
    if ($styles) {
        $body = "<div class=\"fp-email\">{$body}</div>";
        $body = inlineStyles($body, $styles);
    debug("createEmail subject", $subject);
    debug("createEmail body", $body);
    return createEmail($to_email, $subject, $body, true);
コード例 #2
 public function process($currentXml)
     if (!file_exists($this->generatePath('docvert--all-docbook.xml'))) {
         $editableDocbook = xsltTransform($currentXml, $this->docvertTransformDirectory . 'docbook-to-docbook-with-placeholders.xsl');
         $this->saveFile('docvert--all-docbook.xml', $editableDocbook);
     $chosenTheme = getGlobalConfigItem('theme');
     if ($chosenTheme == null) {
         $chosenTheme = 'docvert';
     $editorTemplatePath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $chosenTheme . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'fckeditor-template.html';
     $editorTemplate = file_get_contents($editorTemplatePath);
     $editorTemplate = preg_replace_callback('/\\&(.*?)\\;/s', 'replaceLanguagePlaceholder', $editorTemplate);
     include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/DocBookToXHTML.php';
     $toHtmlObject = new DocBookToXHTML($this->elementAttributes, $this->pipelineDirectory, $this->contentDirectory, $this->docvertTransformDirectory, $this->loopDepth, $this->depthArray, $this->previewDirectory, $this->pipelineSettings);
     $html = $toHtmlObject->process($currentXml);
     $documentTitlePattern = "/<title[^>]*?>(.*?)<\\/title>/sm";
     preg_match($documentTitlePattern, $html, $matches);
     $documentTitle = trim($matches[1]);
     $documentTitle = preg_replace("/<.*?>/", '', $documentTitle);
     //die($documentTitle.'<hr />'.$html);
     $html = substringAfter($html, '<body');
     $html = substringAfter($html, '>');
     $html = substringBefore($html, '</body');
     $paragraphTitlePattern = "/<p.*?documentTitle[^>]*?>(.*?)<\\/p>/sm";
     $html = preg_replace($paragraphTitlePattern, '', $html);
     $imagePathPrefix = '../../../../writable/' . basename($this->previewDirectory) . '/' . basename($this->contentDirectory) . '/';
     $html = str_replace('src="', 'src="' . $imagePathPrefix, $html);
     $html = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $html);
     $html = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $html);
     $html = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $html);
     $html = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $html);
     $html = trim($html);
     $autoPipeline = $this->pipelineSettings['autopipeline'];
     $autoPipeline = str_replace('.xml', '', $autoPipeline);
     $autoPipeline = str_replace('.default', '', $autoPipeline);
     $editorTemplate = str_replace('{{value}}', $html, $editorTemplate);
     $editorTemplate = str_replace('{{config}}', '', $editorTemplate);
     $editorTemplate = str_replace('{{documentTitle}}', $documentTitle, $editorTemplate);
     $editorTemplate = str_replace('{{documentPath}}', basename($this->previewDirectory) . '/' . basename($this->contentDirectory), $editorTemplate);
     $editorTemplate = str_replace('{{pathToRemove}}', $imagePathPrefix, $editorTemplate);
     $editorTemplate = str_replace('{{pipeline}}', $this->pipelineSettings['pipeline'], $editorTemplate);
     $editorTemplate = str_replace('{{autopipeline}}', $autoPipeline, $editorTemplate);
     $this->saveFile('docvert--all-html.html', $editorTemplate);
     return $currentXml;
コード例 #3
ファイル: webpage.php プロジェクト: Nolfneo/docvert
 function showGenerationStep()
     $docvertDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $disallowDocumentGeneration = getGlobalConfigItem('doNotAllowDocumentGeneration');
     if ($disallowDocumentGeneration == 'true') {
         return $this->getThemeFragment('generation-disabled.htmlf');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['step'])) {
         switch ($_REQUEST['step']) {
             case '4':
                 if (!isset($_REQUEST['pages'])) {
                 $template = $this->getThemeFragment('generation-step4.htmlf');
                 $hiddenFormChosenPages = array();
                 $listItems = array();
                 foreach ($_REQUEST['pages'] as $page) {
                     $listItems[] = "\n\t\t\t\t" . '<li>' . $page . '</li>';
                     $hiddenFormChosenPages[] = "\n\t\t\t\t" . '<input type="hidden" name="pages[]" value="' . $page . '"/>';
                 $template = str_replace('{{page-order}}', implode($listItems), $template);
                 $template = str_replace('{{hidden-form-chosen-pages}}', implode($hiddenFormChosenPages), $template);
                 $generatorPipelines = glob($this->docvertRootDirectory . 'generator-pipeline' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*');
                 $generatorPipelinesArray = array();
                 foreach ($generatorPipelines as $generatorPipeline) {
                     $generatorName = basename($generatorPipeline);
                     $generatorPipelinesArray[] = '<option value="' . $generatorName . '">' . $generatorName . '</option>';
                 return str_replace('{{generator-pipelines}}', implode('', $generatorPipelinesArray), $template);
             case '3':
                 $template = $this->getThemeFragment('generation-step3.htmlf');
                 $listItems = array();
                 foreach ($_REQUEST['pages'] as $page) {
                     $listItems[] = "\n\t\t\t\t" . '<option value="' . $page . '">' . $page . '</option>';
                 return str_replace('{{chosen-scrape-urls}}', implode($listItems), $template);
             case '2':
                 if (!isset($_REQUEST['url'])) {
                 $originalUrl = $_REQUEST['url'];
                 if (trim($originalUrl) == '') {
                 if (!stringStartsWith($originalUrl, 'http')) {
                     $originalUrl = 'http://' . $originalUrl;
                 $originalUrl = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", " "), '', $originalUrl);
                 include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/http.php';
                 if (trim(getUrlLocalPart($originalUrl)) == '') {
                     $originalUrl = followUrlRedirects($originalUrl . '/');
                 } else {
                     $originalUrl = followUrlRedirects($originalUrl);
                 if ($originalUrl === false) {
                     webServiceError('&error-webpage-cannot-get-url;', 500, array('url' => $originalUrl));
                 $page = file_get_contents($originalUrl);
                 $baseTagPattern = "/<base[^>]*?href=([^>]*?)>/is";
                 preg_match($baseTagPattern, $page, $matches);
                 if (count($matches) > 0) {
                     $originalUrl = trim($matches[1]);
                     $originalUrl = substr($originalUrl, 1, strlen($originalUrl) - 2);
                 $url = $originalUrl;
                 $connectionPart = getUrlConnectionPart($url);
                 $getUrlLocalPart = getUrlLocalPart($url);
                 $localPartDirectory = getUrlLocalPartDirectory($url);
                 $links = array();
                 $matches = null;
                 preg_match_all('/href="(.*?)"/', $page, $matches);
                 $matches = $matches[1];
                 $urls = array();
                 $urls[$originalUrl] = 'value that does not matter';
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     $link = $match;
                     if (stringStartsWith($link, '/')) {
                         $link = $connectionPart . $link;
                     } elseif (stringStartsWith($link, "http://") || stringStartsWith($link, "https://")) {
                     } elseif (stringStartsWith($link, "mailto:")) {
                     } else {
                         $link = $connectionPart . resolveRelativeUrl($localPartDirectory . $link);
                     if (containsString($link, '#')) {
                         $link = substringBefore($link, '#');
                     if (stringEndsWith($link, '?')) {
                         $link = substringBefore($link, '?');
                     if (stringStartsWith($link, 'http')) {
                         $fileExtension = substr($link, strrpos($link, '.') + 1);
                         switch ($fileExtension) {
                             case 'avi':
                             case 'mov':
                             case 'mpg':
                             case 'css':
                             case 'jpeg':
                             case 'jpg':
                             case 'gif':
                             case 'png':
                             case 'bmp':
                             case 'apng':
                             case 'tiff':
                             case 'ico':
                             case 'js':
                             case 'gz':
                             case 'tar':
                             case 'zip':
                             case 'bin':
                             case 'sit':
                             case 'mp3':
                             case 'mp4':
                             case 'wav':
                             case 'swf':
                             case 'fla':
                             case 'rss':
                             case 'atom':
                             case 'pdf':
                             case 'xls':
                             case 'doc':
                             case 'txt':
                             case 'pps':
                                 $urls[$link] = 'value that does not matter';
                 $urls = array_keys($urls);
                 $mostLikelyUrls = array();
                 $possibleUrls = array();
                 $unlikelyUrls = array();
                 $numberOfSlashesInOriginalUrl = strlen($originalUrl) - strlen(str_replace('/', '', $originalUrl));
                 foreach ($urls as $url) {
                     $url = followUrlRedirects($url);
                     if (trim($url) != '') {
                         $numberOfSlashesInUrl = strlen($url) - strlen(str_replace('/', '', $url));
                         if (stringStartsWith($url, $connectionPart . $localPartDirectory) && $numberOfSlashesInUrl == $numberOfSlashesInOriginalUrl) {
                             $mostLikelyUrls[] = $url;
                         } elseif (stringStartsWith($url, $connectionPart)) {
                             $possibleUrls[] = $url;
                         } else {
                             $unlikelyUrls[] = $url;
                 $itemId = 0;
                 foreach ($mostLikelyUrls as $url) {
                     $links[] = '<li class="orderingItem"><label for="urlId' . $itemId . '"><input type="checkbox" name="pages[]" value="' . $url . '" id="urlId' . $itemId . '" checked="checked"/><span class="title">' . $url . '</label></span></li>' . "\n";
                 foreach ($possibleUrls as $url) {
                     $links[] = '<li class="orderingItem"><label for="urlId' . $itemId . '"><input type="checkbox" name="pages[]" value="' . $url . '" id="urlId' . $itemId . '"/><span class="title">' . $url . '</label></span></li>' . "\n";
                 foreach ($unlikelyUrls as $url) {
                     $links[] = '<li class="orderingItem"><label for="urlId' . $itemId . '"><input type="checkbox" name="pages[]" value="' . $url . '" id="urlId' . $itemId . '"/><span class="title">' . $url . '</label></span></li>' . "\n";
                 $step2Template = $this->getThemeFragment('generation-step2.htmlf');
                 $step2Template = str_replace('{{scrape-results}}', implode('', $links), $step2Template);
                 $step2Template = str_replace('{{scrape-url}}', $url, $step2Template);
                 return $step2Template;
                 return $this->getThemeFragment('generation-step1.htmlf');
     } else {
         return $this->getThemeFragment('generation-step1.htmlf');
コード例 #4
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: Nolfneo/docvert
function getLanguageToUse()
    $language = getGlobalConfigItem('language');
    if ($language == '' || $language == getAutoDetectLanguage()) {
        $langCodes = array();
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
            $httpLangCodes = substringBefore($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], ';');
            $httpLangCodes = explode(',', $httpLangCodes);
            foreach ($httpLangCodes as $httpLangCode) {
                if (strlen($httpLangCode) >= 2) {
                    $langCodes[] = substr($httpLangCode, 0, 2);
        } elseif (isset($_ENV['LC_MESSAGES']) || isset($_ENV[' LC_ALL']) || isset($_ENV['LANG'])) {
            $langCode = '';
            if (isset($_ENV['LC_MESSAGES']) && trim($_ENV['LC_MESSAGES'])) {
                $langCode = $_ENV['LC_MESSAGES'];
            } elseif (isset($_ENV['LC_ALL']) && trim($_ENV['LC_ALL'])) {
                $langCode = $_ENV['LC_ALL'];
            } elseif (isset($_ENV['LANG']) && trim($_ENV['LANG'])) {
                $langCode = $_ENV['LANG'];
            if (strlen($langCode) >= 2) {
                $langCodes = array(substr($langCode, 0, 2));
        foreach ($langCodes as $langCode) {
            switch ($langCode) {
                case 'en':
                    return 'english';
                case 'fr':
                    return 'french';
        return 'english';
    } else {
        return $language;
コード例 #5
function matchStrings($userValue, $label)
//  debug("matchStrings $label", $userValue);

    if(!strcasecmp($userValue, $label)) return true;
    $firstWord = substringBefore($label, " ");
    return startsWith($userValue, $firstWord);
コード例 #6
ファイル: SqlManager.php プロジェクト: araynaud/FoodPortrait
 private static function sqlCondition(&$params, $key, $statement)
     $value = $params[$key];
     if ($value === NULL) {
         return "{$key} is NULL";
     if (is_array($value) && startsWith($value[0], "%")) {
         $sqlValue = $sep = "";
         foreach ($value as $el) {
             $sqlValue .= "{$sep}{$key} LIKE '{$el}'";
             $sep = " AND ";
         return $sqlValue;
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $sqlValue = $sep = "";
         foreach ($value as $el) {
             $sqlValue .= "{$sep}'{$el}'";
             $sep = ",";
         return "{$key} in ({$sqlValue})";
     //SQL operator
     $op = "=";
     if (endsWith($key, "_max")) {
         $op = "<=";
         $key = substringBefore($key, "_max");
     } else {
         if (endsWith($key, "_min")) {
             $op = ">=";
             $key = substringBefore($key, "_min");
         } else {
             if (contains($value, "%")) {
                 $op = "LIKE";
     if ($statement) {
         return "{$key} {$op} ?";
     return "{$key} {$op} '{$value}'";