function add_blindfold_333_consecutive_successes()
    global $lists, $WHERE;
    #--- Get ...
    $results = dbQuery("\n    SELECT personId, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, year, month\n    FROM Results result, Competitions competition\n    {$WHERE} 1\n      AND eventId = '333bf'\n      AND = competitionId\n    ORDER BY personId, year, month, day, roundId\n  ");
    foreach (structureBy($results, 'personId') as $personResults) {
        #--- Collect all values of this person, add a 'current DNF' sentinel at the end.
        foreach ($personResults as $personResult) {
            foreach (range(1, 5) as $i) {
                $v = $personResult["value{$i}"];
                if ($v > 0 || $v == -1) {
                    $datedValues[] = array(getMonthName($personResult['month']) . " {$personResult['year']}", $v);
        $datedValues[] = array('current', -1);
        #--- Find longest streak.
        $streak = array();
        $bestStreak = array();
        $streakFirstDate = "";
        $streakLastDate = "";
        foreach ($datedValues as $dv) {
            if ($dv[1] > 0) {
                if (!$streak) {
                    $streakFirstDate = $dv[0];
                $streakLastDate = $dv[0];
                $streak[] = $dv[1];
            } else {
                if (count($streak) >= count($bestStreak)) {
                    $bestStreak = $streak;
                    $bestStreakFirstDate = $streakFirstDate;
                    $bestStreakLastDate = $dv[0] == 'current' ? '<b>ongoing...</b>' : $streakLastDate;
                $streak = array();
        #--- This person doesn't have any streak? Next person, please.
        if (!$bestStreak) {
        #--- Determine properties of the streak.
        $length = count($bestStreak);
        $best = min($bestStreak);
        $worst = max($bestStreak);
        $average = array_sum($bestStreak) / $length;
        #--- Format and memorize this person with its streak
        $persons[] = array($personId, $length, '', '<span style="color:#0C0">' . formatValue($best) . '</span>', $average, '<span style="color:#E00">' . formatValue($worst) . '</span>', "{$bestStreakFirstDate} - {$bestStreakLastDate}");
    usort($persons, 'compareBlindfoldStreaks');
    $persons = array_slice($persons, 0, 10);
    $lists[] = array("blind_streak_3x3", "Rubik's Cube Blindfolded longest success streak", "", "[P] Person [N] Length [t] &nbsp; [r] Best [r] Avg [r] Worst [t] When?", $persons);
コード例 #2
function bestPodiums()
    $results = dbQuery("SELECT average, competitionId, personId, pos\n                       FROM Results\n                       WHERE pos<=3 AND eventId='333' AND formatId='a' AND average>0 AND roundId in ('f','c')\n                       ORDER BY competitionId, roundId, pos ");
    foreach (structureBy($results, 'competitionId') as $top3) {
        if (count($top3) >= 3) {
            $list[] = array($top3[0]['competitionId'], $top3[0]['average'] + $top3[1]['average'] + $top3[2]['average'], $top3[0]['personId'], $top3[0]['average'], $top3[1]['personId'], $top3[1]['average'], $top3[2]['personId'], $top3[2]['average']);
    uasort($list, 'comparePodiums');
    return array_slice($list, 0, 10);
コード例 #3
function add_333_consecutive_sub20()
    global $lists, $WHERE;
    #--- Get ...
    $results = dbQuery("\n    SELECT personName, personId, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5\n    FROM Results result, Competitions competition\n    {$WHERE} 1\n      AND eventId = '333'\n      AND = competitionId\n    ORDER BY personId, year, month, day, roundId\n  ");
    foreach (structureBy($results, 'personId') as $personResults) {
        #--- Collect all values of this person, add a DNF at the end.
        $values = array();
        foreach ($personResults as $personResult) {
            foreach (range(1, 5) as $i) {
                $v = $personResult["value{$i}"];
                if ($v > 0 || $v == -1) {
                    $values[] = $v;
        $values[] = -1;
        #--- Find longest streak.
        $streak = array();
        $bestStreak = array();
        foreach ($values as $v) {
            if ($v > 0 && $v < 2000) {
                $streak[] = $v;
            } else {
                if (count($streak) >= count($bestStreak)) {
                    $bestStreak = $streak;
                $ongoingStreak = $streak;
                $streak = array();
        #--- Build the data for the person.
        if ($bestStreak) {
            $persons[] = analyzeSub20Streak($personId, $personName, $bestStreak);
        if ($ongoingStreak) {
            $ongoing[] = analyzeSub20Streak($personId, $personName, $ongoingStreak);
    #--- Sort and cut.
    usort($persons, 'compareSub20Streaks');
    usort($ongoing, 'compareSub20Streaks');
    $persons = array_slice($persons, 0, 10);
    $ongoing = array_slice($ongoing, 0, 10);
    $persons = array_map('formatSub20Streak', $persons);
    $ongoing = array_map('formatSub20Streak', $ongoing);
    #--- Specify the list.
    $lists[] = array("sub20_streak_3x3", "3x3x3 longest sub20 streak", "all-time / ongoing", "[P] Person [N] Length [N] Best [N] Average [N] Worst [T] | [P] Person [N] Length [N] Best [N] Average [N] Worst [T]", my_merge($persons, $ongoing));
コード例 #4
function showResultsByEvents()
    global $chosenPersonId;
    $results = dbQuery("\n    SELECT\n                           result.*,\n           eventName,\n      competition.cellName competitionCellName,\n      event.format         valueFormat,\n      round.cellName       roundCellName\n    FROM\n      Results result,\n      Events  event,\n      Competitions competition,\n      Rounds round\n    WHERE " . randomDebug() . "\n      AND personId = '{$chosenPersonId}'\n      AND = eventId\n      AND event.rank < 1000\n      AND = competitionId\n      AND = roundId\n    ORDER BY\n      event.rank, year DESC, month DESC, day DESC, competitionCellName, round.rank DESC\n  ");
    tableBegin('results', 8);
    tableCaption(false, "History (<a href='person_map.php?i={$chosenPersonId}'>Map</a>)");
    #--- Process results by event.
    foreach (structureBy($results, 'eventId') as $eventResults) {
        #--- Announce the event.
        tableCaptionNew(false, $eventId, eventLink($eventId, $eventName));
        tableHeader(explode('|', 'Competition|Round|Place|Best||Average||Result Details'), array(2 => 'class="r"', 3 => 'class="R"', 5 => 'class="R"', 7 => 'class="f"'));
        #--- Initialize.
        $currentCompetitionId = '';
        #--- Compute PB Markers
        //$pbMarkers = [];
        $bestBest = 9999999999;
        $bestAverage = 9999999999;
        foreach (array_reverse($eventResults) as $result) {
            $pbMarkers[$competitionId][$roundCellName] = 0;
            if ($best > 0 && $best <= $bestBest) {
                $bestBest = $best;
                $pbMarkers[$competitionId][$roundCellName] += 1;
            if ($average > 0 && $average <= $bestAverage) {
                $bestAverage = $average;
                $pbMarkers[$competitionId][$roundCellName] += 2;
        #--- Show the results.
        foreach ($eventResults as $result) {
            $isNewCompetition = $competitionId != $currentCompetitionId;
            $currentCompetitionId = $competitionId;
            $formatBest = formatValue($best, $valueFormat);
            if ($pbMarkers[$competitionId][$roundCellName] % 2) {
                $formatBest = "<span style='color:#F60;font-weight:bold'>{$formatBest}</span>";
            $formatAverage = formatValue($average, $valueFormat);
            if ($pbMarkers[$competitionId][$roundCellName] > 1) {
                $formatAverage = "<span style='color:#F60;font-weight:bold'>{$formatAverage}</span>";
            tableRowStyled($isNewCompetition ? '' : 'color:#AAA', array($isNewCompetition ? competitionLink($competitionId, $competitionCellName) : '', $roundCellName, $isNewCompetition ? "<b>{$pos}</b>" : $pos, $formatBest, $regionalSingleRecord, $formatAverage, $regionalAverageRecord, formatAverageSources(true, $result, $valueFormat)));
コード例 #5
function showRegionalRecordsSlim()
    global $chosenYears;
    require 'regions_get_current_records.php';
    tableBegin('results', 6);
    $caption = spaced(array(chosenRegionName(), $chosenYears));
    if ($caption) {
        tableCaption(true, $caption);
    } else {
    tableHeader(explode('|', 'Person|Single|Event|Average|Person|Result Details'), array(1 => "class='R2'", 2 => "class='c'", 3 => "class='R2'", 5 => 'class="f"'));
    #--- Process events.
    foreach (structureBy($results, 'eventId') as $eventResults) {
        $structure = structureBy($eventResults, 'type');
        $singles = $structure[0];
        $averages = isset($structure[1]) ? $structure[1] : array();
        $wasShownSinglePerson = $wasShownAveragePerson = array();
        #--- Process records for this event.
        $first = true;
        while ($singles || $averages) {
            #--- Get next single.
            $s = array_shift($singles);
            if (isset($wasShownSinglePerson[$s['personId']])) {
                $s = false;
            $wasShownSinglePerson[$s['personId']] = true;
            #--- Get next average.
            $a = array_shift($averages);
            if (isset($wasShownAveragePerson[$a['personId']])) {
                $a = false;
            $wasShownAveragePerson[$a['personId']] = true;
            if ($s || $a) {
                tableRow(array($s ? personLink($s['personId'], $s['personName']) : '', $first ? formatValue($s['value'], $s['format']) : '', $first ? eventLink($s['eventId'], $s['eventCellName']) : '', $first ? formatValue($a['value'], $a['format']) : '', $a ? personLink($a['personId'], $a['personName']) : '', $a ? formatAverageSources(true, $a, $a['format']) : ''));
            $first = false;