function plugin_uname_inline() { $qt = get_qt(); //---- キャッシュのための処理を登録 ----- if ($qt->create_cache) { $args = func_get_args(); return $qt->get_dynamic_plugin_mark(__FUNCTION__, $args); } //------------------------------------ global $vars; $name = isset($vars['uname']) ? $vars['uname'] : ''; //unameパラメータがセットされていない場合 if ($name == '') { return 'あなた'; } else { $name = htmlspecialchars(mb_convert_encoding($name, SOURCE_ENCODING, 'UTF8,EUC-JP,Shift_JIS')); } $args = func_get_args(); $num = count($args); $ntitle = "さん"; if ($num > 1) { strip_htmltag(array_pop($args), FALSE); $tmpstr = strip_htmltag(array_pop($args), FALSE); if ($tmpstr == "none") { $ntitle = ''; } else { $ntitle = $tmpstr; } } return $name . $ntitle; }
/** * I18N - 各言語毎のメッセージを一時的に設定するプラグイン * * @copyright Copyright © 2005, Katsumi Saito <*****@*****.**> * @version $Id:,v 0.1 2005/05/07 23:38:00 upk Exp $ * @license GNU Public License * */ function plugin__set_inline() { global $i18n_temp_msg; $argc = func_num_args(); $argv = func_get_args(); list($key, $lang, $msg) = i18n_set_param($argc, $argv); $i18n_temp_msg[$key][$lang] = strip_htmltag($msg); return ''; }
function plugin_img3_inline() { global $script; global $_img3_msg; static $img_no = 0; // パラメータ @(list($src, $title, $ratio, $align) = func_get_args()); if (is_null($src) || empty($src)) { return ''; } if (is_null($title) || empty($title)) { $title = 'image'; } if (is_null($ratio) || empty($ratio)) { $ratio = 1; } if (is_null($align) || empty($align)) { $align = ''; } // ファイルの存在チェック // $url = rawurldecode($src); $url_arry = parse_url($src); if (empty($url_arry['scheme'])) { if (!file_exists($src)) { return $_img3_msg['not_found']; } } else { if (!USE_IMAGE_URI) { return $_img3_msg['not_permitted']; } } $src = htmlspecialchars($src); $title = strip_htmltag($title); $title = htmlspecialchars($title); $ratio = htmlspecialchars($ratio); $align = htmlspecialchars($align); $size = img3_set_image_size($src, $ratio); // width, height の取得 if ($size[4] == 0) { return $_img3_msg['not_support']; } if (!empty($align)) { $img_no++; return <<<EOD <style type="text/css"> img.img3{$img_no} { vertical-align: {$align}; } </style> <img src="{$src}" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" {$size[6]} class="img3{$img_no}" /> EOD; } return <<<EOD <img src="{$src}" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" {$size[6]} /> EOD; }
function plugin_ruby_inline() { if (func_num_args() != 2) { return PLUGIN_RUBY_USAGE; } list($ruby, $body) = func_get_args(); // strip_htmltag() is just for avoiding AutoLink insertion $body = strip_htmltag($body); if ($ruby == '' || $body == '') { return PLUGIN_RUBY_USAGE; } return '<ruby><rb>' . $body . '</rb>' . '<rp>(</rp>' . '<rt>' . htmlsc($ruby) . '</rt>' . '<rp>)</rp>' . '</ruby>'; }
function plugin_aname_inline() { $convert = FALSE; if (func_num_args() < 2) { return plugin_aname_usage($convert); } $args = func_get_args(); // ONE or more $body = strip_htmltag(array_pop($args), FALSE); // Strip anchor tags only array_push($args, $body); return plugin_aname_tag($args, $convert); }
function plugin_ruby_inline() { $qm = get_qm(); if (func_num_args() != 2) { return $qm->m['plg_ruby']['err_usage']; } list($ruby, $body) = func_get_args(); // strip_htmltag() is just for avoiding AutoLink insertion $body = strip_htmltag($body); if ($ruby == '' || $body == '') { return $qm->m['plg_ruby']['err_usage']; } return '<ruby><rb>' . $body . '</rb>' . '<rp>(</rp>' . '<rt>' . h($ruby) . '</rt>' . '<rp>)</rp>' . '</ruby>'; }
/** * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Katsumi Saito <*****@*****.**> * @version $Id:,v 0.2 2006/04/30 16:56:00 upk Exp $ * @license GNU Public License */ function plugin__get_inline() { switch (func_num_args()) { case 2: list($msg) = func_get_args(); return strip_htmltag($msg); case 3: list($name, $msg) = func_get_args(); return i18n_gettext($name, $msg); case 4: list($name, $lang, $msg) = func_get_args(); return i18n_setlocale($name, $lang, $msg); } return ''; }
/** * Get TITLE: line or the first headline of a page * * Usage: * - &get_title(page,[option]) * Option * - firsthead Get the first headline instead of title * * @package plugin * @license GPL v2 * @author sonots * @link * @version $Id:,v 2.0 2008-07-30 16:28:39Z sonots $ */ function plugin_get_title_inline() { $args = func_get_args(); array_pop($args); $page = array_shift($args); $conf_options = array('firsthead' => false); $options = sonots::parse_options($args, $conf_options); if ($options['firsthead']) { $str = PluginSonotsMetapage::firsthead($page); } else { $str = PluginSonotsMetapage::title($page); } if (is_null($str)) { $str = $page; } $str = strip_htmltag(make_link($str)); return $str; }
/** * Plug-in that achieves gettext in PukiWiki page * PukiWiki ページ内で gettext を実現するプラグイン * * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2006, Katsumi Saito <*****@*****.**> * @version $Id:,v 0.10 2006/02/04 23:42:00 upk Exp $ * @license GNU Public License * * o :config/i18n/text/ja/text or :config/i18n/text/ja_JP is acceptable. * o There are zh_TW etc. , * too and the form of language_country can be selected though the language name is appropriate in principle. * o 原則的には、言語名が適切であるものの、zh_TW などもあり 言語_国 の形式も選択可能。 * * o &_(ja){掲示板}; * 一度、英語の文字列を得て、表示言語に変換する。 * o &_{BBS}; * 英語表記であることを信じ、表示言語に変換する。 * * 全てにおいて、未定義語の場合は、指定文字列をそのまま戻す。 * All, a specified character string is returned as it is for an undefined word. * */ function plugin___inline() { global $language_considering_setting_level; global $language; global $i18n_temp_msg; switch (func_num_args()) { case 1: list($msg) = func_get_args(); // $parm_lang = DEFAULT_LANG; $parm_lang = 'en_US'; break; default: list($parm_lang, $msg) = func_get_args(); } $msg = strip_htmltag($msg); // FIXME: level 5 $view_lang = $language_considering_setting_level == 0 ? get_language(5) : $language; $view_lang_split = accept_language::split_locale_str($view_lang); // ja_JP なら ja に分割 if ($parm_lang == $view_lang || $parm_lang == $view_lang_split[1]) { return $msg; } // 指定言語と同じ // 指定文字列が en 以外の場合は、ベース言語に変換後、他言語に変換する $parm_lang_split = accept_language::split_locale_str($parm_lang); if (isset($i18n_temp_msg)) { $temp_msg = i18n_TempMsg($parm_lang_split, $view_lang_split, $msg); if (!empty($temp_msg)) { return $temp_msg; } } if ($parm_lang_split[1] !== 'en') { $msg = i18n_ConfMsgGet($parm_lang_split, $msg, 1); } // :config から、単語を検索 return i18n_ConfMsgGet($view_lang_split, $msg); }
function make_heading(&$str, $strip = TRUE) { global $NotePattern; // Cut fixed-heading anchors $id = ''; $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^(\\*{0,3})(.*?)\\[#([A-Za-z][\\w-]+)\\](.*?)$/m', $str, $matches)) { $str = $matches[2] . $matches[4]; $id =& $matches[3]; } else { $str = preg_replace('/^\\*{0,3}/', '', $str); } // Cut footnotes and tags if ($strip === TRUE) { $str = strip_htmltag(make_link(preg_replace($NotePattern, '', $str))); } return $id; }
function plugin_edit_inline() { static $usage = '&edit(pagename#anchor[[,noicon],nolabel])[{label}];'; global $script, $vars, $fixed_heading_anchor_edit; if (PKWK_READONLY) { return ''; } // Show nothing // Arguments $args = func_get_args(); // {label}. Strip anchor tags only $s_label = strip_htmltag(array_pop($args), FALSE); $page = array_shift($args); if ($page == NULL) { $page = ''; } $_noicon = $_nolabel = FALSE; foreach ($args as $arg) { switch (strtolower($arg)) { case '': break; case 'nolabel': $_nolabel = TRUE; break; case 'noicon': $_noicon = TRUE; break; default: return $usage; } } // Separate a page-name and a fixed anchor list($s_page, $id, $editable) = anchor_explode($page, TRUE); // Default: This one if ($s_page == '') { $s_page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : ''; } // $s_page fixed $isfreeze = is_freeze($s_page); $ispage = is_page($s_page); // Paragraph edit enabled or not $short = htmlspecialchars('Edit'); if ($fixed_heading_anchor_edit && $editable && $ispage && !$isfreeze) { // Paragraph editing $id = rawurlencode($id); $title = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('Edit %s', $page)); $icon = '<img src="' . IMAGE_DIR . 'paraedit.png' . '" width="9" height="9" alt="' . $short . '" title="' . $title . '" /> '; $class = ' class="anchor_super"'; } else { // Normal editing / unfreeze $id = ''; if ($isfreeze) { $title = 'Unfreeze %s'; $icon = 'unfreeze.png'; } else { $title = 'Edit %s'; $icon = 'edit.png'; } $title = htmlspecialchars(sprintf($title, $s_page)); $icon = '<img src="' . IMAGE_DIR . $icon . '" width="20" height="20" alt="' . $short . '" title="' . $title . '" />'; $class = ''; } if ($_noicon) { $icon = ''; } // No more icon if ($_nolabel) { if (!$_noicon) { $s_label = ''; // No label with an icon } else { $s_label = $short; // Short label without an icon } } else { if ($s_label == '') { $s_label = $title; } // Rich label with an icon } // URL if ($isfreeze) { $url = $script . '?cmd=unfreeze&page=' . rawurlencode($s_page); } else { $s_id = $id == '' ? '' : '&id=' . $id; $url = $script . '?cmd=edit&page=' . rawurlencode($s_page) . $s_id; } $atag = '<a' . $class . ' href="' . $url . '" title="' . $title . '">'; static $atags = '</a>'; if ($ispage) { // Normal edit link return $atag . $icon . $s_label . $atags; } else { // Dangling edit link return '<span class="noexists">' . $atag . $icon . $atags . $s_label . $atag . '?' . $atags . '</span>'; } }
function plugin_tb_output_rsslist($tb_id) { global $script, $vars, $entity_pattern; $page = tb_id2page($tb_id); if ($page === false) { return false; } $items = ''; foreach (tb_get(tb_get_filename($page)) as $arr) { // _utime_, title, excerpt, _blog_name_ array_shift($arr); // Cut utime list($url, $title, $excerpt) = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return htmlspecialchars($a);'), $arr); $items .= <<<EOD <item> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$url}</link> <description>{$excerpt}</description> </item> EOD; } $title = htmlspecialchars($page); $link = $script . '?' . rawurlencode($page); $vars['page'] = $page; $excerpt = strip_htmltag(convert_html(get_source($page))); $excerpt = preg_replace("/&{$entity_pattern};/", '', $excerpt); $excerpt = mb_strimwidth(preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $excerpt), 0, 255, '...'); $lang = PLUGIN_TB_LANGUAGE; $rc = <<<EOD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <response> <error>0</error> <rss version="0.91"> <channel> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$link}</link> <description>{$excerpt}</description> <language>{$lang}</language>{$items} </channel> </rss> </response> EOD; pkwk_common_headers(); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo mb_convert_encoding($rc, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); exit; }
function tb_send($page, $plus, $minus = '') { global $page_title; $script = get_script_uri(); // Disable 'max execution time' (php.ini: max_execution_time) if (ini_get('safe_mode') == '0') { set_time_limit(0); } // Get URLs from <a>(anchor) tag from convert_html() $links = array(); $plus = convert_html($plus); // WARNING: heavy and may cause side-effect preg_match_all('#href="(https?://[^"]+)"#', $plus, $links, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $links = array_unique($links[1]); // Reject from minus list if ($minus != '') { $links_m = array(); $minus = convert_html($minus); // WARNING: heavy and may cause side-effect preg_match_all('#href="(https?://[^"]+)"#', $minus, $links_m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $links_m = array_unique($links_m[1]); $links = array_diff($links, $links_m); } // Reject own URL (Pattern _NOT_ started with '$script' and '?') $links = preg_grep('/^(?!' . preg_quote($script, '/') . '\\?)./', $links); // No link, END if (!is_array($links) || empty($links)) { return; } $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $excerpt = strip_htmltag(convert_html(get_source($page))); // Sender's information $putdata = array('title' => $page, 'url' => $script . '?' . $r_page, 'excerpt' => mb_strimwidth(preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $excerpt), 0, 255, '...'), 'blog_name' => $page_title . ' (' . PLUGIN_TRACKBACK_VERSION . ')', 'charset' => SOURCE_ENCODING); foreach ($links as $link) { $tb_id = tb_get_url($link); // Get Trackback ID from the URL if (empty($tb_id)) { continue; } // Trackback is not supported $result = http_request($tb_id, 'POST', '', $putdata, 2, CONTENT_CHARSET); // FIXME: Create warning notification space at! } }
function plugin_rss_action() { global $vars, $rss_max, $page_title, $whatsnew, $trackback; global $qblog_defaultpage, $qblog_title, $qblog_close; $qm = get_qm(); $qt = get_qt(); $version = isset($vars['ver']) ? $vars['ver'] : ''; switch ($version) { case '': $version = '2.0'; break; // Default // Default case '1': $version = '1.0'; break; // Sugar // Sugar case '2': $version = '2.0'; break; // Sugar // Sugar case '0.91': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '1.0': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': break; default: die($qm->m['plg_rss']['err_version']); } $lang = LANG; $qblog_mode = FALSE; //blogモード if (isset($vars['blog_rss']) && $vars['blog_rss'] != '') { $blog_mode = $vars['blog_rss']; //ブログページ名 $qt->setv('blog_rss_mode', true); $page_title_utf8 = $page_title . ' - ' . $blog_mode; } else { if (isset($vars['qblog_rss'])) { //閉鎖中はRSS出力しない if ($qblog_close) { exit; } $qblog_mode = TRUE; $blog_mode = FALSE; $page_title_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($qblog_title, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); } else { $blog_mode = false; $page_title_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($page_title, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); } } $self = get_script_uri(); // Creating <item> global $ignore_plugin, $strip_plugin, $strip_plugin_inline; $items = $rdf_li = ''; if ($qblog_mode) { $qblog_recent = CACHEQBLOG_DIR . 'qblog_recent.dat'; if (!file_exists($qblog_recent)) { die($qm->m['plg_rss']['err_nodata']); } // ページネーション用のヘッダー行を飛ばす $lines = file_head($qblog_recent, $rss_max + 1); array_shift($lines); } else { $recent = CACHE_DIR . 'recent.dat'; if (!file_exists($recent)) { die($qm->m['plg_rss']['err_nodata']); } $lines = file_head($recent, $rss_max); } foreach ($lines as $line) { $skip_list = FALSE; if ($qblog_mode) { $page = trim($line); $time = strtotime(get_qblog_date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $page)); } else { list($time, $page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line)); } //blogモードで、$blog_name/Hogehogeでないなら(つまり、ブログページでないなら、何もしない if ($blog_mode && !preg_match('/^' . $blog_mode . '\\/.*/', $page)) { continue; } $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $title = get_page_title($page); $source = get_source($page); foreach ($source as $k => $l) { if (preg_match($ignore_plugin, $l)) { // リストから省く $skip_list = TRUE; break; } if (preg_match($strip_plugin, $l)) { // 説明から省く unset($source[$k]); } } if ($skip_list) { continue; } //html(noskinを避ける) if (count($source) > 0) { $source = str_replace('#html(noskin)', '#html()', $source); $source = preg_replace($strip_plugin_inline, '', $source); // 行内のプラグインを説明から省く } $contents = mb_strimwidth(strip_htmltag(convert_html($source)), 0, RSS_DESP_LENGTH, '...'); $contents = preg_replace_callback('/(&[^;]+;)/', 'plugin_rss_html_entity_decode', $contents); $contents = plugin_rss_utf8_for_xml($contents); switch ($version) { case '0.91': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': $date = get_date('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $time); $date = $version == '0.91' ? ' <description>' . $date . ' -- ' . $contents . '</description>' : ' <pubDate>' . $date . '</pubDate>' . ' <description>' . $contents . '</description>'; $items .= <<<EOD <item> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$self}?{$r_page}</link> {$date} </item> EOD; break; case '1.0': // Add <item> into <items> $rdf_li .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $self . '?' . $r_page . '" />' . "\n"; $date = substr_replace(get_date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $time), ':', -2, 0); $trackback_ping = ''; if ($trackback) { $tb_id = md5($r_page); $trackback_ping = ' <trackback:ping>' . $self . '?tb_id=' . $tb_id . '</trackback:ping>'; } $items .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$self}?{$r_page}"> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$self}?{$r_page}</link> <description><![CDATA[{$contents}]]></description> <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$self}?{$r_page}</dc:identifier> {$trackback_ping} </item> EOD; break; } } // Feeding start pkwk_common_headers(); header('Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'); print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n\n"; $r_whatsnew = rawurlencode($blog_mode ? $blog_mode : $whatsnew); $pagename = $qblog_mode ? $qblog_defaultpage : $r_whatsnew; $description = $qblog_mode ? 'QBlog Recent Changes' : $qm->m['plg_rss']['description']; $page_title_utf8 = h(plugin_rss_utf8_for_xml($page_title_utf8)); $description = h(plugin_rss_utf8_for_xml($description)); switch ($version) { case '0.91': print '<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN"' . ' "">' . "\n"; /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': print <<<EOD <rss version="{$version}"> <channel> <title>{$page_title_utf8}</title> <link>{$self}?{$pagename}</link> <description>{$description}</description> <language>{$lang}</language> {$items} </channel> </rss> EOD; break; case '1.0': $xmlns_trackback = $trackback ? ' xmlns:trackback=""' : ''; print <<<EOD <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" {$xmlns_trackback} xmlns="" xmlns:rdf="" xml:lang="{$lang}"> <channel rdf:about="{$self}?{$pagename}"> <title>{$page_title_utf8}</title> <link>{$self}?{$pagename}</link> <description>{$description}</description> <items> <rdf:Seq> {$rdf_li} </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> {$items} </rdf:RDF> EOD; break; } exit; }
function plugin_weblog_rss_action() { global $rss_max, $page_title, $WikiName, $BracketName, $script, $whatsnew, $trackback, $use_static_url, $anon_writable; global $vars; global $options, $_weblog_msgs; //コンフィグの読み込み(指定weblog固有) $conf_name = $vars['config']; $options = weblog_get_options($conf_name, $options); $page = strip_bracket($options['PREFIX']); $with_content = $vars['content']; $list_count = $vars['count']; if ($list_count == 0) { $list_count = $rss_max; } $lines = get_existpages(false, $page, $list_count, " ORDER BY editedtime DESC", true); header("Content-type: application/xml"); if (is_page($page)) { $linkpage = $page; } else { if (strrchr($page, "/")) { $_p = substr($page, 0, -strlen(strrchr($page, "/"))); if (is_page($_p)) { $linkpage = $_p; } } else { $linkpage = $whatsnew; } } if ($use_static_url) { $linkpage_url = XOOPS_WIKI_URL . "/" . get_pgid_by_name($linkpage) . ".html"; } else { $linkpage_url = $script . "?" . rawurlencode($linkpage); } $page_title_utf8 = $page_title; if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) { $page_title_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($page_title_utf8, "UTF-8", "auto"); // $page_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($linkpage,"UTF-8","auto"); $page_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($options['NAME'], "UTF-8", "auto"); $page_add_utf8 = $linkpage ? "-" . $page_utf8 : ""; } $item = ""; $rdf_li = ""; foreach ($lines as $line) { $vars['page'] = $line; $page_name = strip_bracket($line); if (!preg_match("/^(.*\\/)?[0-9\\-]+\$/", $page_name)) { continue; } $src = @join("", get_source($page_name)); $sources = $src; if (preg_match("/\\&weblog_field\\(__SUBJECT\\)\\{([^}]+)\\}\\;/m", $sources, $match)) { $subject = $match[1]; } if (preg_match("/\\&weblog_field\\(__AUTHOR\\)\\{([^}]+)\\}\\;/m", $sources, $match)) { $author = $match[1]; } if (preg_match("/\\&weblog_field\\(__CATEGORY,:([^\\)]+)\\)\\{([^}]+)\\}\\;((\\[ )?\\[\\[.*\\]\\]( \\])?)+/m", $sources, $match)) { $catpath = $match[1]; $category = $match[2]; } if (preg_match("/#weblog_field\\(__BODY\\,Start\\)\\s*\n(.*\n)#weblog_field\\(__BODY\\,End\\)\n/ms", $sources, $match)) { $body = $match[1]; $body = preg_replace("/\\s*((\r\n)|(\r)|(\n))/", "\n", $body); } $title = mb_convert_encoding($subject, "UTF-8", "auto"); $url = strip_bracket($line); // if ($page) $title = preg_replace("/^".preg_quote($page_utf8,"/")."\//","",$title); $title = htmlspecialchars($title); $desc = date("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime(get_filename(encode($line)))); $dcdate = substr_replace(date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO", filemtime(get_filename(encode($line)))), ':', -2, 0); if ($use_static_url) { $link_url = XOOPS_WIKI_URL . "/" . get_pgid_by_name($line) . ".html"; } else { $link_url = $script . "?" . rawurlencode($url); } $items .= "<item rdf:about=\"" . $link_url . "\">\n"; $items .= " <title>{$title}</title>\n"; $items .= " <link>" . $link_url . "</link>\n"; $items .= " <dc:date>{$dcdate}</dc:date>\n"; $_anon_writable = $anon_writable; $anon_writable = 0; $desc = convert_html($body, false, false); $desc = mb_convert_encoding(mb_substr(strip_htmltag($desc), 0, 250, "EUC-JP"), "UTF-8", "auto"); $desc = htmlspecialchars($desc); $desc = mb_ereg_replace("\n", "", $desc); $items .= " <description>{$desc}</description>\n"; if ($with_content == "true") { $src = preg_replace("/\\&weblog_field\\(__EDIT\\,[^\\)]+\\);/m", "", $src); $content = convert_html($src, false, false); $content = mb_convert_encoding($content, "UTF-8", "auto"); $content = preg_replace("/\\<input [^\\>]+\\/>(\n)?/ms", "", $content); $content = preg_replace("/^(\\s*\n)+/mS", "\n", $content); $content = preg_replace("/\\s*\\<br \\/\\>\\s*/mS", "<br />", $content); $content = preg_replace("/class\\=\"p\\_right\"/", 'style="text-align:right;"', $content); $items .= "<content:encoded>\n<![CDATA[\n"; $items .= "{$content}\n"; $items .= "]]>\n</content:encoded>\n"; } $anon_writable = $anon_writable = 0; //trackback if ($trackback) { $dc_identifier = $trackback_ping = ''; $r_page = rawurlencode($url); $tb_id = tb_get_id($url); $dc_identifier = " <dc:identifer>{$link_url}</dc:identifer>\n"; $trackback_ping = " <trackback:ping>{$script}?pwm_ping={$tb_id}</trackback:ping>\n"; $items .= $dc_identifier . $trackback_ping; } if ($category != "") { $cats = explode(",", $category); foreach ($cats as $cat_item) { // $subject = $catpath."/".$cat_item; $subject = $cat_item; $subject = mb_convert_encoding($subject, "UTF-8", "auto"); $items .= "<dc:subject>{$subject}</dc:subject>\n"; } } $items .= "</item>\n\n"; $rdf_li .= "<rdf:li rdf:resource=\"" . $link_url . "\" />\n"; } // header('Content-type: text'); $r_page = rawurlencode($page); echo <<<EOD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" xmlns="" xmlns:rdf="" EOD; if ($with_content == "true") { echo " xmlns:content=\"\"\n"; } if ($trackback) { echo " xmlns:trackback=\"\"\n"; } echo <<<EOD xml:lang="ja"> <channel rdf:about="{$script}?plugin=weblog_rss&config={$conf_name}&content={$with_content}&count={$list_count}"> <title>{$page_title_utf8}.{$page_add_utf8}</title> <link>{$linkpage_url}</link> <description>PukiWiki Weblog RecentChanges</description> <items> <rdf:Seq> {$rdf_li} </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> {$items} </rdf:RDF> EOD; exit; }
function plugin_mixirss_action() { global $vars, $get, $post, $rss_max, $rss_description, $page_title, $whatsnew; global $modifier; global $exclude_plugin; global $memcache; $version = isset($vars['ver']) ? $vars['ver'] : ''; switch ($version) { case '': $version = '1.0'; break; // mixi Default // mixi Default case '1': $version = '1.0'; break; case '2': $version = '2.0'; break; case '0.91': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '1.0': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': break; default: die('Invalid RSS version!!'); } // Official Main routine ... $page_title_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($page_title, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); $rss_description_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding(htmlspecialchars($rss_description), 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); // Disable plugin $exclude_plugin[] = 'include'; $self = get_script_absuri(); change_uri('', 1); // Force absoluteURI. // Creating <item> $items = $rdf_li = ''; foreach (Recent::get() as $page => $time) { $wiki = Factory::Wiki($page); $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $url = $wiki->uri(); $title = mb_convert_encoding($page, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); switch ($version) { case '0.91': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': $date = get_date('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $time); $date = $version == '0.91' ? ' <description>' . $date . '</description>' : ' <pubDate>' . $date . '</pubDate>'; $items .= <<<EOD <item> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$url}</link> {$date} </item> EOD; break; case '1.0': // Add <item> into <items> // $rdf_li .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; $date = substr_replace(get_date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $time), ':', -2, 0); if (plugin_mixirss_isValidDate(substr($page, -10)) && check_readable($page, false, false)) { // for Calendar/MiniCalendar $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $vars['page'] = $page; $source = get_source($page); $rdf_hx = ''; $rdf_lx = ''; $itemhx = ''; $itemlx = ''; while (!empty($source)) { $line = array_shift($source); if (preg_match('/^(\\*{1,3})(.*)\\[#([A-Za-z][\\w-]+)\\](.*)$/m', $line, $matches)) { $anchortitle = strip_htmltag(RendererFactory::factory($matches[2])); $anchortitle = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $anchortitle); $anchortitle = '<![CDATA[' . mb_convert_encoding($anchortitle, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING) . '(' . $title . ')' . ']]>'; $sharp = '#'; $rdf_hx .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . $sharp . $matches[3] . '" />' . "\n"; $itemhx .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}{$sharp}{$matches[3]}"> <title>{$anchortitle}</title> <link>{$url}{$sharp}{$matches[3]}</link> <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}{$sharp}{$matches[3]}</dc:identifier> </item> EOD; } else { if (preg_match('/^(\\-{1,3})(.*)$/m', $line, $matches)) { $anchortitle = strip_htmltag(RendererFactory::factory($matches[2])); $anchortitle = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $anchortitle); $anchortitle = '<![CDATA[' . mb_convert_encoding($anchortitle, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING) . '(' . $title . ')' . ']]>'; $sharp = '#'; $rdf_lx .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; $itemlx .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}"> <title>{$anchortitle}</title> <link>{$url}</link> <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}</dc:identifier> </item> EOD; } } } if ($itemhx != '') { $rdf_li .= $rdf_hx; $items .= $itemhx; } else { if ($itemlx != '') { $rdf_li .= $rdf_lx; $items .= $itemlx; } else { // default $rdf_li .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; $items .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}"> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$url}</link> {$description} <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}</dc:identifier> </item> EOD; } } // upk 2006-03-22 // } else if (check_readable($page,false,false) && !ereg(MIXIRSS_IGNORE_REGEX, $page)) { } else { if ($wiki->isReadable()) { $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $vars['page'] = $page; //miko added $description = strip_htmltag($wiki->render()); $description = mb_strimwidth(preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $description), 0, MIXIRSS_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH, '...'); $description = ' <description><![CDATA[' . mb_convert_encoding($description, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING) . ']]></description>'; //miko added $rdf_li .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; global $newtitle, $newbase; if (isset($newbase) && $newbase != '') { $anchortitle = $newtitle . ' (' . $title . ')'; $newtitle = $newbase = ''; } else { $anchortitle = $title; } $items .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}"> <title>{$anchortitle}</title> <link>{$url}</link> {$description} <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}</dc:identifier> </item> EOD; } } break; } } // Feeding start $html = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n"; $w_whatsnew = Factory::Wiki($whatsnew); $url_whatsnew = $w_whatsnew->uri(); switch ($version) { case '0.91': $html .= '<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN"' . ' "">' . "\n"; /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': $html .= <<<EOD <rss version="{$version}"> <channel> <title><![CDATA[{$page_title_utf8}]]></title> <link>{$url_whatsnew}</link> <description><![CDATA[{$rss_description_utf8}]]></description> <language>ja</language> {$items} </channel> </rss> EOD; break; case '1.0': $html .= <<<EOD <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" xmlns="" xmlns:rdf="" xml:lang="ja"> <channel rdf:about="{$url_whatsnew}"> <title><![CDATA[{$page_title_utf8}]]></title> <link>{$url_whatsnew}</link> <description><![CDATA[{$rss_description_utf8}]]></description> <items> <rdf:Seq> {$rdf_li} </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> {$items} </rdf:RDF> EOD; break; } $header = Header::getHeaders('application/xml', $w_whatsnew->time()); Header::writeResponse($header, 200, $html); exit; }
function plugin_mceedit_inline() { static $usage = '&edit(pagename#anchor[[,noicon],nolabel])[{label}];'; global $script, $vars, $fixed_heading_edited; global $_symbol_paraedit; if (!$fixed_heading_edited || is_freeze($vars['page'])) { return ''; } $args = func_get_args(); $s_label = strip_htmltag(array_pop($args), FALSE); // {label}. Strip anchor tags only if ($s_label == '') { $s_label = $_symbol_paraedit; } list($page, $id) = array_pad($args, 2, ''); if (!is_page($page)) { $page = $vars['page']; } if ($id != '') { $id = '&id=' . rawurlencode($id); } $r_page = rawurlencode($page); return "<a class=\"anchor_super\" href=\"{$script}?cmd=edit&page={$r_page}{$id}\">{$s_label}</a>"; }
function plugin_tabbox_convert() { static $s_tab_cnt = 0; static $s_tab_confnum = 0; //jquery ライブラリの読み込み $qt = get_qt(); $qt->setv('jquery_include', true); $args = func_get_args(); $last = func_num_args() - 1; $body = ''; $ret = $head = ''; $options = array('tab' => PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_TAB, 'selected' => PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_SELECTED, 'hover' => PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_HOVER, 'box' => PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_BOX, 'default' => PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_DEFAULT, 'height' => PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_HEIGHT); $config = false; foreach ($args as $arg) { if (trim($arg) == 'conf') { $config = true; } } if ($config) { if ($last > 0) { $body = array_pop($args); } $options['conf'] = 'conf'; $s_tab_confnum++; } else { if ($s_tab_cnt == 0) { $s_tab_confnum++; } $body = array_pop($args); foreach ($args as $arg) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $arg, 2); $options[$key] = htmlspecialchars($val); } $options['tab'] = isset($options['tab']) ? $options['tab'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_TAB; $options['selected'] = isset($options['selected']) ? $options['selected'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_SELECTED; $options['hover'] = isset($options['hover']) ? $options['hover'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_HOVER; $options['box'] = isset($options['box']) ? $options['box'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_BOX; $options['default'] = isset($options['default']) ? $options['default'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_DEFAULT; $options['height'] = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_HEIGHT; } $body = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body)); // confが指定された場合 if (isset($options['conf'])) { $tmp = explode("\n", $body); foreach ($tmp as $buff) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $buff, 2); $options[$key] = htmlspecialchars($val); } // confに指定がない場合、デフォルトを設定 $options['tab'] = isset($options['tab']) ? $options['tab'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_TAB; $options['selected'] = isset($options['selected']) ? $options['selected'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_TAB; $options['hover'] = isset($options['hover']) ? $options['hover'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_HOVER; $options['box'] = isset($options['box']) ? $options['box'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_BOX; $options['default'] = isset($options['default']) ? $options['default'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_DEFAULT; $options['height'] = isset($options['default']) ? $options['default'] : PLUGIN_TABBOX_DEF_HEIGHT; } else { $lines = explode("\n", $body); $buff = ""; $box = array(); $title = array(); $link = array(); foreach ($lines as $l) { if (preg_match("/^\\*\\s?(.*)\$/", $l, $matches)) { if (count($title) > 0) { $box[] = $buff; } $tmp = strip_htmltag(substr(convert_html($matches[1]), 3, -5), FALSE); $title[] = $tmp; $buff = ''; } else { $buff .= "{$l}\n"; } } if (count($title) > 0) { $box[] = $buff; } } // はじめての定義の場合、javascriptを出力 if ($s_tab_cnt == 0) { $head = ' <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- $(document).ready(function(){ $("div.max").each(function(){ var maxh = 0; $(this).find("div").each(function(){ if ($(this).height() > maxh) { maxh = $(this).height(); } }); $(this).find("div").each(function(){ $(this).height(maxh); }); }); $("div.tabpanel > div.tabbox").hide(); if (window.location.hash.length == 0) { // default指定があるため } else { var thistab = window.location.hash.split("-"); $("ul.tablist li").children("a").each(function(){ var tmptab = $(this).attr("href").split("-"); if (thistab[0] == tmptab[0]) { $(this).removeClass("selected"); } }); $(window.location.hash).show(); $("a[href="+window.location.hash+"]").addClass("selected"); } $("ul.tablist").each(function(){ var tabDefault = $(this).find("a.selected").attr("href").split("#"); $("#"+tabDefault[tabDefault.length-1]).show(); }); $("ul.tablist > li > a").click(function() { if ($(this).is(".selected")) { return false; } var objtab = $(this); splitID = $(this).attr("href").split("#"); targetID = "#"+splitID[splitID.length-1]; var prevh = $(this).closest("div.tabpanel").find("div:visible").height(); $(this).closest("div.tabpanel").find("div.tabbox:visible").animate({height:$(targetID).height()},"fast","swing",function(){ $(this).hide(); objtab.closest("ul.tablist").find("li").children("a").removeClass(); objtab.addClass("selected"); $(targetID + ", "+ targetID + " *").show(); $(this).height(prevh); }); return false; }); }); //--> </script> <style type="text/css"> ul.tablist{ margin: 0 !important; padding: 1px 0; width:100%; } ul.tablist li { float:left; list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; list-style-type:none; margin: 0 0 -1px; padding: 0; } ul.tablist a { outline:none; display:block; margin:0 1px 0 0; padding:3px 10px; position:relative; z-index:1; line-height:normal; background:#fff url(image/tabbox_tab.png) repeat-x scroll 0 0; font-size:0.9em; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-left: 1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc; } div.tabpanel div.tabbox { display:block; clear:left; font-weight:normal; line-height:normal; padding:10px 10px 8px; margin:0 0; position:relative; z-index:1; } </style> '; } $s_tab_cnt++; $dclass = "tabconf{$s_tab_confnum}"; if (isset($options['conf']) || $s_tab_cnt == 1) { $head .= ' <style type="text/css"> div.' . $dclass . ' ul.tablist a { ' . $options['tab'] . ' } div.' . $dclass . ' ul.tablist a:hover { ' . $options['hover'] . ' } div.' . $dclass . ' ul.tablist a.selected { cursor:default; text-decoration:none; z-index:5; ' . $options['selected'] . ' } div.' . $dclass . ' div.tabbox { ' . $options['box'] . ' } </style> '; } if (!isset($options['conf'])) { $ret .= '<div class="tabpanel ' . $dclass . ' ' . $options['height'] . '">'; $ret .= '<ul class="tablist">'; $tabid = 'tab' . $s_tab_cnt; for ($i = 0; $i < count($title); $i++) { $tabcnt = $i + 1; $selclass = $options['default'] == $tabcnt ? ' class="selected"' : ''; $ret .= '<li><a ' . $selclass . ' href="#' . $tabid . '-' . $tabcnt . '">' . $title[$i] . '</a></li>'; } $ret .= '</ul>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($box); $i++) { $tabcnt = $i + 1; $ret .= '<div id="' . $tabid . '-' . $tabcnt . '" class="tabbox">' . convert_html($box[$i]) . '</div>'; } $ret .= '</div>'; } $qt->appendv_once('plugin_tabbox' . $s_tab_confnum, 'beforescript', $head); return $ret; }
function toc_convert_index($idx, $lvl) { global $plugin_num_proc; global $fixed_heading_edited; global $fixed_heading_anchor; static $num = 0; // 不要な行のカウント $off = 0; foreach ($idx as $id => $data) { if ($data['sw']) { break; } $off++; } // 全行を変換 $lines = array(); foreach ($idx as $id => $data) { $lines[] = $data['dat']; } $plugin_num_proc = 'toc' . $num++; $bkup_fixed_heading_edited = $fixed_heading_edited; $fixed_heading_edited = 0; $html = convert_html($lines); $html = ereg_replace("\r|\n", '', $html); // \r \n の除去 $fixed_heading_edited = $bkup_fixed_heading_edited; $rc = $matches = array(); $i = 0; while (preg_match("'<h(.?)(.*?)>(.*?)</h.?>'si", $html, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[2])) { preg_match("'^id=\"(.*?)\"'si", trim($matches[2]), $mat); $matches[2] = $mat[1]; } if ($off > $i) { $i++; $html = str_replace($matches[0], '', $html); // 該当行の削除 $matches = array(); continue; } $dat_lvl = $matches[1] - 1; if (!toc_from_to_check($lvl, $dat_lvl)) { continue; } if (empty($matches[2])) { $rc[$i]['tag'] = ''; } else { $rc[$i]['tag'] = '#'; // convert_html すると、h2_content_X_1 の X の部分がカウントアップされてしまうので対処する if ($fixed_heading_anchor) { $rc[$i]['tag'] .= $matches[2]; } else { $matches2 = array(); // h2_content_1_1 if (preg_match("'h(.+)_content_(.+)_(.+)'si", $matches[2], $matches2)) { $rc[$i]['tag'] .= 'h' . $matches2[1] . '_content_' . --$matches2[2] . '_' . $matches2[3]; } else { $rc[$i]['tag'] .= $matches[2]; } } } $rc[$i]['dat'] = strip_htmltag($matches[3]); $rc[$i]['lvl'] = $dat_lvl; $i++; $html = str_replace($matches[0], '', $html); // 該当行の削除 $matches = array(); } return $rc; }
function makelink_metalines() { $metalines = array(); foreach ($this->metalines as $metaline) { $anchor = $metaline['anchor']; $headline = $metaline['headline']; $headline = strip_htmltag(make_link($headline)); // convert inline plugin $metaline['display'] = $this->make_pagelink($this->options['page'][1], $headline, $anchor); $metalines[] = $metaline; } $this->metalines = $metalines; }
/** * Get string used in html link * * @access public * @static * @param string $page pagename * @param string $option option * - name|page|pagename|absolute: pagename (absolute path) * - base|basename : page basename * - title : TITLE: of page * - headline|firsthead : The first headline of a page * - relative|relname : relative pagename from currdir * @param string $currdir current dir name($currdir is required for relative) * @param boolean $usecache use cache of Toc or not (used for title and headline) * @return string * @uses sonots::get_basename * @uses title * @uses firsthead * @uses relname */ function linkstr($page, $option = 'relative', $currdir = '', $usecache = true) { switch ($option) { case 'name': case 'page': case 'pagename': case 'absolute': default: $linkstr = htmlspecialchars($page); break; case 'base': case 'basename': $linkstr = htmlspecialchars(sonots::get_basename($page)); break; case 'title': $title = PluginSonotsMetapage::title($page, $usecache); if (is_null($title)) { $linkstr = htmlspecialchars($page); } else { $linkstr = strip_htmltag(make_link($title)); } break; case 'firsthead': case 'headline': $firsthead = PluginSonotsMetapage::firsthead($page, $usecache); if (is_null($firsthead)) { $linkstr = htmlspecialchars($page); } else { $linkstr = strip_htmltag(make_link($firsthead)); } break; case 'relname': case 'relative': $linkstr = htmlspecialchars(PluginSonotsMetapage::relname($page, $currdir)); break; } return $linkstr; }
function make_heading(&$str,$strip=TRUE) { global $NotePattern; // 見出しの固有ID部を削除 $id = ''; if (preg_match('/^(\*{0,3})(.*?)\[#([A-Za-z][\w-]+)\](.*?)$/m',$str,$matches)) { $str = $matches[2].$matches[4]; $id = $matches[3]; } else { $str = preg_replace('/^\*{0,3}/','',$str); } if ($strip) { $str = strip_htmltag(make_link(preg_replace($NotePattern,'',$str))); } return $id; }
function plugin_mixirss_action() { global $vars, $get, $post, $rss_max, $rss_description, $page_title, $whatsnew, $trackback; global $modifier; global $exclude_plugin; $version = isset($vars['ver']) ? $vars['ver'] : ''; switch ($version) { case '': $version = '1.0'; break; // mixi Default // mixi Default case '1': $version = '1.0'; break; case '2': $version = '2.0'; break; case '0.91': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '1.0': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': break; default: die('Invalid RSS version!!'); } $recent = CACHE_DIR . 'recent.dat'; if (!file_exists($recent)) { die('recent.dat is not found'); } $time_recent = filemtime($recent); $rsscache = CACHE_DIR . 'rsscache' . $version . '.dat'; if (file_exists($rsscache)) { $time_rsscache = filemtime($rsscache); } else { $time_rsscache = 0; } // if caching rss file, return cache. if ($time_recent <= $time_rsscache) { pkwk_common_headers(); header('Content-type: application/xml'); print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n\n"; print implode('', file($rsscache)); exit; } // Official Main routine ... $page_title_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($page_title, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); $rss_description_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding(htmlspecialchars($rss_description), 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); // Disable plugin $exclude_plugin[] = 'include'; $self = get_script_absuri(); change_uri('', 1); // Force absoluteURI. // Creating <item> $items = $rdf_li = ''; $source = file($recent); foreach (array_splice($source, 0, $rss_max) as $line) { list($time, $page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line)); $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $url = get_page_uri($page); $title = mb_convert_encoding($page, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING); switch ($version) { case '0.91': /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': $date = get_date('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $time); $date = $version == '0.91' ? ' <description>' . $date . '</description>' : ' <pubDate>' . $date . '</pubDate>'; $items .= <<<EOD <item> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$url}</link> {$date} </item> EOD; break; case '1.0': // Add <item> into <items> // $rdf_li .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; $date = substr_replace(get_date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $time), ':', -2, 0); $trackback_ping = ''; if ($trackback) { $tb_id = md5($r_page); $trackback_ping = ' <trackback:ping rdf:resource="' . $self . '?tb_id=' . $tb_id . '"/>'; } if (plugin_mixirss_isValidDate(substr($page, -10)) && check_readable($page, false, false)) { // for Calendar/MiniCalendar $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $vars['page'] = $page; $source = get_source($page); $rdf_hx = ''; $rdf_lx = ''; $itemhx = ''; $itemlx = ''; while (!empty($source)) { $line = array_shift($source); if (preg_match('/^(\\*{1,3})(.*)\\[#([A-Za-z][\\w-]+)\\](.*)$/m', $line, $matches)) { $anchortitle = strip_htmltag(convert_html($matches[2])); $anchortitle = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $anchortitle); $anchortitle = '<![CDATA[' . mb_convert_encoding($anchortitle, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING) . '(' . $title . ')' . ']]>'; $sharp = '#'; $rdf_hx .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . $sharp . $matches[3] . '" />' . "\n"; $itemhx .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}{$sharp}{$matches[3]}"> <title>{$anchortitle}</title> <link>{$url}{$sharp}{$matches[3]}</link> <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}{$sharp}{$matches[3]}</dc:identifier> {$trackback_ping} </item> EOD; } else { if (preg_match('/^(\\-{1,3})(.*)$/m', $line, $matches)) { $anchortitle = strip_htmltag(convert_html($matches[2])); $anchortitle = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $anchortitle); $anchortitle = '<![CDATA[' . mb_convert_encoding($anchortitle, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING) . '(' . $title . ')' . ']]>'; $sharp = '#'; $rdf_lx .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; $itemlx .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}"> <title>{$anchortitle}</title> <link>{$url}</link> <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}</dc:identifier> {$trackback_ping} </item> EOD; } } } if ($itemhx != '') { $rdf_li .= $rdf_hx; $items .= $itemhx; } else { if ($itemlx != '') { $rdf_li .= $rdf_lx; $items .= $itemlx; } else { // default $rdf_li .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; $items .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}"> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$url}</link> {$description} <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}</dc:identifier> {$trackback_ping} </item> EOD; } } // upk 2006-03-22 // } else if (check_readable($page,false,false) && !ereg(MIXIRSS_IGNORE_REGEX, $page)) { } else { if (check_readable($page, false, false) && !is_ignore_page($page)) { $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $vars['page'] = $page; //miko added $description = strip_htmltag(convert_html(get_source($page))); $description = mb_strimwidth(preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $description), 0, MIXIRSS_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH, '...'); $description = ' <description><![CDATA[' . mb_convert_encoding($description, 'UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING) . ']]></description>'; //miko added $rdf_li .= ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . $url . '" />' . "\n"; global $newtitle, $newbase; if (isset($newbase) && $newbase != '') { $anchortitle = $newtitle . ' (' . $title . ')'; $newtitle = $newbase = ''; } else { $anchortitle = $title; } $items .= <<<EOD <item rdf:about="{$url}"> <title>{$anchortitle}</title> <link>{$url}</link> {$description} <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <dc:identifier>{$url}</dc:identifier> {$trackback_ping} </item> EOD; } } break; } } // Feeding start pkwk_common_headers(); header('Content-type: application/xml'); print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n\n"; $url_whatsnew = get_page_uri($whatsnew); $html = ''; switch ($version) { case '0.91': $html .= '<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN"' . ' "">' . "\n"; /* FALLTHROUGH */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '2.0': $html .= <<<EOD <rss version="{$version}"> <channel> <title><![CDATA[{$page_title_utf8}]]></title> <link>{$url_whatsnew}</link> <description><![CDATA[{$rss_description_utf8}]]></description> <language>ja</language> {$items} </channel> </rss> EOD; break; case '1.0': $xmlns_trackback = $trackback ? ' xmlns:trackback=""' : ''; $html .= <<<EOD <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" {$xmlns_trackback} xmlns="" xmlns:rdf="" xml:lang="ja"> <channel rdf:about="{$url_whatsnew}"> <title><![CDATA[{$page_title_utf8}]]></title> <link>{$url_whatsnew}</link> <description><![CDATA[{$rss_description_utf8}]]></description> <items> <rdf:Seq> {$rdf_li} </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> {$items} </rdf:RDF> EOD; break; } print $html; // Write Cache-file $fp = fopen($rsscache, 'w'); flock($fp, LOCK_EX); rewind($fp); fputs($fp, $html); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); log_write('cmd', 'mixirss'); exit; }
function plugin_mixirecent_convert() { global $vars, $date_format; // $_mixirecent_plugin_frame; static $done; $_mixirecent_plugin_frame_s = _('recent(%d)'); $_mixirecent_plugin_frame = sprintf('<h5>%s</h5><div>%%s</div>', $_mixirecent_plugin_frame_s); $mixirecent_lines = PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_DEFAULT_LINES; if (func_num_args()) { $args = func_get_args(); if (!is_numeric($args[0]) || isset($args[1])) { return PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_USAGE . '<br />'; } else { $mixirecent_lines = $args[0]; } } // Show only the first one if (isset($done)) { return '<!-- #mixirecent(): You already view changes -->'; } // Get latest N changes if (file_exists(PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_CACHE)) { $source = file(PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_CACHE); $lines = array_splice($source, 0, $mixirecent_lines); } else { return '#mixirecent(): Cache file of RecentChanges not found' . '<br />'; } $date = $items = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { list($time, $page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line)); $_date = get_date($date_format, $time); if ($date != $_date) { // End of the day if ($date != '') { $items .= '</ul>' . "\n"; } // New day $date = $_date; $items .= '<strong>' . $date . '</strong>' . "\n" . '<ul class="mixirecent_list">' . "\n"; } $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page); $pg_passage = get_pg_passage($page, FALSE); if (plugin_mixirecent_isValidDate(substr($page, -10)) && check_readable($page, false, false)) { // for Calendar/MiniCalendar $savepage = $vars['page']; $title = $page; $source = get_source($page); $itemhx = ''; $itemlx = ''; while (!empty($source)) { $line = array_shift($source); if (preg_match('/^(\\*{1,3})(.*)\\[#([A-Za-z][\\w-]+)\\](.*)$/m', $line, $matches)) { $anchortitle = strip_htmltag(convert_html($matches[2])); $anchortitle = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $anchortitle); $anchortitle = PLUGIN_MIXIRECENT_NOTITLE ? $anchortitle : $anchortitle . '(' . $title . ')'; $sharp = '#'; $itemhx .= "<li><a href=\"" . get_page_uri($page) . "{$sharp}{$matches[3]}\" title=\"{$s_page} {$pg_passage}\">{$anchortitle}</a></li>\n"; } } if ($itemhx != '') { $items .= $itemhx; } else { if ($page == $vars['page']) { // No need to link to the page now you read, notifies where you just read $items .= ' <li>' . $s_page . '</li>' . "\n"; } else { $items .= ' <li><a href="' . get_page_uri($page) . '" title="' . $s_page . ' ' . $pg_passage . '">' . $s_page . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } } $vars['page'] = $savepage; } else { if ($page == $vars['page']) { // No need to link to the page now you read, notifies where you just read $items .= ' <li>' . $s_page . '</li>' . "\n"; } else { $items .= ' <li><a href="' . get_page_uri($page) . '" title="' . $s_page . ' ' . $pg_passage . '">' . $s_page . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } } } // End of the day if ($date != '') { $items .= '</ul>' . "\n"; } $done = TRUE; return sprintf($_mixirecent_plugin_frame, count($lines), $items); }
function tb_send($page, $links) { global $trackback, $page_title; if (!$trackback) { return; } // No link, END if (!is_array($links) || empty($links)) { return; } $script = get_script_uri(); // PROHIBITION OF INVALID TRANSMISSION $url = parse_url($script); $host = empty($url['host']) ? $script : $url['host']; if (is_ipaddr($host)) { if (is_localIP($host)) { return; } } else { if (is_ReservedTLD($host)) { return; } } if (is_ignore_page($page)) { return; } // Disable 'max execution time' (php.ini: max_execution_time) if (ini_get('safe_mode') == '0') { set_time_limit(0); } $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $excerpt = strip_htmltag(convert_html(get_source($page))); // Sender's information $putdata = array('title' => $page, 'url' => $script . '?' . $r_page, 'excerpt' => mb_strimwidth(preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", ' ', $excerpt), 0, 255, '...'), 'blog_name' => $page_title . ' (' . PLUGIN_TRACKBACK_VERSION . ')', 'charset' => SOURCE_ENCODING); foreach ($links as $link) { if (path_check($script, $link)) { continue; } // Same Site $tb_id = tb_get_url($link); // Get Trackback ID from the URL if (empty($tb_id)) { continue; } // Trackback is not supported $result = http_request($tb_id, 'POST', '', $putdata, 2, CONTENT_CHARSET); // FIXME: Create warning notification space at! } }
function plugin_edit_inline() { static $usage = '&edit(pagename,anchor);'; global $script, $vars, $fixed_heading_edited; global $_symbol_paraedit, $_symbol_paraguiedit; if (!$fixed_heading_edited || is_freeze($vars['page']) || auth::check_role('readonly')) { return ''; } // Arguments $args = func_get_args(); // {label}. Strip anchor tags only $s_label = strip_htmltag(array_pop($args), FALSE); if ($s_label == '') { $s_label = $_symbol_paraedit; $s_label_edit =& $_symbol_paraedit; $s_label_guiedit =& $_symbol_paraguiedit; } list($page, $id) = array_pad($args, 2, ''); if (!is_page($page)) { $page = $vars['page']; } if ($id != '') { $id = '&id=' . rawurlencode($id); } $r_page = rawurlencode($page); //$use_edit_plugin = ($fixed_heading_edited == 2) ? 'guiedit' : 'edit'; // return '<a class="anchor_super" href="' . $script . '?cmd='.$use_edit_plugin.'&page=' . $r_page . $id . '">' . $s_label . '</a>'; $tag_edit = '<a class="anchor_super" href="' . $script . '?cmd=edit&page=' . $r_page . $id . '">' . $s_label_edit . '</a>'; $tag_guiedit = '<a class="anchor_super" href="' . $script . '?cmd=guiedit&page=' . $r_page . $id . '">' . $s_label_guiedit . '</a>'; switch ($fixed_heading_edited) { case 2: return $tag_guiedit; case 3: return $tag_edit . $tag_guiedit; default: return $tag_edit; } }
function get_titlestr($inclpage, $option = null, $current = null) { switch ($option) { case 'off': $titlestr = ''; break; case 'name': $titlestr = htmlspecialchars($inclpage); break; case 'basename': $titlestr = htmlspecialchars(basename($inclpage)); break; case 'relname': if (!isset($current)) { $current = $GLOBALS['vars']['page']; } if (($i = strpos($inclpage, $current . '/')) === 0) { $titlestr = htmlspecialchars(substr($inclpage, strlen($current) + 1)); } else { $titlestr = htmlspecialchars($inclpage); } break; case 'on': case 'title': default: if (exist_plugin('contentsx')) { $contentsx = new PluginContentsx(); if (method_exists($contentsx, 'get_title')) { $titlestr = $contentsx->get_title($inclpage); $titlestr = strip_htmltag(make_link($titlestr)); } } if ($titlestr == '') { $titlestr = htmlspecialchars($inclpage); } break; } return $titlestr; }
function linkstr_metapages() { switch ($this->options['linkstr'][1]) { case 'absolute': foreach ($this->metapages as $i => $metapage) { $this->metapages[$i]['linkstr'] = htmlspecialchars($metapage['page']); } break; case 'basename': foreach ($this->metapages as $i => $metapage) { $this->metapages[$i]['linkstr'] = htmlspecialchars($this->my_basename($metapage['page'])); } break; case 'title': $contentsx = new PluginContentsx(); foreach ($this->metapages as $i => $metapage) { $title = $contentsx->get_title($metapage['page']); $title = strip_htmltag(make_link($title)); $this->metapages[$i]['linkstr'] = $title; } break; case 'headline': $contentsx = new PluginContentsx(); foreach ($this->metapages as $i => $metapage) { $metalines = $contentsx->get_metalines($metapage['page']); $title = $metalines[0]['headline']; $title = strip_htmltag(make_link($title)); $this->metapages[$i]['linkstr'] = $title; } break; } // default: relative if ($this->options['hierarchy'][1] === true) { foreach ($this->metapages as $i => $metapage) { if (!isset($metapage['linkstr']) || $metapage['linkstr'] === '') { $this->metapages[$i]['linkstr'] = htmlspecialchars($this->my_basename($metapage['page'])); } } } else { foreach ($this->metapages as $i => $metapage) { if (!isset($metapage['linkstr']) || $metapage['linkstr'] === '') { $this->metapages[$i]['linkstr'] = htmlspecialchars($metapage['relative']); } } } }
function parse(&$lines) { $this->last =& $this; $matches = array(); while (!empty($lines)) { $line = array_shift($lines); // Escape comments if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '//') { continue; } // Extend TITLE by miko if (preg_match('/^(TITLE):(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) { global $newtitle, $newbase; if ($newbase == '') { // $newbase = trim($matches[2]); $newbase = convert_html($matches[2]); $newbase = strip_htmltag($newbase); //$newbase = trim($newbase); $newtitle = trim($newbase); // For BugTrack/132. // $newtitle = htmlspecialchars($newbase); //$newtitle = str_replace('&','&',htmlspecialchars($newbase)); } continue; } if (preg_match('/^(LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT):(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) { // <div style="text-align:..."> $this->last =& $this->last->add(new Align(strtolower($matches[1]))); if ($matches[2] == '') { continue; } $line = $matches[2]; } $line = rtrim($line, "\r\n"); // Empty if ($line == '') { $this->last =& $this; continue; } // Horizontal Rule if (substr($line, 0, 4) == '----') { $this->insert(new HRule($this, $line)); continue; } // Multiline-enabled block plugin if (!PKWKEXP_DISABLE_MULTILINE_PLUGIN_HACK && preg_match('/^#[^{]+(\\{\\{+)\\s*$/', $line, $matches)) { $len = strlen($matches[1]); $line .= "\r"; // Delimiter while (!empty($lines)) { $next_line = rtrim(array_shift($lines), "\r\n"); if (preg_match('/\\}{' . $len . '}/', $next_line)) { $line .= $next_line; break; } else { $line .= $next_line .= "\r"; // Delimiter } } } // The first character $head = $line[0]; // Heading if ($head == '*') { $this->insert(new Heading($this, $line)); continue; } // Pre if ($head == ' ' || $head == "\t") { $this->last =& $this->last->add(new Pre($this, $line)); continue; } // CPre if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '# ' or substr($line, 0, 2) == "#\t") { $this->last =& $this->last->add(new CPre($this, $line)); continue; } // Line Break if (substr($line, -1) == '~') { $line = substr($line, 0, -1) . "\r"; } // Other Character if (isset($this->classes[$head])) { $classname = $this->classes[$head]; $this->last =& $this->last->add(new $classname($this, $line)); continue; } // Other Character if (isset($this->factories[$head])) { $factoryname = 'Factory_' . $this->factories[$head]; $this->last =& $this->last->add($factoryname($this, $line)); continue; } // Default $this->last =& $this->last->add(Factory_Inline($line)); } }
/** * Display Table of Contents * * @access public * @static * @param array &$headlines * @param string $cssclass css class * @param string $optlink link option * @param boolean $optinclude show toc of including pages too or not * @return string list html */ function display_toc(&$headlines, $cssclass = '', $optlink = 'anchor') { $links = $levels = array(); foreach ($headlines as $i => $headline) { $linkstr = strip_htmltag(make_link($headline->string)); switch ($optlink) { case 'page': $link = sonots::make_pagelink_nopg($headline->page, $linkstr, '#' . $headline->anchor); break; case 'off': $link = $linkstr; break; case 'anchor': default: $link = sonots::make_pagelink_nopg('', $linkstr, '#' . $headline->anchor); break; } $links[$i] = $link; $levels[$i] = $headline->depth; } return sonots::display_list($links, $levels, $cssclass); }