コード例 #1
 * plugins transport file for AJAX Revolution extra
 * Copyright 2012 by Donald Atkinson (aka Fuzzical Logic) fuzzicallogic@gmail.com
 * Created on 09-05-2012
 * @package ajaxrevolution
 * @subpackage build
if (!function_exists('stripPhpTags')) {
    function stripPhpTags($filename)
        $o = file_get_contents($filename);
        $o = str_replace('<?php', '', $o);
        $o = str_replace('?>', '', $o);
        $o = trim($o);
        return $o;
/* @var $modx modX */
/* @var $sources array */
$plugins = array();
$plugins[1] = $modx->newObject('modPlugin');
$plugins[1]->fromArray(array('id' => 1, 'property_preprocess' => '0', 'name' => 'OnNoCustomAliasFound', 'description' => '', 'properties' => '', 'disabled' => '0', 'plugincode' => stripPhpTags($sources['source_core'] . '/elements/plugins/onnocustomaliasfound.plugin.php')), '', true, true);
$plugins[2] = $modx->newObject('modPlugin');
$plugins[2]->fromArray(array('id' => 2, 'property_preprocess' => '0', 'name' => 'OnGetRequestType', 'description' => 'Runs when a page is not found. This will happen whenever false Aliases such as the AJAX Framework is requested. This simply determines if the URL is an AJAX Request or a FULL Page Request. Configured by System Setting (Namespace:modjax).', 'properties' => '', 'disabled' => '0', 'plugincode' => stripPhpTags($sources['source_core'] . '/elements/plugins/ongetrequesttype.plugin.php')), '', true, true);
$plugins[3] = $modx->newObject('modPlugin');
$plugins[3]->fromArray(array('id' => 3, 'property_preprocess' => '0', 'name' => 'OnParseURLParameters', 'description' => 'Runs directly after OnGetRequestType whenever a page is not found. Places all parameters into the $_REQUEST array at the key specified by the System Setting. (Namespace:modjax)', 'properties' => '', 'disabled' => '0', 'plugincode' => stripPhpTags($sources['source_core'] . '/elements/plugins/onparseurlparameters.plugin.php')), '', true, true);
$plugins[4] = $modx->newObject('modPlugin');
$plugins[4]->fromArray(array('id' => 4, 'property_preprocess' => '0', 'name' => 'OnDegradeGracefully', 'description' => 'Runs whenever a page is loaded from the database or the site cache. Simply determines whether or not an AJAX Page should switch its Template to another Template. Configured by System Settings (Namespace:modjax)', 'properties' => '', 'disabled' => '0', 'plugincode' => stripPhpTags($sources['source_core'] . '/elements/plugins/ondegradegracefully.plugin.php')), '', true, true);
return $plugins;
コード例 #2

 * snippets transport file for AJAX Revolution extra
 * Copyright 2012 by Donald Atkinson (aka Fuzzical Logic) fuzzicallogic@gmail.com
 * Created on 09-05-2012
 * @package ajaxrevolution
 * @subpackage build
if (!function_exists('stripPhpTags')) {
    function stripPhpTags($filename)
        $o = file_get_contents($filename);
        $o = str_replace('<?php', '', $o);
        $o = str_replace('?>', '', $o);
        $o = trim($o);
        return $o;
/* @var $modx modX */
/* @var $sources array */
$snippets = array();
$snippets[1] = $modx->newObject('modSnippet');
$snippets[1]->fromArray(array('id' => 1, 'property_preprocess' => '0', 'name' => 'getURLParameters', 'description' => '', 'snippet' => stripPhpTags($sources['source_core'] . '/elements/snippets/geturlparameters.snippet.php')), '', true, true);
$properties = (include $sources['data'] . 'properties/properties.geturlparameters.snippet.php');
return $snippets;