コード例 #1
    } elseif (substr($_POST['action'], 0, 4) == 'del_') {
        $member_id = substr($_POST['action'], 4);
        $update->setMessage('<li>Deleting member "' . $member_id . '".</li>');
    } elseif ($_POST['action'] == 'clean') {
    $messages = $update->getMessages();
    $errors = $update->getErrors();
    // print the error messages
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        // We have errors
        $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_RESPONSE_ERROR' => true, 'RESPONSE_ERROR' => $errors, 'RESPONSE_ERROR_LOG' => htmlspecialchars(stripAllHtml($errors))));
    $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('RESPONSE' => $messages, 'RESPONSE_POST' => htmlspecialchars(stripAllHtml($messages))));
 * Actual list
$query = "SELECT " . " COUNT( `member_id` )" . " FROM `" . $roster->db->table('members') . "`" . " WHERE `guild_id` = " . (isset($roster->data['guild_id']) ? $roster->data['guild_id'] : 0) . ";";
$num_members = $roster->db->query_first($query);
if ($num_members > 0) {
    $roster->tpl->assign_var('S_DATA', true);
    // Draw the header line
    if ($start > 0) {
        $prev = '<a href="' . makelink('&amp;start=0') . '">|&lt;&lt;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . makelink('&amp;start=' . ($start - 30)) . '">&lt;</a> ';
    } else {
        $prev = '';
    if ($start + 30 < $num_members) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: update.php プロジェクト: Sajaki/wowroster
    $messages .= $update->processFiles();
    $errors = $update->getErrors();
    // Normal upload results
    if (!$update->textmode) {
        $roster->tpl->assign_var('S_RESPONSE', true);
        // print the error messages
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            // We have errors
            $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_RESPONSE_ERROR' => true, 'RESPONSE_ERROR' => $errors, 'RESPONSE_ERROR_LOG' => htmlspecialchars(stripAllHtml($errors))));
        $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('RESPONSE' => $messages, 'RESPONSE_POST' => htmlspecialchars(stripAllHtml($messages))));
        $roster->tpl->set_handle('body', 'update.html');
    } else {
        // No-HTML result page for UU
        echo stripAllHtml($messages);
        $roster->output['show_header'] = false;
        $roster->output['show_menu'] = false;
        $roster->output['show_footer'] = false;
} else {
    // No data uploaded, so return upload form
    if ($roster->auth->getAuthorized($roster->config['gp_user_level']) && $roster->auth->getAuthorized($roster->config['cp_user_level']) && $roster->auth->getAuthorized($roster->config['lua_user_level'])) {
        $roster->tpl->assign_var('S_PASS', false);
    $messages = $update->getErrors();
    $roster->tpl->assign_var('MESSAGES', $messages);
    $roster->tpl->set_handle('body', 'update.html');
コード例 #3
ファイル: uninstall.php プロジェクト: Sajaki/addons
// Uninstalling is easier than installing in that we don't check anything but just run all queries.
foreach ($uninstall_sql as $version => $sql) {
    $install_queries = explode(';', $sql);
    foreach ($install_queries as $query) {
        if (trim($query) != '') {
            if ($roster_conf['sqldebug']) {
                echo "<!--{$query}-->\n";
            $result = $wowdb->query($query) or $wowdb->setError('MySQL said: ' . $wowdb->error(), $query);
$errorstringout = $wowdb->getErrors();
// print the error messages
if (!empty($errorstringout)) {
    print '<div id="errorCol" style="display:inline;">
		' . border('sred', 'start', "<div style=\"cursor:pointer;width:550px;\" onclick=\"swapShow('errorCol','error')\"><img src=\"" . $roster_conf['img_url'] . "plus.gif\" style=\"float:right;\" /><span class=\"red\">Update Errors</span></div>") . '
		' . border('sred', 'end') . '
	<div id="error" style="display:none">
	' . border('sred', 'start', "<div style=\"cursor:pointer;width:550px;\" onclick=\"swapShow('errorCol','error')\"><img src=\"" . $roster_conf['img_url'] . "minus.gif\" style=\"float:right;\" /><span class=\"red\">Update Errors</span></div>") . $errorstringout . border('sred', 'end') . '</div>';
    // Print the downloadable errors separately so we can generate a download
    print "<br />\n";
    print '<form method="post" action="update.php" name="post">' . "\n";
    print '<input type="hidden" name="data" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripAllHtml($errorstringout)) . '" />' . "\n";
    print '<input type="hidden" name="send_file" value="error" />' . "\n";
    print '<input type="submit" name="download" value="Save Error Log" />' . "\n";
    print '</form>';
    print "<br />\n";
echo border('sgreen', 'start', $wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['AltMonitor_install_page']) . $wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['AltMonitor_uninstalled'] . '<br />' . "<a href='" . ROSTER_URL . "'>" . $wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['backlink'] . "</a>" . border('sgreen', 'end');
コード例 #4
ファイル: update_wrap.php プロジェクト: Sajaki/addons
    $AltMonitorUpdate->messages .= " - <span style='color:red;'>" . $retval . "</span><br/>\n";
$messages = $AltMonitorUpdate->messages;
$errorstringout = $wowdb->getErrors();
// print the error messages
if (!empty($errorstringout)) {
    print '<div id="errorCol" style="display:inline;">
		' . border('sred', 'start', "<div style=\"cursor:pointer;width:550px;\" onclick=\"swapShow('errorCol','error')\"><img src=\"" . $roster_conf['img_url'] . "plus.gif\" style=\"float:right;\" /><span class=\"red\">Update Errors</span></div>") . '
		' . border('sred', 'end') . '
	<div id="error" style="display:none">
	' . border('sred', 'start', "<div style=\"cursor:pointer;width:550px;\" onclick=\"swapShow('errorCol','error')\"><img src=\"" . $roster_conf['img_url'] . "minus.gif\" style=\"float:right;\" /><span class=\"red\">Update Errors</span></div>") . $errorstringout . border('sred', 'end') . '</div>';
    // Print the downloadable errors separately so we can generate a download
    print "<br />\n";
    print '<form method="post" action="update.php" name="post">' . "\n";
    print '<input type="hidden" name="data" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripAllHtml($errorstringout)) . '" />' . "\n";
    print '<input type="hidden" name="send_file" value="error" />' . "\n";
    print '<input type="submit" name="download" value="Save Error Log" />' . "\n";
    print '</form>';
    print "<br />\n";
// Print the update messages
print border('syellow', 'start', 'Update Log') . '<div style="font-size:10px;background-color:#1F1E1D;text-align:left;height:300px;width:550px;overflow:auto;">' . $messages . '</div>' . border('syellow', 'end');
// Print the downloadable messages separately so we can generate a download
print "<br />\n";
print '<form method="post" action="' . $roster_conf['roster_dir'] . '/admin/update.php" name="post">' . "\n";
print '<input type="hidden" name="data" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripAllHtml($messages)) . '" />' . "\n";
print '<input type="hidden" name="send_file" value="update" />' . "\n";
print '<input type="submit" name="download" value="Save Update Log" />' . "\n";
print '</form>';
print "<br />\n";