コード例 #1
ファイル: ajax.php プロジェクト: Jacquesvw/phpBMS
    function displayWeek($userid, $dayInWeek = null)
        // Creates a week view calendar for the widget
        if (!$dayInWeek) {
            $dayInWeek = mktime(0, 0, 0);
        $firstDay = $dayInWeek;
        $dayArray = localtime($firstDay, true);
        while ($dayArray["tm_wday"] != 0) {
            $firstDay = strtotime("yesterday", $firstDay);
            $dayArray = localtime($firstDay, true);
        //build the initial array
        $events = array();
        $lastDay = strtotime("6 days", $firstDay);
        $tempDay = $firstDay;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
            $events["d" . $tempDay] = array();
            $tempDay = strtotime("tomorrow", $tempDay);
        //first lets get the regular events in the timeframe;
        $querystatement = "\n            SELECT\n                notes.id,\n                notes.startdate,\n                notes.starttime,\n                notes.enddate,\n                notes.endtime,\n                notes.subject\n            FROM\n                notes\n            WHERE\n                (\n                    notes.private = 0\n                    OR notes.createdby=" . $userid . "\n                )\n                AND notes.type='EV'\n                AND notes.repeating = 0\n                AND notes.startdate >= '" . dateToString($firstDay, "SQL") . "'\n                AND notes.startdate <= '" . dateToString($lastDay, "SQL") . "'";
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
            $events["d" . stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL")]["t" . stringToTime($therecord["starttime"], "24 Hour")][] = $therecord;
        //next we do recurring events
        $querystatement = "\n            SELECT\n                notes.id,\n                notes.startdate,\n                notes.starttime,\n                notes.enddate,\n                notes.endtime,\n                notes.subject,\n                notes.repeattype,\n                notes.repeatevery,\n                notes.firstrepeat,\n                notes.lastrepeat,\n                notes.timesrepeated,\n                notes.repeatontheday,\n                notes.repeatontheweek,\n                notes.repeateachlist,\n                notes.repeatuntil,\n                notes.repeattimes\n            FROM\n                notes\n            WHERE\n                repeating =1\n                AND (\n                    notes.private = 0\n                    OR notes.createdby=" . $userid . "\n                ) AND notes.type='EV'\n                AND (\n                    notes.repeatuntil IS NULL\n                    OR notes.repeatuntil >= '" . dateToString($firstDay, "SQL") . "'\n                    )\n                AND (\n                    notes.repeattimes IS NULL\n                    OR notes.repeattimes > notes.timesrepeated\n                    )";
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        $thetable = new notes($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1");
        while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
            $dateArray = $thetable->getValidInRange(stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL"), $lastDay, $therecord);
            foreach ($dateArray as $date) {
                if ($date >= $firstDay && $date <= $lastDay) {
                    if ($therecord["enddate"]) {
                        $therecord["enddate"] = dateToString($date + (stringToDate($therecord["enddate"], "SQL") - stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL")), "SQL");
                    $therecord["startdate"] = dateToString($date, "SQL");
                    $events["d" . $date]["t" . stringToTime($therecord["starttime"], "24 Hour")][] = $therecord;
        $querystatement = "\n            SELECT\n                DECODE(password,'" . ENCRYPTION_SEED . "') AS decpass\n            FROM\n                users\n            WHERE\n                id=" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"];
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        $passrec = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult);
        $icallink = "?u=" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"] . "&amp;h=" . md5("phpBMS" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["firstname"] . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["lastname"] . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"] . $passrec["decpass"]);
        <input type="hidden" id="eventDateLast" value="<?php 
        echo strtotime("-7 days", $firstDay);
" />
        <input type="hidden" id="eventDateToday" value="<?php 
        echo mktime(0, 0, 0);
" />
        <input type="hidden" id="eventDateNext" value="<?php 
        echo strtotime("tomorrow", $lastDay);
" />

        <ul id="eventButtons">
            <li id="icalLi"><a href="ical.php<?php 
        echo $icallink;
" title="ical subscription link" id="icalA"><span>ical</span></a>&nbsp;</li>
            <li><button id="eventLastWeek" type="button" title="previous week" class="smallButtons"><span>&lt;&lt;</span></button></li>
            <li><button id="eventToday" type="button" title="today" class="smallButtons"><span>today</span></button></li>
            <li><button id="eventNextWeek" type="button" title="next week" class="smallButtons"><span>&gt;&gt;</span></button></li>
        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id="eventsList"><?php 
        foreach ($events as $date => $times) {
<tr class="eventDayName" <?php 
            if (mktime(0, 0, 0) === (int) str_replace("d", "", $date)) {
                echo 'id="today"';
                        <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo @strftime("%A", (int) str_replace("d", "", $date));
                        <td width="100%" align="right"><?php 
            echo @strftime("%b %e %Y", (int) str_replace("d", "", $date));
            if (count($times)) {
                foreach ($times as $time => $timeevents) {
                    foreach ($timeevents as $event) {
                                        <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" align="right"><?php 
                        echo formatFromSQLTime($event["starttime"]);
                                        <td valign="top" ><a href="<?php 
                        echo getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1") . "?id=" . $event["id"];
                        echo htmlQuotes($event["subject"]);
                    //endforeach events
                //endforeach time
            } else {
                                <td class="disabledtext" align="right">no events</td>
            // endif
        //endforeach day
コード例 #2
ファイル: ical.php プロジェクト: Jacquesvw/phpBMS
 function _toCalTime($sqltime)
     $phpTime = stringToTime($sqltime, "24 Hour");
     return date("His", $phpTime);
コード例 #3
ファイル: common_functions.php プロジェクト: Jacquesvw/phpBMS
function sqlTimeFromString($timestring, $format = TIME_FORMAT)
    $sqltime = "0000-00-00";
    if ($timestring) {
        if ($format == "24 Hour") {
            $sqltime = $timestring;
        } else {
            $sqltime = timeToString(stringToTime($timestring, $format), "24 Hour");
    return $sqltime;
コード例 #4
ファイル: cron.php プロジェクト: Jacquesvw/phpBMS
    $querystatement .= "\n\t\t\t(((scheduler LEFT JOIN `pushrecords` ON `scheduler`.`pushrecordid` = `pushrecords`.`uuid`) LEFT JOIN `tabledefs` ON `pushrecords`.`originuuid` = `tabledefs`.`uuid`) LEFT JOIN `modules` ON `tabledefs`.`moduleid` = `modules`.`uuid`)\n\t\t";
} else {
    $querystatement .= "\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t";
    $querystatement .= "\n\t\t\t`scheduler`\n\t\t";
//end if
$querystatement .= " WHERE\n\t\t\t`scheduler`.inactive = '0'\n\t\t\tAND `scheduler`.startdatetime < NOW()\n\t\t\tAND (`scheduler`.enddatetime > NOW() OR `scheduler`.enddatetime IS NULL)\n\t";
$queryresult = $db->query($querystatement);
while ($schedule_record = $db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
    $datetimearray = explode(" ", $schedule_record["startdatetime"]);
    $schedule_record["startdate"] = stringToDate($datetimearray[0], "SQL");
    $schedule_record["starttime"] = stringToTime($datetimearray[1], "24 Hour");
    if ($schedule_record["enddatetime"]) {
        $datetimearray = explode(" ", $schedule_record["enddatetime"]);
        $schedule_record["enddate"] = stringToDate($datetimearray[0], "SQL");
        $schedule_record["endtime"] = stringToTime($datetimearray[1], "24 Hour");
    //endif enddateiem
    $validTimes = getTimes($schedule_record);
    if (is_array($validTimes) && in_array($now, $validTimes)) {
        switch ($schedule_record["type"]) {
            case "job":
                $success = @(include $schedule_record["job"]);
            case "pushrecord":
                include_once "../../modules/api/include/push.php";
                //try to include table specific functions
                $tableFile = "../../modules/" . $schedule_record["modulename"] . "/include/" . $schedule_record["maintable"] . ".php";
                if (file_exists($tableFile)) {
                    include_once $tableFile;
コード例 #5
     * @Title: createAction
     * @Description: todo(生成Action代码)
     * @param array $fieldData 组件属性列表
     * @param string $cotrollname 控制器名称
     * @param boolean $add 是否覆盖现有文件,默认为false:需要覆盖
     * @param boolean $isaudit 是否带审批流,默认为false:不带审批流
     * @param boolean $isinitExtendAction 是否初始化扩展Action代码 默认为空,不初始化【为组合表单的初化解绑准备】
     * @author quqiang
     * @date 2014-8-21 上午10:03:39
     * @throws
    function createAction($fieldData, $cotrollname, $add = false, $isaudit = false, $isinitExtendAction = false)
        $cotrollname = ucfirst($cotrollname);
        $actionPath = LIB_PATH . "Action/" . $cotrollname . "Action.class.php";
        $actionExtendPath = LIB_PATH . "Action/" . $cotrollname . "ExtendAction.class.php";
        $isExist = file_exists($actionPath);
        if ($isExist && $add) {
            $this->error($actionPath . "文件已存在!");
        $extendphpcode .= "<?php\r\n/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @Title: {$cotrollname}Action";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @Package package_name";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @Description: todo(动态表单_扩展类。本类为用户代码注入入口,系统一旦生成将不再重复生成。";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r * \t\t\t\t\t\t但当用户选为组合表单方案后会更新该文件,请做好备份)";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @company Aqo5Re65bSr5zG755m45t92YuQnZvNHbtRnL3d3d";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @copyright 本文件归属于Aqo5Re65bSr5zG755m45t92YuQnZvNHbtRnL3d3d";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n * @version V1.0";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\nclass ";
        $phpcode .= "<?php\r\n/**";
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @Title: {$cotrollname}Action";
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @Package package_name";
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @Description: todo(动态表单_自动生成-" . $this->nodeTitle . ")";
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @company Aqo5Re65bSr5zG755m45t92YuQnZvNHbtRnL3d3d";
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @copyright 本文件归属于Aqo5Re65bSr5zG755m45t92YuQnZvNHbtRnL3d3d";
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $phpcode .= "\r\n * @version V1.0";
        $phpcode .= "\r\n*/";
        $phpcode .= "\r\nclass ";
        if ($isaudit) {
            $jcc = "CommonAuditAction";
        } else {
            $jcc = "CommonAction";
        $extendsCC = $cotrollname . "ExtendAction";
        $extendphpcode .= $cotrollname . "ExtendAction extends " . $jcc . " {\r\n";
        $phpcode .= $cotrollname . "Action extends " . $extendsCC . " {\r\n";
        $phpcode .= "\tpublic function _filter(&\$map){";
        //start filter
        $extendphpcode .= "\tpublic function _extend_filter(&\$map){";
        //start filter
        $phpcode .= "\r\n";
        // \$map['allnode']=\$this->getActionName();
        $phpcode .= <<<COD
\t\t\$type=getFieldBy(\$relationmodelname, "bindaname", "typeid", "mis_auto_bind"); \t\t
\t\t//强制加allnode 4.25 为区分复用表数据
\t\t \$map['allnode']=\$this->getActionName();
\t\t\t// 为了兼容普通模式下的表单使用
\t\t\t\$bindid = \$_REQUEST['bindid'];
\t\tif (\$_SESSION["a"] != 1){
        $phpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_before_index";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展前置index函数)";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_before_index() {";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_before_edit";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展的前置编辑函数)";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_before_edit(){";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_before_insert";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展的前置添加函数)";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_before_insert(){";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_before_update";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展前置修改函数)  ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_before_update(){";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_after_edit";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展后置编辑函数)";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_after_edit(&\$vo){";
        // 		$extendphpcode .="\r\n\t\tif(\$_GET['viewtype']=='view'){";
        // 		$extendphpcode .="\r\n\t\t\t\$this->assign( 'vo', \$vo );";
        // 		$extendphpcode .="\r\n\t\t\t\$this->display('formview');";
        // 		$extendphpcode .="\r\n\t\t\texit;";
        // 		$extendphpcode .="\r\n\t\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_after_list";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展前置List)";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_after_list(){";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_after_insert";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展后置insert函数)  ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_after_insert(\$id){";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_before_add";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展前置add函数)  ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_before_add(&\$vo){";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->getFormIndexLoad(\$vo);";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _extend_after_update";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(扩展后置update函数)  ";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\tfunction _extend_after_update(){";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n\t}";
        // beforindex
        $before_index = '';
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _before_index";
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(前置index函数)";
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $before_index .= "\r\n\tfunction _before_index() {";
        // 默认生成 前置函数
        $before_edit = '';
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _before_edit";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(前置编辑函数)";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\tfunction _before_edit(){";
        $before_insert = '';
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _before_insert";
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(前置添加函数)";
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\tfunction _before_insert(){";
        $allNodeconfig = $fieldData['all'];
        if (in_array("orderno", array_keys($allNodeconfig)) || $this->isaudit) {
            $before_insert .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->checkifexistcodeororder('{$this->tableName}','orderno',\$this->getActionName());";
        $before_update = '';
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _before_update";
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(前置修改函数)  ";
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $before_update .= "\r\n\tfunction _before_update(){";
        if (in_array("orderno", array_keys($allNodeconfig)) || $this->isaudit) {
            $before_update .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->checkifexistcodeororder('{$this->tableName}','orderno',\$this->getActionName(),1);";
        // 重写父类编辑函数--为多表操作所做的修改 屈强@20141008 15:53
        $edit = '';
        $edit .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t * @Title: edit";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(重写父类编辑函数)";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $edit .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $edit .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $edit .= "\r\n\tfunction edit(\$isdisplay=1){";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$mainTab = '{$this->tableName}';";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t//获取当前控制器名称";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$name=\$this->getActionName();";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$model = D(\"{$this->nodeName}View\");";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t//获取当前主键";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$map[\$mainTab.'.id']=\$_REQUEST['id'];";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo = \$model->where(\$map)->find();";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\tif(!\$vo){";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->getFormIndexLoad(\$vo);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t}";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\tif(method_exists ( \$this, '_filter' )) {";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\t\$this->_filter ( \$map );";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t}";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t//读取动态配制";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->getSystemConfigDetail(\$name);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t//扩展工具栏操作";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$scdmodel = D('SystemConfigDetail');";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t// 上一条数据ID";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$map['id'] = array(\"lt\",\$id);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$updataid = \$model->where(\$map)->order('id desc')->getField('id');";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->assign(\"updataid\",\$updataid);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t// 下一条数据ID";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$map['id'] = array(\"gt\",\$id);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$downdataid = \$model->where(\$map)->getField('id');";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->assign(\"downdataid\",\$downdataid);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t//lookup带参数查询";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$module=A(\$name);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\tif (method_exists(\$module,\"_after_edit\")) {";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\tcall_user_func(array(\$module,\"_after_edit\"),\$vo);";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t}";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->assign( 'vo', \$vo );";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\tif(\$isdisplay)";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->display ();";
        $edit .= "\r\n\t}";
         * 不要重写父类中的edit函数
        $edit = '';
        // 默认生成后置函数
        $after_edit = '';
        $after_list = '';
        $after_insert = '';
        $before_add = '';
        $after_update = '';
        // 删除子表数据
        $delChildData = '';
        $is_create_del_child = false;
        $is_create_opraete_child = false;
        $is_create_modify_child = false;
        $is_create_insert_child = false;
        $isArea = false;
        // 实例化MODE
        $model_code = '';
        $is_include_model = false;
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _after_edit";
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(后置编辑函数)";
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\tfunction _after_edit(\$vo){";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _after_list";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(前置List)";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t * @throws ";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\tfunction _after_list(){";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _after_insert";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(后置insert函数)  ";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\tfunction _after_insert(\$id){";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _before_add";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(前置add函数)  ";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\tfunction _before_add(){";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t/**";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t * @Title: _after_update";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t * @Description: todo(后置update函数)  ";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t * @author " . $_SESSION['loginUserName'];
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t * @date " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t * @throws";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t*/";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\tfunction _after_update(){";
         * 步骤:
         * 1。先源数据 $filedData['visibility'] 中的项按表名['tablename']分组。
         * 2。区分出主从表,主表的文件名用当前action名命名,从表以直接表名命名。
         * 3。遍历分组后的数据,依次生成Model文件。
         *		表数组,基础为二维.
         * 	0=>主表信息
         * 	1=>所有从表的信息
        /*	处理子表错误,子表不做数据添加 会导致修改 视图查询数据若用户只勾取部分表字段 引起的查询不出数据。
         * 处理方式为:取出当前action的所有子表 都生成 添加与修改都 做处理
        $curTabData = $this->getDataBaseConf();
        $curTabData = $curTabData['cur'];
        foreach ($curTabData['datebase'] as $key => $val) {
            if (!$val['isprimay']) {
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t//添加子表数据处理--" . $_SESSION['loginUserName'] . '@' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t\${$key}Mode = D('" . createRealModelName($key) . "');";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t\${$key}Data = \${$key}Mode->create();";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\tunset(\${$key}Data['id']);";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\tif(\${$key}Data){";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t\tif(\${$key}Mode->where('masid='.\${$key}Data['masid'])->find())";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\${$key}Mode->where('masid='.\${$key}Data['masid'])->save(\${$key}Data);";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t\telse";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\${$key}Mode->add(\${$key}Data);";
                $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t}";
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\t// 添加子表数据处理----" . $_SESSION['loginUserName'] . '@' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\t\${$key}Mode = D('" . createRealModelName($key) . "');";
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\t\${$key}Data = \${$key}Mode->create();";
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\tunset(\${$key}Data['id']);";
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\tif(\${$key}Data){";
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\${$key}Data['masid']=\$id;";
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\${$key}Mode->add(\${$key}Data);";
                $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\t}";
        // 审批流
        if ($isaudit) {
        foreach ($fieldData['visibility'] as $k => $v) {
            $property = $this->getProperty($v['catalog']);
            // 时间组件的自动获取当前系统时间功能
            if ($v[$property['catalog']['name']] == 'date') {
                if ($v[$property['defaulttimechar']['name']] && stringToTime($v[$property['defaulttimechar']['name']])) {
                    $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo['{$v[$property['fields']['name']]}']=stringToTime('{$v[$property['defaulttimechar']['name']]}');";
                } else {
                    if ($v[$property['acquiretime']['name']]) {
                        $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo['{$v[$property['fields']['name']]}']=time();";
                    if ($v[$property['editacquiretime']['name']]) {
                        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo['{$v[$property['fields']['name']]}']=time();";
            if (($v[$property['catalog']['name']] == 'lookup' || $v[$property['catalog']['name']] == 'text') && $v[$property['defaultval']['name']]) {
                $defaultval = str_replace(array('&quot;', '&#39;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), array('"', "'", '<', '>'), $v[$property['defaultval']['name']]);
                if ($defaultval == "user_txsj") {
                    $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\$txsj=M('User')->where('id='.\$_SESSION[C('USER_AUTH_KEY')])->getField('txsj');";
                    $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo['{$v[$property['fields']['name']]}']=\$txsj;";
                } else {
                    $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo['{$v[$property['fields']['name']]}']=\$_SESSION[{$defaultval}];";
            // 文本框组件的默认显示数据功能 	by nbmxkj@20150408 1642
            if ($v[$property['catalog']['name']] == 'text') {
                // 对现有字段  	subimporttableobj(数据来源表)  	subimporttablefieldobj(显示字段)		subimporttablefield2obj(值字段)
                // 做功用重定义		数据来源表									显示字段											是否在修改页面时也启用功能
                $conditions = $v[$property['conditions']['name']];
                $table = $v[$property['subimporttableobj']['name']];
                $showField = $v[$property['subimporttablefieldobj']['name']];
                $isEditShow = $v[$property['subimporttablefield2obj']['name']];
                // 				throw new NullCreateOprateException($isEditShow);
                // 附加条件
                $textAppendCondtionConfigStr = $v[$property['additionalconditions']['name']];
                if ($table && $showField) {
                    $conditionsOperated = "'";
                    if ($conditions) {
                        $conditionsOperated .= $conditions;
                    $textAppendCondtionConfigArr = appendConditionConfigResolve($textAppendCondtionConfigStr);
                    if ($conditions && $textAppendCondtionConfigStr) {
                        $configResilvedArr = getAppendCondition($vo, $textAppendCondtionConfigArr);
                        $conditionsOperated .= " and '.parameReplace(\"&#39;\",\"'\",getAppendConditionExceptEmpty(\$vo," . arr2string($textAppendCondtionConfigArr) . "))";
                    } else {
                        if (!$conditions && $textAppendCondtionConfigStr) {
                            $conditionsOperated .= "'.parameReplace(\"&#39;\",\"'\",getAppendConditionExceptEmpty(\$vo," . arr2string($textAppendCondtionConfigArr) . "))";
                        } else {
                            $conditionsOperated .= "'";
                    $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo['{$v[$property['fields']['name']]}']=getFieldData('{$showField}','{$table}' , {$conditionsOperated});";
                    // 修改页面自动生成控制
                    if ($isEditShow) {
                        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$vo['{$v[$property['fields']['name']]}']=getFieldData('{$showField}','{$table}' ,{$conditionsOperated});";
            if ($v[$property['catalog']['name']] == 'upload') {
                $after_edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->getAttachedRecordList(\$vo['id']);";
            if ($v[$property['catalog']['name']] == 'datatable') {
                // 删除子表数据
                if (!$is_create_del_child) {
                    $delChildData .= $this->getDataTableAction();
                    $is_create_del_child = true;
                $after_edit .= $this->dataTableEditCode($v, $property);
                if (!$is_create_modify_child) {
                    $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t// 内嵌表数据添加处理";
                    $after_update .= $this->updateDatatableCode();
                    $is_create_modify_child = true;
                if (!$is_create_insert_child) {
                    $after_insert .= $this->insertDatatableCode();
                    $is_create_insert_child = true;
            if ($v[$property['catalog']['name']] == 'areainfo' && $isArea == false) {
                $after_edit .= $this->getAreaInfoCode();
                $isArea = true;
        /*		左侧树代码的处理 	20141114 1957																							  */
        $misdynamicform = M('mis_dynamic_form_manage');
        $formData = $misdynamicform->where("`actionname`='{$this->nodeName}'")->find();
        $temp = explode('#', $formData['tpl']);
        if ($temp[0] == 'noaudittpl' && $temp[1] == 'ltrl') {
            $before_index .= "\r\n\t\t//查询绑定数据源";
            $before_index .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->getDateSoure();";
        /*		左侧树代码的处理  end													*/
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_before_index();";
        $before_index .= "\r\n\t}";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t\tif(\$_REQUEST['main'])";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t\t\t\$this->assign(\"main\",\$_REQUEST['main']);";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_before_edit();";
        $before_edit .= "\r\n\t}";
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_before_insert();";
        $before_insert .= "\r\n\t}";
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_before_update();";
        $before_update .= "\r\n\t}";
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_after_edit(\$vo);";
        $after_edit .= "\r\n\t}";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_after_list();";
        $after_list .= "\r\n\t}";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_after_insert(\$id);";
        $after_insert .= "\r\n\t}";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t\tif(\$_REQUEST['main'])";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\t\$this->assign(\"main\",\$_REQUEST['main']);";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_before_add(\$vo);";
        $before_add .= "\r\n\t}";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t\t\$this->_extend_after_update();";
        $after_update .= "\r\n\t}";
        $phpcode .= $edit . $before_index . $before_edit . $before_insert . $before_update . $after_edit . $after_insert . $before_add . $after_update . $delChildData;
        $phpcode .= "\r\n}\r\n?>";
        $extendphpcode .= "\r\n}\r\n?>";
        if (!is_dir(dirname($actionPath))) {
            mk_dir(dirname($actionPath), 0777);
        if (false === file_put_contents($actionPath, $phpcode)) {
        if ($isinitExtendAction) {
            if (false === file_put_contents($actionExtendPath, $extendphpcode)) {
        } else {
            if (false == file_exists($actionExtendPath)) {
                if (false === file_put_contents($actionExtendPath, $extendphpcode)) {
            } else {
                // 扩展文件已存在时的内部代码指定位置替换修改。
                // by nbmxkj@20150605 1711
                // 获取现有代码内容
                $actionExtendContent = file_get_contents($actionExtendPath);
                // 正则匹配关键字
                $baseExtendClass = 'CommonAction';
                if ($this->isaudit) {
                    $baseExtendClass = 'CommonAuditAction';
                // 替换基类
                $clearUpContent = preg_replace_callback('/(extends)(.*?)(\\{)+/s', function ($vo) use($baseExtendClass) {
                    return $vo[1] . ' ' . $baseExtendClass . ' ' . $vo[3];
                }, $actionExtendContent);
                				如果创建时间大于 2015-04-28 00:00:01 后的代码文件不进行特殊代码替换生成
                // 创建时间
                $createTime = filectime($actionExtendPath);
                // 目标比较时间
                $orderTime = strtotime('2015-04-28 00:00:01');
                if (false !== $createTime) {
                    //&& $createTime < $orderTime ){
                    // 为 _extend_before_add(扩展前置添加函数) 增加参数,及内容代码调用处理
                    function _extend_before_add(){
                    $extendBeforeAdd = '&$vo';
                    $clearUpContent = preg_replace_callback('/(_extend_before_add\\()(.*?)(\\))+/s', function ($vo) use($extendBeforeAdd) {
                        return $vo[1] . $extendBeforeAdd . $vo[3];
                    }, $clearUpContent);
                    $outerFuncParam = '$vo';
                    $clearUpContent = preg_replace_callback('/(getFormIndexLoad\\()(.*?)(\\))+/s', function ($vo) use($outerFuncParam) {
                        return $vo[1] . $outerFuncParam . $vo[3];
                    }, $clearUpContent);
                file_put_contents($actionExtendPath, $clearUpContent);
        //return $phpcode;