function replaceValWithKey($str, $values, $replacements) { $newStr = []; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $numOcc = substr_count($str, $value); $thisKey = getKeyFromValue($replacements, $value); for ($i = 0; $i < $numOcc; $i++) { $newStr[] = str_replace_nth($value, $thisKey, $str, $i); } } return $newStr; }
} ?> <?php // EVENTS // This is the event block on the homepage. */ if (is_home()) { ?> <div class="w-container dates2"> <div class="w-row dates2-row"> <?php $eventhtml = sprintf(do_shortcode('[gcal id="503"]'), '', '', ' right'); $today = current_time('l'); $tomorrow = date('l', intval(current_time('U')) + 86400); $eventhtml = str_replace($tomorrow, 'Tomorrow', $eventhtml); $eventhtml = str_replace($today, 'Today', $eventhtml); $eventhtml = str_replace_nth('w-col w-col-4 dates2-col', 'w-col w-col-3 dates2-col', $eventhtml, 2); // Replaces third instance echo $eventhtml; ?> <div class="w-col w-col-1 dates2-arrow"> <a href=""> <span class="phone-only">Event Calendar </span> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /images/icon-arrow.svg"/> </a> </div> </div> </div> <?php
if ($categoryHashtags[$categoryString]) { if (strlen($r . ' #' . $categoryHashtags[$categoryString]) <= 48) { $r .= ' #' . $categoryHashtags[$categoryString]; } } else { $t = ' #' . preg_split('/ |\\//', $categoryString)[0]; if (strlen($r . $t) <= 38) { $r .= $t; } } } } array_push($arr, $r); } function str_replace_nth($search, $replace, $subject, $nth) { $found = preg_match_all('/' . $search . '/u', $subject, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (false !== $found && $found > $nth) { return substr_replace($subject, $replace, $matches[0][$nth][1], strlen($search)); } return $subject; } $feedXML = htmlspecialchars($feedXML); $feedXML = preg_replace('/<title>(.{1,70})(.+)<\\/title>/u', "<title>\$1</title>", $feedXML); foreach ($arr as $m => $s) { $feedXML = str_replace_nth('<\\/title>', $arr[$m] . '</title>', $feedXML, $m); } $report = fopen("feed.xml", w); fwrite($report, htmlspecialchars_decode($feedXML)); fclose($report); header('Location: feed.xml');
if (count($notification) > 0) { ?> <ul class="msginbx"> <?php foreach ($notification as $notif_data) { if ($notif_data['notif_data']['template_id'] == 6) { $image = get_profile_pic($notif_data['notif_data']['from_user_id'], $notif_data['notif_data']['user']['data']['profile_pic']); if ($notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['data_type'] == "stream") { $detail = str_replace_nth("Stream", "<a href='" . base_url() . $config['single_stream_url'] . '/' . $notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['id'] . "'>" . $notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['title'] . "</a>", $notif_data['notification']['notification'], 0); $detail = str_replace_nth("Stream", "<a href='" . base_url() . $config['single_stream_url'] . '/' . $notif_data['notif_data']['receiver_stream']['data']['id'] . "'>" . $notif_data['notif_data']['receiver_stream']['data']['title'] . "</a>", $detail, 0); $a_link = "accept-river-invite"; $r_link = "reject-river-invite"; } else { $detail = str_replace_nth(ucwords($notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['data_type']), "<a href='" . base_url() . $notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['data_type'] . '/' . $notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['id'] . "'>" . $notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['title'] . "</a>", $notif_data['notification']['notification'], 0); $detail = str_replace_nth(ucwords($notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['data_type']), "<a href='" . base_url() . $notif_data['notif_data']['caller_stream']['data']['data_type'] . '/' . $notif_data['notif_data']['receiver_stream']['data']['id'] . "'>" . $notif_data['notif_data']['receiver_stream']['data']['title'] . "</a>", $detail, 0); $a_link = "accept-ocean-invite"; $r_link = "reject-ocean-invite"; } ?> <li class="mrgntoptn"> <div class="usrimgmsg"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image; ?> " /></div> <div class="usritxtmsg"> <strong><?php echo $notif_data['notif_data']['user']['data']['name']; ?> </strong><br />